商务英语 BEC初级听力(超详细课件)

2020年08月19日 04:34


精品教学课件设计 | Excellent teaching plan


40 分钟 (30+10)
两种题型:选择、填空 (14,23)



1部分:8段很短的谈话或独白 (15-30秒)
2部分:一段简短谈话或独白 (90秒)
3部分:一段独白 (2分钟以内)
4部分:一篇较长的正文 (3分钟)


选择题 8个
1 理解口语
2 获取事实性信息:名字、时间、地点、图表趋势、地图上房间中某处位置等

2 部分

填空题 7个

精品教学课件设计 | Excellent teaching plan
3 部分

填空题 7个

4 部分

选择题 8个
内容:1. 一个人的独白;2. 两个人对话、访谈、谈话;3. 三个人讨论、会话
测试重点:1. 理解主旨的能力
2. 获取具体、详细信息的能力
3. 了解说话人意见的能力

Test 1
Part 1

1 Why does the woman want the job?
A to reduce travel time
B to learn about the computers
C to earn more money

2 When is the trade fair?

3 What is the purpose of today's meeting?
A to discuss a merger plan
B to obtain some advice
C to sign a contract

4 Which chart shows this year's sales?

精品教学课件设计 | Excellent teaching plan

5 How much will Emma's hotel bill be?

6 What will the finance company give advice about?
A buying shares
B setting up a small business
C paying less tax
7 Which graph are they looking at?

8 What's the problem with the seminar?
A the speaker's availability
B the size of the room
C the low number of bookings

Listening Test 1
This is the Business English Certificate Preliminary 2,Listening Test 1.
Part One. Questions 1 to 8.
For questions 1-8 you will hear eight short recordings. For each question, mark one letter (A,B or
C) for the correct answer.
Here is an example: When were the machine parts sent?

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Woman: Mr Hooper rang. He needs those parts for the packing machine by the third.
Man: Well, it’s already the first today… but wait … no, it’s OK. They were sent out on the
thirty- first.
Woman: Good. He’ll certainly get them by the third, then.
The answer is A.
Now we are ready to start.
After you have listened once, replay each recording.
One: Why does the woman want the job?
Woman: I’m applying for that job in the Marketing Department, I’m tired of going all the way to
Head Office every day! The Marketing office is just down the road from my house.
Man: Mmm, you’d save money on train fares … But it’s only the same salary!
Woman: I know, but I want to use my computer skills as well.
Two: When is the trade fair?
Next year’s trade fair in Milan, usually the first week of June, is now on June the twenty-sixth and
twenty-seventh. Its organizers are not happy –they were hoping that the fair would be on the
twelfth and thirteenth. However, the situation in …
Three: What is the purpose of today’s meeting?
Woman: When are you seeing Munro International about signing the distribution contract?
Man: Well, I’m meeting two of their directors today for lunch so I’ll make a date to do that then.
Woman: Fine. Are you going to talk about the merger over lunch?
Man: That’s the aim. When I asked our MD for his advice on the next step, he suggest this lunch
Four: Which chart shows this year’s sales?
Man: Looking at our main markets, Asia now represents fifty per cent of all sales. Europe and the
USA are the other two main players, with sales in the USA are the thirty-eight per cent, unlike last
year when Europe had the bigger share.
Five: How much will Emma’s hotel bill be?
Woman(1): Hello, it’s Emma MacDonald here from AB Electronics. I’d like to book a single room
for the twenty-fifth please.
Woman(2): Certainly. Single rooms are seventy-two pounds fifty per night, including breakfast.
Woman(1): Oh… I see but my company uses the hotel regularly. We normally get a discount.
Woman(2): Oh sorry. That’ll be sixty pounds per night then, sixty-five pounds fifty with breakfast.
Woman(1): Oh, I won’t want breakfast.

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Six: What will the finance company give advice about?
…Call Walker’s Finance Company now. We are specialists in advising successful small businesses
on aspects of business finance. So, if you want to attract investment or reduce your company’s tax
bill, call us on 0207 765 5540…
Seven: Which graph are they looking at?

Man : Look at this graph. There ‘s a real problem with production at this plant. Over the last two
years we’ve increased our investment in it considerably- here, see?
Woman: Mm, that’s true.
Man: And yet production continues at the same level …
Woman: You’re right. There’s been no fall in production, but there should be a rise – and there
Eight: What’s the problem with the seminar?
Woman: Dan.
Man: Yes.
Woman: Um, slight problem with the time management seminar next week.
Man: Don’t tell me – Andy Norton can’t give the introductory talk … and I’ve got to do it.
Woman: It’s not that. There’s such a huge demand this time. I’ve had over sixty bookings and the
venue is only big enough for forty. It’s funny, last time we had so few bookings.
That is the end of Part One.

1. 只能听懂一些词,但是没法连成句子
推荐教材:英语初级听力 (listen to this 1)
2. 能听出一句来,但是听不出第二句
3. 大致能听懂,但细节问题还是云里雾里的

精品教学课件设计 | Excellent teaching plan
书面材料:listen to this

Test 1
Part 1

1 Why does the woman want the job?
A to reduce travel time
B to learn about the computers
C to earn more money

2 When is the trade fair?

3 What is the purpose of today's meeting?
A to discuss a merger plan
B to obtain some advice
C to sign a contract

4 Which chart shows this year's sales?

5 How much will Emma's hotel bill be?

精品教学课件设计 | Excellent teaching plan

6 What will the finance company give advice about?
A buying shares
B setting up a small business
C paying less tax
7 Which graph are they looking at?

8 What's the problem with the seminar?
A the speaker's availability
B the size of the room
C the low number of bookings

1 Why does the woman want the job?
A to reduce travel time
B to learn about the computers
C to earn more money

部门的说法:Marketing Department 市场部
Head Office 总部
人事部 Human Resources=HR,Personnel Department
财务部 Accounting Department,Financing Department
生产部 Production Department
货运部,送货部 Delivery Department
销售部: Sales Department
售后部:After Sales
研发部:Research and Development=RD

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分支机构,办事处,代理商:branch 分部,分公司
office 办事处,联络处; agent 代理商; 代言人 spokesperson

重点的小细节:tired of 烦透了,受够了

2 When is the trade fair?

usually 通常情况下 其后面很可能出现 but 但是这次...
were hoping that 过去曾经希望,现在没有实现; I thought 我原以为
I had thought 我原以为; was intended to,was supposed to 本来应当
日期的三种说法:the 1st of June; June the 1st; June 1

3 What is the purpose of today's meeting?
A to discuss a merger plan
B to obtain some advice
C to sign a contract

purpose aim 目的 target,goal,objective
合并 merger; 收购,兼并 acquisition,take over;
joint venture 合资公司

4 Which chart shows this year's sales?

unlike 表示前后两者相反

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5 How much will Emma's hotel bill be?

