
2020年08月29日 13:03


Unit 1 Hello!
Objectives and Requirements
Language :
Target: What’s your name? I’m Tony. What’s your name? I’m Gogo.
Additional : Nice to meet you.
Alphabet: a , b, c
Key: hello, hi, goodbye, bye
Additional: Gogo, Tony, Jenny, Boomer, Bonnie
Alphabet: apple, ant, banana, bear, cat, carrot
Suggested: Picture cards 1—2 plus Tony, Jenny and Gogo; pictures
from magazines of people waving, greeting ,and departing.
Optional : What’s your name?WB. p.45, a large piece of paper, tape,
Character Cards WB p.68.
Lesson 1
Getting ready:
1. Write your name on the board.
2. T: Hello, I’m ( Miss Zhang). Encourage Ss to introduce themselves.
Model the sentence if necessary.
3. When Ss understand what they should do ,do it again, to give Ss a

chance to learn their classmates’ names.
Using the book:
1. Before opening the book, show Picture Cards of Gogo and Tony.
2. Put the Picture Card of Gogo .
3. T: Hello, I’m Gogo. Do the same with the Picture Card of Tony.
4. T: Look ,(point to your eyes) and listen. (Put your hand to your ear)
5. Play the tape and move the Picture Cards like a puppet show.
6. T: Now open your books. Model opening the textbooks.
7. Have Ss look at the page and play the tape again.
8. Play the tape again, but this time pause after each line to have Ss
Getting ready:
1. With your book closed, whisper each word while pantomiming the
corresponding action.
2. T: Listen. Hello. Hi. Goodbye. Bye. What am I saying? Ss try to hear
what you are saying and repeat it. Whisper softly so Ss have to
concertrate to hear you.
3. Once Ss understand , have them repeat each expression.
Using the book.
T: Listen and repeat . Point to each picture. Have Ss listen and point to
each picture while repeating after the tape.

Getting ready:
ch one student .T: What’s your name? Elicit a response
from S1 or model a response if necessary.
to S2 and do the same.
age S2 to ask you your name. (S2: What’s your name?)T
:I’m Miss Zhang.
Using the book:
1. Have Ss look at the picture.
2. Point to Gogo and then Tony. Model the dialog.
3. Point to Jenny and then Gogo. Model the dialog. T: Listen and repeat.
Play the tape ,pausing after each expression.
Homework: Write the letters of Aa, Bb and Cc , each capital letter and
small letter ten times.
第一节英语课,我尽量用简单的英语口语给 他们上课,让他们能听懂,
三个字母。一步步的教他们,感觉他 们很喜欢表现自己,他们愿意把

Lesson 2
Practice 1
Getting ready:
1. Point to the four pictures.T: What’s this ? Elicit response from Ss.
Using the book
1. T: Listen. Play the tape for number 1, and then pause.
2. Point to each picture with questioning expression.
3. Once the Ss identify the correct box, trace the number 1 in the box
with your finger, Have Ss do the same in their books.
4. Play the tape for number 2 and pause.
5. Point to each picture again until the Ss identify the correct box. Model
writing the number 2 and have the Ss do the same.
6. Continue with 3 and 4 , but let the Ss identify the correct box in their
books on their own.
Practice 2
Getting ready:
Write What’s your name? on the board. Point to Ss randomly, ask their
names and elicit response.
Using the book
Have Ss draw themselves in the box. Point to GIGO. T: Look. Listen and
answer. Play the tape and have Ss respond.

Point to the pictures . Point to each character and read out the name. Have
Ss repeat after you .
Using the book:
T: Listen. Play the tape . Listen to the song a few times. T: Point .
Demonstrate by pointing to the pictures when singing. Encourage Ss to
join in singing when ready.
Activity 1
Getting ready:
Write Gogo ,Tony, Jenny , Boomer and Boonie on the board. Point to
each one and say the name out loud. Circle the first letter of each name.
Using the book
Have Ss look at the written names and the pictures of the characters .
Point to the written words. T: Look and repeat. Gogo. Ss: Gogo. Continue
with the next four names. Give Ss time to match the letters with the
Read the Conversation at home. And the words of Vocabulary.
教后记:学生能很快模仿老师写字母的笔画,把字母Aa, Bb, Cc,写
下来,在教他们 见面问好,以及分别时的口语时,他们都比较熟悉,
但还有个别同学不能用手正确的指出。学生很喜欢表 演。

Lesson 3
Activity 2
Getting ready:
Bring various pictures of people waving ,greeting and departing from one
another. Put the pictures up on the board. T: What are they saying? Elicit
response and accept all answers.
Using the book;
1. Have Ss work in pairs. Encourage Ss to say what they think the
characters are saying in the large illustration.
2. Circulate around the classroom and point to various pictures . Give the
Ss a question look, point to Gogo and the speech bubble. T: What’s
Gogo saying ? What’s she saying ?
3. Show Ss the visual cues, e.g. shaking hands , waving goodbye, that
will help Ss determine what is being said. Encourage Ss to use Nice to
meet you in their exchanges.
Getting ready:
1. Review the Alphabet chant from Do you know…?Have Ss look at the
alphabet letters.
2. T:Sing and point. Model pointing to the letters in the song. Ss sing and
point to the letters.
Using the book:

