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Chapter 1 An Overview of Business Writing商务



Understand the importance for business people to have a good
command of modern business skills;


Identify functions of business writings;


Know the characteristics of good business writing;


Appreciate why courtesy is listed as an important factor in
business writing;


Tell the differences between a good writing and a poor

Chapter 2 Adaptation and Selection of Words适应读者合理选词


1. Discuss why adaptation is so important in business writing;

2. Identify the usual procedures to follow in adapting your

3. Satisfy your audience’s needs in different circumstances
in business writings;

4. Master the general principles of selecting the right words;

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5. Avoid improper words under various circumstances.

Chapter 3 Construction of Effective Sentences and Paragraphs


1. describe how sentence length and sentence design are related
to adaptation;

2. discuss the effect of sentence length on emphasis;

3. explain the principal causes of unity in sentence, paragraph
and longer units of writings;

4. identify redundancy;

5. understand the importance of topic sentence.

Chapter 4 Writing for Effects商务写作的特殊技巧


1. discuss what effects you need to communicate in business
writing and why;

2. analyze the essence of you –view –point;

3. identify old language of business;

4. discuss the major transitional devices;

5. explain the direct order and its writing strategies;

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6. determine which situations require using the indirect order
and what strategies to take in indirect order;

7. discuss what elements of a letter can help build goodwill.

Chapter 5 The Structure and Style of Business Letters商务书


1. name the seven essential parts of a business letter;

2. name the six specialized parts of a business letter;

3. know the layout of the envelope;

4. know the design and placement of a business letter;

5. understand the punctuation styles;

6. understand different styles of a business letter.

Chapter 6 Invitations and thank- you letter邀请函和感谢信


1. understand the general structure of invitations and thank-
you letters;

2. apply the general structure in wring invitations letters;

3. identify situation in which different special goodwill
letters are written;

4. apply different techniques to special goodwill messages.

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Chapter 7 Notes and Announcements便条与通知


1. apply the basic principles of clear writing in notes and

2. identify the suggested plan used in preparing notes for

3. identify the plan used in letters of resigation;

4. identify the indispensable qualities of letters of

5. identify the suggested plan used in condolence letters;

6. discuss the effective ways to compose announcements.

Chapter 8 Letters of Application申请信


1. explain why it is important for you to write a good resume;

2. determine what sections should be included in a resume and
what elements should be emphasized;

3. distinguish the four different kinds of resumes and select
most appropriate one for the specific situation;

4. use the guidelines when you write a resume;

5. write an effective resume;

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6. format your resume in an acceptable way.

Chapter 9 Resume简历


1. explain the importance of resume letters;

2. determine what should be included in a resume letter and what
elements should be emphasized;

3. distinguish the two different kinds of resume letters and
select most appropriate one for the specific situation;

4. use the guidelines when you write a resume letter;

5. write a effective resume letter;

6. format your resume letter in an acceptable way.

Chapter 10 recommendation letters推荐信


1. explain the importance ofrecommendation


2. determine what should be included in arecommendation

and what elements should be emphasized;

3. distinguish the two different kinds ofrecommendation

letters and select most appropriate one for the specific

4. use the guidelines when you write arecommendation


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5. write a effectiverecommendation


6. format your resume letter in an acceptable way.

Chapter 11 Memorandum, Informal, Short Reports备忘录与非正



describle the functions of memorandum;


identify the format of memorandum;


tell the differences between formal and informal reports;


discuss the characteristics of shorter reports and kinds of
short reports in work place;


write memorandums and short reports under the guidance of
your instructors.

Chapter 12 Proposal and Formal Reports意向书与正式报告


To give a brief introduction to what is a Proposal and a report;

aware of the samples for notes and study them;

To practice using the useful words and expressions.

Chapter 13 Establishing Business Relations建立业务关系


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1. understand the necessity of writing letters of establishing
business relations;

2. know the characteristics of writing letters of establishing
business relations;

3. tell the difference between a good letter and a poor one.

Chapter 14 Inquiries and Requests日常询函


fy the characteristics of inquires and requests;

2. be familiar with the format and style of requests;

3. writer a request for information, catalog, product, service
and etc.;

4. compose effective requests for information or action.

Chapter 15 Replies回复函


1. know the general structure of neutral and positive messages;

2. write letters saying yes to inquires;

3. write effective replies;

4. convey unsolicited informational messages clearly and

Chapter 16 Declining a Counteroffer拒绝还盘

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1. identify the types of negative messages;

2. explain the features of the indirect organizational plan and
know when it should be used to convey negative news;

3. select a distribution method appropriate to messages that
convey negative news.

Chapter 17 Orders订单


1. know the basic structures of writing orders;

2. make sure what information should be included in a order

3. understand the importance of the opening to the order letter;

4. to show your appreciation to the sender in a proper way.

Chapter 18 Complaints and Claims投诉与索赔


1. identify the characteristics of the direct approach of
writing complaints and claims;

2. understand the general structure of writing complaints and

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3. know how to state the problem directly, give enough facts
and end positively.

Chapter 19 Adjustments to Claim Letters索赔复函


1. identify the characteristics of adjustments to claim

2. understand the general structure of adjustments to claim

3. apply the general structure in adjustments to claim letters.

Chapter 20 Urging Establishment of Letter of Credit催证


1. identify the characteristics of urging establishment of LC;

2. understand the general structure of urging establishment of LC;

3. apply the general structure in urging estalishment of LC.



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随着中国经济国际化的步伐加快,给商务英语教学带 来了机遇
的同时,也带来了挑战。英语在 商务上的应用,远远超越贸易领域,
员走向成功的关键 之一。商务英语写作是一门应用性极强的英语课
程,作为经济学领域的学生 教学的补充和扩展,得到学生和企业的普
遍欢迎。商务英语写作不仅提高了我校学生在职 场中的竞争力,也



在于帮助学生培养自己的 写作习惯、写作方法、写作技巧,打造
自主学习能力;打好扎实的商务语言基础;注重和培养跨文化交际 意
解自己专业的学术前沿和 实际业务,进而为专业英语的学习打下坚实
基础。商务英语写作课程教学难点有:经贸英语词汇、经贸英 语函电
综合运用能力,尤其 是将商务英语写作技巧、指导原则与有关商务知
识和经 验有机结合和灵活运用的能力,不断英语思维能 力、英汉转
和解决问题的能 力,尤其是学生的分 析创造能力和判断能力。


为了使学生具 有较强的英语综合写作和应用能力,本课程目前使

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用的《现代商务英语写作》教材,由胡英坤教授主 编,并由外语届权
教程商务 英语类教材,也是教育部大学外语推荐教材,并于2007年被
评为教育部“十一五”规划教材,在国内 同类教材中处于领先地位。
案例,供学生自主学习使用。课程教 学除涵盖一般的商务交易往来函
信,还包括求职信函写作、公共关系函信写作、商务报告、意向书、 < br>商务报告等商务应用文。另外补充了很多商务专业知识,以拓展学生
的专业知识。除了学习内容更 有新意、更体现时代气息之外,教学手
段、教学方法、教学模式都 在不断创新和进一步优化,课堂教学 采


通过本课程的学习,商务英语写作的教学目标是:在 英语专业基础
知识和基本技能方面已经得到强化和提高, 并且在学生已学完或正
在学习与商务 英语写作的内容密切相关的“国际贸易实务”等课程
的基础上,了解经贸英语函电的英语知识和有关经贸 业务知识,对学
生进行 严格的阅读、翻译、写作等基本技能训练,培养学生实际运
用语言的能 力和独立工作能力。学生通过本课程的学习和训练,将了
解现代国际商务书面交际的规律和特点,掌握国 际商务写作的原则和
技巧,同时了解读者的商业心理和 心理接受过程以及文化差异在书

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面交际中的作用,熟练掌握国际商务交际的原则和技巧、语言和行文特点,全面培养和提高商务英语书面交际能力,熟练并有效地起 草
文体得当、表达准确和语言效果 良好的各种商务英语应用文,成功地
力,成长为综合素质较高 的高层次应用型国际化的复合型人才。




所谓基本词汇和基本句型应与高级经贸英语课和高级 经贸口语
课文,必须弄懂一 笔交易的来龙去脉,做到一丝不苟,掌握如何准确



学生可以通过案例分将内容、对象 、语言、知识等多种要素结合
际内容和针对性强的文章,锻炼运 用商务英语写作手段处理实际问题

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学生可以通过 模拟商务情景和案例,确定各类商务文书的写作任
务,学习不同类型的商务文书的写作 格式和规范、了 解它们在商务
简明完整、清 楚正确的商务文书,建立有效的沟通,实现从理论到 实


识和技能。要写出规范、得体和 有效的商务信函和文件,需要进行大



在创新的教学模式下,采用“以学生为中心的互动式教学方法” ,
语境,有效地培养了学生 的语用能力。学生需要跟各个层次和行业的
人士进行沟通,在此过程中,学生自觉主动思考如何将商务文 化与商
外延模式的操作形 式使学生感受到极具挑战性,也很大程度上激发了


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基于计算机网络的教学与课堂教学相结合,能激发 学生扩展性
的能力及创新精 神。 “案例教学与情景教学相结合”等方法得到广泛
应用,并已取得较好的教学效果。这种教学模式打 破了课堂灌输的传
固,还能 很快检验课堂教学的效果,促使教学双方及时检讨课堂所学


商务英语写作课程体系共分20章,总讲授课时30学时。教学 内
和技巧;第二部分(5- 12章)商务信函写作—理论结合实例阐述和
说明各种信函(社交 书信、申请信、简历、推荐信、通知 、便条等)
向书及其他非正 式报告)和正式报告等;第三部 分(13-20章),
商务函电。其中,第一部分是基础知识,用10 %的时间掌握基本的原
的背景知识,熟识各种商务信函的 应用。





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Chapter 1 An Overview of Business Writing

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ⅠFunctions of Business Writing

Every business message is designed to achieve a specific
business objective. Its success depends on what it says and to
what extent it induces a favorable response from the reader.
Thus, business writing has three functions:

(1) to inform

Messages to inform are used to convey the vast amount of
information needed to complete the day-to-day operations of the
business—explain instructions to employees, announce
meetings and procedures, acknowledge orders, accept contracts
for services, etc. The major purpose of most of these messages
is to have the receiver understand a body of information and
concentrate on the logical presentation of the content.

