信管大学英语课件Unit 5_Words and Expressions

2020年08月19日 04:07


Text A The Company Man
Words & Expressions
precisely: adv.
1. exactly; just
- Planes fly daily over regular routes with timetable precisely.
- Scientists do not yet know precisely how insects can produce their toxic defensive chemicals
without poisoning themselves.
- Since his own ideas were in flux, it is difficult to know precisely where he stood.
- 每辆卡车装载的用品恰好是每个部队所需要的。(Every lorry indeed is packed with precisely
the articles which each unit will require.)
2. quite so
- — So you think it was a mistake?
— Precisely.

acquaintance: n.
1. a relationship with someone you know, but who is not a close friend
- I have a nodding acquaintance with German.
- Our mere acquaintance ripened into friendship.
- 我与他素昧平生。 (I have never made his acquaintance.)
- She recalled the past, trying to bring back to her memory incidents of their old acquaintance.
2. person whom one knows (less intimately than a friend)
- She is an old acquaintance of my sister.
- He has a wide circle of acquaintances.
make sb.’s acquaintance 结识某人
drop an acquaintance 断绝往来
have a casual acquaintance 半生不熟
renew an acquaintance 重建友谊
CF: friend, mate, acquaintance & pal
friend 一般用词,指某人喜爱并乐意与之相交往的人。例如:
- I’ve known her for years, but she was never a friend. (我认识她多年了,但成不了朋友。)
mate 最普通用词,可与其他名词连用,构成如:classmate,desk mate,school mate等词。
- The blackbird sat on the nest waiting for the return of her mate. (黑鹂在巢中等候其雄鸟归
acquaintance 指彼此相识,但交往不甚密切,相互间没有深厚情感的人。例如:
- He is an old acquaintance of my father. (他是我父亲的老相识。)
pal 口语用词,指十分要好的朋友。例如:
- We’ve been pals since childhood. (我们自儿时就是好朋友。)

instantly: adv. at once; immediately
- Instantly the blood crept warmly over her body.

- His manly beauty and more than common gracefulness were instantly the theme of general
- 霎那间,迪克意识到他处境危险。(Instantly Dick awoke to the terrors of his position.)
- Sometimes he instantly approved a proposal whose prospect seemed exceedingly bleak.

workaholic: n. a person who likes to work too hard or is unable to stop working
- He was a lifelong workaholic, who painted dawn to dusk seven days a week.
- In America, it is generally believed that being a workaholic is unhealthy and harmful.
- A group of Japanese men hope to encourage workaholic husbands to head home early and
show their wives some appreciation.
词缀 –aholic,-holic,-oholic 在某些词后面表示“沉溺于,无法摆脱”的意思。如:shop-aholic,
golf- aholic,tobaccoholic 等。

1. adj. Of the highest quality; having a value or position recognized and unquestioned
- It is very interesting for a Chinese to read an English translated version of the Chinese classic
novel The Dream of Red Mansions.
- The 7-Eleven chain is the classic example of convenience store.
2. n.
1) writer, artist, book, etc. of the highest class
- Charles Dickens is a classic.
2) outstanding example of its kind
- My watchband is a classic made in 1960 by Robinsons.
- He’s hoping that tomorrow’s game will be a classic.

day off: day on which one does not have to work
- On my day off, I’ll fix the tipsy fence.
- It felt like a big sick joke when the company made us work on our day off.
- There were many Chinese workers on a day off, all looking cheerful and healthy.
- 下次休假时,我再来看你。 (I’ll come over to see you on my next day off.)

conceivably: adv. imaginably; believably
- According to some scientists, the disease could conceivably be transferred to humans.
- She brought me a raincoat because she thought it might conceivably be useful to me.
- 他的话想来不会是他的原意。(He couldn’t conceivably have meant what he said.)

retire: v. (cause to) stop working at one’s job, usu. because of age (followed by from)
- Workers in China can all get a pension after they retire.
- The school had to employ the retired teachers to give classes.
- He will retire from his job next year and take things easy.

1. n.

1) small round mark; dirty mark
- Which has spots, the leopard or the tiger?
- He tried to remove the spot on his sweater with soap and water.
2) particular place or area
- For many years, Spain was a favourite holiday spot.
- When the fight started, police and reporters were soon on the spot.
2. vt.
1) pick out recognize
- We spotted a superstar in the crowd.
- 走在街上,我看见了一个老朋友。(I spotted one of my old friends when I was walking on the
2) mark with spots
- She has two dogs, a yellow one and a spotted one.
- She was wearing a white dress spotted with red.