I’d like to book a single room for the twenty-fifth please.
双人间 twin room; double room 有一张双人床的房间
行政间 executive room 套间 suite room
including 包含
打折 get a discount,give sb a discount

6 What will the finance company give advice about?
A buying shares
B setting up a small business
C paying less tax

so 所以,同义词 therefore,thus,then,as a result,consequently,
on aspects of 在哪些方面

7 Which graph are they looking at?

1. 上升的方向:increase, rise, go up, grow, climb, rocket, sky rocket, soar
2. 下降的方向:decrease, reduce, fall, go down, decline, drop
3. 保持水平的方向:level, keep level, level off, remain the same, no change
at all, hardly changed
幅度:slightly, smoothly, sharply, dramatically, constantly, steadily, suddenly, gradually, slowly,

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The cost of production decreased slightly last year.
It had been going up steadily since Februry, but yestaday it droped sharply to the lowest.
There has been a steady increase in sales since 2000.
Sales rocketed dramatically by a hundred million dollars to three hundred million dollars in

8 What's the problem with the seminar?
A the speaker's availability
B the size of the room
C the low number of bookings

only 强调作用, unique,simply,sole

Test 2
Part 1

1 Why is the man late for the meeting?
A The meeting time was changed.
B His train was delayed.
C There was an emergency in his office.

2 Why is Timtex performing badly?
A Its profit margins are too narrow.
B It is targeting the wrong market.
C Demand for expensive clothing is low.
profit margins 利润边际 边际利润 marginal profit

3 Which graph shows the company's sales?

精品教学课件设计 | Excellent teaching plan
4 Where do they decide to hold the seminar?
A at a conference centre
B at a Trade Club
C at a hotel

5 What does the successful business produce?

6 In which department does Ben work now?
A Engineering
B Sales
C Marketing

7 Which chart shows the bank's current network of branches?

8 What do they still need to put in the hall?

Listening Test Two

精品教学课件设计 | Excellent teaching plan
This is the Business English Certificate Preliminary 2, Listening Test 2.
Part One. Questions 1 to 8.
For question 1-8, you will hear eight short recordings. For each question, mark one letter (A, B or
C) for the correct answer.
Here’s an example: When were the machine parts sent?
Woman: Mr Hooper rang. He needs those parts for the packing machine by the third.
Man: Well, it’s already the first today … but wait … no, it’s OK. They were sent out on the
thirty- first.
Woman: Good. He’ll certainly get them by the third, then.
The answer is A.
Now we are ready to start.
After you have listened once, replay each recording.
One: Why is the man late for the meeting?
Woman: Sorry we had to start the meeting without you. What happened – train late again?
Man: It was, but only by a few minutes. According to my diary, we’re not starting till eleven.
Woman: We were, but I’ve got to fly out to the Tokyo office on urgent business this afternoon, so
we had to bring the meeting forward.
Man: Well, no-one told me …
Two: Why is Timtex performing badly?
Woman: Timtex isn’t doing too well, is it? I see profits are right down again.
Man: Mm. Well, at the moment the market’s sharply divided between those who want fashionable
clothing, even though it costs a lot, and those who want to pay as little as possible. So by aiming at
the middle market, Timtex doesn’t really please anyone very much.
Three: Which graph shows the company’s sales?
Man: … and despite a slight fall early in the year, WP Engineering have in fact done well this year,
with a steady rise in sales up to now, which their Managing Director, William Peters, hopes will
continue into next year …
Four: Where do they decide t to hold the seminar?
Woman: Where are we holding the seminar this year?
Man: How about that new hotel in town?
Woman: It’s too expensive for our budget … somewhere like the conference center is more
suitable – it’s fully booked though.
Man: And everyone complained about the Trade Club last year …

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Woman: OK, well maybe we should spend more on the venue this year. Let’s go with your idea.
Five: What does the successful business produce?
Woman: These articles about new business are interesting.
Man: Especially the one about the woman whose company sells a game she invented herself.
Woman: Mm. She’s doing really well. The one that made soft drinks failed within six months.
Man: Yes. And the people publishing the magazine did well at first, but then they couldn’t find any
more investors.
Woman: Pity. Seemed a good idea.
Six: In which department does Ben work now?
Woman: Hello Karl! How are you?
Man: I’m fine thanks. How are things at the company?
Woman: Oh, there have been so many changes since you left!
Man: I hear Ben’s moved?
Woman: Yes … they needed someone with an engineering qualification in Marketing, so they
transferred him there.
Man: Who’s replaced him in Sales then?
Woman: No-one yet!
Seven: Which chart shows the bank’s current network of branches?
Man: … at the moment a quarter of the bank’s branches are in Europe, and a third in Asia. The rest
of their business is, of course, in the States. But today’s news is that they’re planning to close
some US branches …
Eight: What do they still need to put in the hall?
Man: I’ve just been over the hall to check the arrangements for the shareholders’ meeting.
Woman: Is everything set up OK?
Man: Almost. They haven’t got the microphone in yet. Everything else was all right though … the
OHP was there …
Woman: What about the video player?
Man: Oh, we changed our minds about that, so I didn’t book one in the end.
That is the end of Part One.

1 Why is the man late for the meeting?
A The meeting time was changed.
B His train was delayed.

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C There was an emergency in his office.
diary 日程,安排 bring sth forward 把什么事情提前了

2 Why is Timtex performing badly?
A Its profit margins are too narrow.
B It is targeting the wrong market.
C Demand for expensive clothing is low.

3 Which graph shows the company's sales?

4 Where do they decide to hold the seminar?
A at a conference centre
B at a Trade Club
C at a hotel

Let’s go with your idea. 还是听你的吧。

5 What does the successful business produce?

6 In which department does Ben work now?
A Engineering
B Sales
C Marketing

7 Which chart shows the bank's current network of branches?

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8 What do they still need to put in the hall?

Test 3
Part 1
1 Who does the man need to speak to?
A Charles Pearson
B John Vernon
C Peter Tribe

2 Where is the man telephoning from?
A his office
B his hotel
C his home

3 How many job applications have they received in total?

4 How will the company carry out their market research?

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Which graph is correct?

6 When is the woman going to take her holiday?

7 What was the man's opinion of the presentation?
A He thought it was good.
B He was bored.
C He found it confusing.

精品教学课件设计 | Excellent teaching plan
8 Which chart shows the company's turnover?

