21世纪大学实用英语课件 Unit 3~5
21世纪大学实用英语课件 Unit 3~4
Unit 3 Unit 3
Unit 3 Compliments
Kind words can be
short and easy to speak, but their echoes
(回声, 共鸣) are truly endless. There is also a
poem that
says a compliment (赞美) is like a
ray of sunlight on a cloudy
and dreary (阴沉的)
day. A real compliment is like a ray of
sunshine. By complimenting others
appropriately (适当地) ,
no one wants to hear
empty flattery (奉承话) . We should know
on, such as their appearance, their characters,
their capability and their achievements.
OneIntensive Listening Task
1Listening Focus 新实用英
语视听说教程 学生用书上册 Listen
to the following words.
Read them at least
twice. Pay special attention to the
difference between them. 1. v wvet, wet;
vest, west;
vine, wine;very, well 2. s
sink, think; sort,
thought; miss, myth;
bathe; breeze, breathe; closing, clothing;
theirs, these
1 24
sign, shine Task 2Listening Practice
answer to each of the questions you hear.
Each dialogue and
question will be read twice.
Dialogue 1 A) In a cinema. B)
Dialogue 2 A) Lucky. B) Expensive. C)
Nice. D)
Cheap. Dialogue 3 A) Its
color. B) Its price. C)
Its beauty. D)
Its material. Dialogue 4 A) He has no idea
likes it
restaurant. D) On Wall Street.
B. Conversations Listen
to the following
conversations twice or more, and then for
each question below, choose the best answer
from the four
1. Conversation 1 1. What is
to be considered when people
decide to buy a
new house? A) Size. B) Location. C)
Children. D) All of the above. 2. Who will
come and live
with the man and his wife? A)
Their friends. B) The man
Conversation 2.
Conversation 2 3. Why is Liu Jun so excited?
first prize in a competition. C) Because he
can take part
in a competition. D) Because
he passed the English
examination. 4. Which
prize did Liu Jun win? A) The
second prize.
B) The first prize. C) The third prize.
D) The excellent prize. 5. What
competition did Liu Jun
take part in? A) A
national translation competition. B)
national English competition. C) A national
competition. D) A national math
competition. C. Passage
Listen to the
following passage twice, and then choose the
words you hear to fill in the
difference between Western and Chinese
cultures in receiving
a compliment. In China,
when people pay compliments, it is
common to
1 them. For example, if somebody says, You
English very well. the response may be
No, no, my English
is very poor. And
people say this, even if they feel that
English is good. To 2 a compliment might seem too
arrogant (傲慢的) in Chinese culture. However,
in English
people can reply in a 3 of ways.
In the majority of
circumstances, it is
perfectly 4 to accept a compliment,
unless the compliment is
very obviously untrue. So people
respond by simply saying Thank you . Another more
5 and useful way is to say, Far from it. I
think this is
better than refusing the
compliment altogether and more modest
than just saying Thank you . 1. A) refuseB)
refreshC) refuelD) refuge 2. A) accident
B) accept C)
access D) acclaim 3. A)
various B) vary C)
variety D) varies 4.
A) normally B) Norman C) formal
normal 5. A) modern B) mountain C) modesty
modest Task 3Listen Relax Listen to
the English song The
Day You Went Away by
following the lyrics below. Sing it along.
The Day You Went Away Well I wonder could it
be When I was
dreaming about you baby You
were dreaming of me Call me crazy
Call me
blind To still be suffering is stupid after all
of this
time Did I lose my love to someone
better And does she love
you like I do I do,
you know I really really do Well hey
much I need to say Been lonely since the day The
day you
crying since the day The day you went
away I remember date
nine In the doorway
with your case No longer shouting at each
other There were tears on our faces And we
were letting go
know, I guess I really really know
Well hey So much I need
to say Been lonely
since the day The day you went away So
The day you went away Did I lose my love to
better And does she love you like I
do I do, you know I
really really do Well
hey So much I need to say Been
lonely since
the day The day you went away So sad but true
the day The day you went away Section
TwoViewing Task
4Listen Read Listen to the
following words and expressions.
Read them
three times before you watch the movie clip.
Words and Expressions stinking ` s t k
发恶臭的, 令人讨厌的 toy with 玩弄, 戏耍 hop up
兴奋 crap k r
p n. 废物, 垃圾 pliers
` p l
k z n. 钳子; 老虎钳 freaking ` f r
〈美口〉 (用于加强语气) 该死的 fairyland ` f e r
l n d n.
