
2020年08月19日 04:56


Unit 3
My Stroke of Luck

Section Three Detailed Reading
Para 1-2:
Words and Expressions
1. offer
v. express willingness (to do sth.)
e.g. I don’t need any help, but it was nice of you to offer.
The volunteers offered to go where there needed village teachers.
n. an expression of readiness to do sth. or to give sth.; an amount of money one is willing to
pay for sth.
e.g. She readily accepted his offer to give her a ride home.
propose, tender
on offer for sale at a reduced price
under offer having a prospective buyer who has made an offer
2. collide vi. hit each other accidentally
e.g. The motorbike and the bus collided at the corner of the street.
bump into, crash into
collide with sb. sth.
e.g. The two ships collided with each other in the heavy storm.
collision n.
3. instantly ad. immediately, at once
e.g. He instantly felt that he was cheated by the girl whom he deeply loved.
Seeing the beautiful picture, she bought it instantly.
instant a.
directly, instantaneously, promptly
Paragraphs 3-4
4. intuition n. the power of knowing sth. without reasoning
e.g. Women are apt to believe in their intuition in love.
intuitive a.
intuitively a.

insight n. ability to see into the true nature
perception n. ability to see, hear or understand
instinct n. natural feeling that makes one choose to act in a particular way, synonym of intuition
5. depressed a. sad or gloomy
e.g. Quite a lot of young people are very depressed about the high housing prices.
depress vt.
depression n.
depressing a.
dispirited, downhearted
6. suicidal a. with a tendency to commit suicide
e.g. People in a suicidal state had better go to seek professional help from counselors.
suicide n.
suicidal attempt
suicidal behavior
7. occupation n. the action, state, or period of occupying or being occupied by military force
e.g. Hong Kong had ever been under English occupation for more than 100 years.
invasion, takeover
occupation rate 占用率
1. survivor’s guilt (Paragraph 3)
Explanation: The author felt guilty because he survived while the other men on the plane didn’t.
2. She saved me again after my stroke in 1995, when I became depressed and suicidal. (Paragraph
Translation: 我1995年中风,深感沮丧,并有自杀倾向,她又一次救了我。
Paragraphs 5-7
Words and Expressions
8. star
vi. appear as a main performer in a film
e.g. Tom Hanks is to star in the action movie.
vt. have sb. as a main performer
e.g. Zhang Yimou has starred Gong Li many times in his films.
n. famous or brilliant singer, performer, sportsman, etc
e.g. The film is an all-star cast.
reach for the stars be very ambitious
see stars having a feeling of seeing flashes of light, esp. as a result of being hit on the head
stars in one’s eyes being happy and excited

9. show up arrive at a place
e.g. The writer showed up with the students’ shouts and applause.
His friend finally showed up as a witness.
appear, come into view, turn up
e.g. Her husband did not turn up timely as she expected, so she was quite worried.
show off try to impress others with one’s abilities, wealth, intelligence, etc.
show sb. the door ask sb. to leave
10. striking a. very attractive and impressive
e.g. It was said that Xi Shi was a very striking woman in history.
A great number of striking ladies entered for the beauty contest.
conspicuous, outstanding, attractive
strikingly ad.
11. temporary a. lasting only for a limited period of time
e.g. Most of the workers accepted the temporary arrangement.
The temporary offices are set for the urban renewal.
transient, momentary, impermanent
permanent, everlasting, eternal
temporariness n.
temporarily ad.
12. poignant a. keen or strong in mental appeal
e.g. The memories of two world wars are poignant.
It is always a poignant moment for her to miss her lost child.
poignancy n.
poignantly ad.
distressing, heartbreaking
happy, delighted, joyful
13. keep apart (cause to) remain separate
e.g. Keeping the two naughty boys apart can help them sleep on time.
They keep the sections apart in order to make them operate smoothly.

