
2020年09月10日 23:39


1、Oh! So many animals. One orange cat is on the bed. Two yellow cats are on the chair. Four birds are in the
box. One black cat is under the desk. Three dogs are on the desk.
(1)There is one orange cat. ( )
(2)There are two yellow cats.( )
(3)There are five birds. ( )
(4)There are two dogs.( )
(5)Two orange cats are on the chair.( )

2、This is a big ,that’s a big small lion is her are ,look at the are
very are are these over there?They are are are black and white.
(1)This is a big park.( )
(2)That’s a big lion.( )
(3)The small lion is her baby.( )
(4)The pigs are big.( )
(5)The pandas are black and white.( )

3、I’m Tom.I’m favourite sport is playing football.I can play very favourite colour is blue.I have
blue favourite animal is a name is Beibei.I like it very much.
(1)His name is Beibei.( )
(2)He is a boy.( )
(3)His favourite sport is swimming.( )
(4)His favourite colour is red.( )
(5)His favourite animal is dog.( )

4、Mary is a girl of parents are loves likes eating many likes
sweets,meat and ice doesn’t like noodles.
(1)Mary’s mother and father are teachers.( )
(2)Mary is nine years old.( )
(3)She likes noodles.( )
(4)She doesn’t like meat.( )
(5)She doesn’t like sweets.( )

5、Amy:What do you like,Sam?
Sam:I like football.
Amy:Here’s a present for you.
Sam:What is it in your bag?
Amy:It’s a football.
Sam:Thank you.
(1)Amy likes football.( )
(2)Sam likes football.( )
(3)Here’s a present for Amy.( )
(4)Here’s a present for Sam.( )
(5)It’s a basketball in the bag.( )

6、Mary is a girl of likes swimming very she doesn’t like cycling,so she goes to school on foot

every she likes has a lot of red clothes.
(1)Mary is eleven years old. ( )
(2)Mary likes cycling. ( )
(3)She walks to school every day. ( )
(4)She doesn’t like red.( )
(5)She doesn’t have red clothes.( )

7、An old woman had a cat. The cat was very old; she could not run quickly, and she could not bite, because she
was so old. One day the old cat saw a mouse; she jumped and caught the mouse. But she could not bite it; so the
mouse got out of her mouth and ran away, because the cat could not bite it.
Then the old woman became very angry because the cat had not killed the mouse. She began to hit the cat.
The cat said, “Do not hit your old servant. I have worked for you for many years, and I would work for you still,
but I am too old. Do not be unkind to the old, but remember what good work the old did when they were young.”
(1)An old man had a cat.( )
(2)The cat was very old.( )
(3)The old woman became very happy.( )
(4)The cat can kill the mouse.( )
(5)The old woman was killed by mouse.( )

B 根据短文内容选择正确答案,将序号填在题前括号内。(10%)
Mr Smith lives in a village, but he works in a big city(城市). He goes to work by train every morning and
comes home in the same way.
This morning, when he was reading his newspaper on the train, a man behind him said “Hello” to him and began
to talk to him. “Your life is not interesting, isn’t it? You take the same train every morning, and you always sit in
the same seat and read the same newspaper.” “How do you know all that about me?” Mr Smith said angrily(生气
“Because I always sit in the same seat behind you,” the man answered.
( ) 1. Mr Smith works ______.
A. in a village B. in a city C. in a town D. in the country
( ) 2. He comes back home from work _____.
A. by ship B. by bus C. on foot D. by train
( ) 3. When he is on the train, Mr Smith often ______.
A. reads books B. reads a newspaper C. talks to others D. listens to others
( ) 4. Mr Smith _________.
A. likes the man very much B. likes reading books
C. doesn’t like the man. D. has much money
( ) 5. The man knows Mr Smith because ________.
A. he is Mr Smith’s good friend
B. they work in the same factory
C. he sits behind Mr Smith on the same train every day

D. they live in the same village

九、我会判断对√错× 10分
I have a new pencil-box. It’s blue and white. There are(有) two rulers , some pencils and an eraser in it. It’s
big .I like my new pencil-box.
( )1. I have a new pencil.
( )2. My pencil-box is blue and white.
( )3. I don’t like my pencil-box.
( )4. There are two erasers in it.
( )5. I have two rulers.

