
2020年09月17日 15:53


Lesson 1
1、上学迟到 be late for school 2、醒来 wake up 3、做早操 do morning exercises
4、洗脸 wash face 5、做早餐 make breakfast 6、在厨房 in the kitchen
7、步行上学 walk to school go to school on foot 8、把他带到学校 take him to school
9、该吃午饭了。It’s time for lunch . It’s time to have lunch . 10、必须,不得不have to
11、你总是在12点吃午饭吗?Do you always have lunch at twelve ? Yes, I do . No, I
don’t . 12、你午饭通常吃什么? What do you usually have for lunch ?
13、我没时间吃早饭。I have no time for breakfast .
14、我没时间做早操。I have no time to do morning exercises .
15、学校没有一个人。There isn’t anyone in the school .
16、这个表坏了。The clock doesn’t work .
17、他的表坏了。There is something wrong with his clock .
Lesson 2
1、6:30前 before six thirty 2、散步 take a walk go for a walk
3、做运动 do sports 4、看电视 watch TV 5、尽我的最大努力 try to do my best
6、每天 every day each day 7、在我的工作中 in my work
8、担心 worry about be worried about 9、我们给她打电话吧。Let’s call her .
10、戴上帽子 put on your hat 11、我准备好了。I’m ready . 12、让某人做某事
ask sb to do sth 13、外出 go out with sb. 14、古老的谚语 old saying 15、开始做
某事 begin (start) to do sth 16、别害怕。Don’t be afraid . 17、乐乐每天做早操吗?
Does Lele do morning exercises every day ? Yes , he does . No , he doesn’t .
18、吠犬不咬人。A barking dog doesn’t bite . 19、我害怕狗。I’m afraid of the dogs .
20、安很高兴出去。Ann is happy to go out . 21、她不舒服。 She’s not well .

Lesson 3
1、来自美国 come from the USA 2、住在纽约 live in New York
3、找工作 look for a job 4、坐下 take a seat sit down
5、一个电脑学校 a computer school 6、(字)打得好 type well
7、顺便问一下 by the way 8、我想得到这份工作。 I’d like to get the job .
9、我能知道你的名字和年龄吗? May I know your name and age ?

10、请问你能把它打出来吗?Would you please type it ?
11、你可以付给我多少钱?How much can you pay me ?
12、我将在三个月后开始(工作)。I’ll start (to work) in three months .
13、你来自哪里? Where do you come from ? Where are you from ?
我来自中国。 I come from China . I’m from China .
14、你住在哪里? Where do you live ? 我住在北京。I live in Beijing .
15、他来自哪里? Where does he come from ? Where is he from ?
他来自英国He comes from England . He is from England .
16、他住在那里?Where does he live ? 他住在伦敦。He lives in London .
Lesson 4
1、起得早(晚) get up early (late) 2、在工作日 on weekdays 3、到学校 get to school
4、做家庭作业 do homework 5、去睡觉 go to bed 6、60岁 sixty years old
7、在一个工厂上班 work in a factory 8、午饭时间 lunch time 9、在7点半 at seven
thirty 10、依据我的表 by my watch 11、和她谈一会儿话 talk with her for a moment
12、时差 time difference 13、两个城市之间 between the two cities 14、你通常什么
时候起床? When (What time) do you usually get up ? 我通常六点起床。 I usually get
up at six . 15、他通常什么时候去上学? When (What time) does he usually go to school ?
他通常7:20 去上学。He usually goes to school at seven twenty .
Lesson 5
1、步行去上学 walk to school 2、远离 far from 3、骑自行车 by bike
4、乘公共汽车(火车、飞机、小汽车) by bus ( train plane car ) 5、回家 go home
6、回去 go back to 7、每三个月一次 every three months 8、担心 be worried
9、让某人做某事ask sb to do sth 10、最后 at last 11、同意做某事
agree to do sth 12、开始做某事 begin (start) to do sth 13、上飞机 get on the plane
14、睁开(闭)眼睛 open (close) one’s eyes 15、向窗外看 look out of the window
16、看 look at 17、住在伦敦 live in London
18、你通常怎样上学? How do you usually go to school ?
我通常骑自行车上学。 I usually go to school by bike .
19、他通常怎样回家?How does he usually go home ?
他通常乘小汽车回家。 He usually goes home by car .