Listening Test 3
This is the Business English Certificate Preliminary 2, Listening Test 3.
Part One. Questions 1 to 8.
For questions 1-8, you will hear eight short recordings. For each question, mark one letter (A, B or
C) for the correct answer.
Here’s an example: Who is Emily going to write to?
Man: Emily, that supplier we use has become very unreliable, and we’ve decided to look for
another one.
Woman: Seems a good idea.
Man: We don’t need to inform our clients, but could you send a note round to all our departments
when we’ve decided who to replace the supplier with?
Woman: Yes, of course.
The answer is A.
Now we are ready to start.
After you have listened once, replay each recording.
One: Who does the man need to speak to?
Man: Hello. John Vernon here. I had a meeting last Friday with one of your production engineers,
Peter Tribe. He said the person who’d really be able to help me would be Charles Pearson. Could
you ask him to ring me?
Two: Where is the man telephoning from?
Man: Oh, Amy, I’m glad you haven’t left the office yet! I need the sales budget report urgently for
tomorrow’s meeting.
Woman: OK … where shall I send it?

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Man: Can you email it to me here at home? My email address is on my desk. It’s next to the
number of the hotel – you may need to contact me there tomorrow.
Three: How many job applications have they received in total?
Man: How was the jobs fair?
Woman: Ah, it was really successful! Over five hundred people an hour visited the show. I hope to
be able to interview about a hundred of the three hundred people who’ve written in about the posts,
thought it will take at least two weeks to sort out all the applications.
Four: How will the company carry out their market research?
Woman: What’s happening with the market research survey?
Man: Oh, there was some discussion about the best method to use.
Woman: Don’t we always do telephone surveys?
Man: Yes, though I prefer talking to people face to face, but the MD says that’s too expensive.
Woman: You could post the surveys.
Man: Well actually, we decided not to make any changes in the end.
Five: Which graph is correct?
Man: Over the past twelve months, shares in the new technology companies have risen, but not by
as much as investors hoped. Their performance is disappointing as we’d expected them to do
much better.
Six: When is the woman going to take her holiday?
Woman: We must sort out our holiday! I’d really like the first half of September …
Man: Er, I was thinking of going away during that time. We can’t both be away at the same time.
Woman: I suppose I could go in July, or August, but …
Man: Don’t worry! I’ll go in August. You take the weeks you wanted – that’s fine.
Seven: What was the man’s opinion of the presentation?
Woman: Hi, Mike. What did you think of the presentation? I thought it was really excellent.
Man: I just couldn’t get interested in it and I didn’t really pay attention to what the speaker was
Woman: Really? It was so clear, apart from anything else. All those figures can be really
Eight: Which chart shows the company’s turnover?
Man: Turnover improvement in 2002, didn’t it?
Woman: Yes – though it was only slightly higher than 2001. The launch of Arial’s new car really

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affected us. If their sales go on growing like that, it’s going to be serious. Look at our drop in sales
since 2000!
Man: So what are we going to do about it?
That is the end of Part One.

1 Who does the man need to speak to?
A Charles Pearson
B John Vernon
C Peter Tribe
really 真正地

2 Where is the man telephoning from?
A his office
B his hotel
C his home

3 How many job applications have they received in total?

4 How will the company carry out their market research?

5 Which graph is correct?

精品教学课件设计 | Excellent teaching plan

6 When is the woman going to take her holiday?

7 What was the man's opinion of the presentation?
A He thought it was good.
B He was bored.
C He found it confusing.

8 Which chart shows the company's turnover?


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信号词:红绿灯 traffic lights 拐角,拐弯处 corner
十字路口 crossings,cross road,cross
沿着路走 go along the street,go down the street
在你的左 右手边 on your left right
左边第二个门 the second door on your left
对着 opposite
挨着 beside, next to
乘电梯 take the elevator
上到 up to
出了电梯 come out the elevator
斑马线 zebra lines 人行横道 pedestrian

Go down the street, at the first crossings turn right, then at the first corner turn left. Turn right
again when you come to the traffic lights, move on and you will see it on the left side of the road.
You can't miss it.
Well, I think you can go up to the fourth floor, after you get out the elevator turn left, after Sales it
is the third office on the right, next to Sales department, and opposite is the conferrence room.

Part 1 中经常考到的题型:
趋势题;比例题;日期题;地图题;时间的计算;考what、which;考地 点;原因题;意见

Test 1
Part 2
Ace Sport Centre - Customer Details
CUSTOMER NAME: (9) Charles.......................................

COMPANY NAME: (10) ............................................Ltd

MEMBERSHIP NUMBER: (11) ..................................................

DATE OF GROUP INTRODUCTION: (12) ...................................November

DISCOUNT OFFERED: (13) ................................................%

CONTACT NUMBER: (14) 01332 ........................................

EMAIL ADDRESS: (15) info@.............................. .com


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Part Two. Questions 9 to 15.
Look at the notes below.
Some information is missing.
You will hear a man telephoning a sports center.
For each question 9 – 15, fill in the missing information in the numbered space using a word,
numbers or letters.
After you have listened once, replay the recording.
You now have ten seconds to look at the notes.
Now listen, and fill in the missing information.
Woman: Ace Sports Centre. Can I help you?
Man: I hope so. We’re supposed to be customers of yours, but I’ve just seen your opening date’s
delayed again.
Woman: Oh, er … could I take your name please?
Man: Yes, Charles Baker.
Woman: And are you an individual member, sir?
Man: NO – I’m the Human Resources manager at RKS Limited.
Woman: That’s the letters R-K-S?
Man: Yes, that’s right. We’ve got twenty members registered with you.
Woman: Were you given a membership number?
Man: Yes, it’s 5-double-4-5-3. But I need to know when we can start using the facilities.
Woman: Yes. We’re so sorry about the delay. But we are arranging special tours for corporate
members in November, to introduce you to the facilities…
Man: When would that be?
Woman: Thursdays … Could some of you make the next one, on the seventh?
Man: That’d be difficult but the thirteenth’d be …
Woman: Er, the fourteenth …
Man: OK …
Woman: Starting at six?
Man: Sure. I’ll see who’d be free that evening.
Woman: Because of the delay, we’d like to suggest a fee reduction …
Man: Yes, we’d expect at least ten per cent…
Woman: Actually, we’d thought twelve …
Man: That seems very reasonable … thanks.
Woman: Great. Can I just confirm your phone number … 01332 987987?
Man: Use my direct line, 987413.
Woman: Or email?
Man: Yes … better … info- at-cullers-dot-com.
Woman: At?
Man: C-U- double-L-E-R-S dot com.
Woman: I’ll be in touch tomorrow …
Now listen to the recording again.

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That is the end of Part Two. You now have ten seconds to check your answers.

