
2020年09月13日 20:17


Unit3 Winter in Canada
Lesson 17: __________
1. Winter, Spring , Summer and Fall
Winter, spring, summer and fall ____seasons.
There ____ four seasons in a year.
This ___ winter. Winter___ cold. There ___ ice. Snow ___ white.
This is_________. Spring is warm and______. The flowers _________.
This is __________. The summer sun is ______. What a hot, ________ day!
This is ________. Fall is ______. The wind______ the leaves _____ the trees.
2. Different Clothes ____Different Seasons
In winter,I ____ ___my hat,scarf,mittens,winter jacket and winter boots.
In spring,I take ff my winter I ______my rain boots and__________.
I like the rain,_____ I don’t like to get wet.
In summer, I____ ____my shorts ,T-shirts and sandals.
In fall , the weather is cool. I take off my shorts and T-shirts.
I put on pants and a sweater.
What do you wear in winter, spring, summer and fall?
Lessons 18: snow! It’s winter!
1. a cold, snowy day
Today is Friday, November ninth. Jenny and liming are getting ready for school. It is
cold this morning.
Please put on your winter jackets, Jenny and Li Ming .
Here _____ your scarf, hat and mitts, Jenny.
Jenny and Li Ming _____on their winter jackets. Li Ming______ on his scarf, hat and
mittens, too.
Good morning, class! Look out the window! Snow is _________!
What a cold, snowy day! says Danny.
3. skating and skiing
What do you like to do in winter, Danny? Asks Li Ming.
Here’s what I like to do?
I like to skate on the ice.
I like to ski on the snow.
Can you skate, Li Ming? Asks Danny.
No, says Li Ming, but I want to learn. Can you teach me?

Sure! says Danny.
Lesson 19: Danny’s Winter Clothes
Poor Danny! He loves winter. But he’s always hot or cold!
Why? Read and listen.
I want to go outside to play in the snow.
I’m going to put on my hat, scarf, jacket, mitts and boots.
Why? Because it’s cold outside.
Okay, I’m putting on my winter hat.
Now I’m going to put on my jacket.
There! Now I’m putting on my scarf. Now my mitts. Now my boots.
Oh, no! I’m going to take off my hat now. Why? Because I’m hot.
I’m taking off my scarf, too. And my mitts.
There! Let’s go outside.
Oh, no! Now I’m cold! I forget my hat, scarf and mitts inside! Let’s go inside.
Here’s my hat.
I’m putting on my scarf now. Now my mitts.
Oh, no! Now I’m hot again!
Lesson 20: Winter Fun
Do you know what a snowman ____, Li Ming?
Sure! We make snowmen ____ China!
First, we make a big ball of snow. Then we make another snowball.
This one is smaller than the first.
Can you put this snowball on that snowball? I think I can. There!
Good! Now we make another small snowball.
We put it on top. Let’s make a face on the snowman.
This carrot is his nose.
I have some little rocks for his mouth and eyes.
I have two sticks for his arms. I think he’s wonderful!
What else do you do in winter in China, Li Ming?
Sometimes we_______ on the snow.
Sometimes we ______ snowballs and_______ them!
Look out, Li Ming! Let’s go inside now! Why? Because I’m cold!
Lesson 21: A Skating Lesson
1. forwards, backwards and turn around

Danny is walking forwards.
Now he’s walking backwards.
Turn around, please, Danny! Thank you!
2. Put on your skates! Danny is going to teach Li Ming to skate.
Danny has a pair of skates for Li Ming. Li Ming puts them on.
Can you stand up on the ice? says Danny.
I think I can stand up, says Li Ming.
Yes! Look, Danny! I’m standing! Good! Says Danny. Danny stands up, too.
Does Li Ming learn? Read and listen.
Look! I’m skating forwards!
Can you skate forwards? asks Danny.
I think I can, says Li Ming. Come on, Danny!
Oops! says Danny. He falls down again. Can you skate backwards? Asks Danny.
I think I can, says Li Ming. Li Ming skates backwards slowly.
Very good, Li Ming! Says Danny.
Come on! Li Ming turns around. Then he skates to Danny.
How did I do,Danny?he asks. You learn fast, Li Ming! says Danny.
I fall down again!
Lesson 22: I like winter
1. What’s your favourite season?
Is winter your favourite season, Jenny? Yes
Why? Because I like to ski on the snow.
I like spring, too. I like to _____in the rain.
In summer, I like to sit in the sun.
2. What’s your favourite season? Why?
In fall, I like to play in the wind.
Do you like to run in the park in summer?
Do you like to ride bikes down the street in spring?
Do you like to fly kites in the wind in fall?
3. I love the cold, white snow.
I love the rain, I love new leaves. I love the flower, too.
I like summer. I like sun. I wear shorts and play outside. It is fun.
I like fall, it is windy. Temperatures are cool.
I fly my kite,I ride my bike,I see my friends at school.

