
2020年10月22日 14:20




* 划线单词为课本完全没有学过,其他单词课本没有学过该中文意思。“非黑”指教材中的非黑体单词。

about adv. 到处,四处 prep. 在各处;四处
e.g. Let's look about for help. 让我们四处寻求帮助
Let’s plant trees about the house. 我们在房子周围种树吧。

ache vi.&n. 痛,疼痛
e.g. I ache all over. 我浑身疼痛。
He has an ache in the back. 他的背痛。

act n. 法令,条例 v. 行动,做事
e.g. An Act forbidding the killing of rare animals was passed yesterday.
Think before you act! 三思而后行!

advertisement n. 广告 [C] (缩写 ad)
e.g. The wall was covered with advertisements. 墙上贴满了广告。

afford vt. 抽得出(时间);提供
e.g. I am too busy to afford an hour for lunch. 我忙得抽不出一小时吃午饭。
Soccer is a sport affording good exercise. 足球是一项使人获得良好锻炼的运动。

against prep. 反对
e.g. We won our match against that team. 我们在比赛中赢了那个队。
No one is against this bill. 没有人反对这个议案。

age n.时代
e.g. the Stone Age 石器时代 the computer age 计算机时代 the Ice Age 冰川纪

agreement n. 协定
e.g. The agreement was signed during a meeting at the UN. 这个协定是在联合国的一次会议上签订的。

airline n. 航空公司
e.g. international airline国际航线; 国际航空公司

alone adj. 单独的,孤独的
e.g. He was alone in the house. 他独自一人在家里。

along adv. 向前,和…在一起,一同
e.g. Pass the note along. 请将条子传过去。
A bill came along with the package. 清单与包裹一并到达。

among prep. 在(三个以上)之间
e.g. Shenyang is among the largest industrial cities in China. 沈阳是中国最大工业城市之一。

answer n.&v. 回信
e.g. Have you had an answer to your letter?你的信是否有了回信?

area n. 面积
e.g. Australia is large in area, but small in population. 澳大利亚面积辽阔,但人口很少。

article n. 东西,冠词
e.g. The woman first bought a few small articles. 这个妇女先买了些小商品

as adv.&conj. 因为 prep. 作为
e.g. As you are tired, you had better rest. (既然)你累了, 最好休息一下。
He worked as a teacher. 他当教师。

Asian adj. 亚洲的,亚洲人的 n. 亚洲人
e.g. The map shows 48 Asian countries with their capitals. 这幅地图显示了48个国家及其首都。

ask vt. 邀请
e.g. I’d like to ask them to dinner. 我想请他们吃饭。

available adj. 有用的,有效的
e.g. These tickets are available for one month. 这些票有效期一个月。

awake (awoke, awoken) v. 唤醒, 醒来
e.g. Her voice awoke the sleeping child. 她的声音惊醒了睡着的小孩。
I awoke from a deep sleep. 我从沉睡中醒来。

awkward adj. 尴尬的;难对付的,棘手的;不方便的;笨拙的
e.g. Amy made an awkward gesture with her hands. 艾米笨拙地做了个手势。
It was small, but very awkward to carry. 它虽然小,但不便携带。
He asked a lot of awkward questions at the meeting. 他在会议上提了很多令人尴尬的问题。

back adj. 后面的 n. 背后,后部;背

bank n. 堤岸
e.g. He jumped into the river and swam to the opposite bank. 他跳下河游到了对岸。

beat v. 跳动,打赢 n.(音乐)节拍
e.g. We couldn't beat them in last Sunday’s basketball game. 上周日的篮球赛上,我们战胜不了他们。
My heart beat quickly before the exam. 考试前我的心跳得厉害。

bee n. 蜜蜂

behavior n. 行为,举止
e.g. Everyone praises the children's good behavior. 每个人都赞扬孩子们的好行为。

besides prep. 除…以外(还有)
e.g. We have no other dictionaries besides these. 除了这些辞典外, 我们没有别的辞典了。

bill n. 账单,法案,议案;钞票,纸币
e.g. a 10-dollar bill 一张10美元的钞票
If you don't pay the bill, the telephone company may disconnect your telephone.

blow v. 刮风
e.g. The winds blow across the sea, pushing little waves into bigger and bigger ones.

board n. 委员会;(政府的)部 v. 寄宿 (学过boarding school)
e.g. The board of the directors agreed to give Mr White the job. 董事会同意聘用怀特先生。

boat v. 划船
e.g. They were fond of boating. 他们喜欢划船。

book v. 预订,订(房间、车票)
e.g. The hotel is fully booked up. 旅馆房间已经全部给人预定了。

breath n. 气息,呼吸
e.g. How long can you hold your breath under water? 在水下你能屏住气多长时间?

