
2020年10月12日 17:59




Chapter 1 International Business English

I. Suggested Teaching Plan
Students will be able to:
1. understand the key idea of the international business (business, international business, the scope of
international business activities, international risk, international business law, commercial credit,
management of international business and brief introduction to WTO)
2. master some basic terms of international business English(economic surplus, portfolio, parent company,
turnkey project, collection, weight memo, TT, DD, etc.);
3. conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit;
4. complete all the relative exercises in this unit collaboratively with other peers.

Time allotment
1st period pre-reading activities (familiarizing new words, warming-up questions and background
period while reading (highlights of the text)
period highlights of the text
period after-reading activities

II. Teaching Method(s)
1. ppt or
2. teacher gives lecture mainly or
3. students read, teacher asks questions with detailed explanation or
4. ask students to do ppt for presentation

III. Explanatory Notes on Technical Terms
1. economic surplus-profit or the money that remains after all the expenses are paid.
2.Portfolio-the list of shares in business owned by a person or a company; holdings in the form of stocks,
bonds or other securities.
3.a parent company-holding company.
4.turnkey project-a project undertaken by a contractor.
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5.expropriation-taking away (property) or dispossessing (sb. from an estate, etc.).
6.collection-obtaining payment of a debt, e.g. a bill, cheque, etc.
7. correspondent bank-a bank that has regular business with another bank or company in a distance
place(esp. in a foreign country).
8. insurance policy-a document issued by the insurer, setting out the exact terms and conditions of an
insurance transaction.
9. insurance certificate-a simplified insurance policy.
10. weight memo(note)-a note made out by a seller and used to indicate the net and gross weights of each

IV. Detailed reading
Pre-reading tasks
Warming-up questions
1. How much do you know about international business?
2. Can you say something about the basic purpose of business activities?
3. Do you know what features does international business deal with?

1. What is Business?
 Traditionally, exchange or trade for things people wanted or needed
 Technically, the production, distribution, and sale of goods and service for a profit
 The primary goal of business activities is creating profit or economic surplus
2. What is International Business?
 As a field of management training, it deals with the special features of business activities that cross
national boundaries including movements of goods, services, capital, or personnel; transfers of
technology, information, or data, or even the supervision of employees.
 The international business field encompasses international transactions in commodities, international
transfers of intangibles such as technology and data, and the performance of international services
such as banking and transportation. It gives special attention to the multinational enterprises __ an
enterprise based in one country and operating in one or more other countries__ and the full methods
open to such enterprises for doing business internationally.
3. The Scope of International Business Activities
 Physical goods-products from mining, petroleum, agriculture and manufacturing activities
 Transactions in service -construction, hotel, tourism, business consulting, and retailing and
wholesaling, transportation
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 Financial areas- commercial and investment banking, securities, and insurance
 Communication media-radio, television, telegraph, telephone, magazines, books, newspapers, news
services, networks and movies.
 * foreign direct investment-investment that give the investor effective control and are accompanied
by managerial participation.
* portfolio(有价证券) investment- for the sake of obtaining investment income or capital gains
rather than entrepreneurial income.
*different ways of financing in foreign direct investment- not through capital movement abroad, but
by borrowing locally, reinvesting foreign earnings, by the sale to the foreign affiliate of non-financial
assets such as technology, or through funds generated by licensing fees and payments for management
services to the parent company.
* direct investment includes whole ownership and a joint venture with one or more partners, who may
be private firms or governments in the host country or other international firms of different nationalities.
4. International Risk
 Include financial, political, regulatory, and tax risks
 Financial risk elements involve balance-of- payments considerations, varying exchange rates,
differential inflation trends among countries, and divergent interest rates.
 Political risks include the risk of expropriation and other adversary national policies.
 regulatory risks arise from different legal systems, overlapping jurisdictions, and dissimilar policies
that influence business practices and the application of antitrust law.
 In the tax field, unforeseen changes in fiscal policies and the uncertainty of application of tax laws.
5. On International Business Law
 The movement of people ____ visa, work permit, employment agreement, and employment
termination clauses
 The movement of goods___ tax, antitrust, packaging and advertising
 Transfers of information ___ patent and trademark
 Domestic laws of the home and host states, trade rules of regional groups(EU, WTO), and multilateral
and bilateral treaties between the home and host states
6. Commercial Credit
 Credit ___ means who takes the responsibility of paying money and surrendering the shipping
documents which represent the title to the goods in handing over the transacted goods and paying the
above said money.
 A. Commercial credit___ remittance (汇付)and collection (托收),the buyer is responsible to make
payment, the seller to surrender documents.
B. banker’s credit ___ letter of credit (LC信用证), the banker is responsible to pay money and
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tender documents on behalf of both parties.
 The buyer can adopt three different ways of remittance when he sends the money to the seller through
a bank:
1)Mail Transfer (MT信汇)
The buyer gives money to his local bank. The local bank issues a trust deed for payment(付款委托
书), then sends it to a correspondent bank at the seller’s end by means of mail and entrusts him to pay the
money to the seller.
2)Telegraphic Transfer (TT电汇)
At the request of the buyer, the local bank sends a trust deed for payment by cable directly to a
correspondent bank at the seller’s end and entrust him to pay money to the seller.
This method is quicker than mail transfer. The seller can receive the money at an early date. But the
buyer has to bear more expenses.
3)Demand Draft (DD票汇)
The buyer buys a bank draft (汇票)from his local bank and sends it by mail to the seller. On the basis
of the above bank draft, the seller or his appointed person takes the money from the relative bank in his
 Collection (托收)
The seller issues a draft, to which the shipping documents are attached, forwards the draft to a bank in
his place (i.e., the remitting bank托收银行或受托银行), makes an application for collection and entrusts
the remitting bank to collect the purchase price from the buyer through its correspondent bank abroad (i.e.,
the collecting bank代收银行).
Because the remitting bank instructs the collecting bank not to part the documents with the latter until
the draft is accepted or paid(承兑或支付), the buyer’s lack of commercial integrity is guarded against.
 DP ____ documents against payment (付款交单)
The exporter is to ship the goods ordered and deliver the relative shipping documents to the buyer
abroad thorough the remitting bank and the collecting bank with instructions not to release the
documents to the buyer until the payment for the goods is made.
 Why cannot the buyer directly send cash or banker’s draft with his order to the seller?
1) the buyer’s capital will be tied up from the time of remitting it until the goods arrive and
are sold, especially in cases where the goods ordered can only be shipped by the seller
months or years after placing the order.
2) The seller may be unknown to the buyer, and his commercial integrity may be
 Insurance policy (保险单)—— a document issued by the insurer, setting out the exact terms and
conditions of an insurance transaction __ the name of the insured, the name of commodity insured, the
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amount insured, the name of the carrying vessel, the precise risks covered, the period of cover, and
any exceptions there may be. It is also a written contract of insurance between the insurance company
and the insured.
 Insurance certificate(保险凭证)— is a simplified insurance policy. It has the necessary items of an
insurance policy, but it doesn’t set out the rights and duties of the insurer and the insured, which are
subject to the detailed insurance clauses of a formal insurance policy. In insurance certificate has the
same effect as an insurance policy.
 Weight memo(重量单) ___ is made out by a seller when a sale is affected in foreign trade, indicating
the net and gross weights of each package, which enables the consignee or the customs office to check
the goods.
 Packing list(装箱单)—— is made out by a seller when a sale is affected in foreign trade, indicating
the name of the goods, the net weight, the gross weight and complete inner packing specifications and
contents of each package. It enables the consignee to declare the goods at the customs office,
distinguish and check the goods when they arrive at the port of destinations.
7. On Management of International Businesses
 Regardless of the specific job, most managers perform five basic functions.
1) planning__ involves determining overall company objectives and deciding how these
goals can best be achieved.
2) Organizing __ is the process of putting the plan into action. The most important is
allocating resources, especially human resources, deciding on the positions to be created
and determining the associated duties and responsibilities.
3) The day-to-day direction and supervision of employees __ make the full of the potentials
of the employees and achieve the company goals.
4) Coordinating__ to bring into proper relations among the various departments of the
5) Controlling ___ managers evaluate how well company objectives are being met. If not
met, then changes are necessary in the company’s organizational or managerial structure.
Then replan, reorganize, redirect, recoordinate.
8. Brief Introduction of WTO
 WTO was established on 1 January 1995. It is the legal and institutional foundation of the multilateral
trading system. It provides the principal contractual obligations determining how governments frame
and implement domestic trade legislation and regulations. And it is the platform on which trade
relations among countries evolve through collective debate, negotiation and adjudication
 It is based in Geneva, Switzerland.
 Its essential functions are:
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__ administering and implementing the multilateral and plural-lateral trade agreements which together
make up the WTO;
__ acting as a forum for multilateral trade negotiations;
__ seeking to resolve trade disputes;
___ overseeing national trade policies; and
___ cooperating with other international institutions involved in global economic policy-making.
 The structure of the WTO is dominated by its highest authority, the Ministerial Conference, composed
of representatives of all WTO members, which is required to meet at least every two years and which
can make decisions on all matters under any of the multilateral trade agreements.

V. After-reading activities
A. Try to do the exercises according to the text.
1. Comprehension of the text.
Answer the following questions
1). What is the definition of business today?
2). What’s the scope of International business activities?
3). What is the definition of foreign direct investment?
4). How do we treat the international risk?
5). What are the management functions in international business?
6). What does the word “credit” mean? What’s the commercial credit?
7). What ways of remittance can the buyer adopt when he sends the money to the seller?

2. Explain the following key terms
Remittance, collection, DP, DD, TT, packing list, insurance policy, turkey project, weight memo

B. Make a presentation about WTO in groups.

Chapter 2 Business Organizations

I. Suggested Teaching Plan
Students will be able to:
tand the basic idea of business organizations;
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some key types of business organizations (corporation, general partnership, limited partnership,
sole proprietorship, professional corporation, joint- stock companies, business trusts and joint ventures,
3. conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit;
4. complete all the relative exercises in this unit collaboratively with other peers.