Are you ready for a quiz?
Are you ready to listen, class?
Stand for the right answer. Sit for the wrong answer.
1. Are mitts and mittens the same? Yes! Mitts and mittens are the same!
2. What is Danny doing? Danny is putting on his hat.
3. What is Li Ming doing? Li Ming is skating on the ice.
4. What season is this? It’s fall.
5. What are you learning? You speak good English!
How did you do? Look at the answers below!
They are skating.
I know:
fall, ice, mittens (mitts), rain, scarf, snow, spring, summer,
wind, winter.
learn, skate, ski, teach, think.
Put on_____________________________________________
Take off______________________________________ ___________
Why? Because_________________
Can you_______________?
Tell your friends what you like to do in winter.
Lesson10: Li Ming Meets Jenny’s Class
This is my friend Li Ming. Hi, Li Ming! Nice to meet you!
Where are you from? I am from china.
How are you? Fine, thanks!
What’s the name of your city?
My city is Shijiazhuang.
Is that far from Beijing?
No! It’s only about three hundred kilometers south of Beijing.
Do you live in a house?
No, my family lives in an apartment.
When did you come to Canada? I came on Monday.
Do you like Canada?
Yes, it’s great, but sometimes I miss China.

You speak good English! Does everyone in your family speak English?
No,we speak Chinese at home!
How old are you,li ming? I’m twelve years old.
I’m the same! I’m twelve,too.
Lesson11: teaches a lesson
Let’s get to work,class!are you ready?
How’s the weather today? It’s rainy and cool.
What’s the temperature outside,kim? It’s fifteen degrees.
What’s the temperature inside? It’s twenty degrees.
What’s the temperature now? It’s one hundred degrees.
Is that hot or cold? That’s very hot! Yes!very good!
3. line,circle,square and triangle
This is a line. This is a circle.
Here’s a square. Here’s a triangle.
How many lines make a triangle? Three.
3. Danny’s favorite shape.
What’s your favourite shape, Danny? Let’s see.
My favourite shape is a circle. No! I like lines.
It’s a square. I don’t have a favourite. I like all the shapes.
Lesson 12: how many are there?
1. pencils and stamps
These words get bigger with an s. see the s at the end of these words.
This is one pencil. These are many pencils. How many pencils? Five.
This is a stamp. These are many stamps.
What are these words different?
tHere’s a dress. Here are many dresses.
This is a dish. These are many dishes.
This is a bus . here are three buses.
These words get bigger with an es at the end.
2. men,women,and children
this is a man. These are men.
This is a women. These are women .
This is a child. He is a boy. These are children.

Lesson 13:always do your homework
Class,today we are going to make a chart.
What’s a chart? I’ll show you.
Do you always do your homework? Do you always help your mother? No,I
usually help my motherdry the dishes.
Let’s put a triangle for always.
Let’s put a circle for usually.
Let’s put a square for sometimes.
Do you always walk to school? Sometimes I ride my bike.
Do you wear dresses? Let’s put a line for never.
Ask everyone the same question and put shapes in the blanks.
Here’s our chart!
Here are some good questions ! What else can you ask?
Do you brush your teeth in the morning?
Do you have lunch at 12:00?
Do you watch TV in the evening?
Do you read books on saturdays?
Lesson:14 Let’s sing a new song!
likes to sing?
Who wants to learn a new song? I do! I love to sing! I like to sing,too.
I am going to play the guitar. Would you play the piano?
Jenny can play the piano. I didn’t know that.
I want everyone to sing loudly!
I want you to sing softly.
Lesson:15 are you ready for a quiz?
Let’s play a game! Is what I say right? Smile for yes. Frown for no.
The triangle is wet. Li Ming has his boots and umbrella.
Jenny’s name always has a big J.
The school bus is wet.
Danny always wear gloves,

Danny has a pair of ______for li ming.

A. skate g
I like ____ on the snow.
Can you teach____?
Put _____your shoes.
There ___a pair of boots under your bed.

A. B. C.
A. B. C.
A. B. C.
1. you,can,on,ice,stand,up,the (?)
2. did,I ,how,do,Danny(?)
3. skates,backwards,slowly,Li Ming(.)
4. Danny,going,is,to,skate,to,teach,Li Ming(.)







