
2020年12月12日 23:52



Unit1 课 时 计 划
教 学
目 的
Unit 1 My age
Use simple expressions and structures to interact with others
Ask questions to find out information
Can I help you? Yes, please.

I’m old. You are young.

old, young,


Cards pictures tape
教 up
学 Revise the numbers(1-10) through a game..
过 tation
程 1) Prepare an old person’s face and a young person’s face. Use them as puppets
and move them as if they are talking to each other.
2) Move the older person’s head and say My name’s Mr Mrs Miss…What’s
your name? Move the young person’s head and say My name’s…Now make
the older puppet say I’m old. You’re young.
3) Then ask a confident pupil to come to the front of the class. Give them a
heavy stack of books(pencils, schoolbags) to carry. Look at them and ask Can
I help you? Prompt them to say Yes, please and take some of the books from
their pile. Then switch roles and prompt the pupil to ask you the question.
4) Show Transparency. Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette and point to the speech
bubbles. Continue to play the cassette and ask the pupils to repeat after the
beeps. Pay particular attention to the intonation and stress of the words.
1).(Books open.)Read the characters’ speech bubbles aloud. Get the pupils to say
the words after you.
2)Point to the situations in the pictures and ask the pupils to make sentences
about them.

布1. Workbook (p.1) Ask the 板
Can I help you? I’m old.
置pupils to look at the pictures 书
Yes, please. You’re young.
作and tick the correct 设
业 utterances. 计
2. Copy the new words in

The students could make sentences very well and enjoyed it very much.

Unit1课 时 计 划
第 2 节
Unit 1 My age
Use simple expressions and structures to interact with others
教 学
Ask questions to find out information
目 的
Revise P.A
Can I help you? Yes, please.

I’m old. You are young.

old, young, play,


Cards pictures tape
教S1. Warm up
学 1)Old, young,

I’m old. You’re young.
程 2)Have a dictation
old ,young
Can I help you?
Yes, please.
1) Play a game.(Guess me old or young.)
2) Act out the dialogue.
3) Give a confident pair of pupils the puppets from your presentation. Ask them
to role-play the situations on the first page. Then, have the class make their
own puppets. Ask half the class to make an older puppet and the other half a
young one. Match the pairs and ask them to role-play the situations from the
布1. Copy the numbers we 板Can I help you?
置have learned. 书
作2. Make a number card (to 设
I’m… You’re…
业 show you age.) 计
3. Recite P.A.
Let’s play!

The students enjoyed playing the guessing game very much.


Unit1课 时 计 划
第 3 节
教 学
目 的
Unit 1 My age(P.B)
Ask questions to find out information
Use English to communicate with others when playing games.

How old are you? I’m…

Come in. All right.

Cards pictures tape
教 up
学 Recite the dialogue in P.A.
过 tation
程 1. Revise numbers one to ten by numbering the pupils. Then count to ten. When
you count, the pupils with the labeled number should stand up and say that
number should stand up and say that number. With more able classes you can
count backwards.
2. Bring a puppetsoft toy and a picture of a birthday cake with five candles on
it to class.
3. Show the puppet toy to the pupils .Acting as the puppettoy, introduce
yourself and greet the pupils. Then show the picture of the birthday cake and
make the puppet toy say I’m five.
4. Still acting the part of the puppettoy, ask the pupils How old are you? If they
can’t answer, repeat I’m(age).How old are you?
5. Show Transparency. Show the pupils where the children want to go by
pointing to the entrance to the swimming complex. Show the pupils that the
age requirement is six years and older. Play the Pupils to repeat after the
beeps. Do the same with the vocabulary items.
1). (Books open.)Ask some pupils How old are you? When they reply correctly,
say OK. Come in. k the puppettoy How old are you? Play the part of the puppet
and say I’m five. Say No, sorry to the puppet. Have the puppettoy act
disappointed and wave goodbye to the pupils.
2) Read the speech bubbles of the characters and ask the pupils to repeat them
after you.
布1.C.B-page3,4 板
How old are you? I’m…
置2. Listen to the part and recite. 书All right.
作设Come in.
业 计

The students could say the main sentences very fluently.

Unit1课 时 计 划

第 4 节
Unit 1 My age
Use simple expressions and structures to interact with others
教 学
Ask questions to find out information
目 的
Revise P.B
How old are you?


Recite P.B


Cards pictures tape
学 Ask some pairs to role-play the short dialogue.
过 ce
程 1).A game: Guess my age.
Ask some pupils to come to the front with wearing their age cards. Let the other
pupils to guess the age with saying numbers .If they can ask, How old are you,
heshe can get the answer I’m…
2)Put these words in one sentence.(old, you, how, are)
Put the cards on the cards. Then ask a pupil to put them in orders.

布1. Workbook: Ask the 板How old are you?
置pupils to look at the 书
作pictures and listen to the 设Come in.
业 Workbook Cassette. 计
2. Tell the pupils to draw
the correct number of
candles on the cakes and
write the correct ages on
the cards.

The students enjoyed guessing my age very much.


Unit1课 时 计 划

教 学
目 的
Unit 1 My age
Use simple expressions and structures to interact with others
Ask questions to find out information
How old are you?

Come in .

Role-play the story

Cards pictures tape
学 Ask some pairs to role-play the short dialogue in P.B
过 tation
程 1) Show Transparency. Point to the poster at the entrance to show that it is a
zoo. Point to the sign that shows you must be over eight years old to enter.
2) Read the story or play the Pupil’s Book cassette. Point to the speech bubbles
in each picture.
3) Ask some pupils to come up and role-play the story. You may want to bring
an extra pair of aduly size shoes, a hat or a scarf that would be much too big
for the pupils. The pupil playing the part of the girl can put on the adult
clothes for the final part of the story.
4) Ask the pupils to act out the story in small groups and to read the characters’
speech bubbles.

布3. Workbook: Ask the 板How old are you?
置pupils to look at the 书
作pictures and listen to the 设Come in.
业 Workbook Cassette. 计 I know .
4. Tell the pupils to match Sorry, no.
the animals and the ages
at the bottom of the

The students enjoyed role- playing the story very much.

Unit1课 时 计 划

教 学
目 的
Unit 1 My age
Use English to communicate with others when playing games
Use proper pronunciation and intonation

Revise the sentence pattern through the excises

How to finish the Exs. correctly

Cards pictures tape
教 and draw lines.
学 Count the candles on the cakes with the pupils. Show the pupils how to draw
过 a line from the dot under the picture to the correct speech bubble. Check answers
程 using Transparency.
1. Ask the pupils to look at the pictures and listen to the Workbook Cassette
2. Tell the pupils to match the animals and the ages at the bottom of the
the sound and the words.(p.4)
1. Play the Pupil’s Book cassette and ask the pupils to say the sound and the
words. Point out the spelling of this long’e’ sound.
2. Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette again and ask the pupils to say the rhyme after
the cassette.
3. Read the instructions to the pupils. You may want to briefly revise colours at
this point .Demonstrate what the instructions mean by drawing a lychee on
the board and circling it.
布 to the tape. 板How old are you?
置 the words. 书
作设I can sing.
业 计

The students could finish the exercises well.

Unit1课 时 计 划

教 学
目 的
Unit 1 My age
Use English to communicate with others when playing games
Use proper pronunciation and intonation

Revise the sentence pattern through the excises

How to finish the Exs. correctly

Cards pictures tape
教S1.P.F Look and do.(p.5)
学 1. Tell the pupils to draw the shape shown in picture 1on a piece of paper.
过 2. Tell the pupils to write their age in the shape using numbers. Ask them to
程 colour the shape.
3. Ask the pupils to cut out their badge and help any pupils who need
4. Help the pupils to make holes in their badge so they can hang it around their
necks. You may want to make a badge yourself to show the pupils what the
finished product should look like.
5. Ask the pupils to put their badges on backwards so that the others cannot see
their age. Then ask them to walk around the class asking each other How old
are you? and replying I’m(age).
S2.G Listen, number and sing.(p.6)
1. Listen to the song.
2. Point to the numbered pictures of the characters doing various actions.
Ask the pupils to listen again and write the correct numbers from the pictures at
the top in the boxes next to each of the characters.
布1. Look at the pictures in 板How old are you?
置order to get the gist of the 书How old are you?
作story. 设
I’m seven. I’m seven.
业 2 Check answers orally 计 I can jump with,
before letting the pupils I can jump with,

write the correct numbers in
the speech bubbles.
My friend Ken,
My friend Ken.

The students were active in answering questions.

