
2020年09月09日 09:39


Mini Case (Topic 2)

Donna Jamison, a 2003 graduate of the University of Tennessee with four years of banking
experience, was recently brought in as assistant to the chairman of the board of Computron
Industries, a manufacturer of electronic calculators.
The Company doubled its plant capacity, opened new sales offices outside its home territory, and
launched an expensive advertising campaign. Computron’s results were not satisfactory, to put it
mildly. Its board of directors, which consisted of its president and vice-president plus its major
stockholders(who were all local businesspeople), was most upset when directors learned how the
expansion was going. Suppliers were being paid late and were unhappy, and the bank was
complaining about the deteriorating situation and threatening to cut off credit. As a result, Al
Watkins, Computron’s president, was informed that changes would have to be made, and quickly,
or he would be fired. Also, at the board’s insistence Donna Jamison was brought in and given the
job of assistant to Fred Campo, a retired banker who was Computron’s Chairman and largest
stockholder. Campo agreed to give up a few of his golfing days and to help nurse the company
back to health, with Jamison’s help.
Jamison began by gathering financial statements and other data.

Cash $$ 7,282 $$ 9,000
Short-term investments 0 48,600
Accounts receivable 632,160 351,200
Inventories 1,287,360 715,200
Total current assets $$ 1,926,802 $$ 1,124,000
Gross fixed assets 1,202,950 491,000
Less accumulated depreciation 263,160 146,200
Net fixed assets $$ 939,790 $$ 344,800
Total assets $$ 2,866,592 $$ 1,468,800

Liabilities and Equity 2008 2007
Accounts payable $$ 524,160 $$ 145,600
Notes payable 720,000 200,000
Accruals 489,600 136,000
Total current liabilities $$ 1,733,760 $$ 481,600
Long-term debt 1,000,000 323,432
Common stock(100,000 shares) 460,000 460,000
Retained earnings (327,168) 203,768
Total equity $$ 132,832 $$ 663,768
Total liabilities and equity $$ 2,866,592 $$ 1,468,800

Sales $$ 5,834,400 $$ 3,432,000
Cost of goods sold 5,728,000 2,864,000
Other expenses 680,000 340,000
Depreciation 116,960 18,900
Total operating costs $$ 6,524,960 $$ 3,222,900
EBIT ($$ 690,560) $$ 209,100
Interest expense 176,000 62,500
EBT ($$ 866,560) $$ 146,600
Taxes(40%) (346,624)
Net income ($$ 519,936)
EPS ($$ 5.199)
DPS $$ 0.110
Book value per share $$ 1.328
Stock price $$ 2.25
Shares outstanding 100,000
Tax rate 40.00%
Lease payments 40,000
Sinking fund payments 0

Balance of retained earnings,123107
Add: Net income,2008
Less: Dividends paid
Balance of retained earnings,123108

Operating Activities
Net Income
Noncash adjustments:
Changes in working capital:
Change in accounts receivable
Change in inventories
Change in accounts payable
Change in accruals
Net cash provided by operating activities

Long-Term Investing Activities
Cash used to acquired fixed assets

Financing Activities
Change in short-term investments
$$ 87,960
$$ 0.880
$$ 0.220
$$ 6.638
$$ 8.50
$$ 203,768
($$ 327,168)
($$ 519,936)
($$ 523,936)
($$ 711,950)
$$ 48,600

Change in notes payable 520,000
Change in long-term debt 676,568
Payment of cash dividends (11,000)
Net cash provided by financing activities $$ 1,234,168
Sum: Net change in cash (1,718)
Plus: Cash at beginning of year $$ 9,000
Cash at end of year $$ 7,282

