
2020年08月29日 11:47


Module 1
Unit 1 Do you use chopsticks in the UK?

◆ 教材分析
本单元内容是三年级上册模块1第一单元的内容,要求学生会使用句型:Do you ...?
并根据实际作出回答:Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

◆ 教学目标
1. 能听懂、会说、认读,会用单词:use easy hard chopsticks knife fork chips
hamburger fast food;
2. 重要句型要求学生会说并用于实际生活中。
Do you use chopsticks in England?
Yes, I do. No, I don’t.
1.听懂故事; 能跟磁带朗读故事;能在图片的帮助下简单复述故事。
2. 重要句型要求学生会说并用于实际生活中。
1. 引导学生了解东西方不同的用餐习惯和礼仪。
2. 激发学生的学习兴趣,培养良好的学习习惯。

◆ 教学重难点
Do you use chopsticks in England?
Yes, I do. No, I don’t..

◆ 课前准备
Tape recorder, Multimedia

◆ 教学过程
Step 1. Warm- up
Step 2. Preview
a hamburger an apple,
Some noodles, some rice…
2.T: I’m hungry. I want an apple. (Ues hands)
I want some noodles. (use chopsticks)
I want some pizza. (use knife and fork)
Step 3. Presentation
1. Listen and watch.
2. Teacher explains the story picture by picture.
Note: Do you use chopsticks in England?
Yes, I do. No, I don’t.
It’s hard easy for…
3. Listen to the radio, circle the new words. (solve the difficulties)
4. Read after the tape.
5. Yes or No (check if the kids understood the story.)
6. Role play
Step 4. Practice
t the talk
Do you use chopsticks in England.
No, we don't. We use a knife and fork.
you want…? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.
Do you use chopsticks? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.
Step 5. Summary
Do you want……?
—Yes,I do.
—No,I don't.
Do you use……?

—Yes,I do.
—No,I don't.
It’s hard easy for…
Step 6. Homework
1、Listen to tape three times.
2、Read the sentence.
3、用“Do you…?”句型问你周围的同学。

Module 1
Unit 2 I’ m eating hamburgers and

◆ 教材分析
本单元内容是三年级上册模块1第二单元的内容,要求学生掌握一般现在进行时,描述当前< br>所发生的动作。

◆ 教学目标
1.能听懂、会读、会说单词hamburger, chips, fast food
2.会描述他人正在进行的动作(如:Daming is eating rice. He's using chopsticks.);能询问他
人正在做什么还能做出相应的回答(如:What is Lingling doing? She's eating noodles.)
1. 听懂故事;能跟磁带朗读故事;能在图片的帮助下简单复述故事。
2. 重要句型要求学生会说并用于实际生活中。
1. 引导学生了解东西方不同的用餐习惯和礼仪。
2. 激发学生的学习兴趣,培养良好的学习习惯。

◆ 教学重难点


◆ 课前准备

◆ 教学过程
Step1. Warming up
Free talk
Step2. Preview
the last story
Do some talks:
Let’s eat….
Do you use…?
2. Look, who are they?
What is he doing?
He is eating.
Step3. Presentation
What are they eating?
Hamburgers and chips
Does Amy use a knife and fork?
No, she uses hands.

1. Listen and watch.
2. Teacher explains the story picture by picture.
Note: I like hamburgers and chips. It’s English fast food. I like noodles. It’s Chinese fast food.
3. Listen to the radio, circle the new words. (solve the difficulties)
4. Read after the tape.
5. Yes or No (check if the kids understood the story.)

6. Read the story together.
Step4. Practice
1. Listen, point and say
2. Present the talk
He She is eating …
HeShe is using…
Step5. Homework
to tape three times.
the sentence.

Module 2
Unit 1 We’re making a cake.

◆ 教材分析
Amy跟Sam 建议 做蛋糕,爸爸妈妈先后推门进来问他们正在干什么,并请他们保持安
静。可他们声音太大了,父母亲不让 他们做,让他们回房。进房后Amy吹笛,Sam打鼓,

◆ 教学目标
1.能听懂、会说、会认读单词:make, cake, idea, instead
2.能熟练运用句型:What are you doing?
We’re making a cake.
Please be quite! I’m working.
能借助图片、文字和练习对文本有初步了解,能运用现在进行时谈论、询问和描 述自己或他


◆ 教学重难点

What are you doing?
We’re making a cake.
Please be quiet.

◆ 课前准备

PPT, flash cards, pictures,

Step 1. Warm- up
Free talk
T: Class begins, stand up, please. Good morning, class.
Ss: Good morning, Ms Ji.
T: How are you today?
Ss: I’m fine, thank you. And you?
T: I’m fine, too.
Step 2. Preview
1. Play the song “Make a cake”.
T: Now, Let’s listen to a song. Listen carefully. What’s this?
Ss: It’s a cake.
T: Yes, now read after me. CakeC—[k], cakec-a –k-ecake.
(Show a PPT)
Read it together. Make a cake.
Step 3. Presentation

◆ 教学过程

T: Do you like cakes?
Ss: Yes!
T: Your friends Amy and Sam like it, too!
T: Look at the screen. Are they happy?
Ss: Yes, they are.
T: Why? Why they are so happy? What are they doing?
(After playing the CD)
T: Who got the answer?
S1: Make a cake.
T: Maybe you can say: They’re making a cake! (PPT)
So Amy and Sam are happy. They’re making a cake. Class, is it a good idea for Sam and Amy?
Ss: Yes, it is a good idea for Sam and Amy. But is it a good idea for Ms Smart and Mr Smart?
Now listen to the text again, then answer the questions.
Q: What is Mr Smart doing?
What is Ms Smart doing?
A: Mr Smart He is reading.
Ms Smart He is working.
(PPT shows SB's P6. Picture 5)
T: As you know, making a cake is not a good idea for Mr Smart and Ms Smart. Now look! Is Sam
Amy making a cake now?
Ss: No, he she isn't.
T: So what are they doing now?
Ss: Play the flute drums.
T: I think you can do better. Who can have a try?
Ss: Amy is playing the flute. Sam is playing the drums.
T: Right, you're very clever! So, Amy is playing the flute, and Sam is playing the drums.
Step 4. Practise

What are you doing?
We are making a cake planenoodleskite.:
Step 5. Summary
Let a student say what we’ve learned.
Step 6. Homework
1. Copy the new words.
2. Read the text for 4-5 times.

