
2020年12月04日 20:08



文体分为文章体裁和文学体裁。其中文章体裁:记叙文、说明文、议论文、应用文。文学体裁:诗 歌、小
什么时候-----在哪里 ------谁-----做了什么----结果怎样
(时间、地点、人物、事件、结果) 有时根据主题升华内容
文章的中心思想就是作者的写作意 图、目的。内容、段意或文章的中心句来概括总结,也可以从审题、文
章的开头、结尾、重点段、议论部 分或从考题中得到提示入手。其主要方法有:
要准确的概括出段意,首先要读懂段落每句话的意思,还要弄 清楚段内各句的相互关系,找出能揭示全
(1) 摘句法,即找出段落中的中心句。例如《我的老师》中的第二 自然段,就可摘取其中的“她从来
(2) 概述法,用自己的语言概述全段的主要意思。例如《故乡》的 第二部分,内容很丰富,记述的人
物事件 很多,可用自己的话概括:“我”回到故乡的所见、所闻、所感。
红色的光透过雪雨和雾气的本领很强 。司机在恶劣的天气里,老远就能看到醒目的红色信号,引起警
惕。所以红光用来禁止通行。黄光的亮度 大,在阴雨和雾天,透雾的能力也很强。变灯时,黄灯一亮,就
告诉司机:“注意啦!准备停车!”“注 意啦!准备开车!”绿色,是大自然中花草、树木的颜色,看了
以后使人感到舒畅、愉快,象征着平安, 所以把绿色作为通行信号。
海南岛是个宝岛,是祖国南海的一颗明珠。在那里, 椰子、槟榔、芒果、木瓜、香蕉等热带水果,到
处都是;橡胶、油棕、咖啡、可可、胡椒等热带经济作物 ,遍布全岛。在五指山区,有遮天蔽日的原始森
林,有各种名贵的树木,还有珍奇的热带、亚热带动物。 在环岛的海洋中,海滩上,盛产鱿鱼、马鲛鱼、
飞鱼、龙虾、麒麟菜,还有海石花、海盐和五光十色的海 螺、海贝。在平原地区,一年四季可以种植庄
稼,水稻一年可以收三次,树木四季常绿,鲜花四季常开? ?
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那天正是中午,又下小雨,车厢 里的乘客稀稀落落的,车子行驶到桥头站时,上来了两名一老一小惹人
注目的乘客,从近似的容貌很容易 看得出,他们两人是父子, 而且都是残疾人,中年的男子双目失明,
而那大约八九岁的男孩则是一支眼 紧闭着,只有另一只眼能微微睁开些,小男孩牵引着他父亲,一步一步
摸索上车来,径直 走到车厢中央。
当车子缓缓继续前行时,小男孩的声音也随之响起:“各位爷爷奶奶叔叔阿姨你们 好,我叫王小明,
这时候,音质很一般的电子琴声响了起来 ,小男孩自弹自唱,孩子的歌声有天然童音的甜美。唱完了
几首歌曲之后,男孩走到车厢头,正如人们所 预料的那样,他开 始“行乞”了,他没有托着盘子,也没
有直接把手伸到你前面,只是轻轻地走到你身 旁,叫一声“叔叔阿姨”什么的,然后默默地站立着,所有
人都知道他的意思, 但都装出不明白的样子,或干脆把头转向另一侧„„
当男孩空着小手走到车厢尾时,坐在我身旁的 一位中年妇女很气恼地尖声大叫起来:“怎么搞的,柳州
顿 时,所有的目光都集中到他俩的身上,没想到,小男孩小小的脸上竟显出与年龄不相称的冷峻,声音
不大 不小的不紧不慢地说:“阿姨,我不是乞丐,我是卖唱的。” 霎时间,所有淡漠的目光都变得生动
说到这儿,朋友的声音变得很低沉:“一个没有生存能力的小男孩却已经不屈地承受生命,他怎么可能< br>是乞丐呢?” 那一刻,我的眼睛亦漂浮一层雾水,有一天,我路过广场,一阵悠扬的琴声飘来,是一位
少年在拉二胡,我一眼就看出,他就是朋友提过的那个卖唱的小男孩,当 我把微薄的人民币完全没有施

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医生要她务必及时入院治疗,否则顶多只能再活一年。她拒绝了。那笔庞大的治疗费足以压(跨 垮)
她的女儿才 8岁,念小学三年级,很聪明,读书也很用功,上学期还拿了三好学生奖状,得了几支圆珠
笔和一大摞作 业本。
她回家了,女儿还未放学,她泪流满面地拿出女儿的照片。家里穷,照片还是女儿满周岁的 时候拍的。
那时女儿的父亲还在南方做生意,可一场突如其来的灾祸不仅埋葬了父亲,还给这个原本就不 富裕的家添
了一大笔债(zài zhài)务。这些年,她与女儿相依为命。她尝尽了人间冷暖。 如今,她要走了,女儿„
„女儿,她还能指望谁?她想:与其 ,不如 。
她抹掉眼泪,出了门。屋外,寒风凛凛,像一把三棱(líng léng)尖刀,捅入喉咙,并在里面搅< br>动着。她吐出了一口痰,痰里有血,腥腥的。她买了很多菜,拎回家,做出了满满一桌子好吃的,有鱼有< br>肉,还有女儿最爱吃的小鸡炖蘑菇。女儿回家了,兴奋的大叫,忙问今天是什么好日子。