Unit1课 时 计 划

教 学
目 的
Unit 1 My age
Use English to communicate with others when playing games
Use proper pronunciation and intonation

Revise the sentence pattern through the excises

How to finish the Exs. correctly

Cards pictures tape

S1Play the game' Hot potato'. scrunch up a piece of paper to make a small ball.
Ask about ten pupils to stand in a small circle at the front of the classroom in a
circle. Join the circle.
Version1 :Put on one of the age badges that the pupils made in part F. Holding
the ball, say I’m seveneight. Throw the ball to a pupil saying How old are you?
The pupil who catches the ball replies by saying I’m (age).Then they ask How
old are you? and throw the ball to another pupil.
Version2: This can be done with more able pupils and involves teaching new
language. Throw the ball to a pupil saying You’re (age).How old am I? The pupil
says You’re seveneight. How old am I? The pupil then throws the ball to
another pupil who must do the same.

1Ask the pupils to take their 板How old are you?
age badges home to show to 书
I’m seven.
their parents. Tell them to 设How old am I ?
present their badges and I’m

You’re ten.
(age )in English.

The students could finish the exercises very fast.

Unit2课 时 计 划
第 1 节
课题 Unit2 Coming to school Part A Look and say.
教 学 To teach the pupils the English names of some vehicles. Get them to
目 的 grasp the correct pronunciation and intonation.

To recognize and say out the new words correctly.

To apply the new words into the sentence: I can see a _____.

Real things or pictures. A tape recorder.






Warm up: 1. Sing an English song
2. Use a picture to revise the sentence patterns: What can you
see? I can see a_____. I can see_____.
Show a picture of the road or the street. Point to the vehicles on the
road and say their names slowly and clearly. Ask the pupils to echo
you. The point to the pictures or use model vehicles and prompt the
pupils to say the words for each vehicle.
Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette. The pupils listen and follow in their
books. Continue to play the cassette and ask the pupils to repeat after
the beeps. Do the same with the vocabulary items.
Point to the characters and ask the pupils to say the words in their speech
(Books closed.) Draw simple pictures of the vehicles on the board. Ask
the pupils what can you see? And prompt them to name all the
(Books open.) Tell the class, for example, point to a taxi. Check that the
pupils are pointing to the correct vehicle. Get the pupils to work in
pairs to role-play the scene on the page.
Get the pupils to draw their favorite vehicle. Tell them to show their
drawing to a friend and to ask and answer What can you see? I can see
a…or What’s this? It’s a…
Homework: workbook (p.6)
Unit2 Coming to school
Read after the tape of Part A.
A Picture for revision.
Imitate the pronunciation & 板
What can you see? I can see a ____.
Intonation. 书
Pictures for the new words.
Recite part A 设
Copybook 计
A car a taxi a bus a minibus a bike a
Workbook. (P.6)
school bus.

学The progress of the pupils makes me feel happy. It seems that they study much
后harder then before.

Unit2课 时 计 划
第 2 节
课题 Unit1 My age Part B Say and act.
教 学 To learn the new sentence pattern and to apply the words into the new
目 的 sentence patterns.

The new sentence patterns: 1. How do you come to school, Pat? 2. I
come to school by _____. I walk.

难点 As same as the main point.

教具 Real things or pictures. A tape recorder.


Show a picture of a street with many vehicles. Ask the pupils

What can you see? Prompt them to say I can see a ____. And
then ask them to describe these vehicles. (Size & color).

(Books closed.) Show photos or pictures of different vehicles and for
each one, say I come to school by… Then mime walking and say I
Ask individual pupils How do you come to school? Prompt the answer by
helping them with I come to school by… Or I walk.
(Books open.) Show transparency. Tell the pupils that the children are at
school. Point to the school bus in Pt’s thought bubble and say I come
to school by school bus. Point to Ann walking in her thought bubble
and say I walk. Ask the pupils to echo you.
Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette. The pupils listen and follow in their
books. Continue to play the cassette and ask the pupils to repeat after
the beeps.


(Books open.) Point to the vehicles in the characters’ thought bubbles
and ask the pupils to name them.
Demonstrate how to do the practice by asking a pupil How do you come
to school, Tim? And prompting them to answer I come to school by
bus by point to the bus in his thought bubble. Ask the pupils to work
in pairs to ask and answer the questions. You may need to help the
pupils with the pronunciation of the names.
Walk around the room to monitor and correct the pupils’ pronunciation
and accuracy.

Tell the pupils to group themselves according to the method of transport
they use to come to school. Ask them to walk around the classroom and
ask other pupils How do you come to school?

Recite part B.
Workbook (p.7).
Doing a research paper. (To
research how their classmates
come to school.)
Unit2 Coming to school
板Pictures for revision
书What can you see? I can see a (vehicle).
设How do you come to school, ___?
计 I come to school by ____.
I walk.

I am glad to see that the students grasp the words and the spelling very well.

Unit2课 时 计 划
第 3 节
课题 Unit2 Come to school Part C Story time &Part D
To tell a story so as to consolidate the words & sentence patterns.
教 学
To get the pupils to ask and answer about the information of how they
目 的
come to school.
教 重点 To tell the story.

The consolidation and the application of the words and sentences.

教具 Real things or pictures. A tape recorder.
Step2 Free talk: How do you come to school?
Presentation & practice:

Part C

Read the story once while showing Transparency or play the Pupil’s book
cassette all the way through pointing to the characters and their

speech bubbles in each of the pictures.
Ask some pupils to come up and role-play the story. If you want, you can

make something that looks like the jet engines on Koko’s back for

one if the pupils to wear.

Ask the pupils to act out the story in groups of five and read the

characters’ speech bubbles.

Part D: Follow the lines. Tick or cross. (P.10)

Tell the pupils to follow the strings from the different characters to

pictures. They tick the box if the method of transport in the sentence
matches that in the picture. Otherwise. They put a cross in the box.

Check answers using Transparency.

Step5 Consolidation: workbook (p.8)
Ask the pupils to look at the pictures and listen to the workbook Cassette.
Tell the pupils to find out how each animal pupil come to school and put
a tick in the correct boxes.

布板Unit2 Coming to school
Revise the words. Read aloud
置书The main sentence patterns:
Part A &B loudly. Recite Part
作设How do you come to school?

计 I come to school by vehicle.
I walk run fly to school.

It’s easy for the pupils of Class 1 to catch up with and understand me. However,
后the pupils of Class 3 are left behind.

Unit2课 时 计 划
第 4 节
Unit2 Coming to school Part E. Say the sound and the words.
教 学
To consolidate what we learned.
To learn the sounds.
目 的
教 重点
Letters and their sounds. The words and the sentences.

As same as the main point.

Real things or pictures. A tape recorder.

Dictation of the new words.
Step3 Free talk: Ask the pupils to come up to make dialogues. The topic is
how do you come to school?
Step4 Revision: Revise the sounds and the words we have learn before.
Play the pupil’s Book cassette and ask the pupils to say the sound and the

words. Point out the spelling of this long ‘o’ sound.

Play the Pupil’s book Cassette again and ask the pupils to say the rhyme

after the cassette.

Read the instructions to the pupils.. You may want to briefly revise colors

at this point. Demonstrates what the instructions mean by pretending

to color the window.

Ask the pupils to look at the top of the page and listen to Workbook
Cassette. They need to circle the picture that matches the sound.
Workbook (p.9)
a. Ask the pupils to look at the second part of the page. Tell them to
trace the words in the model sentence for the picture on the left and
write the words for the picture on the right.
Unit2 Come to school
Read aloud Part A to C. Topic: How do you come to school?
Say the sounds and the words. ow snow yellow window


Look at the snow
业 计
On the yellow window.

“Say the sound and the words” is still a difficult part for lots of students.

Unit2课 时 计 划
第 5 节
Unit2 Come to school Part F Look and do. & G Listen, number and sing
Consolidate what we learned by playing a game.
教 学
To get the pupils to communicate more fluently.
目 的
To learn an English song.

Play a game and sing a song.

As same as the main point.

A tape recorder. Pictures.
Step2 Revision: Revise the names of the vehicles we have learned.
Presentation & practice:

Part F:
Tell the pupils to work in groups of six to conduct a survey. Each group
should have a group secretary. Make sure you vary the group sectary
each time this kind of activity is done to avoid over-reliance on
certain pupils.
Get one pupil in each group to start by asking the person on hisher left
How do you come to school? The pupil replies in a full sentence and

then asks the pupil to their left how do you come to school? This

continues until everyone at the table has asked and answered the


The group sectary colors one small picture in the chart at the bottom of

the page for each of the methods of transport the pupils in the group

use to come to school. When the survey is finished, all the pupils in

the group should use the secretary’s chart as a guide and color their

own charts.

Walk around the classroom to make sure the pupils are asking and

answering correctly.

Part G: Tick and sing
Tell the pupils to tick the modes of transport use to come to school.
Read aloud the sentences of the song.
Listen to the song and learn to sing the song.
workbook (p.10) Tell the pupils to look at the pictures on
the left and read the speech bubbles. Then ask the pupils
to match the sentences on the left with the pictures on the
Unit2 Come to school
Revise the words and the text.
How do you come to school?
Read aloud the text for at least 4
Come to school, come to school,


How do you come to school?
业 计
By bus, bus, bus. I walk, walk, walk.

