
2020年09月09日 09:40


Chapter one
To be enforceable ,a contract must have:
1. competent parties 有能力的当事人
2. Legal subject matter 合法标的
3. Legal consideration 合法对价
4. Mutuality of agreement 合意
5. Mutuality of obligation 互负义务

Enforceable contract=offer+acceptance+consideration+intent

Offer=intent+identified offeree+clear and definite terms+specific
Intent=reasonable person+objective standard
The reception rule 到达主义
The postal acceptance rule(mailbox rule)发出主义
Detrimental reliance 不利益的信赖;致人损害的信赖 由于一方当事
人对他人的行为或陈述产生信赖,从 而导致自己处于不利地位的,则
Some criteria of irremediable damages一些不可弥补损害的标准
1. monetary damages will not sufficiently reimburse the nonbreaching
party 金钱赔偿不足以补偿未违约方

2. The contract was for personal services unobtainable elsewhere
3. The propertyservice is rare or unique
4. The balance of the hardship to both parties has been considered
Additional terms in acceptance or affirmation
1. a definite and seasonable expression of acceptance or a written
confirmation which is sent within a reasonable time operates as an
acceptance even though it states terms additional to or different from
those offered or agreed upon ,unless acceptance is expressly made
conditional on assent to the additional or different terms.
一 个明确和合理的承诺的表达或者书面的确认书在合理的时间内作
为承诺发出,即使它表述额外的条款或者 不同于要约或者所商定的,
2. The additional terms are to be constructed as proposals for addition
to the contract. Between merchants such terms become part of the
contract unless

A. the offer expressly limits acceptance to the terms of the offer
B. They materially alter it
C. Notification of objection to them has already been given within a

reasonable time after notice of them is received.
3. Conduct by both parties which recognizes the existence of a contract
is sufficient to establish a contract for sale although(但是) the writings
of the parties do not otherwise establish a contract. In such case the
terms of the particular contract consist of(包括) those terms on which
the writings of the parties agree,together with any supplementary terms
incorporated under any other provisions of this Act.
双方当事人承认存在合同的行为,足以成立买卖合同,但当事人的书面文件 另有
据本法任何 其他规定合并的任何补充条款。
Not normally considered acceptance,although there are exception to
the rule.比如交易习惯。

What should be included in a contract?
1. Heading 标题
2. Exordium 绪论 导论
3. Recitals 详述(合同成立的背景信息)
4. Transition 解释合同中用语
5. Definition 定义,阐释(合同条款的详细解释)
6. Operative provisions 执行条款(合同的主体)
7. Interpretation 解释

8. Conditions precedent 先决条件
9. Other operative clauses 其他执行条款
10. Testimonium clause 证明条款
11. Schedules 附录
Chapter two
The federal government with the limited powers(联邦政府的有限权
1. impose federal taxes 征收联邦税
2. Wage war 发动战争
Regulate interstate and foreign commerce 管理州际和国外商业
3. Make treaties with foreign government 和外国政府缔结条约
Three branches of the federal government
1. federal system of courts
2. Executive branch
3. Legislative branch

Bicameral(两党制):senate参议院 and the house of representative众
Republican party 共和党and democratic party民主党
The united kingdom:
The house of lords and the house of commons
The labor party (工党)and the conservative party(保守党)

Series of checks and balances制衡机制

Judicial review 司法审查
Three concepts inherited from british
1. supremacy of law 法律至上
2. Precedent 遵循先例
3. Adversary proceeding 对抗程序
Stare decisis=non quieta movere

Attorneys to courses of actions代理诉讼的律师
1. Reconcile(核对) the facts of the current case with prior decision
2. Attempt to convince the judge to repudiate(否认) a prior decision

Holding:binding authority
Dicta:persuasive authority

Classification of law in the united states
1. law and equity
2. Substantive and procedural law
3. Public law and private law

If the legal remedies are sufficient,equitable remedies can not be used

Procedural law 程序法
1. issue of jurisdiction管辖权问题
2. Pretrial actions 审前行为
3. Admissibility of evidence 证据的可采性
4. Appeals 上诉
Substantive law 实体法
1. Torts 侵权
2. Products liability 产品责任
3. Corporation 法人
4. Contracts 合同

Public law 公法
1. constitutional law 宪法
2. Administrative law 行政管理法
3. Labor law 劳动法
4. Trade regulation 贸易规章,贸易条例
5. Criminal law 刑法
6. Tax law 税法
Private law 私法
1. civil law(contracts,family law,property law) 民法

2. Commercial law(negotiable instrument,sales,secured,transactions)
3. Business enterprises(agency,corporations,pa rtnerships)商业企业、工

Chapter three legal authorities
一、Statute 制定法、单行法
Essential terms
1. Plaintiff
2. Defendant
3. Appellant
4. Appellee
5. Jurisdiction管辖权
6. remand发回重审(committed a procedural error;failed to admit
evidence or witness...)
7. 拒绝调卷令(certiorari denied)
8. Writ of certiorari
9. Cause of action诉由
10. Refer to 设计,指的是,参考,适用于
11. Initiate 最初的,开始
12. Articulate 明确有力的表达

13. Rationale 原理的阐释,解释,基本原理
14. Citation 索引号
15. State reporters 州判例集
16. Regional reporters 联邦判例集
17. U.S. supreme court reporters 美国最高法院判例集
18. Atlantic reporters
19. Pacific reporters
20. Co. Corporation 公司,法人
21. Descriptors 描述符

Secondary sources
corpus juris secundum[C.J.S.] 博士论文汇编
American jurisprudence[.] 美国法释义全集
Federal and state digests(汇编,文摘)
Annotated statute books 注释法典