姓 surname, family name, the last name
名 first name, given name

1. 审题的方法:主要是预测
2. 数字:1)电话号码


actually, in fact, especially, particularly, just, right, very 表示强调
customer relations 客户关系

direct line 直线,直拨号 extension number 分机号
电话打不通 The line is busyengaged;I can't get through;There's a busy signal.
稍等 Hold on. Hold the line.
请把我转到... put me through to...;connect me with...
他不在 I'm afraid he's not in.
他可能出去了 I'm afraid he's out.
他可能星期二才回来 I'm afraid he won't be available until Tuesday.
他因为生病请假了 I'm afraid he's on a sick leave
留言 message
打回来 call you back 转达 I'll pass it on to ...
拨错了 dialed the wrong number;misdialed
没有你要找的人 We don't have sb here. I don't think I know this name
内线 internal line 外线 outside line

重听 Test 1 Part 2

Test 2
Part 2
● Look at the form below.
● Some information is missing.
● You will hear a woman booking exhibition space on the phone.
● For each question (9-15), fill in the missing information in the numbered space

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using a word, numbers or letters.
● After you have listened once, replay the recording.

Trade Fair Booking - June 2003
SPACE BOOKED: (9) ....................................... sq m

COST: (10) £ ...............................................

EXPECTED: (11) ..................................................

NAME OF CONFERENCE ROOM: (12) ..................................................

SEATING CAPACITY: (13) ..................................................

START TIME FOR ROOM: (14) ......... ........................................

MAIN BOOKING REFERENCE: (15) . ..................................................

Part Two. Questions 9 to 15.
Look at the form below.
Some information is missing.
You will hear a woman booking exhibition space on the phone.
For each question 9-15, fill in the missing information in the numbered space using a word,
numbers or letters.
After you have listened once, replay the recording.
You have ten seconds to look at the form.
Now, listen, and write the missing information.
Woman: Hello, yes, I’m phoning from Altrex. Could I book a space for next June’s trade fair?
Man: Certainly. The units are ten, twenty-eight or forty square metres.
Woman: Well, our stand is fifteen square metres …
Man: So you need twenty-eight. There’re plenty that size in Hall D – or one left in A.
Woman: How much would that one be?
Man: Six hundred and forty five pounds. Units in D are four hundred and eighty.
Woman: Make it the one in Hall A – the more expensive one! How many people are you expecting?
I heard this year was a bit disappointing?
Man: Yes, it was – but we did have six thousand. Next year we’re planning for seven and a half
Woman: Good. Now, we also need a conference room.
Man: Fine, I could offer you the Gresham Room …
Woman: Can you spell the name?
Man: G-R-E-S-H-A-M. There’s also the Ferris Room, that’s larger. It holds four hundred.

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Woman: How many seats are there in the Gresham Room?
Man: It takes two hundred and fifty.
Woman: That’s plenty. Can we have the room from ten or ten-thirty?
Man: Let’s make it half past. Would a twelve o’clock finish be OK?
Woman: Perfect.
Man: Now, the room reference number is IMO5734 and the whole booking is on TF62880. Use
that if you contact us.
Now listen to the recording again.
That is the end of part Two. You now have ten seconds to check your answers.

hundred: 不要把它反映成几百,就把它反映成后面有两位数要填
金额:1. 数量+货币单位; 2. 小数点金额
时间记录:10:30 half past ten;half after ten
10:03 three minutes past ten
10点整 ten sharp
中午12点 twelve noon
编号记录: 号码+字母+符号:1. dash – ;2. slash

Let's make it + n. 我们定在
Let’s make it half past. 定在10点半

Test 3
Part 2
● Look at the form below.
● Some information is missing.
● You will hear a man discussing an order for some factory equipment.
● For each question (9-15), fill in the missing information in the
numbered space using a word, numbers or letters.
● After you have listened once, replay the recording.

Changes to Order
CUSTOMER: Amstel Machine Tools
PRODUCT: Eorkshop tables
ORDER REFERENCE NUMBER: (9) ....................................... sq m
WIDTH: (10) £ ...............................................
LENGTH: 212 cm
HEIGH: (11) ..................................................
QUANTITY: (12) ..................................................
PRICE PER ITEM: (13) £ ................................................
NEW DISCOUNT: (14) ......... ..................................... %

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CONTACT NAME: (15) Paul ..........................................

Part Two. Questions 9 to 15.
Look at the form below.
Some information is missing.
You will hear a man discussing an order for some factory equipment.
For each question 9-15, fill in the missing information in the numbered space using a word,
number or letters.
After you have listened once, replay the recording.
You have ten seconds to look at the form.
Now listen, and write the missing words, numbers or letters in the spaces.
Woman: L-R-S. Can I help you?
Man: Hello, I’m calling from Amstel Machine Tools. My colleague called last week about some
factory workshop tables. The order reference number is … oh, sorry, just a second … I’ll find it in
a minute … ah, J-Y-8-3-6-X.
Woman: Ah … you didn’t want the standard size, did you? Your colleague ordered ninety
centimeters wide by two hundred and twelve centimeters long, didn’t he?
Man: Well, I’m afraid we’ve had to change the layout of the workshop slightly, so, in fact, we
need ninety-five by two hundred and twelve.
Woman: That’s no problem.
Man: And we also want the tables to be six centimeters lower now … um, one hundred and four
Woman: Is that for all fifteen tables? Sorry, you ordered fourteen, didn’t you?
Man: We did. Can I just check the price with you?
Woman: Fine. It’ll be six hundred and twenty pounds per table. The five hundred and twenty in
the brochure is for the standard size.
Man: And we will still get five per cent discount on orders from you, won’t we?
Woman: Actually, It went up to seven per cent in July. And is Mr Brown the contact name for the
Man: I think you need to change it to my name. That’s Paul Doughty. Spelled D-O-U-G-H-T-Y.
Woman: Ok. I’ll give you a call as soon as the order’s ready.
Man: Mm, thanks.
Now listed to the recording again.
That is the end of Part two. You now have ten seconds to check your answers.

单价 unit price;零售价 retail price;建议零售价 suggested retail price
批发价 wholesale price;折扣价 discount price
price; cost; pay; charge

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Unit price is ... Price for…is … each; costs …each; … for each, …for pairs.
have a discount; give us a discount; have a special offer special price better price; That's the
best price we can offer. That's the lowest we can go. ; Is there any possibility of staggering that?
I was thinking more in terms of ... deal make it

Part 3 与 Part 2 比较:
不同点:1. Part 2所考核的内容都是基础性的,Part 3考核的内容比Part 2深
2. Part 2 是对白,两个人的谈话,而Part 3将是独白,一个人说

Test 1
Part 3
● Look at the notes below.
● Some information is missing.
● You will hear part of a report by the company's chairman.
● For each question (16-22), fill in the missing information in the numbered
space using one or two words.
● After you have listened once, replay the recording.

