
2020年09月13日 21:11


Module 1 Unit 1 How long is the Great Wall?
第一模块 第一单元 长城有多长?
1. Listen and chant.
1. 听录音并齐声唱。
This is the Great Wall. 这是长城。
It's very beautiful. 它非常美。
It's long and old. 它很长很古老。
And we love it all. 我们爱它的全部。
2. Listen, read and act out.
2. 听录音,读一读,演一演。
Daming is visiting the US. 大明在游览美国。
He's in New York with his cousin Simon.他和他的表兄西蒙在纽约。
Tell me about the Great Wall, Daming. 大明,给我说说长城吧。
I want to go there.我想去那儿。
OK. When you visit me in China, 好的。等你去中国看我时,
we'll go there.我们就去那儿。
It's near my home.它离我家不远。
Can we walk along all of the Great Wall?我们能走完长城的全程吗?
No, we can't walk along all of it.不,我们不能走完全程。
It's too long!它太长了!
How long is the Great Wall?长城有多长?
It's more than forty thousand li long.它有四万多里长。
Forty thousand li?四万里?
Yes. That's more than twenty thousand kilometres!是的。就是两万多公里!

Wow! That's really long!哇!那真的很长!
How old is it?它有多少年历史?
It's more than two thousand years old?它超过2000年了。
Oh, that's very old.哦,那真的很老。
Can you tell me more about the Great Wall?你能多给我说说关于长城的事吗?
3. Listen and say.
3. 听录音,说一说。
How long is the Great Wall?长城有多长?
It's more than forty thousand li long.它有四万多里长。
How old is it?它有多少年历史?
It's more than two thousand years old.它超过2000年了。

Unit 2 It's more than four hundred metres high!
第二单元 它有四百多米高!
1. Look, listen and say.
1. 看图,听录音并说一说。
How tall is the tree?这棵树多高?
It's thirty metres tall.它有三十米高。
Oh, that's really tall!哦,那真的非常高!
How old is it?它有多老了?
It's my secret.那是我的秘密。
It's eight hundred years old.它有800岁了。
2. Listen and read.
2. 听录音,说一说。
Simon, look at this building.西蒙,看那栋楼。
It's so high!它真高啊!
It's the Empire State Building. 它是帝国大厦。
It's an office building.它是一栋写字楼。
Can you tell me more about it?你能给我多说说这栋楼吗?
All right. It's more than eighty years old. 好的。它有80多年的历史了。
And it's more than four hundred metres high!它有400多米高!
Wow, that's really high!哇,那真的非常高!
Yes. Do you want to climb the stairs to the top?是的。你想爬楼梯到顶层吗?
3. Listen, point and say.

3. 听录音,指一指,说一说。
The bridge is more than two kilometres long. 桥有超过两千米长。
The river is five hundred metres wide.河有五百米宽。
The building is two hundred metres high. 楼有两百米高。
4. Listen and say. Then sing.
4. 听录音,说一说。然后唱歌。
The Great Wall of China is very, 中国的长城非常,
very long, very, very long, very, very long. 非常长,非常非常长,非常非常长。
The Great Wall of China is very, very long. 中国的长城非常非常长
The people who built it were very, very strong, 建造它的人们非常非常强壮,
very, very strong, very, very strong. 非常非常强壮,非常非常强壮。
The people who built it were very, 建造它的人们非常,
very strong. 非常强壮。
Thousands of people built it. 是成千上万的人建造了它。

Module 2 Unit 1 I went to Chinatown in New York yesterday.
第二模块 第一单元 我昨天去了纽约的唐人街。
1. Look, listen and say.
1. 看图,听录音并说一说。
There's a Chinatown in New York.纽约有一个唐人街。
Oh, that's good.哦,那很好。
Are there any Chinatowns in China?中国有唐人街吗?
Oh, all towns in China are Chinatowns!哦,中国的所有城镇都是唐人街!
2. listen and read.
2. 听录音,读一读。
I'm going to send an email to Mum.我要给妈妈发一封电子邮件。
TO: Mum@收件人:Mum@
SUBJECT: Chinatown, New York主题:纽约唐人街
Dear Mum:亲爱的妈妈:
I went to Chinatown in New York yesterday. 我昨天去了纽约的唐人街。
I had a big surprise. 我大吃一惊。
There were Chinese people everywhere.那儿任何地方都有中国人。
There were lots and lots of Chinese shops and restaurants.那儿有许多许多中国的商店和餐馆。
The people spoke Chinese and English.人们说中文和英语。
We ate in a Chinese restaurant. 我们在一家中国餐馆吃饭。
The food was different from the Chinese food in China.里面的食物和在中国的中餐不一样。
Then we saw a lion dance in the street. 然后我们看见街上有舞龙狮。
Simon really liked it. 西蒙真的很喜欢。

