
2020年12月06日 00:59



Joe is visiting his cousin George in the countryside.
Joe: I weigh 47 kilograms. How much do you weigh, George
George: I weigh 40 kilograms.
Joe: I’m 150 centimetres tall. How tall are you
George: I’m 152 centimetres tall.
Joe:You’re taller. Do you do a lot of exercise
George: Yes. I usually play basketball and table tennis after school.
Joe:I usually play football after school. I’m a football fan..
George: Sometimes I go fishing with my grandpa.
Joe:How exciting! I don’t go fishing often. There’s no river near my
George: But you can go to museums. That’s fantastic!
Ms Wen is a writer. In the past, she used a pen and paper to write her
books. Now she uses a computer. .Mrs Hong is a farmer. In the past, she
got her crops in by hand. Now she uses a machine. Mr Zhang is a
photographer. In the past, he used film to take photos. Now he uses a
digital camera. He can see his photos right away. Mr Yang is a street
cleaner. In the past, he swept the streets with a broom. Now he drives a
street sweeper. It can clean the streets in a short time.
Schools of the future
In the future, schools will be different. They will be under the sea, on
high mountains and even in space.
Robots will help us find books in the library. They will also do other
things in schools.
We will use computers in all our lessons. They will help us see dinosaurs
and other interesting things.
The students are going to an art museum tomorrow. Miss Wang is telling
them about some paintings.
Miss Wang: Look at the two pictures on the blackboard. Which one do
you like
Kitty: I like the one on the left. I like the colours. The night sky is
Miss Wang: This is an oil painting. It’s colourful.
Joe : I like the one on the right. I like horses.

This horse looks powerful.
Miss Wang: This is a Chinese ink painting. It’s usually in black and white. I
like Chinese ink painting , too.

We have two PE lessons at school every week. My friends and I like PE
lessons very much. We run long races and short races. The races are

exciting. We all want to win. We do the long jump and the high jump. Jill
is good at the high jump. Joe is good at the long jump. Sometimes we
play ball games. I like playing football, volleyball and basketball. My
friends and I like playing sport. We have a lot of fun together.
Today is Sunday. Sally and Peter are in the park. A boy is crying.
Sally: Hello. What’s the matter Can we help you
Boy: I can’t find my dog.
Peter: We can help you. What does your dog look like
Boy: She’s small and white. She has a pink bell around her neck.
Man: I saw her half an hour ago. She was near the gate.
Woman: I saw her two minutes ago. She was near the lake.
Peter: Let’s go to the lake then.
Sally: We should also ask the gatekeeper. Peter, you go to the lake. I’m
going to ask the gatekeeper.
Peter: OK. Let’s meet here in 15 minutes.
Boy: Thank you for your help.
Woman: Excuse me. Where’s the underground station
Mark: It’s over there. Can you see that sign
Woman: Yes. Thank you. I just came from Shanghai. The sign for the
underground station there is red.
Mark: I see . There are different signs in different cities .
Woman: In the UK, the sign is a big and red circle. You can see the word
“UNDERGROUND” in the middle.
Mark: Are there any special sings in your country
Woman: Yes. We have some animal signs. Sometimes the animals use
the roads too. We must look out for them.
Mark: That’s interesting .
Alice: Mum, can I throw away these bottles and cans
Mrs Wang: No. We should keep them.
Alice: Why, Mum

Mrs Wang: Because we can reuse them. Let me show you.
Mrs Wang: Look, Alice. We can reuse this small can and put your rubbers
and crayons in it.
Alice: That’s a good idea!
Mrs Wang: We can put some flowers in this bottle.
Alice: Then it’ll be a vase.
Mrs Wang: That’s right. We can reuse other old things too. Do you have
any ideas, Alice
Alice: Yes. Look at this big can. I can put my pens, pencils and rulers in it.
It’s the right size! It’ll be a nice pen holder.
Mrs Wang: Good idea, Alice.
Save some paper cups, and find a little piece of string.
Use them to make toy phones, and you can talk and sing.
When you find waste paper, don’t throw it away.
Use it to make paper planes. Then take them outside to play.







