
2020年12月09日 00:12




一、 问题提出:
随 着中国与世界的交往日益密切,英语学习已经成为人们的必须.英语作为
一门语言,在学习过程中既要有 正规系统的学习渠道,而又要有随时随地都能进
行的学习练习及应用场所,以便巩固所学的英语知识,提 高英语交际的能力。
渤海镇小学现状::1、 渤海镇小学的生源来自于附近行政村,与城里小孩
相比会有一定的差别:农村孩子胆小、 拘谨、不善言谈,羞于说英语,缺少自
信心。2、 渤海镇小学英语师资力量相对薄弱。3. 缺乏运用 英语的环境。目前
条件,旅游业比较发达 ,农家院大量兴起,都是学生进行交际的有利场所。如何
根据农村小学的实际情况,有效地把握课堂教学 ,创设良好的英语学习环境,培
养和发展学生使用英语这种交际工具的能力。怎样发挥本地区的优势,使 课堂教
村小学英 语教学,与实践活动的研究”课题。
英语教学新课程的理念是要 尽可能多的为学生创设英语交际的环境,尽可能
交际的环境,开展实践活动 ,培养学生的交际意识、提高他们的交际能力的措施
与对策,以供其他农村学校在此方面有所借鉴,共同 提高学生的英语水平。
充分利用农村的语言环境,给学生创 设英语交际的环境,开展实践活动,
也可以在课末,根 据实际情况再定。
单词教学: 遵循词不离句的原则。以词带句、一句带 词,八单词放在
一方面避 免了直接教单词的枯燥,另一方面,有帮助学生建立初步的
句子课文教学: 要注意创设一定的情况,多给学生各种口头练习和听

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语音教学: 通过学生自主学习,让学生感知发音规则,巩固和复习所学
韵文教学: 可以当作一节课的导入内容,当学生对他了解后在进行教

5 制定一个学生的自我评价表,随时的对学生进行监控。
二)英语课堂充分体现学生的实践活动。 布卢姆认为:“成功的外语课堂教学应当在课内创设更多的情境,让学
生有机会用自己学到的语言材 料。”这充分体现了小孩子爱新奇、好动
的特点,突出了语言的实践性与交际性,使学生能够“学以致用 ”,同
英语论坛专栏,学生可以 进行简单的英文聊天,结交网友,有助于
生活中人们离不开交际,特别 是语言交际,英语教学是语言教学,
语言源于生活,有始建于生活。杰克波森曾说过:“教好英语的先要 条
生必须潜到水里去。这 样,他最后才能像一个熟练的游泳着那样乐在其
中。因此教师要给学生创造尽量多的听、说、连的机会。 让他们多听、
a) 校园生活处处用英语。在校园内创设大的英语学习环境,如 学生到老
只要能用到英语的 尽量用英语交流,哪怕只说一个单词。学生把所学
内容向老师表达,不管老师会不会都要认真倾听。要求 所有学生都要
b) 在室内、外建立英语角等活动阵地,为学生学习英语创造良好的学习
室内:布置一间空 房子,房间的布置要有浓厚的英语气息,学生可以
利用课余时间到英语角和老师交流、和同学交流。可以 放一些英文电
些适合学生阅 读的报刊。
店进行实践活动。 < br>在组织活动是教师可以给学生一些人物,通过活动完成一些人物,教师所给
人物必须是容易完成的 ,如调查一些旅游者从事的工作、爱好、国际、姓名等。

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交流的对象可能是外国人,也可能是当地的群众。也可以把所学的知识讲给当 地

