体验英语教学设计 1

2020年10月12日 19:03



Unit One Men and Women Prejudice
Task-based Design for Six Contact Hours
Session 1
Unit Content Involved Focal Points

1. Men’s roles at home
2. Key words and
expressions related to
the topic
criticize, trend, mirror,
proportion, abusive, merit,
claim, exception, deserve,
applaud, fulfill, flexibility,
obligation, devalue, refer to,
as opposed to, respond to,
call for, by the same token

Expressions and sentences
for talking about
traditional family roles
( See Communicative Tasks)

The same as the above.
Task-based activities

Talking about the roles of
men and women in the
society as shown in the
pictures given after the

Role-playing the dialogue

Doing the communicative
tasks according to the
situation provided.

Picking out sentences from
Passage A containing the key
words and expressions in the
left column and making up
new sentences with them.

1. Listen and Talk
Lead in
Passage listening practice

Dialogue Samples

Communicative Tasks

2. Read and explore
Key words and expressions
criticize, trend, mirror,
Passage A
The Unsung Heroes: proportion, abusive, merit,
What about Working Dads claim, exception, deserve,
applaud, fulfill, flexibility,
Lexical preparation
obligation, devalue, refer to,
as opposed to, respond to,
call for, by the same token

Session 2

2. Read and explore

Passage understanding on the
Passage A
The Unsung Heroes: basis of the analysis of the
What about Working passage structure

Story retelling

Illustrations of differences

ing the passage
2. Picking out the words
used for arguing on the roles
of fathers in families.
3. Finding out the major
arguments of the author in
the passage.

Talking about the social and
domestic roles of men and

Writing a Short Passage:
Illustrating the differences
between men and women in
many ways.

Doing fast reading of
Passage B and discussing the
questions in Ex. 10 & 11 in

Discussing the pictures in

Making up sentences with
the words on the left column
with the help of the related
sentences in the passage.

Completing the description
by translating the parts given
in Chinese

Completing the English
advertisement according to
the hints given in Chinese.

Session 3

2. Read and Explore
Passage B
A Manifesto for Men

3. Write and Produce
General Writing

Practical Writing

Passage understanding

Reading Skills
Key Word Reading

Word consolidation
Get in the way of,
equality, fall apart, sack,
sour, define, rule out, sustain,
initiate, initiative, take up,
hang on to, dilemma

Description of structure
and organization

Job advertisements.

Unit Group project:
Making a survey on the family roles in China and reporting to the class by using

III. Suggested teaching procedures and class activities
Session 1 (90-100 min)
Listen and Talk
1. Lead in
Task1 Listen to the following passage and try to fill the missing words in the blanks.

Step 1 Lead-in questions
1. What is the job situation like in China? Is it the same as or different fromto the situation
mentioned in the passage?
(Similar to Britain on a whole)
2. Is there any kind of job that people often joke about in China?
(Yes, teachers and accountants as examples)
3. What prejudices do people have about certain kinds of jobs?
(Secretaries and nurses can only be women)
Step 2 Listening practice
The students listen to the passage for three times and fill in the missing words in the blanks.
Teacher: Listen to the passage for three times and fill in the missing words in the blanks.
Step 3 Word study
The teacher lays emphasis on the following words and expressions related to the topic:
Professions, stereotyped, dependable, gloomy, ignorance, commission, irritate
Teacher: Can you pick up the words and expressions related to the topic? What are they?
Task 2 Picture description
The students talk about the pictures provided in the textbook with the words and expressions
they have learned from the listening passage in groups.
Teacher: Work in groups to talk about the pictures with the help of the words and expressions
you’ve learned from the listening passage. Five minutes later you will be expected to do class
2. Dialogue Samples

Dialogue 1: Prejudice against jobs.
Step 1 Lead in questions
1. How can you start such a topic with your classmates?
( My working experience as a steward in a supermarket is really dreadful!
They drive me mad)
2. What other examples have you got on prejudice against jobs?

