
2020年12月04日 06:53




改变 程度 依赖 耕地 驾驶 幻想 潜海 调控 联系 原子核 哲学 回归 恐龙 凶猛 笨重
鸽子 不仅 顿时 描绘 十吨 轻盈 敏捷 崭新二、四字词语
呼风唤雨科学技术出乎意料腾云驾雾美好愿望远洋船舶 紧密联系方便舒适归根到
底家居环境分门别类五彩斑斓 毫不相干凌空翱翔相似之处亲缘关系欣喜若狂时空
隧道 粗壮有力形态各异凶猛异常茹毛饮血行动敏捷毋庸置疑 优良品种千家万户美
味佳肴用武之地农耕社会程控电话 三、重点读音
1、20世纪的成就~真可以用“忽如一夜 春风来~千树万树梨花开”来形容。—
2、科学在改变着人类的精神文化生活~也在改变着人类的物质生活。 ——《呼
造了比以往任何时代都要美好的生活。在新的世纪里~现代科学技术必将 继续创造

4、 20世纪末期~我国科学家在辽宁西部首次发现了保存有羽毛印痕的恐龙化
石~顿时使全世界的研究者们 欣喜若狂。辽西的发现向世人展示了恐龙长羽毛的证
据~给这幅古生物学家描绘的画卷上涂上了“点睛” 之笔。——《飞向蓝天的恐
龙》 5、关于探索科学的名人名言
?在新的科学故宫里~胜利属于新型的勇 敢的人~他们有大胆的科学幻想~心里燃
?既异 想天开~又实事求是~这是科学工作者特有的风格~让我们在无穷的宇宙长
河中去探索无穷的真理吧。— —郭沫若 七、生字连词描绘 敏捷 八、重点问题 1、
?“20世纪是一个呼风唤雨的世纪” ((((
“呼风唤雨”原指神仙的法力能刮风下雨 。在课文中比喻人类在利用自然方面取得
?人们只能在神话中用“千里眼” “顺风耳”和腾云驾雾的神仙~来寄托((((((((((自
“千里眼”“ 顺风耳”原指看得很远和听得很远。是小说《西游记》中的两个人
物。这三个词语在课文中是指人们想象 中的超脱自然的能力。在科技不发达的年
代~人们只能用这种方式来寄托自己的美好愿望。 ?20世纪的成就~真可以用
“忽如一夜春风来~千树万树梨花开 ”出自唐朝边塞诗人岑参的《白雪歌送武判官
归京》。诗意是:忽然一夜的春风吹来~千万棵梨树都开花 了~采用了夸张的修辞

< br>2、分析:“辽西的发现向世人展示了恐龙长羽毛的证据~给这幅古生物学家描绘的
画卷上涂上了 “点睛”之笔。”
直至20世纪 末~在经历了百余年的不懈努力之后~终于有了辽西的重大发现~发
现了保存有羽毛印痕的恐龙化石~这 无疑为该项研究工作提供了强有力的证据~加
速了此项研究的进程~因此~说它是“点睛之笔”。 九、知识拓展
班级: 姓名:
gǎi biàn chéng dù yī lài gēng dìhuàn xiǎng
án hǎikòng zhìlián xìzhé xué kǒng lóng
xiōng měng bèn zhònggē zibù jǐn dùn shí
o huì yì dūn qīng yíng mǐn jié zhǎn xīn
wù guī gēndàodǐ

潜,qián qiǎn,海 船舶,bǎi bó,哲,zhē zhé,学 储,chúchǔ,存 烹,pēng péng,调 烹
饪,rèn rēn, 迟钝,dūn dùn,骨骼,gé gē, 隧,suìsuí,道 支撑,chēng zhǎng, 繁
衍,yǎnyán, 膨,péng bēng,大
篇二:四年级上册 第八单元
四年级上册 第八单元
第1课时 教案
Teaching contents 教学内容
Story time
Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标
1. 能够运用单词eyes, ears, hair, mouth, nose及句型He’sShe’s ?、
HisHer ? isare ?。
2. 能够理解故事内容。
3. 能够朗读并表演故事。
4. 能用所学句型描述自己设计的娃娃。
Focus of the lesson and predicted area of
difficulty 教学重点和难点 教学重点:1. 能够从整体上阅读故事并理解。
2. 能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话~表演故事。
教学难点:1. 能够阅读理解故事并表演。
2. 能用所学句型描述自己设计的娃娃。
Teaching procedures 教学过程
Step 1 Greeting

1. Free talk
T: Hello, boys and girls.
S: Hello, ?
T: How are you today?
S: I’m fine.
T: I’m fine, too. Thank you. What can you do?
S: I can ?
T: What do you like?
S: I like ?
2. Song time
T: Hello, do you like listening to the English songs?
S: Yes.
T: Here’s a song for you. Let’s listen to it together.
S: (学生一起欣赏歌曲泥娃娃)
T: This song is about a doll. And today let’s learn
Unit 8 Dolls.