的重要性在这一 进程中日益突出。
改 革。重点是要改革英语课程的教学,过分重视语法和词汇知识的讲解与传授,
忽视对学生实际语言运用能 力的培养倾向,强调课程应从学生的学习兴趣、生活
体验和认知水平出, 倡导学生体验、实践、参与、 合作与交流的学习方式和任
务型的必学途径,发展学生的综合语言运用能力,使语言学习的过程成为学生 形
的过程。 < br>做到这些要求,首先需要的就是学生浓厚的对英语学习的兴趣,那怎么样培
养学生学习兴趣就成了 一个基础话题,这一问题要面向全体学生,特别是要关注
学生的个别差异引起的情感问题。帮助学生建立 成就感和自信心。
性 。使每个学生都能得到充分的发展。在这一过程中教学模式的转变起到了一定
的作用,一定要从以老师为 中心的教学模式身以学生为中心的教学模式转变。强
调学生的参与和体验,强调采用多种形式的教学活动 。比如可以利用我们学校已
有的良好电教资源,听原版录音带练习发音,也可以利用网络找一些贴近课堂 学
兴趣。 利用听、说促进学生写单词,写短语,写句子,写对话,不能反其道而行,
又造成以往我们说的“哑 吧英语”。
育在其 中深有体现。并且由升学教育向终身教育的转变等等都是很好的突破。在
这一新课标的指导下,希望在英 语教学中可以达到更好的效果。
Teaching contents:
本册书共 六个单元,其中五个单元是精读课文,一个复习单元。这册书在编
排时很注意学生兴趣的培养,尤其在单 词字母学习这一环节,教材把手写字母相
同的单词进行了归类,并且安排了大量的听、说、读、写 等多 项练习,利用图
Teaching Aims:

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充分利用学校的电教资源,在发展学生自主学习的基调上,让学生可以接触< br>到更多、更直观的学习方式,比如听录音,看小动画等等。掌握部分日常用
语,如:能听懂询问名 子的问及回答,或问是谁的语句。辨别词中的字母的
2、Speaking: < br>根据本册书的教学要求,作为基本的主导方向,指导学生在教师为学生设计
的教学情境中,能够正 确运用问这是什么,有多少个,什么颜色等等的语句,
正确,流利的朗读和使用课文对话,正确读出与课文或练习中相关的单 词,
以听、说、读的基础上 ,培养学生写的能力。正确描、写英语中的字母,能
1、 发挥老师的指导做用的同时,充分发挥学生的自我主观调动意识,且提高< br>他们自主学习的能力,但要注意教师在教的过程中,对学生思想的指导方向,
不能一味的任学生自 己发展。 二年级的学生在上课时有些时候上课意识并
不强烈,这要求教师不能只是教授新知而以,在很 大程度上是要引导学生的
2、充分运用学校已有资源,如:电子媒体进行多方位 教学,网络教学等。这样
3、在英语的教学过程中,加入 适当的对英、美等国家一些风俗习惯在日常生活
中的应用。主要采取同学之间互相帮助的方法,可以形成 一帮一小组等方式。

1、在英语 教学的过程中注意培养学生的学习兴趣是一个老生常谈的问题,因此
更应引起我们的重视。于此教师可以 采取多种方式,比如:多采纳、听取学
生的意见,抵制学英语给学生带来的负面压力,努力创设一个轻松 的学习环
3、对于申奥成功,无疑是北京对世界张开怀抱 的一个机会,学生作为未来世界
的主动力,在学习中提倡培养学生的创新意识。这样才能在竞争如些激烈 的
Teaching Emphasis:
①What’s this?及回答.
②What color?及应答。
③How many?及应答.
④I can的应用.

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Teaching Difficulty:
注:Teacher’s activities=T
Student’s activities=S

Teaching planning

周次 内容

1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8
8 9
10 11
12 13

Unit 7 Is it a pear?
Unit 8 Are these
Unit 9 How many?
Unit 10 what color it
Unit 11 I can climb
Unit 12 Review
Total review

Is it a pear?
Lesson one(2-16)

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Teaching Aims:
1、Understand the dialogue what’s mean.
2、The students like to learn English.
1、The students can be ask and answer the dialogue.
Teaching Emphasis:
1、How can use “What’s this?” in the dialogue. And answer it.
2、Emphasis sentence: Is it a……? Yes,it is. No,it isn’t.
Teaching Difficulty:
The children can be use the “What’s this?” in dialogue. Answer it.
Teaching step:
一、Greetings: Haven’t seen you for a long time!