breathe vi. 呼吸(非黑)
e.g. The doctor told him to breathe in deeply and then breathe out. 医生叫他先深深吸一口气,然后再呼气。

bright adj. 聪明的
e.g. a bright child 一个聪慧的孩子 a bright idea 一个聪明的见解

build vt. 建筑,造
e.g. He built a model ship out of wood. 他用木头造了个模型船。

burn v. 使晒黑
e.g. He burnt his face in the sun. 他晒黑了脸。

business n. 工作,职业,职责,事业
e.g. It's a teacher's business to make children learn. 使学生学习是老师的责任。

by prep. 靠近,在…旁,在…时间,不迟于
e.g. She was standing by the window and watching the children play. 她站在窗户旁边看着小孩玩耍。
He'll be here by 4 o’clock tomorrow. 他最迟明天四点就到这儿。

can n. 罐
e.g. Food in cans is called canned food. 装在罐头里的食品叫罐头食品。

Canadian adj. 加拿大的;加拿大人的 n. 加拿大人

cancer n. 癌
e.g. Cancer is a common cause of death in modern society. 癌症是现代社会常见的死亡原因。

cap n. (瓶子的)盖;(钢笔等的)笔套

capital n. 省会;大写;资本
e.g. Write your name in capitals. 用大写字母写你的名字。
Austin is the state capital of Texas. 奥斯丁是得克萨斯州州府。
Companies are having difficulty in raising capital. 各家公司现在很难筹集到资金。

card n. 纸牌,名片
e.g. Let’s play cards. 咱们打牌吧。(用复数形式)

catch v. 染上(疾病)
e.g. You'll catch a cold if you don't put a sweater on. 你不穿上毛衣会感冒的。

cause n. 原因,起因

change n. 零钱,找头 v. 兑换
e.g. I gave him one yuan, and he gave me 20 cents change. 我给了他一块钱,他找了我两毛钱的零钱。
Where can I change my Hong Kong dollars for US dollars? 我在哪儿可以把港币兑换成美钞?

challenge (非黑)n. 挑战;艰巨的任务 v. 向……挑战;反对
e.g. She challenged me to a race. 她要和我比赛赛跑。
Editing this paper is the biggest challenge I have faced in my life.编辑这份报纸是我平生面临的最大挑战。

church n. 教堂,教会
e.g. Many people go to church on Sunday, but others don't. 星期天,许多人去教堂做礼拜,但有的人不去。

clear adj. 清晰的,明亮的,清楚的
e.g. clear water清澈的水;bright, clear colors鲜亮的色彩
It was clear that he wanted to be alone. 很清楚,他想一个人待着。

close v. 关,关闭
e.g. The government closed the road for repairs. 政府封闭公路进行维修。
When does the shop close? 店铺几点关门?

cloud n. 阴影
e.g. under the cloud of night 夜色朦胧中

coach n. 马车,长途车

coat n. 涂层,表皮,皮毛
e.g. The dog has a thick coat of hair. 这狗毛厚。

He gave the wall a coat of white paint. 他把墙壁涂上一层白漆。

colour v. 给…着色,涂色
e.g. Olivia is coloring the picture in her book. 奥莉维亚在给书上的画涂颜色。

company n. 公司

complete adj. 完成的,完全的 (学过completely)
e.g. He is a complete stranger to me. 对我来说,他完全是个陌生人。
When will the work be complete? 这项工作何时完成?

confident adj. 确信的;自信的
e.g. In time he became more confident and relaxed.经过一段时间以后,他变得比较自信和放松了。
Mr. Ryan is confident of the success of his new company. 瑞安先生坚信他的新公司会成功。

cooker n. 炊具

copy n. 抄本,副本,一本 v. 拷贝
e.g. Please send a copy of this letter to Mr Grey. 请把这信的副本送给格雷先生。
a copy of the Shantou Daily 一份《汕头日报》
He was punished for copying during the examination.他因考试时抄袭而被罚。

country n. 乡下
e.g. There are many differences between living in a big city and living in the country.

cross n. 十字形的东西
e.g. the Red Cross (Society) 红十字会 Jesus died on the cross. 耶稣死在十字架上。

daily adv. 每天 n. 日报
e.g. He wrote to her almost daily. 他几乎每天给她写信。

dark n. 黑暗,暗处,日暮 adj. 深色的
e.g. Some small children are afraid of the dark. 有些小孩怕黑。
We could not see in the dark. 在黑暗中我们看不见(东西)。
Be sure to come back home before dark. 天黑之前务必要回家。

date n. 约会

depend vi. 取决于
e.g. Happiness doesn’t depend on who you are or what you have;it depends on what you think.