He wants to visit China and learn Chinese. 他想去游览中国并学习汉语。
He really wants to go to the Great Wall.他真的非常想去长城。
Love, Daming爱你的,大明
3. Listen and say.
3. 听录音,说一说。
I went to Chinatown in New York yesterday.我昨天去了纽约的唐人街。
We saw a lion dance in the street.我们在街上看见了舞龙狮。

Unit 2 I went to a library yesterday.
第二单元 我昨天去了图书馆。
1. Look, listen and say.
1. 看图,听录音并说一说。
Yesterday, I went to Chinatown. 昨天,我去了唐人街。
I saw a lion dance there. 我在那儿看见了舞龙狮。
Look at this photo.看这张照片。
You can see it now.你现在能看见它了。
2. Listen and read.
2. 听录音,读一读。
Dear Max,亲爱的马克斯:
We went to the Ming Tombs yesterday. 我们昨天去了明十三陵。
It was exciting! 太令人兴奋了!
There were lots of stone animals and a big red gate.那儿有许多石头雕的动物以及一个红色的大门。
Did you know they found clothes and money in the tombs...你知道他们在坟墓里找到了衣服和钱币……
Dear Baobao,亲爱的宝宝:
I went to a library yesterday. 我昨天去了图书馆。
It is very big. It has books, CDs and computers.它很大。那儿有书、CD以及电脑。
My favourite are books about the US and Canada...我最喜欢的是关于美国和加拿大的书……
Dear Julie,亲爱的朱莉:
I wrote a story in English class yesterday. 我昨天在英语课上写了一个故事。
My teacher liked it very much! 我的老师非常喜欢它!

I want to write a book when I am big. 我想等我长大了,写一本书。
I want to visit many countries and write about them...我想参观许多国家,并写写它们……
4. Listen and say. Then chant.
4. 听录音,说一说。然后齐声唱。
Simple Simon met a farmer when going to the fair. 辛普乐·西蒙去集市时遇到了一个农民。
Simple Simon said to the farmer, 辛普乐·西蒙对农民说:“让我尝一个梨吧!”
The farmer said to Simple Simon, 农民对辛普乐·西蒙说:“先给钱!”
Simple Simon said to the farmer, 辛普乐·西蒙对农民说:“一毛都没有!”
Simple Simon met a farmer when going to the fair. 辛普乐·西蒙去集市时遇到了一个农民。
Simple Simon said to the farmer, 辛普乐·西蒙对农民说:“让我尝一个梨吧!”
The farmer said to Simple Simon, 农民对辛普乐·西蒙说:“先给钱!”
Simple Simon said to the farmer, 辛普乐·西蒙对农民说:“一毛都没有!”

Module 3 Unit 1 Have you got any stamps from China?
第三模块 第一单元 你有来自中国的邮票吗?
1. Look, listen and say.
1. 看图,听录音并说一说。
I've got some food from China.我有一些来自中国的食物。
Have you got any fish from China?你有来自中国的鱼吗?
Sorry, I haven't.对不起,我没有。
But I love Chinese fish.但是我喜欢中国的鱼。
2. Listen, read and act out.
2. 听录音,读一读,演一演。
What are you doing, Simon?西蒙,你在做什么?
I'm putting my new stamps into my stamp book. 我在把我的新邮票放进集邮册里。
These are stamps from Canada. 这些是来自加拿大的邮票。
And these are stamps from the UK. 这些是来自英国的邮票。
And these ones are very, very old. 这些邮票非常非常古老。
They're from the US.它们来自美国。
Have you got any stamps from China?你有来自中国的邮票吗?
No, I haven't. You always send me emails. 不,我没有。你常常给我写电子邮件。
You don't send me letters, 你没有给我写信,
so I haven't got any Chinese stamps!所以我没有任何中国的邮票!
I will send you lots of Chinese stamps.我以后给你寄很多中国的邮票。
Thank you.谢谢。
Do you collect stamps?你集邮吗?