二、Presentation and practice.

Step 1 Model the dialog
1. Ask the students what they say when they see something exciting or
amazing. Tell them,“In English, we can say Wow!” Have the Ss repeat the
word a few minute.
2. Hold up the card, ask students to answer what they can see.
3. Choose one student. Ask,“What’s this ?”The student replies.
4. Learn the new words in the same way.

Step 2 Talk about the story
Have the students open their books, ask these questions about the
1. Where are Lulu and Mocky?
2. Who has a stall there ?
3. What is the litter fruit?
4. Does she like it?
T: We are going to talk about the story.
1. Hold up a card. Say,“What’s this ?”Elicit the answer,“peach”.
2. Repeat this for pear, orange, and nut.

Step 3 Story
1.T: We are going to meet some new friends.
Play the tape once without stopping.
the tape again, pausing after each picture. Have the students
repeat each sentences after hearing it on the tape.
3. Divide the class into two groups. One group will be Mocky, the other
group will be Lulu.
4. Play the tape again. Stop the tape after each sentences.

Step 4 Talk about the story in group.
students talk about the story after thacher.

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2. Encourage the children to talk about the story in group.
some students to act it out.

Encourage the students to tell the story to their families.

果较好。课堂上,还要尽量 注意对学生口语发音的训练。

Lesson two(2-18)

Teaching Aims:
1、Understand the dialogue what’s mean.
2、The students like to learn English.
2、The students can be ask and answer the dialogue.
Teaching Emphasis:
3、How can use “What’s this?” in the dialogue. And answer it.
4、Emphasis sentence: Is it a……? Yes,it is. No,it isn’t.
Teaching Difficulty:
The children can know the fruit words.
Teaching step:


Step 1 Words to learn
1、Have the students open their books. Draw their attention to the “ Words
to learn ”.
2、Play the tape. Stop the tape after each new words. Ask the Ss to repeat
it. Do this a second time.
3、Play the tape straight through. While it is playing, hold up the book.
Point to each words in turn.
4、Play the guessing game outlined in the first part of the lesson. This
time, use only the words for fruit in “Words to learn”.

Step 2 Listen to this
1、Display copy of the page and point the bottom half. Tell the children
Mocky says, What’s this? Point to the picture of a banana. Elicit the
answer, “It’s a banana.”
2、Learn the new words and sentences. Have the students repeat the
sentences and touch each word. Ask, Is it a peach? Answer, No, it isn’t.
Read the sentences and have the students repeat it before. Ask, Is it a

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banana? Answer, Yes, it is.
3、Read the sentences together. Tel the Ss that I am going to play a tape.
Play the first question and answer. Check that the students have chosen
the answer on the page.

Step 3 Play the game
1、Hold up a pen. Say, Is this a pen? Elicit, Yes, it is. Now indicate
an item farther away. Say, Is that a …?
2、Put the Ss into pair to practice each question and answer.
3、Have the Ss open their books at “Play the game”. Still in pairs, have
the Ss ask and answer questions about the numbered items.
4、Group work. Play the game in group.

Step4 Sing a song.
Sing a song in class. Then sing the song group by group.

Step 5 Play a game
Play a guessing game to practice the new words and sentences.

Sing the song and encourage the students to practice the new words and

对水果单词的学习,学生很有 兴趣,每个人都在争着说出自己喜欢的水果名称,
用英语来说名字,学生都能较快掌握好语音,同时也加 强了句子的训练。

Lesson three(2-20)
Teaching Aims:
1、Understand the dialogue what’s mean.
2、The students like to learn English.
3、The students can be ask and answer the dialogue.
Teaching Emphasis:
5、How can use “What’s this?” in the dialogue. And answer it.
6、Emphasis sentence: Is it a……? Yes,it is. No,it isn’t.
Teaching Difficulty:
The children can know and read the words.
Teaching step:


Step 1 Talk together.

