
2020年09月09日 08:43




canyou sing? can you sing? yes,…. yes,…. canwe sing
class?can we sing wecan wecan wecan wecan
canwe drink wecan’t. drink drink don’t drink ’t
drink we dance wecan’t. we can wecan
oom. don’ hedon’ heclassroom. classroom.
dance dance arrive late classs.上课迟到 can we arrive late
wecan’t. don’t arrive late canwe run wecan’t. we can’t run
’t run run ’t eat
classroomcan we eat class?no,we can’t. listen musiclisten
musicdon’t listen we listen musiccan we listen
class?no,we can’ can’t no,we can’ can’t listen
we fight wecan’t. don’t fight canwe fight
wecan’t. fight can we play wecan’t wecan play outside.(在外面)
don’t play sports ’t eat ’t play sports
’t fight wecan eat can play sports
outside.. we can’t fight ’t sleep ’t wear hats
’t dance ’t run ’t listen
’t talk ’t smoke yourhealth. don’t play
cards goodstudents? what rules studentsbreaking? what rules
studentsbreaking? peter peter jim jim selina selina nick nick
dave tomdave tomjim hiswatch hiswatch they’refighting
they’refighting doingnow doingnow don’tdon’t arrive late
late don’tdon’t run don’tdon’t eat
don’tdon’t listen ooms
don’tdon’t fight. fight. grammar grammar 祈使句 祈使句
example: example: 肯定祈使句 肯定祈使句 否定祈使句 否定祈使
句 sitdown. sit down. musicoutside. listen
musicoutside. doyour homework doyour homework
’t don’t sit down. sit down. don’t don’t come
don’tdon’t eat ’t don’t listen musicoutside
listen musicoutside.. don’t don’t do your homework schooldo
your homework school..表示请求 表示请求,,命令等语气的句子 命
令等语气的句子, 其结构其结构 为省去主语 为省去主语you you的
简单句 的简单句.. 11 33 44 55 22 1a 1a what rules
studentsbreaking? what rules studentsbreaking? write

numbersafter nameswrite numbersafter namesname name
peter peter selina selina nick nick rule rule 3344 1b 1b don’t
arrive late 1011 what ourschool? school rules: arrivelate
don’teat schooluniform.(校服) don’t……don’t classdon’t wear
don’t class don’t hallways don’t listen whatelse do you have
whatelse do you have ---doyou have school?--- yes, we
,we don’t wear school uniforms every day? clean
classroomsevery day do morning exercises every day? do
homework every day have classes from monday saturdaywear
school badge (校徽)every day? arrive schoolbefore 7:00am?
listening englishevery day? what else do you have school?we
have --canyou…in our school? --yes,we ,we can’t arrive
late classeat classroomplay pingpong ball after school sleep
classroomafter lunch. talk loudly classroomswear hats
schoolgo schoollibrary wear rings otherfashionable things use
mobile phones --what else can’t you do ourschool? --we
can’t….in our school. talk about our school rules. we have
many rules ourschool. we have many rules ourschool. we can’t
fight. we can’t fight. we can’t wear wecan’t wear wecan’t listen
can’t listen can’t talk
can’t talk supposeone yourpartner newstudent, please tell him
yourschool. yourschool? well,don’t arrive late canwe listen
music,alex? wecan’t listen wecan listen
physicslab. can come labwithout should
listen have labwhen you finish
have puteverything back don’t have turnoff door.2a
listen. check activities2a listen. check activitiesalex cindytalk
about. alex cindytalk about. activity activity hallwayshallways
can can can’t can’t classroomscan can can’t can’t hatcan can
can’t can’t musicoutside musicoutside can can can’t can’t
fightcan can can’t can’t musicroom musicroom can can can’t
can’t dinningroom dinningroom can can can’t can’t eatoutside
eatoutside can can can’t can’t 2b 2b 2c 2cpairwork pairwork
student studentstudent about about
yourschool. yourschool. cancan we we listen music,listen
music,alex? alex? wecan’t listen hallwayscan’t listen wewe can
listen listen ce can we yes,we can
wecan’t. musicoutside wearhats speakloudly libraryclassroom
classroom uniform uniform do we youhave yes,ido.
don’ rules classroomevery day. schoolbefore

