
2020年08月19日 04:12


《新编剑桥商务英语》(中级)课件 01 讲解文本
今天要给大家讲解有关teamwork--团队合作的课文。课文主要内容是卡森公司如何在波兰的子公司开拓团队合作。我们在阅读文章时要思考卡森公司采取了什么方法,What did
Cussons do?并取得了那些收益。What benefits did this bring?


No longer Poles apart


题目是一个双关语(pun)。Pole 的意思是极地,Poles apart是惯用语,基本意思是“完
全相反”、“大相径庭”;同时,Poles 又是波兰人的意思 。题目利用双关,指卡森公司与其
新并购的波兰分公司原先在团队合作,公司管理等方面大相径庭,但通 过培训等一系列措施,
双方弥补了这方面的差异。题目的字面意思是“不再有两极之遥”,按照意译的方 法,我们


接下来是第一段的内容,When Peter Welch, president of Cussons Polska and Uroda SA,
arrived at Cusson’s newly acquired factory in Poland in 1993, he discovered that
the concept of teamwork didn’t exist. 1993年,当卡森波兰公司和乌诺达股份有限公
司总裁彼得·维奇刚到 在波兰新并购的工厂时,他发现那儿根本不存在团队合作的概念。

Uroda SA: 乌诺达股份有限公司。SA是法语,有时也写成 S A或S.A.。意思是“股份有
限公司” 。 acquire收购:to become the owner of; to buy; to get the possession of

‘The guy who ran it before had a queue of people outside his office waiting for
decisions on everything from taking a day’s holiday to major investments. All
decisions were made by one man.’ 以前管理这家工厂的人办公室门外总有一队人在等着

Cussons entered Poland by taking over a manufacturer of cleaning products in Wroclaw.
Two years later they bought Warsaw-based Uroda toiletries. 卡森公司是通过并购弗
罗茨瓦夫的一家洗洁用品厂进驻波兰的。两年后,他们 并购了位于华沙的乌诺达化妆品公司。

take over 收购,接管,接受,to accept responsibility for,接受某种责任。比如,
He took over my debts. 他接收了我的债务。take over也有控制的意思,to gain control
of.:to take over a company接管一家公司,控制了一家公司。

toiletry多用复数形式,加复数 变成toiletries,意思是化妆品,比如牙膏(toothpaste),
梳子(comb), 香水(perfume ),在文章中指生产这类产品的工厂。

Turnover increased at Wroclaw from £11m to £ 50m and the smaller Uroda quickly grew
into a £ 22 m business. Both businesses are now major brands in Poland and export
to other eastern European markets. 弗罗茨瓦夫的营业额从1100万英镑增加到5000万
英镑; 而规模小一些的乌诺达公司则迅速成长为一个营业额达到2200万英镑的企业。目前,
这两家公司的产 品都是波兰的主导品牌,并且出口到其它东欧市场。

a £ 22 m business 一个营业额为 2200万英镑的企业。business 做可数名词时,表
示“工商企业,商行,公司”,和 firm, company的意思一样。例如:The majority of small
businesses go broke within the first twenty- four months. 在最初两年里,大部分小

这一段讲了 卡森公司在波兰收购了两家公司,并取得了很大成就,但公司的运作是不是一直
都很顺利呢,我们继续课 文的内容。


But in spite of these successes, it is still hard to develop new approaches. 尽


The company culture here is the result of fifty years of regulation and control.
it’s not easy to get people to take on responsibility and be accountable when things
go wrong. The sales department used to be a guy next to the phone waiting for it
to ring. 这里的公司文化是50年集权控制的结果,要让人们承担责任或在出现问题时负起
责任很不 容易。以前的销售部就是一个人坐在电话机旁等候电话铃响。

这段话中有两个短语要引起我们的注意,take on responsibility 承担责任 和 be
accountable (to someone for something) 就某事情对某人负有责任。Take on 还可以和
work搭配。例如:The doctor says that Jim should take on much less heavy work.医
生说吉姆应该少承担一些繁重的工作。另外be accountable (to someone for something)
这个短语,也可以说成 be held accountable for,比如:They should be held accountable
for their acts.他们应该对自己的行动负责。但我们也应当对自己的行动负责 we should be
held accountable for our acts.


维奇讲在波兰的公司文化中没有人愿意承担责任,这就是卡森公 司遇到的困难,那这些困难

To help solve these problems, Cussons brought in three expatriate managers to work
closely with the local sales staff in project teams. 为了解决这些问题,卡森公司< br>专门聘请了三位旅居海外的经理,同波兰本地的销售人员结成团队一起工作。

Bring in 有“接纳,使某人任职”的意思。比如: He was brought in last year as the
direct manager.他去年正式出任总经理。Expatriate 是指那些已经移居海外,定居海外或
已经放弃原国籍的人。如:French expatriate in New York 移居纽约的法国人。

除了聘请海外经理,卡森公司还从著名的科 佛戴尔公司聘请了资深管理顾问凯恩·埃德蒙来
指导团队的管理技能,改进团队的内部交流。They also brought in senior Coverdale
management consultant keith Edmonds to work on the team’s managerial skills and
improve communication within the team.