Concept Trading Inc.
Appointment of new MD: (16) Bob ................................. .........

Top-selling product in
2001: (17) ............................................. ......

Largest growth seen in
sales of: (18) ..................................... furniture

Most successful branch: (19) ..................................................
Future Plans - 2003
Introduction of (20) ......................................... .........

Open 4 stores in (21) ..................................... centres

New subject for staff
training programme: (22) .................................................. .

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Part Three. Questions 16 to 22.
Look at the notes below.
Some information is missing.
You will hear part of a report by the company’s chairman.
For each question 16-22, fill in the missing information in the numbered space using one or two
After you have listened once, replay the recording.
You have ten seconds to look at the notes.
Now listen, and complete the notes.
Man: … and the other announcement about company personnel concerns Managing Director, Bob
Jones. Bob retires next month after twelve years of service. He will, however, continue to act as
part-time consultant. His replacement as MD is another Bob … Bob Winter, currently Head of
Now, I’d like to summarise our performance last year, before moving on to plans for 2003.
I’ve decided that every year we should introduce a competition to guess the best-selling product
throughout our stories. It’s never been the same for two years running. For example, in 2000 it was
mobile phones. The following year record sales of radios were achieved. I’m quite surprised,
especially as we’d predicted it would be electronic organisers. (Any feedback on this idea would
be welcome.)
Recent investment in our furniture department has resulted in great improvements in sales: this
includes children’s, garden and, most grammatically, office furniture, which doubled its sales
volume last year.
Now to the announcement of the most successful branch. Our Paris branch has held this
position for two years, but now it’s the turn of New York, with the London branch in second place.
Looking to the future, we’re planning a number of developments. Our Personal Loan Service
received much praise from customers when it was brought in last year. In response to customer
demand, we’re now going to launch our own credit card next year, as well as other financial
services in years to come.
Moving on to new stores. As you will remember, twelve months ago, we closed some of our
unprofitable High Street stores. I still think we took the right decision – and next year, we’ve
decided to locate six branches in commercial centers. That’s the same number we’ve already
opened in new shopping centers – it’ll be interesting to compare their performance.
Finally, as part of our continuous program o staff development, we plan to offer a wider
variety of courses next year, including Account Management, as well as continuing with IT Skills
and Customer Services.
Now …
Now listen to the recording again.
That is the end of Part Three. You now have 20 seconds to check your answers.

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PA : Personal Assistant 私人助理; HR: Huamn Resources
QC: Quality Control HQ: Headquarters; R&D: Research and Development
1. 文字的替换;2. 把握Part 3 的出题
Part 3 的特点
1. 做题:Part 3 文字替换更多,几乎每一道题都要有文字替换;录音语速是
2. 实际工作角度:独白的特点是说话人会用到很多的过渡词

the other announcement 提示只有两个announcement
运营商 Head of Operators 运营主管 Head of Operations
retire 退休 辞职 resign quit
resignation 辞呈,辞职信 consultant 顾问;咨询师
咨询公司 consultancy
accountant 会计 accountancy 会计事务所
electronic organisers 商务通
double 翻了一番;增长了一倍;是两倍 sales volume 销售量
branch 分支机构 现在轮到某人 It is the turn of sb
financial service 金融服务 credit card 信用卡
信用证 Letter of Credit =LC commercial centre; shopping centre
办公区,写字楼区 office block
account 1. 帐户; 2. (-s)财会; 3. 计算在内; 4. 客户
open an account 开一个帐户; 活期帐户 current account
定期帐户 deposit account
accounts department 财会部 take sth into account 把...考虑进去
consumer 消费者; customer 顾客; client 客户(指有长期关系的)
长期 long standing relationship
客户经理 Account Manager Account Management 客户管理

Test 2
Part 3
● Look at the notes below.
● Some information is missing.
● You will hear part of a talk given to a group of new employees.
● For each question (16-22), fill in the missing information in the numbered
space using one or two words.
● After you have listened once, replay the recording.

First Day at NYP: Introduction
our Personnel Officer is: (16) Sarah ........................................

location of coffee

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machines, noticeboards: (17) on..............................................

tax enquiries to: (18) .................................................

presentation: 3.30 pm

venue: Conference Room

First Day at NYP: Introduction
subject: (19) ............................................. ......

day of buffet lunch: (20) ............................................. ......

for colour photocopiers
obtain: (21) .................................................. .

sports club - see Max
Collins for: (22) ..................................................


Test 2
Part 3
Part Three. Questions 16 to 22.
Look at the notes below.
Some information is missing.
You will hear part of a talk given to a group of new employees.
Fro each question 16-22, fill in the missing information in the numbered space using one or two
After you have listened once, replay the recording.
You have ten seconds to look at the notes.
Now listed, and complete the form.
Woman: Welcome to NYP. You know already how valuable your skills will be to us as we expand
– I believe you have fifteen different languages between you.
There are three of us in Personnel and I’m the one you should come to for any help or
information. The other two are Ben Gillick and Max Collins, and my name is Sarah Cartwright
that’s C-A-R-T-W- R-I-G-H-T. I’d just like to give you a few practical details now, before the MD

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comes to talk to you.
Firstly, the canteen on the ground floor is open all day for coffee, meals, etc, bur there are also
coffee machines on the top floor, where we have all the company noticeboards, so staff often meet
there to talk.
Um, next, some of you have asked about your tax position … and for many tax questions, you
need to contact the Accounts Office. General salary enquiries can be made to the Finance Office
Two events, now. Today, in the conference room, at three-thirty, there’ll be a presentation – it’s
not on new developments as the notices say, it’s actually on marketing. You’re welcome to attend
to see how we’re moving in that area. There’ll also be a buffet lunch for all staff working on the
new projects – that includes you, that’s on Wednesday – sorry, I mean Thursday – you’ll get full
details later.
Finally, sometimes you’ll need to use the machines in the print room. The first time you go in
there, register for a plastic card – you don’t need it for ordinary photocopiers, but you do for the
colour ones.
The other thing to sign up for, if you want to, is the sports club, just two minutes from here. If
you’re interested, see Max Collins, who’ll give you an application form.
Right, that’s all for the moment. Here’s coffee, and the MD is just coming through now.
Now listen to the recording again.
That is the end of Part Three. You now have 20 seconds to check your answers.