Module 2
Unit 2 I’m watching TV.

◆ 教材分析
本单元主要围绕“What are you doing?”这一主题展开各种教学活动,并以这一主 题引出
生能在“做 中学”(learning by doing),通过有限的课堂实践活动,注意观察别人的行动,能

◆ 教学目标
1.能听懂、会说、会认读单词及词组:water, flowers, watching TV, running, listening to music…
2.能熟练运用句型:What are you doing? I'm watching TV.
What's heshe doing? He She's reading.
What are they doing? They're watching TV.
2.能掌握现在进行时态及一些表示具体动作的词组搭配,如:doing homework, watching TV,
eating dinner…

通过对本单元的任务性活动,我的目的是能培养培养学生学习英 语的强烈兴趣,乐于参加各

◆ 教学重难点

What are you doing? I'm watching TV.
What's heshe doing? He She's reading.

◆ 课前准备

PPT, flash cards, pictures,

◆ 教学过程
Step 1. Warm- up
1. Greeting
2. Review the last story
Do some talks:
What are you doing We’re making…
Step 2. Preview
Use 2 boxes 动词ing变形,造句
Box A: I’m we’re he is she is
Box B: wacth TV make a cake…
Step 3. Presentation
1.同学们你们还 记不记得在上个单元,Amy和Sam正在做蛋糕,那么让我们看看他们有没
Let’s see page 11 and find out “who is watching TV”, “ who is listening to music?”

What is mum doing?
What is dad doing?
What are they doing?
Step 4. Practice
2. Game:One by one
一个接一个,以接龙的方式用现在进行时描述Look and say 部分图片上的情景。
3. Point, ask and answer
What’s heshe doing?
He She is...
Step 5. Summary
Let a student say what we’ve learned.
Step 6. Homework
1. Listen to tape three times.
2. Read the sentence.
3.用“What are you doing…?”句型问你周围的同学。

Module 3
Unit 1 These ducks are very naughty.

◆ 教材分析
本课内容是新标准三年级上册第5册英语Module 3 的内容,These ducks are very naughty主

◆ 教学目标
1.掌握四会词汇:Naughty Dragon boat row lake feed get out wet shorts;

What are those? They are dragon boats.
The ducks are very naughty.
This is Amy’s … This is Sam’s…
These are Amy’s… Those are Sam’s…
掌握功能句 What are thesethose? They’re dragon boats. These ducks are very naughty

◆ 教学重难点
1. 会读、会认新词六个:naughty、dragon boat、row、lake、feed、get out,并能区分“these”
和“those” 的指代。
2.会读、会认,会用句子 What are these?What are those? 进行提问及回答。
1. 会读、会认新词六个:naughty、dragon boat、row、lake、feed、get out,并能区分“these”
和“those” 的指代。
2.会读、会认,会用句子 What are these?What are those? 进行提问及回答。

◆ 课前准备
Tape recorder, Multimedia

◆ 教学过程
Step 1. Warm- up
Free talk
Step 2. Preview
欣赏歌曲 Row Row Row Your Boat. 老师与学生一起做动作学唱歌曲,教师板书词组row
youra boat ,学生从歌曲中学习这个词组。
Step 3. Presentation
1、教师根据刚才的歌曲问学生“Do you want to row a boat?” 进一步问“Where can you row a
boat?” 此时教师在黑板上画一个湖,教授lake,并说“You can row a boat on a lake.” 学生跟

读这句话。这时教师出示龙船的图片贴到湖上,“Look! This is a very big boat. It’s a dragon boat!
通过What’s thisthat ? It’s a ….. 句型学生小组进行操练。这时教师出示更多的龙船,提问
What are these? 引导学生说出They are dragon boats. 教师板书这两句问答句,领读。学生小
2、教师说:“Sam and his family are in the park now. Let’s have a look. What’s happen?” 激发学
生兴趣,播放两遍录音,再逐句播放录音,学生跟读。读到Please, Mum ? 时,教 师用表情
和肢体语言让学生体会到这句话的含义。课本第二幅图片读完,教师拿出几个小鸭子的头饰,< br>找几位同学扮演小鸭子。几位同学扮演Sam 一家继续跟读课文,让学生们边表演边跟读。
利用学生扮演的小鸭子的远近,教授these , those, feed the ducks. 学生扮演的小鸭子模仿发
出鸭子的叫声去抢食物,这时教授naughty. 这时“小鸭子们”抢食物Sam 已经受不了了,教
师教授go out ,扮演Sam 的学生大声喊出这个句子,学生自然明白这句话的含义。教师多放
3、Activities: 分小组表演读课文。
Step 4. Practice
学生小组合作完成SB Unit 1 任务3。A: What are thesethose? B: They’re ______ .课件出示
AB Unit 1任务4,学生根据远近和单复数不同用ThisThat is… TheseThose are…. 来口头描
Step 5. Summary
教师利用学生的学习文具来进一步巩固强化this, that, these, those的区别。
Step 6. Homework
1、Listen to tape three times.
2、Read the sentence.

Module 3
Unit 2 The ducks are playing in the rain.