keep sb. sth. away from sb. sth. cause sb. sth. not to go near sb. sth.
keep off not approach, touch
keep on doing sth. continuing doing sth.
keep up (of rain, snow, good weather, etc.) continue without stopping
detach, disconnect, disjoin, set apart
3. to hell with her (Paragraph 6)
Explanation: “To hell with” is a curse. Here the author is cursing her under his breath. This shows
his anger.
Paragraphs 8-10
Words and Expressions
14. go through experience; suffer
e.g. I admire the way she’s still so cheerful after all that she’s gone through.
In her childhood, she went through great hardship.
undergo, suffer, experience
go down sink
go in for take part in
go up be raised; be built
go over look at sth. carefully; inspect sth.
15. be wrapped up in be totally absorbed in
e.g. Chinese parents tend to be completely wrapped up in their kids.
The boy was so wrapped up in his toys that he didn’t hear his grandmother’s words at all.
engrossed, preoccupied
wrap sb. up in cotton wool protect sb. too much from dangers or risks
wrap sb. up put warm clothes on sb.
16. console vt. give comfort to sb. in times of sadness
e.g. He consoled himself by the thought that it might have been worse.
President Lincoln consoled the mother who lost all her five sons in the civil war.
consolation n.
consolatory a.
console sb. for on sth.
17. undergo vt. experience
e.g. He was frightened when he realized he would have to undergo a dangerous heart operation.
To achieve success, a person may have to undergo disappointment and frustration.

put up with, be subjected to, go through
undergo an operation
undergo surgery
undergo severe tests through wind and storm
18. authorize vt. give official permission for
e.g. Only the Congress can authorize the President to declare war.
Her classmates authorized her to receive their diplomas at the university.
legalize, license, sanction
prohibit, forbid
authorization n.
authorized a.
19. feel guilty have a feeling of shame or having committed wrong
e.g. He felt guilty about buying such an expensive house because his old parents have worked so
hard to save money for him.
These children felt guilty that they had broken the windows of the classroom.
conscience-stricken, remorseful
guilt n.
20. finance
vt. provide money for; fund
e.g. The World Bank finances this environmental protection organization.
n. money provided for a special purpose
e.g. Finance for the National Health Service comes from taxpayers.
deficit finance 赤字财政
finance capital 金融资本
financial crisis 金融危机
financial a.
financially ad.
Activity: Fill in each blank with one of the following prepositions.
by up for in about through
It was no doubt that she had gone through a very tough ordeal.
He doesn’t have much time for a social life, because he’s too wrapped up in his work.
I was unable to console Isabella for the loss of her child.
Many working people feel guilty about leaving their parents alone at home.
State pensions are financed by the contributions of those still at work.
Paragraphs 11-13

Words and Expressions
21. beneficiary n. the receiver of a benefit
e.g. The old woman’s dog is the chief beneficiary of her will.
Many poor students are the beneficiaries of this scholarship.
benefactor n. the person who gives money or other help to a person or a cause
beneficiary country
final beneficiary
22. believe in have faith in, trust
e.g. Many ancient Chinese people believed in an afterlife.
A solid parent-child relationship must be based on parents’ believing in their children.
be certain about, swear by, have faith in
not believe one’s eyes ears be unable to believe that what one hears or sees is real because
one is so astonished
seeing is believing one needs to see sth. before one can believe it exists or happens
believe it or not it may sound surprising but it is true
23. suffer vt. experience sth. unpleasant, such as disease, injury, or loss
e.g. The company suffered huge losses in the wrong structural readjustment.
He suffered great pain when he left his lover to see service in the war.
undergo, go through
suffering n.
24. endure vt. bear
e.g. A lot of men of letters in history endured years in prison for their political beliefs.
She had to endure countless attacks on her reputation from popular newspapers.
stand, suffer, withstand
endurance n.
endurable a.
5. That’s my wife’s method, finding ways her life can help others. I’ve been the beneficiary of that
practice many times. (Paragraph 11)
Translation: 这就是我妻子的为人之道,总是助人为乐,我自己就多次受益。
6. Although she was my rescuer, Anne, who believes in tough love, wasn’t about to let me just lie
around. (Paragraph 12)
Translation: 安妮虽然是我的救星,但她相信,爱我爱得严厉一点,我就不会闲躺着无所事
Paragraph 14
Words and Expressions

