
2020年10月23日 22:25



Lesson 1
Listen and say
Can you come out and play with me?
I'm sorry I can't.对不起,我不能。
I'm making a card for my mom.
Tomorrow is Women's Day.明天是妇女节.
Tomorrow is March 8th.明天是三八妇女节
I want to make a card for my mom,too.
Let's also make one for Miss Wang.
Look and read
March 8th 三月八号
Women's Day 妇女节
a womanwomen 一个女人女人们
a manmen 一个男人男人们
Let's practice 练一练
Can you come out and play with me?
I'm sorry I can't.对不起,我不能.
Yes,let's go.是的,咱们走吧.
Listen and write
's make a cake a March 8th,Women's Day,
for our teacher.
We can also make cards for them.
you help me?你能帮我么?
I'm sorry I can't.对不起,我不能.
I'm busy now.我现在很忙.
Let's say
March winds and April showers,三月的风和四月的

Bring forth May flowers.带来五月的花.
can 能you 你sorry 对不起March 三月
womanwomen 女人女人们
Lesson 2
Listen and say
Sara,we are going to plant trees this afternoon.
March 12th is our Tree-planting Day.
People plant trees is April in America.
We plant many things in spring.
I like spring.我喜欢春天.
Planting is fun.种植很有趣.
Look and read
Tree-planting Day 植树节
a tree 一棵树April 四月
Let's practice
What are you going to do this afternoon?
We are going to plant trees this afternoon.
to see grandma 去看奶奶
to make a cake 做蛋糕
to see the monkeys in the zoo 去动物园看猴子
to swim in the sea 去海里游泳
Listen and write
12th is our Tree- planting Day.
The American Tree-planting Day is on April 25th.

plant vegetables and many things in spring.
Let's say
The cold wind blows,冷冷的风吹着
In winter it snows.冬天下雪了
Spring makes flowers grow,春天让花朵生长
Taller and taller trees will grow.树会越长越高
plant 栽种April 四月份many 很多
Lesson 3
Listen and say
The trees are turning green.树木都变绿了.
Look at the ground.看看地上,
The grass is also coming out.小草也钻出来了.
Green trees,green grass,绿色的树木,绿色的小草,
and colorful flowers.五颜六色的花朵.
Spring is here.春天到了
I like spring.我喜欢春天
Look and read
a leafleaves 一片叶子树叶
colorful flowers 五颜六色的花朵
turn green 变绿
Let's practice
The trees are turning green.树木都变绿了.
They are so lovely.它们真是可爱.
Listen and write
trees in the park are turning yellow.
leaves on the trees turn red in fall.
They are lovely.
are a lot of red and brown leaves
on the ground.
Let's say
Spring brings songbirds from far away.
Happy music they sing all day.
Spring is colorful and bright.春天是多彩明亮的.
It is March,April and May.它在三月,四月和五月.
turn 变成,变为
lovely 可爱的ground 地面;地上
Lesson 4
Now I can say
Can you come out and play with me?
I'm sorry I can',let's go.
What are you going to do this afternoon?
We are going to plant trees this afternoon.
The trees are turning green.树都变绿了.
They are so lovely.它们真可爱啊!
Now I know
Now I can read
al ball球 tall高的 small小的 call叫 always总是
or sports运动 short短的 forty 40 horse马
our four 四
Paul is walking towards the sports ground.
Mr Short bought forty horses.

I have four short forks.我有四个短的叉子.
Now I can write.
Now I can do.
the example and change.
the right word for each picture.
Lesson 5
Listen and say
That's our national flag.那是我们的国旗.
You national flay is a rectangle.
There are five yellow stars,
one big star and four small ones.
Your national flag is also a rectangle.
There are fifty stars.有50个星星.
Your flag is red and yellow .
Our flag is red,white,and blue.
Look and read
a star 一颗星星
a flag 一面国旗
a rectangle 一个矩形
Let's practice
How many stars are there?那里有几颗星星?
There are five yellow stars,
one big star and four small ones.
Listen and write.
are many bright stars in the night sky.
you see the colorful flags
on the playground?
your school big?
school is a small one.
Let's say
Twinkle,twinkle,little star,星星闪啊闪,
How I wonder what you are!让我多迷恋,
Up above the world so high,高挂在天边,
Like a diamond in the sky.钻石般闪亮.
our 我们的flag 旗star 星small 小的
Lesson 6
Listen and say
Look at my new watch.看我的新手表.
It's a gift from my grandpa.它是我爷爷给我的礼物
It looks so cool.它看起来很棒.
It's a square watch.它是方形的.
What shape is your watch?你的手表是什么形状的?
My watch is round.我的手表是圆形的.
Look and read
a square 一个正方形
a circle 一个圆a watch 一只手表
a gift 一个礼物
Let's practice
What shape is your watch?你的手表是什么形状的?
My watch is round.我的手表是原形的.