Step 2 Dialogue Samples study
The students read the first dialogue in pairs and speak out the following sentences for talking
about prejudice against jobs.
Teacher: Please read the first dialogue in pairs and speak out the sentences for talking about
prejudice against jobs.
Several minutes later.
Teacher: Can you speak out the sentences you’ve summarized?
They drive me mad.
They‟ve made mistakes.
They assume that I‟m a man because I‟m not a secretary.
That kind of thinking is so outdated.
It really shows prejudice against women.
Because boys are brought up to be more ambitious.

And then the teacher asks the students to give more examples.
Teacher: Can you give us some more examples?
Did you hearread about the prejudice against women?
Women‟s place is at home.
Women are inferior to men.
Women are better in learning language than men.

Dialogue 2: Chances of promotion for women teachers
Step 1 Lead-in question
Teacher: What is the general situation in China as chances of promotion for women teachers
is concerned?
( Most of the members of the school authorities are men rather than women except for
primary schools and kindergartens)

Step 2 Dialogue Samples study
The students read the second dialogue and speak out the following sentences that are used for
talking about chances of promotion for women teachers in the dialogue.
Teacher: Please read the second dialogue in pairs and speak out the sentences useful for talking
about chances of promotion for women teachers in the dialogue.
Several minutes later.
Teacher: Now, can you speak out the sentences you’ve summarized?

(Women teachers have less of a chance of promotion than their male colleagues.
In primary schools there are far more women teachers than men but there are more
headmasters than headmistresses..
What are you chances of promotion like?
Do you have any higher ambitions for your job?
I‟m committed to this profession)

The teacher asks the students to speak out the sentences that are used for talking about chances

of promotion for women teachers in the dialogue or more sentences they‟ve learned outside
Teacher: Please find the sentences the injured use to express their appreciation in the dialogue.
What are the sentences?
(Thanks a lot. You guys are the greatest.)
Teacher: Do you know more you’ve learned outside class?

3. Communicative Tasks
Task 1: Talking about the changes of roles in Chinese families

The students are given 10 minutes to work in groups to discuss and finish the grid. Some
students make comments on their performance, which should involve their presentation of the
real-life situation and the English they use for talking about the changes of roles in Chinese
Teacher: Discuss in groups of four so as to finish the grid. Ten minutes later some groups of
you are expected to make presentations on this issue of discussion, and then the others will be
invited to make comments on your performance. The comments should involve the presentation
of the real-life situation and the English you use for the changes of roles in Chinese families.

Task 2: Discussing on the topic questions
Each of the students will read different question. Then write their answers before the group

4. Read and Explore
Lexical preparation for Passage A
Step 1 Word study
Key words and expressions:
criticize, trend, mirror, proportion, abusive, merit, exception, deserve, applaud, fulfill,
flexibility, obligation, devalue, refer to, as opposed to, call for, by the same token

Students are given 7 minutes to pick up the sentences containing the words and expressions
from Passage A which are displayed on PPT. The teacher may assign each group two or three
words or expressions.
Teacher: Please do fast reading of Passage A and pick up the sentences containing the words
and expressions displayed on PPT. Group 1 are responsible for the first two words, Group 2…
Sentences to be picked up:
(1) At first, it seemed petty to criticize an entertaining family movie because of one small
point. ( Para. 1)
(2) This is only one example of the media trend toward marginalizing fathers, which mirrors
enormous social changes in the United States. ( Para. 2)
(3) A high proportion of media stories about fathers focus on abusive husbands or deadbeat

