
2020年09月09日 09:19


About the author

Story presentation

published in her 1922 collection of stories entitled The Garden Party. The story's enduring
popularity is due in part to its use of a stream-of-consciousness narrative in which Miss Brill's
character is revealed through her thoughts about others as she watches a crowd from a park bench.
Mansfield's talent as a writer is illustrated by the fact that she at no point tells what Miss Brill is
thinking about her own life, yet the story draws one of the most succinct, complete character
portraits in twentieth-century short fiction. Brillhas become one of Mansfield's most
popular stories, and has been reprinted in numerous anthologies and collections. The story is
typical of Mansfield's style; she often employed stream-of- consciousness narration in order to
show the psychological complexity of everyday experience in her characters' lives.

About stream-of-consciousness

Plot summary
The story is about Miss Brill, a middle-aged English teacher in an unnamed French
vacation town. It follows her on a regular Sunday afternoon in the park, which she
spends walking and sitting in the park, wearing an old but beloved fur. She sees
the world as if it was a stage, and enjoys watching the people around her, often
judging them condescendingly(谦逊的). However, she then overhears a young couple's
cruel remark about herself, and the story ends with her realizing that she is not
really needed in the busy world, and she thinks that she heard the fur crying.
Mansfield's personification(化身) throughout the passage reveals a sense of
loneliness belonging to Miss Brill for she not only fabricates(构成) a connection
with the other park passers-by, but also personifies(使人格化) her inanimate
(死气沉沉的) piece of clothing by conversing(谈话) with it as well as feeling
for it.

Miss Brill, an English professor
Many other passers-by, including
Young couple

Major motifs

illusion versus(对(指诉讼、比赛等中),与…相对) reality

What this story is trying to illustrate is that sometimes people can be happy through living in an
illusion. However, this kind of happiness is fragile and can be easily destroyed. Unfortunately,
modern society does not provide a place for everyone. Inevitably, there are those people, often
elderly, who become marginalized; they live alone, friendless and mostly ignored. Miss Brill is
one of these people, which becomes clear in her lack of communication with the people around
her in the park. “They did not speak

Literary significance
The text is written in the modernist mode, third-person limited point of
view, without a set structure

My understandings

The author is very perceptive(有理解的). She describes the protagonist’s inner mind in
detail. Miss Brill is an old, lonely woman (for she always goes to a place where there are a lot of
old men and women). She is single all through her years. She has no child, no husband, and no
relatives. So she has nobody to talk to when she feels lonely. She is left alone. However, she
serves in a community, whose aim is to help the poor people in need. Sometimes she teaches
pupils English, sometimes reads the newspaper to the old invalid gentleman. After finishing her
work in the community, she goes back home alone. No one shares her joys and sorrows of life. So
she always talks to her “little thing”, fur.