1. adj. having the power to make and carry out decisions, esp. in business
- He has been given full executive power.
- The US Constitution vests the executive power in the President.
- 美国总统是政府的行政首脑。(The President of the United States is the executive head of the
2. n. person with administrative or managerial powers
- She’s an executive in a computer company.
- The executive has been making decisions about the future of the company.

extracurricular: adj. outside the regular course of work or studies in school or college
- Sports and drama are the school’s most popular extracurricular activities.
- The school encourages students to have rich and colorful extracurricular life.
- Extracurricular activities are an indispensable part of school life.
extracurricular activities 课外活动
extracurricular athletics 课外体育活动
extracurricular life 课余生活
extracurricular pastime 业余消遣
extracurricular books 课外书

survive: v. continue to live or exist; live longer than; remain alive after
- Will the Lunar New Year survive modern living and competing influences?
- In order to survive and develop in the future, we must seize this rare opportunity.
- 这次地震中一家人都幸免于难, 真是九死一生。(It is a narrow escape that the whole family
survive the earthquake.)
CF: survive, continue, remain & last
survive 可作及物和不及物动词,含有“幸免于难”、“平安度过”之意。

continue 为中性词,且不带任何感情色彩,指从开始到结束之间的任何延伸过程。
remain 指人或物移去、分离或毁坏后仍留在原地。
last 即“持续”、“经受住”之意,特指某事物继续存在,或最为普通意义上的时间持续。
Fill in the blanks with the words above. Change the form where necessary.
1. Ten of them survived the shipwreck.
2. Little of the building remained after the explosion.
3. She is fond of perfume with the scent that lasts a long time.
4. He continued reading when I spoke to him.
5. It is believed that usually women survive men.

marketable: adj. suitable for the demand of the market; that can be sold easily
- This new type of camera is a highly marketable product.
- College students should study to make them marketable when they finally get their degrees or
- Looking at the current economic gloom, I even resent myself for pursuing paper qualification
blindly and ignoring a valuable and marketable skill.

compete: vi. try to win sth. by defeating others who are trying to do the same
- Athletes will compete against each other according to the knockout system.
- John competed for a place at school, but he didn’t get in.
- We must strive to fully equip ourselves to seize new opportunities and to compete successfully
in the global market as we enter this new era.
- 虽然只有四匹马竞争,但比赛很精彩。(Although there were only four horses competing, it
was an exciting race.)
compete against (with) 与…竞争
compete for
compete in

1. adj. dearly loved
- He never recovered from the death of his beloved daughter.
- This man was beloved by of all who knew him.
- Every lover sees a thousand graces in the beloved object. (情人眼里出西施。)
2. n. dearly loved person
- I received a dozen roses from my beloved on my birthday.
- He wrote a sonnet to his beloved.

firm: n. a business company
- No employees of the firm are allowed to anticipate their salary.
- They demanded the divorce of the subsidiary from the parent firm.
- 公司应按照同工同酬的原则进行分配。(The firm should distribute on the principle of equal
pay for equal work.)
- The director was careful not to lay the firm’s plans bare. (董事很注意不外露公司的计划。)

embarrass: vt. make (sb.) feel awkward or ashamed
- I’m so sorry to embarrass you in front of your friends.
- He was very embarrassed to hear people speak so highly of him.
- Eye contact may convey sincerity and attentiveness in Western cultures, but too much eye
contact may embarrass people in some oriental cultures.
- 这是一个尴尬的局面, 但是他们成功地应付过去了。 (It was an embarrassing situation, but
they carried it off well.)