Time allotment
1st period pre-reading activities (familiarizing new words, warming-up questions and background
period while reading (highlights of the text)
period highlights of the text
period after-reading activities

II. Teaching Method(s)
1. ppt or
2. teacher gives lecture mainly or
3. students read, teacher asks questions with detailed explanation or
4. ask students to do ppt for presentation

III. Explanatory Notes on Technical Terms
1. proprietorship-ownership.
2.stockholder-one who owns stock in a company.
3.partnership-unregistered business where two or more people agree to share, not necessarily equally, in
the risks and profits of the organization..
4.entity-something that has a real and separate existence.
5.bankruptcy-state of being declared by a court of law not to be capable of paying its debts.
6.Joint-stock company-public company whose shares are owned by very many people.
7. dividend-percentage of profits paid to shareholders.
8. bylaw-a law or rule governing the internal affairs of an organization.
9. treasurer-person who looks after the money or finance of a club or society.
10. comptroller-financial controller.

IV. Detailed reading
Pre-reading tasks
Warming-up questions
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1. How much do you know about business organizations?
2. Can you say something about the different types of companies?
3. Do you know the difference between sole proprietorship and partnership?

1. Introduction
 The majority of business organizations are corporations, others are general partnerships(一般合伙企
业), limited partnerships(有限合伙企业), and sole proprietorships(独资企业). Less common are
professional corporations(专业公司), joint-stock companies(合股公司), business trusts(商业
信托) and joint ventures(合资企业). The factors to be weighted in making the decision are ease of
formation, financial resource available, control, taxation, management skills available, ability to raise
capital, continuity, and legal capacity.
2. Sole Proprietorship__ is owned by a single person.
 The principal advantage of the sole proprietorship is that the owner has exclusive control over its
operations without accounting to board members, partners, or stockholders.
 Disadvantages___ first, the owner is exposed to unlimited liability. Second , it is normally not in the
best position to raise large sum of money. Third, the lack of continuity. If the owner dies, or becomes
too ill to continue operation of the business, there is no separate legal entity in existence with which
the public, creditors, or suppliers can deal to ensure the continuity of the business.
3. General Partnership __ is an association of two or more persons to carry on, as co-owners, a business
for profit. (the common law does not recognize a partnership as a legal entity, but usually as an
aggregation of individuals. Thus, unlike a corporation, a partnership is not a fictional person with a
distinct legal existence apart from its members.)
 Does not require a formal written agreement, an agreement in writing contains names of the partners,
name, location, purposes, duration of the partnership, allocation of profits and losses among partners,
capital contributions by partners, partners’ rights and responsibilities, dissolution procedures.
 Dissolution by act of the parties___ 1) by agreement; 2) withdrawal or addition of a partner; 3)
violation of the partnership agreement by one of the parties; of 4) accomplishment of the purpose for
which the partnership was formed.
 Dissolution by operation of law___ 1) by the death of a partner; 2) the bankruptcy of a partner or the
partnership; 3) the illegality of the partnership; or 4)by order of a court.
 Termination__ even though the partnership is dissolved, it does not actually terminate until the
partnership affairs are completed.
 Liquidation ___ occurs between dissolution and termination. During this process, business affairs are
put in order, receivables are collected, accountings are made, payments to creditors are made, and the
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remaining assets are distributed to the partners as provided in the Uniform Partnership Act.
4. Limited Partnership ___ one or more partners in the limited partnership have limited liability, that is,
their liability is limited to the extent of their investment in the partnership, and the limited partners
have no control over the everyday management of the partnership. The limited partnership involves
passive investors who are like shareholders in a corporation. Thus limited partnership has features of
both a general partnership and a corporation.
5. Joint Stock Company __ is an unincorporated business enterprise with the ownership interest
represented by shares of stock. It can be created with little formality and no initial capital outlay is
required. (they are rarely seen now.) The shareholders are personally liable for all the association’s
obligations, while they share the profits in proportion to their controlling interest in the company. The
joint stock company is controlled by a board of directors and officers.
6. Corporations
 Features: 1) a corporation is a separate legal entity for all purposes.
2) it is not mortal theoretically. It continues until dissolved, merged, or otherwise terminated.
3) the owners of the corporation, called shareholders, enjoy limited liability.
4) it is easy to transfer ownership interests by buying or selling shares of stock freely.
5) the separation of ownership from management.
6) it pays taxes on its earnings.
7) the corporate form requires compliance with an array of formalized procedures. And
government more closely supervises corporations than partnerships or sole proprietorships.
 Types of corporations
1) public corporation___ are established by the government. (eg. The U.S. Postal Service)
2) quasi-public corporations__ are public service companies, such as public utilities.
3) Private corporations___ are those established for private interest. Private corporation
may further be divided between nonprofit and profit. Nonprofit ones are formed for
charitable or religious purposes. Profit ones are usually formed to carry out business.
4) Profit corporation are further divided into professional(专业公司), closely held(私募公
司), and publicly held(公募公司).
 Corporation management
Shareholders elect a board of directors to manage the corporation. The board, in turn, delegates the
day to day operations to officers. The directors and the officers comprise the management of the
corporation. The board of directors are responsible for making the policy of the company, declaring
dividends, proposing amendments to articles of incorporation and bylaws, proposing candidates for
the board and removing officers. Officers are appointed by the board of directors pursuant to the
bylaws and are responsible for implementing the policies of the board and for the oversight of the day
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to day operations of the business. Officers include a president, vice presidents, secretary, and treasurer.
 Shareholders
1) common shareholders and preferred shareholders
2) preferred shareholders are entitled to receive their dividends before common shareholders.
On dissolution, preferred shareholders are entitled to distributions of assets before common
shareholders. Common shareholders have voting rights whereas preferred stockholders
normally can vote only on extraordinary matters.
 Dividends __ are portions of corporate earnings distributed to shareholders. A board maintains almost
absolute discretion to declare or not declare dividends. Dividends may be in the form of cash or stock.

V. After-reading activities
A. Try to do the exercises according to the text.
1. Comprehension of the text.
Answer the following questions
1). What are the major disadvantages of sole proprietorship?
2). What are the chief difference between general partnership and limited partnership?
3). Is general partnership a legal entity?
4). Why is it desirable to have articles of partnership as far as partnership is concerned?
5). What has to be dealt with between dissolution and termination of a partnership?
6). What are the main advantages and disadvantages of joint-stock company?
7). Which feature makes a corporation attractive to investors? Why?

2. Explain the following terms
1)Sole proprietorship 2)general partnership 3)limited partnership, 4)corporation
5)joint-stock company

3. Translate the following economic terms into English
1)独资商 2)普通合伙商 3)法人 4)合股公司 5)董事会
6)国有公司 7)资本摊缴 8)多数股权 9)优先股股东 10)公司章程

B. Make a presentation about the advantages and disadvantages of different types of business
organizations in groups.

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Chapter 3 Ways of Business

I. Suggested Teaching Plan
Students will be able to:
tand the idea of the different ways of business (wholesaling, retailing, franchising, agency, and
electronic commerce);
2. master some key terms of ways of business;
3. conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit;
4. complete all the relative exercises in this unit collaboratively with other peers.

Time allotment
1st period pre-reading activities (familiarizing new words, warming-up questions and background
period while reading (highlights of the text)
period highlights of the text
period after-reading activities

II. Teaching Method(s)
1. ppt or
2. teacher gives lecture mainly or
3. students read, teacher asks questions with detailed explanation or
4. ask students do ppt to do presentation

III. Explanatory Notes on Technical Terms
1. intermediary-agent or other person or firm through whom business is done.
2.Merchandising-organizing the display and promotion of goods for sale.
3.Bookkeeping-keeping of the financial records of a company or an organization..
4.broker-person who acts as a middleman in negotiating bargains or contracts.
5.franchise-business arrangement in which an individual obtains rights from a larger company to sell a
well-known product or service.
6.Royalty-share of profits or receipts paid to an owner of a patent, copyright for the use of it.
7. fraudulent-characterized by, constituting, or gained by fraud.
pal-person or company which is represented by an agent.
9. fiduciary-trustee pertaining to the holding of something in trust.
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IV. Detailed reading
Pre-reading tasks
Warming-up questions
1. How much do you know about different ways of doing business?
2. Can you say something about the distinction between wholesaling and wholesalers?
3. Do you know what is retailing?

1. Introduction
2. Wholesaling__ includes all marketing transactions in which purchases are intended for resale or are
used in making other products. It is not exchange with ultimate consumers, but with industrial, reseller
and institutional users, including other wholesalers who act as intermediaries in buying products for, or
selling products to, other middlemen.
3. Retailing___ retail exchanges are entered into for personal, family, or household purposes. It may take
place in a store, or in-home selling, vending machine, or mail-order catalogues.
 By providing assortments of products that match consumer’s wants, retailers create place, time
and possession utilities.
 Product assortments
 Major types of retail stores: department stores, mass merchandisers and specialty stores, non-store
retailers, franchisers, planned shopping centers.
4. Franchising(特许经营权)___ is a license to operate an individually owned business as though it were
part of a chain of outlets or stores.
 Three types:
1) product franchise—eg. Car dealers and gasoline station
2) manufacturing franchise ___ eg. Soft-drink bottling plant
3) business-format franchise ___ fast food chains
 advantages of franchise
1) to the franchiser
2) to the franchisee
3) to the public
 disadvantages of franchise__ no guarantee of wealth, cost more to buy a franchise, pay royalty to
franchiser, little independence
5. Agency__ an agent acts on behalf of another. The party for whom an agent acts is the principal. Agents
have authority to bind their principals. Agents may enter into contracts on behalf of their principals.
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And principals are liable for the tortuous acts committed by agents within the scope of their agency.
 Three types of agents
1) ordinary agents
2) general agents
3) sole agents
6. Electronic Commerce
 The advantages and disadvantages of E-commerce (open for discussion)

V. After-reading activities
A. Try to do the exercises according to the text.
1. Comprehension of the text.
Answer the following questions
1). What functions are performed by wholesalers?
2). What’s the importance of retailing?
3). What utilities do retailers create?
4). What do specialty retailers have in common?
5). What are the major distinctions between discount houses and department stores?
6). What does the typical franchises gain from the franchiser?
7). Will a franchise necessarily be successful? Why?
8) In what way may a principal-agency relationship terminate?

