grammar week 5——广外高翻本科大三高级英语ppt

2020年09月09日 10:07


Grammar and Vocabulary Week 4
 Vocabulary:
Word formation exercises
 English grammar
a. Historical present
b. Negation

Word formation exercises
40) hydrogen, oxygen, degenerative disorder, generator, gene
-gen (produce; generate)
41) pentagon, hexagon, heptagon, diagonal
-gon (angle)
42) contradict, contra-injection, contra-rotating, antibiotics, anticorrosion
contra- anti- (against)
43) intracellular, intracity, intra-atomic, introspect
intra- intro (inward)
44) transmitted signals, green gas emissions, hospital admission, missile
-mit-; -mis- (send)
Mettre mis
45) telecast, teleconference, telescopic,
tele- (far; distant)
46) posterior, postglacial, postmeridian, post-mortem, postscript
post- (after)
47) aerobatics, aerophotography, areomedical, aerodynamics
aero- (air; aviation)
48) synchronizer, symbion, symphonic, asymmetry, synthesizer
syn-sym- (together)
Symbionese Liberation Army

49) euphemism, eulogy, euphoria, euthanasia, eugenics
eu- (good; benign) mercy killing
50) carnivore, herbivore, carnivorous, herbivorous, anthropophagic, xylophagous insects
-vore; -vorous; -phagic; -phagous (eat; feed on)
Diminutive suffixes
A somewhat smaller or less important version of something
-ette: kitchenette,cigarette, novelette中篇小说, diskette essayette短散文, roomette小房
间;卧车小包房, brunette浅黑肤色的女人, bachelorette未婚女子, towelette湿餐巾纸;


-kin: manikin侏儒;时装模特, cannikin小杯;小罐,lambkin;
Origin of the word Yankee: Jan—Jankee—Yankee—Dutch people living in New
Amsterdam (Present-day New York)—Americans living in the north—Americans as a
-ling: ducking, seedling秧苗,幼苗, siblings, princeling;
-let: piglet, booklet, islet, leaflet;
-y: piggy, kitty, maidy, puppy,
-ish:brownish, reddish, blackish, sevenish
Other Diminutive forms: clipped forms (as Jim, Tim, Tom, Sam) ;altered forms (as Peggy,
Bill, Bob
*How about Chinese diminutives?

1. 说出以下词语的汉语意义
1) a classic performance classical music, classical Chinese
2) a comic masterpiece comical behavior
3) an economic miracle economical arrangement
4) a historic site historical figure
5) an electric motor electrical appliance

1) a classic performance经典的一流的演出
classical music, classical Chinese 古典
2) a comic masterpiece 喜剧名作
comical behavior 滑稽的行为
3) an economic miracle 经济奇迹
economical arrangement节约的安排
4) a historic site 历史遗迹 (有历史意义的;历史上著名的)
historical figure 历史人物 (历史的;史学的;基于史实的)
5) an electric motor 电动机(电的;电动的)
6) electrical appliance电器;电气器具(电气设备有关电的;电气科学的)
electric current; electrical current

2. Put the following into Chinese
1) He was the oldest and lorded it over the rest of us
2) She used to queen it over the girls.
3) He kings it over his colleagues.
4) He then clerked it in a drugstore.
5) You’ll cop it if mother catches you in the kitchen again.
6) Sometimes a boxer dogs it.


7) I cabbed it home yesterday. (taxi it, train it, etc)
8) He has been roughing it in the woods this summer.
9) As we feel that we had done the right thing we could brave it out.
10) When things aren’t going well, he’ll just beat it.

11) You’ve hit it again.
12) There’s some time before the train leaves. I think we shall make it if we hurry.
13) The ambulance men had to elbow their way through the huge crowd standing
round the crashed car.
14) The steamer nosed its way along the winding creek.
15) The soldier wormed his way toward the enemy’s line.
16) He warmed his way into her affections.
17) The train was snaking its way through the mountains.
18) He picked his way across the rough and rocky hillside.
19) The ship ploughed her way through the huge waves.
20) The blind man groped (felt) his way to the door.
Squeeze one’s way, fight one’s way, shoot one’s way, force one’s way, beat one’s way偷
乘车, dig one’s way, etc.

1. 深圳摧毁26个地下钱庄 涉案金额超127亿
2. 国民党完成5地市长候选人提名 民进党定4地人选
3. 河南坐11年冤狱村民称遭刑讯逼供 公检法道歉
4. 穗数万集体户口不能结婚
5. 汶川地震灾区有望提前实现恢复重建目标
6. 公安部教育部要求严打严防校园安全事件
7. 陕西男子闯入幼儿园砍死9人后自杀
8. 利比亚一架客机坠毁103人遇难
9. 朝鲜媒体称朝成功开发核聚变技术 100%自主研发
10. 英国首相布朗辞职 保守党卡梅伦接任
11. 媒体称俄轰炸机沿日本周边飞行 日出动战机监视


12. 泰国官员称不再与红衫军谈判 取消年底大选提议
13. 俄矿难遇难人数升至60人 尚有30人被埋井下
14. 希拉里称巴基斯坦部分官员已获知拉登藏匿

1. 深圳摧毁26个地下钱庄 涉案金额超127亿
Illegal banks outlawed in Shenzhen Secret banks destroyed in Shenzhen

