
2020年10月12日 17:57



福建泉州七中 郑红莲
Target material
Module 1 Unit 1 Lesson 3 A Volunteer Teacher the second period
Material Analysis
1. Content: To learn
Future Arrangements and Intentions

Position and function: Following the listening practice ,the grammar item of this unit is
actually a chance for the students to use
Present simple,Present continuous and be
going to + infinitive to talk about the future.

3. Teaching focus: Through listening,discussing ,speaking and writing practice ,enable the
students to use difference tenses to express their
Future Arrangements and Intentions

Difficult points: The students may fine it difficult to make the difference between
continuous and be going to + infinitive to talk about future plans

.学情分析 A
cademic level
most of the students are eager to learn so that they usually participate in class activities
and make their presentations actively. However, different students have different language
levels and different learning styles. Therefore, I divide the whole class into 14 groups(4 in a
group), each of which contains students of different levels. In this way, it turns the possible
frustration when an individual student makes language mistakes into self-respect of the
whole team.
The grammar item in this lesson can be used to talk about topics which are close
to the students’ future life. So they show great interest in learning the text.

Teaching goals
1. 目标语言Target language
1) 重点词句Useful sentences
The train leaves at 9 o’clock tomorrow morning.
So I am getting up at about 6 to get everything ready.
I’m going to work as a volunteer teacher in a small country town in Inner
2) 语法Grammar--- Future Arrangements and Intentions
2.能力目标Ability goals
Get the students to talk and write about their high school plan.
Teaching important points
1. Enable the students to to talk about Future Arrangements and Intentions
Help the students to master some useful sentences.

Teaching difficult points
Students may have difficulty in making the differences between
Future Arrangements and
Teaching Methods:
Team-work learning, activity-based learning

八. 教具准备
Teaching Aims:
a multimedia computer

九. 教学过程
Teaching procedures:
Step I. Warm up (5 minutes)
“ Spoken English Show ”
( This step is designed to warm up the class as well as
revise what the students learned in the last students are required to
“show” every ’s a regular program of my English class.)
T: Now It’s time for our“Spoken English Show”.Whose turn today? Let’s welcome!
S:….My topic today is:My future plan…
(The students use a lot of “
be going to + infinitive
”to talk about their future plan.)
T:What is …going to do after he leaves school?
Where is …going to spend his holiday this summer?

Step 2 Grammar learning( 30 minutes)
( This step is designed to enable the students to use Future Arrangements and
Intentions appropriately. First, ask the students to listen to the interview
attention to what verb forms are used to talk about the future. And
then ask them to discuss and do some exercises.)
Grammar presentation (10 minutes)

T: Today, we are going to deal with the grammar item: Future Arrangements and
Intentions.(Exercise 6)
First, let’s listen to the interview about a volunteer teacher we listened
yesterday focus on what verb forms are used to talk about the
(After listening,ask some students to tell what verb forms are used to talk
about the future,then present the following on the screen.)

1).The train leaves at 9 o’clock tomorrow morning.
2).So I am getting up at about 6 to get everything ready.
3).I’m going to work as a volunteer teacher in a small country town in Inner
T:Which sentence says something about:
a) Wang Shu’s personal arrangement?
b) A scheduled event?
c) Wang Shu’s intension to do something?
(Ask three students to read out their answers and then draw an conclusion
and give more examples.)
T: We use:
● be going to – to express an intension to do something.
I ’m going to study medicine after school.
●Present Continuious- talk about future events that we have already fixed or
I’ am getting merried in June.
My cousin from Australia is coming next week.
● Present Simple- to talk about official events or timetables which we cannot
The summer term begins on the 15
of February.
The train arrives at 6 p.m..
T: Look at the following sentences and mark then with a,b,or c to match the types
of sentences in Exercise 6.
1).The new school term begins the day after I arrive.
2).I’m taking a box of those.
3).I’m going to give some to the students,too.
T:Which sentence is to express an intension to do something?
S:Sentence 3) I’m going to give some to the students,too
T: Which is about a scheduled event?
S: Sentence 1. The new school term begins the day after I arrive.
T: Which sentense says something about one’s personal arrangement?
S: Sentense 2. I’m taking a box of those.

.Can you draw a conclusion
What verb forms are used to
talk about the future?
S:1) The Present Continuous is used to express a personal arrangement;
2) The Present Simple is used to express
official events or timetables which we cannot
3) when we express one’s intention to do sth, we use “be going to”.

2. Grammar exercises (20 minutes)
1) Do Exercise out sentences.
(This step is designed to let the students use the Present Simple tense to express
official events or timetables which cannot be a competition to
motivate the students.)
T:Now, let’s come to Exercises at the English language summer camp
e the organizer telling the group about ,please discuss in groups
of four and write out as many sentences as you can.I’ll give you 5 minutes to
discuss,after that,I ‘ll ask each group to report your work.

2)Do Exercise 9 Make up a story
(This step is designed to let the students use be going to + infinitive to talk about
intention to do sth.
Have a competition to arise the students’ interest )
T:Now please look at the four pictures on page are they going to do?
Picture 1. He is going to play the guitar.
Picture 2. He is going to change the tyre.
Picture 3. She is going to dance.
Picture 4. They are going to have a party.

T:It’s rather easy for you to make up one .I want you to make up one
story according to the four picturesI’ll give you 5 minutes to discuss,then, each
group ,please report your story to the ’s see which group will make up the
best story.
S: We are going to have a party this Sunday evening.

(The students make up very interesting are very active in practice
themselves.I enjoy their stories with them ,at the same time I can check whether they
have mastered how to use be going to + infinitive to talk about
one’s intention .

Step 3 Language in use ( 10 minutes)
( This step is designed to let the students use different verb forms to talk about
their future plans appropriately. )
T: Now, here is a task for you.
Since you have just started your senior high school,You must have a lot of
from the following and write about one of your plans:
● your plan for the next three years
● your plan for the coming holiday
● your plan for the coming weekend
( Let the students discuss in pairs first,then write out their the students
cannot finish in class,they can leave it as their homeworks.)
Step 4 Homework
Finish writing your future plans.

如何上好一堂语法 课?许多老师都有各种困惑和尝试。新课程实
施中语法教学的教学模式要求教师在语法教学中应该根据不 同的教

学 生为本,将语法与学生生活紧密结合。本节课我采用的是“观察-
发现-讨论-归纳-巩固- 运用”教学模式,通过听说读写各种活动去熟
悉、巩固、掌握用一般现在时,现在进行时及“be going to do”来
法知识是不够的,因此,我将在下一节可里 运用“集中呈现──对比

解学生学习英语的动机、 态度、感兴趣程度甚至于学生个体的性格特
点,并依据自己的了解去培养学生积极的学习态度和良好的学 习习惯
态中。“问渠哪得清 如许,唯有源头活水来”,为了使我们培养出的
英语人才能适应不断发展的新形势,我们做教师的,必须 时刻努力。







