
2020年10月20日 06:49



Teaching Plan



Teaching Plan

Name : Shan Kunyan & Cao Huixian No: 114050282 & 114050281

Teaching Materials: Go for It (Unit 6 : Do you like bananas ?) ( period: 1 )

Students’ level : Junior 1
1:Teaching content :SectionA(1a-1c)
(1)Vocabulary: food, hamburger, tomato, ice-scream, salad, strawberry, pear, milk,
bread, ,apple, banana
(2)Structure : YesNo questions and short answers
Affirmative and negative statement
Examples : Do you like bananas?
Yes , I do .No , I don’t.
Do you like salad ?
Yes , I do .No , I don’t.

2:Teaching aim :
(1) To learn to use words about some foods .
(2) To enable students to ask and answer easy questions about likes and dislikes .

3: Function : Talk about likes and dislikes about foods .

4: Teaching methods : 3P model

5: Teaching aids: pictures , real objects , stick figures

6: Teaching Time: 45 minutes

T: Good afternoon ,class, how are you today ?
Ss : I am fine ,thanks .
T: how is the weather today ?
Ss : It’s sunny. It’s rainy. It’s cloudy .
Presentation : (17minutes)

1. Teaching new words and structures(15 minutes)

T: Ok ,all right . Last unit , we learned some words about sports and some ask and
answer questions about the topic . Today we are going to learn unit 6 , yesterday I
gave you a guidance case ,I believe you have previewed it. And now ,I’ll give you 3
minutes to have a quick look of first page. And you need to tell me the topic . Ok ,begin.
T : Blackboard : Do you like bananas?
banana tomato ice-cream ?(when Ss read the book .)
T :Tell me what the topic is ?
Ss : Foods BananasDo you like bananas ?(Different answers )
T : Very good ! today we will learn something about foods.
T : Now ,look at the blackboard and read after me.
T :Do you like bananas ?
Ss : Do you like bananas ?
T : Do you like bananas ?
Ss : Do you like bananas ?
T : Ok ,great!
T : Now ,I will show you something and you need to tell me what are they .
T :First ,what’s this? (Show the real banana to Ss)
Ss : 香蕉banana .
T : Yes , you’re right. This is a banana . Now look at the black board and read after
me ,banana.

Ss: banana
T : banana
Ss : banana
T : banana
Ss : banana
T : Excellent !
T :Let’s spell it together .
Ss&T : b-a-n-a-n-a
T : banana
Ss : banana
T : Can you tell me what’s the Chinese meaning of “ do you like banana?”
T : Volunteer , any volunteer.
T : Ok ,the girl .
S1 : 你喜欢吃香蕉吗?a wrong answer
T : Very good! Thank you ! And tell him or her the answer.
T: So if you like to eat it ,you can say “yes ,I do.”if you don’t like it ,you can say “no ,I
T: Ok, next one . what’s this ? (Show a real tomato)
T:Great!This is a tomato .And also ,这是一个西红。
T: everyone , read after me, tomato .
Ss : tomato
T: tomato
T: tomato
Ss: tomato
T : Do you like tomatoes ?
S2(随机叫):Yes ,I do .no ,I don’t.
T :Good .

T:Let’s move on.
T: Look at this beautiful picture ,boys and girls. What’s this?
T: You are so smart . This is ice-cream .冰淇淋.
T: Now read after me, ice-cream
Ss: ice-cream
T: ice- cream
Ss: ice-cream
T: ice-cream
Ss: ice-cream
T : Do you like ice-cream ?
S3(随机叫): Yes ,I do .No ,I don’t.
T : Do you like ice-cream ?
S4(随机叫): Yes ,I do .No ,I don’t.
Use the similar way to teach the other words .
T: Well done. Let’s read these words 3 times together
.Ss: Read the words on the blackboard 3 times

Practice : (14minutes)
work : (6minutes)
T : Now let’s do group work : Everybody , look the picture in 1a ,there are many
foods on the picture . You need to match the left words with the picture , you can
talk to your partner . I will give you 4 minutes .
T : Walk around in the classroom and listen to students’ conversations.
4minutes later
T : Who can tell me the answer, any volunteer .

T:Thank you .

2:Listening practice (5minutes)
T:Ok ,class .Now ,let’s do a simple listening practice.
T: Look at 1b ,there are 3 conversations. You need to listen and number the
conversations . Do you understand ?(In fact ,there is the Chinese meaning of the title
in the book.)
Ss: Yes.
T: Are you ready? Then play the type the first time .
ing material :1. Do you like salad?
No I don”t.
2. Do you like oranges?
Yes ,I do .
3. Do you like bananas?
Yes ,I do.
T:Do you all get your answer ?
Ss: YesNo
T: Let’s check it together. Play the first conversation and then stop . So the first one is….
Ss: 第一个
T:Ok , go on . Play the second conversation and then stop . So this is …..
Ss: 第三个
T:Ok. Play the third conversation and then stop.
T: Ask a student to tell the answer. (Right :thank you! Wrong : ask another student for
T: Ask 3 students to read the conversations
Words review: read all the words together including Chinese three times.

3: words review(3minutes)
T: everybody , now I will check your words ,let’s do

an exercise , I will say Chinese and you tell me the English
T: 香蕉冰淇淋梨西红柿草莓牛奶汉堡包
Ss: bananaice- creampeartomatostrawberrymilk
T: well done !

Production (10minutes)
ng case:(4minutes)
T:class ,now take out your learning case and we will do some practice . look at
practice number 3 ,I had took some letters from the words ,you need to complete them,
I will give you 3 minutes for this .
_ppl_ b_n_n_ _r_ng_ t_m_t_ m_lk br_ _d str_b_rry s_l_d
ic_-cr_ _m p_ _r h_mb_rger
3 minutes later , ask students check their answers themselves according to the
rk : (6minutes)
T: ok ,everybody , you need to use these words to ask your partner about likes and
dislikes . Use the structure “Do you like….?Yes I , I don’t.”
T: Write the structure on the blackboard .(3-4minutes)
T : Ask 3 group students to present their conversations.

Ending of the class(2minutes)

T: That’s all for today. And after the class you need to review these words we just
learned and preview next page . I will check your work next class. Do you get it ?
T: Boys and girls , you are free now .







