
2020年08月27日 20:19


一. 语音知识
1.元音字母。 Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Ll Mm Nn
Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
前元音:[ i: ] [ i ] [ e ] [ æ ]
1) 舌尖要抵住下齿。
2) 舌前部向硬颚部分抬起。
3) 双唇不要收圆,发[ i: ] [ i ] [ e ] 时双唇平展,发
[ æ ]时口形要张大,扁唇。
4) 唇形舌位保持不变,否则就要发成双元音。
[i: ]发音组合: e ee ea ie ei
Eg:be me see we he she eat free three tree please team
read keep
[i ]发音组合: i
Eg;it in is sit big pig pick give kiss miss think rich
which fish city chick finish six little
[e ]发音组合: e ea a
Eg:get wet neck bed dead egg pen ten tell text spend
friend many seven yellow
[æ ]发音组合: a
Eg:cap map fat hat bad man hand thank happy bag
后元音:舌尖不触下齿, 舌身后缩, 舌后部向软颚
部分抬起。[a:] [u:] [u] [ɔ:] [ɔ] [a:]
[a:]发音组合:ar ear al
arm art hard fast last class glass party after father large
car star heart half
[u:] 发音组合:oo o ou u
food fool cool shoot blue too two do who you food
tooth lose noon moon true pupil school
[u] 发音组合:oo u ou
foot good cook pull full bull should put
foot cook look book could woman
good cut
[ɔ:] 发音组合:a oo aw ou ore
au or ar
talk ball hall call door floor law force born
sort warn law talk horse story water
[ɔ] 发音组合:o
[ɔ ]top shop what hot hop wash watch song long stop
clock body sorry orange lot
中元音:所谓中元 音是指发音时要使用舌中部。也
型圆。[ʌ] [ə:] [ə]
[ʌ ]up cup such come some none one other colour
money mother cousin cut luck on
[ə:]发音组合:or ir er ur ear
Sir her shirt work worm bird dirty term burn
surf pearl learn term girl
[ə ] 发音组合:a er or
appear arise again teacher mother brother driver anger

doctor actor tutor famous
合口双元音为: [ei] [ai] [ɔɪ] [au] [əu]
[ei]发音组合:ei a ai ay
eight cake snake lake make name date game wait
play they way day may
[ai]发音组合:y i uy
cry dry my kite high bike tight fine time
buy eye why knife
[ɔɪ]发音组合:oy oi
toy boy join noise voice point soil coin
[au]发音组合:ou ow
house sound out noun bow town now cow
[əu] 发音组合:o ow oa
go so no nose hope hole note coke cope know low
own boat coat joke old cold
集中双元音为:[iə] [ɛə] [uə]
[iə] 发音组合:eer ear ere
beer deer hear near fear here ear tear dear realy
[ɛə]发音组合:air ear are ere
hair fair air bear dare hare there care where
[uə]发音组合:oor ure our
poor sure tour
爆破音: [ p ] [ b ] [ t ] [ d ] [ k ] [ g ]
[ p ] 发音组合:p
pay pipe put pie peachsport speed spend
[ b ] 发音组合:b
bird bed bag big buy bake bill bear book
[ t ] 发音组合:t
tea teacher team tip it meet cat boat
student stand
[ d ] 发音组合:d
do did does deer date dig need bed
[ k ] 发音组合:c k ck
cake car can cat come kite sky keep
pick back
[ g ] 发音组合:g
geese go gap get big bag beg
1) [ p ] [ t ] [ k ] 是清辅音,发音时声带不震动,
2) [ b ] [ d ] [ g ] 是浊辅音,发音时声带必须震动。
摩擦音: [ f ] [ v ] [θ] [ð] [ʃ] [3][ s ] [ z ] [ h ][ r ]
[ f ] 发音组合:f ph
five first life fine fat fail fair fall farm
telephone photo
[ v ] 发音组合:v
vote vine vat vail very vaseleave five
physics visit
think teeth thick theme thank thought
both tooth truth fifth mouth cloth faith

