
2020年09月13日 22:42


get up
英 [ɡet ʌp] 起床
When do you get up every day?(你每天什么时候起床?)
·have breakfast
英 [hæv ˈbrekfəst] 吃早餐
They are going to have breakfast.(他们要吃早饭了。)
·go to school
英 [ɡəu tu: sku:l] 去上学
I go to school at 7:00.(我七点钟去上学。)
·School begins
英 开始上课
School begins at eight.(八点钟上课。)
·have lunch
英 吃午饭
It''s time to have lunch!(午饭的时间到了!)
·School is over
英 放学
I''m elated that school is over.(放学了,我很兴奋。)
·go home
英 [ɡəu həum] 回家
I go home at 17:00.(我17点回家。)
·have dinner
英 吃晚饭
Would you like to stay and have dinner?(你留下来一起吃饭好吗?)
·watch TV
英 [wɔtʃ ˈti:ˈvi:] 看电视
Do you always watch TV in the evening?(你晚上总看电视吗?)
·go to bed
英 [ɡəu tu: bed] 睡觉
I go to bed at 21:00.(我21:00睡觉。)
英 [ˈbrekfəst] n.早餐
What''s for breakfast?(早餐吃什么?)

英 [lʌntʃ] n.午餐
We had an exceedingly good lunch.(我们吃了一顿极为丰盛的午餐。)
英 [ˈdɪnə(r)] n.晚餐
I gave a dinner party for a few close friends.(我为几个密友办了晚宴。)
·cook breakfast
英 做早餐
Neither of us has the time to cook breakfast.(我们都没有时间做早餐。)
·teach English
英 教英语
He is qualified to teach English.(他教英语是合格的。)
·take a walk
英 散步
He likes to take a walk in his free hours.(空闲时,他喜欢散步。)
·read stories
英 读故事
I often read stories to my little brother.(我经常给我弟弟读故事。)
英 [wɔ:k] vt.& vi.走;步行
I went for an early morning walk with my dogs today.(今天早上,我带着我家的狗狗
英 [ˈevri] det.每一个
We were made to attend meetings every day.(我们每天都得参加会议。)
英 [ˈmɔ:nɪŋ] n.早晨
Every morning I wake up at six ten.(我每天早上六点十分起床。)
英 [ˌɑ:ftəˈnu:n] n.下午
I have to go back to work in the afternoon.(下午我不得不回去工作。)
英 [ˈi:vnɪŋ] n.晚上;傍晚

In the evening we watched the sunset by the beach.(傍晚我们在沙滩边上看挡日
·see a film
英 看电影
I went to see a film in the cinema this evening.(今天晚上我去电影院看了电影。)
·play the piano
英 弹钢琴
She''s learned to play the piano.(她学会了弹钢琴。)
·clean the window
英 擦窗户
Let''s clean the window.(让我们擦窗户。)
·clean the door
英 擦门
Let''s clean the door.(让我们把门擦干净。)
·clean the floor
英 擦地板
Our duty today is to clean the floor.(今天我们的任务是擦地板。)
英 [ˈɒfn] adv.时常;常常
I am often late in the morning.I love sleeping.(早上我经常迟到,我太爱睡觉了。)
英 [ˈi:zi] adj.容易
This is not an easy task.(这不是件容易的差事。)
英 [ˈdɪfɪkəlt] adj.困难
It is difficult to fight down a desire to sleep.(克服睡意是很困难的。)
Unit 2(26个单词)

·collect toy cars
英 收集玩具汽车
I also like to collect toy cars.(我也喜欢收集玩具车。)
·collect stamps
英 收集邮票
I used to collect stamps.(我曾经集过邮。)
·collect maps
英 收集地图
I like to collect maps.(我喜欢收集地图。)
·collect picture cards
英 收集图片
I like to collect picture cards.(我喜欢收集图画卡片。)
英 [ˈəʊpən] vt.开;打开
He opened the window and looked out.(他打开窗户往外看。)