dads. ( Para. 4)
(5) It seems that the only time fathers merit attention is when they are criticized for not
helping enough with the housework.. ( Para. 4)
(7)One exception to the “unnecessary father” syndrome is the glowing media attention that
at-home dads have received. ( Para. 5)
(8) I do not mean to imply that at- home dads do not deserve support for making this
commitment. (Para. 5)
(9) I only mean to point out the double standard at work when at-home dads are applauded
while at-home mothers and breadwinner fathers are given little, if any, cultural recognition.
( Para. 5)
(10)The very language we use to discuss men‟s roles (i.e., deadbeat dads) shows a lack of
appreciation for the majority of men who quietly yet proudly fulfill their family
responsibilities. ( Para. 6)
(11) It is rare that calls for more workplace flexibility are considered to be for men as much as
for women. (Para. 6)
(12) Our society acts as if family obligations are not as important to fathers as they are to
mothers — as if career satisfaction is what a man's life is all about. ( Para. 6)
(13) We must acknowledge how we have devalued fatherhood and work to show men how
necessary, how important they are in their children‟s lives. (Para. 8)
(14) David Blankenhorn, in his book Fatherless America, refers to this trend as the
“unnecessary father” concept. ( Para. 2)
(15) We are bombarded by stories about the struggles of working mothers (as opposed to
non-working mothers, I suppose). ( Para. 3)
(16) It is rare that calls for more workplace flexibility are considered to be for men as much
as for women. (Para. 6)
(17) By the same token, sole wage earners have less flexibility when it comes to leaving
unsatisfying careers because of the loss of income such a job change entails. (Para. 7)

Step 2 Sentence making
The students make sentences with the following words and expressions in pairs.
devalue, refer to, as opposed to, call for, by the same token
Teacher: Let’s do more practice. Make sentences with each of the words and expressions
displayed on PPT. Three minutes later you’ll read us your sentences.

Step 3 Further study
Words for further study:
bombard; supposedly; when it comes to; take on; at large
The teacher demonstrates the special usage of the words.
Teacher: Now, let’s have a look at the special usage of some of the key words.
(1)bombard v.
— worry with questions, requests, complaints, etc.
--- e.g. The audience bombarded him with many questions.
(2) supposedly ad.
— as believed, as it appears

e.g. Supposedly she is a rich woman., but no one knows for sure.
(3)… when it comes to … ad.
— when it concerns…
it comes to politics, I‟m an absolute outsider.

(4)take on v.
— undertake, charge oneself with; assume responsibility for; employ
e.g. They took her on as a secretary in the company.

(5) at large ad.
— in general
e.g. Did the people at large approve of the government‟s decision?

Assignment for this session
1. Pair work
Two pairs of students do Communicative task 2 according to the topic questions.
Performance in class is necessary in the next session.
2. Individual work
1) The students learn the new words of Passage A by heart.
2) The students listen to and read Passage A aloud for at least two times.
3. Group work
The students do the pre- reading exercise of Passage A in groups.

Session 2 (90-100 minutes)
1. Group discussion
The students are given three minutes to do Communicative Task 2 in groups. Then some groups
give their performance in class. The other students make comments on the performance
according to their presentation of the situation, the language they use and the fluency they
Teacher: For today’s oral practice, first let’s do Communicative Task 2. I’d like to give you two
minutes to rehearse it, and then you’ll give us your performance. Some pairs will be invited to
make comments on your performance according to your presentation of the situation, your
language and its fluency and pronunciation.

2. Read and Explore
Passage A The Unsung Heroes: What about Working Dads
Step 1 Warm-up questions
1. Do you think fathers are as important to children as mothers are? Why or why not?
2. What‟s the image of a “good family man”?
3. A “working father” as a family bread winner is often too busy to take care of his family.
Now people have a negative image of the “working father”. What do you think of the
„working father”?
Step 2 Analyzing the passage structure
The students are given five minutes to analyze the structure of Passage A in groups.
Teacher: Please work in groups for 5 minutes so as to see how many parts the passage
falls into.
Structure of Passage A


Paras 1-2

Paras. 3-6
Para. 7-9

Step 3 Understanding the details of each part
The students are given ten minutes to have a group discussion of the questions given on PPT
according to the structure analysis of the passage.
Teacher: Please work in groups for ten minutes to discuss the questions given on PPT according
to the structure analysis of the passage we’ve done.
Questions for discussion on PPT:
1. What idea does the author mean to express in the example of Toy Story?
(What does the husband ask: Where was the dad?
What does the author feel about that question: the more I thought about it, the more glaring
and omission it seemed.
What social phenomenon does it reveal: fathers are marginalized.)
The teacher may use the following outline as tips for the group discussion:
What does the husband ask:
What does the author feel about that question:
What social phenomenon does it reveal:
2. What is the general image of working father as conveyed by the media?
( abusive husband
Deadbeat dads

