
2020年10月12日 17:01





科目:unit eight :slavery gave me nothing to lose

教学目的:this passage looks into racial problems from a
different perspective. generally the black like to attack the
discrimination against them, but the author from her personal
experience comes to a different conclusion in a positive way.

教学重点:study the language points and the western racial

教学方法: communicative teaching, free discussion and


1, warm-up activities(15 minutes)

2. understanding the text (30 minutes)

3. detailed studies of the text (50 minutes)

4. grammar and exercises (25 minutes)

作业1. question:how to bring facts to life?

2. translation and after- class reading..

辅助手段:multimedia software


1. warm-up activities

introductory remarks:

step 1: show some pictures and watch a video, discuss in

step 2: group discussion:

1). what have you heard about the black in the states.

2). have you ever experienced discrimination on a personal

3). what are some things people can do to eliminate
discrimination and prejudice?

4). is there something we can do to protect human rights?

2. understanding the text

1. analyze the structure of the passage.

2. discuss the three main parts: childhood experience,
consciousness of her skin color, reflection of being a black.

3. explore the social issues of the us; how to achieve success
out of unfavorable situation

3 detailed studies of the text


1. to be sth. else again

2. to peer at

3. to get pleasure out of sth.

4. 5.

6. to give sb. generously of sth.

8. to suffer a huge change

9. at one’s elbow

10. 11.

12. 13. 14. 15.

16. 17. in company with

18. to be bent under the weight of


1. up totilluntil (l. 1)

until 直到…

up to now, mr scott has sent a great many requests for spare
parts and other urgent messages from one garage to the other.

了大量索取备件的信件和 其他紧急函件。

everyone works, from the lift boy up to the president.


occupied with, especially devising or scheming 忙于

what are you up to?


2. exclusive (l. 2)

excluding or tending to exclude排他的

the hotel charges $$20 a day, exclusive of meals.


this is an exclusive white residential area.


the reporter had an exclusive interview with the nobel prize


clud, clus: close













3. in passing (l. 11)

by the way; casually; as a matter of second importance顺便提

he mentioned in passing that he had been there once.


4. break off (l. 17)

1. to stop suddenly, as in speaking 说话时突然打住 2. to
discontinue (a relationship) 断绝(关系)

we had to break off our discussion, because it was getting late.


in my view, you should break off with jim.



break down失败;故障

break in训练, 闯入, 打断

break into 破门而入, 侵占

break up 打碎, 破碎, 分裂, 结束

break out 突发, 爆发, 叫嚷

break through 突围, 突破

5. give of (l. 23)

give money, time, etc. esp. in a way that seems generous; to
devote or contribute:

(慷慨)给予; 奉献,贡献,

we’re very grateful to all the people who have given of their


she really gave of her time to help. they give of themselves to
improve the quality of education. 她确实抽出时间来帮忙。为了提

give off: to send forth; emit 发出,释放出

the food gave off a bad smell.


6. tendency (l. 28)

a predisposition to think, act, behave, or proceed in a
particular way 脾性:思想、行为、举止的一种倾向

his tendency to utter acrimonious remarks alienated his


he has a tendency towards pessimism.


tend v. . 倾向;易于[(+totowards)][+to-v]

he tends towards selfishness.


she tends to get angry when others disagree with her.


7. at one’s elbow (l. 35)

nearby, close by在(某人)手边

she stayed up all night writing the paper with a pot of coffee at
her elbow.


up to theones elbows 非常忙;深深卷入

she was up to her elbows in preparing dinner when the
doorbell rang.


8. pay for (l. 40)

偿还, 赔偿

hell have to pay for what he has done.


i think it is right to pay good for evil.

do you know how much he paid for the spectacles?

those urban planners who are blind to this point will pay a
heavy price, which they cannot afford it.


9. in the main (l. 50)

in general; on the whole大体上;基本上

the letters, in the main, were from his father.


in the main, the money raised goes to children’s charities.


10. in company with (l. 51)

together with 一起

in the army, he found comradeship, excitement and adventure
in company with men of similar taste.


she came in company with a group of girls.



for company 陪伴

in company 在(客)人面前

keep company with 与...在一起

part company (with) 分离

twos company, threes none. 两人结伴,三人不欢。

11. alter (l. 58)

become different; make sb. or sth. different变更,更改

the design of the electric circuits of the digit-controlled lathe
must be altered to meet the new requirement.


the city has altered almost out of recognition since i left there
five years ago.


12. more or less (l. 59)

to some extent or degree; somewhat或多或少,有点儿

we hope our explanation will prove more or less helpful.


he more or less thought it was his duty to tell me.


3, sentence structure analysis:.

1). not only did i enjoy the show, but i didn’t mind the actors
knowing that i liked it. (l. 10) 我喜欢在那儿看人们来来往往,也不

not only...but also...

not merelynot only...but (also)...


环境学家指出:持续增加的污染不仅会导 致像全球变暖这样严重的

environmental experts point out that increasing pollution not
only causes serious problems such as global warming but also
could threaten to end human life on our planet.

通过做一份和专业 相关的工作,学生不仅能够提高他们的专业能力,

by taking a major-related part-job, students can not only
improve their academic studies, but gain much experience,
experience they will never be able to get from the textbooks.

2). it seemed that i had suffered a huge change. (l. 32)


it seemsappears looks, chances, happens (to sb.) that...

it seems that the world is getting smaller and smaller.


it appears to me that you are all mistaken.