英 [ˈhɒbi] n.爱好
Fishing is my hobby,so I often go to the lake on weekends.(钓鱼是我的爱好,所以我
英 [mæp] n.地图
All we had to do was follow the map.(我们所要做的就是按照地图走。)
英 [bɒks] n.盒子
The cardboard box was crushed.(纸箱子压扁了。)
英 [ˈkʌlə(r)] n.颜色
The colour is not evenly spread.(颜色涂得不匀。)
·go fishing
英 去钓鱼
They can go fishing in the lake.(他们可以在湖里钓鱼。)
·plant flowers
英 种花
Let''s plant flowers in the garden.(让我们在花园里种花吧。)
·cook meals
英 做饭
In the kitchen we cook our meals.(我们在厨房里烧菜做饭。)
英 [dæd] n.爸爸
Dad spoils me. He loves me.(爸爸很宠我,很爱我。)
英 [mʌm] n.妈妈
I love sweets but Mum doesn''t let me have them very often.(我爱吃糖,可妈妈不让
英 [plɑ:nt] n.植物;种植
We often plant trees.(我们经常种树。)
英 [ˈflaʊə(r)] n.花
I like flowers.(我喜欢花。)

英 [drɪŋk] vt.& vi.喝
Children should not drink fruit juices straight.(儿童不应该喝纯果汁。)
英 [ti:] n.茶
Sometimes I drink tea.(我有时喝点儿茶。)
·play computer games
英 玩电脑游戏
Bill likes playing computer games.(比尔喜欢玩电脑游戏。)
·make dolls
英 做布娃娃
I can make dresses for my dolls.(我可以为我的洋娃娃做衣服。)
·take photos
英 照相
You can take photos here.(你可以在这儿照相。)
英 [ˈfəʊtəʊ] n.照片
We must take a photo!(我们一定要拍张照片!)
英 [kɪd] n.小孩
The little kid likes to play in the park.(这个小孩喜欢在公园里玩耍。)
英 [ˈbeɪbi] n.婴儿
The baby was rocked to sleep in a cradle.(婴儿在摇篮里被摇得睡着了。)
英 [ˈhʌŋgri] adj.饿的
He''s hungry for a hamburger.(他太饿了,想吃个汉堡包。)
英 [kraɪ] vt.& vi.哭
I started to cry because I cut my finger.(我因为割破手指哭了起来。)
Unit 3(26个单词)
·invite your friends to your party
英 邀请朋友参加聚会
Let''s invite your friends to your party.(让我们邀请你的朋友来参加聚会。)

·celebrate your birthday with your friends
英 与朋友庆祝生日
celebrate your birthday with your friends.(与朋友庆祝生日。)
·give a birthday card to your friend
英 向朋友赠送生日贺卡
give a birthday card to your friend.(向朋友赠送生日贺卡。)
英 [taɪm] n.时间
What time is it?(几点了?)
英 [ˈɑ:ftə(r)] conj.在……后
This is me before and after exercising.(这是锻炼前和锻炼后的我。)
英 [ðen] adv.那时
The doctor''s on his way.(医生正在路上。)
英 [mi] pron.我(I的宾格)
This is a picture of me.(这是一张我的照片。)
英 [baɪ] int.再见
Goodbye! Bon voyage!(再见!一路顺风!)
·star-shaped cake
英 星形蛋糕
Would you like some star-shaped cake?(来点星形蛋糕怎么样?)
·heart-shaped cake
英 心形蛋糕
Would you like some heart-shaped cake?(来点心形蛋糕怎么样?)
英 [ˈdʒeli] n.果冻
I like to eat jelly.(我最爱吃果冻。)
·fruit pie
英 水果派;水果馅饼
For dessert there''s a fruit pie of some sort.(甜点是一种水果馅饼。)

英 [kaɪnd] n.种类
What kind of animals are Bees?(蜜蜂是什么种类的动物?)
英 [ˈtʃɒklət] n.巧克力
What is your favourite chocolate bar?(你最喜欢哪种巧克力?)
·ice cream
英 [aɪs kri:m] n.冰激凌
I ate two dishes of ice cream.(我吃了两碟冰淇淋。)
英 [ˈkændi] n.糖果
I love to eat all kinds of candy.(我喜欢吃各种糖果。)
英 [ʃʊə(r)] adv.当然
Your want me to call him?Sure,I can do that!(你想让我给他打电话么?当然,我能
·light the candles
英 点蜡烛
Let''s light the candles.(让我们点燃蜡烛。)
·sing the birthday song
英 唱生日歌
First, they light the candles on the cake and sing the birthday song.(首先,他们在蛋糕
·make a wish
英 许愿
I must make a wish first.(我一定要先许个愿。)
·blow out the candles
英 吹蜡烛
I made a wish and blow out the candles.(我许了愿,吹了蜡烛。)
·cut the cake
英 切蛋糕
She cut the cake into many pieces.(她把蛋糕切成很多块。)
·eat the cake
英 吃蛋糕
Let''s eat the cake!(让我们一起吃蛋糕!)