2. 国民党完成5地市长候选人提名 民进党定4地人选
KMT would-be mayors named, DPP yet to choose last candidate

3. 河南坐11年冤狱村民称遭刑讯逼供 公检法道歉
Innocent jailed for 11 years

4. 穗数万集体户口不能结婚
Sharers of collective residence permits denied marriage licenses

5. 汶川地震灾区有望提前实现恢复重建目标
Wenchuan—Quake reconstruction ahead of schedule
Wehchuan—Reconstruction to be accomplished ahead of schedule

6. 公安部教育部要求严打严防校园安全事件
School security to be tightened

7. 陕西男子闯入幼儿园砍死9人后自杀
9 kids killed in kindergarten attack

8. 利比亚一架客机坠毁103人遇难
Air crash in Libya, 103 victims

9. 朝鲜媒体称朝成功开发核聚变技术 100%自主研发
DPRK claims success with nuke fusion

10. 英国首相布朗辞职 保守党卡梅伦接任
Cameron succeeds Brown as PM

11. 媒体称俄轰炸机沿日本周边飞行 日出动战机监视
Russian bomber cuts into Japanese airspace

12. 泰国官员称不再与红衫军谈判 取消年底大选提议
Thai officials: no more talks with Red Shirts

13. 俄矿难遇难人数升至60人 尚有30人被埋井下
60 die in Russian mine disaster, 30 still missing Death toll hits 60 in Russian mine


14. 希拉里称巴基斯坦部分官员已获知拉登藏匿
Hilary Clinton: Laden’s whereabouts known to Pakistani officials

Negation in English
A.The focus of negation?
1) 全部否定
1. Nothing is further away from the truth than this.

2. I have answered every single question, but my opponent has answered none.

2) 部分否定
3.All this is not necessary. ( 比较:All this is unnecessary.)

2. All these metals are not good conductors. (比较:None of these metals are good

3. Both these instruments are not precision ones. (比较:Neither of the instruments is a
precision one)

4. I don’t remember all their names. (比较:I remember none of their names.)

3) 转移否定
5. I don’t think it’s right to make such a hasty decision.

6. It is not our view that the substance or the tone of his remarks this morning will
contribute to creating a lasting peace in the Middle East.

4) 否定范围:从否定词开始有时可以一直延伸到句末:被否定的时机上是主语补足语或是
7. They did not part good friends.

8. We haven’t called the meeting to discuss this question.

9. He didn’t buy the book because he needed it.

10. The Nazis had not instantly withdrawn from Africa or Sicily merely because of
threat to their rear.

11. They do not conduct the dangerous experiment to serve their private interest, but to
benefit man.

B. 否定含义的判别


如 deny, neglect, fail to, refuse to, exclude, miss, overlook, ignore, lack, keep from protect,
12. It is one of the most barbarous customs in the world, considering us as a civilized and a
Christian country, that we deny the advantage of learning to women.

13. He fails to make the reader understand the verse, let alone enjoy it and delight in it.

16.The manager told the shop-assistant to work on stock if she lacked a customer.

2)某些抽象名词, 如 absence, ignorance, exclusion
17. The almost absence of any US sway with the parties directly involved in such a
dangerous situation is sobering to say the least.

18. The failure of the teaching of grammatical rules to ensure correctness of expression
has caused many people to throw grammar aside.
The teaching of grammatical rules fails to ensure the correctness of expression. This has
caused many people to throw grammar aside.

2) 某些形容词, 如little, few, absent, short of , free offrom, far from, safe from, inferior to
19. Little is known at present about this oil field.

20.It is very important that a drawing be free from ambiguities and be subject only to a
single interpretation.

21.Jane Austin was worried that Emma “might appear inferior in wit” to Pride and

22.Far from admiring his paintings I disliked them intensely.

3)某些介词, 如below, beyond, above, off, past, beneath, behind, minus, within, but, against,
instead of, out of, but for, in defect of
23. Copies always fall below their original.

24. He is above meanness and deceit.

25.Mr. Shultz on Wednesday reiterated the administration’s counterargument that the
defenses were still needed as insurance against cheating.

5) 某些副词, 如 hardly, seldom, barely, rarely, scarcely, little, few
26. Now, I have recalled these beginnings of the careers of Franklin, Darwin and Mozart
because they strikingly illustrate a profound psychological truth the significance of
which can scarcely be overestimated.

6) 某些特定的词组搭配, 如 (have) yet to, too.. to, rather than, more than


27.Japan has begun offering HDTV (high-definition television) on a limited basis, and
some European countries will start within two years. The United States, yet to choose
an official HDTV system, may lag slightly behind.

28.Six months after the invasion, they have yet to establish themselves as anything
approaching the masters of all they survey.
29. But for reasons that are undiscoverable, “refute” is now moving toward meaning “deny”
more than it means “to prove by argument that the other fellow’s argument is false.

7) 双重否定的表达
30.One such major breakthrough occurred in 1956, although it wasn’t until later that we
were filled in on the details.

31. His house is not seldom filled with water in a very rainy season.

32. This is a matter of no small consequence.

33. You cannot be too careful.

34. No man can have too much knowledge and practice.

35. The importance of curbing inflation cannot be overemphasized.

36. These scientists could not believe the two Curies more.

37. Before long her white sails were no more than a speck upon the waters.