Work on sth 致力于某件事情 work on managerial skills 致力于管理技能,我们来看
看Google的招聘广告就用到了work on 这个词, We're looking for exceptional people
who love to work on innovative products and believe passionately in our mission:
to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful.
我们在寻求那些杰出的人,那些致力于创新产品,而且 强烈认同我们使命的人:组织全世界


Edmonds held two one-week programmes, working on team-building and developing
creative thinking. 埃德蒙主持了两个为期一周的活动,专门解决如何搞好团队建设以及


这些活动有没有解决问题呢,埃德蒙说:The imaginative ideas participants came up with
were extraordinary electric.’ 参与者们富有想象力的点子非同寻常,令人兴奋。

Come up with ideas想出主意。比如这个例句,He came up with a really elegant solution
to our problem. 他给我们的问题想出了一个很棒的解决方案。electric令人激动的,和
exciting, thrilling 是同义词。比如 an electric performance. 刺激的表演。

He describes the programmes as helping people recognize that there is a rang of
effective management styles.

他说:We wanted to throw new light on old problems. The participants responded very
positively. In one task they were given £ 500 and told to make as much profit with
it as possible.我们想用新眼光来看待老问题,参赛者反应十分积极。有一 项任务是给他

埃德蒙的话中有一个重要的短语我们要注意,throw new light on… ,提供线索,情况。
The new facts throw some light on the matter. 新的事实给弄清楚这事情提供了线索。

They came up with amazing ideas. They put on discos. They went to the Czech border,
bought products and then sold them at a profit. 他们表演了迪斯科。然后他们来到捷
克边界,买了一些产品又把它们买掉,从中赚了钱。put on discos: 表演迪斯科。Put on 表
演。 类似的搭配有:put on a concert 举行音乐会。


从埃德 蒙的话中,我们可以看到,埃德蒙认为培训是很有效果。那作为公司的总裁,维奇又

Welch believes the programmes were excellent at ‘getting people excited about their
jobs’. 维奇认为这些训练项目对“调动人们的工作积极性”很有效果。

但维奇并没有盲目乐观,他也警告说: We need to ensure that what happens on the
programmes happen back in the workplace’. 我们要保证训练中达到的效果在工作中也

The results, however, are already very positive. 然而,结果已经是非常肯定的了. 维
奇又接着说:The two programmes cost us about £ 40,000 in total, including food and
accommodation, but the returns we are getting from them are huge. We saved about
£ 200,000 from the first programme and we are expecting savings of around £ 700,000
from the second one.’ 这两个培训项目总共花去了4万 英镑,包括食宿在内,但我们从
中得到的回报是巨大的。第一个项目就给我们省了20万英镑,而第二个 项目我们期望能省

在这段话中,returns 是“盈利”,“收益”的意思,商务英语中,return多数情况下用复
数。比如:business returns 营业收入;small profits and quick returns 薄利多销;
companies seek higher returns by investing in other corporations 一些公司通过向
其它股份公司投资谋求更高的利润。注意:returns 在商务英语中还可以理解为“退货”的
意思,此时只能用复数的形式:He began working on his salesman samples, sorting out
broken packages and returns. 他开始整理那些推销货样,把包装破损的和退回来的捡出



The programmes also form the basis of monthly reviews, in which progress is measured
against targets set in the programmes. 在这两项目的基础上还形成个每月一次的评估,

be measured against 的意思是做比较,衡量。


You can see the results improving each month. I’m very pleased with the way it has
worked out,你可以看到结果每个月都在进步,我对这项工作的进展感到十分满意。

最后,我们回过头来看节目开始时的两个问题: How did Cussons develop teamwork
in its new Polish subsidiaries and what benefits did it bring?卡森公司怎样在它的

经过上边的学习,我们知道:Cussons brought in three expatriate managers to work
with the local sales staff in project teams. 卡森公司聘请了三位旅居海外的经理,
同波兰本地的销售人员结成团队一起工作It also brought in a consultant, who
organized two one-week courses, working on team-building and developing
creative thinking. 不仅如此,卡森公司还聘请一位管理顾问,主持了两个为期一 周的活

Cussons has seen financial benefits, reporting savings of £ 20,000
from the first course and expected savings of £ 70,000 from the second one.
The courses have also allowed the participants to measure progress against
targets set on the course and have made people excited about their jo bs.因为这些
措施,卡森公司在财务上有了明显的收益,第一个培训课程给他们节省了20万英镑,第 二
规 定的目标来衡量实际的进展。