独白中说明要点的词:firstly 首先; next; now; finally; the other thing ;that’s all for
the moment

1. 表示并列的词:firstly, secondly, now, next, move on to, go on to, also, the other, another, not
only…but…, between…and.., as well as, either…or…, neither…nor…, too
2. 转折词:否定、强调、更正
but, yet, however, nevertheless, on the other hand, while
3. 因果词:so, because, thus, therefore, as a result, consequently, for the reason that, in that, that’
s why
4. 表示目的的词:in order to, to, purpose, aiming at, the objective is

Test 3
Part 3
● Look at the notes below about a chain of department stores.
● Some information is missing.
● You will hear part of a talk given by the company's Human Resources
● For each question (16-22), fill in the missing information in the numbered
space using one or two words.

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● After you have listened once, replay the recording.

跟商店有关的词:shopping center 购物中心;shopping mall 大型购物商场
小商店 store(美);shop(英) 直销店 outlet

Dennings Retail Group
Famous for selling: (16) .......... ........................................

25 UK stores. Location
of newest store in UK: (17) .................. .................................

4 stores abroad. Next
store to open abroad: (18) .................................................

New project (Dennings
Internet Shopping) starts: (19) ..................................... 2004
Employment at Dennings
High salaries

All staff can belong to (20) ..................................... scheme

Currently recruiting staff
for the (21) .........................................course

Run special introduction
week for (22) ..................................................

Part Three. Questions 16 to 22.
Look at the notes below about a chain of department stores.
Some of the information is missing.
You will hear part of a talk given by the company’s Human Resources manager.
For each question 16-22, fill in the missing information in the numbered space using one or two
words or a number.
After you have listened once, replay the recording. You have ten seconds to look at the notes.
Now listen, and write the missing information in the spaces.
Man: Good morning. Thank you for your interest in working at Dennings Retail Group. Let me
begin by telling you a little about Dennings. Then I’ll talk about career opportunities with us.
As you know, Dennings is one of the leading chains of department stores in the country, best
known for its electrical goods, which are responsible for roughly sixty per cent of our turnover.
What you may not know is that the company began life as a furniture store, established in

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Birmingham in 1825.
There are now twenty-five stores in cities across Britain. The one we opened most recently is
in Oxford, although the one everyone knows about – because of its amazing modern building – is
in London. They all carry a wide range of goods.
The Dennings name is also expanding abroad. At the moment there are four stores outside the
UK. The next one to open – in Austria – will join those already trading in Italy, Brazil, Malaysia
and Canada.
Hopefully, customers in these and other countries will also begin to use Dennings Internet
Shopping, when it’s launched in January next year by the group. We’re expecting these sales to
equal the turnover of one of our smaller stores by December 2004.
This means we will need new staff in all areas of the company – and feel sure that the
competitive salaries and the pension scheme we offer – open to all employees – will attract the
best candidates.
We always encourage people inside the company to apply for internal promotion. In addition,
we are looking for people for our management training course. This is for young people interested
in a career with the company. We are also running a special introduction week called ‘Getting to
know Dennings’ next month. This is something we do every year for university graduates who
would like to find out about career opportunities at Dennings.
Now listen to the recording again.
That is the end of Part Three. You now have 20 seconds to check your answers.

1. 人事工作:
简历 CV; resume 第一轮面试 the first round of interviews
我在第二轮的时候就被淘汰了 I was out in the second round.
职位申请人 applicants candidate 候选人
招聘 recruit; take on; employ 培训工作 training course
training and education 学费 fee
评估 evaluation 绩效评估 performance
开除 dismiss;fire
2. 常考的地名
Oxford 牛津; Cambridge 剑桥;曼彻斯特 Manchester;利物浦 Liverpool
伯明翰 Birmingham; 白金汉 Buckingham; 伦敦 London
阿姆斯特丹 Amsterdam; 鹿特丹 Rotterdam; 法兰克福 Frankfurt
柏林 Berlin; 吉隆坡 Kuala Lumpur; 蒙特利尔 Montreal; 多伦多 Toronto
波士顿 boston; 圣弗朗西斯科 San Francisco; 洛山矶 Los Angeles
Cape Town 开普敦; 约翰内斯堡 Johannesburg

福利 welfare; 奖金 bonus; 股份 share; 红利 dividend
带薪假日 payed holiday; 补贴 allowance; children care 照顾小孩

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保险 insurance; 医疗保险 medical insurance
安全保险 safety insurance

Part 1:细节
Part 2:数字
Part 3:词汇
Part 4:综合
Part 4特点
1. 长度:大概三分钟左右
2. 出题;难度比前三部分大一些

Part 4背景知识补充
1. 与人有关的:招新人,员工的管理,Manager 的选择,培训
2. 有关公司:机制,存在的问题
3. 运作:成本,产品的研发,市场与销售,health and safety,报告

管理 manage;control;discipline
报告:年度报告 annual report; 季度报告 quarterly report
每月的报告 monthly report; 常规性的报告 regular reports
进展报告 programs report

Test 1
Part 4
● You will hear a discussion between two managers. Matthew and Angela,
about some problems with staff.
● For each question (23-30), mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct
● After you have listened once, replay the recording.

23 How many junior managers resigned in June?
A one
B two
C three
24 Matthew thinks the junior managers are leaving because
A they don't like working in this company.
B they want to get wider experience.
C they can earn more in other companies.

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25 What does Matthew think about junior managers who resign?
A They need to leave to get promotion.
B They should be more patient.
C They are bad at their jobs.
26 What dose Angela find most annoying about hiring new staff?
A reading so many CVs.
B interviewing applicants
C training the new staff
27 Matthew was told that taking on the wrong person can
A make other staff want to leave.
B create extra work for the team.
C cause the company to lose money.
28 What is the Personnel Department thinking about using?
A employment agencies
B personality tests
C handwriting experts
29 Matthew thinks handwriting tests do not show if people are
A inlelligent
B ambitious
C confident
30 Matthew and Angela agree that the company should
A ask for more details on application forms.
B review its advertisements for vacancies.
C change the way candidates are interviewed.