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1、Direct the students’ attention to the top of the page. Say: Now we
can read what we said.
2、Read the words in the speech bubbles aloud, pointing to the words as
you do so. Have the students repeat the words after you.

Step 2 Listen and number.
1、Have the Ss open the books at page 6 . Draw their attention to the bottom
half of the page.
2、T: We are going to listen to the tape. You touch the correct characters
when you hear them say “Hello.”
3、Play the tape and have the children touch the correct pictures.
4、Play the tape two sentences at a time. Stop after each pair.
5、Repeat the procedure for the other pictures.

Step 3 Sounds and letters
1、Draw the Ss’ attention to the top of the page.
2、Play the tape for baby and ball. Ask : Do these words have the sound
3、Play the tape again and have the Ss say the sound.
4、Repeat the procedure for others.

Step 4 Listen and write.
1、Display the page and have the Ss turn to the matching page in their
own books.
2、Have Ss point to the words. Play the tape for peach, draw the Ss attention
to the word under the picture.
3、Repeat the procedure for the other words. Have the Ss write the letter
in the blanks.


color the pictures on page 6 and 7.

用听 力、口语的形式来操练句型,学生复习的较好,但对于boat与boy的读音
还要加强训练纠正,强调 好字母的书写,单词的拼写。

Lesson four(2-23)
Teaching Aims:
1、Can use the sentences and write the words correctly.
2、The students like to learn English.
3、The students can be ask and answer the dialogue.
Teaching Emphasis:

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4、How can use “What’s this?” in the dialogue. And answer it.
5、Emphasis sentence: Is it a……? Yes,it is. No,it isn’t.
Teaching Difficulty:
The children can read and write the words.
Teaching step:


Step 1 Trace the words
1、Hold up the card for banana . Ask “What is it?” Elicit from the students,
It is a banana.
2、Have the students open their books at page their attention to
the first sentences. Say, We are going to write what I said just now.
3、T: Watch me write the word.
Stand with my back to the class. Write the word in the air, using large
arm movements.
4、Ask the students to write the word in the air after me.
Repeat it.
5、Have the students turn to the “ Trace the words” activity in their
6、Have the students trace over other words by themselves.

Step 2 Find and circle
1、Display my book. Point to each picture in turn and say the matching
word. Ask, What is this? And have the Ss circle the word.
2、Repeat the procedure for the other pictures of fruit.
3、Put the Ss into pair, tell them that they must find the other fruits
names in the puzzle and circle them out.

Step 3 Uncle Book’s blackboard
1、Hold up the card, what and this , read it to the Ss, point to the words
as I read them.
2、Have the Ss repeat the words after teacher.
3、Now hold up the What is this? , explain the meaning of this sentence.
4、In the same way, review Is it and introduce It is.
5、Now have Ss open the book, model the structures by reading.
6、Divide the class into two groups. Have one group repeat the question,
and for the other group repeat the answer. Have the group change places.

Step 4 Guess and say.
1、Have the students practice saying the sentences of this unit.
2、Display my book, and explain that when I point to a fruit, I will ask
a child to guess and say.

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Ask students to finish tracing words on page 8.