3). pour out the contents, and there is discovered a pile of
small things both valuable and worthless. (l. 52)



词,an d+主语+动






unit 5 text a

what are friends for?

teaching objectives:

by the end of the unit, students will be better able to

1. understand the varied parts friendship plays in ones life and
be better friends themselves;

2. use about 30 new words and 10 new phrases and
expressions in brief conversations, translation and preliminary
writing tasks;

3. use the subjunctive mood with implied condition in real life

4. read material of a similar topic and degree of difficulty;

5. know how to write concisely by avoiding overstated,
pompous words and redundant phrases.

teaching methods:

audio lingual method; presentation; discussion; question-

importantdifficult points:

new words and expressions: chat, turtle, model

pick up, happen to, cd player, out of touch, put in perspective,
betrayed confidence on the planet, get rid of, in goodbad

some sentences in the text are difficult to understand, such as
i was thinking about how everybody can’t be every thing to
each other, but some people can be something to each other,
but some people can be something to each other; wherever,
whenever, there’s that spark of recognition; they have
beautiful homes filled with special handmade things presented
to them by villagers in the remote areas they have visited in
their extensive travels.

teaching procedure:

step 1. warming up (30 mints)

1) work in pairs or groups, and discuss the following

? 1. do you have different kinds of friends? how do you
classify them?

? 2. what is so great about friends?

? 3. under what circumstances can one lose a friend?

? 4. is it possible to love and hate a friend at the same time?
give examples.

2) ask students to skim the text for the 8 kinds of friends
mentioned in the text.

buddies relative friends work friends former friends friends
you love to hate hero friends new friends

3) introducing the main idea of the article

it is said that friends are the best gift god has given us. now
that we have eight kinds of friends from the text, what kind of
happiness or benefit can each of them bring us? that’s exactly
what the text is about.

step 2. new words and the notes (20 mints)

learn new words and expressions of text a

explain some important and difficult words and expressions.

cement n. 水泥,粘合剂 v 巩固,粘牢

nostalgic a.—nostalgia n.—nostalgically ad.

subdivision n.—subdivide v.—divide v.

inopportune a.—(opposite) opportune a.

invisible a.—(opposite) visible a.

look at the notes on page 116

1. marion wink: poet, essayist, and regular commentator on
national public radio’s. the author made up the capitalized
expressions in the text such as “faraway friend,” “relative
friend,” which would make no sense at all out of context, with
the latter in particular.

2. you quit doing drugs, you’re not such good friends with
your dealer anymore: this is not meant to be taken seriously.
possession or sale of illegal drugs can result in long prison

step 3. key points (60 minutes)

? 1. cry on sb.’ s shoulder: get sympathy from someone when
you tell them

your problems 向某人诉苦以寻求安慰(或同情)

e.g. at least she hadn’t cried on his shoulder again.

if you ever need a shoulder to cry on, just call me.

? 2. in return (for sth.): as payment or reward for something作

e.g. he is always helping people without expecting anything in

we offer an excellent all- round(全面的,多方面的) education
to our students. in return, we expect students to work hard.

? 3. they hold out through innumerable crises before...: they
are always

reliable(可靠的,可信信赖的) and nice when you are in
difficult times even though they don’t like what you are doing...

? 4. while so many family relationships are tinged with guilt


while so many people may feel something of a sense of guilt

responsibility in dealing with family relationships...

? 5. company gossip, once an infallible(绝对可靠的) source

entertainment, soon awkwardly accentuates the distance
between you: office chat used to be an effective way of
amusement for you; however, it makes you feel uneasy since
you do not work together anymore and therefore increases the
feeling of distance between you.

? 6. work friends share certain memories which acquire a
nostalgic glow

after about a decade:

memories of your work friends makes you happy after ten
years, so you

somehow wish that you could return to those days.

? 7. dead end: a street with no way out at one end or a
situation from which no

more progress in possible

e.g. he realized that the job at which he had been aiming all
these years

seemed to him to be a dead end.

he thinks they have reached an evolutionary(逐渐发展的,演
变的) dead end.

? 8. when you feel you’ve hit a dead end, come to a confusing
fork in the

road, or gotten lost in some cracker-box subdivision of your

whenever you feel helpless, confused or at a loss(困惑的,不
知所措的) in the complicated journey of your life...

notice that “cracker-box division” is not a general expression,
but is rather made up by the author. cracker: 薄脆饼干;咸饼干

? 9. in possession of sth.: formal owning or having obtained
something from

somewhere 占有(或拥有)某物

e.g. she was found in possession of stolen goods.

how did the painting come into your possession (=how did
you get it) ? ? 10. to death: informal used to emphasize that a
feeling or emotion is very


? be bored scared frightened etc. to death

she was scared to death of what might happen next.

i’ m absolutely sick to death of it (=very angry, bored, or
unhappy about something) .

? bore scare love etc. somebody to death

he drove at a speed which frightened leonora to death. she
used to worry me to death.

? 11. make meyou sick: spoken

a) make you feel very angry

e.g. people like you make me sick!

b) indicate a feeling of jealousy — used humorously

e.g. you make me sick with your “expenses paid” holidays!

? 12. wherever, whenever, there’s that spark of recognition

when you meet a “new friend” for the first time you instantly
feel a connection with each other.

step 4. assignment (5 minutes)

1. read the article repeatedly and try to remember the new
words and expressions in text a

2. finish the study and practice on page 118-130.

the teaching plan of unit 5 what are friends for?(college
english 2)

english department sun xiaofang