develop v. 冲洗(照片)
e.g. He is developing a photograph in the darkroom. 他正在暗房里冲洗照片。

difference n. 不同

direct vt. 指挥,指导,监督,管理,指挥,导演
e.g. It is known to all that one's thinking directs one's actions. 众所周知,思想指导行动。
The policeman directed the crowd to move back for safety.为了安全那个警察命令人群往后退。

dish n. 盘装菜,盘形物
e.g. The main dish is fish and potato chips. 主菜是鱼和薯条。

disturb vt. 扰乱,打扰
e.g. Please don't disturb me while I'm working. 当我工作时,请不要打扰我。

downstairs adv. 在楼下,到楼下
e.g. He went downstairs to answer the front door. 他下楼去开前门。

dozen n. 十二个,一打
e.g. -- Eggs are sold by the dozen here. – I want two dozen, please. “这里的鸡蛋是按打卖的。”“我要两打。”

drop n. 滴 v. 投递,放弃
e.g. A few drops of rain landed on the roof. 几滴雨水落在了屋顶上。
She has dropped drinking and is getting better and better. 她戒了酒,身体越来越好。

drug n. 药,药物,毒品
e.g. He does not smoke or take drugs. 他既不抽烟也不吸毒。 painkilling drugs 止痛药

dry v. 使…干,弄干,擦干
e.g. She dried her hair in the sun. 她在太阳底下把头发晒干。

end v. 结束,终止
e.g. The party did not end until midnight. 晚会到半夜才结束。

effect n. 效果;作用;影响
e.g. The changes will have little effect on our daily lives. 这些变化不会给我们的日常生活带来什么影响。

exam n. 检查,审查
e.g. an eye exam 眼部检查

excuse n. 借口,辩解
e.g. Stop making excuses for being late! 别再为迟到找藉口了!

fast adj. 紧密的 adv. 紧密地
e.g. The little girl held fast to her mother’s hand. 小女孩紧紧地抓住妈妈的手。

fat n. 脂肪
e.g. Fruits and vegetables can help you burn fat. 水果蔬菜有助于燃烧脂肪。

fight v. & n. 争论
e.g. He and his wife are always fighting about who will look after the children.

flat n. 一套房间,公寓[C]

fly n. 苍蝇(flies), vi. 飘动 vt. 空运
e.g. They flew supplies to the area which was hit by a snow storm. 他们给暴风雪地区空运物资。

foreigner n. 外国人
e.g. More foreigners are working in Japan than ever before. 在日本工作的外国人比以往任何时候都多。

form n. 表格
e.g. Please fill in the form. 请填写这张表格。

garden v. 从事园艺
e.g. Gardening is good for your health. 园艺对健康有益。

gesture n. 姿势,手势
e.g. He made an angry gesture when he heard the news. 听到这个消息,他做了个生气的手势。

goose (geese) n. 鹅

grandson n. (外)孙子

granny n. 老奶奶,祖母,外婆

greeting n. 祝贺,问候 (学过greet)
e.g. Inside was a greeting card, with a picture of Snoopy. 里面有张贺卡,上面画着史努比。

handwriting n. 书法
e.g. Some students think handwriting is not important any more because of computers.

head n. 才智,首脑,源头,标题
e.g. Peter said he had a poor head for mathematics. 彼得说自己没有数学头脑。
Frank is now the head of a very large business company. 弗兰克现在是一家很大的商业公司的老板。

heaven n. 天,天堂

hold v. 举行,进行
e.g. They are going to hold a yard sale this Saturday. 本周六他们会举行旧货售卖会。

honour n. 荣誉,敬意 vt. 尊敬,给…以荣誉 (非黑)
e.g. I have cooked a special dish in honor of our visitors. 我做了一道特殊的菜向我们的来客表示敬意。
He was honored for his courage in battle. 他因在战斗中的英勇表现而受到尊敬。

hot dog n. 热狗

hurt vt. 伤人感情
e.g. You'll hurt her feelings if you forget her birthday. 如果你忘了她的生日,那会伤她感情的。

ice n. 冰

immediately adv. 立即
e.g. If there is something wrong with the recorder, we will change it for you immediately.

ink n. 墨水, 油墨,(章鱼的)墨液 [U] v. 涂墨水于;签署
e.g. His hands were covered with ink from the newspaper. 他手上沾满了报纸的油墨。
Ritter took his left hand and inked the fingertips. 里特伸出左手,将指尖蘸上了墨水。

insist vi. 坚持,坚持认为
e.g. They insisted that she should be invited. 他们坚持要邀请她。

interest n. 利息
e.g. He lent me the money at 5% interest. 他以百分之五的利息借给我这笔钱。

introduction n. 介绍, 引进
e.g. He encouraged the introduction of new medical treatments. 他鼓励采用新的医疗方法。

Japan n. 日本(小学)

last v. 持续
e.g. The meeting only lasted (for) a few minutes. 会议只持续了几分钟。

lemonade n. 柠檬水[U]

lie n. 谎言 vi. 说谎
e.g. I'm sorry I lied to you. 我很抱歉向你撒了谎。Stop telling lies. 别再撒谎了。

lift v. (云,烟)消散
e.g. By afternoon the smog had lifted. 到下午雾气散尽。

light vt. 点(火), 点燃 adj. 明亮的, 轻的, 浅色的 (lit或lighted)
e.g. We lit the candle and the candle lit the room. 我们点着了蜡烛,蜡烛照亮了房间。

match vt 使相配,使配对
e.g. The color of the shirt does not match that of the coat. 衬衫的颜色与上衣不相配。

matter n. 物质 v. 要紧
e.g. Everything we can see and touch is made up of matter. 我们能看见和摸到的每件东西都由物质组成。

