
2020年08月19日 04:38


精品教学课件设计 | Excellent teaching plan
年 级:高二必修五 第 1 单元
学员姓名: 辅导科目: 英语
课 题
Unit 1 Great scientists

备课时间: 2012年 7 月 6 日 授课时间: 2012年 月 日

1. To help students learn to describe people
2. To help students learn to read a narration about John Snow


3. To help students better understand “Great scientists”
4. To help students learn to use some important words and expressions
5. To help students identify examples of “The Past Participle (1) as the Predicative & the



Unit 1单词短语
characteristic n. 特征;特性 radium n. 镭 painter n. 画家;油漆匠* put forward 提出
scientific adj. 科学的 *conclude v.结束 conclusion n.结论 *draw a conclusion得出结论
analyse v.分析 &infect v.传染 &infections v.传染的 &cholera adj.霍乱
*defeat v. 打败 expert adj.熟练的 *attend v.照顾 physician n.医生
*expose.暴露 *expose...to使显露 deadly adj.致命的 *cure n.治愈
outbreak n.爆发 *challage n.挑战 victim n.受害者 absorb v.吸收
*suspect v.怀疑 enquiry n.询问 neighborhood n.附近 severe adj.严重的
&clue n.线索 pump n.泵 &Cambridge Street剑桥大街 foresee v.预见
&investigate v.调查 &investigation n.调查 *blame v.责备 pollute v.污染
*handle n.柄 &germ n.微生物 *link.连接 *announce n.宣布
*link...to... 将…和…联系或连接起来 &certainty n.确信 instruct v.命令
&responsible adj.有责任的 construct v.建设 construction n.建设 *contribute v.捐献
*apart from 除……之外 firework n.烟火 chart n.图表 &creative adj.有创造力的
&co-operative adj.合作的 positive adj.积极的 *(be) strict with...对……严格的

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&revolutionary adj.革命的 movement n.移动 *make sense讲得通
backward adj.向后的 &loop n.圈 &privately adv.私下的
*spin v.(使)旋转 &brightness n.明亮 enthusiastic adj.热情的
cautious adj.小心的 *reject v.拒绝universe n.宇宙

1. English is a widely used language.
2. He threw away the broken cup.
3. This is one of the schools built in 1980s.
4. Prices of daily goods bought through a computer can be lower than store prices.
spoken English
= English which is spoken
terrified people
= the people who are terrified
an organized way
= a way that is organized
affected area 灾区
= the area which is affected
stolen culture relics
= culture relics that had been stolen
the book recommended by the teacher
= the book which was recommended by the teacher
printed articles
= articles that are printed
1) Doctor John Snow was a well-known doctor in London. 定语
2) John Snow told the astonished people in Broad Street. 定语
3) He got interested in the two theories. 表语
4) Neither its cause, nor its cure was understood 表语

Past Participle as the Attribute定语 Past Participle as the Predicative表语
ied people who are terrified
ed seats that are reserved
ed water that is polluted
4.a crowded room 4.a room that is crowded
5.a pleased winner 5.a winner that is pleased
6. Astonished children en who look astonished
7.a broken vase 7.a vase that is broken
8.a closed door 8.a door that is closed
tired audience audience who feel tired
10.a trapped animal animal that is trapped

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There are many fallen leaves on the ground.
= There are many leaves which had fallen on the ground. (地上有许多落叶)
Some of them, born and brought up in rural villages, had never been to Beijing.
= Some of them , who had been born and brought up in rural villages, had never been to Beijing.

polluted water
= water which is polluted
reserved seats
= the seats which were reserved
trapped animal
= the animal which was trapped

boiled water
= water which has boiled
fallen leaves
= the leaves which have fallen
risen sun
= the sun which has risen

The books, written by Guo Jingming, are very popular with teenagers. 这些书是郭敬明写的,深受青少年的
Some of them, born and brought up in rural villages, had never been to Beijing. 他们中的一些人,在农村出生