◆ 教材分析
doing 的用法,并在此基础上鼓励学生学会使用“these, those ” 等词汇描述所看到的有趣的

场景。第一单元为故事情境的呈现,第二单元为本 模块的巩固拓展单元。本单元中,学生需
要在理解第一单元的情境故事的基础上,复习巩固所学过的新单 词: dragon boats, row,
these,those等。并在此基础上学会使用“ What are these those? They are...” 来描述所看到的场
景, 同时能结合前两单元的学习,运用“ be doing ”来描述场景中正在发生的事情。

1、词汇:理解和感知these, those, hide-and- seek, hiding 等;
2、句子:能够理解并运用: What are these those? They are... 并在此基础上使用进行式 be
+doing 来描绘场景;
1、能在文本提供的语境中感知和理解 The ducks are playing in the rain.
2、复习并巩固运用 be + doing 描绘场景中的动态。
通过本课时的学习,让学生体会英语学习的乐趣,培养合作的意识,热爱生活, 了解动物习

◆ 教学重难点
理解单词these, those的语用意义及故事内容。 2、 正确运用句型What are these those? They
理解拓展句型 What are they doing? They are...

◆ 课前准备
Tape recorder, Multimedia

◆ 教学过程
Step 1. Warm- up
1. Greeting
2. Have a free talk with some children and give them some cards (birds and toy cars)
T: What are these those?
S: They are...
Step 2. Preview

Show a picture of the Activity 1.
Look and say: Ask and answer questions about the picture.
Step 3. Presentation
1. Ask questions:
1)How’s the weather.
2) play the sound of the rain and the ducks. What’s going on?
3) What are the ducks doing?
2. Play the video and check the answer.
Q: What are the ducks doing?
3. Show pic2 and ask some questions.
4. Show the picture3 and picture4
5. Play the record.
6. Read in roles.
Step 4. Practice
1. Show the picture of Activity 3 and work with children to understand the picture.
2. Choose two characters to make a model dialogue, then ask the Ss to make a new dialogue.
Step 5. Summary
Step 6. Homework
1. Read the text after the recorder.
2. Practice the text with your friends.
Module 4
Unit 1 I can run jump far.

◆ 教材分析
本节课所处模块题材为Abilities ,以体育运动为基本素材,使用“can”来谈论能力。本课是
本模块第一课——情景对话课,教材通过 主人公参加体育运动的情景引入新知和建构新知,以

◆ 教学目标

(1)学会听、读、说单词run, jump, ride, fast, high, far ;
(2)能运用句型:Can you …? Yes, I can. No, I can’t.
【情感目标】 < br>采用多种活动途径,培养学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生积极地参与和主动学习,让学生
爱上英语 。

◆ 教学重难点
学生能运用句型:Can you …… ?Yes, I can. No, I can’t.

◆ 课前准备

Tape recorder, Multimedia

◆ 教学过程
Step 1. Warm- up
1. Greeting
T: Good morning boys and girls.
Ss: Good morning, Miss Wang.
2. 教师出示一张一个男孩打篮球的图片,与学生展开问答:
T:What is the boy doing?
Ss: He is playing football.
T: Can he play basketball?
教师把“can”写在黑板上,告诉学生“can”的意思,引导学生回答:Yes,he can. No,he can’t.
Step 2. Preview
1. 教师询问学生平时喜欢什么户外活动?鼓励学生开动脑筋,说出自己能够参与的运动

2. 教师通过回答后,向学生们简单地介绍:今天是周末,Sam, Daming, Amy和Lingling
3. Have a match
T: I can run fast.(师边说边做跑步的动作)Can you run fast? Who want try?
Ss: Me.
T: Let’s have a match.(师生一起向前跑)
T: Good! You can run fast. You’re the winner.
由此引出课题并带学生读,教授新单词:“can”,“run fast”
Step 3. Presentation
1. Listen ,then answer the question.(出示提前准备好的问题后播放录音)
Question 1: Where are Sam,Daming ,Amy,and Lingling?
Question 2: What are they doing?
Question 3: Who can jump high? Who can jump far? Who can ride fast?
2. Listen and point. (播放课文FLASH课件)
3. Look and answer
T: Look, they can run fast. Can you run fast? If you can, please you say “I can”, If you can’t,
please you say “I can’t.
S1: Yes, I can.
S2: No, I can’t.
T: He can jump high. Can you jump high?
T: She can jump far. Can you jump far? (学习词组:jump high、jump far注意用肢体语言辅助
学习重点句型:Can you…Yes, I can. No, I can’t.
4. Listen and read.(跟读)
5. Read the dialogues.(采取个别读,小组读,全班读等形式。)
Step 4. Practice
1. Make sentence with“Can you…”(请两个学生 到教师前面,A同学说明自己的能力并做出
相应的动作。B如果会回答并模仿相同的动作,如果不会就摇 头,回答后回到座位上去。)
例:A: I can jump high. Can you?
B: Yes, I can. No,I can’t.

2. 教师再多问学生几个问题:
T: Can you sing?
Can you dance?
Can you table tennis?
Can you count 1 to 10?
Can you swim?
Ss: …
Step 5. Summary
Step 6. Homework
1. 用“Can you…?”句型问你周围的同学。
2. Listen to tape three times.

Module 4
Unit 2 What can you see?