2. Explain the following key terms
Wholesaling, retailing, discount house, franchising, principal

3. Translate the following business terms into English.
1)最终消费者 2)增值价值 3)批发商 4)产品花色品种 5)地方效用
6)邮售 7)地方商店 8)现金流量 9)存货控制 10)市场分区分片

B. Make a presentation about the advantages and disadvantages of different kinds of ways of business
in groups.

Chapter 4 International Trade Terms

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I. Suggested Teaching Plan
Students will be able to:
1. understand the key idea of the international trade terms (Incoterms 1990)
2. master some basic terms of international business English(FCA, FAS, FOB, CFR, CIF, CPT, CIP, DAF,
3. conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit;
4. complete all the relative exercises in this unit collaboratively with other peers.

Time allotment
1st period pre- reading activities (familiarizing new words, warming-up questions and background
period while reading (highlights of the text)
period highlights of the text
period after-reading activities

II. Teaching Method(s)
1. ppt or
2. teacher gives lecture mainly or
3. students read, teacher asks questions with detailed explanation or
4. ask students do ppt to do presentation

III. Explanatory Notes on Technical Terms
1. carrier-a company which transports goods or vehicle or ship which transports goods.
2.carriage-transporting goods from one place to another or cost of transport of goods.
3.Free on board (FOB)-price including all the seller’s costs until the goods are on the ship for
transportation; US price includes all the seller’s costs until the goods are delivered to a certain place.
4.Cost, Insurance and Freight (CIF)-estimate of a price, which includes the cost of the goods, the
insurance and the transport charges.
5.commission-money paid to a salesman or agent, usually a percentage of the sales made.
6.discount-a percentage by which a full price is reduced to a buyer by the seller.
7. CIFC3%-Cost, Insurance, Freight, including a 3% commission.

IV. Detailed reading
Pre- reading tasks
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Warming-up questions
1. How much do you know about international trade terms?
2. Can you say something about the most important term among the basic terms and conditions in
international business contract?
3. Do you know what are the most often used terms and conditions among the price terms and conditions?

1. Introduction
 What are the basic terms and conditions of the contract in international business?
_____Terms and conditions of quality, quantity, packing, price, delivery, insurance, terms of payment,
inspection, claim and arbitration.
 USD2000MT CIF C4% London
2. Definition of the Trade Terms in Incoterms 1990
EX WORKS (… named place)工厂交货价
 It means that the seller delivers when he places the goods at the disposal of the buyer at the seller’s
premises or another named place (i.e., works, factory, warehouse, etc.) not cleared for export and not
loaded on any collecting vehicle.
FCA(Free Carrier … named place)货交承运人
 It means that the seller fulfils his obligation to deliver when he has handed over the goods, cleared for
export, into the charge of the carrier named by the buyer at the named place or point.
FAS (Free Alongside Ship … named port of shipment)船边交货
 It means that the seller delivers when the goods are placed alongside the vessel at the named port of
shipment. The buyer has to bear all costs and risks of loss of or damage to the goods from that
FOB (Free On Board … named port of shipment) 离岸价
 It means that the seller fulfils his obligation to deliver when the goods have passed over the ship’s rail
at the named port of shipment. The buyer has to bear all costs and risks of loss of or damage to the
goods from that moment.
 FOB Liner Terms: FOB班轮条件
 FOB Under Tackle: FOB吊钩下交货
 FOB Stowed (FOBS): FOB卖方负责装船并理舱
 FOB Trimmed (FOBT): FOB卖方负责装船并平舱
 FOB Stowed and Trimmed (FOBST) 卖方负责理舱和平舱
CFR (Cost and Freight … named port of determination)货值加运费
 It means that the seller must pay the cost and freight necessary to bring the goods to the named port of
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destination but the risk of loss of or damage to the goods, as well as any additional costs due to events
occurring after the time the goods have been delivered on board the vessel, is transferred from the
seller to the buyer when the goods pass the ship’s rail in the port of shipment.
 CFR Liner Terms:CFR班轮条件
 CFR Landed ;CFR卸到岸上
 CFR Ex Ship’s Hold :CFR 舱底交货
CIF (Cost Insurance and Freight … named port of destination)货值,保险费加运费
 It means that the seller has the same obligation as under CFR but with the addition that he has to
procure marine insurance against the buyer’s risk of loss of or damage to the goods during the carriage.
The seller contracts for insurance and pays the insurance premium.
CPT(Carriage Paid to … named place of destination) 运费付至
 It means that the seller pays the freight for the carriage of the goods to the named destination. The risk
of loss of or damage to the goods, as well as any additional costs due to events occurring after the time
the goods have been delivered to the carrier, is transferred from the seller to the buyer when the goods
have been delivered into the custody of the carrier.
CIP (Carriage and Insurance Paid to … named place of destination)运费和保险费付至
 It means that the seller has the same obligation as under CPT but with the addition that he has to
procure cargo insurance against the buyer’s risk of loss of or damage to the goods during the carriage.
The seller contracts for insurance and pays the insurance premium.
DAF (Delivered at Frontier … named place) 边境交货
 It means that the seller delivers when the goods are placed at the disposal of the buyer on the arriving
means of transport not unload, cleared for export, but not cleared for import at the named point and
place at the frontier, but before the customs border of the adjoining country.
DES (Delivered Ex ship … named port of destination) 目的港船上交货
 It means that the seller delivers when the goods are placed at the disposal of the buyer on board the
ship not cleared for import at the named port of destination. The seller has to bear all the costs and
risks involved in bringing the goods to the named port of destination before discharging.
DEQ (Delivered Ex Quay … named port of destination) 目的港码头交货
 It means that the seller delivers when the goods are placed at the disposal of the buyer on board the
ship not cleared for import on the quay (wharf) at the named port of destination. The seller has to bear
all the costs and risks involved in bringing the goods to the named port of destination and discharging
the goods on the quay (wharf). The DEQ term requires the buyer to clear the goods for import and to
pay for all formalities, duties, taxes and other charges upon import.
DDU (Delivered Duty Unpaid … named place of destination) 未完税交货
 It means the seller delivers the goods to the buyer, not cleared for import, and not unloaded from any
16 53

arriving means of transport at the named place of destination. The seller has to bear the costs and risks
involved in bringing the goods thereto, other than, where applicable, any duty(this term includes the
responsibility for and the risk of the carrying out of customs formalities, and the payment of
formalities, customs duties, taxes and other charges) for import in the country of destination.
DDP (Delivered Duty Paid … named place of destination) 完税交货
 It means the seller delivers the goods to the buyer, cleared for import, and not unloaded from any
arriving means of transport at the named place of destination. The seller has to bear the costs and risks
involved in bringing the goods thereto including, where applicable, any duty(this term includes the
responsibility for and the risk of the carrying out of customs formalities, and the payment of
formalities, customs duties, taxes and other charges) for import in the country of destination.
3. How to Determine the Price for Imports and Exports?
 Fixed pricing
 Flexible pricing
 Partial fixed price and partial unfixed price
 Floating pricing
4. Selection of Money of Account
5. Commission and Discount
6. Other Non-price Commercial Technical Terms
LC信用证,Back-to-back Credit 转开信用证,BE (Bill of Exchange)汇票,BD(Bank Draft)银行汇
票,CAD(Cash Against Document) 凭单付现,DA (Documents against Acceptance) 承兑交单,DP
(Documents against Payment) 付款交单,SD (Sight Draft)即期汇票,IP(Insurance Policy)保险单,
BL(Bill of Lading) 提单,CL BL (Clean Bill of Lading) 清洁提单,Inland BL(Inland Bill of Lading)
内陆提单,O BL (Ocean Bill of Lading)海运提单,On Board Bill of Lading 装船提单,Delivery Note
交货单,DO(Delivery Order) 提货单

V. After-reading activities
A. Try to do the exercises according to the text.
1. Comprehension of the text.
Answer the following questions
1). What are the basic terms and conditions of the contract in international business?
2). How to determine the price for imports and exports?
3). What is the contract term when the consignment is delivered with all the charges up to arrival at the
port of destination paid by the seller?
4). What is the contract term whereby the seller undertakes to pay for the cost of transport of the goods
to a specified destinations?
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5). What is the most appropriate term when the seller pays for the goods to be loaded on board the
container ship, but does not pay freight or insurance?
6). Which terms require the seller to pay the costs of customs formalities in the exporting country?
7). Under which term does the seller have no obligation to contract for carriage?

2. Translate the following terms into Chinese
6)CIF 7)CPT 8)CIP 9)DAF 10)DES

3. Match the two columns
1) the “C”terms a. The seller is responsible for the arrival of the goods at the agreed place
or point of destination.

2) the “D”terms b. The seller should hand over the goods for carriage as instructed by the

3) the “E”terms c. The seller must contract for carriage on usual terms at his own expense.

4) the “F”terms d. The seller makes the goods available to the buyer at the seller’s

B. Make a presentation about the distinctions of different price terms in groups.

Chapter 5 Bill of Lading

I. Suggested Teaching Plan
Students will be able to:
1. understand the idea of bill of lading;
some basic terms of bill of lading(on-board Bill of Lading, received-for-shipment Bill of Lading,
direct Bill of Lading, transshipment Bill of Lading, etc.);
3. conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit;
4. complete all the relative exercises in this unit collaboratively with other peers.
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Time allotment
1st period pre-reading activities (familiarizing new words, warming-up questions and background
period while reading (highlights of the text)
period highlights of the text
period after-reading activities

II. Teaching Method(s)
1. ppt or
2. teacher gives lecture mainly or
3. students read, teacher asks questions with detailed explanation or
4. ask students do ppt to do presentation

III. Explanatory Notes on Technical Terms
1. Bill of Lading-Bill of Lading or blading for short, it is a document signed by or on behalf of the master
of a carrying vessel, certifying that the goods have been received on board in good order for transportation
and delivery as specified in the document.
2.clean Bill of Lading(清洁提单) - The goods are shipped in apparent good order and condition . It is
issued when the good do not show any defects on their exteriors at the time of loading at the port of
3.foul or claused Bill of Lading(不清洁或备注提单) -If detects are found on the exteriors of the goods,
or the shipping company does not agree to any of the statements in the BL, the bill will be marked as
“unclean”, “foul”, or “… packages in damaged condition”.
4.Straight bill of lading-Straight bill of lading has a designated consignee. Under the bill only the named
consignee at the destination is entitled to take delivery of the cargo.
5.blank (open, bearer) Bill of Lading (不记名提单)-It means that there is no definite consignee of the
goods. There usually appear in the box of consignee words like “To bearer”. Anyone who holds the bill is
entitled to the goods the bill represents.
6.order Bill of Lading (指示提单)-It is widely used in international trade. It means that the goods are
consigned or destined to the order of a named person.
7. on-board Bill of Lading (已装船提单)-It is issued by the shipping company after the goods are
actually shipped on board the designated vessel. Most bill of lading forms are preprinted as “shipped bill”.
11) 8. long form Bill of Lading (全式提单)
Long term BL is more detailed with shipping contract clause printed on the back of the page.
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IV. Detailed reading
Pre-reading tasks
Warming-up questions
1. How much do you know about bill of lading?
2. Do you know the process of transferring the goods?