1. Point to your mouth. Look and repeat.
2. Point to the letter A. T: A. Ss : A. Open your mouth wide so that Ss
can see. T: apple, Ss : apple. T: Ant . Ss: Ant.
3. Continue with the letter B and C. Play the tape and have Ss repeat.
After enough practice , give Ss one sound and have them point to the
corresponding letter. Give Ss a word and have them point to the
corresponding letter.
Getting ready
1. Have Ss look at the chant lyrics. Point to the ant , bear, and cat
illustration and ask Ss what they are. Elicit responses.
Using the book
T: Listen. Play the tape once. Listen and point . Play the tape and have Ss
point to the pictures . Chant together. Play the tape and have Ss chant
Read Aa ,Bb,and Cc ,conversation and the words
学生喜欢在活动中 学习问好,分别的口语,他们喜欢用肢体语言表示。
但老师还要把那些口语写在黑板上,让他们认识英语 写法。进一步熟
Unit 2 What’s this?
Objectives and Requirements

Language :
Target:What’s this? It’s a desk. And this? It’s an eraser.
Alphabet: d, e, f
Key: table, desk, chair, book , pencil, eraser.
Additional: box, fork, knife, pen, plate
Alphabet: dog, duck, elephant, egg, fish, fox.
Suggested: Picture Cards 3—8 , plasticreal apple, book, eraser, pen,
pencil, chair, clothsheet. Paper, bag, yarntape.
Optional: paper, scissors, stapler, blank label stickers, paper strips in
two colors, Bingo game WB , cups.
Lesson 1
Getting ready:
1. Bring a book and an apple to class. Hold up the book and give Ss a
questioning look when asking the questions.T: What’s this?It’s a book.
Repeat. Book. Ss : Book.
2. Do the same with an apple. Pick one student and show himher the
apple. T: What’s this ? S!: ue with a couple more Ss.
Using the book
1T: Open your books. What’s this ? Point to the picture of a book. Ss:

Book. Repeat. It’s a book. Ss: It’s a book. Do the same with the picture
of an apple.
2T: Listen. Play the tape. Listen and repeat. Play the tape, pausing after
each expressions to have Ss repeat.
3. Show Ss how to act out the dialog.(with an exaggerated facial
expression, etc) and have Ss mimic. Divide the class into two groups.
One group takes the role of Gogo and the other half Jenny. Assign one
student to take the role of the worm in the apple. Have each group
repeat after the T.
Getting ready:
1. T: Look . Repeat. Table. Ss: table. Continue with the rest of the
vocabulary pointing to the pictures one by one.
2. T: Listen and point. Table. Model pointing to the picture of a table. Ss
point to the picture. Continue with other words.
Using the book
1. T: Listen, Repeat. Play the tape and have Ss repeat each word. Point to
the picture of a pencil. T: Pencil. Repeat. Pencil. Ss: Pencil. Point to
the other pictures at random, and have Ss say the word.
Getting ready:
1. Point to a desk in the room. T: Repeat . Desk. Ss: Desk. A desk. It’s a

desk. Hold up an eraser, and do the same. Write aan on the board. T:
A desk. Point to a. T: An eraser. Point to an.
Using the book:
1. Have Ss look at the first picture. Point to Gogo and then Jenny. Model
the dialog. Repeat with the second picture. T: Listen and repeat.
2. Play the tape, pausing after each expression. After enough practice ,
point to a desk in the classroom. T: What’s this? Ss: It’s a desk. Hold
up an eraser. T: And this ? Ss: It’s an eraser.
Homework: Copy the letters: Hh, Ii, Jj , Kk, Ll , Mm , Nn,
词的读法,能正确运用句型进行提问 ,回答。

Lesson 2
Practice 1. Getting ready
1. Point to the picture of a chair in Picture A. T: Chair. Repeat. Continue
with other pictures.
Using the book:
1: T: Listen. Play the tape for number 1, and then pause. Point to each
picture with a questioning expression. Once the Ss identify the correct
box, model writing the number 1 in the box, have Ss do the same in their
2. Play the tape for number 2and pause. Point to each picture again until

the Ss identify the correct box. Model writing the number 2and have
Ss do the same. Continue with 3 and 4, but let the Ss identify the
correct box in their books on their own.
Practice 2
Getting ready:
Write It’s a ___ on the board. In the blank, stick the Picture Card of
book. T: It’s a book. Repeat . Ss: It’s a book. Substitute with a couple
more Picture Cards and have Ss repeat.
Using the book:
Have Ss look at the pictures . T: Listen and answer. Play the tape and
have Ss answer in union. Pause the tape and point to Picture A. T: What’s
this? S1:It’s a pencil. Play the tape for Picture B and do as above.
Getting ready:
1. Use the pictures in the book. T: Point and repeat. Book. Point to the
book. Ss: Book . Point to the book.
2. T: Point and answer. What’s this ? Point to the book. Ss: It’s a book,
Point to the book. Continue with pen, the desk and the chair.
Using the book
1. T: Listen. Play the tape. Point to the picture. Model this by pointing to
the pictures while chanting. Play the tape,Ss: point to the pictures

2.T: Chant together. Play the tape and chant along. Divide the class
into two groups,. One group asks the questions and the other answers
in the chant.
Getting ready:
Write a, e, i , o , u on the board. Read out the vowel sounds and have Ss
listen. Write an near those letters on the board. T: An apple. An eraser.
Using the book
Have Ss look at the pictures. T: Look and repeat, book. Continue with the
rest of the pictures. With aan. Give Ss a few minutes to circle the
correct phrases.
Homework:Copy the words.
教后记: 学生还不能完全把单词拼读出来,单词的书写还存在写错字母的现
象。要反复引导他们正确书写字母 和单词。
Lesson 3
Getting ready:
1. Bring a Picture Card of a table, and a piece of heavy paper with some
holes cut into it.
2. Cover the Picture Card with paper and show it to Ss. T: What’s this ?
Ss: It’s a table.