Part Four. Questions 23 to 30.
You will hear a discussion between two managers, Matthew and Angela, about some problems
with staff.
For each question 23-30, mark one letter (A, B, or C) for the correct answer.
After you have listened once, replay the recording.
You have 45 seconds to read through the questions.
Now listen, and mark A, B, or C.
Man: Hello Angela. What’s wrong? You don’t look very cheerful!
Woman: Hi Matthew. No, I’m not very pleased. I’ve just heard Phil Jones, one of my junior
managers, has handed in his resignation!
Man: Hmm. One of the managers in my department resigned three days ago – and then there were
two who left in June.
Woman: What’s wrong with them? Don’t they like working here?
Man: Oh, it’s not that. We always have dozens of applicants for junior management posts.
Woman: Yes, because they know they can get good experience here that’ll be useful in the future.
Man: Right. And once they’ve gained some experience with us, they can get a better-paid job

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somewhere else.
Woman: You’re right, I know, but why is it always about the money?
Man: Lots of people are like that now. I suppose these junior managers are no different … but you
know … I think they shouldn’t be in such a hurry to leave. They know the company likes to keep
staff who are good at their jobs, and there are plenty of opportunities for promotion if they stay
longer than two years.
Woman: Mmm. You know the most annoying thing?
Man: All the hours we spend going through CVs and interviewing for the new staff …?
Woman: That’s part of it. I admit I do get bored doing interviews when you know the person’s not
right for the job. No, what really annoys me most is the time I spend showing new employees how
to do the job. Really, it takes hours, weeks.
Man: Maybe we need a review of our recruitment policy. Maybe we are taking on the wrong sort
of people. At that conference I went to last month, they said that it’s often harder work for a junior
manager to join a team of employees if the team got on well with the old manager. The team may
decide they don’t like the way of working and they may decide to resign too.
Woman: Yeah, people sometimes forget how many problems it can cause by even employing one
person who is wrong for the company. I don’t just mean the cost of recruiting a replacement.
Man: Maybe Personnel would let us use an employment agency in future.
Woman: I don’t think they would, but I have heard they might give applicants who come for
interview some sort of personality test.
Man: Really! You know some companies employ people who analyse the handwriting of anyone
applying for a job.
Woman: It’s funny you mention that. I was reading an article yesterday about how companies in
America do that … to find out how smart applicants are, how motivated they are to succeed, how
much self-confidence they have, and so on.
Man: How can the way you write prove how clever you are? What nonsense! Perhaps what we
need to do here is look more carefully at the CVs we receive – maybe we’re not even interviewing
the right kind of person. It could even be that our job ads don’t attract the right people.
Woman: I’m not sure about that. We’re basically happy with our junior managers. It’s just that
some of them don’t seem to stay as long as we’d like.
Man: Well, maybe we do need a different procedure when we meet the applicants at interview.
Woman: Yes, I think you’re right about that. Let’s fix up a meeting with Personnel to …
Now listen to the recording again.
That is the end of Part Four. You now have ten minutes to transfer your answers to your Answer

we do need 强调用法

1. 我们在做题的时候两次用到了语音语调的变化:重读和弱读
My birthday is in April. 我的生日在四月。

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Where did you get your education? 你在哪上的学啊?
Many people like chocolate. 许多人爱吃巧克力。
As far as I know, many people like chocolate. 据我所知,许多人爱吃巧克力。

2. 找提示词
24 …but why is it always about…
25 …but you know, I think they …
26 …what really annoys me most is…
28 …but I’ve heard
29 How can the way you write prove how clever you are!
30 maybe we do need ...

Test 2
Part 4
● You will hear a conversation between two senior managers of a large
company based in the UK. They are talking about a visit to the company by
a group of foreign executives.
● For each question 23 – 30, mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct
● After you have listened once, replay the recording.
23 When will the visitors arrive?
A March
B April
C May
24 How many visitors are coming?
A six
B seven
C eight
25 What will the visitors see on the first day?
A the retail outlets
B the factory in Swindon
C the company headquarters
26 What are the visitors most interested in?
A company performance
B new technology
C working practices
27 Who do the visitors particularly want to meet?
A the Human Resources group

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B the Board of Directors
C the Customer Services team
28 What will the presentation be about?
A rewards for employees
B company organisation
C negotiating techniques
29 What will the group do in London?
A visit a new commercial building
B go to an official reception
C meet some important politicians
30 Where will the visitors go on the final day?
A to an exhibition centre in Birmingham
B to a factory in the North East
C to several sites in Scotland

Part Four. Questions 23 to 30.
You will hear a conversation between two senior managers of a large company based in the UK.
They are talking about a visit to the company by a group of foreign executives.
For each question 23 – 30, mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer.
After you have listened once, replay the recording.
You have 45 seconds to read through the questions.
Now listen, and mark A, B, or C.
Man: Come in, Diana. Coffee?
Woman: Thank you, Michael.
Man: Now, about this visit by the senior executives from Poland …
Woman: Mm. Do we know when they’re coming?
Man: We offered them three choices – the end of March, the middle of April and the beginning of
Woman: Yes …
Man: And they chose the earliest one, which is good, actually, with the review coming up in May.
Woman: True. But we do need definite dates. And how many are coming? There were six of them
last time. Did you say about eight? My P.A. needs to make firm booking for their accommodation
now – otherwise it’ll be very difficult to find a hotel.
Man: You’re right. They said six to eight originally, but I’ve had a email this morning saying it’s
going to be seven. Now we’ve got a definite number, we can make all the other bookings for them.
Woman: Good, that gives us eight weeks until they come.
Man: Right, well here are my suggestions for their schedule. Mm … they’ll be with the company
for four days. On the first day I think they should visit one of our main sites. So, it should be either
the company headquarters, or the retail outlets in the area, or the factory in Swindon.
Woman: I definitely think we should bring them here to the headquarters on the second day. I
don’t think they need to see the shops at all.
Man: OK, we’ll show them the production line then – hopefully they’ll be impressed.

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Woman: Right, I’ll arrange that.
Man: What we’ve got to remember, of course m is that this group have a particular interest in
coming here.
Woman: Mm … Isn’t it to look at our new computer systems?
Man: Well, in fact, on this trip they want to look at workplace procedures, you know – health and
safety, employer- employee relations, things like that. Not our performance figures – though they’ll
see those when they come to here to headquarters, of course.
Woman: And who will they meet while they’re here?
Man: Well, the Managing Director. And you and me, obviously …
Woman: And have they said who they’re interested in seeing? The Customer Relations staff,
Man: Perhaps, but definitely the people responsible for developing the company’s Human
Resources strategy.
Woman: Right, we’ll get the manager and his team to organize something then.
Man: Mm … Now – the presentation.
Woman: Yes. The afternoon of the second day. The basic organization for that is already in place,
in fact.
Man: Good!
Woman: Simon’s going to do the presentation.
Man: What’s he going to talk about?
Woman: Something on our various schemes for rewarding staff – the new profit- sharing scheme,
bonuses and so on.
Man: Right. That’ll fit in nicely. Simon’s very competent, of course – there’s plenty of time to
negotiate all that in detail. Now, for the third day, they’ve made their own arrangements in London.
They’re going to see some key Members of Parliament – they want to talk about trade agreements.
Woman: That sounds interesting …
Man: They wanted to see one so the now commercial developments in the city but there wasn’t
time to arrange that.
Woman: Oh, I see. There isn’t an official government reception for the group, is there?
Man: Not this time.
Woman: OK … What about their last day? I understand they’ve asked to go somewhere different.
Man: Yes. I’d like to take them to Scotland. There’re a lot of developments there we could show
Woman: Oh, isn’t that too far for one day?
Man: Unfortunately, it is. But they could fly up to the North East to the factory there.
Woman: Why not the exhibition center in Birmingham? That’s much closer!
Man: They went there last time, remember?
Woman: Of course. I’m sure they’ll like your idea. If you like, I could find out about flights to the
regional airport there.
Man: Yes, thanks. Now, can we just …
Now listen to the recording again.
That is the end of Part Four. You now have ten minutes to transfer your answers to your Answer