No, I don't. But it's a good idea!不,我不集邮。但是这是个好想法!
Here are some stamps from the US and Canada for you.我给你一些来自美国和加拿大的邮票吧。
Thank you.谢谢。
You can make a stamp book with them.你可以用它们做一本集邮册。
3. Listen and say.
3. 听录音,说一说。
What are you doing?你在干什么?
I'm putting my new stamps into my stamp book.我在把我的新邮票放进我的集邮册中。
Have you got any stamps from China?你有来自中国的邮票吗?
No, I haven't. 不,我没有。

Unit 2 Collecting stamps is my hobby.
第二单元 集邮是我的爱好。
1. Look, listen and say.
1. 看图,听录音并说一说。
It's a picture of the sun.这是一张太阳的图片。
It's a picture of the moon.这是一张月亮的图片。
Oh, it's a picture of my friend from the moon!哦,这是我的来自月球的朋友的图片!
2. Listen and read
2. 听录音,读一读。
Collecting stamps is my hobby.集邮是我的爱好。
This is my favourite Chinese stamp. 这是我最喜欢的中国邮票。
It's a picture of Hainan island, 这是一张海南岛的图片,
my favourite place in China. 是我最喜欢的中国的地方。
We can see the Five-Finger Mountain and a coconut tree. 我们能看到五指山和一棵椰子树。
I love it.我喜欢它。
4. Listen and say. Then chant.
4. 听录音,说一说。然后齐声唱。
What do I need? What do I need? 我需要什么?我需要什么?
I need something very special indeed. 我的确需要一些特殊的东西。
You cannot see it, not at all! 你一点也看不到!
You cannot feel it, not at all! 你一点也感受不到!
So what is it that I need? 所以我需要的到底是什么?
It's the air around us all. 是围绕着我们的空气。

What do I need? What do I need? 我需要什么?我需要什么?
I need something very special indeed. 我的确需要一些特殊的东西。
You cannot see it, not at all! 你一点也看不到!
You cannot feel it, not at all! 你一点也感受不到!
So what is it that I need? 所以我需要的到底是什么?
It's the air around us all. 是围绕着我们的空气。

Module 4 Unit 1 Thanksgiving is very important in the US.
第四模块 第一单元 感恩节在美国非常重要。
1. Look, listen and say.
1. 看图,听录音并说一说。
National Day is his favourite day.国庆节是他最喜欢的日子。
Thanksgiving is their favourite day.感恩节是他们最喜欢的日子。
Halloween is her favourite day.万圣节是她最喜欢的日子。
Children's Day is our favourite day.儿童节是我们最喜欢的日子。
2. Listen, read and act out.
2. 听录音,读一读,演一演。
Simon, which festival in the US is your favourite?西蒙,在美国你最喜欢的节日是什么?
My favourite festival is Thanksgiving. 我最喜欢的节日是感恩节。
This festival is very important to us in the US.这个节日对我们美国人非常重要。
What do you do on Thanksgiving?感恩节你们做什么?
We always have a big, special dinner. 我们通常有一顿丰盛而特别的晚餐。
We say 我们对我们的食物、家庭和朋友说“谢谢”。
family and friends. We have a lot of fun.我们有很多乐趣。
I wrote a poem about Thanksgiving. 我写了一首关于感恩节的诗。
Do you want to hear it?你想听听吗?
Yes, please.好的,请念吧。
Thanksgiving is nearly here. 感恩节快到了。
Thanksgiving comes every year. 感恩节每年都来。
There is one thing I should say. 我要说一件事。

Thanksgiving is my favourite day!感恩节是我最喜欢的日子!
Oh, your poem is amazing!哦,你的诗让我很吃惊!
3. Listen and say.
3. 听录音,说一说。
What do you do on Thanksgiving?感恩节你们做什么?
We always have a big, special dinner. 我们通常有一顿丰盛而特别的晚餐。
We say 我们对我们的食物、家庭和朋友说“谢谢”。

