
2020年08月19日 07:09


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大部分学生比较喜欢敢说敢 表现,课后

教学总目 标:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们英语学习的积极态度,使他们建立初步的学习英语的自
信心;培 养学生一定的语感和良好的语音、语调、书写基础,以及良好的学习习惯;使他们形成初步用英
语进行简 单日常交流的能力。同时,培养学生的观察、记忆、思维、想象和创造能力。适当介绍中西方文
化,培养 学生爱国主义精神,增强世界意识,为学生的进一步学习奠定良好的基础。
教学内容及要求:能听懂、 会说12组会话,并能进行简单的交流;能听、说、认读73个单词(包括文具、
人体部位、颜色、动物 、食品、数字等6个话题)并能简单地运用;能听、做、演18个游戏;能听、做
12个“TPR”活动 ;能学会8个小制作;能唱14首歌曲;能听、说、唱10首歌谣;能完成8个自我评价
活动;能听懂6 个幽默小故事;能了解6项简单的中西方文化知识。
(Let’s talkLet’s play)融会话教学于情景表演之中,让学生在表演中练,在交 际活动中
(Let’s learnLet’s do)巧用实物和卡片;融词汇于会话教学中;充分发挥TPR活动优势;
(Let’s singLet’s chant) 在每节课中渗透;灵活运用在各个教学环节中;唱演结合,培
(Story time)对不同学生分层次进行教学。
Say open your books.
Point to the page“Welcome to English”.
What’s your known?
Listen and learn an English song:

Teaching aims of unit 1:
1. Grasp the new words: pencil-box eraser pencil book
ruler bag crayon pen sharpener
2. Grasp the main sentences: Hello! I’m…. Hi! I’m….
What’s your name? My name is….
Goodbye. Bye. See you.
And get the students to use these sentences to communicate with each other.
3. Grasp the TPR activities in the part of “Let’s do”.
Try to say these phrases and respond the actions correctly.
4. Learn to sing two songs: Hello! Happy Teachers’ Day!
5. Learn to the part of “Let’s chant”. Understand the meaning of the chant and
try to grasp the patterns “I have….” and “ Me too”.
6. Try making a name card.
7. Enable the students to understand the story in the part of “Story time”.
Try to read and retell the story.
Teaching arrangement:
Lesson 1: A: Let’s talk Let’s play
Lesson 2: A: Let’s learn Let’s do
Lesson 3: A: Let’s make C: Culture Let’s sing
Lesson 4: B: Let’s talk Let’s play
Lesson 5: B: Let’s learn Let’s do Let’s sing
Lesson 6: B: Let’s check Let’s chant C: Story time
Lesson 1
Teaching aims:
to make a self-introduction with the pattern “ I’m…”.
to use Hello, Hi, Goodbye and Bye to communicate with others.
to sing a song: Hello

Preparation: Recorder and tape.
(1). Warm-up
Listen to the song: Hello.
(2). Presentation
a. Teacher shows and introduces a new friend: a bear. “Hello. I’m Teddy. You
can call me Teddy Bear. ” Goes to the pupils seat and greets to them, shake
the hands.
b. Ask pupils to practice this dialogue and later ask some pairs come to the
front to act.
(3). Presentation
a. Listen to the song: Hello and pass a toy. If a child get the toy when the
song is stopping, he(she) say: Hello(Hi)! I’m…
b. Some children who haven’t got the toy stand up and introduce himself(herself):
Hello(Hi)! I’m…
(4). Practice
Teacher change the voice and make up like wear a pair of glasses. Then teacher
goes with Teddy Bear into the classroom, greets to one pupil with the dialogue
above, and at last adds up a sentence: Goodbye! Practice and act the conversation
in groups. Then asks some groups to act it.
(5). Add-activities
a. Listen and read after the tape, imitate the tape.
b. Find a group of friends to make the conversation.

Lesson 2
Teaching aims:
1. Grasp the new words: pencil, crayon, eraser, ruler, pen and phrases: a
pencil, a crayon, an eraser, a ruler, a pen.
2. Respond the TPR activities “Show me your…”quickly and correctly. *Try
to use this phrase.
*3. Learn to say“I have aan…” Substitute the pattern with five new words.
a. A Teddy Bear
b. Tape and recorder
c. A pencil-box with a pen, a pencil, a ruler, an eraser, a crayon.
(1). Warm-upReview
a. Listen to the song: Hello.
b. Greets to pupils with: HelloHi. And hug them or shake hands.
c. Make a conversation like last lesson.
(2). Presentation
a. Show a pencil-box. Let children guess : What is it in the pencil-box?
(in Chinese) Then introduces to everybody like: Yes! Pencil. I have a pencil.
b. Use this form, let pupils guess and learn the words: pencil, pen, ruler,
eraser, crayon.
(3). Practice
a. Game:
Say what is it in your pencil-box.
-- I have a pen.
b. Teddy Bear asks: What’s this in English? Pupils say: eraser. Do as this.
(4). Let’s do
a. Listen to the tape and teacher do it first t show the means.
b. Asks pupils to follow teacher to do it and say if they can.
c. Do it after tape like:
-- Show me your pencil. -- My pencil.
(5). Assessment
Play a bingo game with those words: crayon, pencil, eraser, …

Lesson 3
Teaching aims:
to make a name card.