Using the book:
Have Ss work in pairs. For the first three pictures , one asks questions and
the other answers using a complete sentence. Ss switch roles for the last
three pictures . Walk around the room and help if needed. After the pair
work, choose some pairs to perform the dialog. Check the answer
Activity 3
Getting ready:
Review book, banana, pencil, eraser, apple and cat,. Show student cards
of these words or place them on the board. T: What’s this? Ss: It’s a
Using the book
Under a thin cloth or sheet, place as many items from previously learned
vocabulary as you can gather. T: What’s this? Point to each item.
Continue until Ss have guessed the items. Have Ss work in pairs. They
take turns asking questions and answering about the items in the book .
g ready:
Review the alphabet chant. T: Sing . Point. Model pointing to the letters.
Have Ss sing and point to the letters.
Using the book
T: Look and repeat. Point to the letter D. T:D. Continue with the letters E

and F. Play the tape and have Ss repeat. After enough practice , give Ss
one sound and have them point to the corresponding letter. Give Ss one
word and have them point to the corresponding letter.
g ready
Point to the picture of the duck in the lyrics. T: What’s this? Ss: It’s a
duck. Ask the same question with egg and fish. Make sure that Ss practice
It’s a fishan egg. Pattern.
Using the book
T:Listen. Play the tape. Listen and point . Play the tape and have Ss point
to the pictures . T: Chant together, Play the tape again and have have Ss
chant along.
Homework:Read the conversation, and remember the words in
Vocabulary part.
教后 记:学生能读出单词和对话,了解每个句子和单词的意思,但不
太会拼写单词,抄写句子还要注意字母的 大小写,标点符号等很多问
Unit 3Can you sing?
Objectives and Requirements
Target: Can you read? Yes. I can. What about you? No. I can’t. But I can
Additional: Let’s sing.

Alphabet: g ,h ,i
Key: fly, read, sing, draw, swim, cook
Alphabet: goat, girl, hippo, hat, insect, ink
Suggested: Picture cards 9-14 classroom objects(pen, pencil, eraser, ect.)
ball, envelope with vocabulary strips, dicebutton
Optional: Can you …..?WB p.47
Lesson 1
Getting ready:
4. Write your name on the board.
5. T: Hello, I’m (Miss Zhou). Encourage Ss to introduce themselves.
Model the sentence if necessary.
6. When Ss understand what they should do, do it again, to give Ss a
chance to learn their classmates’ names.
Using the book:
9. Before opening the book, show Picture Cards of sing and fly.
10. Put the Picture Card of read.
11. T: Hello, I’m draw. Do the same with the Picture Card of fly.
12. T: Look,(point to your eyes) and listen. (Put your hand to your ear)
13. Play the tape and move the Picture Cards like a puppet show.

14. T: Now open your books. Model opening the textbooks.
15. Have Ss look at the page and play the tape again.
16. Play the tape again, but this time pause after each line to have Ss
Getting ready:
4. With your book closed, whisper each word while pantomiming the
corresponding action.
5. T: Listen. Hello. Hi. Goodbye. Bye. What am I saying? Ss try to hear
what you are saying and repeat it. Whisper softly so Ss have to
concertrate to hear you.
6. Once Ss understand, have them repeat each expression.
Using the book.
T: Listen and repeat. Point to each picture. Have Ss listen and point to
each picture while repeating after the tape.
Getting ready:
ch one student .T: What’s your name? Elicit a response
from S1 or model a response if necessary.
to S2 and do the same.
age S2 to ask you your name. (S2: What’s your name?)T
:I’m Miss Zhou.

Using the book:
4. Have Ss look at the picture.
5. Point to Gogo and then Tony. Model the dialog.
6. Point to Jenny and then Gogo. Model the dialog.
Unit 3 Can you sing?

Can you read ? Yes,I can.
draw ? No,I can’t.
cook ?

了另一个。而且对Read这个单词拼读不 是很准确。需要反复地教读。
Lesson 2
Practice 1
Getting ready:
2. Point to the four pictures.T: What’s this ? Elicit response from Ss.
Using the book
7. T: Listen. Play the tape for number 1, and then pause.