this that these those then than though
[ʃ]发音组合:sh s ss ch
ship fish sheet sheep dish sure ensure
assure machine
代表单词:pleasure usual leisure measure
[ s ]发音组合:s c
代表单词:seem set seek say see books
dense mouse cups face ice race price
音标对比:[θ] [s]
theme seem
think sink
path pass
[ z ]音标特征:舌端齿龈摩擦浊辅音
端靠近齿 龈(不要贴住),气流由齿龈之间泄出,摩
发音组合:z s
zoo prize zeal raise knees eyes
[ h ]音标特征:声门摩擦辅音
发音组合:h wh 【注意】wh 在元音字母o前
hot home house horse hate high whole who
whose whom
[ r ]音标特征:舌尖齿龈后部摩擦辅音
发音组合:r wr
race red rice rain right road free fry
wrong write
英语中有十个摩擦音即: [ f ] [ v ] [θ] [ð] [ʃ]
[3][ s ] [ z ] [ h ][ r ]
1) 口腔通道不完全阻塞,留有窄小空隙, 气流从中
2) 摩擦音可以延长而发音器官位置不变。
破擦音: [t] [d][tr][dr][ts][dz]
[ t]发音组合:ch
cheap child chest choke check
catch watch
[d]发音组合:j g dg
jeep joke jew juice gin change jodge
[ tr ]发音组合:tr
tree treat trip train tram
[ dr ]发音组合: dr
代表单词: dream drag draw drink children
[ ts ]发音组合:ts
代表单词:sits seats mates peasants parents
[ dz ]发音组合:ds
needs seeds spends
鼻辅音: [ m ] [ n ] [ ŋ ]
[ m ]发音组合:m
some come dime mother map moon
[ n ]发音组合:n
noon nose note not no nothing moon soon

son gun thin run dine gain
英语中一共由三个鼻辅音,即: [ m ] [ n ] [ŋ],发
1) 软颚下垂,口腔通道完全阻塞,气流从鼻腔泄出。
2) 有声带震动,都是浊辅音。
3) 鼻辅音在词末时,发音要略微延长。
舌边音: [ l ]
注意: [ l ]有两个发音,即清晰音[ l ]和含糊音[ l ]发
清晰音[ l ] 时:舌前向硬颚抬起,清晰音出现在元
音前面。发含糊音[ l ] 时:舌前下降,舌后上台,
辅音前面和词的末 尾。
发音组合: l
代表单词:清晰音[ l ] let lad late laid leap lap
代表单词:含糊音[ l ] deal tell belt sale table
半元音: [ w ] [ j ]
[ w ] wet winter world women
发音组合:w wh
wait west way wet will wide wheel what
why when where while
[ j ] 发音组合:y
代表单词:year yes yet yard young you
二. 短语和句子
1. 短语。
little friends
bend my leg and head
run up the hill
ride a bike
fly a kite
no the desk
on the bed
in the room
in the box
on the chair
in your bag
in your pencil-box
a good book
in my hand
my family
my friend
have a happy family
look at me
a busy bee
a happy ship
under a big tree
play a ball game
see a doctor
play school
help you
near hear
near the car
under a chair
on the box
in the box
behind the box

by the box
near the box
under the box
near the window
say hello to her
go to see sb.
In town
my old friend
at home
at school
our friend
come in
in the park
in the zoo
in English
a little boy
a lot of noise
in the car
in the jeep
on the ship
on the plane
in the boat
in the truck
make aboat
a red hen
like to sleep
like to work
want to plant wheat
have to
cut wheat
want to play
want to sleep
make some bread
too cold
2. 句子。
I can swim. Can you?
Yes, I can. No, I can’t.
Can you ….?
What’s on the desk?
What’s on the bed?
What’s in it?
I can’t guess it.
What’s in the room?
What’s in the box?
What’s in your bag?
What’s in the pencil-box?
Is this your pencil-box?
Yes, it is. no, it isn’t.
Is that your bag?
It’s a good book.
This is my family.
Is this your mother?
Glad to meet you.
Who’s he?
He is ….
You have a happy family.
What can you see?
What’s in your bag?
Can I read it?

What can you see in the book?
I can see a green tree.
How many birds can you see?
Can you see …?
Yes, I , I can’t.
Let’s play a ball game, ok?
Let’s see a doctor.
Are you a doctor?
Yes, I , I’m not.
Who’s the doctor
Let’s play school.
Let me ask you.
Are you in Class4?
What can you do?
I can sing .
Don’t sleep in class.
What’s the time?
What time is it?
Thank you .
That’s all right.
Not at all.
That’s ok.
I’m late again.
You are not ’s Sunday today.
Where is my dog?
I can’t find my dog.
We can help you find it.
Sam isn’t near here.
Sam isn’t near the car
He is there.
I have no ears.
What can you see in the room?
I can see…
Where is it?
Let’s say hello to her.
Let’s go to see sb.
May we come in?
Are you in ?
She’s in town now.
I know it’s you
It’s a joke.
I’m at home.
How do you do?
He is at school.
Shi is in the park.
What’s this in English?
What’s that in English?
Who is in the car?
Who can help me?
I have to do it myself.
The bread is nice.
Let me eat it.
Can I eat it?
You don’t work.. So you can’t eat it.
I’m hungry.