tion of bill of lading
 Bill of Lading or blading for short, it is a document signed by or on behalf of the master of a carrying
vessel, certifying that the goods have been received on board in good order for transportation and
delivery as specified in the document.
2. Consignee
 the buyer’s name
 “to order” in the consignee space, and the name and address of the agent underneath “to order”, then
the agent can endorse the bill of lading to the buyer.
3. Functions:
 First, it serves as a receipt for goods signed by the shipping company (carrier) and given to the shipper
 Second, it’s evidence of a contract of carriage between the carrier and the consignor;
 Third, it conveys a document of title because the legal owner of the bill of lading is the owner of the
goods it covers.
4. Process
 The shipper fills in the form and sends it to the ship, then the officer of the shipping company checks
the goods and signs the Bill. The shipping company sends the Bill of Lading to the exporter or his
bank. These negotiable Bills of Lading are used for payment. They are passed on to the buyer or the
exporter’s agents in the importing country. Then the Bills of Lading together with other shipping
documents are presented to the shipping company when the ships arrives. The shipping company
compares the negotiable Bills of lading with their copy on the ship. Then the buyer can obtain the
goods from the ship.
5. Different types
1) clean Bill of Lading(清洁提单)
The goods are shipped in apparent good order and condition . It is issued when the good do not show any
defects on their exteriors at the time of loading at the port of shipment. This type is favored by the buyer
and the banks.
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2) foul or claused Bill of Lading(不清洁或备注提单)
If detects are found on the exteriors of the goods, or the shipping company does not agree to any of the
statements in the BL, the bill will be marked as “unclean”, “foul”, or “… packages in damaged
 if defects are unavoidable, what to do?
3) Straight bill of lading
Straight bill of lading has a designated consignee. Under the bill only the named consignee at the
destination is entitled to take delivery of the cargo. As it is not transferable, it is not commonly used in
international trade and normally applies to high-value shipments or goods for special purposes.
4) blank (open, bearer) Bill of Lading (不记名提单)
It means that there is no definite consignee of the goods. There usually appear in the box of consignee
words like “To bearer”. Anyone who holds the bill is entitled to the goods the bill represents. No
endorsement is needed for the transfer of the blank bill. Due to the exceedingly high risk involved, this bill
is rarely used.
5) order Bill of Lading (指示提单)
It is widely used in international trade. It means that the goods are consigned or destined to the order of a
named person. In the box of consignee, “to order”, “to order of shipper”, or “to order of the consignee” is
marked. It can be transferred only after endorsement is made.
6) on-board Bill of Lading (已装船提单)
It is issued by the shipping company after the goods are actually shipped on board the designated vessel.
Most bill of lading forms are preprinted as “shipped bill”.
7) received-for-shipment Bill of Lading (备运提单)
8) direct Bill of Lading (直达提单)
It means the goods are shipped from the port of loading direct to the port of destination without involving
9) transshipment Bill of Lading (转船提单)
10) through Bill of Lading (联运提单)
It is sometimes necessary to employ two or more carriers to get the goods to their final destination. Usually
the first carrier will sign the bill of lading.
11) combined transport BL (多式联运提单)
Combined transport BL is ideal for container movements. It differs from “through BL” in that combined
transport is operated by only one carrier.
12) long form Bill of Lading (全式提单)
Long term BL is more detailed with shipping contract clause printed on the back of the page.
13) short form Bill of Lading (略式提单)
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14) air waybill (空运单)
It is a receipt for goods and a record of the existence of a contract of carriage. The air waybill is the
consignment note used for the carriage of goods by air. It is basically a receipt of the goods for the dispatch
and evidence of the contract of carriage between the carrier and the consignor.
15) railway consignment note (铁路托运单)
Consignment note for rail transport serves as the contract of carriage between the railway and consignor,
evidencing the receipt of the goods and the date of acceptance for carriage for carrier. Unlike BL, it is
not a document of title and is not transferable or negotiable.
16) liner waybill (班轮运单)
17) charter-party bill of lading (租船契约提单、包租船提单)
6. Modes of International Cargo Transport
SeaOcean Transport
Rail Transport
Air Transport
Road Transport
Inland Waterway Transport
Container Transport
International Multimodal Transport
Parcel Post Transport
 Carriage of goods can take place by sea, rail, air, road, inland waterway, parcel post, containers
and multimodal transport
7. Kinds of Vessels:
general cargo vessels
Oil tankers
Container vessels
OilBulkOre (OBO) vessels
RoRo vessels
LASH (lighter Aboard Ship)
Refrigerated ship
Timber ship
8. Commercial Vessel
• Liner
• tramp

V. After-reading activities
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A. Try to do the exercises according to the text.
1. Comprehension of the text.
Answer the following questions
1). What is the definition of bill of lading?
2). How many types of bill of lading are there?
3). What is the distinction between direct bill of lading and thorough bill of lading?
4). What does order bill of lading mean?
5). When to use foul bill of lading?

2. Explain the following key terms
1)on- board Bill of Lading 2)received-for-shipment Bill of Lading 3)direct Bill of Lading
4)clean Bill of Lading 5) order bill of lading

3. Fill in the blanks according to your understanding of the process of transferring the goods.
_______fills in the form and sends it to the ship, then the officer of ___________________ checks the
goods and signs the Bill. The shipping company sends the Bill of Lading to the __________or
his__________. These negotiable Bills of Lading are used for payment. They are passed on to the
_________or the ________________in the importing country. Then the Bills of Lading together with other
shipping documents are presented to the ________________when the ships arrive. The shipping company
compares the negotiable Bills of lading with their copy on the ship. Then the __________can obtain the
goods from the ship.

B. Make a presentation about different types of bill of lading in groups.

Chapter 6 Marine Insurance

I. Suggested Teaching Plan
Students will be able to:
1. understand the main idea of the marine insurance;
2. master some basic terms of marine insurance (General Average, Particular Average, Free of Particular
23 53

Average (F.P.A), With Particular Average (W.P.A.) or With Average (W.A.), All Risks, general additional
risks, special additional risks);
3. conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit;
4. complete all the relative exercises in this unit collaboratively with other peers.

Time allotment
1st period pre-reading activities (familiarizing new words, warming-up questions and background
period while reading (highlights of the text)
period highlights of the text
period after-reading activities

II. Teaching Method(s)
1. ppt or
2. teacher gives lecture mainly or
3. students read, teacher asks questions with detailed explanation or
4. ask students to do ppt for presentation

III. Explanatory Notes on Technical Terms
1. General Average(共同海损)-A voluntary and deliberate loss and refers to sea hazards that affect all the
cargo on a ship. It means that whichever shipper loses all or part of his cargo, all the others will club
together to recompense him for his loss.
2.Particular Average(单独海损)-It is an involuntary and accidental loss, a particular loss which is
suffered by the one whose goods are partly lost or damaged, but not voluntarily incurred, such as by
jettisoning, which are covered by General Average.
3.Total Loss (全损)-The total loss of the entire shipment resulting from the perils on the sea such as
beaching, grounding, stranding`, collision, natural calamities, fire, etc.
4.Free of Particular Average (F.P.A)平安险-The goods are covered only against hazards to which all the
consignments on the same vessel(or other means of transport) are subject, and not against hazards affecting
only the insured’s consignment.
5.With Particular Average (W.P.A.) or With Average (W.A.)水渍险
It means that in addition to General Average and total loss, goods are covered against partial loss due to
major perils, but not due to minor perils.
6.All Risks (全险)
The insurer is responsible for all total or partial loss of , or damage to, the insured goods arising from
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natural elements or form sea peril.

IV. Detailed reading
Pre-reading tasks
Warming-up questions
1. How much do you know about marine insurance?
2. What factors are involved in a marine insurance?
3. Do you know what average means in terms of insurance?

1. The history of insurance and Lloyd’s(劳埃德保险者协会)
-in 1688 by Edward Lloyd, (British)
-the center of the world’s shipping intelligence
-an international market for marine and other forms of insurance
-underwriters, syndicates, brokers
2. Insurance policy
• the insured
• the insurer
• insurance man or insurance broker
• ownership
• value
• length of time
• coverage
• premium
• compensation
3. General Average(共同海损)
A voluntary and deliberate loss and refers to sea hazards that affect all the cargo on a ship. It means that
whichever shipper loses all or part of his cargo, all the others will club together to recompense him for his
4. Particular Average(单独海损)
It is an involuntary and accidental loss, a particular loss which is suffered by the one whose goods are
partly lost or damaged, but not voluntarily incurred, such as by jettisoning, which are covered by General
5. Total Loss (全损)
The total loss of the entire shipment resulting from the perils on the sea such as beaching, grounding,
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stranding`, collision, natural calamities, fire, etc.
• Actual total loss (实际全损)— the thing insured is completely lost or so badly damaged that is not
worth repairing.
• Constructive total loss (推定全损)— the ship or cargo is so badly damaged that the cost of repair
would be greater than the market value.
6. Free of Particular Average (F.P.A)平安险
The goods are covered only against hazards to which all the consignments on the same vessel(or other
means of transport) are subject, and not against hazards affecting only the insured’s consignment.
7. With Particular Average (W.P.A.) or With Average (W.A.)水渍险
It means that in addition to General Average and total loss, goods are covered against partial loss due to
major perils, but not due to minor perils.
8. All Risks (全险)
The insurer is responsible for all total or partial loss of , or damage to, the insured goods arising from
natural elements or form sea peril.
9. General additional risks(一般附加险)
Theft, pilferage, and non-delivery (TPND), fresh water or rain water damage, short weight, intermixture
and contamination, leakage, breakage, hook damage, rust, sweating and heating, etc.
10. Special Additional Risks(特殊附加险)
Failure to Delivery Risk, War Risk, and Strikes, Riots and Civil Commotions (S.R.& C.C.)
11. Floating Policy & Cover Policy
 Insurance policy --- the most commonly used document in marine insurance
 Floating Policy---for regular exporters to cover shipments of a year. It cannot be lodged with other
negotiable documents for every shipment, so a certificate of insurance takes its place.
 Cover PolicyOpen Cover--- not reducing, valid for 12 months, no total figure for all shipments, only
a maximum figure for any individual shipment.
12. Adjustment of the claim
-Policy possessor owns the rights to lodge a claim.
-Documents needed for a claim:
• Survey report
• A copy of BL
• The commercial invoice
• The insurance policy
• A covering letter requesting payment

V. After-reading activities
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A. Try to do the exercises according to the text.
1. Comprehension of the text.
Answer the following questions
1). What is the definition of average?
2). What’s the history of the Lloyd’s?
3). What is the distinction between general average and particular average?
4). What does Free of Particular Average mean?
5). Does All Risks cover all the possible marine risks?
6). How to make adjustment of claims?