odd: adj.
1. strange; unusual
- We always meet in odd circumstances.
- She gets odder as she grows older.
- Don’t you think it odd that the famous pop singer should have committed suicide?
2. separated from its pair or set
- There was nothing but an odd shoe under the old man’s bed.
3. (of numbers) unable to be divided by two
- 1, 3, 5 are odd numbers.
CF: strange, odd, peculiar & eccentric
strange 普通常用词,含义广泛,指陌生、新奇、奇怪或不自然的人或物。例如:
- The doctor thought her strange behaviour was caused by stress. (医生认为她那奇怪的举止是
odd 通常指不规律、偶尔出现的人或事物,往往令人困惑或奇怪。例如:
- He is rather an odd man. (他是个颇为古怪的人。)
peculiar 常含有令人不快的“奇怪” 、“奇异”之意;侧重令人奇怪的或独一无二的特性。
- This food has got a peculiar taste. (这食物味道怪异。)
eccentric 指偏离常规的怪异或怪癖。例如:
- If you go to the party in slippers, you will be considered rather eccentric. (如果你穿着拖鞋出席

1. v. take roughly, snatch eagerly
- Since the late 15th century, Western colonialists started to grab and conquer colonies in a big
- The boy grabbed at any excuse to avoid doing dishes.
- 他抓住了去美国的机会。 (He grabbed the chance to go to the US.)
grab a chance 抓住机会
grab a seat 强占座位
grab at sb. sth. 试图抓住…;抢夺…
2. n. a sudden attempt to seize sth.
- The boy made a grab at the frog, but it jumped away.

- 他一把抓住柜台上的钱。(He made a grab at the money on the counter.)

board: v.
1. get into (a ship or public vehicle)
- We decided spontaneously to board a train for Geneva.
- Before boarding the plane, Jenny tried once more to call home.
2. get or supply meals and lodging for payment
- I have to board the dog out while I’m away on business.
- She arranged to board some students from the universities.
- 膳宿费一天要多少?(How much is boarding and lodging a day?)
- My uncle is ready to cover my boarding and lodging as well as other living expenses.
N.B. 形近词比较:
aboard prep. adv. 在(车、船、飞机)上
abroad adv. 在国外
board n. 木板;vt. 登上(船、飞机等)
broad adj. 宽的,辽阔的;宽容的
Put into each gap one of the above words.
1. The job involves working abroad three months each year.
2. The minister has broad views and does not insist that everyone believe just as he does.
3. When everybody was on board, the ship sailed.
4. John has never been aboard a plane.

decease: vi. die
the deceased: n. the dead person
- The property should be inherited by the children of the deceased.
- The deceased willed his vast estate to his daughters.
- The goals and purposes for cloning range from making copies of those deceased to better
engineering the offspring in humans and animals.
CF: die, decease, perish & vanish
die 最普通用词,指某人或某物失去生命而永远不存在。例如:
- I might as well die as marry him. (与其嫁给他,我倒不如死了算了。)
decease 正式用词,多指法律上的用语,只适用于人。例如:
- The deceased left a large sum of money to his wife. (死者给他的妻子留下了一大笔钱。)
perish 书面用词,多指夭折或不幸暴亡。例如:
- Hundreds of sheep perished that year because of drought. (那年数以百计的羊因干旱而死亡。)
vanish 指某物绝迹、不存在或化为乌有。例如:
- Many kinds of animals have vanished from the earth. (许多种动物已经在地球上灭绝了。)

look sb. in the eye: look directly and without fear at someone who is near
- There is a saying in English, “Don’t trust anyone who won’t look you in the eye.”
- She knew he was lying because he couldn’t look her in the eye.
- 他是个有高度道德原则的人,无论对谁都可以问心无愧。 (He is a person of high moral
principles, who can look anyone straight in the eye.)

- They want to look you in the eye to demonstrate interest in the discussion and to show that
they are honest and sincere.

bitterness: n. feelings of anger, sorrow, disappointment, etc.
- This legendary man has endured almost all the bitterness of human life.
- When you harbor bitterness, happiness will dock elsewhere.
- 叫苦连天 (One’s cry for bitterness is heavenly high.)
- 苦中作乐 (seek happiness from bitterness)
- 忆苦思甜 (contrast past bitterness with present happiness)
- 悲喜交集 (Happiness is dashed with bitterness.)

straighten out: settle (sth.) by removing the confusions or difficulties in it; put right
- You should straighten out your confused thinking.
- His business affairs are in a terrible mess; they will take ages to straighten out.
- Through the reform, we intend to straighten out the relationship between the rule of law and
the rule of man.