学The pupils can learn the song very fast and sing the song very well. My hard
后working is not in vain.

Unit2课 时 计 划
第 6 节
教 学
目 的
Unit 2 Coming to school
Review Unit 2

Finish the exercises in workbook.

How to finish the writing part.

computer slide
Revision: Review the main words and sentences in Unit 2.

Workbook: (p.4)


Check the answers in workbook.


业 计

I am glad to see that the students grasp the words and the spelling very well.

Unit3课 时 计 划
第 1 节
Unit3 In my school bag Part A Look and say.
To teach the pupils the English names of some things in one’s school
教 学
bag. Get them to grasp the correct pronunciation and intonation.
目 的

The new words. The main sentence pattern: Here’s your_____. Here are
your stickers.

The words and the main sentence pattern. The application of them.


Real things or pictures. A tape recorder.

Warm up:

Sing an English song
Free talk: What do you have in your pencil box?

(Books open.) Put a drink, a towel, a cup, some stickers, a pencil case, a
book and a ruler into a pupil’s bag. The pencil case should have two
rubbers and three pencils in it.
Open the bag and talk out the ruler and book and put them on the desk.
Hand these items different pupils saying Here’s your book. Here’s
your ruler, etc. Then take out the pencil case, open it and do the same
with the pencils, pens and rubbers in it saying Here are you pencils.
Shake and feel the bag to show there are still some things inside.. take
out the drink, towel, cup and stickers and hand them to different
pupils one by one saying here’s your drink. Here are you stickers, etc,
Ask the pupils to echo you.

Show Transparency. Play the Pupil’s Book cassette and point to the
speech bubbles. Continue to play the cassette and ask the pupils to
repeat after the beeps. Do the same with the vocabulary items.
Then point to the characters and ask the pupils to say the words in their
speech bubbles.


(Books open.) go to the pupils you have given the items to
and prompt then to say Here’s your drink. Here are your
pencils, ect. as they give the items back to you.
Ask the pupils to role-play the scene in groups of three, first,
by reading the speech bubbles, and then, by making
sentences about the things they can see in the picture.

Consolidation: Workbook (p.11)
Unit3 In my school bag
Read after the tape of Part

What do you have in your
I have a____ in my pencil box.



A cup a drink a towel stickers
Here’s your cup. Here are your
Imitate the pronunciation
Recite part A

It’s not that difficult for the pupils to learn something they are

familiar with.

Unit3课 时 计 划
第 2 节
教 学
目 的
Unit3 In my school bag Part B Say and act. (p.14)
To learn the new sentence pattern and to apply the words into the new
sentence patterns.
The singular form and plural form of the verbs.

New sentence patterns:
What’s in your school bag book?
There’s a _____.
There are two _____s.
As same as the main point.
Real things or pictures. A tape recorder.
Warm-up: Play a game to revise the new words.

Play a memory game using real objects or a picture. Put the four new
objects and six to ten other known items on a tray. Give the pupils one
minute to look at and memorize which objects are on the tray. Then cover
the tray. Ask the pupils to tell you what items were on the tray using
Here’s your…or Here are your…Write a list on the board. When the
pupils cannot remember any more items, check on the tray.

(Books closed.) Fill a bag with the same objects listed in number 1 for
Part A. Pick up the bag. Show the pupils that it is very big and heavy.
Ask the pupils What’s in the bag? Ask then to tell the names of the
objects as you take them out saying together There’s a cup towel
drink pencil case. Then ask them What’s in the pencil case? Count
out the pencils and say There are three pencils, ect.


Write ‘There’s a ___.’ On one side if the board and ‘there are ___ ___s.’
on the other side. Point out that There’s is the short from for There is.
Write down examples under both headings showing the pupils the
objects. For example, holding up the pencil case and write’ There’s a
pencil case.’ As another example, count the pens and write ‘There are
(number) pens.’ Point out the differences between sentences about
singular and plural objects.
(Books open.) Show transparency. Play the Pupil’s Book cassette. The
pupils listen and follow in their books. Continue to play the cassette
and ask the pupils to repeat after the beeps.
Point to the characters and ask the pupils to say the words in their speech
Read Part’s mother’s speech bubble in picture 1 and point to singular
objects in Pat’s thought bubble. Say the name of each item, eg. A cup,
followed by a sentence with the item, eg. There’s a cup. Read the
mother’s speech bubble in picture @. Point to the plural items in
Pat’s thought bubble and count them. For example. For example, say
Two rubbles. Them say There are two rubbers. Emphasize the word
Ask the pupils to work in pairs and play the roles of Pat and her mother.
Check that they are using the correct structures for plural and singular
Unit3 In my school bag

What’s in your school bag book?

There’s a _____.
Recite part B & new words..

Workbook (p.12).


Doing a research paper. (To

There are two _____s.

research how their classmates

come to school.)

I hope all the pupil can study hard at home.

Unit3课 时 计 划
第 3 节
课题 Unit3 In my school bag Part C Story time &Part D
To tell story so as to consolidate the words & sentence patterns.
教 学
To get the pupils to ask and answer about the information of the things in
目 的
their school bag.

To tell the story. To apply the sentence pattern: What’s in ____?

The consolidation and the application of the words and sentences.

Real things or pictures. A tape recorder.
Free talk:
a. What do you have in your pencil box school bag?
b. What’s in your pencil box school bag?

Part C & D
Show Transparency. Tell the pupils that the man in the suit is a magician.
Draw the pupils’ attention to the magician’s box. If you are able. You

can do a small magic trick to introduce this idea.

Read the story once while showing Transparency or play the Pupil’s

Book Cassette all the way through pointing to the characters and their

speech bubbles in each of the pictures.

Ask four pupils to come to the front and act out the story with you as the

Then ask the pupils to act out the story in groups of five and read the

characters’ speech bubbles.

Read the instructions aloud. Point to each of the objects and ask What’s

this? Then read the sentence There’s a car aloud and point to the cross

in the box next to the sentence. Ask the pupils to look at the picture



and tick or cross the other sentences.
Consolidation: workbook (p.13)
Ask the pupils to look at the pictures and listen to the Workbook
Ask the pupils’ to number the pictures according to the sequence of
language they hear on the tape.
板Unit3 In my school bag
Revise the words.

What’s in the _____(box pencil box
Read aloud Part A &B loudly.
设school bag)?
Recite Part C.

There’s a_____. There are (numbers)

学I found that the pupils can learn part C by themselves if they grasp the
后knowledge of Part A&B.

Unit3课 时 计 划
第 4 节
Unit3 In my school bag Part E. Say the sound and the words.
教 学
To consolidate what we learned.
To learn the sounds.
目 的
教 重点
Letters and their sounds. The words and the sentences.

As same as the main point.
找教案 http:

Real things or pictures. A tape recorder.
Dictation of the new words.
Step3 Free talk: Ask the pupils to come up to make dialogues. The topic is

What’s in your ____?
Step4 Revision: Revise the sounds and the words we have learn before.
Put the four words: book, good look and cook on the blackboard. Ask the
pupils to find out the same part from these words. Then get then to
know the sound of the same part.

Play the pupil’s Book cassette and ask the pupils to say the sound and the

words. Point out the spelling of this sound.

Say the rhyme to the class and play the Pupil’s book Cassette again. Ask

the pupils to say the rhyme after the cassette.

Read the instructions to the pupils. Demonstrates what the instructions

mean by drawing a circle

Workbook (p.14)

b. Ask the pupils to look at the first of the page and listen to the

Workbook Cassette. They need to match the correct word with the

sound they hear and draw a line from the fish to the boy.

c. Ask the pupils to look at the second part of the page. Tell them to

trace the words in the model sentences for the first picture and fill in

the blanks in the sentences for the second picture.

Read aloud Part A to C. Unit3 In my school bag

Say the sounds and the words.

oo book good look cook


Here’s a book.

Do some research: What’s in

It’s very good.

your classmate’s pencil box and

Read and look.
schoolbag? You can cook.

Part E is not that difficult for the clever students. They can grasp the sounds


Unit3课 时 计 划
第 5节
课题 Unit3 In my school bag Part F Look and do. & G
Consolidate what we learned by playing a game.
教 学
To get the pupils to communicate more fluently.
目 的
To learn an English song.

Play a game. Listen, do and chant.

As same as the main point.

A tape recorder. Pictures.

Part F: Play the game

Divide the class into four groups. Tell the pupils to empty one of their
group members’ school bags and fill it with different quantities of
various objects. They must know the English names for each of the
objects. Make sure the pupils understand that they should not put
exactly the same number of objects in the bag as shown on page 17.
the groups then exchange bags.
Each pupil in the group takes a turn putting their hand in the bag and
guessing what is inside it. They must not look inside the bag. The
group leader asks What’s in the bag? The others reply in turn There’s
a… or There are…s. the group leader makes a list of the objects they
When everyone has had a turn and the group thinks that it has guessed all
the objects in the bag, the pupils take out the objects and check their
list making sentences about what is really in the bag. The group with
the most correct answers and which used English the most while
playing the game wins.