7:20. wearsports shoes gymclass. keepquiet
clean our classroom after clean our classroom after
school. school. make her bed after make her bed
after getting up. getting up. ’s late. mr beckman ’s late.
mr beckman go peterjoin musicclub.
peterjoin musicclub. practiceguitar every day. practice
guitar every day. have arrivearrive getget 22class class
classclass have have classes classes classclass don’t fight
don’tfight fightfight fight fight . fight firefight fire44 else
else something nothinganything nothingwhat whowhat
whoelse else doyou have anything else doyou have anything
else whoelse did see whoelse did see don’twalk. do you know
city?what do mean?can you say them englishwalk. ride horses.
ridehorses don’trun. ’t don’t turn dd 44 bb 22
cc 33 aa 11 winternight winternight springmorning
springmorning saturdayevening saturdayevening schoolnight
schoolnight 3aread zhaopei’shouse. dear dr know, dear dr
know, too many too many rules
myhouse.i rules myhouse.i have getget up up sixo’clock every
morning.i can’t meet my friends sixo’clock every morning.i
can’t meet my friends after school after school because domy
homework.i can’t watch tv because domy homework.i can’t
watch tv schoolnights schoolnights.. teno’clock ten o’
weekends,i have weekends,ihave cleanmy room washmy
myroom washmy helpmy mom make
help my mom make children’spalace
children’spalace r have any fun
never have any can do?.what can do?zhao pei zhao
pei 注释: too many:太多 help sb. do sth 帮助某人干某事
toomany too many havetoo many books havetoo many books
toomuch too much toomuch milk toomuch milk glassplease
come here 5:00p.m.. please come here 5:00p.m.. canfinish
canfinish getup getup can’tmeet her friends after school
can’tmeet her friends after school doher homework after
school doher homework after school can’twatch tv
schoolnights can’twatch tv schoolnights teno’clock teno’clock
cleanher room cleanher room washher clothes weekendsher
clothes helpher mom make dinner helpher mom make dinner
pianodo you know schoollibrary? schoolbags! schoolbags!
wetumbrellas! wetumbrellas! doyou have doyou have yes,we

do. wehave yes,we do. wehave schoollibrary. school library.
wehave keepquiet wehave keepquiet .wehave putour .we have
putour umbrella umbrella can’t can’t
school?doyou know ourschool. let me tell you its rules. you
can study doyour homework manykinds read
them youcan borrow them please keep them clean
don’tmake them can use information,butyou can’t
play games whatabout yourlibrary?can you write them down?
library rules: don’t write books,magazines,desks,or walls.
don’t eat ’t run fightinside. don’t listen musicinside.
don’t use callphone inside. list greenfamily. list greenfamily.
familyrules family rules ’ttalk loudly. don’t talk loudly.
66don’t watch tv late nightturn off lightswhen turn off
lightswhen you leave leave ’t waste water.
don’t sleep too late. don’t sleep too late. don’t eat don’teat
sametime. sametime. tell reason:where do you like
school?now i’ll give you don’thave .2: don’thave
cancan’t green smokehere, because says!nosmoking.”
’s very hot outside. you wear classroom,because
teachers.4.i bedafter 11:00 schoolnight. students
readbooks ’t can can’t can’t can must
t ’t make too much noise ’t make too
much noise have gymclass. gymclass.
twokilometres twokilometres workevery morning. work
every morning. has dishesafter dishesafter
meals. meals. rules rules hallways hallways sports shoes
sports shoes walks walks wash wash 11don’t speak loudly
don’t speak loudly 22don’t watch tv don’t watch tv after school
afterschool 33don’t eat don’teat 44don’t arrive late don’t arrive
late 55don’t play football don’t play football 66please give
pleasegive 77you must get up you must get up early 句型转换
句型转换 wears wears sunglasses sunglasses.( .(对
划线部分提问 对划线部分提问)) does she does she
myfamily my family.( .(对划线部 对划线部 分提问 分提问)
youyou sun shining.(.(对划线部分提问 对划线部分
提问)) weather? hallways.( hallways.(改为否定句
改为否定句) school, we must clean
classroom.( school, we must clean classroom.(改改为同义
句 为同义句)) school,we school,we clean

what wear wear who did who did go go how
don’tdon’t have 选词填空:用所给词的适当形式填空选词填空:用
所给词的适当形式填空 rule, practice, join, after, lucky, read,rule,
practice, join, after, lucky, earlyemily has so many emily has so
many __.shehas doher .she has doher homework homework
can’t go out school. she can’t go out schoolnight.
she has schoolnight. she has dishesafter dinner, shecan watch
tv dishes after dinner, shecan watch tv likes
likes sheusually reads has bedusually reads
has teno’clock because she has getten o’clock
because she has getup up nextmorning. she nextmorning. she
musicclub. she has musicclub. she has herguitar her guitar
every day. she doesn’t think she’s every day. she doesn’t think
she’s rulesrules after after readingreading earlyearly joins
joins practice practice lucky lucky .汉译英汉译英 1.外面很冷,你

outside. you wear your wear your coat. coat. 2.你
必须到十一点上床睡觉吗?你必须到十一点上床睡觉吗? do you
have doyou have 11:00?11:00? 3.我们班级有很多规定。我们班级

ourclass. ourclass. 4.你认为你的英语课怎么样?你认为你的英语课怎么样? what do you what do you
yourenglish class? your english class? 5.我们不能在教室里吃东西。我们不能在教室里吃东西。

祈使句( imperative sentence) 表示命令、 请求、 劝告、 警告等.
祈使句因对象( 即主语) 是第二人称所以通常被省略语) 是第二人
称, 所以通常被省略。

谓语动词用 原形, 句末则使用 感叹号或句号, 读降调。谓语1、 肯
定的祈使句句型:1) 动词原形( 省略主语)come in!be quiet!be a
good boy!2) 有时为了 加强语气, 可以在动词之前加do表示 务必,
一定 。do come on time!do look out!2、 祈使句的否定句型:
1)don t+ t be t come out.2)let s+not+ s not
speak loudly.让我们不要大声说话。祈使句口诀 祈使句, 无主语,
动词原形在句首。否定式, 加don t,放在句子最前头。表命令,