8. Point to each picture with questioning expression.
9. Once the Ss identify the correct box, trace the number 1 in the box
with your finger, Have Ss do the same in their books.
10. Play the tape for number 2 and pause.
11. Point to each picture again until the Ss identify the correct box. Model
writing the number 2 and have the Ss do the same.
12. Continue with 3 and 4 , but let the Ss identify the correct box in their
books on their own.
Practice 2
Getting ready:
Write Can you sing ? on the board. Point to Ss randomly, ask their names
and elicit response.
Using the book
Have Ss draw themselves in the box.. T: Look. Listen and answer. Play
the tape and have Ss respond.
Point to the pictures . Point to each character and read out the name. Have
Ss repeat after you .
Using the book:
T: Listen. Play the tape . Listen to the song a few times. T: Point .
Demonstrate by pointing to the pictures when singing. Encourage Ss to
join in singing when ready.

Using the book
Have Ss look at the written names and the pictures of the characters .
Point to the written words. T: Look and repeat. Continue with the next
four names. Give Ss time to match the letters with the pictures.
Read the Conversation at home. And the words of Vocabulary.
Copy the sentences.
句子开头的第一字母总是忘记在大写,或者 忘记在后面加上点标符

Lesson 3
Activity 2
Getting ready:
Bring various pictures of people waving ,greeting and departing from one
another. Put the pictures up on the board. T: What are they saying? Elicit
response and accept all answers.
Using the book;
4. Have Ss work in pairs. Encourage Ss to say what they think the
characters are saying in the large illustration.
5. Circulate around the classroom and point to various pictures . Give the

Ss a question look, point to Gogo and the speech bubble. T: What’s
Gogo saying ? What’s she saying ?
6. Show Ss the visual cues, e.g. shaking hands , waving goodbye, that
will help Ss determine what is being said. Encourage Ss to use Nice to
meet you in their exchanges.
Getting ready:
3. Review the Alphabet chant from Do you know…?Have Ss look at the
alphabet letters.
4. T:Sing and point. Model pointing to the letters in the song. Ss sing and
point to the letters.
Using the book:
4. Point to your mouth. Look and repeat.
5. Point to the letter A. T: A. Ss : A. Open your mouth wide so that Ss
can see. T: goat, Ss : goat. T: girl . Ss: girl.
6. Continue with the letter B and C. Play the tape and have Ss repeat.
After enough practice , give Ss one sound and have them point to the
corresponding letter. Give Ss a word and have them point to the
corresponding letter.
Getting ready
2. Have Ss look at the chant lyrics. Point to the girl, and hippo,insect
illustration and ask Ss what they are. Elicit responses.

Using the book
T: Listen. Play the tape once. Listen and point . Play the tape and have Ss
point to the pictures . Chant together. Play the tape and have Ss chant
Read Gg, Hh and Ii ,conversation and the words.

教后记:学生很乐意用这个句型进行口头交际训练:Can you
sing? Yes, I can. No, I can’t.然后我变换动词,让他们进
行操练,他们有的同学用肢体语 言表达出来,很有趣。课堂气氛

Unit 4 Review 1
objective:review this task, and finish this unit exercises.
一、review unit 1 to 4 new words and sentences. Let Ss read the words
and sentences and answer the questions when T asking. And check
Ss’s situations of learning the words and sentences.
二、listen the tape and finish a set of exercises. Check Ss’s situations for

the new knowledge.
四、summary unit 1 to 4 knowledge.小结这一单元的内容。
由于之前学生都做 过此类的练习,所以基本上能很快地将复习
课中的练习做完,大部分多能做对。但是,对于记单词方面还 是很弱,

Unit 5 Who’s she?
Objectives and Requirements
Target Who's she? She's my mother. Who's he? He's my
Additional How are you? I'm fine, thanks. How about me?
Alphabet j, k, i
Key family, mother, father, sister, brother, friend
Alphabet q juice, jam, kangaroo, kite, lion, lemon
Suggested Picture Cards 15-20, photos of teacher's family, Character
Cards WB pp. 68 & 70, paper,

Crayons markers, pictures of Ss' families, tape, scissors
Optional. 52, music, paper, stapler, glue,
Getting ready
1。 Bring in some photos of your family. Introduce your
family to the Ss.
2。T: Who's he? He's my father. Who's she? Sheg my
3。 Ask Ss to bring in photos of
their families for fmure
4。 the book
5。 T: Open your books. Who's
this? (Point to Gogo.)
[Ss: Gogo.]
6。 T: Repeat. He's Gogo. Ss: He's Gogo. l
Do the same with the other characters.
T: Listen.
7。 Play the tape.
T: Listen and repeat.
Play the tape, pausing after each sentence to have Ss

Without the tape, show Ss how to act out the dialog with
more expression.
Divide the class into two groups, each group
representing a different character.
Have the class perform the dialog, each group saying its
lines in unison or repeating its lines after the T.
Getting ready
8。 Use the Character Cards of Gogo's family
from WB p. 70.
~ Before class, hide them around the room
with a little of the pictures showing. Tell
Ss to remain at their desks, but to point
to the hidden cards.
~ T: Where are the pictures? (Pretend to
be looking around.)
~ Ask Ss to point to the pictures they see.
As they find the pictures, describe each picture to
~ T: Sister. (Point to the picture.) Repeat. [Ss: Sister.]
~ Continue with the other cards.
Using the book

~ T: Listen and repeat.
~ Play the tape and have Ss repeat each word.
~ Point to the picture of family.
~ T: Say family. Repeat. Family. [Ss: Family.]
~ Point to the other pictures at random and have Ss say
each word.
教后记:通过直观手段,让学生介绍自 己的亲人,学生的学习兴趣高
了,学单词:mothersisiterbrotherfather等 单词,记忆比较牢
Getting ready
~ Show photos of your family.
Make sentences about each
family member.
~ T: Who's she?(Point to the photo.) Repeat. [Ss: Who's
~ T: She's my mother. [Ss: She's my mother. (Ss point to their own
mother in their families' photos.)l
~ Continue this activity using the remaining family
Using the book
~ Have Ss look at the first picture.