25. inspire vt. influence, give a sudden good idea
e.g. The movie was inspired by his painful experience of being discriminated by racialists.
This organization is good at inspiring learning enthusiasm in students.
inspire sb. with sth. inspire sth. in sb.
e.g. Our first sight of the dingy little hotel did not inspire us with much confidence inspire
much confidence in us.
inspiration n.
inspiring a.
26. handle vt. treat, deal with
e.g. An excellent teacher must know how to handle his students.
Few people in this company know how to handle this machine.
cope with, conduct, deal with
handle without mittens deal with sth. sternly
handle with gloves deal with sth. peacefully
27. set apart make sth. or sb. different, distinguish
e.g. What set the play apart was the way it dealt with the murder scene.
His white hair set him apart from the other men.
differentiate, distinguish, separate
set about sth. doing sth. start doing sth.
set out leave a place and begin a journey
set on sb. attack sb.
set sth. aside place sth. to one side
7. What sets the survivors apart from the others is the willingness to move on, and to help others
to move on too. (Paragraph 14)
Translation: 幸存者和他人不同的地方在于他愿意继续前进,并同时帮助其他人一起前进。
Section Four Consolidation Activities
I . Vocabulary Analysis
1 Phrase practice
1. given that if one takes into account that 考虑到,假定
e.g. Not everybody is in the mood to consider dressing carefully given that we feel stressed and
tired almost everyday. 考虑到我们几乎每天都很紧张、很累,所以并不是每个人都有心
Given that they are inexperienced, they’ve done a good job. 考虑到他们没有经验,他们的工
2. then and there at that time and place, esp. without any delay 当场,当时当地

e.g. He resolved then and there that he would find a way to help the boy. 当时他就下决心,一定
3. in the midst of when 在……之中,当……的时候
e.g. She found it in the midst of sorting her suitcase. 她在整理手提箱时发现了它。
If you are in the midst of a financial deal, this is your lucky day. 如果你正要处理一笔交
4. set … apart distinguish 使分离,区别
e.g. We have set apart a special sum of money for new equipment. 我们留出一笔专款添置新设
The chair was set apart from the others for special guests. 给特殊客人坐的椅子与其它椅子
2 Word derivation
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words.
1. The principal would be less insistent (insist) on kids wearing school uniforms if the school had
to pay for them.
2. It’s so depressing (depress) the way no one seems to care what’s happening to this country.
3. I really miss my mother. My only consolation (console) is that her suffering was not prolonged.
4. The progressive Chinese intellectuals in the early days of the 20th century drew much of their
inspiration (inspire) from the revolutionary ideas flooding out of Europe at that time.
5. Three people were killed in a head-on collision (collide) between a bus and a car.
6. Much progress has been made in the diagnosis (diagnostic) of genetic disease.
7. Then suddenly, despite all their assurance (assure) they broke the agreement and signed a deal
with a rival company.
8. A heavy concentration of the drug may produce dizziness or even unconsciousness
1. insist (v.) 坚持;强调
insistence n. 坚持,坚决主张;强调
insistent a. 坚持的
e.g. 那位绅士坚持要付饭钱。
The gentlemen insisted on paying for the meal.
She’s a most insistent person.
2. depress v. 使沮丧;降低,压下;压抑
depressed a. 沮丧的;降低的;不景气的
depressing a. 令人沮丧的
depression n. 沮丧;萧条
e.g. 压力让他沮丧。
He was depressed by the pressure.
The test results were very depressing.
3. console v. 安慰,慰藉
consolation n. 安慰,慰藉
consolatory a. 慰问的,可慰藉的
e.g. 我最好的朋友试着来安慰我,但是无效。