仙境乐园 chop up(=cut up) 切碎 celery
5 24
` s e l
rotten ` r
u n
r 芹菜 dill d l n. 莳萝
t n a. 腐烂的,
堕落的 tuna ` t
金枪鱼 decency ` d i s n s
n. 面子, 礼仪 rum r
s p
朗姆酒, 甘蔗酒 spoil
l v. 宠坏 Task 5Watch Think Watch the
clip and decide whether each of the
following statements is true
(T) or false (F)
. 1. Frank was excited and happy when he
fixing the pump. () 2. Ray was an innocent man.
() 3.
Ray was trying to give his father a
hint when he asked his father
about the last
time he said I love you . () 4. Marie
fairyland means a place full of love in the movie
clip. ()
I Love You Frank: Oh god,
stupid, stinking pump Don
Damn piece of
crap. Ray: Please, Dad, take it easy a
sure you do, but relax. Frank: Give me the
damn pliers.
Thanks. Ray: Listen, Dad, I
gotta ask you something.
. Hot is now
cold. Ray: What else? Is
what you do. You hold onto
this one tight and then you push
Ray: At
least. Frank: The water comes out very hot at
Oh, Dad, shut it, just shut it. Frank:
Yeah, give me a
!! Ray: Thanks.
Listen, Dad, I was wondering something.
When was the last
time that you said I love
you to anybody? Frank: I love you?
Yeah. Frank: What, do you live in a freaking
fairyland or something? Ray: Dad, I just
wanna know. Frank:
saying that. Ray:
Yes, they do, Dad. Frank: Name one.
nice. Why are you asking me these
things? Ray: I just wanna
father. Frank
7 24
our business.
Marie: What? Hello! Raymond, sweetie.
business. Marie: You said our business.
What are you two
talking about? Ray:
Marie: You got him lying for you now?
Frank: Go away.
Marie: I chop up celery
and dill for your rotten tuna sandwich
all. I
was just asking how come nobody ever says I love
dear. There happens to be a
very good explanation for it,
oh, boy.
Marie: When we first were married, I said it
the time. Frank: Name one time. Marie:
All the time.
Frank: When did you say it?
Marie: I said it all the time! !
I happen to
be a very loving, caring woman. You know that,
Raymond. But, I mean, after years and years
of giving and
sharing and getting nothing in
return, one tends to Frank:
You said it
one time in Albany. Marie: Shut up. Frank:
One time. Marie:
Shut up!! Frank: The night
you had the rum candy.
Marie: Shut up,
Frank. You see what I have to ? Ray: No,
Why is it so important to you all of a sudden?
My parents never
mother and father to say it
to you? Marie: Of course. Frank:
us. Ray: And this is the way we want to be? Is
the way we want the kids to be? I mean
what would be so wrong
with saying I love you
round here once in a while? Marie:
Notes 1.
《大家都爱雷蒙》 是 CBS 的常青王牌喜剧。
雷蒙(Raymond, 昵称为 Ray) 是一
有一个漂亮的妻子(Debra. 和可爱的孩子。
父母(Frank Marie)
和他住对门, 经常开门就进他家厨房, 老
当警察的哥哥老大不小, 一直和
父母住在一起, 有点儿缺心眼。
哥哥一直很嫉妒雷蒙, 认为好事都让雷蒙碰上了 , 他有句口
9 24
. 我快干完了。
怎么样? 最近过得怎么样? 有什么新
消息? 你好吗?
怎么了? 发生什么事啦? 6. how come: 怎
么会? 为什么? 7.
Albany: 奥尔巴尼(纽约州首府)
Task 6Watch Answer
Watch the movie clip again and answer the
following questions. 1. What did Ray do to
help his father
relax? 2. Why did Ray ask
his father about the last time he
said I love
you? 3. What were Frank and Ray doing when Marie
entered? 4. What excuses did Marie use to
explain why they
seldom say I love you now?
5. Frank thought saying I love
you to
children would spoil them. Do you agree? Why or
not? Section ThreeSpeaking Task
7Listen Act Listen to
the following
conversation twice and try to act it out with your
partners. A:
Hi, Frank. You look
so smart today. B: Thanks. C: Yeah,
different person, Frank. Something special?
C: Just tell
A: Who is that girl? B: The girl in the
accounting department
of ABC Company. Jane is
her name. C: Oh, that girl? I know
you to
say so. A: When is the wedding? B: Next
Saturday. C:
Are we among the people to
invite? B: Sure. I was about to
happy for
you. B:
Thank you very much. Task
8Look Describe Study the
picture below, and
then discuss it with your partner.
the picture to the class with the suggested words.