2. Explain the following key terms
1)Special additional risk 2)general additional risk 3)constructive total loss 4)floating policy
5)cover policy

B. Make a presentation about different types of marine insurance in groups.

Chapter 7 International Price &Payments

I. Suggested Teaching Plan
Students will be able to:
1. understand the main idea of international payment;
2. master some basic terms of international payments (Credit Instruments, Bill of Exchange, Promissory
Note and Check, Remittance, etc.);
3. conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit;
4. complete all the relative exercises in this unit collaboratively with other peers.

Time allotment
1st period pre- reading activities (familiarizing new words, warming-up questions and background
period while reading (highlights of the text)
period highlights of the text
period after-reading activities
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II. Teaching Method(s)
1. ppt or
2. teacher gives lecture mainly or
3. students read, teacher asks questions with detailed explanation or
4. ask students to do ppt for presentation

III. Explanatory Notes on Technical Terms
1. barter-trade by the direct exchange of goods for other goods without using money or other medium of
exchange. Barter was the earliest form of trade.
2.bearer-the person in possession of a cheque, bond or bill of exchange which is stated as payable to
3.Corresponded bank-agent bank to which the principal bank communicates instructions for action.
4.discounting-act of purchasing an accepted term bill of exchange; bills discounted under credits may be
in respect of import, export or merchant transactions.
5.endorse-to sign one’s name on the back of a cheque, bill of exchange, etc.
6.Hard currency-that of a country which has a strong balance of payments and a currency that is unlikely
to fall in value. It is, therefore, much in demand. Its price is high in exchange for currency.
7. maturity-the date on which a bill of exchange, promissory note, insurance policy, debenture or loan
stock becomes due for payment or repayment.
8. recourse-the right, expressly taken by a bank, to recover principal and interest from the borrower; it is
inherent in most lending facilities and certain documentary credit transactions.
9. reimbursement-act of repaying, settling or funding a paying agent which pays money to a beneficiary
at the request of its principal, normally another bank or a customer.
10. renew-to extend the time for which an existing instrument, contract, etc. is to be effective; to renew a
bill of exchange insurance policy lease license.

IV. Detailed reading
Pre-reading tasks
Warming-up questions
1. How much do you know about international payment?
2. Can you say something about the bill of exchange?
3. Do you know the functions of a negotiable instrument?

28 53

1. How to Determine the Price for Imports and Exports?
- Target on cost and profit
- Target on rivals
-Target on market
2. Ways of Quotation
• Seller –the highest price
Buyer-the lowest price
• Seller- the lowest price
Buyer-the highest price
• Take the first offer
• Specific offer
3. How to Determine the Price for Imports and Exports?
Fixed pricing (固定价格)
Eg. USD 58.50 Per Dozen CIF London
Flexible pricing (非固定价格)
Partial fixed price and partial unfixed price
Floating pricing
Eg. Long term production such as large machinery.
4. Commission
• Quotation with commission
• Quotation with no commission
• Commission= Quotation with commission X commission rate
Net Price= Quotation with commission – commission
Eg. USD27.50 per piece CIFC5 New York
5. Discount
• Quantity Discount
• Special Discount
• Turnover Discount
Eg. USD 280.00 per MT CIF Bombay
less 3% Discount
6. International Payments
International payments are a financial activity conducted among different countries in which payments
29 53

are effected or funds are transferred from one country to another in order to settle accounts, debts, chains,
etc. emerged in the course of political, economic or cultural contacts among them.
7. Price Structure of Incoterms
• FOB= producing and buying cost + inland cost + net profit
• CFR= producing and buying cost + inland cost + net profit
+ outland cost = FOB + outland cost
CIF = producing and buying cost + inland cost + net profit
+ outland cost + outland insurance
= FOB + outland cost + outland insurance
8. Price Structure of Incoterms
• FCA= producing and buying cost + inland cost + net profit
• CPT= producing and buying cost + inland cost + net profit
+ outland cost = FCA + outland cost
CIP = producing and buying cost + inland cost + net profit
+ outland cost + outland insurance
= FCA + outland cost + outland insurance
9. Price Structure of Incoterms
• FOB= producing and buying cost + inland cost + net profit
• CFR= producing and buying cost + inland cost + net profit
+ outland cost = FOB + outland cost
CIF = producing and buying cost + inland cost + net profit
+ outland cost + outland insurance
= FOB + outland cost + outland insurance
10. Three basic methods of payment in foreign trade
 Cash in advance__ in cases where the buyer is unknown or when the political and economic
conditions in the buyer’s country make the payment uncertain.
 Payment against documents __ the shipping documents are exchanged with the bank representing
the importer. That includes documentary Bills of Exchange and Documentary Letters of Credit.
 Open account __ when there is complete trust between the seller and the buyer. The seller dispatch
the goods, debits the purchaser’s account and sends his invoice. At some agreed period of time, the
buyer sends a remittance to the seller to settle the outstanding balance on the account.
11. Credit Instruments
A credit instrument is a written or printed paper by means of which funds are transferred from one person
to another. Credit instruments most commonly used in international payments and settlements are bill of
exchange(汇票), promissory notes(本票) and cheques(支票). These three are also known as negotiable
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instruments. Credit instruments may also take such forms as traveler’s cheques(旅行支票), certificates of
deposit(可转让定期存单), treasury bills(国库券), treasury bonds(国库债券), etc.
12. Functions of a negotiable instrument
• As a means of payments__ Under non-cash settlements, negotiable instruments to be commonly
used as a payment instrument are bills of exchange, promissory notes and cheques, among which
bills of exchange are most widely used in international payments and settlements.
• As a credit instrument
• As a negotiable instrument__ it may be negotiated to another person either by mere delivery or by
endorsement and delivery. All rights and property embodied therein can pass free from the
transferor to the transferee, provided the latter takes the instrument in good faith and for value.
13. Parties to a negotiable instrument
Drawer 出票人
Payee 收款人
Acceptor 承兑人
Endorsee 被背书人 Endorser 背书人
Acceptor for honour 参加承兑人 Guarantor 保证人
Holder 持票人 Holder for value 付对价持票人
 Drawer 出票人___ is the person who draws a bill of exchange or a cheque upon the drawee for the
payment of a certain amount of money.
 Drawee付款人__ is the person upon whom a bill of exchange or a cheque is drawn. (he is also known
as the addressee of a draft.)
 Payee 收款人__ is the person to whose order the drawee is to make payment or to whom the money
is to be paid.
 Acceptor 承兑人— If and when the drawee agrees and assents to the order in writing addressed to
him on a bill of exchange by signing his name on its face, indicating that he will pay on due date, the
drawee will become an acceptor.
 Endorser 背书人__ when a payee or a holder signs his name on the back of an instrument for the
purpose of transferring it to another person, he is called an endorser.
 Endorsee 被背书人__ is the person to whom an instrument is endorsed. He is the holder of an
instrument which has been transferred by an endorser.
 Acceptor for honour 参加承兑人__ is the person who himself is not a party liable on a bill of
exchange but with the consent of the holder may intervene and accept the bill supra protest(拒付前),
for the honour of any party liable thereon and for the honour of the person for whose account the bill
is drawn.
 Guarantor 保证人__ is the person who guarantee the acceptance and the payment of a bill of
exchange, though he is not a party liable thereon.
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 Holder 持票人__ is the possessor of an instrument, namely the payee, endorsee or bearer.
 Holder for value 付对价持票人— is the person who possesses an instrument for which value has
been given by himself or by some other person.
14. Bill of Exchange (汇票)__ or frequently referred to as a draft, is defined as “ an unconditional order in
writing addressed by one person to another, signed by the person giving it, requiring the person to whom it
is addressed to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time a sum certain in money to or to the
order of a specified person or to the bearer.”
Drawer, drawee, payee.
15. Classification of Bill of Exchange
 Banker’s Draft
Commercial Draft

 Clean Draft
Documentary Bill

 Sight Draft
Time Bill or Usance Bill
At ---days after sight
At ---days after date
At ---days after date of Bill of Lading
Fixed date
16. Usage of Draft
“ Pay A Co. only”, “Pay ----Co. not negotiable”
“Pay ---Co. or order”, “Pay to the order of ----Co”.
“Pay Bearer”, “Pay Holder”
Endorsement (背书)
Discount (贴现)
17. Promissory Note
Banker’s ---
Commercial ---
18. Check
Account ----
19. Remittance
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20. Collection
Financial Documents
Commercial Documents
Documents against Payment (DP) 付款交单
DP at sight
DP after sight
Documents against Acceptance (DA) 承兑交单

V. After-reading activities
A. Try to do the exercises according to the text.
1. Comprehension of the text.
Answer the following questions
1). Can any conditions be added on a bill? Why?
2). If a bill is dishonored, what right is left to the holder?
3). What is the difference between a crossed cheque and an open cheque?
4). Why is it that the exporter and the importer retain important elements of control in a documentary
5). What are the functions of a negotiable instrument?

2. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.
Although China has enacted the bill of exchange law, it would still be useful to know something about
Article 3 of the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC)-Commercial paper of the United States since most
of our international payment instruments are denominated in the U.S. Dollar. Article 3 of the UCC
defines the terms of commercial paper and set forth the rights and liabilities of all the parties who deal
with drafts, checks, notes and certificates of deposit.