My best friend tried to console me, but in vain.
Your company has been a great consolation for me.
4. inspire v. 使……感动;激发;煽动
inspiration n. 灵感,启示
inspiring a. 令人振奋的,激励人的,鼓舞人心的
e.g. 他的最佳小说的创作灵感来自他对父亲的怀念。.
His best novel was inspired by the memory of his father.
Many poets and artists have drawn their inspiration from nature.
His love for his motherland inspired his followers.
5. collide v. 碰撞,互撞;抵触
collision n. 碰撞,冲突
e.g. 那辆小轿车与客货车相撞。
That car and the van collided.
Five persons died during the collision of the two buses.
6. diagnose v. 判断,诊断(疾病)
diagnostic a. 特征的;诊断的
diagnosis n. 诊断
e.g. 她被诊断出患了乳腺癌。
She was diagnosed with breast cancer.
The engineer made a complete diagnosis of the building’s collapse.
7. assure v. 使确信,使放心;确保
assurance n. 保证;确信,肯定;自信
assured a. 确实的,保障的;有自信的
e.g. 我们及早订票以确保有座位。
We book early to assure ourselves of seats.
He made an unctuous assurance.
8. unconscious a. 失去知觉的
unconsciously ad. 无意识地,不知不觉地
unconsciousness n. 无意识,意识不清,失去知觉
e.g. 这名伤员由于失血过多而昏迷不醒。
This wounded soldier was unconscious from his loss of blood.
3 Synonym Antonym
Give a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is
1. My Stroke of Luck
Synonym: fortune
2. At dinner with friends, she’d set a place for me as if it were the most natural thing in the world
to eat lying on the couch.

Antonym: unnatural, artificial
3. Noel and I survived, but the men in the plane died instantly.
Synonym: immediately
4. Anne has such good judgment and intuition, she rarely makes a wrong decision.
Synonym: seldom, hardly
5. When we went out, Anne would put me in the rear of the station wagon, where I could stretch
Synonym: back
6. In L.A., I could get the best care for my spinal injury and start seeing psychiatrists for my very
real “survivor’s guilt”.
Antonym: innocence
7. Born in Hanover, Germany, she fled to Belgium to escape fascism as a teenager.
Synonym: escaped
8. After our first meeting, I called to invite her to supper at Tour d’Argent, one of Paris’s best
restaurants, with fantastic views of the Seine.
Synonym: marvelous, wonderful, terrific
4 Prefix Suffix
Write in each space one word that has the same stem as underlined in each given word.
1. intend pretend
2. implicit explicit
3. occur recur
4. transfer refer
5. admit commit
6. reject inject
7. express depress
8. stadium aquarium
II Grammar Exercises
1. Negation and inversion
Inversion involves putting an auxiliary verb before the subject of a clause. In formal
English, it is quite common to use inversion after negative adverbial expressions and restrictive
words such as only, never, hardly, little and seldom.
e. g. At no time did he get permission for what he was doing.
Not until the next morning did she realize how serious it was.
Only later did they learn his terrible secret.
Hardly had we walked in the door when the phone started ringing.
In some negative sentences, “not” is to negate the predicates in form, but actually it is used
to negate other elements of those negative sentences. Therefore, while translating, we should
transfer the negation in some cases.
e. g. Every man cannot be a scientist.
A high executive does not have a large vocabulary merely because of the opportunities of
his position.
A negative may be transferred from a certain part of the sentence to another in translation.
e. g. We don’t believe that our mother tongue is inferior to any other language in the world.
I don’t think Father will fancy living an idle life like that.


Change each sentence into a negative with the given word.
1. I hope it will rain. (not)
2. You will find gold in Iceland. (nowhere)
3. I had ever worked hard as I did yesterday. (hardly)
4. I feel I can stand it much longer. (not)
5. She knows what surprises we have in store for her. (little)
6. I said I would accept late homework. (at no time)
1. I hope it will not rain.
2. Nowhere in Iceland will you find gold.
3. Hardly had I ever worked as hard as I did yesterday.
4. I feel I cannot stand it much longer.
5. Little does she know what surprises we have in store for her.
6. At no time did I say I would accept late homework.
2. Unit noun
There are a number of nouns in English which can be used with mass nouns to indicate
units that you can count after all. Some of the other unit nouns have more restricted
collocations: they combine with certain nouns but not with others. Here are a few examples:
a slice of cake
a loaf of bread
a lump of sugar
a pinch or grain of salt
a stroke of luck
Complete each sentence with an appropriate expression of quantity from the box below.
an ear of a bit of a pack of a piece of a flock of a litter of
1. The teacher wrote the words with _____________ chalk.
2. There wasn’t _____________ corn left in the vegetable garden.
3. Tom found _____________ five pups in the backyard.
4. But aides say they detect ______________ wistfulness in his voice.
5. The children huddled together like ______________ sheep.
6. What she told you was _______________ lies.
1. a piece of 2. an ear of 3. a litter of
4. a bit of 5. a flock of 6. a pack of
3. as … as, as vs. like
“As … as” is used as comparative subordinating conjunctions to join two clauses.
e. g. The house was as large as two put together.
The coat of paint is not as fresh as it used to be.
“Like” (when used to mean “similar to”) is a preposition. “As” (when used to mean “in the
same manner”) is a conjunction. Prepositions govern nouns, pronouns, and words used as nouns.
Conjunctions join clauses.
e. g. Do as I say!