Listen and write.
's stand in a circle and play the game.
gift is a watch.这件礼物是一块手表.
It's in a square box.它在一个正方形的盒子里.
Let's say
When winter is gone,冬天过去,
They days are long.日渐长.
Hear the March winds blow.听三月风吹.
See the green grass grow.看四月草长.
square 正方形
circle 圆
Lesson 7
Listen and say
What shapes do you have?你都有什么形状的?
I have triangles and squares.我有三角形和正方形.
We can make a bus and a bird.
We can make a ship and a house.
Look and read
a picture 一幅图片
shapes 形状
a triangle 一个三角形
Let's practice
What shapes do you have?
I have triangles and squares.
Listen and write
are many shapes in the picture:
a triangle,a rectangle,a circle,a square,
and a star.
can make a bird
and a ship with these shapes.
Let's say
What is a rectangle?什么是长方形?
What is a triangle?什么是三角形?
The house is a rectangle.房子是长方形.
The tree is a triangle.树是三角形.
They are all in a tangle.方方圆圆各种形.
shape 形状
bird 鸟
ship 轮船
Lesson 8
Now I can say
How many stars are there?
There are five yellow stars,
one big star and four samll ones.
What shapes is your watch?你的手表是什么形状

My watch is round.我的手表是圆形的.
What shapes do you have?你有什么形状?
I have triangles and squares.
Now I know
Now I can read
oo afternoon下午 too也 pool水塘

fool愚蠢 boot靴子 tool工具
u blue蓝色的 rude粗鲁的
This afternoon we're going to learn
how to cook soup.
The blue boot fell into the pool.
Are you going to school
or to the swimming pool?
Now I can write
Now I can do
Color these words.
square 正方形
circle 圆形
star 星
triangle 三角形
rectangle 长方形

Lesson 9
Listen and say
Mom,I'm back.妈妈,我回来了.
I'm hungry.我饿了.
Can I have these biscuits?我能吃点饼干么?
Sorry,you can't .不,你不能.
They are for your grandpa.它们是给你爷爷的.
You can have a banana.你可以吃香蕉.
No,I don't want a banana.不,我不想吃香蕉.
Do you want those sweet potatoes?
Give me one,please.给我一个吧.
Look and read
biscuits 饼干
a hot dog 热狗
a sweet potato 红薯
a cherry pie 樱桃派
Let's practice
Do you want those sweet potatoes?
Give me onesome,please.
Listen and wirte.
1.I'm back.我回来了.
I'm hungry.我饿了.
I want these biscuits.我想要吃这些饼干.
I don't want those sweet potatoes.
,give me an apple,please.
You can have those grapes.我可以吃些葡萄.
Let's say
Hungry,hungry,then I eat,饿了,饿了,我就吃.
Thirsty,thirsty,then I drink.
I eat when I am hungry,饿了我就吃,
I drink when I am thirsty.渴了我就喝.