It doesn't matter if I miss this bus. I can walk. 如果我错过了公共汽车不要紧,我可以步行。

mend v. 修理, 修补
e.g. Can you mend the hole in my shirt? 你能补一下我衬衫上的洞吗?

menu n. 菜单
e.g. Let's see what is on the menu today. 让我们看看今天菜单上有什么菜。

mess v. 弄乱,弄脏
e.g. You've messed up the floor again by dropping bits of paper everywhere!
missing adj. 失掉的, 失踪的, 缺少的
e.g. This book has 12 missing pages. 这本书缺了12页。

mistake (mistook, mistaken) vt. 弄错,误认为
e.g. He mistook her for her twin sister. 他把她误认作她的孪生姐姐了

moment n. 片刻, 瞬间
e.g. I'll be back in a moment. 我立刻回来。There is not a moment to be lost. 刻不容缓。

monitor n. 班长, 纠察生, 监视器

monkey n. 猴子 (小学)

motorcycle n. 摩托车

note n. 钞票, 纸币, 音符, 音调
e.g. I changed a ten-yuan note at the bank, because I needed some coins for the ticket machine.

operation n. 手术, 操作
e.g. The operation of a washing-machine is easy. 洗衣机容易操作。
Doctors are performing an operation on her stomach. 医生们正给她的胃做手术。

out adv. 熄
e.g. The fire's gone out. 火熄灭了。

over prep. 越过, 遍及 adv. 越过, 结束
e.g. jump over a wall 跳过一堵墙 go over one's notes 从头到尾看笔记
When we arrived the film was over. 当我们到达时,电影结束了。

package n. 一包, 一袋, 一盒
e.g. Large packages are sometimes left beside the door. 大的包裹有时就放在大门旁边。

paint n. 油漆[U] v. 绘画, 油漆
e.g. There's paint on your clothes. 你衣服上有油漆。He painted the wall light yellow. 他把墙漆成浅黄色。

party n. 党派

passage n. 通道, 走廊
e.g. Sarah was waiting in the passage outside the doctor's room. 萨拉正在医生房间外的走廊等候。

past n. 过去, 昔日, 往事 prep. 走过某处
e.g. We know nothing of his past. 我们一点也不知道他的过去。
The boys ran past us. 这些男孩子跑到我们前面去了。

plate n. 车牌,版块(地质)
e.g. Drivers would have to leave their cars behind once a week, depending on the last digit of the license plate.
The large number of volcanoes around the Pacific plate has earned the name

playground n. 操场, 运动场,儿童游乐场

pleasant adj. 令人愉快的, 舒适的
e.g. We spent a pleasant day in the country. 我们在乡下度过了愉快的一天。

please v. 使人高兴, 使人满意
e.g. It's difficult to please everybody. 很难使每个人满意。He is pleased with his new job. 他对新工作很满意。

pocket n. 口袋

poor adj. 不好的, 差的

pork n. 猪肉[U]

practice v. 练习, 实践
e.g. You won't become a good singer if you don't practice singing.

prove vt. 证明
e.g. Can you prove where you were on May 3rd? 你能证明你5月3日在何处吗?

publish v. 出版,发行;发表;公布
e.g. His latest book of poetry will be published in May. 他的最新诗集将于5月份出版。

purse n. 钱包
e.g. A heavy purse makes a light heart. [谚]袋里有钱, 心里不慌。

race n. 种族, 民族

rather adv. 相当, 宁可 (非黑)

e.g. I'd rather play tennis than swim. 我宁愿打网球,不愿游泳。

recite v. 背诵
e.g. By the age of 5,he was able to recite over 300 Tang poems. 到了五岁他就能背诵三百多首唐诗。

recorder n. 录音机

reduce v. 缩减,减小;简化;
e.g. Taking this medicine reduces the risks of heart disease. 服用这种药物会降低患心脏病的风险。

respect n. 尊敬,尊重;v. 尊重,尊敬;考虑;遵守
e.g. You should respect their customs when visiting their country. 在访问他们国家时你应该尊重他们的习俗。
Arriving on time shows your respect for others. 准时到达显示了你对他人的尊重。

rest n. 剩余的部分,其余的人(物)
e.g. The rest of the evening passed pleasantly. 晚上剩余的时间过得十分愉快

retell vt. 重讲, 重复, 复述

right n. 权利 adv. 正确地,恰恰,完全地
e.g. The accident happened right over there. 事故正好发生在那里。
We want the same rights as the white people in the city. 我们要求和这个城市的白人一样的权利。

rope n. 绳索

rose n. 玫瑰花

round adv. 转过来 prep. 环绕一周,围着
e.g. Turn the picture round. 将这幅画转过来。
The children stood round the teacher. 孩子们围着老师站着。

rubber n. 橡胶, 合成橡胶[U]

rule vt. 统治, 支配
e.g. Try not to let your heart rule your head. 别让感情支配理智。
The king has ruled the country for over 30 years. 国王统治这个国家已有三十多年了 。

run vi. 褪色
e.g. The color of this dress will not run when you wash it. 这裙子洗了也不会掉色。