Unit 2 Can you tell me about Christmas?
第二单元 你能和我说说圣诞节吗?
1. Look, listen and say.
1. 看图,听录音并说一说。
At the Spring Festival, we eat lots of food.在春节,我们吃许多食物。
Oh, I love Chinese food.哦,我喜欢中国的食物。
Can we have the Spring Festival now?我们能现在过春节吗?
Ha ha... But it's autumn now.哈哈……但是现在是秋天。
2. Listen and read.
2. 听录音,读一读。
Can you tell me about Christmas?你能和我说说圣诞节吗?
Sure. It's a very important festival in many counties. 当然。它在许多国家是一个非常重要的节日。
It is on the 25th of December.它在12月25日。
We put Christmas tree in our homes.我们在家里放圣诞树。
There are lights in the streets and the shops.街上和商店里都有彩灯。
We give presents and send cards. 我们收礼物也送礼物。
We love this festival!我们喜欢这个节日!
4. Listen and say. Then sing.
4. 听录音,说一说。然后唱一唱。AMERICA, AMERICA美国,美国
America, America, there are lots and lots of things to see. 美国,美国,有好多东西要看。
It's a very big country, from New York to Tennessee. 它是个宽广的国家,从纽约到田纳西。
You can climb a high mountain. You can swim in a lake. 你能爬上高山。你能下湖游泳。
You can have Thanksgiving and eat lots and lots of cakes. 你能过感恩节并吃到好多蛋糕。

The flag's got three colours. It is red and blue and white. 国旗有三种颜色。红色蓝色和白色。
It hangs outside the White House all day and all night. 它日日夜夜飘扬在白宫外面。
America, America, there are lots and lots of things to see. 美国,美国,有好多东西要看。
It's a very big country, from New York to Tennessee. 它是个宽广的国家,从纽约到田纳西。
America, America, there are lots and lots of things to see. 美国,美国,有好多东西要看。
It's a very big country, from New York to Tennessee. 它是个宽广的国家,从纽约到田纳西。
You can climb a high mountain. You can swim in a lake. 你能爬上高山。你能下湖游泳。
You can have Thanksgiving and eat lots and lots of cakes. 你能过感恩节并吃到好多蛋糕。
The flag's got three colours. It is red and blue and white. 国旗有三种颜色。红色蓝色和白色。
It hangs outside the White House all day and all night. 它日日夜夜飘扬在白宫外面。
America, America, there are lots and lots of things to see. 美国,美国,有好多东西要看。
It's a very big country, from New York to Tennessee. 它是个宽广的国家,从纽约到田纳西。

Module 5 Unit 1 Can I write to her?
第五模块 第一单元 我能给她写信吗?
1. Look, listen and say.
1. 看图,听录音并说一说。
There's a new panda in the zoo today. 今天动物园有只新熊猫。
And we are sure that everyone will come and see him. 我们确信每个人都会来观赏它。
There's a panda in the zoo now.现在动物园里有熊猫了。
Can he speak English?他会说英语吗?
Maybe. His teacher speaks English.也许吧。他的老师说英语。
2. Listen, read and act out.
2. 听录音,读一读,演一演。
Hi, Laura. This is Daming.嗨,劳拉。这是大明。
He's from China.他来自中国。
You're from China. Fantastic! 你来自中国。太奇妙了!
Pleased to meet you.很高兴见到你。
Pleased to meet you, too.我也很高兴见到你。
Do you live here now? 你现在是定居在这儿?
Or are you visiting?还是来参观游览的?
I'm visiting Simon.我是来看西蒙的。
He's my cousin.他是我的表兄。
I really want a Chinese pen friend.我真的想要一个中国的笔友。
I want to know more about China.我想更多的了解中国。
I've got a friend in China.我在中国有一个朋友。

Her name's Lingling.她叫玲玲。
She can speak some English. 她能说一些英语。
She want an American pen friend.她想要一个美国的笔友。
Can I write to her?我可以给她写信吗?
Of course. You can write to her in English. 当然。你可以给她用英语写信。
Look, this is her photo.看,这是她的照片。
Oh, she's pretty!哦,她很漂亮!
3. Listen and say.
3. 听录音,说一说。
She can speak some English.她能说一些英语。
Can I write to her?我能给她写信吗?
Of course. You can write to her in English.当然。你可以给她用英语写信。