英 [hɪə(r)] adv.在这里
The map says that there is treasure here.(地图显示这里有宝藏。)
英 [fə(r)] prep.给;为了
Here''s some strawberry for you.(这些草莓给你。)
英 [laɪt] v.点燃
What''s near the light?(灯附近有什么?)
Unit 4(26个单词)
·the first month of the year
英 一年里的第一个月
Which is the first month of the year?(一年的第一个月是哪一个月?)
·the second month of the year
英 一年里的第二个月
February is the second month of the year.(二月是一年的第二个月份。)
·New Year''s Day
英 元旦
We are determined to get the work done before New Year''s Day.(我们定下决心,要
·Spring Festival
英 春节
The Spring Festival is drawing near.(春节快到了。)
英 [ˈdʒænjuəri] n.一月
January always has 31 days.(一月份总是有31天。)
英 [ˈfebruəri] n.二月
February is a cold month,but at least it''s short.(二月是一个寒冷的月份,不过至少它
英 [bæk] n.回原处;后面
The privy''s out the back.(厕所在房子后面。)

英 [ðeə(r)] pron.他(她、它)们的
This is their whole family.(这是他们一家子。)
·the third month of the year
英 一年里的第三个月
March is the third month of the year.(三月是一年中的第三个月。)
·the fourth month of the year
英 一年里的第四个月
April is the fourth month of the year.(四月是一年中第四个月份。)
·Tree Planting Day
英 植树节
When is Tree Planting Day?(植树节是什么时候?)
英 [ˈi:stə(r)] n.复活节
Happy Easter!(复活节快乐!)
英 [mɑ:tʃ] n.三月
Women''s Day is on the 8th March every year.(每年的三月八号是妇女节。)
英 [ˈeɪprəl] n.四月
I''m excited for the month of April.(我为四月份的到来感到兴奋。)
英 [tri:] n.树;树木
There are trees in the park.(公园里有棵树。)
英 [grɑ:s] n.草;草地
Look!There are flowers in the grass.(看!草地上有花。)
英 [stɒp] vt.(使)停止
The road worker held up his hand to stop the car.(修路工人举手让车停下来。)
英 [eg] n.蛋;卵
I want egg.(我想吃鸡蛋。)
·the fifth month of the year
英 一年里的第五个月

May is the fifth month of the year.(五月是一年中的第五个月。)
·the sixth month of the year
英 一年里的第六个月
June is the sixth month of the year.(六月是一年中的第六个月。)
·Labour Day
英 劳动节
The first of May is international labour day.(五月一日是国际劳动节。)
英 [meɪ] n.五月
We like May,because we can have many days- off.(我喜欢五月,因为可以有很多假
英 [dʒu:n] n.六月
Children''s Day falls on June 1st.(儿童节在六月一日。)
·Mother''s Day
英 母亲节
I bought a gift for my mother on Mother''s Day.(母亲节我买了一份礼物给我妈妈。)
·Children''s Day
英 儿童节
It''s Children''s Day. (今天是儿童节。)
·Father''s Day
英 父亲节
Today is father''s day, you do not have?(今天是父亲节,你祝福没有?)
Unit 5(20个单词)
·the seventh month of the year
英 一年里的第七个月
July is the seventh month of the year.(七月是一年中的第七个月。)
·the eighth month of the year
英 一年里的第八个月
August is the eighth month of the year.(八月是一年中的第八个月份。)
·the Party''s birthday
英 党的生日
A celebration was held in honour of the Party''s birthday.(召开了一个庆祝活动以纪

·Army Day
英 建军节
August The first day of August is Army Day.(八月的第一天是建军节。)
英 [dʒuˈlaɪ] n.七月
It''s July summer holiday begins today!(今天是7月1日,暑假开始啦!)
英 [ˈɔ:gəst] n.八月
Autumn usually begins in August.(秋天一般从八月开始。)
英 [mʌnθ] n.月
She was here for a month.(她在这儿呆了一个月。)
英 [jɪə(r)] n.年
Elections take place every year.(每年都进行各项选举。)
·the ninth month of the year
英 一年里的第九个月
September is the ninth month of the year.(九月是一年中的第九个月。)
·the tenth month of the year
英 一年里的第十个月
October is the tenth month of the year.(十月是一年中的第十个月。)
·National Day
英 国庆节
The National Day is coming [ drawing near].(国庆即将来临。)
英 [sepˈtembə(r)] n.九月
September 5th is my ''s coming soon!(9月5日是我的生日,就快要到
英 [ɒkˈtəʊbə(r)] n.十月
October is my favorite month of the year.(十月是我一年中最喜欢的月份。)
·Teachers'' Day
英 教师节
Teachers ''day is coming, you''re so hard!(教师节来了,老师您辛苦了!)