Lesson 10
Listen and say
What's your favorite food,Lingling?
I like jiaozi best.我最喜欢饺子.
What about you?你呢?
Don't go.别走了.
Stay here and let's have jiaozi.
Thank you very much.
Look and read
May Day 五一节
a tomato 一个西红柿
chicken 鸡肉
strawberries 草莓
Let's practice
What's your favorite food?
I like jiaozi best.我最喜欢饺子.
Listen and write
's your favorite food?
I like noodles best.我最喜欢面条.
What about you?你呢?
Fish is my favorite.鱼肉是我最喜欢的.
't go
Please stay here and cook dinner with me.
Let's say
Where's father?爸爸在哪?
Where's father?爸爸在哪?
He is visiting grandmother.
Where's mother?妈妈在哪?
Where's mother?妈妈在哪?
She is visiting grandfather.
food 食物
best 最
what about 怎么样
stay 停留

Lesson 11
Listen and say
This is my gift for Mom.这是给妈妈的礼物.
I have Mom's favorite chocolate.
The second Sunday in May is Mother's Day.
So what's your gift,Dad?
It's a secret.是个秘密.
You will know on Mother's Day.
Look and read

Mother's Day 母亲节
a box of chocolate 一盒巧克力
a lady's watch 一款女士手表
a scarfscarves 一条围巾
Let's practice
What's your gift?你的礼物是什么呢?
It's a secret.是个秘密.
Listen and write.
father will give this scarf to my grandma
for Mother's Day.
leaves look do pretty in May.
Their shapes are very different.
is not a secret.
Everybody knows it.
Let's say
Open your mouth,张开你的嘴,
Open your mouth.张开你的嘴,
Close your eyes,闭上你的眼,
Close your eyes.闭上你的眼,
And you will get 你会得到.
A big,big surprise.一个大大的惊喜.
May 五月
mother 妈妈
secret 秘密

Lesson 12
Now I can say
Do you want those sweet potatoes?
Give me onesome,please.是的,给我一个一些.
What's your favorite food?你最喜欢的食物是什么?
I like jiaozi best.我最喜欢饺子.
What's your gift?你的礼物是什么?
It's a secret.是个礼物.
Now I know
Now I can read
poor 贫穷的
sure 当然
our tour 旅行 gourd 葫芦
I am sure he is very poor.我确信他很穷.
I am sure I will enjoy the tour.
Now I can write
Now I can do
List the things you like and u don't like.
Name 姓名


Lesson 13
Do you understand?
and circle.
and number.
eighty-six 八十六
nineteenth 第十九
ninety 九十
thirtieth 第三十
twelve 十二
seventy-two 七十二
third 第三
forty-four 四十四
Can you say?
Can you come out and play with me?
I'm sorry I can'tYes,let's go.
Can you write?
Can you do?
the missing letters:ee,ea,ar,ay.
the phrases into the correct column.
this potato 这个马铃薯
that tomato 那个西红柿
this cherry 这个樱桃
that strawberry 那个草莓
these potatoes 这些马铃薯
those tomatoes 那些西红柿
these cherries 这些樱桃
those strawberries 那些草莓
Can you tell?
Can you read?
March 8th is Women's Day.
March 12th is another special day.
It is the Chinese Tree-planting Day.
People plant trees in April in America.
Trees turn green in spring.
The young leaves are so lovely.
Many people like spring.
The Chinese national flag is a rectangle.
There are five yellow stars,
one big star and four small ones.
It is red and yellow.
The American national flag is also a rectangle.
There are fifty stars on it.
It is red,white,and blue.
There are many different shapes around us:
and stars.
Yangyang is back from school.
He is hungry.
He will have a sweet potato.
Lingling and Guoguo both like jiaozi best.


Lesson 14
Do you understand?
Write the dates you hear.
uncle was born on April 4th.
12th is Tree-planting Day.
3.I will give a card to Miss Wang on March 8th,
Women's Day.
don't go to school on May 1st.
people plant trees in April.
Can you say?
What shapes do you have?
I have stars and squares.
What's your favorite food?
I like jiaozi best.
Can you write?
Can you do?
the missing letters:a.e,I,o
the phrases into the correct column.
this man 这个男人
that woman 这位妇女
this scarf 这条围巾
that leaf 这片叶子
those men 那些男人
these women 这些妇女
those scarves 那些围巾
these leaves 这些叶子
Can you tell?
Can you read?
May Day is on May 1st.
We have a long holiday in May.
We go to see our grandpas and grandmas.
We play together in the park.
We fly kites and play football or basketball.
We love to go roller- skating,too.
The second Sunday in May is Mother's Day.
Mothers get cards and gifts on that day.
The cards and gifts are all different.
Guoguo has a gift for Mom.
It is her favourite chocolate.
Dad's gift is a secret and Guoguo will know
on Mother's Day.
We all say to our mothers,

Lesson 15
Listen and say
Baobao,there is no school tomorrow.
It's June 1st Children's Day.
You are right.你说对了.
It's our holiday.是我们的节日.
Do you want to fly my new kite?
Let's go to the park and fly the kite there.