~ Point to Gogo and then Tony. Model the dialog.
~ Repeat with the second picture.
~ T: Listen and repeat.
~ After enough practice, encourage Ss to act out the
dialog in pairs.
Practice I
Getting ready
~ Point to the picture of
Gogo's mother.
~ T: Mother. Repeat. [Ss: Mother. l
~ Continue with the other pictures on the page.
Using the book
~T: Listen.
~ Play the tape for number 1 and then pause.
~ T: Which picture is it? (Sweep your hand over the four
pictures.) Write number 1.
~ Write number on the board.
~ Continue with rite rest.
Practice 2
C-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-m ~ n g ready
~ Hello. How are you? It’s very common
in adult language, but not in children’s talk.

Use these greetings when meeting each other, encourage Ss to mimic
a grown-up’s voice.
~ In an exaggerated grown-up voice, approach a student.
with an extended hand.
~ T: How are you? (Use a funny, serious voice.) [SI: How are you?
(Use a grown-up voice.)l
~ Ss: Fine, thanks. [Si: Fine, thanks. (Use a grown*up
~ Continue in this way.
Using the book
~ Have Ss look at tile pictures.
~ T: Listen and answer.
~ Play the tape and have Ss answer in unison.
~ Pause the tape before moving on to Picture B.
~ Point to the picture and have Ss draw a picture of the family
member or friend.
~ Play the tape and have Ss answer, e.g. She’s my (mother).
教后记:学生能朗朗上口的读出爸爸妈妈,兄弟 ,姐妹,朋友那些英
Who’ s he? Who’s she?进行正确区分性别。
Getting ready

~ Refer to the mother picture on the vocabulary page.
~ T: Point and repeat. Mother. [Ss:
Mother. I
~ Write mom on the board.
~ T: Repeat. Mom. [Ss: Mom.]
Using the book
~ T: Listen.
~ Play the tape.
~ T: Sing together.
~ Play the tape again and sing along.
~ Divide the class into two groups. One group sings the;
questions, the other sings the answers.
教后记:学生能准确的区分:he and she.能回答 Who’s he ? He’s my
father. Who’s she? She’s my mother.

Activity 1
Getting ready
~ Photocopy the Character CardsWB pp. 68 & 70.
~ Place the cards on the board.
~ Write She and He on the board like SB p. 26.
~ Draw lines to match the words and the cards.
~ Erase the lines from the board and mix up the

~ Do it again. This time, ask some Ss to come to the
front and draw lines,
Using the book
~ Have Ss look at the book.
~ T: Read and match. Draw a line like this. (Trace the
example line with your finger.)
~ Students match She and He to the corresponding
Activity 2
C, N---J
Point to each picture and ask Ss to identify all the family
members they see.
~ T: Who's (she)? (Point to the pictures,) [Ss: (Mother).]
Using the book
~ Point to the pictures of each character. Ask Ss to tell you
what they think Jenny is saying and what they think
Gogo is saying.
~ T: What is she saying? (Point to Jenny.) [Ss: Who~, she?]
~ T: What is he saying? (Point to Gogo.) [Ss: She's my
~ Ss role play in pairs: one is Gogo; the other, Jenny.

Activity 3
Oetting ready
~ Draw some simple pictures of your family on the board.
~ T: This is my family. Ask me questions about my
family. (Point to mother.) [Ss: Who's she?]
~ T: She's my mother (Point to father). [Ss: Who's he?]
~ T: He~ my father.
~ Continue in this way.
Using the book
~ Have Ss draw pictures of their families.
~ Ss then talk about the pictures itl pairs.
~ As homework Ss can show their pictures to their parents
and tell them about each picture.
Getting ready
~ Write ], Kand L on the board.
~ Have Ss look at the alphabet
letters in their books.
~ T: CircleJ, KandL.
~ Model circling on the board.
~ Ss circle the letters in their

Using the book
~ T: Look and repeat.
~ Point to the letter J.
~ T: .l
~ T: ds,ds,ds,ds. [Ss:ds,',ds,ds,',d3.]
~ T: ]uice. [Ss:]uice.]
~ T: Iam. [Ss: ]am.]
~ Continue with the letters Kand L.
~ Play the tape and have Ss repeat.
~ After enough practice, give Ss one sound and have them
point to the corresponding letter.
~ Give Ss one word and have them point to the correspondin~
Getting ready
~ Have Ss look at the pictures.
~ T: What's this? (Point to the
pictme of the iam.) {Ss: Itgjam.]
~ Ask the same question with the
other pictures. Make sure that Ss
practice It's (a lion), pattern.
Using the book
~ T: Let'slisten.