通过实物教学 (水果) 学生能很快直接地接受新词的意思,该课新知识都是学
生在日常生活 中比较熟悉的,通过实物或卡通形式来激发学生的学习兴趣,在

Lesson five(2-25)
Teaching Aims:
1、Can use the sentences and write the words correctly.
2、The students like to learn English.
3、The students can be ask and answer the dialogue.
Teaching Emphasis:
6、How can use “What’s this?” in the dialogue. And answer it.
7、Emphasis sentence: Is it a……? Yes,it is. No,it isn’t.
Teaching Difficulty:
The children can read and write the words.
Teaching step:


Step 1 Read, and check
1、Review the sentences:What is it?
2、Ask the students to practice reading sentences like, this is ..., then
ask the students to read the sentences on page 10.
3、Display the book, point to the first picture. Then, point to the
question, Is it a lemon? Read the words aloud as you point each one. Elicit
the answer, Yes, it is.
4、Ask students to point to the answer in their books. Have them read
the words whit you.
5、Put the students into pair, do this exercise.

Step 2 Let’s chant.
1、Use the cards and have students practice reading the words.
2、Read the rhyme to the students, point to each word. Then play the tape
for the rhyme and have students listen and point to the words on the page.
3、Play the tape again and have students join in, encouraging them to
hum or clap with the rhyme.

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Step 3 Match the names.
1、Model the word for them, and color the pictures.
2、 Have the students use their fingers to follow the ant trail between
the pictures and the words.

Read the chant and color the pictures on page 10.

教学后记: < br>个别学生对单词的发音还有待加强,通过各种形式的操练,大部分学生对于新
句型和对话掌握较好 ,成绩好的学生掌握较好。

Lesson six(2-28)
Teaching Aims:
1、Can understand the story.
2、The students like to learn English.
3、The students can be ask and answer the dialogue.
Teaching Emphasis:
8、How can use “What’s this?” in the dialogue. And answer it.
9、Emphasis sentence: Is it a……? Yes,it is. No,it isn’t.
Teaching Difficulty:
The children can read and write the words.
Teaching step:


Step 1 Uncle Book’s storytime
Tell the students that they going to listen to a story.
1. Play the tap, ask the students to listen to the story .
2. Have the students open the book, and look at the pictures, ask them
to look for the familiar words in the book.
3. Have the students read the story silently, encourage them to try to
guess the meaning of unfamiliar words.
4. Try to tell the story in groups.

Step 2 Review the sentences and words.
1、Use the picture cards.
2、What’s this? It’s ** . Is it ** ? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.

Step 3 Bingo
1、Use this game to review the words and sentences in this Unit.

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Tell the Ss to take out their cards and get ready for the game.
2、Play the game in group.

Step 4 Self-assessment

1、Have the students do this part in pairs or in groups by themselves.
2、Students should assess themselves according to their own situation.
3、Check the answer.


Read Part A B , and the words and sentences.


Unit 8 Are these tomatoes?

Lesson 1
② 知识目标:What are thesethose? They’re They are ….
Are these…? Plural nouns (regular)
② 能力目标:Listen and talk.
③ 情感目标:鼓励学生大胆开口说英语,培养学生的自信心。
⑵ 教学重难点:Asking and answering question about plural objects
⑶ 教学过程:
1. Review
Use this activity to review structures introduced in Unit 7, and the
vocabulary introduced in Unit 2 and Unit 5.
What’s this? It’s a … Is it a …? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.
2. Model the dialog
Borrow three pens, pencils, and rulers from the children.
Hold up one pen and ask, “What’s this?” Elicit the answer, “It’s a
pen.” Repeat the procedure for pencil and ruler.
Hold up a pen and repeat the question, “What’s this?”
Now hold up two or three pens and say, “What are these?”
Repeat the procedure using the pencils and rulers.
Now have the children repeat each sentence as you hold up first one object,
and then more than one. Explain that we use these when we are referring