State legal system
1. trial court 初审法院 一审法院
Jury-unanimous verdict 一致裁断
除非当事人双方同意多数裁断majority verdict
2. Appellate court 上诉法院

Bank of judge 全体法官,审判庭,合议庭
Appellant v. appellee
Petitioner v. respondent
Issue of law 法律问题
Prejudicial error 造成损害的错误 法庭在诉讼中所犯的给一方当事
Reverse trial court decision 改判
Affirm trial court decision 维持原判
3. State Supreme court 州最高法院
Conflict with US constitution or federal law

Final arbitrators of state law

Federal legal system
Thirteen circuits 13个巡回审判区
1. U.S. district court 联邦地区法院
Ninety-four districts 94个地区法院
One judge and a jury 一个法官,一个陪审团
2. U.S. Court of appeal 联邦上诉法院
Bank of three judges 三名法官组成的合议庭
3. Supreme court 联邦最高法院
Nine members 9名大法官
Writ of certiorari 调卷令
Opinion 意见

1. per curiam 法庭全体同意
2. Majority opinion 多数意见
3. Plurality opinion 相对多数意见(上诉审法院持某种意见的法官对
4. Concurring opinion 同意意见(但是判决依据提出不同的理由)
5. Dissenting opinion (minority opinion) 反对意见,某位,某几位法官
不同意多数意见majority opinion,自行写的不同意见书
6. Plurality opinion 复数意见书(无法形成绝对多数的主要意见书,

Citation , heading ,parties ,facts , issues ,rule of law , reasoning ,
disposition (decision,holding)

Chapter five
Legal terms
1. culpability 可责性,可罚性
2. Mens rea 犯罪心理
3. Actus reus 犯罪行为
4. Causation 因果关系
5. Concurrence 一致
6. Standard of proof 证据标准
7. Probation 缓刑

8. Detention 拘役
9. Sentence 刑事判决,刑罚

1. beyond a reasonable doubt 排除一切合理怀疑
2. Preponderance of evidence 首要证据,优势证据

Three essential elements of all crimes:
1. mens rea
2. Actus reus
3. Causation

Basic theories of punishment:
1. Reformation 改造 Recidivism累犯,再犯
2. Restraint 限制 permanent (永久的)or rehabilitation(改造,再
教育 )
3. Retribution 报应,报复
4. Deterrence 威慑

The eighth amendment to the U.S. Constitution:
Excessive bail shall not be required ,nor excessive fines imposed , nor
cruel and unusual punishment inflicted.不得要求过度的保释条件,施加

1. The relationship of the sentence to the maximum sentence for other
crimes considered more heinous.
2. The severity of the punishment in other jurisdictions
3. The absence or relative absence of violence

Classification of offenses 罪行分类
1. Misdemeanor 轻微罪
Fine and imprisonment
disturbing the peace; reckless driving
2. petty offenses
Fine ,county jail imprisonment(监禁)
parking tickets (违章停车罚单)
violations of building codes (违反建筑规章)

3. felony 重罪
Death penalty or penitentiary(监禁,监狱)
Class-one death or life imprisonment
Class-two life imprisonment or a sentence of more than 20 years
Class-three imprisonment between 5 and 10 years
Class-four imprisonment between 2 and 10 years

Class-five imprisonment for 1-10 years or less in the discretion of the
Class-six imprisonment for 1-5 years or less in the discretion of the court

The model penal code divide intent into four categories:
1. purposefully 故意(追求结果发生)
2. Knowingly 明知(知道是犯罪,具体产生什么后果不考虑)
3. Recklessly 轻率,鲁莽,放任
4. Negligently 疏忽,过失的

1. Generous intent
2. Specific intent
3. Strict intent

Causation in fact and proximate cause 事实上的因果关系和近因

Concurrence: mens rea + actus reus 并行理论
Transferred intent doctrine 犯意转移

1. Crimes against persons对人犯罪

Assault and battery 企图伤害和殴击
Battery 通常包含assault
Kidnapping 绑架罪
False imprisonment 非法拘禁罪
Interference with custody 干扰监护罪
2. Crimes against property 对财产犯罪
Larceny 盗窃罪
Embezzlement 侵占罪
Robbery 抢劫罪
Arson 放火罪
Burglary 入室盗窃罪

Inchoate crimes 未完成犯罪
Attempt 犯罪预备
Solicitation 教唆罪
Conspiracy 同谋,共谋

Homicide 杀人罪
Murder 谋杀
Manslaughter 非预谋杀人
Negligent homicide 疏忽杀人罪

Vehicular homicide 驾车杀人罪

Murder 谋杀
Malice aforethought 恶意蓄谋
1. intent to kill 意图杀人
2. Intent to inflict great bodily injury 致人重伤的故意
3. Intent to commit a felony 意图犯重罪
4. Awareness of a high risk of death or serious bodily injury 对人生命
The additional element
1. deliberation and premeditation 故意和预谋
2. A killing committed during the res gestae (发生的事实)of a felony
3. Murder by poison,lying in wait,or torture 投毒,实现埋伏,折磨

Manslaughter 非预谋杀人
Adequate provocation 充分挑衅,充分刺激
Heat of passion 一时冲动,激情状态,情急状态
1. the provocation must be reasonable
2. The provocation must be what actually caused the actor to kill
3. The interval between the provocation and the killing must be short
4. There must have been no actual cooling off between the provocation

and the killing

Defenses to crimes 对犯罪的抗辩
1. self-defense 正当防卫(no deadly force)
2. Insanity 精神疾病或精神缺陷
3. necessity 紧急避险
4. Duress 胁迫
5. Entrapment 警察圈套,钓鱼执法
1. to prevent immediate death or serious injury 阻止紧迫性的死亡或
2. To prevent the commission of a felony 阻止重罪的发生
3. To catch a felon抓重罪犯