~ Play the tape once.
~ T: Listen and point to the pictures.
~ Play the tape and have Ss point.
~ T: Let's chant.
~ Play the tape again and have Ss chant along.
Unit 6 What’s his name?
Teaching aims::
1、 Learn the new words::teacher student parent baby girl boy
monkey noodles orange melon nose ox..
2、 Learn the new drills:What’s his name? What’s her name?and
their answer.
3、 Practice dialogues with the new drills and distinguish the new
words : his her.
4、 Complete the practice connected to the Unit.
Teaching emphasis:
Learn new words and drills:
Teaching difficulties:
Practice dialogues with the new words and drills.
Prepare for the class:Recorder, Picture Cards and cards
Period 1

一、 Lead in new lesson using the dialogue before class
1、 Show: mother father sister brother friend, Then review Who’s
he? Who’s she? Let the students answer.
2、 Review: What’s your name ?Let the Ss answer ,then lead in
new lesson.
2. Learn new lesson.
3、 Teacher asks a student to go to the front of the classroom, then
do a model: asking him:What’s his name ?repeat this sentence and
emphasize his。
5、 4.Complete the practice connected to the Unit.
Teaching emphasis:
Learn new words and drills:
Teaching difficulties:
Practice dialogues with the new words and drills.
Prepare for the class:Recorder, Picture Cards and cards
Period 1
二、 Lead in new lesson using the dialogue before class
1. Show: mother father sister brother friend, Then review Who’s he?
Who’s she? Let the students answer.
2. Review: What’s your name? Let the Ss answer, then lead in new

Learn new lesson.
1、 Teacher asks a student to go to the front of the classroom, then
do a model: asking him:What’s his name? repeat this sentence and
emphasize his.
2、 T :His name is( ).review several times let Ss to
3、 Show pictures of Ben Tony Gogo . tercher using the new
sentence to ask Ss, and point to them answer. Then point to the
boys, using this sentence ‘What’s his name? let they answer to
understand this knowledge.
4、 T point to one girl said::What’s her name ? learn her more
T answer: Her name is ( ). Read times,let Ss understand.
Show the picture of: Lisa Jenny,T: using new sentence ask
Ss, after point to the girl-classes , use this sentence What’s her
name ? let they answer to learn.
Help Ss to different hisher, T get the summary.
T point to one girl said: What’s her name? let Ss answer and
show sentence:She’s a student. Learn the word student,let they
read times and spell , write. Then show picture Lisa Jenny,let
them using these sentence to introduction themselves, and flow

boys to learn: He’s a student. And to different words: heshe.
9、 T point Gogo picture say What’s his name? His name is
Gogo. He’s a teacher. Learn word: teacher and spell more times to
remember it. Let Ss point the T , using this sentence to do exercise.
10、 Listen the tape , and flow read.
11、 sing a song to learn this sentence.
三、 Do exercise one
四、 Summary this uint knowledge.
五、 Home work: read the text.
his His
What’s her name? Her name is .
He’s a student.
She’s a teacher.
教后记:学生容易将she, he , her, his 混淆,所以我教这个句子的时
候 要他们每个单词的读,告诉他们中文意思,说男他的时候我就指着
男孩,说女她的时候我就指着女孩,让 他们先读会再慢慢教他们操练。
Lesson 3
Teaching aims: Activity 2, 3 and the part of letters.
Teaching procedure:
1. Review the lesson we left out last time, showing Picture Cards. Using
new drills to practice dialogues. Check the result of their grasp words and

1、Teacher draws some parts of some persons, asking : “what’s his
nanme?”Request the students to answer.
2、Teacher goes on drawing , let Ss guess , draw a little part every
ce the dialogues again and again.。
3、Let Ss practice in groups.
3:Activity 3
1、Let Ss cut down the pictures on the workbook, practice with his
partners according to the pictures.
2、Read the sentences in the textbook.
3、Activity in groups
4:Learn the letters;
1、Review the 26 letters, especially r,s,t.
2、Show the Picture card” panda,Let Ss read:p, p, p,
panda,panda, and again.,Grasp the sound.
3、With the same way I teach the following words:Grasp the sound.
4、Let Ss listen to the tape, and repeat
5、Let Ss exercise ,teacher use the mouth to speak the word
soundlessly , let Ss guess the words.

7、Listen to the Vocabulary, and repeat, read together, act while
the workbook, consolidate the exercise.
Homework for today: read the words , spell the words and dictate
the words。
教后记:学生容易将she, he , her, his 混淆,所以我教这个句子
的时候要他们每个单词的读,告诉他们中文意思,说男他的时候我就< br>指着男孩,说女她的时候我就指着女孩,让他们先读会再慢慢教他们
操练。学生要反复操练,才能 慢慢的掌握,第六单元对三年级学生来
说,有点难度,要告诉他们每个句子的中文,还要把句子应用到生 活
Unit 7 Is this a dog?
一.Teaching objectives:
---To help students, reviews of student’s Book
二.Teaching key points:
help to learn vocabulary.
2. To help students to comprehend Target.
3. Students to comprehend a dialogue
三.Teaching aids:
lion , tiger , rabbit , whale , panda
(一)Getting ready

’s chant.<>.
2 Greeting.
--Hello --- Hello
--My name is Miss Zhang
--Good morning. --Good morning. Miss Zhang.
--How are you? -I’m fine,thank you.
--Nice to meet you.-- Nice to meet you too.
(二) Using the book.
1 T :Look ,What’s this ?
--Ss:Oh,It’s a bag.
--T:OK,Now let’s play a game
please touch and guess ,What’s in it ?
--T:book?,Yes or ,Oh ,Yes, It’s a book.
What’s this ?(teacher point to the book ,to review the sentence)
--Ss:It’s a book.
--T: Is this a book? Yes or no.
--Ss:Yes, it is.
Just like chair,pencil,desk,dog,cat.
--T:OK, look ,What’s this?
--T: It’s a lion.