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to more than one object.
Practice the structure “What are thesethose? They’re …” with some
3. Talk about the story
Have the children open their books at the story. Display your copy of the
page and ask these questions about the pictures.
Where are Ann, Ken, and Mocky?
What is Mocky looking at?
What is Mocky holding?
What other vegetables does Mocky find?
Who chases Mocky?
4. Story
Play the tape, pausing at each new picture. Have the children repeat the
words before you move on to the next picture.
Play the tape again, this time without stopping.
Divide the class into three groups. One group will be Mocky, the second
group will be Ken, and the third group will be r read the
vendor’s line.
Play one sentence at a time and point to the matching story picture. Have
each group repeat its character’s sentence.
Read after the teacher。
5. Set homework
Tell your families the English names for the vegetables.
Read the text。
6. 教学后记:基本的蔬菜名称都能掌握,但是要注意what are these的提问和
回答不能和what’s this混淆。

Lesson 2
① 知识目标:What are thesethose? They are …. vegetables
②能力目标:Listen, say and sing.
⑵教学重难点:Asking and answering question about plural objects.
1. Warm-up
Choose two “What are these?” and the other child answer,
“They’re …” After they have presented three cards, choose two more
children and repeat the procedure.
Pin up one of the six flashcards. Move away and point to the flashcard.
Say, “What are those?” Elicit the correct answer.
2. Plurals
Hold up the beans flashcard. Ask, “What are these?” Make sure the
children say the final s in They’re beans.

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Explain to the children that, when we talk about more than one thing, we
usually add an s at the end of the word.
Draw one tomato and one mushroom on the board. Point to the tomato and
have the children say tomato. Then hold up the flashcard and have them
say tomatoes, emphasizing the final s sound.
Repeat the procedure for mushrooms.
3. Words to learn
Display your copy of the page. Play the tape once. Point to the picture
of each vegetable as it is named.
Play the tape again. Have the children touch the correct picture as they
hear each vegetable’s name.
Without the tape , read the words together. Encourage the children to touch
each word as they say it.
Read the names again, and this time have the children repeat the words.
4. Listen to this
Talk about the pictures first.
Play the tape, pausing after each pair of sentences. Have them repeat
Ken’s question, then point to the correct vegetables.
5. Teach the song
Use the flashcards of the vocabulary being reviewed.
Practice the structures “Are these …? Yes, they are. No, it isn’t.”
with the flashcards.
These new structures will prepare the children for the song.
Tell the children they are going to learn another song. Read the words
aloud to the children , pointing to each word as you do so.
Play the song. Encourage the children to sing along and to clap in time.
6. Set homework
Tell the children you want them to sing the song to their families.
Read the new words by themselves。
7. 教学后记:听力部分学生们能够迅速找出答案,但对于单词朗读这一部分同
学们还是有些 困难,认为单词较长,而且比较难读。应多加强单词阅读次数。

Lesson 3(3-9)
② 知识目标:Are thesethose…? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.
(Phonics)t d
②能力目标:Listen, talk and read.
⑵教学重难点:Have the children practice the sounds and letters.
1. Warm-up
Language drill
Are these …? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.

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2. Talk together
Have the children open their books at page 18. draw their attention to
the pictures at the top of the page. Say, “Now we can read what we said.”
Display the copy of the page and then read aloud the words in the speech
bubbles, pointing to each word as you say it.
Read the words again, and have the children repeat them after you.
Encourage the children to touch the words in their books as they say them.
If time allows, the children could substitute other vegetable names for
First time:listen to the tape.
Second time:listen and repeat.
Read by themselves. Then elicit some students to read it.
3. Listen and number
Talk about the pictures first.
Play the tape, have the children number the pictures in the correct order.
Check the answer.
4. Sounds and letters
Draw the children’s attention to the pictures on top of the page.
Play the tape for taxi and tomatoes. Ask, “Do these words have the sound
Play the tape again and have the children say the words aloud.
Repeat the procedure for the d words.
5. Match the sounds.
Read all the words in the circle and have the children touch the words
that have all the same beginning sound with taxi.
Read the words again and have the children repeat. This time have the
children match the words that have the same beginning sound with taxi to
its picture by lines.
Repeat the procedure with the d sound. Tell them that there might be
pictures that do not match either sounds.
6. Set homework

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