(2) to influence

In addition to providing information, a business message must
also influence the reader’s attitudes and actions. These
messages might include letters promoting a product or service
and seeking support for ideas and worthy causes presented to
supervisors, stockholders, customersclients, and others.

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(3) to entertain

To secure the desired response, it is necessary to have an
adequate knowledge of the English language and an understanding
of human nature. The writer should have an acquaintance with
the particular interest and, if possible, the emotions of the
reader. It seems easy enough, for example, to ask payment of
a bill, but it is quite difficult to secure payment without
offending the reader and losing his or her future patronage.
No communication is wholly successful unless it retains the
reader’s goodwill.

ⅡCriteria for Effective Business Writing

A business message is considered successful when (1) the
receiver interprets the message as the sender intended it and
(2) it achieves the sender’s purposes. In order to meet these
objectives, American experts in business communication
developed six C’s principles: Courtesy, Correctness,
Conciseness, Clarity, Concreteness and Completeness.

(1) Courtesy

Review of actual business correspondence reveals that special
attention should be devoted to assuring the courtesy of
business communication. Effective writers visualize the reader

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before starting to write. They will consider the reader’s
desires, problems, circumstances, emotions and probable
reaction to their request.

(2) Correctness

Correct grammar, punctuation and spelling are basic
requirements for business writing, In addition, correctness
means choosing the correct level of language, and using
accurate information and data.



Effective writing is concise—each word, sentence, and
paragraph counts. Conciseness means to write in the fewest
possible words without sacrificing completeness and courtesy.
Because a wordy message requires more time to write and read,
business people put a high premium on conciseness in business
messages. Conciseness will give emphasis to your message.

(4) Clarity

Clarity tells the reader exactly what he or she wants and needs
to know, using words and a format that make your writings
totally understood with just one reading. Short, familiar words
and simple, short sentences rather than long, difficult words
and complex and long sentences are better for this purpose.

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(5) Concreteness

Your writing should be vivid, specific and definite rather than
vague, general and abstract, especially when you are requiring
a response, solving problems, making an offer or acceptance,



Include all the necessary information and data in the message
because information and data can help senders get receivers’
responses and achieve desired objectives. An incomplete
message may result in increased communication costs, loss of
goodwill, sales, and valued customers, cost of returning goods,
and wasted time trying to make sense out of the incomplete

ⅢAdapting to Modern Changes in Business Writing

Languages are products of the times and always bear the marks
of a particular time. The rapid development of technology has
brought changes to business writing. Fax and e-mail send
messages quickly, and narrow the distance between people in
different locations. Business writing, in general, has more and
more assumed a friendly, easy, and conversational style.

Chapter 2 Adaptation and Selection of Words

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ⅠThe Basic Need of Adaptation

The ability to write clearly depends not on our audience itself,
but on how much we know about our audience. For writing to be
clear, it must adapt to the reader. By adaptation we mean
fitting the message to the specific reader. Readers even in the
same country do not all have the same vocabulary, the same
knowledge of the subject or the same mentality because of
cultural differences this problem becomes more serious in
cross-cultural communications. Thus, to communicate clearly
you should first know the person with whom you are communicating.
You should be aware of his or her cultural background arid take
care to form your message to fit that reader’s mind.

In adapting your message, you should

(1) Identify the Audience.

When several people will be receiving your message, try to
identify those who are most important to your purpose.
Ordinarily, those with the highest organizational status are
the key people, but occasionally a person in a relatively low
position may have influence in one or two particular areas.

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(2) Determine the Size and Composition of the Audience.

Large audiences behave differently from small ones and require
different communication techniques. If you were writing a
report for wide distribution, you might choose a more formal
style, organization, and format than you would if the report
were directed to only three or four people in your department.
The larger the audience, the more diverse their backgrounds and
interests are likely to be. People with different education,
status, and attitudes are likely to react differently to the
same message, so you look for the common denominators that tie
the members of the audience together. At the same time you want
to respond to the particular concerns of individuals.

(3) Analyze the Audience’s Reaction.

Your approach to organizing your message depends on your
audience’s probable reaction. If you expect a favorable
response with very little criticism or debate, you can be
straightforward about stating your conclusions and
recommendations. On the other hand, when you face a skeptical
audience, you may have to introduce your conclusions and
recommendations more gradually and provide more proof.

(4) Determine the Audience’s Level of Understanding.

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If you and your audience share the same general background, you
can assume they will understand your material without any
difficulty. If not, you will have to decide how much you need
to educate them. In general, you are better off explaining too
much rather than too little, particularly if you are subtle
about it. If your audience is from another culture, your efforts
will be more involved.

(5) Analyze the Audience’s Needs.

If you are unknown to your audience, you will have to earn their
confidence before you can win them to your point of view. The
initial portion of your message will be devoted to gaining
credibility. Your status relative to your audience also affects
the style and tone of your presentation. You address your peers
one way and your boss another. You use still another tone when
communicating with employees of lower status, and your style
with co-workers differs markedly from your style with customers
and suppliers.

(6) Satisfy Your Audience’s Information Need.

The key to effective communication is determining your
reader’s needs and then responding to them. Ask yourself the

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following five questions to help you satisfy the audience’s
information needs:

—What does the audience want to know?

—What does the audience need to know?

—Have I provided all desired and necessary information?

—Is the information accurate?

—Have I emphasized the information of greatest interest to the

(7) Be Sure about the Reader’s Need.

In many cases the audience’s information needs are readily
apparent. When dealing with a vague request, pin it down. One
good approach is to restate the request in more specific terms
to help get the requester to define his or her needs more
precisely. Once you’ve defined your audience’s information
needs, be certain to satisfy those needs completely. Use the
journalistic approach to check whether your message answers who,
what, when, where, why, and how to test the thoroughness of your

(8) Be Accurate in Your Message.

There is no point in answering all your audience’s questions
if the answers are wrong. In business you have a special duty

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to check things before making a written commitment, especially
if you are writing to someone who is outside the company. Your
organization is legally bound by any promise you make, so make
sure your company is able to follow through. Be sure that the
information you provide is accurate and the commitments you
make can be kept.

(9) Make Important Points Stand Out.

When deciding how to respond to your audience’s information
needs, remember that some points will be of greater interest
and importance than others. Pick out the points that will have
the most impact on your audience and emphasize them. Remember
that your main goal as a business communicator is to tell your
audience what they need to know.

(10) Satisfy Your Audience’s Motivational Needs.

Some types of messages, particularly persuasive messages and
bad news, are intended to motivate audience members to change
their beliefs or behavior. The problem is that people resist
ideas that conflict with their existing beliefs and practices.
To overcome resistance, arrange your message so that the
information will be as acceptable as possible. One approach is
to use rational arguments presented in an objective tone.

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Another approach is to support your position with information
or statistics.

(11) Appeal to the Audience’s Emotional Need.

Although appealing to reason is often the best approach, you
might try convincing your audience by appealing to emotion.
Your credibility with an audience depends on their perception
of your competence and integrity. People are more likely to
believe you if they feel comfortable with you: if you have
similar backgrounds or friends in common, if you wear the same
style of clothes, enjoy the same sports and aspire after the
same goals. To establish rapport, you need to emphasize these
common denominators. Remember that getting your message across
depends as much on your audience’s receptivity as it does on
your arguments. Be sure to address motivational needs before
you introduce controversial material.

(12) Satisfy Your Audience’s Practical Needs.

Many in your audience will review your message under difficult
circumstances with many interruptions, and they are likely to
give it a low priority. So make your message as convenient as
possible for your audience. Be brief. Generally speaking, a
5-minute talk is easier to follow than a 30-minute presentation;

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a two-paragraph letter is more manageable than one that’s two
pages long and a two-page memo is more likely to be read than
a ten-page report.

(13) Be Brief.

If your written message has to be long, make it easy for readers
to follow so that they can pick it up and put it down several
times without losing the thread of what you are saying.

ⅡSuggestions for Selecting Words

A major part of adaptation is selecting the right words. These
are the words that communicate best that have correct and clear
meanings in reader’s mind. Selecting the right words depends
on your ability to use language, your knowledge of the reader
and your good judgment. Here are some suggestions to help you
select such words.

(1) Use Short and Familiar Words.

Short words tend to be familiar words. Familiar words are
everyday words—with sharp and clear meanings in mind. Using
familiar words means using the language that most of the native
speakers use in everyday conversation. You should avoid the
stiff, more difficult words that do not communicate so
precisely and so quickly. The suggestion to use short and

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familiar words does not rule out some use of more difficult
words. You should use them whenever their meanings fit your
purpose best and your readers understand them. A good
suggestion is to use the simplest words that carry the meaning
without offending the reader’s intelligence. The best
suggestion is to write the words you would use in face-to-face
communication with your readers.

(2) Use Concrete Language.

Good business communication is marked by words that form sharp
and clear meanings in the mind. These are concrete words.
Concrete is the opposite of abstract. Abstract words are vague.
In contrast, concrete words stand for things the reader can see,
feel, taste or smell. Abstract nouns, on the other hand, cover
broad meanings, concepts, ideas, and the like. Their meanings
are general. Exact or specific wordings are concrete; vague and
general wordings are abstract.

(3) Use Active Voice.

Active voice produces stronger, livelier writing. It
emphasizes the action, and it usually saves words. The
suggestion that active voice be preferred does not mean that
passive voice is always incorrect or that you should never use

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it. Passive voice can be correct, and it has a place. The problem
is that many writers tend to overuse it, especially in report
writing. Your decision on whether to use active or passive voice
is not simply a matter of personal choice. Sometimes passive
voice is preferable. Passive is better when the doer of the
action is not important, when the performer is not known or when
the writer prefers not to name the performer.