Part G: Listen, do and chant.

make the gestures. You can ask the pupils to scream at the
end for fun if you wish.
Ask the pupils to listen again and again, join in the chant and
do the appropriate actions for each verse.
play the Pupil’s Book Cassette. Listen to the chant. Then read
each line of the chant and ask the pupils to say them after
you. Play the cassette again and ask the pupils to chant
Point to the boy in each picture and show the pupils how to

Revise the words and the text.
Read aloud the text for at least 4
Do and chant by yourselves after
the tape recorder.

Unit3 In my school bag
Singular form plural form
There’s = There is There are
Listen do and chant:
In a the big, big ____,
There’s a big, big ____.

It’s a very happy to Learn English song with the pupils. I really enjoy it.

Unit3课 时 计 划
第 6 节
教 学
目 的
Unit3 In my school bag
Review Unit 3

Review the chant.

How to play the game.

bag real objects
Step3 Free talk: Revise the words and the main sentence patterns.
Revise the chant.

Post-task stage:
Play a box on your desk. Blindfold willing pupils. Quietly put a number
of the same kind of object into the box. Ask the blindfolded pupils

What’s in the box? Then help them put their hands in the box. They

should try to count the objects in the box and tell you There’s a… or

There ate (number)…s.


Unit3 In my school bag
What’s in the box?
Read Unit 3 fluently.
There is a…
There are…
业 计

The students enjoyed the game very much.

Unit4课 时 计 划
第 1节
教 学
目 的
Unit4 In my classroom Part A Look and say.
To learn the numbers 11-20. To get the pupils to grasp the correct
pronunciation and intonation of the new words.

New words: Numbers 11-20.

As same as the main point.

Real things or pictures. Multi-media facilities. A tape recorder.

Warm up:

Do some actions accordingly. (Look at the door desk book …
Revise the numbers 1-10.

(Book closed.) Put 20 pens, pencils or other small objects into a school
bag. Show the pupils the bag. Ask the pupils to count with you up to
10 as you take the objects out of the bag one by one.
Look in the bag and shake it to show there are more. Take out the objects
one by one and slowly count the rest. Hand out the 20 objects to
various pupils. Then, walk around the class and gather the items
again. Count them as the items are returned to you. Ask the pupils to
echo you.
(Books open.) Show Transparency. Point to the highlighted numbers.
Play the Pupil’s Book cassette and point to the speech bubbles. Ask
the pupils to repeat after the beeps.
(Books closed.) Write the numbers 1 to 10, in sequence, on the board.
Then write the numbers 11-20 on the board, in sequence and say
them as you write.

Point to and say the numbers 11-20 in sequence and ask the class to echo
you. Do this again asking individual pupil to say each number as you
point. Write the word for each number underneath the numeral. This
time point to the word and ask individual pupils to say each one.
Repeat this process after erasing the numerals and leaving only the
words on the board.
Ask individual pupils to come up to the front. Say a number at random
and ask them to point to the correct word or numeral.
Consolidation: Workbook (p. 16)

Ask the pupils to count the fruit in each part of the train and complete the
Unit4 In my classroom

Read after the tape.
Numbers: 11-20

Recite the new words

in Part A.
业 计 Thirteenfifteen

It’s not that difficult for the pupils to learn something they are

familiar with, especially the thing in their classroom.

Numbers: 1-10

Unit4课 时 计 划
第 2 节
Unit4 In my classroom Part B Say and act.
To learn the new sentence patterns. To get the pupils to ask and answer
教 学
about the numbers of the things.
目 的

New sentence patterns: a. How many ____are there? B. There’s
(numbers) ____.

The application of the numbers and the sentences.

Real things or pictures. A tape recorder.
Step2 Revision: a. The singular form and the plural form of the nouns.
b. The numbers 1-20. The regulation of the numbers 11-20.
(Books closed.) Bring strips of card, makers and tape to make labels and
attach them to objects.
Point to a singular object in the classroom, e.g. the board. Ask the pupils
How many boards are there? Then count it and say One. There’s one
board. Ask the pupils How many boards ate there? Then count it and
say One. There’s one board. Then point to some plural objects, e.g.
windows. Say How many windows are there? Count them and say

There are (number) windows. Do the same with some other objects

and write sentences about them on the board.

(Books open.) show transparency. Tell the pupils that the children are at

school. Play the Pupil’s Book cassette. The pupils listen and follow in

their books. Continue to play the cassette and ask the pupils to repeat

after the beeps.

Point to the characters and ask the pupils to say the words in their speech
(Books open.) Show transparency. Point to the objects in Prt3. Ask the
pupils to work in pairs and make sentences about the objects in the
picture using There’s one… There ate (number) … and the singular
or plural forms of the nouns.
Tell the pupils to work in pairs to count other objects in the classroom.
Consolidation: Workbook (p.17)
Unit4 In my classroom

Recite part the new words and Part B.

Singular form plural form
Make a survey (to get the information
Numbers 1-20

about the number about the desk and

other things else in the classroom)

How many ____s are there?
There’s are (numbers) _____.

I hope all the pupil can study hard at home. If all the pupils can recite

the test regularly, they will have a great progress.

Unit4课 时 计 划
第 3 节
Unit4 In my classroom Part C Story time &Part D
To tell a story so as to consolidate the numbers 11-20 & to learn the new
教 学
sentence patterns.
To get the pupils to ask and answer about the numbers of the things
目 的
教 重点
The numbers and the new sentence pattern: What’s the answer?

As same as the main point.

Real things or pictures. A tape recorder.
Revise the numbers and the sentence patterns we have learned before by
counting things in the classroom.
Presentation & practice:

Part C & D
Put some easy sums on the board. The answers should not come to more
than 10. Count the first number on the fingers of one hand and then

count second number on the fingers of the other hand. Count the

results with the pupils.

Read the story once while showing Transparency or play the Pupil’s

Book Cassette all the way through pointing to the characters and their
speech bubbles in each of the pictures.
Ask two pupils to come up and play the parts of jack and the teacher.
Then ask the pupils to role- play the story in pairs. You may want the

pupils to keep their shoes on.

Demonstrate how to do the exercise with the pupils by counting the

number of fingers held up on each of the hands. Show the pupils how

to fill in the missing letters on the board or using Transparency. They
can turn back to page 19 to see how the words are spelt.
Step5 Consolidation: Workbook (p.18)
Ask the pupils to look at the pictures and listen to the workbook Cassette.
Ask the pupils to put a tick in the boxes next to correct phrases and put a
cross in the boxes next to incorrect phrases.

Unit4 In my classroom

Revise the words. Read aloud


Part A &B loudly. Recite Part

How many ____s are there?
There’s are (numbers) ____.


What’s the answer?
Sorry, I don’t know.

Life is beautiful when you do enjoy the lesson with the pupils.

Unit4课 时 计 划
教 学
目 的







第 4 节
Unit4 In my classroom Part E. Say the sound and the words.
Consolidate what we learned.
To learn the sounds.
Letters and their sounds. The words and the sentences.
The same as the important point.
Real things or pictures. A tape recorder.
Dictation of the new words.
Free talk: How many _____ are there? How many ____ do you have?
Revision: Revise the sounds we have learned before, especially the
sound of ‘oo’ we have learned.
Ask the pupils to find out the same part from the four words.
Play the pupil’s Book cassette and ask the pupils to say the sound and the
words. Point out that the spelling of the sound in ‘book’, ‘good’,
‘look’ and ‘cook’. Point out the different between the ‘oo’ sounds. .
Play the Pupil’s book Cassette again and ask the pupils to say the rhyme
after the cassette.
Read the instructions to the pupils.. Demonstrates with the first pair of
Play a listen game. Write the word ‘book’ on the left side of the board
and the word ‘afternoon’ on the right side. Tell the pupils you want them
to raise their left hand if the word they hear has the same ‘oo’ sound as in
‘book’ and raise their right hand if the word they hear has the same ‘oo’
sound as in ‘afternoon’. Check that the pupils understand by saying a
word slowly and demonstrating for them while facing the board.
Workbook: (p.19)
Unit4 In my classroom

Read aloud Part A to C.
afternoon balloon school classroom

Revise the numbers.
What ca you see at school,
Say the sounds and the words.

In the afternoon?

In my classroom,
I can see a balloon.

Part E is not that difficult for the clever students. They can grasp the sounds


Unit4课 时 计 划
第 5 节
课题 Unit4 In my classroom Part F Look and do. & G
Consolidate what we learned by playing a game.
教 学
To get the pupils to communicate more fluently.
目 的
To learn an English song.