Main idea

The media trend toward diminishing the importance of fathers in
the United States

Little attention and cultural recognition being given to
breadwinner fathers
The important role of fathers in families

Not helping enough with housework)
The teacher may use the following outline as tips for the group discussion:

3. What do people recognize now about the role of fathers?
(Absence of fathers from families causes serious problems for children and for society at
Man‟s role is not only for financial support, but also for emotional support, education and
Step 4 Understanding the words and expressions used to argue for the roles of fathers
The students work in pairs to summarize the words used for arguing for the roles of fathers.
Teacher: Please read the first paragraph again and summarize in pairs the words used for arguing
for the roles of fathers.
One minute later.
Tell us all the words you’ve summarized.
(not even; unnecessary; at large; need to realize; acknowledge; not only…but…)

Step 5 Understanding the structure of argumentation
The students work in groups to find out the structure of argumentation.
Teacher: Please have a group discussion to find out the structure of argumentation.
Media trend of marginalizing fathers in households (Para., 1-3)
Negative image of fathers and ignorance to their contributions to families(Para., 4-7)
Fathers are of the same important role to children and to the society, and they are the unsung
heroes (Para., 8-10)
Step 6 Understanding the title of the passage
The students have a group discussion to answer the following question:
Teacher: Please work in groups to answer my last question: Why is the passage entitled
“The Unsung Heroes: What about Working Dads”?
Step 7 Sentence writing
The students do Exercise 9.
Assignment for this session
1. Oral work

Prepare as many questions as possible about the role of the father in the family and interview
your classmates.

2. Written work
Write a short passage of 120 words or so on the topic “Men are different from women in many
3. Exercises 2-8

Session 3 (90-100 minutes)
1. Oral work
The students talk about the role of father in the family in groups first and then one of them is
assigned to represent his group to do class presentation.
Teacher: For today’s first oral practice, let’s talk about the role of the father in the family
according to Passage A. I’d like to give you five minutes to practice it in groups, and then the
representative of your group will do the presentation in class. Some of you are to be invited to
make comments on your performance according to the following assessment standard.
Commentary tips on PPT:
1) the content
2) the language
3) the fluency
4) intonation and pronunciation

2. Class discussion of Exercises 2-8
The students raise their questions and the teacher has a discussion with them.

Reading Skills Practice: Recognizing Generalizations
Step 1 Skill study
The Students are expected to read the definition of the skill and try to answer the questions
listed on PPT.
Teacher: Please read the definition of the skill and work in pairs to answer the questions listed
on PPT.
Question on PPT:
(1) How to tell details from generalizations?
(2) How can the method profit you?

Step 2 Skill Practice
The students do Exercise 18 and the teacher holds the discussion with them.

Read and Explore Passage 2 A Manifesto for Men
Step 1 Warm-up questions
1. Does your father have a say in every aspect of your family life?
(Yes, but not in every aspect. In my family, it‟s my father who makes big or important
2. Who is emotionally closer to you, your mother or your father? Why?
(I feel my mother is closer to me, because she gives me more support emotionally when I get

into trouble.)
3. What‟s the traditional role of men are expected to take up in society?
(Men are supposed to be breadwinners of a family, to be strong, confident and successful, etc.)
Step 2 Fast reading and class discussion

The students first do fast reading of Passage B with the help of the reading skill of “Key
Word Reading” within 8 minutes and try to finish Ex. 12. A class discussion of the keys to the
exercise will be held by the teacher.
Teacher: OK, let’s come to the passage. Please do fast reading of Passage B with the help of
recognizing generalizations within 8 minutes and try to finish Ex.12.
Eight minutes later.
Which did you choose for number one( two, three, four, five)? Can you tell us the sentence
that indicates the key?
Sentences indicating the keys to Ex. 12:
1. [D] We have failed to understand the opportunities of this century's greatest and most
enduring social movement, the collapse of the sexual division of labour.. (Para. 1)
2. [C] It forced us into a narrow sense of ourselves as workers, which fell apart when we
were sacked, retired or fell ill.( Paras. 3)
3. [A] Yet expecting work to support our sense of self so fundamentally is a mistake. (Para.
4. [C] Man is not the opposite of woman. Fathers, too, can fulfil all a child's needs. (Para.
5. [A] The whole passage.