finances: n. the amount of money owned by a person, government, or business
- She refused to answer questions about her personal finances.
- I’m afraid my finances won’t run to a holiday abroad this year.
- 当然,这事是否能成功取决于你的经济状况。(Whether it can be done or not depends, of
course, on your finances.)
national public state finances
high finance
an expert in finance
the Minister of Finance

option: n.
1. the right to buy or sell sth. in the future
- With cash, stock options and the promise of vast resources, Microsoft has attracted faculty
elites to its research center.
- 琼斯已取得那幢房子的买卖权。
- Jones has taken an option on that house.
2. sth. you can choose to do
- Analysts say that the launch of the euro offers a new and attractive option.
- She has the option of entering graduate school or starting her professional career.
- 机会总是留给有准备的人。 (There are various options open to someone who is well
CF: option, choice & alternative
alternative 指在相互排斥的两者之间进行选择,也可指在两者以上中进行选择。

Fill in the blanks with the words above. Change the form where necessary.
1. Now you know all the facts, you can make an informed choice.
2. There must be a(n) alternative to people sleeping on the streets.
3. They didn’t leave him many options — either he paid or they’d beat him up.
4. I’d prefer not to work but I don’t have much choice.
5. I’m afraid I have no alternative but to ask you to leave.

and all that: and similar things
- He looked very smart, very gentlemanly, and all that.
- Mary likes to eat fruit — strawberries and all that.
- 随着年龄的增长,我逐渐遇到各种不良行为的诱惑,如吸毒、酗酒,凡此种种。
(While growing up, I was surrounded with temptations to commit misdeeds like drugs, alcohol
and all that.)
- Our apartments are perfect in every detail — hot and cold water, private baths, special hall
service for every floor, elevators, and all that.

pick out:
1. choose
- She picked out a bottle of wine that she particularly liked.
- I’m going to pick out a few books for my friend in Shanghai.
2. distinguish from surrounding persons, objects, etc.
- At once I picked out my elder sister in the crowd.
- 他的房子有一扇黑色的大门,很容易从其余的房子中区别出来。(His house is easily picked
out from the rest for it has a large black door.)
- When walking in the company of other men, there must be one I can learn something from. I
shall pick out his merits to follow and his shortcomings for reference to overcome my own.
(三人行, 必有我师焉。择其善者而从之, 其不善者而改之。)
pick and steal
pick out
pick up
pick up with

discreetly: adv. carefully and sensibly; considerately; not too obviously
- His utterances were discreetly academic.
- A detective was sent discreetly to make inquiries about Miss Hutton’s financial situation.
- The industrial areas were discreetly apart, concealed from residential and recreational portions
of the town.

inquiry: n. request for help or information; investigation
- I am making some inquiries about the train schedule.
- I suggest that you make a careful inquiry into the damage once again.
- I advise you make thorough inquiry about the enterprise before you embark on it.

inquiry about
inquiry into
on inquiry

replacement: n. person or thing that replaces another
- A good deal of old equipment needed junking and replacement.
- Robot hands are a replacement for human hands, and wheels from a car are a replacement for
human feet.
- 凡本店售出的商品一律承诺包退包换包赔。 (Our shop sells goods with three guarantees:
refund, replacement or compensation.)
replacement worker 顶替工
replacement ticket 补票
replacement of defective items 劣品包换

Text B
II. Words & Expressions
pop up: appear or occur, esp. when not expected
- Mushrooms tend to pop up overnight.
- 在电视上、杂志上以及百老汇,到处都看见那个电影明星。 (The film star pops up
everywhere, on TV, in magazines, on Broadway.)

among others among other things: as well as other people or things
- He moved to England in 1980 where, among other things, he worked as a journalist.
- 宾客包括伊莉莎白·泰勒和迈克尔·杰克逊。 (The guests included, among others, Elizabeth
Taylor and Michael Jackson.)

distract: vt. stop (sb.) concentrating on sth. (used in the pattern: distract sb. sth. from sth.)
- Tony admits that playing video games sometimes distracts him from his homework.
- 爸爸开车时别让他分心。 (Don’t distract your father while he’s driving.)

relationship: n. links or contacts; state of being connected (followed by with)
- Relationships between people of different cultures are often extremely difficult.
- 科学家们已经确定吸烟和肺癌有一定的关系。 (Scientists have established a relationship
between lung cancer and smoking.)

