
2020年10月12日 18:16






一、教案基本格式 :

1、首页 主要包括课程名称,授课对象(年级、专业、层次),课
型,学时,授课题目,基本教材或参考书,教学 目的与要求,授课

2、续页 主要包括具体教学内容与时间安排,教学辅助手段的运用,

3、末页 主要包括小结,复习思考题、作业题,下次课复习要点,


1、 以教学大纲,教学内容,基本教材为依据。 2、 明确教学目的

3、 将课程内容及其结构与教学对象的认识结构有机对应 ,构架教

4、 科学安排进度,突出重点,讲清难点,注重启发。 5、 精心选
用教学手段,注明其使用时机。 6、 详略得当,书写工整,项目齐


20 ~ 20 学年 第 学期

系教研室 课程名称

教 材

专业、年级、班级 教师姓名

教师 职 称


教案又称课时授课计划,是任课教师的教学实施方案。教案可以按 每

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4、教学内容:是授课的核心。将授课的内容按逻辑层次, 有序设计

学媒介指 教科书、板书、多媒体、模型、标本、挂图、音像等教学

6、讨论、思考题 和作业:提出若干问题以供讨论,或作为课后复习
时思考,亦可要求学生作为作业来完成,以供考核之用 。

7、参考书目:列出参考书籍、有关资料。 8、日期的填写系指本堂







资格种类:初中教师资格 任教科目:英语

《what’s the highest mountain in the world?》teaching plan

[the basic information]


:what’s the highest mountain in the world? :
grade 8

teacher:zhang junli 5. type of lesson:new lesson 6.
theaching hour:one class hour ng aid:multi-media

[teaching objectives]

1. knowledge objective

new words : qomolangma,the nile, the caspian sea, the
sahara ,square, kilometer ,desert ,population

phrases: in size,in the word, meters deeplonghigh,as...as, the
biggest population. sentence: what’s the highest mountain in
the world?

how long is qomolangma?

it’s 8,844.43 meters high. it’s higher than any other mountain.
which is the deepest salt lake in the world? the caspian sea is
the deepest of all the salt lake.

did you know that china is one of the oldest countries in the
world? yes, i did. it’s much older than the us.

2. ability objective

let the students can understand and talk about the topic of
geography and natural. master the usage of the comparative
and superlative. 3. emotion objective

to cultivate the students love the nature, make them have the
consciousness of protecting the environment.

[teaching main and difficult points]

1. teaching main points

use comparative and superlative forms of adjective and
adverbs 2. teaching difficult points


talk about the geography and nature using comparative and
superlative forms of adjective and contrast
between the object.

[teaching methods]

[teaching procedures]


1. watch the photos and talk about them “how
bighighlongbig is …?’ and help the students to answer:
it’s …meterskilometerscm bighighlongbig. 2. look these
photos and practice the dialogue: e.g. a: how high is

b: it’s 8,844 meters high.

step 2. match the facts you know. practice in pairs using the
information in 1a.

step 3 explaination

表示长宽高的形容词前作状语。 e.g. the wall is 1.7 metres wide.
step 4 listening 1. 1b listen and complete the sentences.

1) qomolangma is ______ than any other mountain in the
world. 2) the sahara is ____________ desert in the world.


3) the caspian sea is ____________ of all the salt lakes. 4) the
nile is _________ river in the world.

2. 2a listen and number the facts(1- 4) in the order you hear

6,300 5,0005,464 300

the yangtze river is about ____ kilometers long and the yellow
river is ___ kilometers long.

china has the biggest population in the world. it’s a lot bigger
than the population of the us.

china is over ___ years old. it has a much longer history than
the us. the us is not even ___ years old.

china is almost as big as the us, but it is the biggest country
in asia. step 5 the usage of the comparative and superlative

面加- er,最高级在后面加-est;(1)单音节词

e.g. small→smaller→smallest

e.g. clever→cleverer→cleverest

后加-st;e.g. large→larger→largest nice→nicer→nicest

字母,比较级加-er,最高级加- est;

e.g. big→bigger→biggest hot→hotter→hottest

4.以“辅音字母+y”结尾的双音节词, 把y改为i,比较级加-er,
最高级加- est;

e.g. easy→easier→easiest

面加most; e.g. beautiful→more beautiful→most beautiful
step 6 practice

1c make conversations in pairs.



a: did you know that china if one of the oldest countries in the
world? b: yes, i did. it’s much older than my country. step 7

go through the important points and difficult points of this
lesson with the students once again.

emphasis the phrases and sentence patterns.

retell the the usage of the comparative and superlative. step 8

memorize the important phrases and sentences.

make some dialogues about asking the size of objects.