Step 3 Group discussion
The students work in groups to discuss and finish filling in the blanks of exercise 13. Then the
teacher holds a class discussion of the answers to the questions.
Teacher: Now, work in groups for 5 minutes to fill in the blanks in Exercise 13.
Five minutes later.
What did you fill in for number one (two, three, four, five)?
No.1 ( redefine)
No. 2(sphere)
No. 3(accomplishment
No. 4 ( opposite)
No. 5 ( playmates)

Step 4 Class discussion of difficult points
The teacher holds a class discussion of the difficult language points the students may enquire
Teacher: Now, you’ve got a better understanding of the story by discussing all the questions in
Ex. 12 & 13. Is there any sentence or word that you still don’t understand? OK, let’s come to
the key words and expressions.

Step 5 Word study

The students make sentences with one of the words and expressions on PPT, imitating the
related sentences in the passage.
Teacher: Please make a sentence with one of the words and expressions on the screen within
one minute, and then you are expected to read your sentence in class.
Words and expressions on PPT:
Get in the way of, equality, fall apart, sack, sour, define, rule out, sustain, initiate, initiative, take
up, hang on to

Standby examples:
1. take up
—to start doing something regularly as a habit, job, or interest.
e.g. I took up smoking when I was at school.

2. definition.
—a statement of what a word or expression means.
e.g. The definition of „family‟ has changed over the years.

3. sour
—if a relationship or situation sours or something sours it, it stops being successful or
e.g. Mutual accusations soured the peace talks.
Relations between them have soured.

4. in thesb’s way
— stopping sb from moving or doing sth.
e.g. Can I move the books? They‟re in my way.
I won‟t stand in your way if you‟re really determined.

5. the initiative
— the opportunity to take action before other people do.
e.g. She would have to take the initiative in order to improve their relationship.
We have lost the initiative and allowed our opponents to dominate the discussion.

5. Write and Produce
General Writing Description of structure and organization
Step 1 Concepts clarification
The teacher asks a student to sum up the major elements of the structure and organization and
holds a discussion of the questions the students may ask..
Teacher: what are the major elements of the structure of a text? How do we usually organize a
Standby examples

1. general introduction.
2. identitynature of the organization.
3. scalestatus of the organization.
4. principle of the organization
5. business scope of the organization

Step 2 Useful expressions and sentence patterns
The students are expected to write a complex sentence with the following sentence patterns for
describe the identity, principle, scale and scope of an organization.

Teacher: Now, let’s do some practice of the sentence patterns. Please write a complex sentence
with the following sentence patterns for describe the identity, principle, scale and scope of an
organization in groups. And then, read your sentence in class.

It aims principally at …
The organization will follow its motto …
It will persist in (adhere to) the principle of …
Following the principle of …, the organization will …

Step 3 More practice
The students do Exercise 20.
Practical Writing Job Advertisement
Model 1 Job advertisement for nurse practitioner
Step 1 Content analysis
The teacher may take Sample 1 as an example for the analysis of the content of Job
advertisement, and explain the words and expressions marked in red.
Teacher: Please read Sample 1 and work in pairs for five minutes to discuss what should be
covered in a Job Advertisement..