◆ 教材分析
本单元是《新标准英语》 一年级起点第5册第四模块的第二单元。课文情景是围绕Amy和
Sam在描述画中的内容而展开。Ms Smart带领Amy和Sam认识两幅图中的小鸟和考拉熊并
谈论它们的能力,Amy 和 Sam 能自如运用英语表达自己看到了一只鸟能飞,另一只不能
飞;一只考拉熊能爬,另一只不会爬只会哭。本 单元在本册教材中起到了承上启下的作用。
课文内容即承接了上个单元谈论能力的话题,又进一步为学生 了解更多从人物到动物的能力
提供更多丰富的内容。本单元的话题功能是使用情态动词”can”来谈论 能力。主要的语言结
构句型:What can you see ? I can see a … It can … It can’t …本课能培养学生积极运用所学的
英语进行表达和交流,内容贴 近学生的实际生活,容易引起学生的学习兴趣。 本课还能培

◆ 教学目标

1. 能听懂、会说、理解词汇fly, koala, climb ,cry;
2. 能听懂并运用What can you see ? I can see a bird. It can fly. It can’t fly. 等句子。

◆ 教学重难点
1. 能听懂、会说、理解词汇fly, koala, climb ,cry;
2. 能听懂并运用What can you see ? I can see a bird. It can fly. It can’t fly. 等引句子。
3. 能在教师的引导下学会谈论自己能看到什么动物,并表达动物的能力。
1. fly, climb ,cry的发音。climb是难点学生不易发准确。fly和cry的发音学生容易混淆。
2. 能在教师的引导下正确使用can谈论自己看到的东西和小动物的能力。

◆ 课前准备
Tape recorder, Multimedia

◆ 教学过程
Step 1. Warm- up
1. Greetings.
2. Free talk: Hello, what’s your name? How are you? What can you do?
Step 2. Preview
Sing a song:Can you throw it very high in the sky?
Step 3. Presentation
1. What can Daming and Amy see ?
2. How many birds can they see ?
3. What can the first koala do?

4. What can the second koala do?

将全班分为三组, 表演对话。
Step 4. Practice
1. Now I’ll show you a picture. Please make dialogues in pairs. Use the sentences
‘What can you see? I can see…’
2. T: Children, it’s happy time. Please draw a picture. You can draw anything you have learned.
Then ask and answer in groups.
T: Who wants to come in front and draw here? When you finish drawing, you can ask your
classmates ‘What can you see?’
Step 5. Summary
Step 6. Homework
1. Listen and read the text 4 times
2. Preview M5U1
3. Observer and record about animals’ abilities you see then share with your friends.

Module 5
Unit 1 Can I have an ice cream?

◆ 教材分析
本课是外研社新标准英语第五册Module 5, Unit 1的教学内容,是在第四模块运用can表达
能力之后,再次运用Can I …?句型征求别人的意见 或是询问别人能否做某事这样一种语言

◆ 教学目标
1. 要求听懂、会说、认读,还会用词汇:sweets, dumplings, biscuits, noodles, ice creams,
2. 掌握句型: Can I have …? Yes you can. No you can’t
1. 听懂故事,能跟磁带朗读故事;能在图片的帮助下简单复述故事。
2. 能礼貌地征求别人的同意。
1. 初步引导学生怎样礼貌地提出请求。
2. 激发学生的学习兴趣,培养良好的学习习惯。
3. 继培养合作学习的精神和能力,发展创造思维,让学生感受到其成功合作的喜悦及劳动

◆ 教学重难点
sweets, dumplings, drinks, ice creams, ill
1. 重要句型要求学生会说并用于实际生活中。Can I have ….,please?
Yes, you can. Here you are.
No, you can’t. But you can have….
2. 涉及简单的语法知识,要求学生听懂、会说、认读,还会用。

◆ 课前准备

Tape recorder, Multimedia

◆ 教学过程
Step 1. Warm- up
1.Song: Can you throw high in the sky?
2.Do as I say: play basketball, go to the school, dance, read books, watch TV
Step 2. Preview
T: Oh, I’m hungry.
I want some …
Can I have …., please?
Yes, you can.
No, you can’t.
Step 3. Presentation
T: Amy is a good girl. She also likes much food. But today she is ill. She can’t have all the food.
1. Listen and watch.
2. Teacher explains the story picture by picture.
Note: Can I have …., please?
Yes, you can. Here you are.
No, you can’t. But you can have….
3. Listen to the radio, circle the new words.(solve the difficulties)
4. Read after the tape.
5. Retell the dialogue.
6. role play
Step 4. Practice
Game: Invite several individuals mime eating a kind of food. The teacher will show the picture
only to them as prompts. The other students will guess what kind of food they are eating and ask
“ Can I have ……”. If they are right, the performer will answer “Yes, you can.”
e.g. S1 (mimes eating biscuits)
S2: Can I have a cake
S1: No, you can’t.

S3: Can I have some biscuits?
S1: Yes, you can.
Play the game with their desk mate.
Step 5. Summary
Let a student say what we’ve learned.
Step 6. Homework
1. Read the dialogue and the sentence.
2. Preview Module 8 Unit 2.

Module 5
Unit 2 Can I come in?

◆ 教材分析
本课内容是外研社第五册第5模块第2单元。本节课主要是学习询问他人自己能否做某事。< br>本节课是在上一单元的基础上继续学习Can I …?句型,这节课是对上一节课的一个巩固。

◆ 教学目标
1. 掌握词汇:worry, all
2. 熟练掌握句型:Can I come in? Yes, you , you can’t.
Can I ……?
灵活运用以下句型:Can I…? Yes , I can. No , I can’t.询问别人自己是否可以做某事。

◆ 教学重难点
听懂、会说、认读,还会用单词:worry, all

Can I have …., please?
Yes, you can.
No, you can’t. But you can have….