B. Make a presentation about different ways of international payments in groups.

Chapter 8 Documentary Credits

I. Suggested Teaching Plan
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Students will be able to:
1. understand the main idea of the documentary credits
2. master some basic terms of letter of credits(Irrevocable LC, Confirmed LC, Sight LC, Usance LC,
3. conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit;
4. complete all the relative exercises in this unit collaboratively with other peers.

Time allotment
1st period pre-reading activities (familiarizing new words, warming-up questions and background
period while reading (highlights of the text)
period highlights of the text
period after-reading activities

II. Teaching Method(s)
1. ppt or
2. teacher gives lecture mainly or
3. students read, teacher asks questions with detailed explanation or
4. ask students do ppt to do presentation

III. Explanatory Notes on Technical Terms
1. retire-to pay the amount of a bill of exchange or promissory note on or before the date it is due.
2.settlement-under a credit may be by payment, negotiation or acceptance.
3.Soft currency -the currency of any country that is plentiful supply on the foreign exchange markets,
i.e. it is not hard to get.
4.solvency-ability to pay one’s debts in full when due.
5.tender-an offer to supply goods and or services at a quoted price and on stated terms made by one
party to another party with a view to a commercial contract being awarded.
6.tenor-the length of time for a bill of exchange or promissory note to reach maturity, i.e. to become due
for payment. This time is always stated in the bill or note.
7. term-the length of time that may pass before payment or repayment: the term of a bill of exchange.
8. terms-rules or conditions: the terms of a contract; the terms of payment, etc.
9. without recourse -a party to a bill of exchange may negate his or her liability on the bill by adding
these words after signature on the bill. Such a clause will make the bill less easily negotiable.
10. with recourse - where a bank discounts or negotiates a bill of exchange for a customer it does so
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with recourse, that is, if the bill is dishonored at maturity, the bank is able to claim the amount of the bill
from the customer.

IV. Detailed reading
Pre-reading tasks
Warming-up questions
1. How much do you know about letter of credit?
2. Can you say something about the purpose of the letter of credit?
3. Do you know what parties are involved in the process of doing business by the letter of credit?

1. Documentary Credits Documentary LC
A letter issued by a bank
At the request of an importer of goods
The bank promises to pay a beneficiary (who?)
The bank will pay or accept draft or negotiate it if
----documents relating to the dispatch of the goods are in order (a bill of lading, an invoice,
insurance document, one or two supplementary documents)
----shipment has been made as specified
2. For bank
lend its name and its good offices to the importer
putting itself in the place of the importer
taking the responsibility in favor of exporter
taking the risk that it is unable to be reimbursed by the importer
How to avoid such risk?
Look to the worthiness
Require to lodge some securities
Deposit a portion of the cost of the goods
3. For exporter
documentary LC is a most satisfactory method of payment
4. For importer
• Some considerable advantages
• Pay the bank’s charges for opening the credit
5. The exporter must check the credit in his favor on
• the spelling of both the exporter’s and the importer’s names
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• the mount of the credit (sufficient!)
• irrevocable or revocable, confirmed or unconfirmed
• description of the goods
• quantity (about , circa)
• permission of shipping the goods on deck
• consideration of getting all the documents required by the buyer, such as a certificate of quality
and consular invoice
6. Is it absolutely safe to be paid and receive the merchandise by the payment of LC?
Not 100% safe.--- Banks issuing letters of credit deal in documents not in merchandise.
---The quality and quantity of merchandise shipped ultimately depends on the honesty and integrity of the
seller. ---If the buyer discovers that the merchandise has been mislabeled or the cartons are empty, he
should sue the seller not the bank.
7. A major part of international payment is made EITHER Bills of exchange OR documentary LC
OR a combination of the two.
8. Characteristics of LC
 It’s banker’s credit, which means the banker is responsible to pay money and tender documents on
behalf of both parties.
 It’s a self- sufficient authorization, an agreement dependent from business contract.
 It deals with documents but not goods, service or other business related performance.
9. Parties of LC
 Applicant

 Issuing Bank
 Advising Bank
 Beneficiary 受益人
 Negotiating Bank
 Paying Banks
 Confirming Banks
10. Main Content of LC
 About LC itself: its type, nature, validity, duration
 About goods: its name, series, specification, quantity, quality, packing, price, sum, etc..
 About shipping: delivery dates, departing place, destination, shipping instrument, partial shipment or
not, transshipment or not, etc.
 About documents: ---merchandise documents (of invoice: packing list, weight certificate, place of
origin, quality certificate, etc. --- shipping documents ( bill of lading) ---insurance policy or certificate
 Other special requirements
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11. Types of LC
 Documentary LC 跟单信用证
 Clean LC 光票信用证 (EXCEPT non-shipping documents such as invoice, prepayment
 Irrevocable LC 不可撤消信用证
 Revocable LC
 Confirmed LC
➢ By confirming bank (Principal 本人)
➢ Irrevocable ----paying responsibility by issuing bank
➢ Confirmed--- responsibility taken by the banks other than the issuing bank.
 Unconfirmed LC 不保兑信用证
 Sight Payment LC 即期付款信用证
➢ “Available by Payment”
➢ Paying bank can be issuing bank as well as the informing bank or the third bank at seller’s place
 Deferred Payment LC 延期付款信用证
 Acceptance LC 承兑信用证 Banker’s Acceptance LC 银行承兑信用证
The issuing bank makes acceptance of the payment due on receipt of the usance draft and documents
in the credit.
 Negotiation LC 议付信用证--Negotiated with any banks which can meet the credit’s need or with
the banks appointed.
➢ Open Negotiation LC 公开议付信用证
➢ Restricted Negotiation LC 限制议付信用证
 Sight LC 即期信用证(TT Reimbursement Clause)
 Usance LC 远期信用证(Including Acceptance LC and Deferred Payment LC)
 Usance LC Payable at sightBuyer’s Usance LC 假远期信用证(The buyer pays for the discount and
acceptance Based on the contract with payment at sight )
 Transferable Credit 可转让信用证(A letter of credit part of whose value can be transferred to another
party. “transferable”)
 Non-transferable Credit 不可转让信用证
 Revolving Credit 循环信用证(The credit can be reused by resuming to the original amount after all
or part of the credit is used out. It’s usually used for the settlement of long-term contract under which
goods are split or deliver for several times.)
 Reciprocal Credit 对开信用证(Letter of Credits are issued by both sides in the favor of each other for
the reciprocal trade or processing business.)
 Back to Back Credit 对背信用证(A similar letter of credit is issued according to the original
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irrevocable one for middlepersons to make money or for those who has to trade through the third
 Standby LC 备用信用证(It’s designed to be used onlt when the applicant defaults on another agreed
method of payment)
 Anticipatory LC Red Provision LC预支信用证红字条款信用证(The letter of credit which
allows exporter to withdraw all or part of the loan prior to loading and delivery. )

V. After-reading activities
A. Try to do the exercises according to the text.
1. Comprehension of the text.
Answer the following questions
1). What is the definition documentary letter of credit?
2). When is a transferable LC normally used?
3). What parties are involved in the LC?
4). What is the main content of LC?
5).Why LC is necessary in business?
6). What is the distinction between sight LC and usance LC?
7). Is it absolutely safe to be paid and receive the merchandise by the payment of LC?

2. Explain the following key terms.
1) Unconfirmed LC 2)Sight Payment LC 3)Acceptance LC
4)Documentary LC 5)Clean LC 6)Reciprocal Credit
7)Standby LC 8)Usance LC

B. Make a presentation about the process of doing business by the letter of credit in groups.

Chapter 9 WTO

I. Suggested Teaching Plan
Students will be able to:
1. understand the main idea of WTO;
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2. master the basic history of WTO;
3. conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit;
4. complete all the relative exercises in this unit collaboratively with other peers.

Time allotment
1st period pre-reading activities (familiarizing new words, warming-up questions and background
period while reading (highlights of the text)
period highlights of the text
period after-reading activities

II. Teaching Method(s)
1. ppt or
2. teacher gives lecture mainly or
3. students read, teacher asks questions with detailed explanation or
4. ask students do ppt to do presentation

III. Explanatory Notes on Technical Terms
1. legislation-action of making law.
2.adjudication-judge, esp. in a competition.
3.implement-put sth. into effect; carry out.
4.multilateral-involving two or more participants.
5.institutional-of, from, or connected with institutions.

IV. Detailed reading
Pre-reading tasks
Warming-up questions
1. How much do you know about WTO?
2. Can you say something about the history of WTO?
3. Do you know when China entered into WTO?
4. What functions does WTO fulfill?