Unit 2 I want a Chinese pen friend.
第二单元 我想要一个中国的笔友。
1. Look, listen and say.
1. 看图,听录音并说一说。
I want a pen friend. 我想要一个笔友。
We can write in English and Chinese.我们可以用英语和中文写信
I want a pen friend, too. 我也想要一个笔友。
We can write in French.我们可以用法语写信。
Tom, do you want a pen friend?汤姆,你想要一个笔友吗?
No. He wants a phone friend. Ha ha...不。他想要一个话友。哈哈……
2. Listen and read.
2. 听录音,读一读。
Pen friends笔友
Hi, I'm Carol. I'm from the US.嗨,我是卡萝尔。我来自美国。
I can speak some Chinese. 我会说一些中文。
I want a Chinese pen friend.我想要一个中国的笔友。
Hello, I'm Tingting. I'm Chinese.你好,我是婷婷。我是中国人。
I'm learning English.我在学习英语。
I want a pen friend from the UK.我想要一个来自英国的笔友。
We can write in English.我们可以用英语写信。
Hi, I'm Brian. I come from London.嗨,我是布赖恩。我来自伦敦。
I can't speak Chinese. But I love China. 我不会说中文。但是我喜欢中国。
I want new friends from China. 我想要一个来自中国的新朋友。

Do you want to be my pen friend?你想成为我的笔友吗?
4. Listen and say. Then sing.
4. 听录音,说一说,然后唱一唱。
Where do you come from?你来自哪儿?
Where do you come from? Your face is new. 你来自哪儿?你是个新面孔。
I come from America and I'm pleased to meet you. 我来自美国,很高兴见到你。
Are you from around here? Where are you from? 你来自这里吗?你来自哪儿?
No, I'm not from around here. I'm from Canada. 不,我不是这一带的人。我来自加拿大。
Are you from America? We can't tell from your face. 你们来自美国吗?我们从你的肤色看不出来。
No, we are from England and we love this place. 不,我们来自英国,我们爱这个地方。

Module 6 Unit 1 I've got some Chinese chopsticks.
第六模块 第一单元 我有一些中国的筷子。
1. Look, listen and say.
1. 看图,听录音并说一说。
Have you got a book about China?你有关于中国的书吗?
No, I haven't.不,我没有。
Have you got a book about the US?你有关于美国的书吗?
No, I haven't.不,我没有。
What book have you got?你有什么书?
I've got a book about the world.我有关于世界的书。
2. Listen and read.
2. 听录音,读一读。
Look, Amy! A letter from the US.看,埃米!有一封来自美国的信。
Is it from Daming?是大明写的吗?
No, it isn't.不,不是。
Dear Lingling,亲爱的玲玲:
My name is Laura. 我叫劳拉。
I met Daming here in New York.我在纽约遇见了大明。
He showed me your photo. 他给我看了你的照片。
Can you be my pen friend?你能成为我的笔友吗?
I've got long, yellow hair and blue eyes. 我有一头黄色的长发和一双蓝色的眼睛。
I like Chinese food and I've got some Chinese chopsticks. 我喜欢中国的食物,我还有一些中国的筷子。
But it is very difficult for me to use them.但是对我来说使用它们很困难。

My brother has got a Chinese kite.我的哥哥有一只中国的风筝。
It is a very big bird.它是一只非常大的鸟。
He often flies it in the park.他经常在公园放风筝。
I'm from New York. It's a very big city.我来自纽约。它是一个非常大的城市。
Have you got a book about the US? 你有关于纽约的书吗?
Please write back and I will answer your questions about the US.请给我回信吧,我会回答你关于美国的问题
Best, Laura最好的祝福,劳拉
3. Listen and say.
3. 听录音,说一说。
I've got some Chinese chopsticks. 我有一些中国的筷子。
My brother has got a Chinese kite.我的哥哥有一只中国的风筝。
Have you got a book about the US?你有关于美国的书吗?