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a group 一组
a group of visitors--> a group of delegates 一组代表
delegation 代表团
I'll book you into Hilton. 我给您订在希尔顿。
meet 接
show them around the company 带他们参观整个公司
historical sites 历史名胜
参观,观光 site seeing
catery 食 accommodation 宿

Parliament 议会 Members of Parliament =MP 议员
SCHEDULE时态:They should will visit; will be doing; be doing
Health and Safety employer-employee relations 雇佣双方关系

The basic organization for that is already in place
in place 到位了 competent 胜任,有能力
Trade Agreements 贸易协定 multinational 跨国公司

Test 3
Part 4
● You will hear a radio interview. The interviewer is talking to a young
businessman called James Osmond, who publishes a successful
magazine called Day by Day.
● For each question 23-30, mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct
● After you have listened once, replay the recording.

23 How long has the magazine been on sales?
A for one year
B for eighteen months
C for two years
24 Where did James Osmond work before he started the magazine?
A on a newspaper
B in the travel business
C at a bank

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25 Who helped James Osmond to plan the magazine?
A a magazine editor
B a publishing company
C a company director
26 What is the main topic of James Osmond's magazine?
A careers
B health
C leisure
27 Which kind of people does James Osmond prefer to work with?
A friends and family
B famous people
C professionals
28 Who provides the extra financing the magazine needs now?
A several banks
B private individuals
C an investment company
29 What does James Osmond say about current sales of the magazine?
A They have increased every month.
B They have levelled off.
C They have begun to fall slightly.
30 How does James Osmond plan to develop the magazine next year?
A by changing its design
B by advertising it more widely
C by expanding its distribution

Part Four. Questions 23 to 30.
You will hear a radio interview. The interviewer is talking to a young businessman called James
Osmond, who publishes a successful magazine called Day by Day.
For each question 23-30, mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer.
After you have listened once, replay the recording.
You have 45 seconds to read through the questions.
Now listen, and mark A, B or C.
Woman: ‘I publish my own magazine, and it’s very successful’. How many people, at just
twenty-nine, can say that? Well, we have here a young businessman who can – he is James
Osmond, the man behind the magazine Day by Day. Welcome, James.
Man: Hello.
Woman: James, did you think this magazine would be so successful, so quickly? I mean, two years
ago, it was just an idea. Eighteen months ago, you still hadn’t found anyone to provide the finance,
but this week you’re celebrating its first anniversary.

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Man: No-one is more surprised than me.
Woman: Two years ago, you weren’t even working in the media, were you?
Man: I had no experience of publishing or journalism at all. I was an actually an accountant,
working for a large holiday company. One day, I was reading a magazine about modern life and
stress and I just said to my friends, hey, I could do better than this!
Woman: So what did you do then?
Man: Well, I spent eight months knocking on the doors of just about every big London-based
publishing company hoping to find one who would discuss the project. Finally, a friend, the
managing director of a big insurance company, suggested I see Tom Smith, who’s the editor of the
magazine Night Out. He liked my ideas for the new magazine, said they were exciting, and we
started to meet regularly to develop and plan its publication.
Woman: He wasn’t worried about the competition?
Man: Oh no. My magazine has a completely different subject from his – we do both have the same
sort of career-minded readers, but they buy our magazines for completely different reasons: mine
gives readers advice and help on how to look after themselves, how to keep fit. Of course, this
sometimes includes ideas about what to do at the weekend, but his magazine is bought specifically
by readers who want to know where to go and what to do in their free time – dates, places, costs,
Woman: Mm. And who do you have working for you? Do you ask your friends to write for the
Man: Actually, I love my family and friends but the people I need, and any business needs – to be
successful, are those who really know what they’re doing, with the qualifications, training,
experience, the lot – not necessarily well-known people, just the ones who are food at the job.
Woman: Indeed. Does the magazine now make enough money from advertising to keep going
without too much outside investment?
Man: Of course not, though our advertising income is excellent. Our first copy alone brought in
over twenty thousand pounds, but we’re still considered a risk by the banks so we’re very lucky
that we have several people willing to invest in us on a personal basis. Shall I tell you how many
copies of the magazine we sold last month?
Woman: Forty, fifty thousand?
Man: About seventy-five thousand. I’m really pleased sales have increased so rapidly. Apart from
one month when they dropped slightly, sales gave grown until they reached the seventy-five
thousand mark three months ago, where they’ve stayed.
Woman: And how do you see the magazine developing, James, say over the next year?
Man: I’m keen to see it read by more people, of course, but that doesn’t mean I want to make any
great changes. It looks good now, it fells right. I’m getting all the publicity I need. All I’ve got to
work on is getting it out to mote places so that it is more widely available. At the moment, it’s
basically only available in London. I want to make sure everyone can buy it.
Woman: Well, good luck with that, James.
Man: Thank you.
Now listen to the recording again.
That is the end of Part Four. You now have ten minutes to transfer your answers to your Answer

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radio interview 中经常出现的一些话语:behind

23 The Managing Director feels they must
A tighten up on financial control
B lose financial control
C keep the situation

24 The Financial Controller feels they have got to
A lengthen payment time
B reduce payment time
C speed up repayment

25 They must reduce payment time to
A 45 days
B 15 days
C 30 days

26 The Managing Director feels they must
A reduce costs
B improve services
C increase profits

27 Their suppliers
A have to help them
B don’t have to help them
C are also small firms

28 The Personnel Manager feels
A they don’t have to cut training and personnel development
B most of the training programmes are long term.
C they have to reduce costs now.

29 The Managing Director feels they have got to
A cut some services
B reduce staff
C look carefully at future training courses

30 The Managing Director got another meeting at
A 2
B 4

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C 5

reminder 提醒;催款通知
statement 正式的书面材料
financial statement 财务报表