He eats like a pig.
When used as a preposition, “as” means “in the position of, in the form of”.
e. g. Dad dressed up as Santa Claus.
Insert as or like as appropriate in each sentence.
1. In 1939, ____________ in 1941, there was a great surge of patriotic feeling.
2. You’re just ____________ what I expected.
3. You mustn’t think of me ____________ being unhappy.
4. The child sang as sweetly ___________ a nightingale.
5. I received the same grade ___________ you did.
6. There’s nothing ___________ a good night’s sleep.
1. as 2. like 3. as 4. as 5. as 6. like
III. Translation exercises
1. 那些粉丝在雨中苦苦等了足足两个小时,这位“超女”才到达。(show up)
The fans waited anxiously in the rain for two hours before the “super girl” finally showed up.
What puzzles me is why they didn’t show up.
一月份举行的首届美国电影学院大奖被戏称为“逃兵奖” ,因为该奖项的17名得主中有
The first American Film Institute Awards ceremony, held in January, was instantly dubbed the
“MIA awards” because 11 of the 17 winners didn’t show up.
2. 他们恋爱八年,经历了种种苦难,才终成良缘。(go through)
They have been in love for eight years, and they went through many agonies before they
finally got married.
All products have to go through five quality checks in the whole manufacturing process.
I wouldn’t hesitate to go through fire and water for the just cause.
3. 经理每次出差都授权助理代理他的事务,因为公司的业务不容许拖延。(authorize)
Every time he leaves on business, the manager will authorize his assistant to act for him, as
the business of the company cannot wait.
The local government authorized the construction of a new airport.
The Central People’s Government shall, if necessary, authorize or assist the government of
the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to make appropriate arrangements.
4. 和许多其他作家一样,这位青年作家主 要写爱情这个永恒的主题,他的出众之处在于他

对中国农村生活的深刻体验。(set apart)
Like many other writers, this young writer focuses on the eternal theme of love. What sets
him apart from others is his keen observation of rural life in China.
What sets this proposal apart from others is its feasibility.
In this beauty contest, her beauty, grace and wits all set her apart from other contestants.
V Oral activities
1. Giving a talk
We have all heard or read some moving love stories such as those of our parents’ generation,
those of cancer patients, and those of the survivors in Sichuan province after the earthquake in
May 2008. Tell one of them to your classmates and tell them what particularly moves you.
For reference:
1. You may use the following words or expressions in your talk:
accident, disaster, depressed, hopeless, collapse, suicidal, survive, believe in, support,
understanding, encouragement, love, care, never give up, depend on, appreciation,
grateful, handle, cherish, move on
2. You may want to express the following viewpoints in your talk:
— True love creates miracle.
— True love lies in mutual support and understanding. Love means never abandoning your
beloved ones.
—True love heals all wounds.
2. Having a discussion
Suppose you were in love with a girl or a boy. For some reasons (social, financial, or physical
reasons) your parents are strongly against it. Let one of your classmates play the role of your Dad
or Mom and talk to him her, trying to convince your parent that the girl or the boy is worthy of
your love and your decision to marry him her is correct, while your parent tries his her best to
persuade you to change your mind.
For reference:
1. Your parents may complain about your boyfriend girlfriend as follows:
— He She is too short fat not so beautiful (handsome).
—He She comes from a poor family a large family, which may become a great burden.
—His Her profession is not so decent.
2. You may convince your parents by the following viewpoints:
— I think wit and personality are more important than a pretty face.
— We share same interests, hobbies and values. We both understand and appreciate each other.
— We both have shortcomings, but we have learned how to help and accept each other. With
true love, we have great confidence to overcome difficulties and shoulder responsibilities
ahead of us.