Unit 2 I haven't got a book about the US.
第二单元 我没有关于美国的书。
1. Look, listen and say.
1. 看图,听录音并说一说。
I've got a kite from China.我有一只来自中国的风筝。
I've got some stamps from China.我有一些来自中国的邮票。
And Bob has got some food from China!鲍勃有一些来自中国的食物。
2. Listen and read.
2. 听录音,读一读。
Dear Laura,亲爱的劳拉:
Thank you for your letter.谢谢你的信。
I'm happy to be your pen friend.我很高兴成为你的笔友。
I haven't got a book about the US.我没有关于美国的书。
But I have got some photos of New York Daming sent them to me.但是我有一些关于纽约的照片。是大明寄
Miss Lin, my art teacher,我的美术老师林老师,
helped me make a poster of New York with those photos.帮助我用那些照片制作了一张纽约的海报。
My school starts at eight o'clock. 我的学校每天八点上学,
It finishes at half past three.三点半放学。
What time does your school start and finish?你的学校几点上学和放学?
Your friend, Lingling你的朋友,玲玲
4. Listen and say. Then chant.
4. 听录音,说一说。然后齐声唱。

Hello, my dear friend, here is my letter. 你好,我亲爱的朋友,这是我的信。
What can be better than reading a letter? 还有什么比读信更好呢?
Letter or email, card or phone. 信或者邮件,明信片或者电话。
We can talk together, and we're not alone. 我们能一起谈天说地,我们并不孤单。

Module 7 Unit 1 Pandas love bamboo.
第七模块 第一单元 熊猫喜欢竹子。
1. Look, listen and say.
1. 看图,听录音并说一说。
Do snakes love music?蛇喜欢音乐吗?
Well, I don't know.呃,我不知道。
Does your dog love music?你的狗喜欢音乐吗?
Oh, my CD!哦,我的CD!
2. Listen, read and act out.
2. 听录音,读一读,演一演。
What are you watching, Daming?大明,你在看什么?
I'm watching a new DVD about animals.我在看一张新的关于动物的DVD。
Simon gave it to me.西蒙给我的。
What does it say about my favourite animal?它讲了我最喜欢的动物的什么内容?
Pandas love bamboo.熊猫喜欢竹子。
They eat for twelve hours a day!它们一天吃12个小时!
I love bamboo, too.我也喜欢竹子。
Wow! Look at this picture! 哇!看这张图片!
The snake can use its body to dance.蛇在用它的身体跳舞。
Do snakes love music?蛇喜欢音乐吗?
No, they don't. 不,它们不喜欢。

They're almost deaf! 它们几乎是聋的!
They can't hear the music. 它们听不到音乐。
It says the snake thinks the flute is dangerous, 据说蛇认为长笛是危险的,
so it gets frightened!所以它害怕!
This is a fantastic DVD!这是一张很奇妙的CD!
Yes, it's fantastic!是的,非常奇妙!
What a great present from Simon!西蒙给你的礼物真好!
3. Listen and say.
3. 听录音,说一说。
Pandas love bamboo.熊猫喜欢竹子。
They eat for twelve hours a day!它们一天吃12个小时!
Do snakes love music?蛇喜欢音乐吗?
No, they don't. 不,它们不喜欢。
They're almost deaf!它们几乎是聋的!

Unit 2 A child sleeps for ten hours a night.
第二单元 小孩晚上睡十个小时。
1. Look, listen and say.
1. 看图,听录音并说一说。
Sh! The tiger is sleeping.嘘!老虎睡着了。
Ah! Help!啊!救命!
2. Listen and read.
2. 听录音,读一读。
A child sleeps for ten hours a night.小孩晚上睡十个小时。
A baby sleeps for sixteen hours a day.婴儿一天睡16个小时。
A fox sleeps in the day and doesn't sleep at night.狐狸白天睡觉,晚上不睡觉。
How many hours do you sleep a night?你晚上睡几个小时?
4. Listen and say, Then chant.
4. 听录音,说一说,然后齐声唱。
This old owl lives in a tree. 这个老猫头鹰住在树上。
He likes to look. He likes to see. 他喜欢观察。他喜欢看。
He likes to hear, but not to say. 他喜欢聆听,但从不开口说。
We can learn a lesson from this owl today. 我们今天能从老猫头鹰身上学到一课。