2. Enable the students to know some knowledge about Teachers’ Day and encourage
them to say Happy Teachers’ Day to other teachers.
3. Learn to sing a song: Happy Teachers’ Day
*4. Make a teacher’s card and present the teacher you like.
a. Tape and recorder
b. A name card
(1). Warm-upReview
a. Listen to the song: Happy Teachers’ Day
b. Do it: Show me your…
(2). Practice
a. Shows pupils a name card and asks pupils how can we make the name card.
b. Told pupils how can they make the name card in English.
c. Pupils make it by themselves and say how does he(she) make it in English.
(3). Enable the students to know some knowledge about Teachers’ Day: When is
Teachers’ Day and encourage them to say Happy Teachers’ Day to other
*Make a teacher’s card and present the teacher you like.
(4). Let’s sing: Happy Teachers’ Day
Listen and sing the song.

Lesson 4
Teaching aims:
1. Get the students to grasp the sentences: What’s your name? My name is….
2. Learn to use the phrase See you to express goodbye and try to use the word:
3. Practice and make dialogues about self-introduction.
Tape and recorder
(1). Warm-up Review
a. Sing the song: Happy Teachers’ Day
b. Make a greeting to each other.
(2). Presentation
a. Listen to the tape and then asks them what they heard.
b. Point to the name in a Pupil’s Book so that lets pupils know what’s mean
of this sentence.
c. Asks pupils to practice this dialogue and later ask some pairs come to the
front to act.
(3). Practice
Make a conversation, connect the texts in part A.
(4). Main picture
Back to the main picture, point and find what they are talking. Then hand
out the sortition paper to pupils. Pupils get it and find what picture it is.
And them imitate those visualizes, make a conversation according to the main

picture: Hello! I’m Sarah. What’s your name? My name’s Chen Jie. Goodbye!
Bye, Miss White!
(5). Add-activities
Listen and read after tape and make the dialogue.

Lesson 5
Teaching aims:
the new words: bag, pencil-case, book, sharpener, school and the phrases
a bag, a pencil-case, a book, a sharpener.
d the TPR activities quickly and correctly.
*Try to say “open close carry your …”and “go to school”.
*tute the pattern “ I have a…”. Learn to say and use the sentence “Me
to sing a song: Hello
a. Tape and recorder

b. A pencil-case, a bag, a book, a sharpener
(1). Warm-upReview
a. Sing a song: Happy Teachers’ Day
b. Do it (Part A – Lesson 2)
(2). Presentation
a. Let children guess: What is it?
Then introduces to everybody like: Yes! Bag. I have a bag.
b. Use this form, let pupils guess and learn the words: bag, book, pencil-case,
sharpener, school.
(3). Practice
a. Asks: What’s this in English? Pupils say: sharpener. Do as this.
b. Game:
Say what is it?
-- I have a bag. --Me too!
(4). Let’s do
a. Listen to the tape and teacher do it first t show the means.
b. Asks pupils to follow teacher to do it and say if they can.
c. Guess and learn the word: school.
(5). Learn to sing a song: Hello
(6). Assessment
Play a bingo game with those words: crayon, pencil, eraser, pen, ruler, bag,
book, pencil-case, sharpener.

Lesson 6
Teaching aims:
1. Exercise in the part of “Let’s check”.
2. Learn to say the part of “Let’s chant”. Perform it and replace it in the
proper place.
3. Listen and watch a story about Zip & Zoom. Try to understand the meaning and
try to retell the story.
the new songs in the unit.
a. Tape and recorder
b. Some pictures for sortition
(1). Warm-up
a. Sing a song: Hello
b. Greet to each other.
c. Do it. (Part B – Lesson 2)
(2). Practice
a. Let’s chant.
Listen first and understand the means. Then chant in pairs and act it.
Chant it together.
b. Let’s check.
Listen the tape and do it.
(3). Story time
a. Do as me: Teacher do an action and pupils do the same and say it.
b. When pupils finish saying, Teddy Bear and squirrel go into the classroom and
act that story. Those two pupils were teached yesterday by teacher.
c. Asks everyone to talking like the story showing.
d. Asks two to practice the dialogue. And then act it.
(4). Let’s sing: Hello