Lesson 6

1、太阳从东方升起。The sun rises in the east . 2、想某人问好 say good morning to sb
3、飞向天空 fly into the sky 4、到处 here and there 5、在天空 in the sky
6、日日夜夜 all day and all night 7、地球是一个伟大的旅行者。The earth is a great
traveller . 8、太阳比世界上的任何东西都大得多热的多。The sun is much hotter
and bigger than anything else in the world .
9、太阳使世界变得美丽。 The sun makes the world beautiful .

Lesson 7
1、给我一些牛肉。 Give me some beef . 2、把那个盘子给我。 Pass him that plate .
3、给你。Here you are . 4、让Jim 造句 ask Jim to make a sentence
5、在句中 in the sentence 6、你想要一些西红柿吗?Would you like some tomatoes ?
Yes , please . No , thanks .
Lesson 8
1、高还是矮 tall or short 2、嘲笑 laugh at
3、你有尺子吗?Do you have a ruler ? 有。Yes , I do .
4、它是长是短 ?Is it long or short ? 它是长的。It’s long .
5、我能用一下吗? Can I use it ? 当然可以。给你。Certainly . Here you are .

Lesson 9
1、等待 wait for 2、开心地谈话 talk happily 3、进站 come into the station
4、上车 get on the bus 5、赶快 be quick 6、开始跑向火车 begin to run to the train
7、快速跳上火车quickly jump onto the train 8、没赶上火车 miss the train
9、看起来很难过 look sad 10、走过来 come up
11、跟某人说话 say to sb 12、别担心 Don’t worry .
13、坐下一列火车 take the next train 14、向某人告别 say goodbye to sb
15、哪个蛋糕更好,大的还是小的 ? Which cake is nicer , the big one or the small one ?
小的更好。 The small one is nicer .

Lesson 10

1、好大的大象呀! What a big elephant ! How big the elephant is !
2、大象和熊,哪个重? Which is heavier , the elephant or the bear ?
3、大象比熊重得多。 The elephant is much heavier than the bear .

4、在森林里 in the forest
5、该吃午饭了。It’s lunch time now . It’s time for lunch . It’s time to have lunch .
6、她能很容易够到树上的叶子。 She can reach the leaves on the tree easily .
7、让我们吃些东西吧。Let’s eat something .
8、所有的动物都饱餐一顿。 All the animals have a good meal .
9、长颈鹿比任何动物都高。The giraffe is taller than any of the animals .
10、他摘了许多叶子。He picks a lot of leaves .

Lesson 11

1、圣诞快乐!Merry Christmas !
2、好漂亮的树啊!What a beautiful tree ! How beautiful the tree is !
3、这些图画书是给你的。These picture books are for you .
4、这个玩具狗是给你的。This toy dog is for you .
5、圣诞节是什么时候?When is Christmas ? It’s on December 25 .
6、万圣节是什么时候? When is Halloween ? It’s on October 31.
7、母亲节是什么时候? When is Mother’s Day ? It’s on the second Sunday in May .
8、感恩节是什么时候?When is Thanksgiving Day ? It’s on the fourth Thursday in
November . 9、打扮成 dress up as 10、让我们做面具吧。 Let’s make masks .
11、在早上(下午、晚上) in the morning (afternoon evening )
12、挨家挨户 from door to door 13、出现 come out 14、逃跑 run away
15、不要跑! Don’t run away ! 16、很高兴 be happy

Lesson 12
1、住在 live in 2、开车去 drive to 3、在----前面 in front of 4、乘电梯上
ride the elevator up to 5、在第18楼 on the eighteenth floor 6、进入 come into
7、透过窗户from the window 8、在街上 in the street 9、看起来像 look like be like
10、在我们公寓周围 around our apartment 11、在外面玩 play outside
12、向南看 to the south 13、420米高 420 metres high 14、中国最高的楼之一
one of the tallest buildings in China 15、亚洲最高的楼the tallest building in Asia
16、在夜里 at night 17、整个城市 all over the city 18、在天上 in the sky
19、 吃早饭(午饭 晚饭)have breakfast ( lunch supper )