一、 考试中途应饮葡萄糖水

大脑是记忆的场所,脑中有数亿个神经细胞在不停地进行着繁重的活 动,大脑细

毫升,大 脑反应快,记忆力强;90分钟用脑,血糖浓度降至80毫克100毫升,大
脑功能尚正常;连续120 分钟用脑,血糖浓度降至60毫克100毫升,大脑反应

我 们中考、高考每一科考试时间都在2小时或2小时以上且用脑强度大,这样
可引起低血糖并造成大脑疲劳 ,从而影响大脑的正常发挥,对考试成绩产生重
大影响。因此建议考生,在用脑60分钟时,开始补饮2 5%浓度的葡萄糖水100

毫升左右,为一个高效果的考试 加油 。



1.草稿纸也要逐题 顺序写草稿要整洁,草稿纸使用要便于检查。不要在一大张纸
上乱写乱画,东写一些,西写一些。打草稿 也要像解题一样,一题一题顺着序
号往下写。最好在草稿纸题号前注上符号,以确定检查侧重点。为了便 于做完
试卷后的复查,草稿纸一般可以折成4-8块的小方格, 标注题号以便核查,保

2.答题要按 先易后难 顺序 不要考虑考试难度与结果,可以先用5分钟熟悉试
卷,合理安排考试进度,先易后难,先熟后生,排除干 扰。考试中很可能遇到
一些没有见过或复习过的难题,不要 蒙 了。一般中考试卷的题型难度分布基

3. 遇到容易试题不能浮躁遇到容易题,审题要细致。圈点关键字词,边审题边画
草图,明确解题思路。有些 考生一旦遇到容易的题目,便觉得心应手、兴奋异
常,往往情绪激动,甚至得意忘形。要避免急于求成、 粗枝大叶,防止受熟题

4. 答题不要犹豫不决选择题做出选择时要慎重,要关注题干中的否定用词,对

比 筛选四个选项的差异和联系,特别注意保留计算型选择题的解答过程。当试
题出现几种疑惑不决的答案时 ,考生一定要有主见,有自信心,即使不能确定
答案,也不能长时间犹豫,浪费时间,最终也应把认为正 确程度最高的答案写
到试卷上,不要在答案处留白或 开天窗 。

5.试卷检查要 细心有序应答要准确。一般答题时,语言表达要尽量简明扼要,填
涂答题纸绝不能错位。答完试题,如果 时间允许,一般都要进行试卷答题的复
查。复查要谨慎,可以利用逆向思维,反向推理论证,联系生活实 际,评估结

另外,对不同题型可采用 不同的检查方法。选择题可采用例证法,举出一两例
来能分别证明其他选项不对便可安心。对填空题,则 一要检查审题;二要检查思
路是否完整;三要检查数据代入是否正确;四要检查计算过程;五要看答案是 否合
遗漏,答案 错位填涂,并复核你心存疑虑的项目。若没有充分的理由,一般不
6、万一记忆 短路 可慢呼吸考试中,有些考生因为怯场,导致无法集中精神,
甚至大脑忽然一片空白,发生 记忆堵塞 。此时不要紧张,不妨尝试如下方式:

说 放松 时缓慢 呼气,再考虑你正在努力回忆的问题,如果你仍不能回想起来,
就暂时搁下这道题,开始选做其他会的试 题,过段时间再回过头来做这道题。

第二,积极联想。你不妨回 忆老师在讲课时的情景或自己的复习笔记,并努力
回忆与发生记忆堵塞问题有关的论据和概念,把回忆起 的内容迅速记下来,然

第三,进行一 分钟自我暗示。即根据自己的实际,选择能激励自己,使自己能
心情平静和增强信心的话,在心中默念3 至5遍。比如: 我已平静下来,我能
够考好 、 我有信心,一定能考出理想的成绩 等等。
些线索。因此不要轻易放 弃,查看试题中的相关要点,看看是否能给考生提供