Russia n. 俄罗斯, 俄国
e.g. Alaska was bought from the Russians in 1867 阿拉斯加是在1867年从俄罗斯人手里购买的。

sail n. 航行 v. 航行, 开航
e.g. She sailed the boat without any help. 她在没有任何帮助的情况下驾船航行。
How many days' sail is it from Dalian to Guangzhou? 从大连到广州有几天的航程?

satisfy v. 使满意, 满足, 符合
e.g. I wasn't satisfied with our treatment at that hotel. 我不满意我们在那家旅馆受到的待遇。

secretary n. 秘书, 书记

set vt. 释放, 安置, 设置 n. 装备, 设备
e.g. I set the table for dinner. 我在桌上摆好餐具准备开
a bedroom set 一套卧室家具 a new set of false teeth 一副新的假牙饭。

shelf (shelves) n. 架子, 搁板, 隔层, 大陆架
e.g. He took the cup off the shelf. 他把杯子从架子上拿走。

ship vt. 用船装运
e.g. The company ships its goods all over the world. 公司把货物运往世界各地。

shop n. 车间

shower n. 阵雨
e.g. The weather becomes cooler after a shower. 阵雨之后天气凉快一些

sight n. 情景, 风景, 视力
e.g. She lost her sight in an accident. 她在一次事故中丧失了视力。
The Great Wall is one of the sights of the world. 长城是世界名胜之一。

single adj. 单一的, 单个的
e.g. a single room 单人房 a single bed 单人床

smart adj. 时髦的 帅的
e.g. My sister always looks smart. 我妹妹看上去总是很时髦。
She always wears smart clothes. 她总穿漂亮的衣服。

soap n. 肥皂(非黑soap opera)
e.g. She washed her hands with soap. 她用肥皂洗手。a cake of soap 一块肥皂

soldier n. 士兵, 战士

solid adj. 结实的,固体的 n. 固体
e.g. She had something to drink but she did not eat any solid food. 她喝了一些饮料,但不吃任何固体食物。

stairs n. 楼梯
e.g. He walked up the stairs slowly. 他慢慢地走上楼梯。

steam n. 汽, 水蒸气
e.g. There was steam coming from the cooking-pot. 水蒸汽从锅里冒出。

stick n. 杖,棍,棒;枯枝;木条;棒状物
e.g. I gathered some sticks to start the fire. 我捡了一些小树枝用来生火。

straight adv. 直接地
e.g. The children went straight home after school. 孩子们放学后直接回家。
I'll say it to you straight: you're wrong. 我坦率地告诉你:你错了

study n. 书房

subject n. 题目, 主题 主语

supper n. 晚餐, 晚饭

supply vt. & n. 供给, 供应
e.g. That company supplies paper to the printers.那家公司向印刷商提供纸张。

survive v. 幸存;生还;幸免于;比...活得长
e.g. If she had been wearing her seatbelt, she might have survived. 她要是系了安全带,也许就不会死。
She will probably survive me by many years. 她可能要比我多活很多年。

symbol n. 象征, 标志, 符号 (非黑)

tale n. 故事, 传说

tent n. 帐篷 (非黑)

thin adj. 薄的, 稀的
e.g. thin air 稀薄的空气 thin soup 稀汤

thought n. 思考, 思想, 念头
e.g. After much thought he decided not to buy the car. 经过仔细考虑后他决定不买汽车了。
She's a quiet girl and doesn't share her thoughts. 她是个内向的女孩,不表露她的想法。

tongue n. 舌头,语言,方言
e.g. Our tongue helps us to talk and to taste things. 我们的舌头帮助我们说话,也帮助我们尝东西(的味道)。
Mother tongue is the first language that a person picks up. 母语是一个人最早学会的一种语言。

toothbrush n. 牙刷

toothpaste n. 牙膏[U]

towel n. 毛巾

train v. 培训, 训练
e.g. Runners train for races. 赛跑者为比赛而训练。

treatment n. 治疗, 疗法
e.g. The doctor's treatment saved his life. 医生的治疗救了他一命。

UK abbr. 联合王国 (小学)

upon prep. 在...上;紧接着;逼近;根据;走上...;爬上...
e.g. The village stands upon a hill. 这个村庄坐落在一座小山上。
Christmas was upon us. 圣诞节即将来临。
once upon a time 很久很久以前

upstairs adv. 在楼上, 到楼上
e.g. He went upstairs and pulled down the blind. 他上楼拉下了百叶窗。