Step 2 Presentation
1. Colouring time
T: This is the doll of clay. (板贴泥娃娃图片)
She has eyes, ears, a mouth and a nose.
I’ll colour it and make her become more beautiful.
(贴上彩色的泥娃娃板贴) Look, she’s in blue now. Look at her hair. (板书
Look at ?)
Her hair is yellow and long. (板书Her ? is ?并示
T: Look at her eyes. They are big. (贴眼睛)
(新授单词eyes) Her eyes are big.
Look at her ears. They are big too. (贴耳朵)
(新授单词ears) Her ears are big.
How about her mouth? Look, it’s small. (贴嘴巴)
(新授单词mouth) Her mouth is small.
And her nose is small too. (贴鼻子)
T: Look, she is beautiful now. (板书She is ?)
【设计意图:通过美化泥娃娃让学生初步感知单词hair, eyes, ears, mouth and
nose以及句型Her ? isare ?~

2. Game time: Quick respond
T: Let’s play a game with her. If you see the word
or words read it out. But if you see the doll of clay,
please say “A oh”.
3. Guessing time
T: We are talking about a doll of clay. Look, I have
a real doll. She is a girl. Can you say something about her?
S: (请个别学生尝试描述泥娃娃)
T: (出示并总结) Look at her. Her eyes are small. Her nose and mouth are
small too. But her ears are big. (出
示另外一个娃娃) Look at this doll. He’s a boy. Let’
s say something about him. These sentences may help you. For example,
his eyes are big. His nose is small. (板
书并带读:He’s ?His ? isare ?) Now please work in pairs.
S: (两人一组描述男娃娃)
T: (出示并总结) Look at him. His eyes are small. His nose and mouth are
small too. His ears are big. They look the same. But her hair is long. His hair
is short. They are very cute.

【设计意图:通过Guessing time进一步熟悉新句型His ?
isare ?~为过渡到Story time的学习做好铺垫。】
Step 3 Story time
1. Watch and choose
T: We are talking about dolls. Our friends are talking about dolls too.
What are they talking about?
A. Are they talking about colours?
B. Are they talking about appearances?
C. Are they talking about clothes?
Let’s watch and choose. (播放课文动画)
S: (看动画并选出问题答案) B.
T: Yes, they’re talking about the dolls’ appearances.
2. Read and underline
T: What do the dolls look like?
Please read by yourselves and underline the sentences.
S: ?
T: Look at the girl doll. Is her hair long?
S: Yes, her hair is long.

T: What about her eyes?
S: Her eyes are big.
T: Who can describe her nose and mouth?
S: ?
T: Great! Now you know what the girl doll look like, what about the boy
doll?Please work with your partner and describe him in turn.
S: ?
3. Think and order
T: Now, you know what they look like.
But how do they describe the dolls? What is the order?
S: Hair-eyes-nose- mouth.
T: Yes, you know the order. Let’s describe the girl doll together.
T: Who can describe the boy doll? Let’s try together.
4. Reading time
a. Listen and repeat (听录音跟读课文~鼓励学生模

掌握课文中的句子和词汇。】 b. Read together (齐读课文)
c. Read in roles (分角色朗读)
d. Act Story time in groups of four (四人一组~分
Step 4 Consolidation
Dolls show
T: You’re good actors. Are you good designers?
It’s time for you to design your dolls.
This time you can decide what the dolls look like.
First, I’ll draw it for you.
S: Her eyes are ?
Her hair is ?

T: OK. I’ve finished!
Look at my doll. Is she nice?
Is she funny?
Her hair is long. Her eyes are big. Her nose is small.
Her mouth is small.
Do you like my doll?
S: Yes.
T: Thank you. I like my doll too.
It’s your turn now. Work in pairs and design your
doll. One can do the talking and the other can do the drawing.
T: It’s time for you to show your dolls. Let’s have
a dolls show.
T: Excellent, boys and girls. You did a good job today.
Homework 家庭作业
1. Listen, read the story and try to recite it.

2. Show and introduce your doll to your parents. Try to use the sentences
we learned today.
第一课 Good Morning , Mom
Betty:Good morning,Mom.
Mom:Good morning,Betty.
Please put the milk on the table.
Dad: What’s for breakfast?
Betty:Toast,eggs,and oranges.
Ken: Good! I like oranges.
Betty:I don’t like oranges.
Mom:Oranges are good for you.
Try one.
Betty:Um…… it’s good.
Mom:Ken, pass me the jam, please.
Robo:OK, here you are.
学习重点:I like oranges.
I don’t like oranges.
第二课 How Do You Do?

Ken: Who’s that?
Jess: That’s Mrs. Smith.
She’s a teacher.
: Hi. Are you students here?
Ken: Yes, we are.
Mr. Brown: This is Mrs. Li and this is Li Li.
Mrs. Li: How do you do?
: How do you do , Mrs . Li?
Hello, Li to meet you.
Li Li: Nice to meet you,too.
: Be quiet,please.
This is Li Li.
This is Ken Newton.
Please sit down beside Ken, Li Li.
Ken: Hi, My name’s Ken.
Li Li:Hi. I’m Li Li.
学习重点:Who’s that?
That’s Mrs. Smith.
She’s a teacher.
How do you do?