Play a game and sing a song.

As same as the main point.

A tape recorder. Pictures.
Free talk:
How many ____ are there? How many ____do you have.
Ask the pupils make dialogues according to these two topics.

Part F: Count the dots and count the squares. (p.23)
Ask the pupils to work in pencil to join the dots in the correct sequence.

Then they should count the windows in the completed picture of a
building and fill in the blank in the sentence at the bottom of the

page. You may want to teach more able pupils words such as

doorway or chimney using completed picture.

Workbook (p.20): Ask the pupils to read the speech bubbles at the top of

the page then tick the picture that the matches the sentences.

Part G: Listen, tick(

)and sing. (p.24)

Play the tape recorder for the pupils to listen to the song. Point to the

pictures on the page according to the verses in the song.

Ask the pupils to listen again and point to the picture of the person or

object mentioned in the verse.

Listen to the tape again and tick the correct number of each person or

object according to the words they hear in the song.

Play the song again and ask the pupils to join in. you may want them to

do some gestures for verse, such as moving their arms in a circle for

the first verse, or pretending to open a book for the second verse.


Revise the words and the text.

Read aloud the text for at least 4


Unit4 In my classroom
Singular form plural form
Numbers 1-20
How many ____s are there?
There’s are (numbers) _____ (in my

I am very happy to learn English song with the pupils. I really enjoyed it.

Unit4课 时 计 划
第 6 节
教 学
目 的






Unit4 In my classroom
Consolidate the main words and sentences in Unit 4.
Review the main words and sentences in Unit 4.
The main sentences.
Ask the pupils to work in pairs. Tell them to hold up the number of
fingers mentioned in each verse as you play the cassette again.
Draw a rough plan of the classroom and photocopy on e for each pupil.
Ask the pupils to label and number the objects in the classroom on
the plan. More able pupils should be able to label their own desk ‘my
desk’ on the plan.
Take the pupils to the school hall or other large space, play a number
game with the pupils. When you say a number the pupils must get
into groups of that number. The pupils not in a group are out and
must sit down. Play the game until there are only three pupils left.
Consolidation: Have a match.

布板Unit4 In my classroom
置书How many …s are there?
Read Unit 4 fluently.
作设There is a…
业 计 There are…

The students enjoyed having the match very much.

Unit5课 时 计 划
教 学
目 的
第 1 节
Unit 5 Revision Part A Draw lines and lines. (p.25)
Revise the words, expressions and the sentences by doing some exercise
and playing some games.

重点 Words, expressions, and sentences. Exercises.

难点 As same as the main point.

Real things or pictures. Multi-media facilities. A tape recorder.

Multi-media facilities.





Revision: Revise the words of Unit 3.
Free talk:
What’s in your school bag? (Ask questions or ask the pupils to make
dialogue in pairs.)
Look at the pictures and make dialogues. Use the sentence patterns:
What’s in the picture? There’s a ____. & There are _____ _____s.
Exercise: Part A: Draw lines and write.
Demonstrate this for the pupils by following the dotted line example
from the picture of the rulers to show that it goes into the bag and
point to the number 3 in the blank next to rulers. Then follow the
dotted line from the pencil case to the cross at the end of the line to
show that it doesn’t go into the bag. Point to the cross in the blank
below next to pencil case.
You could ask the pupils to use different colored pencils to trace the
paths for each of the objects. Then check the answers.
When they have completed tracing the lines and filling in the blanks, ask
them to discuss their answers using the sample conversation at the
bottom of the page.
Workbook: (p.27 and p.28.)
Ask the pupils to read the speech bubbles. They should put a tick in the
box if the words and picture match and put a cross in the box if they do
not match.
Unit 5 Revision

What’s in the picture?
Revise the words & text of Unit 书
There’s a ____.
2. 设
There are _____ _____s.

学The pupils can grasp the sentence patterns very well. However, the dictation of
后words is still a difficult point for them.

Unit5课 时 计 划
第 2 节
Unit 5 Revision Part B & C
Revise the words, expressions and the sentences by doing some exercise
教 学
目 的 and playing some games.

重点 Words, expressions, and sentences. Exercises.
材 难点 As same as the main point.

Real things or pictures. Multi-media facilities. A tape recorder.

Multi-media facilities.



Dictation of the words of unit 2.
To sing a song: How do you come to school?
Play a guessing game to revise the names of the vehicles we have learned
in text 2.
Ask questions to revise the sentence pattern: How do you come to
school. Ask the pupils to make dialogue in pairs.
Workbook: (P.21) Ask the pupils to look at the pictures on the left and
circle the correct words on the right.
Part B: Listen, read and tick. (

). (P.26)
Play the tape recorder. Ask the pupils to listen, read the speech bubbles
and tick the correct picture in the thought bubbles. Monitor the pupils to
make sure they have understood what to do.
Part C: Play the game. (P.27)
Read the sample conversations at the top of the page. Then show the
pupils the list on the bottom half of the page. Point to the answers in
each speech bubble. Tell the pupils they need to ask questions to find,
for example, someone who is seven years old. When they do, they
should write that person’s name in the correct blank. Ask the pupils
what question they need to ask to get the various answers.
The pupils ask other pupils sitting near them or, if possible, let them walk
around the class and talk to various other pupils. The first pupil to fill
in all the blanks with names is the winner. Check with the pupils
named on the winning list to ensure that the information is correct.
Unit 5 Revision.

Revise the words & text of Unit

How do you come to school?
作4. 设
I come to school by____.
业 计
I walkrun fly to school.

I am very glad to see that the pupils grasp what they learned very well.

Unit5课 时 计 划
第 3 节
Unit 5 Revision Part C
教 学 Revise the words, expressions and the sentences by doing some exercise
目 的 and playing some games.

重点 Words, expressions, and sentences. Exercises.
材 难点 As same as the main point.

Real things or pictures. Multi-media facilities. A tape recorder.

Multi-media facilities.





The dictation of the words of Unit 4.
Revise the numbers again. Ask the pupils to count the fruits and other
things in the picture together.
Free talk: How many ____ are there in your school bag pencil case?
Part D: Write, listen and play. (p.28)
Show Transparency to demonstrate the activity. Write numbers between 1
and 20 randomly in each of the spaces on the grid. Remind pupils to
write the word for the number, not the numeral. They can write each
number only once. Make small pieces of paper with all the numbers
from 1 to 20 on the m and draw them out of a hat or bag without
looking. Call out the number and cross it out on the grid. Do this a
few more times until the pupils understand the process.
Point to the pictures at the top of the page. Point to the final one and tell
the pupils that the first pupil with five crosses in a row is the winner.
If a pupil has five crosses in a row, they should put up their hand and
say I win as in the example.
After the pupils have finished writing number words in their grids, start
drawing out numbers and calling them out to the class. Monitor them
to make sure that they cross it out on their grid. Remember to keep
the numbers you have call put in a separate place so that you can
check winners’ grid.
Consolidation: Ask a pupil to play the role of ‘little teacher’ and play
this version of the Bingo game again.
Unit 5 Revision

Revise the words & text of Unit 书
1 &2. 设
How many ____ are there in your school

bag pencil case?
There’s a ____. There are ____ ____s.

Numbers are not difficult for the pupils.

Unit5课 时 计 划
第 4 节
教 学
目 的


Unit 5 Revision Part D.
Revise the words, expressions and the sentences by doing some exercise
and playing some games.
Words, expressions, and sentences. Exercises.
As same as the main point.





Real things or pictures. Multi-media facilities. A tape recorder.
Multi-media facilities.
The main words.
The main sentences.
Presentation: D Write, listen and play
Workbook: (p.4) A Listening
B Writing

Check the answers
Unit 5 Revision
Read Unit 5 fluently.
I win.
业 计

The students could finish the Workbook very well.

Unit6课 时 计 划
教 学
目 的
第 1 节
Unit6 Shopping Part A Look and say.
To learn some English names of some fast food. To get the pupils to
grasp the correct pronunciation and intonation of the new words. To learn
the expression of the price of the good.

Some English names of some fast food. The expression of the price.

As same as the main point.

Real things or pictures. Multi-media facilities. A tape recorder.
Revision: Revise the numbers first: Let’s count!
Revise the sentence patterns: There’s a… & There are …
Lead in: Suppose I was hungry and go to a fast food shop to buy

something to eat. The facial expressions and the gesture must be very
vivid. Show the pupils a picture of fast food shop. Ask them to guess
what I will buy. (Use multi-media facilitates to present.)