The book, written by the farmer (一本农民写的书) is very popular.
The building built last year (去年建的楼房) now collapsed in the Wenchuan earthquake.
The problem discussed at the meeting yesterday (在昨天会议上讨论的) was very difficult to solve.
The window broken by that naughty boy被那个顽皮男孩打破的) is being repaired.
The children examined in the hospital yesterday昨天在医院检查的) were seriously ill.
The people exposed to the sun (暴露在阳光下的) got sunburnt.
The boy punished severely by the teacher (受到老师严厉惩罚的) is now a college student.
The water delivered to his home (送到他家的水) carried disease.
The English today is quite different from the English spoken in the past 300 years (300年前所说的).
Most of the artists invited to the party (被邀请去参加聚会的) were from South Africa.
The students inspired by the teacher (受到老师鼓舞的)worked harder than ever before.
The Olympic Games, __A_ in 776 B.C. did not include women players until 1912.
A. first played B. to be first played
C. first playing D. to be first playing

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First played in 776B.C. = which was first played in 776 B.C.

Consolidation 巩固
1. Prices of daily goods ____ through a computer can be lower than store prices.
A. are bought B. bought
C. been bought D. buying
2. With a lot of different problems ____,
the newly-elected president is having
a hard time.
A. settled B. settling
C. to settle D. being settled
3. Don’t use words, expressions or phrases ____ only to people with specific knowledge.
A. being known B. having been known
C. to be known D. known
4. When I got back, I saw a message ____ to the door____ “Sorry to miss you; will call later.”
A. pin, read B. pinning, reading
C. pinned, reading D. pinned, read
2)作表语 表示主语的心理感觉或所处的状态。许多动词的过去分词已经被当作形容词 使用。如:disappointed,
excited, moved, puzzled, pleased, surprised, lost等。
The window is broken. 窗户碎了。
Don’t get so excited. 别这么激动。
① The glass is broken.
The glass was broken by Tom.
② The windows are closed.
The windows are closed by Jack.
surprised, excited, frightened, shocked)和一些过去分词(如dressed, drunk, devoted, lost, known)常用作表语,
① How did the audience receive the new play?
They got very excited.
② How did Bob do in the exams this time?
Well, his father seems pleased with his results.
③ She was very disappointed to hear the result.
④ He’s quite experienced in teaching beginners.
Cleaning women in big cities usually get ________by the hour.
A. pay B. paying C. paid D. to pay
该题考查分词作表语的用法。“to pay sb. by the hour” 计时给某人报酬。此题被动结构作表语。类似的有:get burnt,
get hurt , get wounded.

1. The rooms are ____, so you can’t move in.

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A. painted B. painting
C. being painted D. to be painted
2. As soon as he entered the city, he ____.
A. was losing B. got losing
C. grew lost D. got lost
3. What he has done is really ____.Now his parents
are _____ him.
A. disappointing; disappointed at
B. disappointing; disappointed about
C. disappointing; disappointed with
D. disappointed; disappointing by

a moving movie 感人的电影
a moved audience 被感动的观众
boiling water 正在烧(煮沸)的水
boiled water 已煮沸的水
developing countries 反展中国家
developed countries 发达国家
falling leaves 落叶(正在进行)
fallen leaves 落叶(已经完成)
The child standing over there is my brother.
The room facing south is our classroom.
The book written by Lu Xun is very good.
The road completed yesterday is leading to Tibet.

① n. a quality or feature of sth. or someone that is typical of them and easy to recongnize.特征;特性
What characteristics distinguish the Americans from the Canadians.
②a. very typical of a particular thing or of someone’s characer 典型性的,
Such bluntness is characteristic of him.
Windy days are characteristic of March.
What you know about him isn’t his real character.
2. put forward: to state an idea or opinion, or to suggest a plan or person, for other people to
He put forward a new theory.
The foreigners have put forward a proposal for a joint venture.
An interesting suggestion for measuring the atmosphere around Mars has been put forward.
☆ put on穿上;戴上;增加 put out熄灭(灯);扑灭 (火) put up with…忍受 put down写下来;放下;
put off 耽误; 延期 put up建立; 建造, put up举起,搭建,粘贴
3. analyze: to examine or think about something carefully in order to understand itvt.分析结果、检讨、细察
A computer analyses the photographs sent by the satellite.