◆ 课前准备

Tape recorder, Multimedia

◆ 教学过程
Step 1. Warm- up
1. Greeting
2. Review the last story
Do some talks:
Can I have …., please?
Yes, you can. Here you are.
No, you can’t. But you can have….
Step 2. Preview
Sing the song.
I can’t do it
Step 3. Presentation
Sam visited Daming. what happened? let's see together.
A question for you.
Q: Can Sam come in?
(watch and listen ,then answer the question.)
T:listen and repeat.
Can I come in? Can I read this book?
You can read all the books now .
Teaching new words: all, worry.
Can I … ?
Yes, you can. No,you can't
2. Role play
Step 4. Practice

1. 教师出示图片,学生相互询问Can I...?
2. Present the talk
It’s bed time. It’s school time. It’s play time.
Can I …?
Yes, you can. No, you can’t.
3. Pair works
Step 5. Summary
Step 6. Homework
1. Read the dialogue and the sentence.
2. Preview Module 6 Unit 1.

Module 6
Unit 1 I've got new shorts and new

◆ 教材分析
本单元是一年级起点第5册第六模块的第二单元。能运用所学语言“I’ve We’ve got…”描述

◆ 教学目标
能够听说读写四会单词“wash”;三会单词“have l,, 运用重点句型“I’ve We’ve got…”。
能够听懂、会说本模块目标单词和目标语句,能运用所学语言“I’ve We’ve got…”描述自己
1. 引导学生描述自己或别人拥有的物品,并培养学生宽容他人及懂礼貌的好习惯。

2. 继续激发学生的学习兴趣,持续培养良好的学习习惯。

◆ 教学重难点
能够听说读写单词 “computer game,careful, fix”, 能够运用重点句型 “I’ve... ...”
背景语言 “Don’t worry. I can wash them!Be careful!”的用法。

◆ 课前准备

Tape recorder, Multimedia

◆ 教学过程
Step 1. Warm- up
A: Pre-reading
1. Greeting
2. Review
T: It’s class time now.
Can Iyou …?
Step 2. Preview
Draw a kite on the blackboard
T: What’s this? I’ve got a kite. (point to the kite)
I like my kite very much.
T: What have I got? (point to the kite and myself)
I’ve got new shorts and new shoes. (write on the blackboard)
Practice the structures in pairs using the school things.
Step 3. Presentation
1. Observe the pictures and try to say the information they see.
T: Guess. What is Sam Daming doing? What happens?
2. Listen and turn to the book.
3. Teacher explain the story picture by picture.
Note: I’ve got…
We’ve got…
4. Listen to the radio, circle the new words. (solve the difficulties)

教师讲解careful, wash
5. Read after the tape, pointing.
6. Role play
Step 4. Practice
1. Describe your bedroom with “I’ve got ...”
2. Free talk:
A: I’ve got a…
B: Can I play with your……?
Step 5. Summary
Step 6. Homework
1. 请同学们抄写生词3遍。
2. 就本课所学句型课后展开会话。

Module 6
Unit 2 He's got a new shirt.
◆ 教材分析

本单元是一年级起点第5册第六模块的第二单元,主要围绕“I’ve We’ve gotHe’sShe’s got…”

◆ 教学目标
能够听说读三会单词“has 运用重点句型“He She has got…”。
能够听懂、会说本模块目标单词和目标语句,能运用所学语言“I’ve We’ve gotHe’sShe’s


◆ 教学重难点
He’s got a new shirt.
She’s got new shoes.

◆ 课前准备

Tape recorder, Multimedia

◆ 教学过程
Step 1. Warm- up
1. Greeting
2. Review the last story
Make sentences:
I’ve got …
Step 2. Preview
1. Listen and say, then chant.
2. T: (show a book) I’ve got an English book. What have you got? What has shehe got?
He’sShe’s got…
Step 3. Presentation
1. Listen and watch.
2. Teacher explains the sentences picture by picture.
Note: This is …
… has got …
3. Listen to the radio, circle the structures.(solve the difficulties)
4. Read after the tape, pointing.
5. Yes or No (check if the kids understood the story.)
6. Read the story together.
Step 4. Practice

1. Find and say
2. 学生选择阅读谜面,一起猜一猜是什么小动物.
It’s got long ears. It can jump. What is it?
It’s got two legs. It can fly. What is it?
It’s got a long nose. It’s big. What is it?
Step 5. Summary
Step 6. Homework
1. 请同学们抄写生词3遍。
2. 就本课所学句型课后展开会话。
3. 复习Unit 1 所学句型,并进行比较。

Module 7
Unit 1 Have you got a headache?

◆ 教材分析
本课是新标准英语一年起点第 五册教材中的第七模块的第一单元,功能是谈论疾病。在
第六模块中,学生已经学习过 have got 和has got的陈述句形式,本课是在此基础上,学习
如何运用Have you got …?去询问对方拥有某物,进而谈论疾病,同时为第二单元运用Has
heshe got…?去询问和谈论他人的疾病作铺垫。

◆ 教学目标
1、能熟练的听、说、认、读本课主要生词headache、stomach ache、test、Friday、clever.
2、能听懂、理解、会说本课主要句型Have you got…? Yes,I have. No, I haven’t.
1、能在图片提示下识别单词headache、stomach ache、test、Friday、 clever.
2、能口头运用Have you got…? Yes,I have. No, I haven’t.这类语句询问对方拥有的物品,进


◆ 教学重难点
能熟练的听、说、认、读本课主要生词headache、stomach ache、test、Friday、clever.
Have you got ...?
Yes, I have. No, I haven’t.
Has heshe got …?
Yes, heshe has. No, heshe hasn’t.