--Ss:lion,lion.(all ,then group by group or one bye one to practice)
--T:What’a this ?
--Ss:It’ s a whale.
--T: Is this a whale ?
--Ss:Yes, it is.
--T:Is this a dog?
--Ss:No, it isn’t.
--Just as tiger,rabbit,whale,panda
--Practice more time
--T:Is this ……
--Ss: ,it isn’t.
3 Ss listen the tape and repeat.
4 Ss ask and answer in pairs.
5 Practice the dialogue in group by group ,in pairs.
6 Les’s chant.

Lion ,tiger ,rabbit ,whale
Lion ,tiger ,rabbit ,whale
Lion ,tiger ,rabbit ,whale
What’s this ?
It’s a lion.
What’s this ?

It’s a tiger.
Lion ,tiger ,rabbit ,whale
Lion ,tiger ,rabbit ,whale
7 Pair work.
8 Use this method to teach the other phrases.
9 Play a game .<>.
--Rulers: teacher or one student take a bag
五.Make a dialogue with all words and sentences that we learnt.
1 Listen and number.
2 Look and match.
1 Read the phrases, and remember the words.
2 Practice the dialogue.
八.Blackboard design.
dog ?

lion ?

tiger ?

Is this a rabbit ?

Whale ?

panda ?

Yes,it ,it isn’t.

教后记:通过这一课的学习,学生学习兴趣很浓,学 生通过观看多媒
那些动物的英文读法。 能在课堂上将单词拼写出来。这一
lesson 2
target:exercise 1 and 2, song , active one.
一、go on the conversation and sing the song.
二、review the knowledge of the before learning. Let Ss read the
conversation and
the vocabulary , then check Ss whether remember or not.
三、learn the new lesson:
1、T do jumping just like the monkey and ask Ss: Is this a monkey?
Then let them

answer and make many actions , point to Ss ask and answer.
2、let Ss look at the first picture and go on modeling the
conversation. then let Ss
talk the second picture and do the conversation exercise.
3、listen the tape, then make the group to do the conversation
4、activity: after enough practice, have volunteers come to the front
of the class and point to different Ss, asking What’s hisher name?
四、finish the exercise one and two.
1、let Ss say every pictures.
2、listen the tape, the write down the number in the pictures.
3、let Ss answer the key.
4、find Ss do the practice 2, let them do conversation exercise, and
show, the last flow the tape reading.
五、learn the song:
1、teach Ss reading every sentence.
2、listen the tape flow to sing.
3、point to Ss sing the song.
六、learn the activity one:
1、let Ss look the pictures and then read the words.
2、learn Ss ask to others: What’s his name? then answer and tick.

七、homework: review the next the lesson knowledge.
学生很容易将she, he , her, his 混 淆,所以我教这个句子
区别 ,做练习让他们填入正确的代词,再变换其他的名字,反复进行

Lesson three
target:learn activity two , three and alphabet.
一、review the before lesson knowledge: show the pictures and using
the new sentence to go on conversation exercise. Then check the words
and the sentences.
二、continue the activity 2:
1、T: bring in some magazine or newspaper pictures of famous
people or cartoon storybook characters. And partially cover up a picture
revealing one portion of the face. And ask: “what’s his name?” then Ss
3、divide the group to do exercise.

三、activity 3:
1、let Ss cut up the pictures from the workbook and talk to
2、read the sentences of the textbook together.
3、every group go on the activity.
四、Learn the letters;
1、Review the 26 letters, especially r, s, t.
2、Show the Picture card panda Let Ss read:p, p, p, panda, panda,
panda. Again and again. Grasp the sound.
3、With the same way I teach the following words: Grasp the sound.
4、Let Ss listen to the tape, and repeat
5、Let Ss exercise ,teacher use the mouth to speak the word
soundlessly , let Ss guess the words.
7、Listen to the Vocabulary, and repeat, read together, act while
5. finish the workbook, consolidate the exercise.
Homework for today: read the words, spell the words and dictate the

学生很容易将she, he , her, his 混淆,所以我教这个句子的 时候要

练习 让他们填入正确的代词,再变换其他的名字,反复进行操练。

UNIT 8 Review 2
Language Target
Who's she? She's my mother.
Who's he? He's my friend.
Who's that boy? He's my friend.
His name's Ben. Look, that's my teacher
What's her name? Her name's Ms. Black.
Alphabet j, k,l, m, n, o, p, q, r
Key family, mother, father, sister, brother, friend, teacher,
student, parent, baby, girl, boy, whale, panda, polar
bear, lion, tiger, rabbit
Alphabet juice, jam, kangaroo, kite, lion, lemon, monkey, melon,
noodles, nose, orange, ox, panda, piano, queen,
question, rabbit, rice
getting ready
Refresh Ss' memories on the target language from Units 5

Using the book
T: Now, listen to the tape.