3. find some information about qomolangma on the internet

add :[the blackboard design]

what’s the highest mountain in the world?

words : qomolangma,the nile, the caspian sea, the
sahara ,square, kilometer ,desert ,population

s: in size,in the word, meters deeplonghigh,as...as,
the biggest population. ce: what’s the highest
mountain in the world?

how long is qomolangma?

t’s 8,844.43 meters high. it’s higher than any other mountain.
did you know that china is one of the oldest countries in the

4. the usage of the comparative and superlative

1.一般单音节词和少数以- er,-ow结尾的双音节词,比较级在后
面加-er,最高级在后面加- est;(1)单音节词

e.g. small→smaller→smallest

e.g. clever→cleverer→cleverest




lesson plan

nsefc module2 unit reading in teacher:

period:period1 type:reading

duration: 45minutes

teaching ideology

the current theory view reading as a interactive process which
involves not only the printed page but also the reader’s old
knowledge of the language in general, the world and the text
types. in the reading process, these factors interact with each
other and compensate for each other. based on the
understanding of reading as an interactive process, teaching
reading in the classroom is divided into three stages in which
the top- down and bottom-up techniques integrated to develop
the students language efficiency in general and reading

strategies. the three stages are pre-reading, while-reading and

teaching material and learning condition

the analysis of teaching material

the teaching material is the reading part from nsefc module2
unit. the topic of this unit is . this passage mainly introduces
the passage consists of paragraphs. the first paragraph is a
general introduction of the . para.2 to para.4 introduces . the
last paragraph tells about . the topic is not new to the ss. but
there is some new words and phases in the passage.

the analysis of learning condition

the students are from grade1 in senior high school. as high
school students, they have achieved certain english level and
they have the ability to get the basic idea of the reading. since
they are in grade1, they are easily activated and want to air
their own opinions on the topic. they are familiar with the topic
of and know some. but they may not know before. moreover,
their vocabulary is limited so they may have difficulties in
understanding some sentences.

learning objectives

1. language skills

● at the beginning of the class, ss can predict the content of
the passage based on the title. ● ss can scan the passage and
find out the specific information such as the person related

● ss can summarize the passage with the help of the clues of
the passage.

2. language knowledge

● ss can master the key words and phrases of the passage as
follows, . ● ss can learn , especially

3. affects

● ss will realize that and they will concern themselves with the
issue of

4. cultural awareness

● ss will broaden their minds by knowing something about

5. learning strategies

● ss will cultivate their ability individual learning and
cooperative learning by doing some

activities independently and some in groups.

● ss will communicate with each other in english while doing
the group work.

language difficulties

focuses and anticipated

language focuses

this is a reading period so the focus is to cultivate the
students’ reading skills. the many activities are designed to
help ss to train their reading skills, such as predicting,
skimming, scanning and summarizing.

it is also important for the ss to master the new words and

anticipated difficulties

as the ss have a limited vocabulary, so they may have some
difficulties in understanding the passage. so the teacher will
help them learn the new words and phrases.

ss may did not heard before, so the teacher will tell them
some background knowledge about it.

teaching method

three-stage model: based on the understanding of reading as
an interactive process, teaching reading in the classroom is
divided into three stages in which the top-down and bottom-up
techniques integrated to develop the students language
efficiency in general and reading strategies. the three stages
are pre-reading, while- reading and post-reading.

teaching aids

multimedia devices and ppt documents: in order to help ss to
fully understand the whole passage, i adopt multimedia
devices and ppt documents to bring the real- life situation into
the classroom.

teaching procedures

step1. lead-in (6min)

activity1. greetings and free- talking (2min)

t leads into the topic by asking ss some they know. ss tell the
name of the they know freely.

t: hello boys and girls. (ss say hello to the teacher.)

t: when we say , what appears in your minds? (ss tell the
things appear in their minds freely.) t: what are the ? (ss tell
some names of .)

activity2. picture-talking (4min)

t shows some pictures about the in china and abroad. after
seeing the pictures, ss are expected to tell the similarities of

t: just now, you talk about some in china. now, let’s see some
pictures of some . (t shows the pictures and ss see them

t: what do the have in common?for example, they are very
precious. what are your opinions?

(t gives them some hints and ss tell the characteristics of )


in this step, t first leads in the topic by talking with the ss
freely about the which

is familiar to them and then ss see some pictures and tell the
characteristics. these two activities aim to arouse the ss’
interests in the topic and activate their old knowledge of . then
ss will be mentally prepared for the reading comprehension.
what’s more,

when they are talking about the charateristics of, they will
realize that theare rare and precious and they will concern
themselves with the issue of .

step2. pre-reading (3min)

activity1. knowing something about (1min)

t gives a brief introduction of the. ss will know the t: today, we
are going to learn . it is . do you know what is? (t shows some
pictures ofand ss get to know the .)

activity2. predicting (2min)

t asks ss to read the title of the passage and then ask them
some questions. ss will predict the content of the passage with
the help of the title.

t: please look at the title “”, what does “” mean?

(if the ss can not give the answer, then t explain it.)

t: in search means that people are looking for it. why are
people looking for it? can you guess? what will the passage
talk about?

(ss predict the content, but t will not give the answer here.)


in this step, the ss first know some information of the the
background information will make it easier for the ss to
understand the passage. then t asks ss to make predictions

about the passage. it aims to help ss develop the reading skills
of predicting.

step3. while-reading (22min)

activity1. skimming (4min)

ss skim the whole passage and find out and check their
predictions. t: why are people still ? here is a multiple choice
for you.

activity2. scanning (3min)

t presents several true or false statements and asks the ss to
scan the passage and judge the right from the wrong.

(keys: F,F,T,T,F)

activity3 close-reading (15min)

t designs various kinds of activities and ss do the activities to
fully understand the passage. para.1

t: please read para.1 carefully and then take some note about
the .


please read para.2-4 carefully and then find out the removal of
the room.

please read para.2-4 carefully and then find out the person
related with the amber room and the things them down with it.


please read para.5 carefully and then find out the the
rebuilding of the amber room.