(4) Select Words for Precise Meanings.

Obviously, writing requires some knowledge of language. In fact,
the greater your knowledge of the English language, the better
you are likely to write in English. If you want to be a good
English writer, you will need to study English words carefully.
You will need to learn their precise meanings, especially the
shades of difference in the meanings of similar words.

(5) Avoid Sexist Words.

Many words in English suggest male dominance. Avoid using them.
Perhaps the most troublesome sexist words are the masculine
pronouns (he, his, him) when they are used to refer to both

Chapter 3 Construction of Effective Sentences and

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I Developing Effective Sentences

Words are the building blocks of communication. Sentences, then,
are the rows of blocks, well laid out and properly planned.
Words do not make much sense until they are combined in a
sentence to express a complete thought. Choosing the right
words is basic to clear communication. Equally basic is the task
of arranging those words into clear sentences. Just as with
choosing words, constructing clear sentences involves
adaptation to the minds of the intended readers. Readability
research suggests that writing communicates best when it does
not tax the mind. So it is advisable to use simpler sentence
structures to reach people with lower communication abilities
and people not knowledgeable about the subject. Use more
complex sentence structures only when they are appropriate,
usually when communicating with knowledgeable people.
Generally, some simplification is best for all readers.

(1)Emphasis on Short Sentences

You can write short, simple sentences in two basic ways: 1) by
limiting sentence content and 2) by using words economically.

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1) Limiting Sentence Content

Limiting content is one way to make short sentences. It is
largely a matter of selecting thought units and making separate
sentences of most of them. Shorter sentences give more emphasis
to content and to organization of the subject matter than longer
sentences. Thus they communicate better.

However, you should avoid overdoing this suggestion. Too many
short sentences give a choppy effect. You should avoid these
effects by varying the length and order of your sentences.

2) Economizing on Words

Economizing on words generally means seeking shorter ways of
saying things. Once you try to economize, you will probably find
that your present writing is wasteful and that you use
uneconomical wordings. Some words and combinations of words
have more efficient, one-word equivalents.

Avoid cluttering phrases.

Instead of saying
Inthe invent
payment is not effected by March, the operations will cease,
we can use
to substitute for
in the event that. If
payment is
not effected by March, the operations will cease. Thus, the
sentence becomes shorter without loss of meaning.

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Eliminate surplus words.

As with cluttering phrases, we often
use meaningless extra words either as a matter of habit or
because of our ignorance. Eliminating these surplus words
sometimes requires recasting a sentence, but sometimes they can
just be left out.

Avoid unnecessary repetition of words or ideas.
Repeating words
obviously adds sentence length. Of course, such repetition
sometimes serves a purpose as when it is used for emphasis or
special effect. It is surprising how many overstuffed phrases
you will find in business correspondence, once you start to look
for them.

(2) Determine Emphasis in Sentence Design

The sentences you write should give the right emphasis to
content. Any written business communication contains a number
of items of information, not all of which are equally important.
Your task as a writer is to form your sentence to communicate
the importance of each item. Sentence length affects emphasis.
Short, simple sentences carry more emphasis than long, involved
ones. They give the reader a single message without the
interference of related or supporting information. Longer
sentences give less emphasis to their contents. When a sentence
contains two or more ideas, the ideas share emphasis.

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(3) Give the Sentence Unity

Good sentences have unity. For a sentence to have unity, all
parts of a sentence should concern one thought. In other words,
all the things put in a sentence should have a good reason for
being together. Violations of unity in sentence construction
fall into three categories: 1) unrelated ideas, 2) excessive
detail, and 3) illogical constructions.

Avoid the error of putting unrelated ideas in a sentence.

are three ways to give unity to sentences that contain unrelated
ideas. 1) You can put the ideas in separate sentences. 2) You
can make one of the ideas subordinate to the other. 3) You can
add words that show the ideas are related.

Avoid putting excessive detail into one sentence.

detail is another cause of lack of unity. If the detail is
important, put it in a separate sentence. This means using short

Avoid illogical constructions.

Illogical construction can rob
a sentence of unity. The following examples will show how
illogical constructions destroy unity.

(4) Avoid Sentence Faults

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Fragments, comma splices, and run-on sentences are the three
typical sentence faults.

A sentence fragment lacks either a subject (Actor) or verb

A comma splice results when two sentences are incorrectly
joined or spliced together with a comma. Like sentence
fragments, comma splices should not appear in your business

Run-on sentences are equally unacceptable in business writings.
A run-on sentence joins two complete thoughts without proper

II Effective Paragraph Development

A paragraph is a cluster of sentences all related to the same
general topic. It is a unit of thought. A series of paragraphs
make up an entire composition. Each paragraph is an important
part of the whole, a key link in the train of thought. Designing
paragraphs requires the ability to organize and relate

(1) Elements of a aphs

vary widely in length
and form. You can communicate effectively in one short
paragraph or in pages of lengthy paragraphs, depending on your

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purpose, your audience, and your message. The typical paragraph
contains three basic elements: a topic sentence, related
sentences that develop the topic, and transitional words and

Topic sentence.

Every properly constructed paragraph is
unified; it deals with a single topic. The sentence that
introduces that topic is called the topic sentence. In business
writing, the topic sentence is generally explicit and appears
either at the beginning or end of the paragraph. When the first
sentence is a topic sentence which gives readers a summary of
the general idea, the paragraph is deductive; that is, the topic
sentence precedes details.

A topic sentence can come in the middle though this arrangement
is rarely used. By so doing you deemphasize the top sentence.
But you can sometimes justify using this arrangement for
special effect.

Related sentences.

sentences that explain the topic
sentence round out the paragraph.

These related sentences must
all have a bearing on the general subject, and they must provide
enough specific details to make the topic clear. The
developmental sentences are each more specific than the topic
sentence. Each one provides another piece of evidence to

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demonstrate the general truth of the main thought. Also, each
sentence is clearly related to the general idea being developed,
which gives the paragraphits unity. A welt-developed paragraph
should contain enough information to make the topic sentence
convincing and interesting. The following is an example of how
each related sentence develops the general topic.

Transitional element

Transitional words annd expression can be conveniently grouped
according to the kind of relation they express.

(2)Ways to Develop a Paragraph

Paragraphs can be developed in many ways. The common techniques
include 1) illustration, 2) comparison or contrast, 3) cause
and effect, 4) classification, and 5) problem and solution.
Your choice of technique depends on your subject, your intended
readers, and your purpose. You can combine two or more methods
of development in a single paragraph.


When you develop a paragraph by illustration, you
give examples that demonstrate the general idea.

Comparison or Contrast.

Similarities or differences among
thoughts often provide a strong basis for paragraph

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Cause and Effect.

When you develop a paragraph using the
cause-and-effect technique, you focus on the reasons for


Paragraphs developed by classification show
how a general idea is broken into specific categories.

Problem and Solution.

Another way to develop a paragraph is to
present a problem and then discuss the solution.

In developing an effective paragraph, you should remember to
give the paragraph unity. In order to do that you should keep
the paragraph short. The average length of a paragraph is eight
to twelve lines for longer papers. Shorter paragraphs are
appropriate for letters. You should use topic sentences and
related sentences properly to make your paragraph coherent. You
should leave out unessential details.

Chapter 4 Writing for Effects


ⅠEffective Writing

As you notice in the preceding chapters, in business writing
the primary concern is to communicate information. Clarity is
important in such business writing as reports, memorandums,

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procedures, and proposals. However, when you write letters, you
will be concerned about communicating more than information.
The information in the letters will be important, of course.
In fact, it will probably be the most important part. But you
will also need to communicate certain effects.


Goodwill Effect.

One effect that you need to communicate is the goodwill effect.
Building goodwill through letters is good business practice.
Wise business leaders know that the success of their businesses
is affected by what people think about their businesses. What
they think about businesses is influenced by their human
contact with the businesses, and letters are a major form of
human contact. The goodwill effect in letters is desirable not
only for business reasons. It is the effect most of us want in
our relations with people. We enjoy doing and saying things that
create goodwill. They are the friendly, courteous things that
make relations between people enjoyable.

(2) Other Effects.

Achieving the desired effects is a matter of writing skill and
of understanding how people respond to words. It involves

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keeping certain attitudes in mind and using certain writing
techniques to work them into your letters.

Conversational Style.

Aside from the principles that must be
understood is the fact that a letter—a good letter—reflects
the personality of the writer, which should be pleasing to the
reader. In a good letter a conversation is held. The reader must
be made to forget that he is reading a letter. Instead, the
writer has traveled on a piece of paper to talk to him. People
who write with a sense of personal contact have a better chance
to make what they say interesting and convincing than those who
feel they are “writing letters“. Whatever you talk about in
the letters, the language you use should be the same as if you
had met them on the street, at home, or in the office. Such
language is warm and natural. It leaves an impression that
people like. It is also the language we use most and understand

Resisting Tendency to Be Formal.

The executives of your company
do not want letter contacts to be cold and formal. They know
that the most loyal customer is the one who feels like “one
of the family”. But as mentioned in the preceding chapters when
faced with a writing task, many of us tend to change character.
Instead of writing in friendly, conversational language, we

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write in stiff and stilted words. There is a misconception that
big words and difficult words are preferred in business letters,
but the result of such words is a cold and unnatural style—one
that does not produce the goodwill effect you want your letters
to have.

Avoiding the Old Language of Business.

Good writers take care
to avoid stale expressions. Early English business writers
borrowed heavily from the formal language of law and from the
flowery language of the nobility. From these two sources they
developed a style of letter writing that became known as the
“language of business”. It was a cold, stiff, and unnatural
style, but it was generally accepted throughout the
English- speaking world.

(3) You-Viewpoint.