~ Play the tape for number 1.

~ Write number 1 on the board.
~ Continue with the rest.
getting ready
~ Have Ss cut a piece of paper into nine
Call out the words in the activity:
monkey orange, lion, panda, etc.
~ Ss hold up the corresponding letters.
~ Continue this activity reviewing the remaining words from Urdts 5
through 7.
Using the book
Point to each picture. ~
T: What, this? [Ss:Irma(lion).]
~ Write each word from this activity on the board. ~
T: Whatletterisit?Whatsoundisit?
~ While listening to the tape, draw lines to corresponding
letters for each picture.
Getting ready ~
Hide the Picture Cards around the room.
Show just a gttle of each card~
~ Ss remain in their desks and tell you the cards they call see.

Using the book ~
Point to each picture in the boxes. Ask Ss to say the word.
~ Ss listen to the tape and circle the pictures that correspond to the
words stated on the tape.
Getting ready ~
Write words from each box on the board.
~ Have two Ss colne to front. One calls out the words, the other touches
the corresponding words,
Using the book ~
Play the tape.
~ Ss listen to the tape. They circle the words on the tape.
Getting ready
~ Ss get into pairs and play Slap. ~
T: Let's play Slap. I say the word. You touch the picture.
~ Call out one word at a time. Parmers race to touch the word with their
finger. The first partner to touch the correct word gets a point. The
partner with thc most points in the end is the winner.
Using the book ~
Ss find and circle words in the word search. ~
T: 'Find the words and circle them.
通过对五至七单元单词 和句型的复习,同学们对它们有了更深入

Unit9 What color is this ?
The first period
Teaching Aims : What color is it ?It’s orangeyellow....
Key points :
According to face to ask and answer in pairs.
Difficult points :
Cenneral questions use rising tone . Teaching Aids :
tape ,pictures
Teaching proceduce :
Getting ready
Show Picture Card of blue .
T : Blue . It’s blue . Repeat after me . It’s blue. [Ss : It’s blue.]
T : Let’s listen .
Play the tape .
T : Let’s listen again and repeat .
Play the tape , pause after each expression to have Ss repeat .
Bring some point to class .
Encourage Ss to act out the dialog .
T : Listen to the tape , and repeat .

Play the tape and have Ss repeat each word .
Point to the picture of red .
T : Say red . Repeat . Red . [Ss : Red.]
Point to the other pictures at random and have Ss say the words .
Practice 1
T : Now ,listen to the tape .
Play the tape for No. 1 and then pause .
T : Which picture is it ? Write the No. 1 on the board .
Continue with the rest .
Activity 1
Point to each picture in the activityy .
T : What color is this ? [Ss : It’s red.]
Ss match items and words by drawing lines from the pictures to the
Sum up .
Homework :
Copy the new words .
Pairwork conversation .

The second period
Teaching Aims : What color is this ? It ‘s orange.
Look,it’s an apple It’s , it is .

Key points :
According to face to ask and answer in pairs.
Difficult points :
Cenneral questions use rising tone . Teaching Aids :
tape ,pictures
Teaching proceduce :
Getting ready
Use a color in the room .
T : Repeat after me . What color is this ? [Ss : It’s orange.]
Repeat this pattern a few times.
Have Ss look at the first picture .Model the dialog .
Repeat with the second picture .
T : Now, listen to the tape and repeat.
After enough practice , have Ss come to the front of the class to ask What
color is this ? [Ss : It’s orange.]
Practice 2
Have Ss look at the pictures .
T : This time , listen to the tape and answer .
Play the tape for Picture A AND HAVE Ss answer in unison .
Play the tape for the rest of the pictures and do as above .
Activity 2

Point to each picture and tell Ss the corresponding letter and No. e.g. B1
for green fish ,C4 for blue whale, etc .
Choose one picture .
Tell Ss to guess what animal you are thinking of by calling out questions
such as Is it green ?
Answer with the pattern , Yes ,it is .No , it isn’t .
Sum up .
Homework :
Copy the new words .
Pairwork target .

The third period
Teaching Aims :song , letters , dills .
Key points :
According to face to ask and answer in pairs.
Difficult points :
Cenneral questions use rising tone . Teaching Aids :
tape ,pictures
Teaching proceduce :
Getting ready
Point to the color pictures on the sides of the song .
Say four colors in sequence.

T : Repeat after me .Red…..
Do this a few times before introducing song .
T : Let’s sing. Listen to the tape .
Play the tape .
T : This time , point to the picture when you hear the word.
Model by pointing to the pictures while singing .
Play the tape .
T : Look and repeat .
Point to the letter S .
T : P . [Ss : S.]
T : s ,s, s, s .[Ss : s ,s, s, s .]
T : Sun. [Ss : Sun.]
Continue with T and U .
T : Let’s listen to the chant .
Play the tape once .
T : This time ,listen and point to the pictures .
Play the tape and have Ss point .
T : Now ,let’s chant !.

Play the tape again and have Ss chant along .
Sum up .
Homework :
Copy the new letters .
Sing the song “ Red,yellow,blue and green”
色 比较容易,加上有“song”的辅助,学生学起来很容易就能记住,
但部分学生“ brown” 的发音仍然不是很准确,在语音方面还要加