used adj. 用过的
e.g. Jack bought a used car at a low price. 杰克以低价购买了一辆二手车。

useless adj. 无用的
e.g. This is a useless knife — the handle has broken! 这是把没用的小刀,刀把坏了。

vehicle n. 运输工具,车辆
e.g. Cars and trucks are vehicles. 小汽车和大卡车是交通工具。

way n. 方式, 手段
e.g. We had no way to get in touch with her. 我们没办法联系上她。

weak adj. 差的, 淡的
e.g. weak tea – strong tea
Lucy is weak in geography. 露西的地理学得不好。

wheat n. 小麦[U]

wild adj. 野蛮的, 狂野的
e.g. He was roping a wild horse. 他正在用套索套一匹野马。
She's wild about racing cars. 她对赛车有狂热的兴趣

wine n. 葡萄酒,果酒[U]

wise adj. 聪明的, 英明的, 有见识的
e.g. No one is wise at all time. 智者千虑必有一失。


词 组
a bit (of)

e.g. A bit of exercise will help lift his spirits.

a goodgreat many
The dish tastes a bit sweet.
e.g. The little girl knows a good many folk songs by heart. 那个小姑娘记得许多民歌。

a number of 许多
a piece of 一块,一片,一张

add up to
e.g. Those add up to around 25 minutes of ad time. 这些加起来大概有25分钟的广告时间。

after class
e.g. Let's go home together after class ( is over ). 下课以后我们一起回家。

again and again
e.g. He went over his exam paper again and again to make sure that there was no mistakes.

all over
e.g. He got wet all over. 他浑身都湿透了。I've looked for it all over the shop. 我到处都找过了。

all right
e.g. She was ill for a month, but she's all right now. 她病了一个月,但现在好了。
'How was school?' — 'It was all right.' “在学校还好吗?”——“还可以。”

all the best
e.g. All the best in your new job! 祝你在新的工作岗位上一切顺利。

arrive inat a place 到达某地
as a result (作为)结果
as … as 像,如同
at last 最后;终于
at once 立刻,马上
as usual 通常,平常地

as well

e.g. He speaks English and Spanish as well. 他既能说英语, 也能说西班牙语。

be angry with 对(某人)生气

be fond of
e.g. I used to be fond of pop music very much. 我曾经很喜欢流行音乐.
agree to do 同意做某事

be interested in 对...感兴趣
be late for 迟到
both … and … 两个都,既...又...

break in
e.g. The thief had broken in through a first-floor window. 小偷是从二楼的窗户进入屋里的。

break out
e.g. He was 9 years old when the Anti-Japanese War broke out. 抗日战争爆发时他才9岁。

bring up
e.g. I don't know how they manage to bring up four children — they're as poor as church mice.

by airbustrainship 乘飞机(公车、火车、轮船)
by the way 顺便说

carry on
e.g. His encouragement determined us to carry on with the study. 他的鼓励使我们决心继续学下去。

carry out
e.g. Three students were chosen to carry out the experiment.挑选了三名学生进行这项实验。

catch up with
e.g. If you study harder, you will catch up with your classmates.如果你学习更努力些,你会赶上其他同学。

change into
e.g. I'd like to change these U.S. dollars into Renminbi. 我想把这些美元兑换成人民币。

check in
e.g. I'll ring the hotel to tell them we'll check in tomorrow. 我来给旅馆打电话通知他们我们明天入住。

check out 结账

come across
e.g. I was hanging out alone when I came across my old friend. 我独自闲逛时偶遇了我的老朋友。
Have you ever come across this word in the newspaper? 您在报纸上见过这个词吗?

come back 回来,想起来
come down 落,下来
come from 出生于,来自
come to 共计,达到
connect to 连接,相连
day and night 日日夜夜

do one’s best 尽最大的努力

die out
e.g. How did the dinosaurs die out?

be different from 与......不同
do some cleaningshopping 做扫除(买东西)

drop in (drop by 九)
e.g. I' d like to drop in and see you sometime next week. 我想在下周什么时候顺便来看看你。

each other 相互
enjoy oneself 过得愉快

fall behind
e.g. Never fall behind, keep up! 不要落后, 要跟上!

fall into
e.g. Don’t skate on the thin ice, or you’ll fall into the lake. 不要在薄冰上滑冰,不然你会掉进湖里的。

face to face
e.g. I sat down with him face to face.我和他面对面坐下。

fall ill 患病,病倒
far away 遥远的
far from 远离
fill … with … 用...填充

fill in
e.g. Sir, must I fill in the form right now? 先生,我现在必须填表吗?
No, you needn’t. You can complete it later. 不必,你可以稍后完成。

for ever 永远

from now on
e.g. It's getting colder and colder from now on. 从现在起,天气越来越冷了.

from then on
e.g. From then on, the prince and princess lived happily. 从那时起, 王子与公主就幸福地生活在一起.