Writing from the you-viewpoint (also called you-attitude) is
another technique for building goodwill in letters.
You-viewpoint is to focus interest on the reader. It is a
technique for persuasion and for influencing people favorably.
In a broad sense, you- viewpoint writing emphasizes the
reader’s interest and concerns. It emphasizes you and your and
de-emphasizes we and our. But it is more than a matter of just
using second person pronouns. It is an attitude of mind. It is

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the attitude that places the reader in the center of things.
Sometimes, it just involves being friendly and treating people
in the way they like to be treated. Sometimes it involves
skillfully handling people with carefully chosen words to make
a desired impression.

When you use you-viewpoint in writing, avoid insincerity. No
doubt the you-viewpoint can be used to the point of being
insincere; and it can be obvious flattery. Remember the
objective of your-viewpoint is to treat people
courteously—the way they like to be treated. You cannot afford
to sacrifice sincerity by overdoing it. Use you-viewpoint for
good goals. If you use it for bad goals, it will have the effect
of manipulation. Use the you- viewpoint only when it is friendly
and sincere and when your goals are good. In such cases, using
the you-viewpoint is “telling it as it is”—or at least as
it should be.

(4) Accent on Positive Language.

People enjoy and react favorably to positive messages. A
positive tone builds the reader’s confidence in the writer’s
ability to solve problems and strengthens personal and business
relationships. Positive words are usually best for letter goals,
especially when persuasion and goodwill are needed. Positive

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words emphasize the pleasant aspects of the goal and tend to
put the reader in the right frame of mind. They also create the
goodwill atmosphere we seek in most letters. Negative words
tend to produce the opposite effect. They may stir up your
reader’s resistance to your goals, and they are likely to be
highly destructive of goodwill.

(5) Courtesy.

A major contributor to goodwill in business letters is courtesy.
By courtesy we mean treating people with respect and friendly
human concern. Developing courtesy in a letter involves:
writing in conversational language, employing the
you-viewpoint, and choosing words for positive effect. It also
involves other techniques.

Singling Out Your Reader.

Letters that appear to be written for
one reader tend to make the reader feel important and
appreciated. To single out your reader in a letter, you should
write for his particular situation. What you say throughout the
letter should make it clear that the reader is getting
individual treatment.

Using the Reader’s Names.

As you have probably noticed in some
letters, using the reader’s name in the letter text is another

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way to show that the reader is being given special treatment.
It makes the reader feel that their identities as individuals
are recognized. That letters begin with customer’s name makes
him or her feel important.

Avoiding Anger.

Rarely is anger justified in letters. It
destroys goodwill. Most of comments made in anger do not provide
needed information, but merely serve to let the writer blow off
steam. Such comments take many forms—sarcasm, insults, and

(6) The Role of Emphasis.

Getting desired effects in writing often involves giving proper
emphasis to the items in the message. There are four basic
emphasis techniques: emphasis by position, by space, by
sentence structure and by mechanical means.

Emphasis by Position.

Position determines emphasis. Beginnings
and endings carry emphasis. The first and last sentences of a
letter, the first and last sentences of a paragraph, and the
first and last words of a sentence all carry more emphasis than
the middle parts.

Space and Emphasis.

The more you say about something, the more
emphasis you give it. If your letter devotes a full paragraph

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to one point and a scant sentence to another, the first point
receives more emphasis. To achieve the desired effect in your
letter, say just enough about each item of information you

Sentence Structure and Emphasis.

Sentence structure determines
emphasis. Short, simple sentences emphasize content; long,
involved ones do not. Place the more important information in
short, simple sentences so that it will not have to compete with
other information for the reader’s attention. Combine the less
important information into larger sentences. In combining
sentences, place the more important ideas in independent
clauses and the less important ones in subordinate structures.

Mechanical means of Emphasis.

By mechanical devices we mean any
of the things that we can do physically to give the printed word
emphasis. The most common ones are underscore, quotation marks,
italics, boldface type, and solid capitals.

ⅡBasic Patterns of Business Letters

You can organize business messages either deductively or
inductively depending on your prediction of the receiver’s
reaction to your main idea. However, learning to organize
business messages according to the approach outline will

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improve your chances of writing a document that elicits the
response or action you desire.

Directness in Good-news and Routine Messages.

Good-news or
routine messages follow a direct order (deductive
sequence)—the message begins with the main idea. To present
good-news or routine information deductively, begin with the
major idea, followed by supporting details and end with
goodwill. Routine inquiries and replies, favorable response to
claims and adjustment requests, recommendation letters, good
news about employment, congratulations, messages of
appreciation, condolences, announcements, and greetings fall
into this category.

Indirectness in Bad-news Messages.

When the main message of a
letter is bad news, you should usually write in indirect order.
The indirect order is especially effective when you must say
no to a request or when you must convey other disappointing news.
The main reason for this approach is that negative messages are
received more positively when an explanation precedes them. In
fact, an explanation may even convince the reader that the
writer’s position is correct. In addition, an explanation
cushions the shock of bad news. The indirect plan consists of
four parts: 1) a buffer, 2) reasons supporting the negative

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decision, 3) a clear, diplomatic statement of the negative
decision, and 4) a helpful, friendly, and positive close. Bad
news messages include: bad news about orders such as back orders,
substitutions, unfillable orders and non-confirming orders;
negative answers such as denying cooperation with routine
requests, declining invitations and request for favors, and
refusing adjustment of claims and complaints or rejecting job
applications; and conveying unfavorable news about people such
as refusing to write recommendation letters, giving negative
performance reviews and terminating employment.

Indirectness in Persuasion and Sales Writing.

Persuasion is the
art of influencing others to accept your point of view. In all
occupations and professions, rich rewards await those who can
use well-informed and well-prepared presentations to persuade
others to accept their ideas or buy their products, services
or ideas. By persuasion, we mean reasoning with the
reader—presenting facts with logic and that support the case.
Persuasive messages aim to influence readers who are inclined
to resist. To succeed, therefore, you have to begin by
convincing them. In this approach you should generally follow
the indirect order plan.

Chapter 5 The Structure and Style of Business Letters

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The first impression a business letter makes on its reader often
determines whether that letter will actually be read, and it
also may determine the reader’s reaction to the contents of
the letter. Therefore, business letter writers must, in
addition to composing well-written sentences and paragraphs,
be able to communicate their thoughts in efficient, appropriate
letter form. A well-dressed executive projects a quality image.
A well- dressed letter also projects a quality image.

ⅠLetter Structures and Placement

(1) Letterhead.

A business letter is usually typed on printed letterhead paper
displaying the name, address, fax and telephone number of the
organization sending the letter. It is used only for the first
page of a letter.

(2) Dateline.

The date is typed a few lines below the last line of the
letterhead. The format of the date line differs from country
to country .The common formats are typical American one
(MonthDayYear) and British one (DayMonthYear). Even though

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we Chinese prefer YearMonthDay format, it is better to use
American or British format in business English letters. As the
date line is a vital part of a business letter, the month written
in full is preferred because figures may create confusion.

(3) Inside Address.

The address of the organization receiving the letter is typed
single-spaced at the left margin. The number of lines left blank
between the dateline and the address depends on the size of the
body of the letter, the size of type (the pitch) used, and the
length of the printed lines. The address is typed as it will
appear on the envelope.

(4) Attention Line.

An attention line allows you to send your message officially
to an organization but to direct it to a specific individual,
officer, or department. However, if you know an individual’s
complete name, it is always better to use it as the first line
of the inside address and avoid an attention line.

(5) Salutation.

For most letter styles place the letter greeting or salutation,
two lines below the last line of the inside address or the
attention line (if used). If the letter is addressed to an

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individual, use that person’s courtesy title and last name
(Dear Mr. Lanbam). Even if you are on a first-name basis (Dear
Leslie), be sure to add a colon (or a comma not a semicolon)
after the salutation. Use an individual’s full name (Dear
Leslie Lanbam) only when gender is unknown. For letters with
attention lines or those addressed to organizations, the
selection of an appropriate salutation has become more
difficult. Formerly, “Gentlemen” was used generally for all
organizations. With increasing numbers of women in business
management today, however, it is proble-matic. Because no
universally acceptable salutation has yet emerged, you’ll
probably be safest with Ladies and Gentlemen or Gentlemen and
Ladies. One way to avoid the salutation dilemma is to address
a document to a specific person. Another alternative is to use
the simplified letter style, which conveniently omits the
salutation (and the complimentary close).

(6) Subject and Reference Lines.

Although experts suggest placing the subject line two lines
below the salutation, many businesses actually place it above
the salutation. Use whatever style your organization prefers.
Reference lines often show policy or file numbers. By alerting
your reader to the content of your message, you enable him to

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decide whether the letter requires immediate attention. It
should be underlined or typed in capitals.


This is the actual message of your business letters
and memorandums are single--spaced with double line spacing
between paragraphs. Very short messages may be double-spaced
with indented paragraphs.

(8)Complimentary Close.

Typed two lines below the last line of the letter, the
complimentary close may be formal (Very truly yours) or
informal (Sincerely yours or Cordially yours).

(9) Organization Name.

If an organization name is used after the complimentary close,
the name should be typed entirely in capitals two lines below
the complimentary close.

(10) Author, Title, and Department.

The author of the letter needs space to sign his or her name;
therefore, three blank lines should be left above the typed name
of the author. If short, the author’s title or department may
appear on the same line as the author’s name. If long, it should
be typed immediately below the author’s name. ,

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(11) Reference Initials.

The initials of the typist are typed two spaces below the
author’s name and title. If the author chooses to include his
or her initials in the reference initials line, the author’s
initials should appear before the typist’s (EM: mef).

(12) Enclosure (or Attachment) Notation.

If an enclosure (or attachment) accompanies the letter, a
notation to that effect is placed two lines below the reference
initials. This notation reminds the typist to insert the
enclosure in the envelope, and it reminds the letter receiver
to look for the enclosure (or attachment
The notation may be
spelled out (Enclosure, Attachment), or it may be abbreviated
(Enc., Alt.). It may indicate the number of enclosures or
attachments, and it may also identify an enclosure specifically
(Enclosure: Copy of Invoice 6309).

(13) Copy Notation.