How do you do , Mrs . Li?
第三课Whoes bag is this?
IS it Ken’s bag?
No, it’s not. It’s Li Li’s.
What’s wrong?
I can’t find my bag.
Is this your bag?
Yes, it’s mine. Thank you.
You’re welcome.
Jimmy: A bag! Whose bag is this?
Steve: Well, I don’t know.
Jimmy: Is it Ken’s bag?
Jess:No, it’s not. His bag is blue.
Steve: Oh, it’s Li Li’s.
Ken:What’s wrong , Li Li?
Li Li:I can’t find my bag.
Jimmy: Well… is this yours?
Li Li: No, it’s not. My bag is yellow.
Ken:Look at this! Is it your bag?
Li Li: Oh, my bag! Yes, it’s mine. Thank you.

Ken:You’re welcome.
重点问句:Whose bag is this? it’s mine.
Is it your bag? Yes ,it is.
第四课I like music
What’s the first class?
Math. I like math.
I do , too.
What’s the third class?
Music. Do you like music?
Yes, I do. I sing very well.
See you tomorrow.
So long. Have a nice day.
You, too. See you.
Stever&Jimmy:Sorry, we’re late.
Mrs. Smith:That’s okay. But please be on time from
now on.
Li Li: What’s the first class?
Ken:Math. I like math.
Li Li: I do, too.
Li Li: What’s the third class?

Kate: Music. Do you like music?
Li Li: No, I don’t.
Jimmy:Why not? I like music. I sing very well.
Li Li&Jess:Oh, no! Stop it!
Mrs Smith:See you
Students: Good-bye, Mrs. Smith.
Jess:So ling, Ken. Have a nice day.
Ken:You, too. See you.
重点问句:Do you like music? Yes .I do.
So long. Have a nice day. You, you.
第五课 I ride a bike
What do you do after school?
I play the violin.
How about you?
I go to the library.
I like reading.
Look at me!
I ride my like.

No! Not in the street!
Oh, look at my bike!
Don’t do that again.
Li Li: What do you do after school?
Jess:I paly the violin. How about. Li Li?
Ken:She goes to the library. She likes reading.
Li Li: Yes, I like reading books.
Li Li: Hi, Kate. You ride a bike!
Kate: Yes. I ride my bike every day.
Jimmy: Look at me!
Robo: No, Jimmy! Not in the street!
Jimmy: Ouch!
Ken:Are you all right?
Jimmy: Ow, my legs hurt. Look at my bike!
Robo:Don’t do that again.
Jimmy:All right.
学习重点: I ride my bike every day.
I play the violin.
I like reading books.
第六课: Can you play baseball?

How are you today?
I’m better.
Can you walk?
Yes, I can.
What’s that?
It’s a bat.
What are they?
They’re gloves.
Can you play baseball?
Sure, I can.
Robo: What’s that?
Jess: It’s a bat .
Robo: What’s are they?
Ken: They’re gloves.
Can you play baseball?
Robo: Yes, I can.
Ken: Hi, Jimmy. How are you today?
Jimmy:I’m better.
Ken: Can you walk?
Jimmy:Yes, but I can’t walk well.

Jake: One, two three, four, five,six, seven, eight,
nine, OK.
Li Li: Hit the ball.
Jess: Wow, great! The score is four to three.
学习重点: Can you play baseball?—Yes, I can.
The score is four to three.
第七课Let’s go swimming.
Hello. Is Kate there?
Hello. This is Kate.
This is Ken.
Let’s go swimming this afternoon.
Iwant to go down the slide.
First, Let’s to the exercise.
All right.
Now, Let’s jump into the water.
Li Li:Hello. Is Kate there? This is Li Li.
Kate: Hi, Li Li. This is Kate.
Li Li:I want to to down the slide
Kate: First, Let’s do the exercise. Lift your arms.

Bend your knees. Touch your , let’s jump into the water.
Jess: Brr…it’s cold. I don’t like swimming.
LiLi: Come on ,Jess . It’s great!
Robo: Look at Jimmy!
Jimmy: Here I come!
学习重点:Is Kate there? –This is Kate.
Let’s go swimming.
I want to go down the slide.
第八课Be careful!
Let’s make some pancakes.
What do we need?
We need some flour, eggs, and sugar.
What are you doing?
We’re making some pancakes.
Try some.
It’s good.
You’re a good cook.
Thank you.
Robo:Let’s make some pancakes. It’s easy.
Ken: What do we need?

Roto: We need some flour, two eggs, and sugar.
Robo: Do you have any salt and butter?
Betty: Yes, I do .Here you are.
Robo: Now, mix them with a spoon. Then cook the
Betty: Be careful, Ken! The pan is very hot.
Mom: What are you doing?
Ken: We’re making some pancakes. Try some.
Mom: Umm… it’s good. You’re good cooks.
Ken&Betty: Thank you.
学习重点:We’re making some pancakes.