get away
e.g. I caught three mice, but one got away. 我逮住了三只耗子,但有一只逃脱了。

get back 返回;回来;回家


get down
e.g. He climbed to the top of the tree and then became afraid to get down. 他爬到了树顶上,却害怕再爬下来。

get onalong 上车;进展;相处
getbe ready for 为...做准备
get together 聚会,联欢
give away 赠送;颁发
give back 归还,送回
go fishingskating (去)钓鱼(买东西,滑冰)
go for a walk 散步

go in for
e.g. I go in for stamp collecting and judo. 我爱好集邮和柔道。
She went in for a singing competition. 她参加了一项歌唱比赛。

go on (doing, with) 继续(做某事)
go over 仔细检查,复习

go through 浏览;翻阅;通过;遭受,经历
e.g. South Africa was going through a period of change. 南非正在经历一场变革。
Going through his list of customers is a difficult job. 查阅他的客户名单是个相当费劲的活儿。

had better (do) 最好(做)

hang on
e.g. Hang on, I'll give you some important information. 稍等一下,我给你提供一点重要的信息。

hang up
e.g. She hung up on me.她挂断了我的电话。

have classes 上课
hand in 上交
hear of 听说,知道

help oneself to
e.g. Help yourself to some fish and chips. 请随便吃点鱼和薯条。

hold on
e.g. May I talk to Mr Thomas? 我可以和托马斯先生谈谈吗?

in a hurry 匆忙,很快地

in all
Hold on, your name please, did you make an appointment? 等一下,请问您贵姓,您事先预约了吗?

e.g. There were twenty in all at the meeting. 会上总共有二十人。

in a word
e.g. In a word, I love my school. I find my school life more and more meaningful and colorful.

in danger
e.g. Children's lives are in danger every time they cross this road. 孩子们每次过这条马路都面临着生命危险。

in need of
e.g. Are you often offered help when you are in need of help?你需要帮助的时候,有人经常主动提供帮助吗?

in order
e.g. All goods should be put in order on the shelf before the supermarket opens.

in order that
e.g. In order that every student might understand it, the teacher explained that passage again and again.

为了使每个学生都明白, 老师反复讲解那一段.
in other words
e.g. Joe doesn' t like to work --- in other words, he' s lazy !乔不爱劳动----换句话说,他懒惰!

in surprise
e.g. Tony looked round in surprise. 托尼惊讶地回头看了看。

in the future 在未来,将来

in time
e.g. I arrived just in time for my flight to London. 我及时赶上了飞往伦敦的航班。

join in 参加,加入
just now 刚才
keep doing sth 继续做某事

keep in touch with
e.g. How do you keep in touch with your friends? 你怎样和你的朋友们保持联系?

keep off
e.g. Please keep off the grass. 请勿践踏草地。

keep on
e.g. He kept on until the work was finished. 他一直坚持把工作干完。

keep one’s word

e.g. I said I would help you and I will keep my word. 我说过我会帮你,就会遵守诺言。

keep up
e.g. I hope the good weather will keep up. 我希望好天气会继续下去。

knock at 敲

knock into sb
e.g. I was so hurried as to knock into my teacher. 我如此匆忙以至于撞到老师身上。

laugh at 嘲笑
lead to 导致,导向

let in
e.g. The roof let in the rain. 屋顶漏雨。(让...进来)

learn … from ... 向...学习...
lend … to … 借...给...

live on
e.g. I had to live on bread and water when I was a student. 我上大学时只能靠粗茶淡饭过活。

look over
e.g. Look over exercises before handing them in. 把练习检查一遍再交.

look around
e.g. I just want to look around and see if I can get any gifts to take home.

look down upon
e.g. Her parents tell her not to look down upon countrymen. 她父母叫她不要瞧不起乡下人。

look into
e.g. A working party has been set up to look into the problem. 已成立工作组调查该问题。

look out
e.g. Look out! There's a car coming.当心!汽车来了!

make a face
e.g. The boy made a face just to make others laugh. 那个男孩做了个鬼脸,只是想逗别人笑。

make up of
e.g. Life is made up of little things. 人生是由琐碎的事物构成的。

make up one’s mind

e.g. I am old enough to make up my own mind. 我已经长大了,可以自己拿主意了。(下决心)

millions of 数以百万计的,成百万上千万

more or less
e.g. I've more or less finished reading the book. 我差不多已经把这本书看完了。

next to 紧接着,相邻,次于
not any more 不再
not at all 一点也不,绝非
not so … as 不像,不如
not tilluntil 直到...才...

now and then
e.g. He went to see his grandmother every now and then. 他不时去看看他的祖母。

on duty 值班,值日
on foot 步行,走路
on show 展出,在上演(放映)
onover the radio 通过收音机

once again
e.g. Once again I breathed as a free man. 我又能像个自由人一样呼吸了。

once more
e.g. If you arrive late once more,you’ll be fired. 你再迟到一次,就把你开除。

one after another
e.g. The lights went out one after another. 电灯一个接一个灭了。

out of breath
e.g. I was out of breath after running for the bus. 我因为追赶公共汽车,弄得上气不接下气。

out of order
e.g. My clock was out of order and woke me up at 3 this morning. 我的闹钟坏了,今天早晨3点把我叫醒了。

out of work
e.g. He's been out of work for six months. 他已失业六个月了。

pay back
e.g. I lent him some money last week but he forgot to pay back. 上周我借了一些钱给他,但他忘记还款。

pay off
e.g. At worst we'll have to sell the house so as to pay off our debts.