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The earthquake expert tried to analyze the cause of the earthquake occurred on May 12,2008.
Let’s analyze the problem and see what went wrong.
He analyzed the food and found that it contained poison.
We must try to analyze the causes of the strike.
☆ analysis n.分析,解析,分解
4. Conclude: decide that sth. is true after considering al the information you have得出结论;推论出 to end sth. such as
a meeting or speech by doing or saying one final thing vt. & vi结束,终止;
We concluded the meeting at 8 o’clock with a prayer.
From his appearance we may safely conclude that he is a heavy smoker.
What do you conclude from these facts?
We conclude to go out that we would go out.
Conclusion n.结论
arrive at a conclusion; come to a conclusion; draw a conclusion; reach a conclusion
What conclusion did you come to reach draw arrive at?
From these facts we can draw some conclusions about how the pyramids were built.
Step 2 Reading
1. defeat
① vt. to win a victory over someone in a war, competition, game etc.打败,战胜,使受挫
I’ve tried to solve the problem, but it defeats me!
Our team defeated theirs in the game.
② n.失败,输 failure to win or succeed
This means admitting defeat.
They have got six victories and two defeats.
[辨析]win, beat与defeat
① win “赢得”赛事、战事、某物;后接人时,意为“争取赢得…的好感或支持;说服”
② beat “战胜”“击败”比赛中的对手,可与defeat互换
We beat defeated their team by 10 scores.
They won the battle but lost many men.
The local ball team won the state championship by beating defeating all the other teams.
I can easily beat defeat him at golf.
He is training hard to win the race and realize his dream of becoming a champion at the 2008 Olympic Games.
2. expert① n. someone who has a special skill or special knowledge of a subject专家,能手an expert in psychology an
agricultural expert
② special skill or special knowledge of a subject熟练的,有专门技术的 an expert rider
an expert job需专门知识的工作
He is expert in at cooking.
3. Attend vt. &vi 参加,注意,照料
① be present at参加attend a ceremony lecture a movie school class a meeting
I shall be attending the meeting.
Please let me know if you are unable to attend the conference.
② attend to (on): to look after, care for, serve伺候, 照顾,看护
The queen had a good doctor attending on her.
Dr Smith attended her in hospital. 治疗
Are you being attended to?接待
Mother had to attend to her sick son.
③ attend to处理,注意倾听 attend to the matter
A nurse attends to his needs.
Can you attend to the matter immediately?
I may be late – I have got one or two things to attend to.
Excuse me, but I have an urgent matter to attend to.
[辨析]attend, join, join in与take part in
②join 指加入某组织、团体,成为其中一员
③join in指加入某种活动;表示与某人一起做某事join sb. in sth.

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④take part in指参加正式的、有组织的活动,切在活动中起积极作用
Only 2 people attended the meeting.
He joined the Communist Youth League in 2007.
Will you join us in the game?
We often tale part in the after-class activities.
4. expose : to show sth. that is usually covered暴露
expose sth. to the light of day 把某事暴露于光天化日之下
I threatened to expose him ( to the police). 我威胁要(向警察)揭发他.
He exposed his skin to the sun.他把皮肤暴露在阳光下.
The old man was left exposed to wind and rain.
When he smiled he exposed a set of perfect white teeth.
5. cure vt. & n. to make someone who is ill well agian治疗,痊愈
When I left the hospital I was completely cured.
①cure sb of a disease
When you have a pain in your shoulders, you will go to see a doctor. The doctor will cure you.
The only way to cure backache is to rest.
He will cure the pain in your shoulders
When I left the hospital I was completely cured.
The illness cannot be cured easily.
Although the boy was beyond cure, his parents tried to cure him of bad habits.
②a cure for a disease
Aspirin is said to be a wonderful cure for the pain.
There is still no cure for the common cold.
Is there a certain cure for cancer yet?
③a cure for sth.: to remove a problem, or improve a bad situation解决问题,改善困境
The prices are going up every day, but there is no cure for rising prices.
① cure主要指痊愈,强调的是结果
② treat强调治疗过程,指通过药物、特别的食品或运动治疗病人或疾病,不强调结果。
They cured me of my influenza.
They treated me with a new drug.
6. control vt.& n.
①vt.: to have power over, rule, direct 控制,支配,管理
He cannot control his feelings anger.
You are trying to control me as though I were your slave.
The government tries its best to control prices.
②be under the control of…; be in control of;
takegain control of
get be out of control; lose control of; beyond control
George took gained control of the business after his father died.
The car went out of control and crashed into the pole.
the head in control of the country
The driver lost control of his car and it knocked into a tree.
Mr. Brown is in control of the shop. The shop is in the control of Mr. Brown.
This money is under control of Mr Brown.
Who’s in control of the project?
The fire has been brought under control.
7. suggest v. 建议;暗示;表明
① suggest+doing sth. that-clause
May suggested a picnic at the weekend.
What did you suggest to the headmaster?
I suggested leaving early for the airport.
She suggested that her father (should) give up smoking.
He suggested to us a visit to the Great Wall.