If copies of a business letter have been made for other
individuals, a copy notation is typed one or two lines below
the enclosure notation (if used). A colon following is optional.
Most people prefer to use notations like CC, cc, Cc, (all mean
carbon copy). Since most copies are now photo-copied, some

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people use the notation XC (xerox copy), PC (photo copy), or
C (copy). However, if you do not want the addressee to know that
someone else is receiving a copy, do not include this notation
on the original copy.

To make business letters effective and productive as possible,
we must have a clear knowledge of the parts of a business letter.
The discussion of this chapter concerns the structure and style
of a business letter. We mainly include seven standard parts
and their placements: Letterhead, Date Line, Inside Address,
Salutation, Body, Complimentary Close, and Signature.

Also, six specialized parts and their placements are mentioned:
Attention Line, Subject Line, Reference Initials, Author,
Title, Department, Enclosure Notation, and Copy Notation.

ⅡLetter Styles

(1) Block Style.

All its lines begin at the left margin.

(2) Modified Block Letter dateline, reference line
(if used)
complimentary close, organization name (if used),
author’s name, and title begin at the center of the page. The
first line of each paragraph may begin at the left margin or

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may be indented five or ten spaces. All other lines begin at
the left margin.

(3) Simplified Style.

All lines begin at the left margin. Notice
that a subject line typed in all capitals, replaces the
salutation. A triple line space precedes and follows the
subject line. Instead of a complimentary close or company name,
the author’s name and title are typed in all capitals five
lines below the last line of the letter body.

(4) Personal Business Letter Style.

This style is appropriate
when you write your own business letter on plain paper. Notice
that the writer’s address appears above the date in the upper
right corner, replacing a printed letterhead.

Specialized Parts of Business Letters

(1) Attention Line

An attention line allows you to send your message officially
to an organization but to direct it to a specific individual,
officer, or department. However, if you know an individual’s
complete name, it is always better to use it as the first line
of the inside address and avoid an attention line.

(2) Subject Line

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Two lines below the t lines often show policy
or file numbers. By alerting your reader to the content of your
message, you enable him to decide whether the letter requires
immediate attention.

(3) Reference Initials

The initials of the typist are typed two spaces below the
author’s name and title. If the author chooses to include his
or her initials in the reference initials line, the author’s
initials should appear before the typist’s.

(4) Author, Title and Department

The author of the letter needs space to sign his or her name;
therefore, three blank lines should be left above the typed name
of the author. If short, the author’s title or department may
appear on the same line as the author’s name. If long, it should
be typed immediately below the author’s name.

(5) Enclosure Notation

If an enclosure (or attachment) accompanies the letter, a
notation to that effect is placed two lines below the reference
initials. This notation reminds the typist to insert the
enclosure in the envelope, and it reminds the letter receiver
to look for the enclosure (or attachment).

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(6) Copy Notation

When the letter is desired to send to writer wants
the recipient aware of the persons receiving the copy of the
letter. A copy notation is typed one or two lines below the
enclosure notation (if used)

ⅢThe Layout of the Envelope

An envelope should be addressed to correspond with the inside
address. On a standard business-size envelope, the address
should begin four inches from the left edge, ten to fourteen
lines from the top.

The address should include the ZIP code one space after the
state. Because NO information should appear below the ZIP code,
special instructions (such as ATT: Mrs. Smith) should be placed
four lines below the return address. Similarly, mailing
services, such as Priority Mail or Certified Mail, should be
placed below the stamp.

The return address, matching the letterhead, is usually printed
on business envelopes.

Chapter 6 Invitations and thank- you letter


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Ⅰ Invitations

While such events as openings, previews, and demonstra-tions
may be advertised in newspapers or on handbills, guests may be
more carefully selected if invitations are sent by letter.

Formal events, such as a reception, open house, or formal social
gathering, require formal invitations. These invitations can
be engraved or printed, or they can be handwritten on note size

A general invitation should be cordial and sincere; a formal
invitation should be less personal, written in the third person.
Either kind of invitation, however, must do three things:

1) Invite the reader to the gathering

2) Offer a reason for the gathering

3) Give the date, time, and place of the gathering

A formal invitation should, in addition, include the R. S. V.
P. notation.

This abbreviation stands for répondez s’il vous plait; it asks
the reader to please respond, that is, “Please let us know if
you plan to attend.“ Alternatively, the notation “Regrets
Only” may be used, asking only those who CANNOT attend to
notify the host in advance.

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Samples of invitation card(请柬)

Mr. Robert Shenstone

Director of the Beijing Institute of Atomic Energy

requests the pleasure of the company of

Mr. and Mrs. Dickenson

at a dinner party

in honor of Mr. Liu Wenling

senior engineer of Beijing Energy Institute

onSaturday, July 7, 2004

at seven o’clock p.m.

at Bridges Restaurant,
Willow Avenue

Regrets Only Tel: 844650 Dress: formal

Sample Invitation Card 2

The faculty


The Class 03-1 of the SIBC


the pleasure of your company

at the New Year’s Eve party

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Saturday, 31st December 2005

at 7 o’clock p.m.


Room 304 Zhiyuan Building


Accepting an invitation

We’re very glad happy pleased delighted to accept come
arrive attend…

accepts with pleasure the kind invitation for (some
occasion) to be held at (some place) at (time).

It’s very nice kind of you to invite us…

Thank you very much for your kind invitation to… We would be
pleased delighted happy glad to come.

Declining an invitation

I’m sorry that I can’t dine with you on…

Much to my regret, I’m unable to accept your kind invitation.

Thank you very much for your kind invitation, but unfortunately
I have another engagement on that day.

I am very sorry I cannot join you because…

Please accept my sincere regrets for not being able to join you

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Sample Formal Acceptance

Mr. William Sregory


with pleasure


kind invitation of

The Local Bank Tellers Club

Saturday, May the sixth

at four o’clock



of theHoward


Sample Formal Refusal

Mr. and Mrs. Barry Green


that a previous engagement


their accepting


kind invitation to dinner


the home of

Mr. and Mrs. John Smith


Monday, the fourth of April

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Letters of invitation
Comment highly on the achievement of the reader so as to attract
hisher attention

State the concerned topic, benefits or request

Show 1-2 facts to keep the reader in the picture from which he
may enjoy taking part in the activities

Offer what you can do

Close the letter by setting a date

Letter of Invitation to a Visit

Example One

Dear Mr. Zhou.

I am delighted to hear through your Embassy inLondon

that you
would like to bringa delegation to theUnited Kingdom

in the
early autumn of this year on a study tour of three to four weeks.

It will be a great pleasure for my Council to act as sponsors
for your delegation. My Secretariat will act in cooperation
with the British Department of Trade and with all the other
bodies you wish to meet, as well as with your Embassy in London,
in arranging your program and is doing all that is necessary
to ensure that your visit will be a rewarding one.

精品教学课件设计 | Excellent teaching plan
I suggest that your delegation arrive in time to start their
work on Monday, 18th September. Your program could be designed
to cover the three to four
following that date. If this
period is not convenient, please inform me as soon as possible
of the date on which you would prefer to arrive, so that I can
make the necessary alternative arrangements based on that date.
In the meantime, I very much look forward to meeting you this

Yours sincerely,

Example Two


We are pleased to invite representatives of China National Native
Produce & Animal By-products Import & Export Corporation, Shanghai
Animal By-products Branch, to visit theUnited States

during July and
August, 1998. We suggest that the delegation include representatives
from the Shanghai Animal By-products Branch, factory managers, shoe
and leather factory technicians and quality control personnel. We would
be pleased to welcome, as well, representatives from your office

We are prepared to meet the group at the start of the trip; to accompany
them throughout their entire stay; to make hotel and travel arrangements

精品教学课件设计 | Excellent teaching plan
and to do whatever else is necessary to ensure an organized and
well-planned visit. A minimum stay of from
weeks is suggested. We
believe a visit will benefit your developing footwear business with
theUnited States

for the fo1lowing reasons:

1)Shanghai Animal By-products Branch will have shipped 60, 000 pairs
of shoes, which will enable the Delegation to measure customer
acceptance, make comparison with competitive footwear, and have
face-to-face discussion regarding improvements for the future.

2)TheDelegation will have opportunity to meet and talk, not only to
present, but to potential new customers as well.

3)TheDelegation will be able to make a general survey of the footwear
market in theUnited States, in addition to gathering specific information.

4)TheDelegation will, through its presence at a National Shoe Fair, help
increase future sales.

5)TheDelegation will visit stores, factories, and other allied industries.

We suggest that the delegation be inNew York Cityat the National Shoe
Fair from August 4 toAugust 7, 1998.

We await your response. Again, we are prepared to do all that is necessary
to ensure the complete success of the visit.

Very sincerely,

精品教学课件设计 | Excellent teaching plan
Letter of Invitation to Lecture

Example One

Dear Mr. Mood,

The English teachers of out Institute are deeply impressed by your
masterpiece of “A Study of English Intonation” and are interested in
hearing in person your views on this and other subjects. Would you be so
kind as to come to our institute and meet with them at your convenience?

You would, of course, receive our standard honorarium tocover traveling
and other expenses.

Please let us know as soon as possible if you can come and tell us when
you wou1d be able to do so.

Sincerely yours,

Example Two

Dear Prof. Green,

I was told by our mutual friend Mr X that you will visitChinanext month
this year. May I take the opportunity to invite you to come to our college
to give the students of our English Department some lectures on “Modern
American Literature”?

Please let me know as soon as possible if you can come, your exact
arrival time.

精品教学课件设计 | Excellent teaching plan
With warm personal regards.

Yours sincerely.

Invitation to Business Negotiation

Example one


To meet the needs of buyers abroad, we shall hold in this city from
August 6 to August 12,1998 a

fair characterized by the display and sale of
a number of smaller products with exquisite craftsmanship or, as we call
it, a “miniature” fair. Especially worth mentioning here is that most of the
products for sale have been designed in the light of the styles now in
vogue in international markets and are, therefore, sure to catch your eye.