这天晚上,她紧闭了门窗,旋开了煤气阀,然后早早地上了床,把女儿搂入怀里,使劲地亲吻 女儿额
“真乖„„”她哽咽(yè yàn)着,说不下去了。
“妈妈,上次你说我考了100分,你就答应我一个愿望。”女儿仰起脸,一双眼睛因为(期待 等待)
“妈妈不„„不耍赖。” 她用枕巾挡住女儿的视线,并把枕巾的一角塞入自己的嘴里。她整个身子都在颤
抖,已经没有办法控制泪 水。眼泪这种液体似乎能把人烫伤,她的脸上火辣辣的。
“那你以后再也不要哭了,好吗?妈妈!”女儿的声音迟疑而又(亲切 热切)。
还有 妈妈 女儿小声说 如果你实在想哭 就请等我长大 能把你搂入怀里时再哭 好吗
“好的,妈妈一定做到。”她“哇”的一下哭出声。 她松开女儿,下床,关了煤气,打开了窗子。
1、 请用一句话概括短文主要讲了一个什么故事。
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Mike must get up before half past six on weekdays, but he cannot get up so early in the morning. He
often gets up at a quarter or ten minutes to seven and forgets things before he goes to school. So he
often buys school things in a shop on his way to school. The shop opens early in the morning. It opens
at half past six every morning. It sells cheap things, but they are something not very good. Mike often
says, “I’m not going to that shop. The things in the shop are not dear, but they aren’t good enough.”
But he cannot get up early and he cannot remember to put away his school things before going to bed
and to take all the things in the school bag! He has to go to that shop often.
1. What time does Mike often get up on weekdays? He gets up at ________.
A. half past six B. a quarter to seven C. a quarter past seven D. five minutes to seven
2. What does Mike often do on his way to school? He often goes to _______.
A. a shop to see his classmates. B. a shop to buy something to eat or drink
C. a shop to buy some of his school things he forgets to take before leaving home
D. opem a shop on his way to school
3. Why does Mike often buy things on his way to school? Because ________.
A. He doesn’t put his school things away before going to bed
B. He often forgets to take all the things in the school bag before leaving home
C. He thinks the people in the shop are very friendly to him and he is glad to see them
D. He thinks the things in the shop are very cheap
4. What do you know about the things in the shop? The things in that shop are _______.

A. very dear B. very good C. Mike’s favourite things D. very cheap
5. What time does the shop open in the morning? It opens at _________.
A. 7:00a.m. B. 6:30a.m. C. 6:45a.m. D. 7:15a.m.
Mr. Johns went into his teashop again one morning, and sat n one of his seats at the counter.
Many other people also came in, but most of them did not stay long. After fifteen minutes, a young man
and a young woman came in. There were only two empty seats at the counter, one is on Mr. Johns’ left,
and the other is on his right. The young man sat on one, and the young woman on the other, but Mr.
Johns immediately asked to change places with him so that the man and the woman could be together.
“Oh, that isn’t necessary,” the young woman said, but Mr. Johns insisted. When the young man and the
young woman were side by side, the young man said to her, “Well, this kind old man wanted us to sit
together, so may I introduce myself? My name is Jack. What’s yours?”
11. One morning Mr. Jones came into the teashop and ______.
A. sat at the counter
B. found on seat for him to sit on because many people also came
C. seemed to stay longer than all the other people
D. gave his seat to the young man and the young woman
12. After the young man and the young woman came in, _______.
A. Mr. Johns thought they came too early
B. Mr. Johns thought they were friends or husbands and wife
C. the young man asked Mr. Jones to change places
D. they wanted to be together
13. When the young woman said, “That isn’t necessary”, Mr. Jones _____.
A. didn’t understand her B. knew well what she meant
C. was afraid not to change places with her D. decided to stay a little longer
14. ________ before Mr. Johns met them in the teashop.
A. The young man got to know the young woman outside
B. The young man and the young woman didn’t know each other
C. The young man and the young woman knew each other well
D. The young man and the young woman wanted to have some tea together
15. Which of the sentences is true?
A. Mr. Johns came to this teashop for the first time.
B. Most of the people didn’t leave the shop until it was closed.
C. There were no other empty seats at the counter except the two beside Mr. Johns.
D. It seemed that the young woman wanted to change places with Mr. Johns.
B C B D B A B A B C 一个生活艰难的小男孩在车上卖唱时,面对屈辱不屈不挠,保护了自己的尊严,赢得了人们的尊重 。
母 亲病了是绝症,她的女儿很聪明,她想死,但女儿没有指望了,所以她想和女儿一起死,但女儿的一番话促使她改 变了主