Bring plastic replicas, pictures or empty packet of an ice cream, a Coke, a
hot dog, a pizza and cake. Make price signs according to the prices
listed on the page. Bring play or real money. (Books closed.) Teach
the names of the foods and drink using the pictures or objects.
Reminds them the singular form and the plural form of the names of
the foods. (Use vivid cartoons or real things.)
Show the pupils the prices and the correct amount of money for each

Label each item with a price. Make sentences about each one, e.g.
There’s a hot dog. It’s four Yuan. Ask the pupils to echo you. Then
point to each item and ask them to make sentences about what they
see and the prices.
Ask the pupils to look at their books and repeat after the beeps. Do the
same with the vocabulary items.

(Books open.) Read the sentences in the children’s speech bubbles and
point to the corresponding pictures of the food and drink item. Get
the pupils to repeat the words after you.
Point to the hot dog and the can of Coke in the picture. Get the pupils to
make sentences about these items and their prices.
Consolidation: Workbook (p.29)

Ask the pupils to look at the food and drink items with price tags and
tick the correct words.
Read after the tape of Part A.

Imitate the pronunciation &


Recite part A

Unit6 Shopping
an ice creama hot dog
a Cokea pizzaa cake
There’s an (fast food). It’s (numbers)

The recognization of the words and the application of the words and numbers in

the sentences are not that difficult for the pupils. They have form a principle to

use and apply them.

Unit6课 时 计 划
第 2 节
Unit6 Shopping Part B Say and act.
To learn how to buy something in English. To get the pupils to the pupils
教 学
apply the new sentences fluently.
目 的

New sentence patterns: 1. May I have ____, please? 2. Yes here you are,
___Yuan, please. 3. Sorry, I have no _____.

As same as the main point.

Real things or pictures. A tape recorder.
Step2 Revision: Play a guessing game to revise the names of the fast food.
Guess the price of the fast foods.
Bring some plastic fruit or pictures of fruit to class.

(Books closed. ) Put some items of fruit, e.g. apples, on a pupil’s desk.
Say May I have two apples, please? And gesture for the pupil to give
you the correct number of the apples.
When the pupils understand, get them to ask you for objects by saying,
for example, May I have three bananas, please? Give them three

bananas, replying Yes, here you are.

When the pupils understand this, prompt a pupil to ask for something and

them hide the objects, saying Sorry, I have no… Check that the pupils
can make similar replies by asking them for something they do not

(Books open.) Show transparency and play the Pupil’s Book Cassette.

Point to the speech bubbles in pictures 1 and 2. Get the pupils to
repeat the sentence s after the beeps.
Point to pictures 3. Ask the pupils to pretend to be Tim and make a
sentence according to what they see in his thought bubble. Then point
to the shopkeeper in picture 4. Ask the pupils to say his response to
Tim. The price tag for the bananas tells them the amount of money.
Continue to play the Pupil’s Book Cassette. Ask the pupils to repeat the
Ask the pupils to practise the conversation in small groups.
Unit6 Shopping
Recite part B.
Pictures & words

Workbook (p.30).

Singular form & plural form


May I have (numbers) ______, please?

Make a survey. (What kind of

Yes, here you are.

fast food do your classmates

(numbers) Yuan, please.
Sorry, I have no ______.

With the help of the multi-media facilities and the presentation of the vivid

cartoons. The pupils can understand the new sentence patterns very well.

Actually, they could not help imitate the characters in the little plays.

Unit6课 时 计 划
第 3 节
Unit6 Shopping Part C Story time &Part D
To tell a story so as to consolidate the words and the main sentence
教 学
目 的
To get the pupils to communicate freely and fluently.
教 重点
The story. The application of the sentences.

As same as the main point.

Real things or pictures. A tape recorder.
Revision: To Make a dialogue. Ask the pupils to pretend to buy
something so as to revise the main sentence patterns.
Part C: Story time
教 (Closed books) Show the pictures, explain the story and ask the pupils to
guess what the character will say in the picture.
Play the tape recorder all the way through pointing to the characters and
学 their speech bubbles in each of the pictures.
Ask five pupils to come up and act the parts of Nancy, her father, the
shopkeeper and the two children. Then ask the pupils to act out the
过 story in groups of five.
Part D: Find and color
Demonstrate how the pupils can find words that they have read in the
程 story in the word search. Show the pupils the squares that contain the
word please and color them.
Step4 Ask the pupils to complete the rest of the word search. Check the
Step5 answers.
Consolidation: workbook (p.31)
Unit6 Shopping

Revise the words. Read aloud

Pictures & words

Part A &B loudly. Recite Part

Singular form & plural form
May I have (numbers) ______, please?


Yes, here you are.
(Numbers) Yuan, please.

that they have grasped the words and the main sentence patterns in

Lots of clever students have learned Part C by themselves. It proves
Part B very well.
找教案 http:

Unit6课 时 计 划
教 学
目 的






第 4 节
Unit6 Shopping Part E. Say the sound and the words.
Consolidate what we learned.
To learn the sounds.
Letters and their sounds. The words and the sentences.
The same as the important point.
Real things or pictures. A tape recorder.
Suppose we were in a shop. Ask the pupils to role-play the customers and
the shop assistant.
Revise the sounds and words we have learned..
Play the pupil’s Book cassette and ask the pupils to say the sound and the
words. Point out the spelling of this sound. This is the unvoiced ‘th’
sound. Make sure you put your tongue between your teeth and blow
lots of air around the sides of your tongue and blow a little air
between your tongue and your teeth to avoid making a ‘s’ sound.
Show the pupils how to do this. Then ask the pupils to say the words
as you point to the pictures.
Play the Pupil’s book Cassette again and ask the pupils to listen to the
rhyme and point to the corresponding items in the picture. Then ask
them to say the rhyme after the cassette.
Workbook: (p.32)
Ask the pupils to look at the first part of the page and listen to the
Workbook Cassette. They need to circle the sounds contained in the
words they hear on the cassette.
Ask the pupils to look at the second part of the page. Tell them to trace
the words in the model sentence for the picture on the left and write
the words for the picture on the right.

Read aloud Part A to C.

Say the sounds and the words.


Unit6 Shopping

May I have (numbers) ______, please?

Yes, here you are.

(numbers) Yuan, please.

th thin mouth thirteen

In my opinion, sounds should be taught and learned in a comprehensive way.

Unit6课 时 计 划
第 5 节
课题 Unit6 Shopping Part F Look and do. & G Listen, number and sing
Consolidate what we learned by playing games.
教 学
To get the pupils to communicate more fluently.
目 的
To learn an English song.

Play games and sing a song.

As same as the main point.

A tape recorder. Pictures.


Play a guessing game to revise the names of the fast food.
A Play: Shopping! Use the sentences we have learned.

Part F: Look & do
Explain how to play this version of the Happy Families card game. Tell
the pupils to work in groups of four. Ask the pupils to cut out the
game cards on page 60. It I important that the pupils cannot see
through the cards so it is best to stick them onto thicker paper before
cutting them put. After this, they put the four sets of cards together to
form the pack of cards they play with.
The goal is to get two cards that are the same. The players take turns
asking the player next to them for a card that matches a card that they
already have. They ask May I have a…, please? The pupil asked must
give the card to the one asking if heshe has that card. He She says
Yes, here you are. If the pupil asked does not have the card, heshe
says: Sorry, I have no …s.
Each time the pupils collect a pair of matching cards, they put the pair
face up on the desk. They continue playing the game until there are
no more cards left in their hands. The player with the most pairs is
the winner.

Part G: Sing and play.
Play the tape recorder for the pupils to listen to the first two verses of
the song. Show pupils the pictures for each verse. Encourage the
pupils to work out the words for the next two verses by looking at
the pictures and word cues at the bottom of the page. Then play the
music on the cassette for the pupils to sing these two verses.
Play the tape again for the pupils to sing the complete song and do the
actions impairs.
Consolidation: Workbook (p.33)
Tell the pupils to look at the pictures on the left and try to get the gist of
the story. Then ask them to find the correct dialogue on the right for
each picture.

Unit 6 Shopping
Revise the words and the May I have one pizza two hot
text. Read aloud the text

dogs three ice cakes… please.

for at least 4 times.

one pizza two hot dogs three

Make a research about the

ice cakes…

age of their friends and

May I have one pizza two hot
their families.
dogs three ice cakes…, please.
______ Yuan, please.

学The pupils are very interested to present us a play even though some cannot use
后the sentence very well.

Unit7课 时 计 划
第 1 节
课题 Unit7 My mother and father Part A Look and say.
教 学 To learn the new words. Get the pupils to grasp the correct
目 的 pronunciation and intonation of the new words.

New words.

As same as the main point.

Real things or pictures. Multi-media facilities. A tape recorder.
Step2 Warm up: A. Sing a song. B. Have a role-play: shopping.
Ask the pupils to keep their books closed. Bring a photo of my parents
to class. Hold up the photo and point to it saying This is my mother.
This is my father. Ask the pupils to repeat the words mother and
father after you. Walk around the class to show the pupils the photo
more closely.

Put the photo on the board, walk away and then point to it from a

distance, saying That’s my mother. That’s my mother. Remind the

pupils of the difference between this and that.