Suggested Words and Expressions Mount Tai
泰山 locate 位
于 Taian, Shandong 山东泰安 1,
545 meters high 高 1
545 米 No. 1 Mountain
第一高山 worship 崇拜, 膜拜
magnificent 宏伟的 pine
trees 松树 cloud 云 mysterious
神秘的 sunrise 日出
Task 9Map Your Mind Work with your
partner to
think out as many words or expressions as possible
about computer and write them down in the
following map. Then
make up a short dialogue
based on the information you get from
the mind
map. Task 10Read Recite Read the following
passage to your partner, and then present it
as a short speech
11 24
in public. Pay attention to your
pronunciation and intonation.
Words and
Expressions warily ` we
谨慎地, 小心翼翼地
there was a child ready to be born. So one
day he asked God,
They tell me you are
sending me to earth tomorrow, but how am
going to live there being so small and helpless?
God replied,
Among the many angels, I chose
one for you. She will be
waiting for you and
will take care of you. But the child wasn
eally wanted to go. But tell me, here in
r l
for me to be happy. Your
angel will sing for you and will also
and be
happy. And how am I going to be able to
know the language that men talk?
God patted him on the head
and said, Your
angel will tell you the most beautiful and sweet
words you will ever hear, and with much
patience and care,
your angel will teach you
how to speak. And what am I going
to do
when I want to talk to you? But God had an
answer for
that question, too. Your angel
will place your hands
together and will teach
you how to
on earth there are bad men. Who
will protect me? Your angel
will defend you even if it
means risking her life! But I will
be sad because I will not see you anymore, the
continued warily. God smiled on the
young one. Your angel
will always talk to you
about me and will teach you the way for
you to
come back to me, even though I will always be
next to
you. At that moment there was much
peace in Heaven, but
voices from earth could
already be heard. The child knew he
had to
start on his journey very soon. He asked God one
question, softly, Oh! God, if I am
about to leave now,
remember. You will
simply call her Mommy. Useful
looks very
13 24
You look very
Apology, which some
people fear as a sign of weakness, is
actually an expression of strength and
courage. A sincere
apology makes it much
easier to forgive a person who has wronged
you, and to let off your hurt, anger,
desire for
retribution (报复) and desire to
keep your distance from the
other person.
People who are able to apologize tend to have
healthier marriages or relationships, carry
less anger and
hostility (敌意) around, and
generally feel better about
Make your apology genuinely and sincerely,
and keep
your promises. Think of an apology as a bridge
expect himher to forgive you or to apologize
back. Apologies
must come with no strings
(附带条件) attached, or they will
only lead to
more bad feelings. Section OneIntensive
Listening Task 1Listening Focus 新实用英语视听说教程
用书上册 Listen to the following sentences.
Pay special
attention to the pronunciation of
the underlined words. 1. I
object to that
object being here. 2. The policeman recorded
this accident and this is an official record
of it. 3.
Would you please present me with
that present? 4. Henry likes
especially political economy. 5. He is an
the questions you hear. Each dialogue and
question will be
read twice. Dialogue 1 A)
Because he has broken the coffee
cup. B)
Because he has forgotten to drink the coffee. C)
Because he has drunk the coffee. D) Because
he spilled
coffee on the tablecloth. Dialogue
2 A) Misplacing the
15 24
B) Getting a scarf for the woman.
Forgetting his scarf. D) Misplacing his
scarf. Dialogue 3
find his book. C)
Because the woman asked him for the book.
Because he dreamed of buying the book. Dialogue 4
A) He
Forget her. C) Get her out. D) Wish
her good luck. B.
Conversations Listen to
the following conversations twice or
and then for each question below, choose the best
based on Conversation 1. Conversation 1 1.
What prevented
John from arriving on time? A)
The broken bus. B) The
His carelessness.
2. What should Mr. Hardy have
reminded John
of? A) The difficulty in finding the place.
B) How to avoid the traffic jam. C) The
need to come early.
relationship between the
two speakers? A) Teacher and
student. B)
Classmates. C) Colleagues. D)
Librarian and student. 4. What are they
talking about? A)
been working on her
essay? A) Two weeks. B) Three weeks.
C) Four weeks. D) One week. C. Passage
Listen to the
following passage twice, and
then choose the words you hear
to fill in the
blanks. A meaningful apology depends on the
补救措施) , says Beverly
Engel, 2 of The
Power of Apology. Regret conveys empathy
感) for the other person, acknowledging the
3, hurt or
inconvenience you caused.
Accepting responsibility makes
the apology 4.
Avoid making excuses or blaming the other
person. Remedy means that you make a 5 of
willingness to
remedy the situation. 1. A)
responsibleB) respondC)
responsibility 2. A) aunt B) anchor C)
author D) order 3. A) damage B) garbage
cabbage D) luggage 4. A) active B)
effective C)
positive D) talkative 5.