MODULE 8 Unit 1 Do you often tidy your room'?
Listen,point and find
What are you doing?你在做什么?
I'm tidying my room.我在打扫房间.
Do you often tidy your room?你经常打扫房间吗?
Yes,every day.是的,每一天。
We can play well in a tidy room.我们可以在一个整洁的房间里玩。
We can't play in a messy room.我们不能在杂乱的房间玩。
I know.
Do you often tidy your bookshelf?你经常整理你的书架吗?
No,I don''s very messy.我没有整理.它很乱.
I can't find my books.我都没办法找到我的书.
I will help you,Amy.我会帮你,艾米.
I will tidy your bookshelf.我帮你整理书架.
Thank you.我知道。
Now your books are tidy.你的书已经整理好了.
What do you want to do? 你想做什么?
Let's read!我们来读书吧.
Good idea.好主意.
You can choose some books.你可以挑几本书,
Then we can read them together.然后我们一块读.

Listen and repeat.
Do you often tidy your room?你经常整理房间吗?
No,I don't.不,我不行。
I often read stories to my little brother.我经常读故事给我的小弟弟。


Unit 2 I often read English books. 第二单元 我常常看英语书。
1. Listen and chant.
I'm always here. 我一直在这里。
I never go. 从未离开。
You're sometimes here. 你有时在这里。
You often go. 你经常离开。
2. Listen and read.
I never play football.我从来不踢足球。
I don't like it.我不喜欢它。
I sometimes clean the blackboard for my teachers.我有时帮老师擦黑板。
I love English.我喜欢英语。
I often read English books.我常常看英语书。
I always ride my bike to school. 我总是骑自行车去学校。
I never go by bus.我从来不坐公交车。
4. 听录音,说一说。然后齐声唱。
And clean my house.“打扫我的房间。”女士说。
And then clean my shoes,“然后刷我的鞋,”女士说。
Your house will be clean.“你的房间会干净的。”女孩说。


Module 9 Unit 1 Do you want to visit the UN building?
第九模块 第一单元 你想去参观联合国大厦吗?
1. 看图,听录音并说一说。
I want to visit China.我想去参观中国。
I want to visit the Great Wall.我想去游览长城。
Hello, bird! 你好,小鸟!
Do you want to visit China?你想去参观中国吗?
Tweet! Tweet!啾啾!啾啾!
2. 听录音,读一读,演一演。
Do you want to visit the UN building?你们想去参观联合国大厦吗?
Yes, we do!是的,我们想去!
Is this the UN building?这是联合国大厦吗?
Yes. It's a very important building in New York.是的。它是纽约一座非常重要的建筑。
The UN wants to make peace in the world.联合国希望维持世界和平。
Many countries are in the UN.许多国家是联合国成员。
Is China in the UN?中国也是联合国成员吗?
Yes. China is one of the 193 member states in the UN.是的。中国是联合国的193个成员国之一。
Wow! The building is beautiful.哇!这座大厦真漂亮。
It's very big and very tall.它非常大非常高。
Haven't you got buildings like this in China?中国有这样的建筑吗?
Yes, we have.是的,我们有。
We've got lots of very tall and big buildings in China.我们有许多非常高非常大的建筑。
Do you want to go into the building?你想进入大厦里面看看吗?
Yes, I do. But can we?是的,我想。但是我们能吗?

3. 听录音,说一说。
Is this the UN building?这是联合国大厦吗?
Yes. It's a very important building in New York. 是的。它是纽约一座非常重要的建筑。
The UN wants to make peace in the world.联合国希望维持世界和平。
Many countries are in the UN.许多国家是联合国成员。
Is China in the UN?中国也是联合国成员吗?
Yes. China is one of the 193 member states in the UN.是的。中国是联合国的193个成员国之一。