1. brief introduction
It is the legal and institutional foundation of the multilateral trading system. The agreements of the WTO
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are lengthy and complex because they are legal texts covering a wide range of activities. They deal with:
agriculture, textiles and clothing, banking, telecommunications, government purchases, industrial
standards and product safety, food sanitation regulations, intellectual property, and much more. It is the
platform on which trade relations among countries evolve through collective debate, negotiation and
2. The establishment of the WTO
The WTO was established on January 1
1995, but its trading system is half a century older. Since 1948,
the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) had provided the rules for the system. And over the
years GATT evolved through several rounds of negotiations. The last and largest GATT round was the
Uruguay Round which lasted from 1986 to 1994 and led to the WTO’s creation. Governments had
concluded the Uruguay Round negotiations on December 15
1993 and Ministers had given their political
backing to the results by signing the Final Act at a meeting in Marrakech, Morocco, in April 1994. The
“Marrakech Declaration” of 15 April, 1994 affirmed that the results of the Uruguay Round would
“strengthen the world economy and lead to more trade, investment, employment and income growth
throughout the world.” On its first day, 76 governments became members of the WTO, and by the end of
July 2004, its members have been increased to 147, still with some other governments engaged in
negotiating their terms of entry. It is based in Geneva, Switzerland.
3. The functions of the WTO
__ administering and implementing the multilateral and plural-lateral trade agreements which together
make up the WTO;
__ acting as a forum for multilateral trade negotiations;
__ seeking to resolve trade disputes;
__overseeing national trade policies; and
__cooperating with other international institutions involved in global economic policy-making.
4. The structure of the WTO
 The structure of the WTO is dominated by its highest authority, the Ministerial Conference, composed
of representatives of all WTO members, which is required to meet at least every two years and which
can make decisions on all matters under any of the multilateral trade agreements. The day- to-day work
of the WTO, however, falls to a number of subsidiary bodies; principally the General Councilo, also
composed of all WTO members, which is required to report to the Ministerial Conference. As well as
conducting its regular work on behalf of the Ministerial Conference, the General Council convenes in
two particular forms—as the Dispute Settlement Body, to oversee the dispute settlement procedures
and as the Trade Policy Review Body to conduct regular reviews of the trade policies of individual
WTO member.
 The General council delegates responsibility to three major bodies—namely the Councils for Trade in
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Goods, Trade in Servies and Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights. The Council for
Goods oversees the implementation and functioning of all agreements covering trade in goods, though
many such agreements have their own specific overseeing bodies. The latter two Councils have
responsibility for their respective WTO agreements and may establish their own subsidiary bodies if
 Three other bodies are established by the Ministerial Conference and report to the General Council.
The Committee on Trade and Development is concerned with issues relating to the developing
countries and, especially, to the “least-developed” among them. The Committee on Balance of
Payments is responsible for consultations between WTO members and countries which take
trade-restrictive measures, under Articles 7 and 18 of GATT, in order to cope with balance-of
–payments difficulties. Finally, issues relating to WTO’s financing and budget are dealt with by a
Committee on Budget, Finance and Administration. Each of the four plurilateral agreements of the
WTO—those on civil aircraft, government procurement, dairy products and bovine meat—establish
their own management bodies which are required to report to the General Council.
5. The principles of the WTO
1) trade without discrimination
2) free trade: gradually, through negotiation
3) predictability: through binding and transparency
4) promoting fair competition
5) encouraging development and economic reform
6. China’s entry into the WTO
On December 11
, 2001 China formally became the 143rd member of the WTO. Entering the WTO is
a strategic decision made by the Chinese government under the condition of economic globalization,
marking the new stage of China

s opening-up.
To suit the needs of joining the WTO, China began to revise and improve laws and administrative
regulations involving foreign trade and economic cooperation in 1999. Laws and regulation not in
conformity with WTO regulations were revised or nullified. By the end of 2001 relevant departments of
the State Council had revised 2,300 related laws and regulations and a list of 221 administrative
regulations annulled by the State Council had been published. In 2001, the NPC revised the Copyright Law,
Trademark Law, and Law on Joint Ventures with Chinese and Foreign Investment. Together with the Law
on Chinese-Foreign Cooperative Ventures, Law on Foreign-funded Enterprises and Patent Law revised in
2000, China had revised six laws directly related to China

s WTO entry. China

s permanent mission to the
WTO was opened in Geneva on January 28, 2002.
As a result of the entry, China has agreed to undertake a series of important commitments to open and
liberalize its regime in order to better integrate in the world economy and offer a more predictable
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environment for trade and foreign investment in accordance with WTO rules. Among some of the
commitments undertake by China are the following:
(1)China will provide non-discriminatory treatment to all WTO Members. All foreign individuals and
enterprises, including those not invested or registered in China, will be accorded treatment no less
favorable than that accorded to enterprises in China with respect to eh right to trade.
(2)China will eliminate dual pricing practices as well as differences in treatment accord to goods
produced for sale in China in comparison to those produced for export.
(3) Price controls with not be used for purposes of affording protection to domestic industries or
services providers.
(4)The WTO Agreement will be implemented by China in an effective and uniform manner by
revising its existing domestic laws and enacting new legislation fully in compliance with the WTO
(5)Within three years of accession all enterprises will have the right to import and export all goods
and trade them throughout the customs territory with limited exceptions.
(6)China will not maintain or introduce any export subsidies on agricultural products.
While China will reserve the right of exclusive state trading for products such as cereals, tobacco,
fuels and minerals and maintain some restrictions on transportation and distribution of goods inside the
country, many of the restrictions that foreign companies have at present in China will be eliminated or
considerably eased after a 3-year phase-out period. So entering the WTO can bring a lot of benefits to
China. However, there are some disadvantages that China should face.
In a word, there are a number of ways of looking at the WTO. It

s an organization for liberalizing
trade. It

s a forum for governments to negotiate trade agreement. It

s a place for them to settle trade
disputes. And it operates a system of trade rules.

V. After-reading activities
A. Try to do the exercises according to the text.
Comprehension of the text.
Answer the following questions
1). What is WTO?
2). Where are the headquarters of the WTO?
3). What are the fundamental functions of the WTO?
4). What is the highest authority of the WTO and how often is it required to meet?
5). What is the structure of the WTO?
6). What commitments does China undertake as it enters into the WTO?
7). What influence does the WTO have on China’s economy?
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B. Make a presentation about WTO in groups.

Chapter10 International Business English Correspondence and Negotiation

I. Suggested Teaching Plan
Students will be able to:
1. understand the key idea of International Business English Correspondence and Negotiation;
2. master some basic knowledge of International Business English Correspondence and Negotiation
(establish business relations, inquiries and offers, counter- offer, bid and counter-counter-offer, acceptance
and order);
3. conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit;
4. complete all the relative exercises in this unit collaboratively with other peers.

Time allotment
1st period pre-reading activities (familiarizing new words, warming-up questions and background
period while reading (highlights of the text)
period highlights of the text
period after-reading activities

II. Teaching Method(s)
1. ppt or
2. teacher gives lecture mainly or
3. students read, teacher asks questions with detailed explanation or
4. ask students do ppt to do presentation

III. Explanatory Notes on Technical Terms
1. circular-leaflet or letter sent to many people.
2.integrity-quality of being honest in character.
3.quotation-amount stated as current price of stocks or commodities on sale.
4.offer-to state the price and other terms of the goods to be sold.
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5.catalogue-a list of articles usually, in alphabetical order, or under special headings, and often with
descriptions of the articles.
6.quotation-the price stated; statement of the current price of an article.
7. discount-percentage by which a full price is reduced to a buyer by the seller.
8. specification-details, instructions, etc, for the design, materials of something to be done or done.
9. firm offer-an offer which cannot be changed.
10. non-firm offer-an offer that is subject to the seller’s final confirmation.
11. trial order -a small order which is to be followed by a lot of orders if it turns out satisfactory.
12. bid -a quotation or offer made by the buyer.
13. counter-offer -refusal and amendment to an offer.
14. counter-counter offer -refusal and amendment to a counter-offer.
15. margin -the difference between the money of the selling price and buying price.

IV. Detailed reading
Pre-reading tasks
Warming-up questions
1. How much do you know about how to establish business relationship?
2. Can you say something about the general process of doing a business?
3. Do you know how many steps are involved to enter into a business contract?