Look and read
Children's Day 儿童节
a kite 一个风筝
see a film 看场电影
Let's practice
Do you want to fly my new kite?
Let's go.我们去吧.
Sorry I can't.对不起,我不能.
Listen and write
en's Day is on June 1st.
at the kites.
They are flying high in the sky.
can fly in the sky.
But we can't.
Let's say
Children's Day is really cool,
We have a party at our school.
It's really,really fun,好开心,好开心,
To play out in the sun.在外面玩耍好开心.
June 六月
fly 飞
kite 风筝

Lesson 16
Listen and say
I like your new water bottle,Guoguo.
It's my Children't Day gift.
It looks so cool.它看起来真酷.
I like the shape.我喜欢这个形状.
So do I.我也是.
Look and read
a dictionary 一本字典
a pencil-case 一个铅笔盒
a pair of roller-skates 一双溜冰鞋
Let's practice
I like the shape.我喜欢这个形状.
So do I.我也是.
Listen and write
are a lot of children in the park
2.I like your new dress.
It's so beautiful.它很漂亮.
Thank you .谢谢.
It's a gift from my aunt.这是我姑姑给我的礼物.
's water bottle looks cool.
I like the shape and the color.
Let's say
I can draw a cat.我会画小猫咪.
It's white and black.黑白相间的小猫咪.
I can draw a cow.我会画小花牛.

It's black and brown.黑褐相间的小花牛.
water 水
childchildren 孩子孩子们
so 那么
cool 酷的

Lesson 17
Listen and say
Come and sit here,Mike.
Thank you,Lingling.谢谢你,玲玲.
What are you going to do at the party?
I will sing and dance with Guoguo.
How about you?
I will play the piano.我会演奏钢琴.
Look and read
play the flute 吹笛子
play the accordion 拉手风琴
play the violin 拉小提琴
play the fiddle 拉二胡
Let's practice
I will sing and dance.我会唱歌,跳舞.
How about you?你呢?
I will play the piano.我要弹钢琴.
Listen and write
this orange,Maomao.
Thank you.谢谢.
You are so kind.你真好.
plays the piano very well.
How about you?你呢?
I don't play the piano.我不弹钢琴.
But I know how to play the guitar.
Let's say.
Roses are red.玫瑰花是红色的.
Violets are blue.紫罗兰是蓝色的.
Sugar is sweet and So are you.
thank 谢谢.
how about 怎么样
piano 钢琴

Lesson 18
Now I can say
Do you want to fly my new kite?
Let's I can't.
I like the shape.我喜欢这个形状.
So do I.我也是.
I will sing and dance.我会唱歌,跳舞.
How about you?你呢?
I will play the piano.我要弹钢琴.
Now I know

Now I can read
ire wire电线 tire轮胎 tired累的 admire赞美
iar liar说谎者 diary日记
There is a tire on the wire.
The wire is under the tire.
I don't admire the liar.
I don't like the liar's diary.
Now I can write
Now I can do
Match Column A with Column B.
How many sentences can you make.
I like 我喜欢
She is 她在
This clock is 这个钟是
Grandpa is 爷爷在
The monkey is 猴子在
Yangyang and Baobao are 扬扬和宝宝在
watching TV.看电视.
ice cream best.冰淇淋.
in the zoo.动物园.
cooking in the kitchen.在厨房做饭.
flying kites.放风筝.