As you are a regular buyer of ours, we believe that you will not let slip
the chance to have a look at them. Will you please arrange for your
representatives to attend the fair in good time and advise us of their
names and the date of their arrival here for reception?

Yours truly,

Example two

Dear Mr. Brandon,

It is a pleasure to invite you to visit our city amid taking part in the
discussion of the joint venture agreement. We shall be very happy to
welcome you and to do all we can to make your stay here both enjoyable

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and successful.

Since this is your first time toBeijing, you will no doubt wish to see some
of the principal places of interest. You will be assured of a suitable
arrangement after you arrive. As to the joint venture agreement on
furniture, we plan to arrange trips to several firms, so that you can see the
manufactures yourself before the two day negotiations of details.

When your travel schedule is settled, please let us know the time of your
arrival, I will meet you at the airport. We are looking forward to meeting
you inBeijing.

Sincerely yours

Invitation to a Dinner Party

Example One

Dear Sirs,

We are planning a small dinner party in honor of R. P. Blackmur,
President. The dinner will be held at theAsia



beginning at6:30 P. M. and continuing to8:
P. M. on Friday, October
and dress will be informal business wear.

We hope that you will be able to join us in this opportunity to meet the
senior directors of our company.

We look forward to seeing you on Friday, October 27.

With warmest regards,

精品教学课件设计 | Excellent teaching plan
Yours faithfully,

Example Two

Dear sirs,

On April 30, we are giving a luncheneon for Dr. Thomas Wilson.
Dr. Thomas Wilson will speak about the development of business
in the Mail Order House in recent years.

Following lunch, our guest will be available to answer specific
questions you may have. We think you will find this discussion
interesting, and hope you can attend.

The luncheon will be held at the Hilton Hotel,Taipei

Your prompt reply will be very much appreciated.

Yours faithlly

Ⅱ Thank-you Letters感谢信

In business, as in the rest of life, it is important to say
“thank you.”We have already known that letters of
appreciation should be sent to new customers upon the opening
of an account or the making of a first purchase. But many other
occasions call for a “thank you” as well; a letter of
appreciation should always be sent after receiving:

1) gifts

精品教学课件设计 | Excellent teaching plan
2) favors

3) courtesies

4) hospitality

5) donations

A letter of thanks should also be sent in response to a letter
of congratulations. A thank-you letter may be BRIEF, but it must
be PROMPT, and it must, like all social business letters, sound
SINCERE.A proper letter of appreciation will contain three key
elements, it will

1) begin by saying “thank you”


a sincere personal comment

3) end with a positive and genuine statement (NEVER say
“Thank you again.”)

Thanks for Reception

Example one

Dear President Johnson,

It was very kind of you to arrange for us to meet your top executives of
Big Oil Company when we recently visitedHouston. Your management
group’s combination of enthusiasm, competence and flair is very
impressive. We very much enjoyed being part of this exciting team during

精品教学课件设计 | Excellent teaching plan
our short stay.

It was particularly helpful for us to learn of the strategies and techniques
you have used for your overseas businesses. With 20 years of experience
in manufacturing oil industrial products, our two firms look forward to
mutually beneficial cooperation in future.

You should be very proud of the organization you have built and of the
fine managers you have brought into your business.

Yours sincerely,

Example two


Back now in my own country, I wish to thank you most warmly for your
very excellent hospitality extended to myself and my colleagues. The
opportunity to meet your and your Directors is something I had long
looked forward to, and I can only hope that one day I may be able to
receive a visit here from you. I very much appreciated your kindness and
that of your colleagues in showing me round the new plant.

Sincerely yours

Thanks for an Invitation

Example one

Dear Mr. Lung,

精品教学课件设计 | Excellent teaching plan
On my return to the office this morning after being away for a few days, I
found your kind invitation for the 1st October awaiting me, for which I
thank you.

I should like to have been in a position to accept your invitation for the
1st October, but unfortunately owing to a prior engagement with some
overseas friends, who are arriving on this date; it will not be possible to
do so.

I hope you will excuse me on this occasion and sincerely trust an
opportunity will present itself to meet you at a later date and personally
meet your colleagues.

Yours sincerely,

Example two

Dear Mr. And Mrs. Wilson,

We shall be delighted to dine with you on Tuesday, the third
of April, atseven o’clock

p. you so much for asking

We are looking forward to seeing you.

Very sincerely

Thanks for Promotion

Example one

精品教学课件设计 | Excellent teaching plan
Dear Mr. Owens,

Many thanks for your granting the promotion and for the good wishes.

The new job is going to be demanding, especially as I make the transition,
I am going to give it my all, however. Your support and contribution will
help ease the burden and open up a new era in our common fields.

Again, I truly appreciate your thoughtfulness for my promotion. I am
looking forward to more opportunities of working with you and wish you
every success,

Cordially yours,

Example two

Dear Mr. White,

Thank you very much for your recommending me to be the head of the
new accounting department. You may rest assured that I will exert my
every effort to do the job, and I am hungry for more opportunities of
learning from you and cooperating with you.

Sincerely yours,

Thanks for Business Cooperation

Example One

Dear Sirs,

精品教学课件设计 | Excellent teaching plan
We are very pleased to hear that you have confirmed our appointment as
agent in Holland, and that your Overseas Manager will be with us next
month to sign the agreement.

We also appreciate your comments on the way we handled your sales.

Yours faithfully

Example Two

Dear Messrs. Rurley,

Many thanks for your congratulation on the celebration of the
tenth anniversary of our corporation.

For these ten years our business has been consistently
developed, with an average annual profit increase of 20 percent.
In the meantime, our sales distribution has been enlarged to
the present 68 countries and areas from the original ten. That
is why my colleagues and I share happiness and pride while
celebrating the tenth anniversary of the corporation.

When I was in charge of sales ten years ago, one of the first
orders I filled was from Burley & Sons, since then, of course,
it has been a pleasure enjoying many, many opportunities you

精品教学课件设计 | Excellent teaching plan
Our satisfaction with our present business position comes
largely from our being able to maintain and enhance our service
record. So, while celebrating our tenth anniversary I’d better,
on behalf of the whole corporation, say “Thank you! Thank you
for your ever continuing faith in us.

Surely we value all of our customers, but we feel a special
responsibility to l like you, Burley & Sons, whom we have

Let’s work together for our ever greater success!

Yours sincerely,

Ⅲ Language Extension

Chapter 7 Notes and Announcements


ⅠLetters for Leave

Letters for leave often take the form of notes, which is a
commonly used and simplified letter. You can be much more casual
in choosing its format, leaving out the sender’s address, even
omitting “dear” in the salutation or “sincerely yours” in
the complimentary close. Generally, the language used is more

精品教学课件设计 | Excellent teaching plan
conversational. Letters for leave here include the ones for a
sick leave, for a leave of absence, for a personal affair and
for renewing the leave. When you write notes for leave, see to
it that the reason and the duration of the leave are clearly
stated, with sound and sufficient explanation. If you have any
evidence to support your request, offer it to your supervisor,
for instance, enclosing the doctor’s certificate or a telegram
in the note.

1.Letters Asking for a Sick Leave

Example 1

March 12, 2004

Dear Professor Liu,

I am very sorry to inform you that I am unable to attend school
today owing to a bad cold. I enclose the doctor’s certificate
and ask you sick leave of three days.

Your student

Wang Yonghua

Example 2

Dear Sir,

Please excuse my absence from class today, I had the flu yesterday
evening and could not fall asleep until well into the night. I felt even

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worse this morning. I have to go to the doctor. So I am wiling to ask you
for one day’s sick leave and will resume my study if I feel better

Your student

Zhou Peng

2.Letters Asking for a Leave of Absence for a Personal Affair

Example 1

Oct. 8, 2003

Dear Zhang,

An E-mail has just come saying that my mother is seriously ill and urging
me to go home at once. Because of this I should very much like to have a
leave of three days beginning on Oct. 9th. I hope that my request will be
given due consideration.


Encl.: an E-mail from my home

Example 2

Dear Prof. Lee,

I am applying for a four-day leave of absence beginning April 8th in
order to return home to see my father who is now seriously ill. To support
my application, I submit a telegram to that effect received from my

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I should be very much obliged if you will grant my application.
Regarding the lessons missed in my absence, I will do my best to make
them up as soon as I return.

Yours respectfully,


Encl.: a telegram from my brother.

3.Letters for Extension of Leave

March 15, 2004

Dear Prof. Liu,

I am still lying in bed with the bad cold and unable to get up. I enclose a
certificate from the doctor who is attending me, as he fears it will be
another three days before I shall be able to resume my study. Please give
an extension of leave for as many days.

Your student

Wang Yonghua

Encl.: Doctor’s Certificate of Advice

ⅡLetters of Resignation

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When you want to quit your current job to take another, it is
natural to submit a resignation letter to your organization
when you find a new position. Leaving without any notice is
considered impolite. If you apply for a new job because the
contract with your present employer is over, you should write
a letter of resignation.

What should a letter of resignation include? First, it should
include a sentence similar to, he following: “please accept
my resignation, effectiveJune 16, 2005”. You can put such a
sentence either at the beginning or the ending of the letter.

Of course, only one sentence will not do. You should state
specifically why you arc leaving. For instance, you are after
a higher salary or better working experience. Or for the sake
of your family, you have to move and work in another city. Even
though you are dissatisfied with your employer, you will be wise
to depart with a final display of pleasure in working there.
Do not make complaints in your letter. Additionally, you can
express a bit of your personal feelings, such as you are
reluctant to leave, you will recall your working here with
nostalgia, or you have no alternative but to leave. To sum up,
your letter of resignation should make sense, leaving a good

精品教学课件设计 | Excellent teaching plan
impression behind, for perhaps your future work will require
associating with the former working place.

Example 1

Dear Mr. Li,

I must inform you that I will resign my present position in your firm. I am
sorry that I have to leave you who have showed me many kindnesses over
the past few years. But on account of the cost of living I have found it
imperative to look for a job which will give me a larger salary than I draw
at present as well as a better opportunity for advancement.