1. The most important functions of Business Correspondence
• Create goodwill
• Leave a good impression
2. Rules of writing:
Keep it
• Brief
• Specific
• Reasonable
• To the point
3. Establishing Business Relations
Channels for those who want to open up a market to sell something to or buy something from firms in
foreign countries:
• Communication in writing
• Attendance at the export commodities fairs
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• Contact at the exhibition held at home or abroad
• Mutual visits by trade delegation and groups
4. Contents of the letter:
1) The sources of the writer’s information
Business connections
Market investigations
The commercial Councilor’s Office
The Chambers of Commerce
Enquiries received from the merchants abroad
Self-introduction by merchants themselves
2) His intention.
3) The business scope of his firm and also its branches and liaison offices, if any.
4) The reference as to his firm’s financial position and integrity.
5) Enquiries and Reply
From regular customers
---maybe very simple
---only the name and or specifications of commodity
From others
---in great details
---name of commodity
---terms of price
---terms of payment
---times of shipment
---packing method
The reply to an enquiry should be prompt and courteous and cover all the information asked for.
6. Offers and Bids
• Making an offer is a most important step in negotiating a transaction.
• An offer is a promise to supply goods on the terms and conditions stated.
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• Firm offer vs. non-firm offer
• The offer made by the buyer is called Bid. Bid is a kind of offer.
7. A satisfactory offer will include the following:
1) An expression of thinks for the enquiring, if any
2) Name of the goods, quality of specification, quality, details of prices, discounts, terms of payment, ,
and packing conditions
3) The period for which the offer is valid if it is a firm offer
4) Favorable comments on the goods themselves
5) A supplementary, short paragraph to draw.
6) An expression of hopes for an order
8. Counter-Offers and Counter-Counter Offers
When the buyer draft the letter of partial rejection, he should cover the following points:
• Thank the seller for his offer
• State reasons for express regret at inability to accept the offer.
• Make a counter-offer if , in the circumstances, it is appropriate
• Suggest other opportunities to do business together.
9. Order
To make your order clear and easy to understand, you should list:
 Name of commodity, model number, size, color, or any other relevant information.
 Quantity
 Date and method of shipment.
 Price per item.
 Packing
 Payment
10. When a seller receives the “first” order from a new customer, he must write a letter to
acknowledge the order. The letter should be:
Express pleasure as receiving the order.
Add a favorable comment on the goods ordered.
Include an assurance of prompt and careful attention.
Draw attention to other products likely to be of interest.
Hope for further orders
11. Acceptance and Contract
• A deal is concluded when the sellers’ firm offer is accepted by the buyer or a non-firm offer.
• After acceptance and confirmation, a Contract or a Sale Confirmation is made out generally by us
as the sellers, and signed by both parties.
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12. Usual forms of contracts for importexport trade of Chinese FTCs:
Purchase Contract and Sales Contract, with General Terms and Condition overleaf, usually for business
involving considerable amount.
Purchase Confirmation of Sales Confirmation, as short from contract, used mainly for trade of odd
Agreement, such as Agency Agreement, Exclusive Sales Agreement (包销协议)
Order, signed by importer or end-user.
Indent, used usually bt agents or midman in other countries.
Memo, attached to contract, indicating that both parties agree on the correction of certain points of
13. A typical international business contract of agreement
usually contains the following contents:
1) Preamble:
Title, Number of the Contract, Date of Signing, Signing Parties, Place of Signing, Each Party’s Authority,
Recitals of Whereas Clause
2) Body (Including Definition Clause, Basic Condition and General Terms)
Name of Commodity(Specification), Quality, Quantity, Price, Packing, Insurance, Shipment & Delivery,
Industrial Property Right & Patent, Payment, Inspection, Training, Confidential, Guarantee, Claim, Breach
& Rescission of Contract, Arbitration, Force Majeure, Applicable Laws, Miscellaneous.
3) Witness (Ending)
Concluding Sentence, Signature, Seal
14. Packing
Packing is to goods means what clothing is to man
• Transport packing (outer packing)
• Sales packing (inner packing)
15. Packing must be strikingly marked
Packing marks:
• Transport marks
• Directive marks
• Warning marks
16. Transport marks consist of
Consignor’s or consignee’s code name,
Number of the contract or the LC
The port of destination
Numbers of the packed goods
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17. Shipment
The time limit governing a shipment is of three categories:
1. The shipment with a fixed date, eg. Before the end of June, on June 25;
2. The shipment with a date in the near future, e.g. immediate shipment, prompt shipment.
3. The shipment with an indefinite date, e.g. shipment within 30 days after the date of receipt of the
letter of credit, shipment subject to shipping space available, shipment by first opportunity.
18. Export transportation involves a lot of complicated procedures. Before the goods are to be
dispatched, the following must be duly seen to:
• Send the shipping instructions by the buyer.
• Select a shipping line and a particular vessel
• Book shipping space or chartering and sign the contract of carriage.
• Register the cargo on shipping note and send the shipping note to a shipping company;
• Register details on customs, entry forms and send them to Customs
• Arrange adequate packing, including shipping marks
• Receive the bill of lading from the shipping company
• Pay the freight bill
• Arrange shipment
• Send the shipping documents and shipping advice
19. Payment and Balance
Method of payment commonly used in international payments and settlements includes:
Letter of credit
Bank guarantee
20. Insurance
-Insurance of Marine Transportation
• Basic insurance coverage
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• Additional insurance coverage
General additional coverage
Special additional coverage
-Insurance of Land Transportation
-Insurance of All Transportation
21. Commodity Inspection
It covers the quality, quantity, weight, packing etc.
Certificates of Commodity Inspection
(specimen letters such as “Inferior Quality” “Damage to Package” “Shortage of Shipment”)
22. Complaints , Claims and Adjustments
• The First Kind of Complaints of Claims
The wrong goods may have been delivered
The quality may have been found unsatisfactory
The shipment may have been found damaged, short, missing or late
The prices changed may be excessive or not as agreed
• The second kind of Complaints of Claims
23. Usually a complaint or claim letter should follow the under- mentioned outline:
1. The opening states the problem to complain by regretting, and mentions the date of the order, the
date of delivery and the goods complained about
2. The body gives, if any, additional information why it is necessary to write, why and how you are
inconvenient, etc., in order to state your reasons for being dissatisfied and ask for an explanation.
3. The body also states what you want to be done what you consider a reasonable demand to satisfy
your claim.
24. The following rules should be followed by the seller when dealing with a complaint:
1. The first thing that has to be decided is whether the complaint is justified. If it is so, the sellers have
to admit it readily, express his or her regret and agree to the buyer’s request.
2. If the complaint or claim is not justified, point this out of politely and in agreeable manner. It
would be a wrong policy to reject the customer’s request.
3. If the seller cannot deal with a complaint promptly, acknowledge it at once; explain that the matter
is being investigated and a full reply will be sent latter.
25. Agencies
The types of Agency
• General agent
• Sole agent
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V. After-reading activities
A. Try to do the exercises according to the text.
1. Translate the following sentences into English.
1). 贵公司信誉卓越,我们极愿与你公司建立业务关系。为此,寄上商品目录和价目单,供贵公
2). 来函收悉,得知贵方愿与我方建立业务联系,谨表谢意。
3). 据了解,贵公司是中国工艺品有潜力的买主,而该商品正属于我们的业务范围。
4). 我们可以按国际市场价格给您报价。
5). 你们所有价格都是成本加运费保险费价格。
6). 如果你方报价具有竞争性,交货期可接受的话,我们愿意向你方订货。
7). 我们建议你方再次重新考虑发价,使之与国际市场价格一致起来。
8). 如果你方能接受我方的数量,并答应提前交货,我方就接受你方的价格。

2. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.
1). We write to introduce ourselves as one of the leading exporters of a wide range of electronic
products from the United States.
2). We thank you for your letter dated March 1
and shall be glad to enter into business relations with
3). Please quote your lowest price CIF Shanghai for each of the following items, inclusive of our 3%
4). If you can supply goods of the type and quality required, we may place regular orders for large
5). In reply to your letter on March 15
,we have found it impossible for our customers to accept your
quotation as it is too high.

6). This offer is based on the expanding market and is competitive.
7). Although the prevailing quotations are somewhat higher, we will accept the order on the same terms
as before with the view of encouraging business.
8). I found your price much too high to be acceptable to us. We hope you will take the initiative and
bridge the gap.

B. Compose a dialogue on the following situation.
1) Mr. Yu, General manager of Changsha Electronic Products Imp. & Exp. Corporation, makes an
inquiry for IBM Computers. Mr. Kinch, General Manager of Far East Industrial Corporation, makes a firm
offer: price is $$950 per set FOB New York; the Payment is by irrevocable LC; and the minimum is 1000
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2) Mr. Yu wants to know whether it is firm offer, and he expresses hopes to place a trial order on certain
conditions, so Mr. Yu and Mr. Kinch are discussing the details.

C. Complementary reading materials

 Sentences Commonly Used on Establishing Business Relations
We are a state-operated corporation, handling the export of animal by products and we are willing to enter
into business.

 Sentences Commonly Used on Enquiries
Please send us samples and quote us your lowest prices for…

 Sentences Commonly Used on Offer and Bid
1. We thank you for your enquiry of July 6 and are sending you, under separate cover, a specimen of …
together with our price list.
2. Thank you for your recent enquiry. We have a large quantity of … in stock, and are pleased to offer
them as follows:
3. With reference to your letter of …, enquiring for …, we enclose our Quotation No… for your
consideration and trust you will find our prices acceptable.
4. Our best offer is given below subject to our final confirmation.
5. Please select the items in which you are interested and let us have your enquiry or order promptly.
6. We regret to say that the goods required by you are unavailable for the time being, and for this reason
we refrain from making you an offer.

 Sentences Commonly Used on Counter Offers
1. This is our rock-bottom price, we can’t make any further concession.
2. Our price is fixed at a reasonable level.
3. Our counter-offer is in line with the international market.
4. The price we have given is a fair price.
5. Let’s meet each other halfway.
6. We’ll be waiting for your confirmation.

 Sentences Commonly Used on Orders
1. We may place considerable orders with you if your quality is satisfactory.
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2. With reference to your letter of May 6, we are pleased to give an order for the following.
3. Please supply 5,000 tons of coal in accordance with the details in our order No. 114.
4. This order must be filled within six weeks, otherwise we will have to cancel the order.
5. We are pleased to confirm your order of July 11 for 1,000 dozen silk handkerchiefs.

 Sentences Commonly Used on Packing
1. We can meet your special requirements for packing but the extra packing charges should be borne by
2. Packing in sturdy wooden cases is essential. Cases must be nailed, battened and secured by overall
metal strapping.
3. The outer packing should be strong enough for transportation. As to the inner packing it must be
attractive and helpful to the sales.
4. The details concerning packing and marking must be strictly observed.
5. Effective measures must be taken to protect this product, as it is particularly subject to breakable
6. We usually pack each piece of men’s shirt in a polybag, half dozen to a box and ten dozen to a wooden

 Sentences Commonly Used on Shipment
1. We should be glad if you could manage to ship the goods by SS East Wind sailing from July 1
2. We shall appreciate it if you will effect shipment as soon as possible, thus enabling our buyers to catch
the brisk demand at the start of the season.
3. We trust you will make all necessary arrangements to deliver the goods in time.
4. Please amend the covering letter of credit to allow partial shipment, under advice to us.
5. We are pleased to inform you that we have booked shipping space for your order No…of …on SS …,
6. We are pleased to inform you that the goods under your Order No… were shipped per direct
steamer …on …and the relative shipping samples had been dispatched to you by air before the steamer

 Sentences Commonly Used on Payment and Balance
1. Payment is to be made against sight draft drawn under a confirmed, irrevocable, divisible and
transferable letter of credit without recourse for the amount.
2. As agreed, the terms of payment for the above orders are letter of credit at 60 days’ sight or DP sight
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3. As to payment, we are agreeable to draw on you at … days’ sight, documents against acceptable (DA)
4. With regard to Contract No…, we are agreeable to DP payment terms.
5. We hope (that) you will accommodate us in this respect and look forward to your favorable reply.
6. Please do your utmost to expedite LC, so that we may execute the order smoothly.

 Sentences Commonly Used on Insurance
1. We shall take our insurance at this end under our Open Policy.
2. Insurance is to be covered against All Risks and War Risks.
3. Generally we cover insurance WPA and against War Risks in the absence of definite instruction from
our clients.
4. Insurance on the goods shall be covered by us for 110% of the CIF value, and any extra premium for
additional coverage, if required, shall be borne by the buyers.
5. This risk is coverable at a premium of …%.
6. We regret being unable to agree the buyer’s request as stated in the LC stipulations for insurance to be
covered up to the inland city because our price is based on CIF Taibei.

 Sentences Commonly Used on Complaints, Claims and Adjustment
1. On examination we found that the goods do not agree with the original samples.
2. When unpacking the case, we found the color unsatisfactory.
3. …cases were found to be badly damaged. This is apparently attributable to faulty packing.
4. Upon examination, we find that the cases weight short by 5 to12Ibs.
5. We are most anxious to compensate you for the shortage in weight mentioned in your letter of … by
offering you an allowance of …
6. We regret to return these goods, and shall be glad if you will substitute the right goods for them as
early as possible.
7. We have to inform you that the goods we ordered from you on 15
September have not arrived here,
nor have we heard anything from you concerning the shipment.
8. Please look the matter up at once and see to it that the goods are delivered without delay.
9. Though we find no discrepancy between the shipping sample and the duplicate sample in our hands,
we will meet you half way by offering a discount of 5% in view of our long pleasant relations.
10. It would not be fair if the loss be totally imposed on us as the liability rests with both parties, we are
ready to meet you half way, i.e. to pay 50% of the loss only.

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