Lesson 19
Listen and say
Are you doing your homework,Baobao?
I'm making a card for Dad.
Father's Day is coming.父亲节要到了.
What are you writing on the card?
You are the best dad.你是最好的爸爸.
Look and read
Father's Day 父亲节
a word 一个单词
read 阅读
write 写
Let's practice
Are you doing your homework?
Yes,I am.是的.
No,I'm not.不.
I'm making a card.我正在做卡片.
Listen and write
children are reading in the classroom.
love Miss Wang.我们喜欢王老师.
She's the best teacher.她是最好的老师.
ng is writing the new words.
Let's say
I am singing,you are dancing.

It's fun that we are having.
Your sister is singing.
My brother is playing.
It's fun that they are having.
write 写
love 爱
word 单词
read 读

Lesson 20
Listen and say
Happy Father's Day!父亲节快乐!
I have a gift for you,Dad.
Thank you.谢谢.
Can I open it now?我可以现在打开它吗?
Please do.可以.
Oh,it's a book.哦,是一本书.
And there's a card,too.还有一张贺卡.
Thank you so much.真是太谢谢你了.
Look and read
open 打开
close 关上
a tie 一条领带
a wallet 一个钱包
Let's practice
Can I open it now?
Please don't.
Listen and write
't open the book now.现在不要打开书.
Just listen to me.只要听我说.
I'm going to read it to you.
the window for me,please.
It's so hot in the room.房间里太热了.
third Sunday in June is Father's Day.
Let's say
Father's Day,Father's Day,
Every father loves that day.
They get gifts on Father's Day.

father 父亲
for 给
open 打开
book 书

Lesson 21
Listen and say
My grandpa is coming to visit us.
He visits us every July.他每年七月来看我们.
It's very hot in July.七月非常热.
He's not afraid of hot weather.他不怕热的天气.

How is he coming?他怎么来?
He is coming by air from Canada.
Look and read
July 7月
Canada 加拿大
by air 乘飞机
by train 坐火车
Let's pratice
How is he coming?他要怎么来?
He is coming by air from Canada.
Listen and write
mom's birthday is on July 10th.
2.I go to Shanghai to see my grandpa
every summer.
But he'll come to Beijing this year.
't be afraid of the dog,Sara.
It likes us.它喜欢我们.
Let's say.
It's getting hotter and hotter.
That's the weather in the summer.
But I'm not afraid of hot weather.
us 我们
every 每个
July 7月
afraid 害怕的

Lesson 22
Now I can say
Are you doing your homework?
Yes,I amNo,I'm not.
I'm making a card.我正在做卡片.
Can I open it now?我可以现在就打开吗?
Please do.请吧.
Please don't.请不要.
How is he coming?他怎么来?
He is coming by air from Canada.
Now I know
Now I can read
ou mouse老鼠 proud骄傲的 out外面的 shout大

ground地面 cloud云彩
ow owl猫头鹰 now现在 town城镇
The mouse is very proud.老鼠非常得意.
It shouts under the ground.它在地下喊.
It does not come out.它没有出来.
How does the owl go to town?
The owl goes there on a cow.
Now I can write.
Now I can do
The words I find: 我找到的单词
air 空气
read 读

Lesson 23
Listen and say
We have both heavy and light rain in August.
Do you get thunder?打雷吗?
Are you afraid of it?你怕吗?
Yes,we do.是的,我怕.
The thunder is too loud.雷声非常大.
I'm afraid of it.我很害怕.
But I'm not.但是我不怕.
I want to be a scientist.我想成为一名科学家.
I want to know the secrets of the weather.
Look and read
a cook 一位厨师
a scientist 一位科学家
a writer 一位作家
a driver 一位司机
Let's practice
What do you want to be?你想要成为什么?
I want to be a scientist.我想成为科学家.
Listen and write
have our summer vacation in July and August
2.I like light rain but I don't like heavy rain.
Let's say
I come from a cloud.我来自一朵云彩.
My voice is very loud.我的声音非常大.
Who am I ?我是谁?
I come from a cloud.我来自一朵云彩.
My flash is very bright.我的光非常亮.
Who am I?我是谁?
heavy 重的
light 轻的
rain 雨
August 八月