A) statement B) argument
C) assignment D)
attachment Task 3Listen Relax Listen
the following English poem and read it aloud.
The Furthest
Distance in the World The
furthest distance in the world Is
not between life and death
But when I stand in front of you
in the world
Is not when I stand in front of you Yet you can
from both
Yet cannot be together The
furthest distance in the world
Is not being
apart while being in love But when plainly cannot
resist the yearning Yet pretending you have
never been in my
heart The furthest
distance in the world Is not when
cannot resist the yearning Yet pretending you
dig an uncrossable river for the one who
loves you Section
TwoViewing Task
4Listen Read Listen to the following words
and expressions. Read them three times before
you watch the
movie clip. Words and
Expressions sting s t
刺, 刺痛
persuasion p
lunatic ` l j u
rave r e
p k
` s a l
` s we
n t
n n. 说服
k n. 疯子 a. 疯癫的
v v.
胡言乱语 despicable ` d e s
t s b l a. 可鄙的;
卑鄙的 nuts n
int. 呸! 混蛋! 胡说! chore t 家务杂事;
Task 5Watch Think Watch the movie clip
and decide whether each
of the following
statements is true (T) or false (F) . 1.
entered the West Wing without the permission of
the Beast.
() 2. The Beast used to lose
his temper. () 3. D
surprise that the
Beast showed Belle was piles and piles of gold.
() 5. The Beast and Belle fell in love with
each other
because of the large collection of
books. () Beauty and Beast
you should
learn to control your temper! Now, hold still.
This may sting a little. By the way, thank
you, for saving
usually leave the asylum in
the middle of the night, but they
marrying Belle, but she needs a little
persuasion. Lefou:
a lunatic. He was in
here tonight raving about a Beast in a
19 24
castle D
Belle would do anything to keep him from being
locked up.
throw her father into the asylum
unless she agrees to marry you?
Oh, that is
despicable. I love it! Maurice: If no one
Belle? Maurice? Lefou: Oh, well,
gonna work after all. Gaston: They have
to come back
Lefou: But, but aww, nuts!
felt this way about anyone. I want
to do something for her.
Lumiere: Ahh, no,
no. It has to be something very special.
Something that sparks her interest wait a
minute. Beast:
Can I open them? Beast:
No, no. Not yet. Wait here.
Now can I open them? Beast: All right. Now.
in all my life! Beast: You you like it?
Oh, thank you so much. Mrs.
Potts: Oh, would you look at
Lumiere:Ha ha! I knew it would work. Chip:What?
to be done in the kitchen. Chip:But
what are they talking
被施咒变成野兽, 连仆人都变成各样家具。
漂亮善良的姑娘贝儿(Belle)为救父亲(Maurice) 被逼与野兽同
某次, 野兽拼命从狼群中救回贝儿, 二人冰释前嫌,
城中大坏蛋突然前来袭击野兽, 使他性命危在旦夕,
伺机逃跑, 反而与他相拥到最后一刻
my while: 你会让我这趟来得值
marrying Belle. 我已决定要娶贝儿为妻了。
21 24
4. turn sb. down
断然拒绝某人 Task 6Watch Answer Watch
the movie clip
again and answer the following
questions. 1. Why do you think
Belle ran
away from the Beast? 2. What did Gaston give to
about the present to Belle? 5. Why do you
suppose the Beast
had owned such a big
library? Section ThreeSpeaking Task
7Listen Act Listen to the following
conversation twice and try
to act it out with
your partner. Kate:
car broke down on the way here. Bob:
Got off working late again? Kate:
office is closed at six, but today there was a
My boss asked me to type some urgent
papers. Bob:
of the car
rribly sorry for being late,
Bob. Bob:
beautiful evening. But remember we
must be the boss one day.
Study the cartoon below, and then
discuss it with your partner.
Explain the
picture to the class with the suggested words.
Suggested Words and Expressions store 商店
attendant 售货
员 customer 顾客 ad price
广告价格 go up 上涨
complain 抱怨 Task 9Map
Your Mind Work with your partner
to think out
as many words or expressions as possible about the
power of apology and write them down in the
following map. Then
make up a short dialogue
based on the information you get from
the mind
map. Task 10Read Recite Read the following
passage to your partner, and then present it
as a short speech
in public. Pay attention to
your pronunciation and intonation.
wait to be
23 24
others, to apologize neither
separation to make it up.
Friendship is like wine. It gets better as it
terribly awfully extremely ever sovery sorry,
(but) I