Assume that you are Jamison’s assistant, and you must help her answer the following
questions for Campo.
a. What effect did the expansion have on sales, net operating profit after
taxes(NOPAT),net operating working capital, and net income?
b. What effect did the expansion have on net cash flow, operating cash flow, and free
cash flow?
c. Jamison also has asked you to estimate Computron’s EVA. She estimates that the
after- tax cost of capital was 11 percent in 2007 and 13 percent in 2008.
d. Looking at Computron’s stock price today, would you conclude that the expansion
increased or decreased MVA?
e. Computron purchases materials on 30-day terms, meaning that it is supposed to
pay for purchases within 30 days of receipt. Judging from its 2008 balance sheet,
do you think Comptron pays suppliers on time? Explain. If not, what problems
might this lead to?
f. Comptron spends money fro labor, materials, and fixed assets(depreciation) to
make products, and still more money to sell those products. Then, it makes sales
that result in receivables, which eventually result in cash inflows. Does it appear
that Comptron’s sales price exceeds its costs per unit sold? How does this affect
the cash balance?
g. Suppose Computron’s sales manager told the sales staff to start offering 60-day
credit terms rather than the 30-day terms now being offered. Computron’s
competitors react by offering similar terms, so sales remain constant. What effect
would this have on the cash account? How would the cash account be affected if
sales doubled as a result of the credit policy change?
h. Can you imagine a situation in which the sales price exceeds the cost of producing
and selling a unit of output, yet a dramatic increase in sales volume causes the
cash balance to decline?
i. In general, could a company like Computron increase sales without a
corresponding increase in inventory and other assets? Would the asset increase
occur before the increase in sales, and, if so, how would that affect the cash
account and the statement of cash flows?
j. Did Computron finance its expansion program with internally generated
funds(additions to retained earnings plus depreciation) or with external capital?
How does the choice of financing affect the company’s financial strength?
k. Refer to the income statements and the statement of cash e
Computron broke even in 2008 in the sense that sales revenues equaled total

operating costs plus interest charges. Would the asset expansion have caused the
company to experience a cash shortage which required it to raise external capital?
l. If Computron started depreciating fixed assets over 7 years rather than 10 years,
would that affect (1)the physical stock of assets,(2)the balance sheet account for
fixed assets,(3)the company’s reported net income, and (4)its cash position?
Assume the same depreciation method is used for stockholder reporting and for
tax calculations, and the accounting change has no effect on assets’ physical lives.
m. Explain how(1)inventory valuation methods, (2)the accounting policy regarding
expensing versus capitalizing research and development, and (3) the policy with
regard to funding future retirement plan costs(retirement pay and retirees’ health
benefits) could affect the financial statements.
n. Computron’s stock sells for $$2.25 per share even though the company had large
losses. Does the positive stock price indicate that some investors are irrational?
o. Computron followed the standard practice of paying dividends on a quarterly
basis. It paid a dividend during the first two quarters of 2008, then eliminated the
dividend when management realized that a loss would be incurred for the year.
The dividend was cut before the losses were announced, and at that point the stock
price fell from $$8.50 to $$ would an $$0.11, or even a $$0.22, dividend
reduction lead to a $$5.00 stock price reduction?
p. Explain how earnings per share, dividends per share, and book value per share are
calculated, and what they mean. Why does the market price per share not equal
the book value per share?
q. How much new money did Computron borrow from its bank during 2007?How
much additional credit did its suppliers extend? Its employees and the taxing
r. If you were Computron’s banker, or the credit manager of one of its suppliers,
would you be worried about your job? If you were a current Computron employee,
a retiree, or a stockholder, should you be concerned?
s. The 2008 income statement shows negative taxes, that is, a tax credit. How much
taxes would the company have had to pay in the past to actually get this credit? If
taxes paid within the last 2 years had been less than $$346,624, what would have
happened? Would this have affected the statement of cash flows and the ending
cash balance?
t. Working with Jamison has required you to put in a lot of overtime, so you have
had very little time to spend on your private finances. It’s now April 1, and you
have only two weeks left to file your income tax return. You have managed to get
all the information together that you will need to complete your return.
Computron paid you salary of $$45,000, and you received $$3,000 in dividend from
common stock that you own. You are single, so your per personal exemption is
$$2,800, and your itemized deduction are $$4,550.
(1) On the basis of the information above and the individual tax rate schedule
shown in the topic, what is your tax liability?
(2) What are your marginal and average tax rates?
u. Assume that a corporation has $$100,000 of taxable income from operations plus

$$5,000 of interest income and $$10,000 of dividend income. What is the company’s
tax liability?
Assume that after paying your personal income tax as calculated in part t, you
have $$5,000 to invest. You have narrowed your investment choices down to
California bonds with a yield of 7 percent or equally risky Exxon Mobil bonds
with a yield of 10 percent. Which one should you choose and why? At what
marginal tax rate would you be indifferent to the choice between California and
Exxon Mobil bonds?