Lesson 24
Listen and say
August 1st is Army Day.
My uncle and aunt serve in the army.
Your uncle is wearing an army uniform.
But your aunt isn't.但是你的阿姨没有.
What does she do?她是做什么的?
She is an army doctor.她是一名军医.
She works in an army hospital.
I want to be a doctor,too.
Look and read.
a PLA soldier 一名中国人民解放军士兵
a nurse 一位护士

a dentist 一位牙医
a policeman 一名警察
a policewoman 一名女警
Let's practice
What does she do?她是做什么的?
She is a doctor.她是一位医生.
Listen and write
uncle is a policeman
and my aunt is a teacher.
grandma is a doctor.
She works in an army hospital.
uncle is a mailman.
He works in a post office.
Let's say
What do you want to be?你将来打算做什么?
I want to be a soldier.我想要成为一名战士.
That's the life for me.那是我的生活.
army军队 uncle叔叔 aunt阿姨
work工作 doctor医生

Lesson 25
Listen and say
I want to be a football player.
I'll take football lessons in August.
I don't like ball games.
I like swimming.
I want to be a swimmer.
Will you take swimming lessons?
Yes,I will.
In July and August.
Look and read
a player 一名运动员
a swimmer 一个游泳者
a worker 一个工人
a farmer 一个农民
Let's practice
Will you take swimming lessons?
Yes,I will.是的,我要上.
No,I won't.不,我不上.
I'll take singing lessons.我要上声乐课.
Listen and write
he a football player
or a basketball player?
swim a lot in July and August.
children take piano lessons,
some take violin lessons on Saturdays or Sundays
Let's say
A sailor goes to the sea 一个海员出海了.
To see what he can see.去看外面的大世界.
And all that he can see 他所能看到的.
Is the sea and the sea.就是大海和大海.

player 运动员take 拿
lesson 课and 和
Lesson 26
Now I can say
What do you want to be?
I want to be a scientist.
What does she do?
She is a doctor.
Will you take swimming lessons?
Yes,I will.
No,I won't.
I'll take singing lessons.
Now I Know
Now I can read
our our我们 hour小时 sour酸的 flour面粉
ower tower城堡 flower花朵 shower淋浴
Our flour cannot be sour.我们的面粉不能变酸.
The king takes a shower in the tower.
There're flowers around the tower.
Now I can write.
Now I can do
the opposite.
words I find.

Lesson 27
Do you understand?
Write the number.
will play the piano at school party.
ng will sing and dance with Guoguo.
en's Day is on June 1st.
wants to know the secrects of the weather
s' Day is also in June.
is heavy rain in August in Beijing.
Can you say?
When is Children's Day?
When is Father's Day?
When is Army Day?
When is your father's birthday?
When is your mother's birthday?
June 六月July 七月August 八月
Can you write?
Can you do?
Match Column A with Column B.
Can you tell?
Can you read?
There is no school on June 1st.
It is Children's Day.
Some children get gifts that day.

Yangyang gets a new kite and Guoguo
gets a nice water bottle.
Yangyang and Baobao are going to fly the kite
in the park.
Guoguo and Lingling will sing and dance
at the school party.
Mike will play the piano.
Children are very happy on June 1st.
They have a lot of fun.
The third Sunday in June is Father's Day.
Fathers get gifts.
Baobao's gift for his father is a book.
He also gives his father a card.
His father loves the book and the card very much
Lesson 28
Do you understand?
Write the number.
's aunt is a doctor in an army hospital
gives his father a book and a card
on Father's Day.
ng likes football.
He wants to be a football player.
is not afraid of thunder.
's grandpa will fly to Beijing from Canada
ng will take swimming lessons
this summer vacation.
Can you say?
What does he do?
He is a doctor.
Can you wirte?
Can you do?
Ask your friends,
Name 姓名Work 职业
Doctor 医生Nurse 护士
Teacher 教师Worker 工人
Scientist 科学家Driver 司机
Mailman 邮差Cook 厨师
How many
Can you tell?
Can you read?
Lingling is afraid of thunder.
But Sara is not afraid of it.
She wants to know the secrets of the weather.
She wants to be a scientist.
Mike wants to be a doctor.
He will work in a hospital.
Yangyang likes to play football.
He will take football lessons.
Lingling does not like ball games.
She enjoys swimming.
She will take swimming lessons
this summer vacation.