Teach the new occupation words by using flashcards or miming. Get

the pupils to say the words after you.
Play the tape recorder. Point to the corresponding speech bubbles when

the boy and the girl speak. Continue to play the cassette and ask the

pupils to repeat after the beeps. Do the same with the vocabulary



Ask the pupils to open their books. Show the picture without the
words. Say a word, e.g. a clerk, and ask individual pupils to
identity the correct character in the picture. Then point to the
character the picture and ask the pupils to tell you the words.
When the pupils are familiar with the occupation vocabulary, Ask them
to make sentences about the people using That’s a…
Consolidation: Workbook (p.34)
Unit 7 My mother and father
Read after the tape of Part A. Pictures & words

Imitate the pronunciation & The singular form

Intonation. &

Recite the new words. the plural form of the words

That’s a ______(职业).
That’s my mother father.

It’s not that difficult for the pupils to learn something they are

familiar with, especially the thing in their classroom.

Unit7课 时 计 划
第 2 节
Unit7 My mother and father Part B Say and act.
To learn the new sentence patterns. To get the pupils to use these
教 学
sentences to introduce their father and mother fluently.
目 的
Number & new sentences pattern:

a. This is my _____.

b. He’s She a ___.

As same as the main point.

Real things or pictures. A tape recorder.



Revision: To play a guessing game to revise the new words.
Closed the books. Ask a boy and a girl to stand up. Point to the boy and
say This is (name). He’s a boy. Point to the girl and say This is
(name). She’s a girl. Write the words He and She on the board and
ask the pupils to repeat them after you.
Use flashcards with words or pictures of the new occupation vocabulary
on them. Ask individual pupils to come to the front and pick a
flashcard. Tell them to stand under the word He or She. Then ask the
class to say He’s a…or She’s a…
Open the books. Play the tape recorder. Point to the photos in the picture
that show the jobs of Tim’s parents. Tell the pupils to repeat after the
Ask the pupils to work in pairs and look at picture 3. One pupil says the
sentences for Koko and one pupil says the sentences for the boy
following the above examples.
Check the pupils’ utterances as you walk around the class.
Plays a game:
Play a miming game. Divide the class into two teams. The teams take
turns sending a member to the front of the class. Show the pupil a
flashcard or a strip of paper with job name on it. The pupil mimes the job
and the other team guesses which job it is. Award points for correct
guesses. Award an extra point if the team makes an accurate sentence
with He’sShe’s a… according to whether the miming pupil is a boy or a
Unit7 My mother and father

Recite part B.

Pictures & Words
Workbook (p.35).

This is my father mother.
He’s She’s a _______.

I hope all the pupil can study hard at home. If all the pupils can recite

the test regularly, they will have a great progress.

课 时 计 划
教 学
目 的
教 重点





第 3 节
Unit7 My mother and father Part C Story time &Part D
To tell a story so as to consolidate how to ask one’s age.
To get the pupils to ask and answer about the age freely and fluently.
The story. The consolidation of the main sentence patterns.
As same as the main point.
Real things or pictures. A tape recorder.
a. Revise the words again by describe the characters of each job.
b. Ask the pupils to bring their father and mother’s photo’s to the
classroom. Require them to introduce to their classmate what their
father and mother is.
Part C
Read the story once while playing the tape recorder all the way through
pointing to the characters and their speech bubbles in each of the
Ask two pupils to come up and play the parts of John and Sue.
Ask pupils to role-play the story the story in pairs and to read the
characters’ speech bubbles.
Part D
Point to the small pictures of the characters saying for example, This is
John. Tell the pupils to read the story again to find the information they
need to complete John’s first sentence. The pupils should circle the
picture, which show the job his mother does. Then ask pupil to circle the
correct pictures for John’s father and Sue’s mother.
Consolidation: Workbook (p.36)
Ask the pupils to look at the pictures and listen to the tape recorder.
Tell the pupils to match the two columns of pictures.

Revise the words. Read aloud
Part A &B loudly. Recite Part
Make a survey (what’s you
classmates father and
Unit7 My mother and father

a. What’s your ____?

b. She’s a _____.

He’s a _____.

Life is beautiful when you do enjoy the lesson with the pupils.

Unit7课 时 计 划
教 学
目 的

重点 Letters and their sounds. The words and the sentences.

难点 The same as the important point.

Real things or pictures. A tape recorder.
To check out the survey and ask the pupils to tell us the information

about their classmate’s father and mother.

The description of one’s father & mother.
Revise the sounds and the words we have learn before.
Play the pupil’s Book cassette and ask the pupils to listen to the sound

and the word. Point out that the spelling of the sound. This is the

voiced ‘th’ sound. Make sure you put your tongue between your teeth

and vibrate your voice box while making this sound in order to avoid

saying ‘z’ instead. Show the pupils how to do this.

Say the words slowly and clearly. Check that the pupils are saying the

sound correctly.

Point to the pictures and check that the pupils can say the words without
your model.
Introduce the word family by telling the pupils that the three fish of the
same color are the mother, father and child. Play the tape recorder
again. Ask the pupils to listen to the chant and circle the father and
mother fish. Then get the pupils to repeat the rhyme.
Workbook: (p.37)
Unit7 My mother and father
Read aloud Part A to C.
What’s your father mother?
Say the sounds and the words.


He’s She’s a_____.
th mother father
业 计

Part E is not that difficult for the clever students. They can grasp the sounds


第 4 节
Unit7 My mother and father Part E. Say the sound and the words.
Consolidate what we learned.
To learn the sounds.
找教案 http:

Unit7课 时 计 划
第 5 节
课题 Unit7 My mother and father Part F & G.
Consolidate what we learned by saying and doing.
教 学
To get the pupils to communicate more fluently.
目 的
To learn an English song.

Draw, say, listen and sing a song.

As same as the main point.

A tape recorder. Pictures.


Ask the pupils to introduce their father and mother to their classmates.
Dictation of the words and the sentences.
Part F: Draw your mother and father. Finish the sentences. (P.39)
Ask the pupils to bring in photos of their mother and father for them to
work if possible.
Tell the pupils to draw their father in the top frame and their mother in
the bottom frame.
After drawing, the pupils should complete the sentences by writing the
missing letters.
Tell the pupils to show their drawing s to their friends, point to their
drawings and say This is my father mother.

Part G: Listen, circle and sing. (P.40)
Play the Pupil’s Book cassette for the pupils to listen to the first verse of
the song, which is printed on the page. Demonstrate that the pupils
should circle the correct pictures in the boy’s thought bubble by using
the first circled picture as an example.
Continue to play the second verse of the song. Ask the pupils to listen
and circle the correct pictures in the girl’s thought bubble. Encourage
the pupils to work out the words for the second verse picture cues.
Play the song again and ask the pupils to join in with the words and
appropriate gestures.
Consolidation: Workbook (p.38)

the story. Then ask them to find the correct speech bubble on the right for
each picture.
Tell the pupils to look at the pictures on the left and try to get the gist of
Unit7 My mother and father
This is my father.
He’s a bus driver.
I love my father .
And my mother

Look at my father.
He ca drive.
Look at the children
In the bus.

Revise the words and the text.

Read aloud the text for at least 4


It’s a very happy to Learn English song with the pupils. I really enjoy it.

Unit8课 时 计 划
第 1 节
教 学
目 的
Unit8 My family Part A Look and say.
To learn the professional names of the relatives. Get the pupils to grasp
the correct pronunciation and intonation of the words and sentences. To
describe one’s relatives in simple sentences.

New words. (sister, brother, cousin, uncle, aunt)
材 难点
As same as the main point.

Real things or pictures. Multi-media facilities. A tape recorder. A family
Free talk: What’s your father and mother?

Books closed. Ask a tall pupil and a short pupil to come to the front.
Revise the pronouns He and she by saying them as you point to a boy
and a girl. Then write these words on the board and ask the pupils to
stand under the correct one for them.
Revise tall and short by pointing out the difference in their height, saying
Heshe’s tallshort. Write the adjectives on the board. Ask the pupils
to repeat the sentences after you. Repeat the process with two more
pupils of different height and ask the pupils to make sentences about
Use a family portrait. Point to each member of the family and say father,
mother, brother and sister. Ask the pupils to repeat after you. Then
draw another man. Draw an arrow from him to the father and say
brother. Draw an arrow from the children to him and say uncle. Draw
a wife for the man. Draw a child for the man and woman. Use the
same way to teach aunt and cousin.