Please, therefore, accept my notice to leave your service on May 30.

Obediently yours,

Gong Xueyun

Example 2

Dear Mr. Larson,

With great reluctance I am submitting my resignation, effective July 31,

My association with Wiley Company has been a pleasant one, and I will
miss the friendship here. However, as I mentioned in our brief discussion
last week, the offer I have received cannot be ignored, considering the
financial benefits to my family and the future potential of the position.

精品教学课件设计 | Excellent teaching plan
I appreciate your understanding my decision to leave Wiley Company.


ⅢLetters for a Dismissal of an Employee

As for the termination of services, generally, the employee
cannot go through the formalities until he or she has received
the employer’s dismissal letter. There are two cases: one is
that the employer agrees to terminate his or her employee’s
service or acknowledge the resignation letter; the other is
that the employer writes to terminate his employee’s service’
of his or her own accord when dissatisfied with the employee’s

Example 1

Dear Mr. Yin,

I have already had occasion to express my dissatisfaction with the view
you take of your duties at my firm. I had hoped that my previous letter
would have impressed upon you the serious consequenceslikely to follow
your unpunctuality and carelessness. Since, however, my protest has
failed to have the effect I hoped, it is necessary for me to say that I cannot
permit the kind feeling I have for all my staff to prevent me from doing
what I regard as my own duty as the manager. I require from subordinates

精品教学课件设计 | Excellent teaching plan
the same fidelity and punctual attention to their duties as I expect from
myself, and since you are no longer willing to do that, I can no longer
employ you. Therefore, I terminate your engagement here on the first of
next month, upon which date your successor will relieve you of your

Yours faithfully,


Example 2

Dear Mr. Allen,

I regret that Max Company will no longer require your services after
Friday, March 8.

Following company policy, we have warned you on three occasions that
your continued unexcused absences could result in dismissal. Despite Our
warnings, you were absent without explanation on these dates: January 17,
January 31, February 7, and February 18.

The Max Company regrets that we must take this action, and we hope
that you will soon find other suitable employment.



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The announcement can prove useful to professionals when they
want to acquaint the public with a product, service, or event
without a full-blown advertising campaign. A physician, for
example, may want to let people know that he or she has changed
office locations. A brief announcement is appropriate and does
not reflect adversely on the doctor,s professional reputation.
Special company events; similarly, can be announced by means
of this short business form.

Announcements should usually state short business in the first
line of the letter body, following lines can give necessary
background, details, explanations, or qualifications.

When you want to draw attention to a meeting, coloration,
appointment, promotion, address change, or the like, consider
using the announcement format. Readers appreciate the brevity,
and feeling in this message form.

Announcement for establish a new business


We have the pleasure of informing you that on June 1, 1998,we
established ourselves, as an export house of sundry goods under the name
of Dalian Trading. Co., Ltd. at the following address:

56 Wuyi Road,Dalian

精品教学课件设计 | Excellent teaching plan
, Liao Ning,China

Tel: 6596783

Cable:6594 ,

Our staff members are well-trained, because of our close connections
with leading manufacturers of various kinds of general merchandise
inChina. We are very well-placed to supply you with high-grade goods at
most competitive prices. Upon hearing from you about your requirements,
we shall be happy to send you illustrated catalogs, which will give you a
good idea of the kinds of merchandise we handle.

It will be deeply appreciated if you will give us a chance to serve you.

Yours faithfully,

Notice of Removal

Dear Sirs,

We are happy to inform you that owing to steady growth of our firm in
the past years and in view of facilitating business expansion, we have
decided to move our office at114 Xin Hua Street

to the following address:

DalianTrading Co. Ltd.




Room 304 ,

精品教学课件设计 | Excellent teaching plan
56 Wuyi Road

Dalian, Liao Ning,China

There is ample free parking at the new location. The office phone number
will remain the same. We wish you to continue patronizing us in the years
to come. Thank you.

Yours truly,

Announcement for Seasonal Reduction in Price

Dear Customers,

Owing to the change of seasons,we are compelled to announce that from
April 10 to 20 our previous price list at Bai Sheng Department will be
cancelled and replaced by a new one that we enclose for your reference.

During this period of time, you can buy all kinds of products of high
quality at low prices.

We, therefore, advise you to lose no time, and act now. Your patronage
will be deeply appreciated.

Yours sincerely,

Announcement for the Change of Director

Dear Sirs,

We are pleased to inform you that our Board of Directors has announced

精品教学课件设计 | Excellent teaching plan
the change of Director of our company.

Mr. Zhang Liang, has reached that enviable position of independence:
retirement. Mr. Chen Jia, who has just returned fromU. S. A., has been
appointed to take his place as the director of our company. Mr. Chen is an
expert in the manufacture of our products, and his wide experience and
knowledge will surely enable him to improve the quality of our products
and reduce the production costs.

With this change, we can assure you that you will, from now on, receive
products of even better quality and at much reduced prices. In order to
avail yourselves of our better services, we request you. to write us for
more specific information. You are cordially invited to send us your

Faithfully yours,

Announcement for Rent andSale

Dear Sirs,

We now have Lian-Bao Apartments for rent and sale. The detailed
information is as follows:

Luxurious apartments with good furniture

By the north gate of the Beijing Workers’ Stadium near the
first embassy district

精品教学课件设计 | Excellent teaching plan
Sizes range from176m2

(2br)—202 m2

(3br)—227 m2

(4br) ? US
$$ rn2mth for rent US $$ 1554m for sale

You can contact Miss Lily for more information about the
apartments. Hotline number is 65967078.


Announcement about a Lecture


All Are Warmly Welcome

Under the auspices of the Teaching Affairs Section

A report will be given on

Contemporary American Economy


visiting American Prof. Green


The Reading Room of the Library

On Thursday, November.

20, 1998, at2:00 p.m.

Nov. 18, 1998

Meeting Announcement

The College Commission of Academic Research

精品教学课件设计 | Excellent teaching plan

All professors and associate professors are requested to meet in
University conference room on Wednesday (Oct. 12), at1:00p. m. to
discuss questions of international academic exchanges.

Oct. 10, 1998

Announcement of Changing Residence

Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Smith

havethe pleasure of announcing

the change of their residence

from16th April, 1998

tothe following address

82 Paris Street


San Francisco,California

Phone:72 1-4690

ⅤCondolence Letters

Condolence letters convey sympathy. When misfortunes or
calamities occur among your work force or clientele, you may
be called upon to write a letter on behalf of the company to

精品教学课件设计 | Excellent teaching plan
express not only your feelings but the combined feelings of

Finding words at such a moment can be difficult. Even
recommending a form for such a letter poses problems, since
sincerity and naturalness of expression count far more than
format on such occasions. The following advice, therefore,
should be taken as one alternative among many for the writing
of sincere condolence letters.

You may wish to begin with a direct statement of sympathy. Do
not dwell on the event itself. The reader is all too aware of
the circumstances. Instead, concentrate on positive memories
and positive developments that may lie in the future.

Condolence messages seldom are more than a few short paragraphs.
The bereaved reader appreciates your kindness in sending the
message, but probably does not wish to read an extended letter
at such a time of crisis. The keys to such letters are restraint
and sincerity. Restrain yourself in the letter from pouring
forth all of your own grief in consideration for the grief of
your reader. Make your own grief in consideration for the grief
of your reader. Make every word sincere.

精品教学课件设计 | Excellent teaching plan
The occasion may involve a death, accident, loss of material
possessions such as a business wiped out by fire or earthquake,
sickness or other incidents that may happen to an individual
or enterprise.

Example 1

Dear John and Sunny,

All of us who knew and loved your mother send our heartfelt sympathy.

When my mother died two years ago, it was Miche Kent who took me
aside and said, “Remember the friendship.” We trust that in the difficult
moments you will remember his friendship and ours.

Call upon us if we can help in any way.


Example 2

Dear Jane,

I grieve with you at the passing of the fine old gentlemen who was your
father. I know words are not much comfort at a time like this. But I’d like
you to know I am thinking of you and that my family and I send our
heartfelt sympathy. We hope you will moderate your sorrow on this sad

Sincerely yours,

精品教学课件设计 | Excellent teaching plan
ⅥLetters of Congratulation

Like thank- you letter, congratulatory letters express our best
wishes for some else. Business and personal life are filled with
occasions and accomplishment: weddings, anniversaries,
promotions, project completions, and so forth; you can build
goodwill by marking such occasions with a sincere letter of

One of the indispensable qualities of letters of congratulation
is , stilted phrases indicate a lack of
sincerity and destroy the goodwill that congratulatory letters
should create. In addition, the achievement or accomplishment
should be acknowledged with enthusiasm and friendliness.

The suggested plan for a congratulatory letter includes the
following elements:

An opening that congratulates the reader for hisher
accomplishment or achievement.

A paragraph that expresses your understanding of the
importance of the accomplishment or achievement.

A courteous closing that extends best wishes for
continued success.

Example 1

精品教学课件设计 | Excellent teaching plan
Dear Li Ming,

I have just come to know that you have passed the collage entrance
examination successfully and enrolled inBeijng


Please accept my heartfelt congratulations and best wishes for your bright
future and your continued success.

Sincerely yours,

Example 2

Dear Sirs,

We are very pleased to receive the announcement of your opening of new
office in Dalian.

My colleagues join me in sending you our congratulations and best
wishes on this memorable occasion.

Sincerely yours,

Ⅶ Language extension

Chapter 8 Letters of Application


Writing letters of application is becoming more and more
important. The job market today is fiercely competitive, with
millions of first-time applicants entering and millions of

精品教学课件设计 | Excellent teaching plan
applicants reentering the job market. For many reasons
(marriage, better chance of advancement and pursuit of
happiness by moving closer to or farther away from their roots,
etc.), people shift jobs several times before settling down.
A number of management experts believe that competitive
pressures in the next decade may force many companies no longer
to imply lifetime employment guarantees. They predict that, on
the average, a professional employee can expect an average of
about seven years with a given company. On the other hand, many
students are seeking opportunities to study abroad. They are
hoping that their overseas education will equip them with
competence in future work. Therefore, the odds are high that
you need information about how to write effective application
letters and resumes.