Sample 1 on PPT:
June 8
, 2008
Baystate Medical Center Springfield, MAN
Nurse PractitionerPhysician Assistant — Wound Care
Full time
Day Evening At Weekends
Responsible for performing duties involving clinical patient assessments and direct patient
care to support the plan of patient care. Also includes patient education, counseling, and other
direct duties related to Wound Care for inpatients and out patients.
REQUIREMENTS Knowledge of physical assessment. Excellent communication, patient
assessment and teaching skills required. The knowledge and skills identified are typically acquired
through graduation from an accredited school of nursing and an accredited nurse practitioner or
physician assistant program. MA registration and certification as Adult Medicine Nurse

Practitioner required. Or PA licensure. Minimum of 3 years previous experience preferred.
Previous wound care experience required. Female preferred.
Contact Information
BHS, Recruitment Office280 Chestnut Street, Springfield, MA 01199Tel:
413-794-3666Fax: 413-794-3325Email: ter@:

Content covered:
1. Duties and responsibilities
2. Requirements of qualifications
3. Requirements of experiences
4. Contact information
the relevant sentences used an application letter for holiday insurance in Sample 1.
Teacher: Please work in groups for five minutes to summarize the sentences often used for job
advertisement in Sample 1.

Sentences summarized:
1. Responsible for performing duties involving clinical patient assessments and direct patient
care to support the plan of patient care.
2. The knowledge and skills identified are typically acquired through graduation from an
accredited school of nursing and an accredited nurse practitioner or physician assistant
3. Minimum of 3 years previous experience preferred.

Model 2 Job advertisement for sales manager
Step 1 Content analysis
The teacher may take Sample 2 as an example for the analysis of the content of job
advertisement, and explain the words and expressions marked in red.
Teacher: Please read Sample 2 and work in pairs for five minutes to understand what should
be covered in a job advertisement.
Sample 2 on PPT:
Western Times 8th July 2002
Company Name: Pella Windows & Doors, Inc.
Company Description
We are growing like crazy! Pella Windows & Doors, Inc. is in search of an individual who has
the desire to work in a dynamic, team-oriented environment. Pella Corporation, located in Pella,
Iowa, is ranked 21st on Fortune magazine’s fourth annual “100 Best Companies to Work for”
Job Description & Responsibilities
To learn more about the Fortune ranking, go to and find “Pella” on the
“Companies to Work For” list. We are a distributor of high quality window & door products
located in Carol

Stream, IL. Owing to our unique market strategy and tremendous growth, we have an immediate
opening for a Sales Manager.
This individual will be responsible for supervising four Pella Windowscaping Centers, including
scheduling, training, interviewing, evaluating and developing skills of employees. Manage the
activities of employees performing various sales support and customer service functions, while
striving to achieve customer satisfaction.
Experience & Education
The right candidate (male preferred) will have experience managing a diverse group of sales
people, have a proven record of leadership ability, have excellent customer relations skills and a
high level of energy and professionalism. The ability to multi-task, be mobile and stay on top of
several projects simultaneously are a must.
A background or working knowledge of residential andor commercial construction, the
windowdoor industry andor remodeling is helpful. If you have a great attitude and are anxious to
step into an opportunity with a tremendous opportunity for growth — send us your resume.
Pella offers a competitive wage and benefits package including bonuses and profit sharing. If
qualified, please send your resume to: Pella Windows & Doors, Inc, 112 Alexandra Way, Carol
Stream, IL 60188. Fax: 630-588-3890. Email: jobs@.

Content covered:
1. the company description
2. the job description
3. qualifications required
4. contact information

Step 2 Sentence study
The relevant sentences used in an insurer‟s reply for holiday insurance in Sample 2.
Teacher: Please work in groups for five minutes to summarize the sentences used for job
advertisement in Sample 2.

Sentences summarized:
1. Pella Windows & Doors, Inc. is in search of an individual who has the desire to work in a
dynamic, team-oriented environment.
2. The right candidate (male preferred) will have experience managing a diverse group of sales
people, have a proven record of leadership ability, have excellent customer relations skills
and a high level of energy and professionalism.
3. Pella offers a competitive wage and benefits package including bonuses and profit sharing.

Assignments for this session

1. Do Exercises 14-21.
2. Task-based PPT group project :
Making a survey on the family roles in China and reporting to the class by
using PPT

Directions: A group of four students
makes a survey on the family roles in China and
report to the class by using PPT.
Two students are expected to conduct the survey among their
classmates and the other two do the reporting. The project should be assigned to two groups, who
should give a presentation in the next class.







