
2020年10月20日 06:49



Unit 14 I remember all of you in Grade7
Section B 2a—2c Reading
1.(92%学生)能根据构词法、图片及上下文猜测词汇以下单词的用法:gentleman, < br>graduation,ceremony,congratulate,thirsty,thankf ul,lastly,task,ahead,responsible
, separate, 能表述出下列短语并能熟练运用set out。first of all,be thirsty for,
along with, be thankful to sb.,, ahead of,be responsible for,
2.(88%学生)通过运用mind-map 和做笔记,抓住 主题句和结构细节,通过快速阅读,找
到本文是什么题材,什么样的写作方式。可能会是什么人写的,为 什么要写,什么情况下读
3. (90%学生)能基于2b文本的理解,能够体会出文章作者的意图以及对大家的寄望。
4. 对毕业演讲做一定得了解,想想自己看过的一些毕业演讲作对比。
情感态度目标 珍惜美好的今天,对于未知的将来,用完全的准备并且怀着一颗感恩的心,去面对以后的困
难和美好 。

Congratulations to all the students.------ Show his pride.
Remind all the students not to forget all the people who helped them. Be thankful
for them.
Never give up. Keep trying. Hope best for the future.

1. 口头评价,一直贯穿始终,口头上对于学生的学习情况和回答问题做出评价。
2. 书面评价,对于学生上课的书面输出,利用等级评语做出评价指导。
3. 生生评价,学生之间互评。
4. 学生自评。
5. 小组评价,贯穿始终。

【课堂流程】 (口头评价,小组评价一直贯穿始终)
I. Pre-reading
Step1, Warm-up
Watch a video, (many picture with a graduation music) Give them a hint of the
graduation ceremony.
Ask “ What does this video remind you of?”

II. while-reading (教师评价+生生评价+学生自评)
Step2, Scanning
“What day is it today?”Choose the best question. Look at the picture in this passage
and try to predict.
Quickly read the passage to see what kind of writing it is, who wrote it and why
it was written. There are two questions for students and let them find the best
Step3, detail reading
Read Para1,fill in the blanks.
1. When you were starting Grade 7, you were full of________and thirsty for
2. Today, you talented young adults are full of _____ _______ ______ _______.
energy, knowledge, hope for the future are important words in Para1.
Read Para2 and think about your past three years, discuss the following three
questions with your partners.
1. Did you work alone and have succeeded by yourself?
2. Who did help and support you?
3. Is there anyone you want to say
Main idea:
Never fail to be thankful to the people around you.
On the journey of your life, there are always someone around you. They help you,
support you and love you. Be thankful to the people around you.
Read Para 3
There are two sides of the new life.

One: harder, difficult, mistakes
Two: exciting things, chances, new things
What should we do to face them?
1, The key is to learn from your mistakes and never give up.
2, Choose wisely and be responsible for your decisions and actions.
Face everything bravely
Step 4,writing (书面评价)
Write few sentences about your dream future and what you want to do in the future.

III. Post- reading
Step 5,
Watch a video of the Information Age.
In the future, Information and knowledge will become even more important, and the
people who own it, whether they work in factory services, will have the advantage
and produce the wealth.
Knowledge is power.
It's time to say goodbye, as you set out on your new journey, please remember where
you came from.
Step7, Homework
1, Think about your future, write a article named or “My dream
2, imitate the passage in activity 2b.

This is a
speech. Group Stars
The past three years ----- Be thankful

The new life ------ Two sides