·the eleventh month of the year
英 一年里的第十一个月
November is the eleventh month of the year.(十一月是一年当中的第十一个月份。)
·the twelfth month of the year
英 一年里的第十二个月
December is the twelfth month of the year.(十二月是一年中的第十二个月。)
英 n.感恩节
A Thanksgiving dinner of turkey and all the trimmings.(有火鸡及各色配菜的感恩节
英 [ˈkrɪsməs] n.圣诞节
Merry Christmas.(圣诞快乐。)
英 [nəʊˈvembə(r)] n.十一月
November is the eleventh month of the year.(十一月是一年中的第十一个月。)
英 [dɪˈsembə(r)] n.十二月
Christmas is celebrated in December.(人们在十二月庆祝圣诞节。)
Unit 6(28个单词)
·farm the land
英 种地;种田
Their farm contains some of the richest arable land in the country.(他们的农场拥有
·go on spring outings
英 去春游
Do you ever go on spring outings?(你经常去春游吗?)
·fly kites
英 放风筝
In spring, I can fly kites.(在春天,我可以放风筝。)
英 [ˈsi:zn] n.季节
The four seasons are spring,summer,autumn,and winter.(四季指的是春、夏、秋、冬。)

英 [sprɪŋ] n.春天
I can fly a kite in spring.(我可以在春天放风筝。)
英 [ˈlɪtl] adj.一点
You''ve had chess on the brain since you were little.(你从很小的时候就对下棋产生
英 [gri:n] n.&adj.绿色(的)
A green balloon!(一个绿色气球!)
英 [bɜ:d] n.鸟
It''s a bird.(这是一只鸟。)
英 [flaɪ] vi.飞
The wild geese fly from north to south.(大雁由北向南飞。)
·go on a trip
英 去旅游
Do you ever go on a trip?(你经常去旅游吗?)
·go to a summer camp
英 去夏令营
My friend will go to a summer camp next month.(我朋友下个月将要去夏令营。)
·have summer holidays
英 过暑假
I have a busy summer holidays!(我有一个繁忙的暑假!)
英 [bɪˈgɪn] vt.&vi.开始
The talks are to begin tomorrow.(谈判将于明天开始。)
英 [kləʊz] 关;关闭
If you are cold, close the window.(要是冷就把窗户关上。)
英 [ˈsʌmə(r)] n.夏天
I can swim in summer.(我可以在夏天游泳。)

英 [ˈweðə(r)] n.天气
What''s the weather like today,Dad?(爸爸,今天天气怎么样?)
英 [ˈhevi] adj.重的
How heavy are you?(你有多重?)
英 [reɪn] n.雨;下雨
It is going to rain.(要下雨了。)
·pick apples
英 摘苹果
Pick all the apples off the tree.(把树上的苹果都摘下来。)
·cut rice
英 割稻子
The farmer showed us how to cut rice.(农民教我们怎样割稻。)
·make a snowman
英 堆雪人
Can you make a snowman?(你会堆雪人吗?)
·sweep the snow
英 扫雪
Let''s sweep the snow from the sportsground.(让我们扫除运动场上的积雪。)
英 [ˈɔ:təm] n.秋天
Leaves turn yellow in the autumn.(秋天,叶子变黄了。)
英 [ˈjeləʊ] n.&adj.黄色(的)
It''s yellow.(它是黄色的。)
英 [braʊn] n.&adj.棕色(的)
I''m painting the wall in brown.(我在把墙刷成棕色。)
英 [waɪt] n.&adj.白色(的)
The snow covered up the fields with a white cloak.(积雪给田野盖上了一件白色的

英 [ˈwɪntə(r)] n.冬天
I can go skiing in the winter.(冬天里我可以滑雪。)
英 [ˈsnəʊmæn] n.雪人
We can make a snowman in winter.(我们在冬天可以堆雪人。)







