
2020年10月18日 08:44



Unit 4
1.3 Reading Comprehension
1.3.1. Fill in the following table with relevant details from the passage

Research objective investigate perceptions of English needs in a
medical context among college students in Taiwan.
Research subjects 341 medical students in the Department of
Medicine, including 97 freshmen, 74 sophomores,
90 juniors, and 80 seniors, and 20 faculty members
in the medical program
Research location at Chung Shan Medical College in Taichung,
Taiwan, China.
Materials Two questionnaires

Procedure The questionnaire given to the medical students.
And The faculty questionnaire given to 20 teachers
Statistical analysis The data were computer- analyzed using an SPSS

1.3.2. Understand more about Method Section of this research. What do you know
about the questionnaire used in the survey?

The questionnaire to students includes:

·students’ questionnaire includes five sections of 23 questions:

1) demographic information

2) importance of English in college and professional careers,

3) perceived language skill needs and problems,

4) the activities needed in a freshman language course, and

5) suggestions for development of course content and

materials as well as demographic information.

·The faculty questionnaire consisted of four sections of l6

questions, which were parallel to those in the version given to

the students except no demographic information was gathered

(see Appendix).

2.1.1 Go over the Reading Passage and mark the verbs in passive voice and then
complete the following table:


Information elements in Method


Data analysis

Verbs in passive voice
were developed, were sent to, were given
were translated, piloted and modified;
given to, was gathered
were computer- analyzed, were
determined, were computed, were
conducted, held by
were chosen, was given, were asked, is
scored, omitted,
is given, considered, are scored,
are added, are accompanied
2.2.1 The following sentences describe a process of making paper. Use sequential words
and rewrite them into a cohesive paragraph.

Firstly, the logs are placed in the shredder. Then they are cut into small chips
which are mixed with water and acid. After that, they are heated and crushed to a
heavy pulp which is cleaned. It is also chemically bleached to whiten it. Later, it is
passed through rollers to flatten it. Then sheets of wet paper are produced. finally, the
water is removed from the sheets which are pressed, dried and refined until the
finished paper is produced.

2.2.2 Read the following sentences. They are all taken from method sections from
different research articles. In each case, determine which information element is
1. subjects, 2. material, 3. procedure, ew, 5. statistical treatment, 6. procedure
and material, 7. sampling, 8. research location

3.1 Completing sentences
Complete the following paragraph by translating Chinese into English.
1) The questionnaire was administered
2) completed the questionnaire
3) Background information about these participants is presented in Table 2
4) The mean age of the participants was approximately 29 years old
5) the years of working experience was six on the average

1c, 2 e, 3 d, 4 f , 5g, 6 b, 7 I, 8 a , 9h
3.3 Rewriting sentences
(1) Table 2 shows the number of students per level and their Ll language backgrounds


(2) Two questionnaires administered respectively to the personnel officers and
business employees show a similar result in terms of their perception of the use
of English in their firm.
(3) The scores of the two raters were averaged and entered for statistical analysis.
(4) The model used in the experiment was a modified version of the 2009 Test
package, originally developed by the Morrison Research Institute.
(5) Gray (1998) studied the effectiveness of the new schedule, using scores on the
Stanford Achievement Test as the measure.
(6) After the teacher explained the directions, the students began to write.
( place modifiers so that they clearly modify what you intend them to modify )
(7) Students achieved better results, although the schedule was in effect only 1 year.
(Put the main idea in the main clause )
(8) After putting the assignment on the board, the teacher found by checking the
roll that three students were absent. (Too many ands

(9) Because many school administrators seem interested in making only simple and
inexpensive changes, they have been overly receptive to simplistic solutions.
( avoid inserting long modifiers between the subject and the verb )
(10) Many people are reluctant to install solar energy systems because of the large
capital investment required. ( avoid using subordinate clauses that modify other
subordinate clauses )
3.4 Turning notes into a passage
A taste test was conducted to determine student’s preferences and attitudes toward
sugar- sweetened and artificially-sweetened beverages. Ten people, five male and five female
students, from Science English class 1 were chosen at random to participate in the test. The
materials used were thirty straws, two cups, one blindfold, and two containers of Kool-Aid, a
popular drink in the United States. One container held four cups of orange Kool-Aid sweetened
with one half cup of sugar. The other container held four cups of orange Kool-aid sweetened with
9 packets of Nutrasweet brand artificial sweetener.
The steps included in the test were as follows. Ten volunteer students were chosen, five male
students and five female students. They were placed into two lines, one for males and the other for
females. Alternately, men and women completed the taste test. To complete the test a blindfold
was first fastened over the eyes of the tester so that heshe could not see. Then the two cups were
filled with beverage, one with artificially- sweetened Kool-Aid and the other with sugar- sweetened
Kool-Aid. The tester was then asked three questions from a survey and the answers were tabulated.
Next, using a straw, the tester took a sip from each cup. Then the final two questions on the survey
were asked and the answers tabulated. Finally, the remaining drink was thrown away, and the next
tester came forward to repeat the process.