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He suggested us visiting the Great Wall.
He suggested that we (should) visit the Great Wall.
② suggest (暗示,表明)+从句不用虚拟语气。
The smile on her face suggested that she agreed with me.
The look on his face suggested that he was happy.
His pale face suggested that he was seriously ill.
His work suggests that he is a careful man.
8. absorb
① to take sth. in especially gradually吸收
Plants absorb carbon dioxide.
In cold climates, houses need to have walls that will absorb heat.
Paper that absorbs ink is called blotting paper(吸墨纸).
The big company has gradually absorbed these small companies into its own organization.

② to understand facts or ideas completely and remember them
It’s hard to absorb so much information.
☆ be absorbed in = concentrate on专心于
He is absorbed in the research of Chinese history recently.
The writer was so absorbed in his writing that he forgot to flick the ashes from his cigar.
I was so absorbed in a book that I didn’t hear you call.
☆ absorb one’s attention
Chinese history absorbs his attention recently.
9. suspect: to think that something is probably true or likely, especially something bad
① vt. 怀疑,猜疑 n. 嫌疑犯,有嫌疑的人 adj.可疑的,靠不住的
suspect sb. of doing sth. 怀疑某人做…
She suspected him of taking her money.
② 以为,猜想
We suspected that he had finished doing his homework.
10. severe a.
① so serious, so bad 严厉的,苛刻的,严格的
Come on! Don’t be so severe with the children.
His report contains severe criticism of the company’s actions.
His severe looks frightened me.
②very harmful or painful, serious or uncomfortable(疼痛)剧烈,的严重的,
I was caught in a severe storm last night and couldn’t go back home in time.
He has such a severe illness that he has been in hospital.
I suffered a severe attack of toothache.
He had a severe pain in the leg.
11. foresee: to know that sth. is going to happen before it actually happens vt. 预见,预料
The method was used in ways that couldn’t have been foreseen by its inventors.
Few analysts foresaw that oil rice would rise so steeply.
No one could have foreseen things would turn at this way.
It’s impossible to foresee how life will work out.
12. blame v. 责备;谴责;把……归咎于 n. 过失;责备
① blame sb. sth. for sth.: to say or think that sb. or sth. is responsible for sth. bad
It’s not fair to blame me. It’s not my fault.
They blamed the secretary for the delay of the plan.
Many children are afraid of being blamed for making mistakes in speaking English.
② blame sth. on sb. sth. 把……归咎于: be responsible for sth. bad
The police blamed the traffic accident on jack’s careless driving.
③ (be) to blame应受责备(主动表被动);承担责任
The driver was not to blame for the traffic accident.
Which driver was to blame for the accident?
Either he or I am to blame.

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Mr. Green stood up in defense of the 16-year-old boy, saying that he was not the one to blame.
Who is to blame for the fire?
④ take the blame承担责任to say that sth. is your fault
He is ready to take the blame for what had happened.
⑤ put the blame on怪在……身上
It’s no use blaming our defeat on him.
13. look into 调查,了解,研究,浏览,向…里看
We’ll look into the case as soon as possible.
But now the authority is looking into the cost of modifying all of its windows.
The building around the corner caught fire last night. The police are now looking into the matter.
look around; look after, look down upon; look for; look forward to; look like; look over浏览,过目一遍; look out; look
through浏览,检查; look on; look up to;
14. handle vt. to deal with处理,买卖,操作 n. 把手,把柄
The children are so naughty that I can't handle them. 处理
This shop handles paper and stationery. 买卖
We don’t handle that sort of book. 买卖
How shall we handle the problem. 处理
Can you handle the situation at present? 处理
It has a free handle.活把手
He learnt how to handle the axe. 操作