Unit 2 I want to go to Shanghai.
第二单元 我想去上海。
1. Look, listen and say.
1. 看图,听录音并说一说。
Do you want to visit the Changjiang River?你想去看长江吗?
Do you want to visit the Huangshan Mountain?你想去看黄山吗?
Oh, it does. It's flying to China now.哦,它想。他现在飞往中国了。
2. Listen and read.
2. 听录音,读一读。
There are lots of beautiful places to go in China.中国有许多美丽的地方可以去。
I want to go to Shanghai. 我想去上海。
Shanghai is very big and very famous.上海非常大,非常有名。
Kunming is a beautiful place.昆明是一个美丽的地方。
It's in the south of China,它位于中国的南边,
and it's got a beautiful lake.它有一座美丽的湖。
And there are lots of mountains and lakes in Guilin.桂林也有许多山和湖。
I think we should go to all these places.我想我们应该去所有这些地方。
That's a good idea.那是个好主意。
4. Listen and say. Then chant.
4. 听录音,说一说。然后齐声唱。
Do you want to go to the sea, sea, sea? 你想去海边吗?海边?海边?
Yes, we want to go to the sea, sea, sea. 是的,我们想去海边,海边,海边。
When you want to go to the sea, sea, sea, 当你想去海边,海边,海边时。

come with me, me, me. 和我一起吧,和我,和我。
Do you want to ride on a bus, bus, bus? 你想坐车吗?坐车?坐车?
Yes, we want to ride on a bus, bus, bus. 是的,我们想坐车,坐车,坐车。
When you want to ride on a bus, bus, bus, 当你想坐车,坐车,坐车时,
come with us, us, us. 和我一起吧,和我,和我。
Do you want to visit the zoo, zoo, zoo? 你想去动物园吗?动物园?动物园?
Yes, we want to visit the zoo, zoo, zoo. 是的,我们想去动物园,动物园,动物园。
When you want to visit the zoo, zoo, zoo, 当你想去动物园,动物园,动物园时,
can we come too, too, too? 我们可以一起去吗?一起?一起?

Module 10 Unit 1 Only drink clean water!
第十模块 第一单元 只喝干净的水!
1. Listen and chant.
1. 听录音并齐声唱。
It's sunny today. 今天是晴天。
It's fun to play. 玩起来很开心。
It's raining today. 今天是雨天。
Who can take the rain away? 谁能把雨带走呢?
2. Listen, read and act out.
2. 听录音,读一读,演一演。
This is a beautiful park, Aunt Jane.简阿姨,这个公园很漂亮。
Yes. We often come here.是的。我们常常来这儿。
Mum, can we have our picnic now? 妈妈,我们现在能野餐了吗?
I'm hungry.我饿了。
And I'm thirsty.我渴了。
Yes, of course.当然可以。
Here are your sandwiches.这儿是你们的三明治。
Thank you.谢谢。
Oh no! I didn't bring any drinks! I forgot!哦,不!我没有带喝的!我忘了!
Oh no!哦,不!
Don't worry, Mum.别担心,妈妈。
We can drink water here.我们可以喝这儿的水。
Only drink clean water!只能喝干净的水!

This water is very clean.这水很干净。
And cool.而且很凉爽。
It's fun to drink this way!这么喝水很有趣!
Ha ha...哈哈……
3. Listen and say.
3. 听录音,说一说。
Only drink clean water!只能喝干净的水!
This water is very clean.这水很干净。
It's fun to drink this way!这么喝很有趣!

Unit 2 Go straight on.
第二单元 直走。
1. Look, listen and say.
1. 看图,听录音并说一说。
The light is red.红灯了。
Please don't cross.请别过马路。
Now it's green.现在是绿灯了。
You can cross.你们能过马路了。
2. Listen and read.
2. 听录音,读一读。
Go straight on.直走。
Stop! Don't cross!停!别过马路!
Don't turn right here!不要在这儿右转!
Go! It's green.走!绿灯了。
Don't ride your bicycle here!不要在这儿骑自行车!
Turn left.左转。
4. Listen and say. Then chant.
4. 听录音,说一说。然后齐声唱。
Water should be clean. 水是干净的。
Good food should be hot. 好食物是热的。
Rice, meat and greens, in a lovely pot! 大米、肉和蔬菜要放在可爱的壶里!
Stop - don't cross the road! 听——不要横穿马路!
Wait - OK, move slow! 等等——好,慢慢走。

We should only walk into the road when we know it's safe to do so. 我们应该只在安全的时候走上马路。