delegate: v. entrust (duties, etc.) to sb. in a lower position or grade (used in the pattern:
delegate sth. to sb.)
- A good manager knows when to delegate.
- 如果你很忙,为什么不分点工作给助理做呢? (If you’re so busy, why don’t you delegate
some of your work to your assistant?)

input: n. what is put in; action of putting sth. in
- We value the input of everyone who answered the questionnaire.
- 我们听取雇员的意见,珍视他们的投入。(We listen to our employees and value their input.)

typically: adv. representing a particular type of person or thing
typical: adj. showing the main signs and qualities of a particular kind, group, or class (followed
by of)
- It was typical of him to get angry very easily.
- 这幅画正是他早期的代表作品。 (This painting is fairly typical of his early work.)

focus on: concentrate on
- He has focused on the solution of this issue for years but isn’t getting anywhere.
- Modern medicine has tended to focus too much on developing highly complicated surgical
- 事实上,我认为始终盯住酗酒(alcoholism)问题不放,是没有抓住问题的要害。
(Indeed, always to focus on alcoholism is, I think, to miss the point.)

link: v. connect (followed by to with)
- All the PCs in the office are linked to a main server.
- 吸烟和肺癌有一定的关系。 (Lung cancer has been linked to smoking cigarettes.)

concern: n. worry; anxiety; matter of interest or importance to sb. (used in the patterns:
concern for, concern about over with, concern that)
- They showed their concern for the children’s safety.
- I did voice my concern about the firm’s financial management, but was told to stay quiet.
- 人们越来越关注我们的城市污染问题。 (There is growing concern about pollution in our

extreme: adj. of the highest degree or intensity
- It is necessary to use extreme caution with chemicals.
- 在那个国家的广大农村仍然存在着极度贫困问题。 (Extreme poverty still exists in many rural
areas in that country.)

in short: in a few words; briefly
- He’s disorganized, inefficient, never there when you want him — in short, the man’s hopeless.
- 我们既没有资金也没有技术工人;总而言之,我认为我们干不了。 (We have neither money
nor skilled workers. In short, I don’t think we can do it.)

solution: n. answer to a problem, question, etc. (followed by to)
- The solution to this week’s puzzle will be published in next week’s magazine.
- 对于人口过剩没有简单的解决方法。 (There are no simple solutions to the problem of

survey: n. investigation (followed by of on)

- We conducted carried out a survey of white-collar workers in the city’s joint ventures.
- The survey on consumer confidence was conducted in late December. (调查显示人民生活条件
- The survey showed revealed that people’s living conditions are much better than before.

relax: v. become less anxious, worried or formal in manner; (make sth.) become less tight, stiff,
- Her features suddenly relaxed.
- 按摩(massage)可以使疲劳的肌肉放松。 (A massage will relax your tired muscles.)

detail: n. small, particular fact or item
- To apply for a loan, first fill in the section marked “Personal Details”.
- 托德把旅行中的每个微小细节都考虑到了。 (Todd had planned the journey down to the
smallest detail.)
in detail
- This issue will be discussed in detail in Chapter 5.

1. n. program of work to be done or of planned events
- The majority of holiday flights depart and arrive on schedule.
- I’m going to be working to a very tight schedule.
- 飞机提前两分钟抵达伦敦。 (The jet arrived in London two minutes ahead of schedule.)
2. vt. include sth. in a schedule
- Her first album is scheduled for release in September.
- 会议已安排在周五举行。(The meeting has been scheduled for Friday.)

overall: adj. including everything; total
- We don’t want all the details now, just the overall picture.
- 减少运动总量,专心于学习。 (Cut down your overall amount of physical activity and focus on
your studies.)

reliable: adj. deserving trust; dependable
- Jordan is very reliable — if he says he’ll do something, he’ll do it.
- 适当饮食和常规运动是减肥的可靠方法。(Eating sensibly and taking regular exercise is a fairly
reliable way of losing weight.)

on one’s own: alone; without help
- I can manage on my own, thanks.
- 那个老妇人独自生活。 (The old lady lives on her own.)

staff: n. people working together in a business, etc.
- Our library staff will be happy to help if you are unable to find the book you want.
- 学校里的工作人员和学生保持着良好关系。(There is a good relationship between staff and
pupils at the school.)

let go: release (one’s hold of) sb. sth.
- Let go! You’re hurting me.
- 紧握住,别松手! (Hold on tight and don’t let go!)