◆ 课前准备

Tape recorder, Multimedia

◆ 教学过程
Step 1. Warm- up
1. free talk
Mini say: Sit down-Stand up
touch your headearmouthnoseface
Step 2. Preview
them a schoolbag
2.“I have got a pencil. Have you got a pencil? ”
Lead them to answer“Yes, I have.或No, I haven’t.”
the students about some others things.
Step 3. Presentation
words learning 学习新单词
the new word “headache”.
①Are you happy? But Sam isn’t happy. What’s the matter with Tutu?
Sam, are you ill? Have you got a headache
②Practise the pronunciation.

the same way to teach the word “stomachache” .
① Practise the pronunciation.
② Find out the same part of the two new words “ache”. Let them say more aches.
Sam to guess what’s the matter with it.
the word “test”.
① Teach the word.
② Ask Ss “Do you like tests?”
the word “clever”.
① Tell Sam“Don’t worry. You can do well in the test. Because you’re clever.”
② Practice the new word.
③ Ask them “Who do you think is clever?”
New text learning. 学习课文
1. Listen and point.
第一次听找出文中句型:Have you got...?
2. Read the text by themselves and answer the following questions.
① Is Sam ill?
② Has he got a headache?
③ Has he got a stomach ache?
④ Why is Sam sad?
⑤ What day is it today?
the text in pairs. And try to act it out.
Step 4. Practice
在班上设置一个“小诊所”,供学生“就诊”。全班分为4-8个大组,每个大组找 两个学生到教
Step 5. Summary
Step 6. Homework

Module 7
Unit 2 She's got a cold.

◆ 教材分析
本课时内容是外研社英语一年级起点第五册Module 7 Unit 2 She’s got a cold. 的内容,
在前一单元的基础上继续学习谈论他人的疾病,主要运用句型Has heshe got…?。本单元内

◆ 教学目标
1、能听懂、会读、会说单词cold, cough;
2、能能听懂、会读、会说,会初步运用句型Has heshe got …? Yes, heshe has. No, heshe
会使用Has he she got……? Yes, he has. No, he hasn’t. She’s got a cold.谈论疾病

◆ 教学重难点

Has he she got a …? 及其回答
能运用一般现在时第三人称单数has got来谈论他人的疾病。

◆ 课前准备
Tape recorder, Multimedia

◆ 教学过程
Step 1. Warm- up
talk with “ Have you got a … ? Yes, I have. No, I haven ' t. ”
to the song “Has he got a cold?”
Step 2. Preview
ng game
老师先分别打喷嚏和咳嗽,同时问:“What ' s the matter with me? ” 当有学生说出You 've got

a cold. 和You’ve got a cough. 分别板书解释“cold”和“cough”
and answer:
“Have you got a …?
Step 3. Presentation
今天我们来看看Smart 老师班里的同学们怎么了?出示课题Module 7 Unit 2,并带读题目:
She has got a cold.
1、第一次播放录音:请仔细听听Jake怎么了?学生会回答He’s got a cough.
2、第二次播放录音:请仔细听听Sara怎么了?学生会回答She’s got a cold.
3、第三次播放录音:请仔细听听Daming怎么了?学生会回答He’s late.
Ms Smart 是怎么询问的呢?学生会回答的?
Has he got a cold?教Has heshe got a......?及其回答。
Step 4. Practice
出示PPT练习Has heshe got a......?Yes, heshe has. No, heshe hasn't.
2、完成书本练习Look, ask and answer
Step 5. Summary
Step 6. Homework
and repeat the text.

Module 8
Unit 1 This is Sam’s book.

◆ 教材分析
本课是新标准英语一 年级起点上册第八模块第一单元的内容。本模块的内容是讨论物品
的归属,内容贴近学生的生活,学生较 为感兴趣。

◆ 教学目标
1、学生能理解并初步运用单词:bring, house。
2、学生能够理解运用句子:This is Sam’s book.
学生能够运用重点句This is sb’ s…, This is not sb’s..., They are sb’s..., They are not sb’s...来谈
2、在故事中学习Lingling乐于助人的品质,学习Sam 和Daming诚实,勇敢面对错误的态

◆ 教学重难点
学生能够运用重点句This is sb’ s…, This is not sb’s..., They are sb’s..., They are not sb’s...来谈
运用sb’s 描述物品的归属。

◆ 课前准备

◆ 教学过程
Step 1. Warm- up
1、听指令出示相应的文具:Show me your„.
2. Free talk:用上一个模块的句型Have you got...?来与学生交流。
Step 2. Preview

1、教师对学生说:I’ve got a dog, and I’ve got a cat.课件出现Bob 和cat,同时指着黑板上的
房子::That is a house .Whose house is it?请学生观看动画进行回答。
2、通过看动画,学生回答:“Bob’s house.”教授Bob’s house,cat’s house. 帮助学生理解动画
请学生关注’s 的形式,通过小组讨论确定这里的’s不是以前学过的单词缩写,而是“的”。教
师指着板书上的’s 告诉学生,今天我们来学习用它来描述物品的归属情况。
Step 3. Presentation
1. 猜谜:Bob has got another house, but he doesn’t live in it, his cat doesn’t live in it, some books
live in it, the pencil-case lives in it, what is it?通过孩子的回答,教师将黑板上的房子图片变成
书包,并告诉孩子:This is Daming’s bag.再拿出另一个书包的图片,猜一猜是谁的书包。(Sam’s
做示范,将黑板上Sam的书放进他的书包,并说句子:This is Sam’s book.然后鼓励学生小
4、我 们像Lingling一样帮助了Daming和Sam,但是现在来了,请学生关注书中
的第5幅图: Why is Ms .Smart angry? 根据学生的回答,带领学生通过学过的单词spring来
学习新词bring。小组讨论:What can you bring to school?
5、Ms .Smart 认为Lingling带玩具到学校来,所以生气了,那么Daming和 Sam又是怎么
Step 4. Practice
This is sb’ s…
This is not sb’s...
They are sb’s...