Before you start writing your application letter, you should
first identify what skills you possess and analyze your
strengths and weaknesses in meeting the requirements of the job
or the school. Then, make sure you know something about the
employing company (its plans, its policies, its products and
its operations) and how your qualifications meet the company’s
goals, especially the requirements of the work that the company
wants done.

精品教学课件设计 | Excellent teaching plan
When you begin to work on your application letter, you should
fit the facts from your background to the work you seek and
arrange those facts in a logical order. You may write an invited
or solicit application if you are in response to a company
advertisement, or an uninvited or unsolicited application if
you see no advertisement but write to find the possible job
openings. Although the organizational plan of application
letters vary, the following procedure has proved to be

1. Open the letter with the statements that you are applying
for a position and which get the reader’s

successfully get the reader’s attention in the opening, you
may well make your letter stand out and be read. To do so, you
need to be creative and imaginative, especially for the
uninvited application, so that your opening is well tailored
to the job and sets up the information review. Be sure to include
the following information:

(1)Indicate that you are applying for a position.

(2)Name the position for which you are applying.

(3)Tell how you learned of the opening.

精品教学课件设计 | Excellent teaching plan
2. Summarize your main qualifications for the

the middle
paragraph(s), you need to convince the employer that you are
qualified for the job or school. Interpret the facts in the
resume and demonstrate that your educational preparation, work
experience, or special qualifications are relevant to the job.
You should emphasize two or three of the most important
achievements or qualities that make you special. Be specific,
providing concrete evidence of your qualifications and
achievements. You might mention some special knowledge you have
about the company, if it is relevant, or your understanding of
the job requirements. Make this part interesting and likely to
hold the reader’s attention and stimulate the reader to study
your resume and interview you.


Closing the letter by asking for an interview or an
appropriate or three sentences will do, but they
should have an expectant tone. Giving your phone number and your
address make it easy for the reader to contact you for an
interview or a reply.

Remember that application letter, in essence, is a sales letter
in which you sell your abilities or qualifications to the
potential employer. Thus, write it skillfully, logically and

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1.The Application Letters for the Entry-Level Work

When you are stepping into the job market for the first time,
your application letter has to focus on your education which
is most probably one of your strongest selling point. It is wise
for you to cover it in some detail, at least including
institution, dates, degrees, and areas of study. For some jobs,
you may want to mention specific courses, especially if you have
little other information to present or if your course work has
uniquely prepared you for those jobs. Additionally, you may
want to include your GPA when it works favorably for you.

If you have participated in certain extra-curricular
activities and associations, you may mention them in support
of your qualifications for the job. You may also interpret your
part-time-job experience to show what you can do on the job and
your skills or qualities that are of much help to the

2.The Application Letters for the Post of Private Secretary

Dear Sir,

Warren Kurtz informed me of an opening in your secretarial staff, a
position for which I should very much like to become a candidate.

精品教学课件设计 | Excellent teaching plan
As a graduate of English for Business Communication from Northeastern
University of Finance and Economics, I am able to write letters and
reports in English for overseas correspondence and briefing purpose. I
also know how to write minutes and memorandums in English, which
your company uses often.

Since 1996, my main work includes administration and other related
duties. I am in charge of writing most of our company letters to overseas
partners and customers and drafting agreement and contract for my boss.
I also attended several meetings and seminars on behalf of the company
to present products to prospective customers. I am confident that my
secretarial work will contribute to your company.

I can work on computer and other desktop publishing capability. I am
also familiar with the filing system used in many companies, which will
help to locate document without difficulty. I will suggest that you use this
system to improve office efficiency. Above all, I would be pleased to
render all my past experience to your company for improving your
present business, especially where export trading is concerned.

My present job at Peterson & Levin has been quite satisfactory, but I am
seeking your employment to upgrade my working knowledge and to have
the opportunity to meet more challenges.

After you have reviewed the enclosed resume, I would welcome a chance

精品教学课件设计 | Excellent teaching plan
to discuss my joining your secretarial staff and working for you. I can be
reached at the above address or by telephone at 3232111.

Yours sincerely,

Wang Yi Ran

3.The Application Letters for Department Manager

Dear Sir or Madam:

I am responding to your advertisement in the North China Post, dated7
June 1997, for the post of marketing manager. My training and
experience well qualify me for the work.

I graduated from Dongbei University of Finance and Economics in June
with a master degree in Business Administration. During my postgraduate
study, I wrote and published six articles in national magazines and
newspapers, whose ideas were recognized by some scholars and
practitioners in the field of administration. My proposals
onChinarestaurant management have been adopted by a local
medium-sized restaurant and brought a 10 % increase in net profit. What
is more, they have also created some social benefits. I am confident that
the firm foundation of knowledge and research I have will be beneficial
to your organization.

At the university, I had served as financial secretary of the Student Union
and was responsible for the operation of a snack shop for university

精品教学课件设计 | Excellent teaching plan
students. I initiated several promotion programs that increased the shop’s
profitability by 15 percent. As your company is expanding to the food
market, my experience in food service would be an asset to you.

I enclosed my resume and a recent photograph. I would welcome an
interview at any time convenient to you. If my application is successful, I
assure you that I would make every effort to be worthy of the confidence
you may place in me. Thank you very much.

Yours faithfully,


4.The Application for the Post of President

Dear Mr. Tebeaux,

I am writing in response to your advertisement for President on Dalian
TV Employment Bulletin. I found the wording of your advertisement
with emphasis on leadership, innovation and change quite intriguing. And
my experience and qualifications indicate that I am the person you are

Most recently, I was President of a troubled subsidiary of SinoTech that I
turned around and led to the best performance in its history. Previous to
that, I worked successfully in a variety of unusual situations, including
the startup of a significant division of Shenyan Delta Company and the
turnaround of Dalian Chemical. In each of these situations, the problems

精品教学课件设计 | Excellent teaching plan
(or opportunities) differed widely. They had in common, though, a
requirement of the ability to size up the situation, assess the reasonable
alternatives and execute a plan of action. My track record shows that I am
able to do this.

With regard to the requirement for manufacturing experience, I have
worked 10 years in mining and milling operations, where I obtained an
in-depth exposure to production problems. Additionally, of course, as
President of SinoTech, I shouldered full responsibility for all operations
and financial activities. I am confident that I can bring to your
organization the highly efficient leadership, innovation and change your
work demands.

I am free to travel and open to relocation. I would welcome the
opportunity to meet you and to further discuss your requirements and
how I may be beneficial to your organization. Please call me at
to arrange an interview.



Robert Steward


5.The Application for Admission to the MBA Program in

精品教学课件设计 | Excellent teaching plan
If applying for admission to college abroad, your letter will
be simpler. After you find out about the college, write an
application letter to the Admission Director or the Admission
Office. Your letter should be as brief as possible and inquire
about one or two issues, as your main purpose is most probably
to ask for a catalog and an application form as well as
submitting your application for admission to college.
Therefore, this kind of letters usually contains the following

Give the full name of the collegeuniversity you are
applying for.

Offer your reasons (the subject and the goal for your study
there, your background information related to the
application) to apply.

Tell when you wish to enter.

Ask to send you a catalog and an application form.

Leave your name and address in English.

But if you want to apply for tuition scholarship or other
financial assistance too, your letter may be a bit longer, or
perhaps you would like to talk about it in the following letter
after you have got the admission to college.

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Ⅱ Language Extension

Chapter 9 Resume


A resume,sometimes referred to as a data sheetor vita,is a
summary of an applicant’s qualifications for employment or
ad-mission to college, usually in the form of an outline or list.
When you are looking for a job, in most cases, you have to
pre-pare an application letter and a resume. For some jobs, you
may need no formal application letters, but only a resume with
a cov-ering letter, which simply gives a brief introduction.
As a visit-ing scholar or international conference participant,
you need a re-sume as well. Anyway, a resume is a useful tool
for your appli-cation. An attractive, well-written resume can
enhance your chances of getting a job.

In your resume, you should include all background facts you
think the reader should have about you and present the facts
in the way that your reader will grasp them as quickly and
efficient-ly as possible.

Ⅰ background

Therefore, your resume should include the following sections:

精品教学课件设计 | Excellent teaching plan

includes your name, address, and or
phone number.

JobCareer Objective:

briefly states the type of position you
are applying for.

Special Qualifications:

emphasizes your main qualifica-tions;
make this part strong and achievement oriented.


includes degrees, dates, fields of study and
in-stitutions; include any scholarships, educational awards
and academic honors if you have excelled academically.

Work ExperienceHistory:

includes all your work experi-ence
that relates to your job objective, with job titles, dates of
employment, places, firms, duties and responsibilities.


states your member-ships,
leaderships, awards, or honors which show your additional
qualities, such as communication skills, creativ-ity,
initiative, leadership qualities, organizational ability, and
positive attitude.


includes accurate mailing addresses, with
ap-propriate job titles if you provide any.

Personal DataInformation:

includes your height, weight,
marital status, state of health, and such—but sometimes not

精品教学课件设计 | Excellent teaching plan
religion, race, sex, and age. Of course, the last section is

In designing your resume, you can use one of four basic for-mats:
the chronological resume, the targeted resume, the functional
resume, or combination chronologicalfunctional resume.

The chronological applicant’s experience and
education are arranged in a chronological order and listed in
a re-versed stage order, beginning with the most recent items.
It is the most common type of resume used. The chronological
resume can be used to show professional growth.

The targeted job target is listed on the top spot
in this kind of resume. The applicant should design it to show
his qualifications for one specific job.

The functional kind of resume lists applicant’s
main capabilities and competence, beginning with a
presentation of skills but also listing work history and
education. How much you emphasize your education depends on how
big a role your ed-ucation needs to play in the job for which
you are applying.

The combination chronologicalfunctional resume.

You can also
combine a functional resume with a chronological resume. Make