1,The meeting ______ tomorrow will be of great importance. All of us should attend it.
A held B to be held C being held D is going to be held
2, You must do everything _________you ______.
A as; are told to B as; are told B like; are told D when are told
3,The purpose of technology is to make it easier ,______ it more difficult.
A not make B not to make C making not D do not make
4,Before using the more thing, you must______ carefully to these instruction.
A join B join in C take part in D attend
5,The building _____in our school is for our teachers, though there is noise most of the day, we still feel happy about it.
A built B having been built C to be built D being built
6,The old man,_______ abroad for 20 years, is on the way back to his mother land.
A to work B working C to have worked D having worked
7,- Who are these people with banners? -A group _____ itself the league for Peace.
A calling B called C calls D is called
8, The mother did not know _____ to blame for the broken glass as it happened while she was out.
A who B when C how D what
9,There are trees and flowers along both sides of the road______ our school.
A leading to B defeated C won D gained
10, It was unbelievable that the fans waited outside the gym for three hours _____a look at the sports stars.
A had B having C to have D have
21 The police had to ____ the evidence in order to arrest the thief.
A examine B check C test D prove
22 He wrote her a long letter expressing the fact ____ she would not misunderstand him.

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A so as to B in order to C so that D for fear
23 My heart was filled with gladness because I was able to ____ my parents.
A intend B care C concern D attend
24 The relationship between the two countries has ____since the beginning of the
talks on the border conflicts.
A eased B reduced C easy D comforted
25. It’s very dangerous to be ____ to the SARS virus without any protection.
A disclosed B uncover C affected D exposed
26. This medicine will ____ him of his cough.
A recover B cure C treat D heal
27. He always brings me a pretty gift ____ he comes to visit me.
A by the time B sometimes C every time D at times
28. To our surprise, the man, who was looked down upon by others in the past, is now ____
the whole project.
A beyond control B in control of C out of control D losing control of
29. Finally he got the ___________from her eyes; she didn’t love him any longer.
A. news B. message C. explanation D. expression
30. ----- Where was I ?
------ You _________you didn’t like your father’s job.
A. had said B. said C. were saying D. had been saying

111,A man is questioned in relation to the _____ murder last night.
A advised B attended C attempted D admitted
12,Linda worked for the Minnesona Manufacture and mining Company,_____ as 3M.
A knowing B known C being Known D to be known
13, -George and Lucy got married last week. Did you go to their wedding.
-No, I _____.Did they have a big wedding.
A was not invited B have not been invited C hadn’t been invited D didn’t invite
14, The major of Beijing says that all construction for Being Olympics _____by 2006.
A has been completed B has completed C will have been completed D will have completed
15,______ to sunlight for too much time will do harm to one’s skin.
A Exposed B having exposed C Being exposed D after being exposed
lady said she would buy a gift for her daughter with the _______.
A 20 dollars remained B 20 dollars to remain C remained 20 dollars D remaining 20 dollars
someone suggested there _______ be an international language all could understand and use ______?
A can; it B C would; it D may;
18. The Olympic Games, ___ in 776 B.C. did not include women players until 1912.
A. first played B. to be first played C. first playing D. to be first playing
managers discussed the plan that they would like to see ___ the next year.
A. carry out B. carrying out C. carried out D. to carry out
20. European football is played in 80 countries, ___ it the most popular sport in the world.
A. making B. makes C. made D. to make
31. We’re going to ________ the hutongs of Beijing. Would you like to join us?

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A. get round B. get along C. get in D. get over
32. Professor Jordan gave us _______ lecture this afternoon and most of us were confused.
A. a more confusing B. more confusing a C. a most confusing D. the most confusing
33. ---- Do you _____ any difficulty ______ the subject ?
------ Yes. It’s too hard for me.
A. take; to understand B. have; in understanding
B. take; understanding D. have; to understand
34. In my opinion, Zhao Wei isn’t ________ a film star. She’s just good-looking.
A. much of B. more of C. something of D. a bit of
35. It’s seven o’clock now. Let’s _________ the news on CCTV 1.
A. see B. look at C. listen to D. watch