They are not sb’s... < br>3、教师请同学们闭上眼睛,自己挑选一些学生自己的学习用品放到讲台上。挑选完毕后让
学生睁 眼。邀请学生到讲台上来,选择其中的一个物品,运用所学的句型进行描述。
Step 5. Summary
This is +人名’s + 东西
This is not +人名’s + 东西
Step 6. Homework
2、独立完成课本practice 部分。

Module 8
Unit 2 Is this your grandma's umbrella?

◆ 教材分析
品的所有 权”,物品主要围绕着教室内学生身边的常用物品,在第一单元的基础上新学习了
一般疑问句的形式,内 容较为简单,学生容易掌握。

◆ 教学目标
1、掌握词汇:cake, umbrella, cat, dog, cap, pen, ruler
2、学会用指示代词:this, that(Is thisthat yourherhis…?)
3、掌握句型:Is this one’s…?


◆ 教学重难点
学生能运用“This sb’s... . Is this sb’s...?”谈论物品的归属情况。

◆ 课前准备

Tape recorder, Multimedia

◆ 教学过程
Step 1. Warm- up
free talk
This is (not) ...’s
They are(not)...’s
Step 2. Preview
1.T:Look at the picture and answer the following question.
Whose cakes are they?
and answer
Step 3. Presentation
1、导入课题Module 8 Unit2.
Is this your grandma’s umbrella?
T:What’s the weather like? What should they need?(引出生词umbrella)
3、第一次播放对话,理解对话大意,并圈出对话中的dad’s, mom’s和grandma’s,帮助学生
4、第二次播放录音,完成listen and connect练习
Step 4. Practice
1、完成课本look and say部分。

仿照例句:This is Father Bear’s bag. His bag is brown.
学生写出可写This is Baby Bear’s bag. His bag is blue.
This is Mother Bear’s bag. Her bag is green and black.
同桌合作询问Is this your...? Yes, it is. No ,it isn’t.
Step 5. Summary
Is this someone's...?
Yes, it is.
No,it isn’t.
Step 6. Homework
and imitate the text 5 times.
your family things lists and talk to your partner.

Module 9
Unit 1 I'm going to do the long jump.

◆ 教材分析
本节课教学内容是外研社一年级起点新标准英语第五册Module 9 Unit 1 I’m going to do the
long jump. 本堂课主要围绕三个运动项目的内容而展开,分别为do the long jump, do the high
jump, run a race。语法点围绕描述即将发生的动作,即就是 be + going to 的形式。

◆ 教学目标
1、学习运用动词短语do long jump, do high jump, run a race
2、学习并使用I’m going to…句型表达自己运动会将要参加的运动项目。
2、通过学习初步体会be going to表示一般将来时的用法并能够听懂和熟练用。
3、能够用be going to句型制定自己的计划。


◆ 教学重难点
1、动词短语do long jump, do high jump, run a race的认读与运用,学习新的运动项目的名
称,不仅能为句型的操练作铺垫,还能给 学生提供替换的词组。
2、体会be going to表示一般将来时的用法,并能够掌握。
2、理解并掌握一般将来时的句型:I’m going to… 能够用该句型描述将来要做的事情。

◆ 课前准备
Tape recorder, Multimedia

◆ 教学过程
Step 1. Warm- up
and do.
Step 2. Preview
1、用做动作的方法学习词组:long jump、high jump、run a race,然后引导学生用I’m going
to …的句型做句子。
2、让学生看一组运动会图片,引出:Sports Day。
3、教师引导学生说出I’m going to ___句型。并总结规律,表示一般将来时,将要……
Step 3. Presentation
Teach passage
(1) 出示三张人物头像Do you know ?Who is he she?
Today Amy ,Sam, Daming are talking about sports.
Listen carefully and circle
(2) listen and repeat, then answer
What is Sam going to do on Sports Day?

What is Amy going to do on Sports Day?
What is Daming going to do on Sports Day?
(3) Listen again and check the answer
(4) Role play.
Step 4. Practice
This weekend, I prepare for my sports day .and what are you going to do at this weekend?
老师请学生示范:What are you going to do at this weekend?
I'm going to ……
So we can say shehe going to ……
Step 5. Summary
Step 6. Homework
this passage follow the tape.
g about what are you going to do on Charisma day?

Module 9
Unit 2 I'm going to be a driver.

◆ 教材分析
本节课教学内容是外研社一年级起点新标准英语第五册Module 9 Unit 2 I'm going to be a

◆ 教学目标
能够复习、结合句子综合练说nurse, teacher, train driver, taxi driver, bus driver, doctor,
1、学生能够学会练说What are you going to be? I’m going to be a driver. I’m going to be a


◆ 教学重难点
1、能够理解运用What are you going to be?提问并且用I’m going to be…句型回答描述将来自
2、在本文的学习与练习中,拓展练说HeShe’s going to be…。

◆ 课前准备

Tape recorder, Multimedia

◆ 教学过程
Step 1. Warm- up
全班听指令做游戏I say and you do(Do high jump! Swim!)
Step 2. Preview
1、创设情境在将要举行的运动会上,问孩子将要参加的运动,复习说第一单元I’m going to
do …句子。
2、Listen and sing
学唱歌曲The doctor on the bus教师引导复习职业词, driver, teacher, nurse, doctor, basketball
player, runner, actor, actress…
─What are you going be?
─I am going to be a basketball player.
Step 3. Presentation
T: Oh, you have good dreams. Our friends are talking about their dreams. Who are they?
Look!(板书画Sam 和Daming 的头像)
(1) Listen and answer the questions.

is going to be a driver?
is Daming going to be?
Let’s listen it again.
(2) T:Sam is going to be a driver. Is he a driver now? Why?(强调be going to 句型表示将来。)
Who is a driver now? Let’s listen again.
(Lingling’s uncle is a driver.)
(3)T: Can you find the sentences with “going to”?
Please circle “going to”. And please read the sentences with “going to”.
(4) T: Look at the picture two. What’s the matter?
(Lingling fells down, she hurts her leg.)
Who can come and help?( A doctor)
T:Can Daming help Lingling now?(No, he isn’t a doctor now.)
Step 4. Practice
S1: I’m going to be a driver.
S2: She’s going to be a driver. And I’m going to be a doctor.
S3: She’s going to be a driver. And he’s going to be a doctor. And I’m going to be a...
2、学生完成课件中的填空,介绍职业功能,让学生理解职业的职能,并练习词组:drive a car,
teach English, help people.
Step 5. Summary
What are you going to be?
I’m going to be a...
He’s going to be a…
She’s going to be a…
Step 6. Homework
3、和搭档分享自己的梦想,I am going to be a...