pick out
e.g. My mother is going to help me pick out a new suit. 母亲要帮我挑选一套新衣。

pick up
e.g. The bus stopped to pick up passengers. 汽车停下来接乘客。

point out
e.g. No matter who point out our shortcoming, we will correct them.不管谁指出我们的缺点,我们都改正。

point to 指向

prevent … from …
e.g. Mum prevents me from going out alone at night. 妈妈阻止我晚上单独一个人出去。

put away
e.g. Put your toys away in the cupboard, when you've finished playing. 玩具玩完了要收放进柜子里去。

put down
e.g. Make sure that you put down every word she says. 务必要记下她说的每一个字。

put on a performance
e.g. The singer put on a fine performance last night. 这位歌手昨晚进行了一场精彩演出。

put on weight 发福,增加体重

put out
e.g. Far water does not put out near fire. [谚]远水救不了近火。(灭火)

put up 挂起,举起,贴(广告等)
e.g. They're putting new street signs up. 他们正在悬挂新的路标。
They put up tent on the edge of the woods. 他们在树林边缘搭起帐篷。

place of interest
e.g. I want to enjoy a trip to places of interest. 我想畅游名胜古迹。

plenty of 大量
prefer … to … 喜爱...而不喜爱...
provide … with … 提供
regard … as … 把...看作

ring back
e.g. He promised to ring back in a few minutes . 他答应过几分钟后回电话。

ring off

e.g. I have to ring off now. I have a train to catch. 现在得挂断电话了,我要去赶火车。

ring up
e.g. I will ring up to see if he is there. 我去打个电话,看他在不在那里。

right now
e.g. Let's go right now before it gets too late. 我们马上就去, 不然就太晚了。

save one’s life
e.g. Ham saved my life in the storm at sea. 哈姆在海上的风暴中救了我的命。

so as to
e.g. He ran quickly so as to catch the last bus. 他跑得很快以便赶上那末班车。

see … off
e.g. I'll go to the airport to see off my girl friend and her mother. 我将去机场为我的女友和她的母亲送行。

send for
e.g. He was so ill that we had to send for a doctor. 他病得很重,我们只好给他请医生了。

send out 发出,派遣
separate … from … 分开

set down
bus stopped to set down an old lady. 公共汽车停下来让一个老太太下车。

set off
e.g. She set off on a trip across Europe. 她出发去作横越欧洲的旅行。
If you drop a lighted cigarette, you could set off a fire.

set out 出发,开始
e.g. When setting out on a long walk, always wear suitable boots. 每次出发远行,都要穿合适的鞋子。
He has achieved what he set out to do three years ago. 他已经实现了他3年前着手开始的工作(目标)。

settle down
e.g. Settle down, children; stop running about! 孩子们,安静下来吧,别到处乱跑了!
He's of an age when he ought to settle down. 他已经到了应该安顿下来的年龄了。

side by side
e.g. They are walking down the road side by side. 他们肩并肩在路上走着。

so … that 如此...以至于...

I have no time right now to discuss your problems. 此刻我没有时间讨论你的问题。

speed up
e.g. We'll never get there if he doesn't speed up. 如果他不快些走,我们一定到不了那里。
This cuts the cost and speeds up film - making. 这降低了成本,加速了电影摄制工作。

spend … on 在...花钱
take part in 参加
talk withto 与...谈话
try one’s best 尽力
take away 拿走

take it easy
e.g. Take it easy, it's not a serious problem. 别着急,这问题并不严重。

take one’s time
e.g. Take your time packing, for we still have one and a half hour. 慢慢整理行李, 我们还有一个半小时.

take out 取出
take place 发生

take sb. in the arms
e.g. The mother took her sleeping baby in the arms.妈妈搂着睡着的宝贝。

take the place of
e.g. Mr Wang is ill. I'll take the place of him. 王老师病了,我给他代课。

talk about 谈论,议论

talk of
e.g. Talking of travel, have you ever been to New York? 谈到旅行,你到过纽约吗?

the day after tomorrow 后天
the day before yesterday 前天

the other day
e.g. The other day, I came across an old friend of mine on my way home.

think over
e.g. I'll think over your suggestion again. 我将再次仔细考虑你的建议。

thousands of 成千上万,几千
too … to … 太...以至于不...

try on
e.g. May I try on the hat? 我能试戴这顶帽子吗?

turn up到达,来到
used to sthdoing 习惯于...

work on
e.g. The scientists are still working on inventing new methods of reaching outer space.

wait for等候,等待
worry about 担心,烦恼
write to 写信给...