Module 10
Unit 1 Are you going to go to
Hong Kong?
◆ 教材分析

本单元主要学习与旅行有关的词汇Hong Kong, sea, airport。以及运用这些词汇表达旅行
准备的情况,本课的语言点,是以疑问词where, when, what, who引导的疑问句,让学生学
会运用句型的同时,培养学生的阅读能力,让 阅读活动与听、说、读、写相互结合,领会文

◆ 教学目标
1、能听说,认读本单元词汇:Hong Kong, sea, airport.
2、掌握疑问代词where、 what、 when、 who,并能运用特殊疑问代词谈论旅行前的准备。
能用Are you going to …? 以及What are you going to do?来对他人将要做到事情提问,并且

◆ 教学重难点
对句型 What are you going to do? I’m going to …的掌握。

◆ 课前准备
Tape recorder, Multimedia

◆ 教学过程
Step 1. Warm- up
1. Greeting

Play, play, play basketball
Eat, eat, eat an apple
Ride, ride, ride my bike
Do, do, do my homework
Watch, watch, watch TV
Swim, swim, swim in the sea.
Step 2. Preview
T:I am going to play basketball at this weekend and ask them “Are you going to …” to practice
sentence structure “Are you going to …” “Yes, I , I’m not.”
Step 3. Presentation
师生交流导入课文然后老师说出自己的打算 I’m going to go to HongKong and Hainan.出示
香港和海南的图片,让学生认读单词。然后老师说出自己到香港和海南的打算I’m going to go
to HongKong Disney Land. And I’m going to swim in the sea in Hainan.
引出新单词Hong Kong和airport,学习新单词。
Text learning
将本课的挂图贴在黑板上,呈现SB Unit 1 活动1。老师引导学生尽可能多地说出看到的信
Where are Sam and Xiaoyong?
What are they going to do ?
指着图片引出at the airport, visit his grandma, swim in the sea…
第一次播放录音check your answer 并听一听他们出了什么意外。
Sam is going to swim in the sea.
Xiaoyong is going to go to HongKong and visit his grandma.
But finally, Sam can’t swim. Why? 指出由于Sam粗心大意,拿错了包,希望同学们做事要仔
细。学习一句英语谚语: A miss is as good as a mile.(失之毫厘,差之千里。)
Step 4. Practice
1、同桌间合作:ask and answer
课件出示部分城市,学生用句型A: Are you going to___? B: Yes, I am. No, I’m not.

课件出示部分城市,及活动,请学生用英语问:Where are you going to go? What are you going
to do there?讨论寒假打算去哪,做些什么。 学生分组讨论,完成调查表格,再个别汇报。
Step 5. Summary
本课我们学习了用I’m going to… 句型交流自己的计划、打算。同时也学习了用Where are
you going to go? What are you going to do ? 来询问同伴的打算。
Step 6. Homework
the dialogue.
down your winter holiday plans.

Module 10
Unit 2 What are you going to see?

◆ 教材分析
本课是新标准英语(一起点)第五册第十模块第二单元。本模块主要学习用be going to d o
了 第三人称的复数表达。

◆ 教学目标
(1)学习单词:Saturday , cinema, see.
(2)学习歌曲:What are you going to do today?
(2)用What are you going to do on + 时间?来询问并回答近期计划、打算。

◆ 教学重难点
能够用What are you going to do on + 时间?询问并回答近期计划、打算。

(1)Saturday, cinema, visit grandfather的认读。

◆ 课前准备

Tape recorder, Multimedia

◆ 教学过程
Step 1. Warm- up
2、全班一起做“Listen and do ”的活动。
Step 2. Preview
1、请同学介绍上节课作业的调查结果。用He’sShe’s going to …
老师对学生的发言进行总结并提问What are you going to do today?
2、导入本课活动 3中的歌曲。先请学生听歌曲,再仔细看书回答:What are the children going
to do today? 最后请学生跟录音学唱。
Step 3. Presentation
1、课文导入:出示日历,翻至周五,询问学生What are you going to do on Friday? 请两名学
生回答。然后将日历翻至周六,教授 Saturday 。
A reporter is interviewing a girl. 他的问题是什么,一起听录音。
找出问题 “What are you going to do on Saturday?”
3、再听录音,请学生回答What is the girl going to do on Saturday?
找出女孩的安排并学习短语go to the cinema, see Sun Wukong,have a dancing class帮助学生
Step 4. Practice
1、完成 Unit 2 练习 4。教师可以将本练习中的问答设计成表格,将学 生分成四人一组,选
组长提问完成表格,并由老师组织全班学生反馈调查信息, 各小组选代表陈述。
2、创设学生们都在动物园的场景,询问在动物园里他们想看什么动物。巩固句型:“What are
you going to see? I am going to see...”
Step 5. Summary

Step 6. Homework
2、用What are you going to do+时间 ?询问同伴近期的打算,并做记录。