Play the tape recorder. Point to the corresponding speech bubbles when
the characters speak. Continue to play the cassette and ask the pupils
to repeat after the beeps. Do the same with the vocabulary items.
Books open. Tell the pupils This is Koko’s family. Point to the photos
of the members of the family and read Koko’s speech bubbles aloud.
Make sure the pupils understand that Koko’s brother is a boy and
her sister is a girl. Show the pupils that the cousin’s father and
mother are Koko’s aunt and uncle.
Look at the books. Read in the sentences in the speech bubbles and ask
the pupils to repeat them after you. Then point to the characters in
the picture and ask the pupils to say the words. Ask the pupils to
work impairs and role-play the scene on the first page.
Consolidation: Workbook (p.39 )


Read after the tape of Part
A. Imitate the
pronunciation &
Recite part A

Sister brother cousin uncle aunt

This is my ____, (name).
He’s (size).
Unit 8 My family

The pupils are very interested in family tree.

Unit8课 时 计 划
教 学
目 的
教 重点



第 2 节
Unit8 My family Part B Say and act.
To describe someone in simple sentences.
The application of the knowledge we have learned before,
As same as the main point.
Real things or pictures. A tape recorder.


a. Use a family tree to revise the new words.
b. Show the pupils pictures of people of various ages. They must
pretend the person is a family member and make a sentence about
them using the correct family member name. For example, if you
show them a picture of a 40-year-old man, they should respond This
is my uncle.
Books closed. Ask a pupil with long hair and a pupil with short hair to
come to the front of the class. Introduce the pupils by saying This is
(name). Point out the difference in the length of their hair, saying
HeShe has long short hair. Write long hair and short hair on the
Draw two people on the board-one with big ears and small eyes, the
other with small ears and big eyes. Point to the eyes and say eyes. Do
the same for the other facial features to revise their names. Then say
HeShe has big ears. HeShe has small eyes as you point to the
correct drawing. Do the sane with the other drawing. Ask the pupils
to say the words after you.
Show Transparency and point to the picture at the bottom of the page.




Demonstrate what you want the pupils to do . Draw a picture on the
board. It does not have to be perfect. Point to it and say this is
(name. He’sshe’s my cousin. He ‘s a boygirl. HeShe has short
hairbig eyessmall ears, ect. Point to the sentence models in the
speech bubble at the bottom of the page as you say each sentence.
Now ask the pupils to draw a picture of their cousin. If pupils don’t
have a cousin, they can draw an imaginary one.
When they are finish, ask them to work in pairs, show their picture to
their partner and describe their cousin using the sentence models

given in the book.

Consolidation: Workbook (p.40)
Unit8 My family
Family tree
This is (name). He’sShe’s_____.
He’sShe’s a boy girl.
He’sShe’s (size).
HeShe has a shortlong hair.
HeShe has a bigsmall eyes.

Recite part B.

Doing a research paper. (to

get the information about

their classmates age.)

It’s not that difficult for the pupils to learn something they are

familiar with.

Unit8课 时 计 划
第 3 节
Unit8 My family Part C Story time &Part D
To tell a story so as to consolidate the usage of the main sentences
教 学
目 的
To get the pupils to describe some one freely and fluently.
教 重点
The story. The consolidation of the sentence.

As same as the main point.

Real things or pictures. A tape recorder.
Ask the pupils to come up to show us the photos of their relatives,
introduce to us their relatives and describe them for us.
Presentation & practce:

Part C

a. Read the story once or play the Pupil’s Book Cassette all the way

through pointing to the characters and their speech bubbles in each of

the pictures.

b. Ask a pupil to come up and play the part of Nancy while you play the
part of the teacher, Miss Chen.
c. Ask students to act out the story in pairs and read the characters’
speech bubbles.

Part D

Ask the pupils to read the sentences in the teacher’s bubbles and tick the

correct picture for each sentence. It may be necessary to do the first one

with the pupils as an example.
Consolidation: Workbook (p.41)
1. Ask the pupils to listen to Workbook Cassette.
2. Tell the pupils to draw in the frame and circle the word under the
frame according to the language they hear on the cassette.
Unit8 My family

Revise the words. Read aloud

Draw your father, children.
This is my father.

Part A &B loudly. Recite Part

You’re father’s tall!
He’s thin! He has a big nose. He has


small eyes.
Yes, Miss Chen.

I hope all the pupil can study hard at home. If all the pupils can recite

the test regularly, they will have a great progress.

Unit8课 时 计 划
教 学
目 的







第 4 节
Unit8 My family Part E. Say the sound and the words.
Consolidate what we learned.
To learn the sounds.
Letters and their sounds. The words and the sentences.
The same as the important point.
Real things or pictures. A tape recorder.
Revision: Ask the pupils to come up to show us the photos of their
relatives, introduce to us their relatives and describe them for us.
Play the pupil’s Book cassette and ask the pupils to the sound and the
words. Point out the spelling of this sound.
Say the words slowly and clearly. Ask the pupils to repeat the words and
check that they are saying the sound correctly.
Point to the picture and check that the pupils can say the words without
your model.
Play the Pupil’s Book cassette again. Ask the pupils to listen to rhyme.
Show the pupils the baby chicken coming out of the egg. Say the
rhyme again for the pupils and ask them to repeat after you.
Workbook: (p.42)
a. Ask the pupils to look at the first part of the page and listen to
Workbook Cassette. They need to circle the picture of the objects that
contain the sound in their name.
b. Ask the pupils to look at the second part oft eh page. Tell them to
trace the words in the model sentences for the picture on the left and
write the words in the blanks for the picture on the right.
Unit8 My family

This is (name). He’sShe’s_____.
Read aloud Part A to C.
He’sShe’s (size).

Say the sounds and the words. HeShe has a shortlong hair.

Copybook. HeShe has a _____eyes.

Words & sound
ch chair chicken teacher

Part E is not that difficult for the clever students. They can grasp the

sounds easily.

Unit8课 时 计 划
第5 节
课题 Unit8 My family Part F Look and do. & G Listen, number and sing
Consolidate what we learned by draw and say.
教 学
To get the pupils to communicate more fluently.
目 的
To learn an English song.

Draw, say and sing a song.

As same as the main point.

A tape recorder. Pictures.
Dictation of the words and the sentences.

Part F: draw, cut and paste. (P.45)
Ask the pupils to draw a picture of another pupil in the frame.

When they have finished, ask the pupils to work in pairs. They should

describe the person in the picture without showing the picture to their

partner by saying, for example, He’s a boy. He has long hair. He has

big eyes. He has small ears.
The other pupil guesses who is being described by asking is it (name)?

The pupil holding the pictures answers Yes, it is. No it isn’t. They

exchange roles and repeat the process.

Ask the pupils to switch partners and do the same thing again.

Part G: Listen, chant and do. (P.46)

Play the Pupil’s Book cassette for the pupils to listen to the chant. Show

the pupils how to wave their fingers for each of the verse of the
chant. Play the chant again and encourage the pupils to join in with
the words and gestures. You may want the pupils to do the chant
while facing each other in pairs.
Step4 Consolidation: Workbook (p.43)
Unit8 My family
Brother Tommy, Brother Tommy,
Revise the words and the text. 板
(Sister Annie, sister Annie,)
Read aloud the text for at least 4 书
How are you? How are you?
times. 设
I’m fine, thank you.

I’m fine, thank you.
Goodbye. Goodbye.

I really enjoyed singing with the pupils together.

Unit9课 时 计 划
第 1 节
课题 Unit9 a birthday party Part A Look and say.
教 学 Identifying people; Describing people; Asking and answering YesNo;
目 的 Questions.

New words.

To apply the new sentence patterns into the particular situation.

Real things or pictures. Multi-media facilities. A tape recorder.

Free talk:
a. (Books closed.) Bring in a birthday card with a large
number 8 on it, a picture of a birthday cake. A box
wrapped in fancy paper and ribbon. Bring a puppet as
b. Tell the pupils that today is the puppet’s birthday. Pretend
to give the puppet a card saying Here’s a card. Hold up the
puppet’s birthday card. Ask How old are you, (name)?
Have the puppet answer by saying I’m eight. Then ask the
pupils How old is(name)? They should reply He’sshe’s
c. Show the picture of the cake to the pupils. Point to and
count the candles on the cake. Say there are (number)
candles. Then give the wrapped present to the puppet
saying Here’s a present. Point to the ribbon saying Look at
the ribbon.
d. Point to the present and say it’s pretty. So the same for the
ribbon. Then draw a happy face on the board, point to the
puppet and say He’s she’s a happy.
e. Show Transparency and play the Pupil’s Book cassette.
Point to the speech bubbles when the characters speak.
Continue to play the cassette and ask the pupils to repeat
after the beeps. Do the same with the vocabulary items.


a. (Books open.) Show Transparency of the picture without
the words. Point to the candle, the card and the present.
Ask the pupils to say the names of each item as you point.
b. Point to the cake and say Look at the cake. It’s pretty. Ask
the pupils to make similar sentences about the present,
ribbon and card.
c. Ask the pupils how old the children shown in picture 1 and
picture 2 are.
d. Ask the pupils to show you what we do to the lit candles
on a birthday cake.

Consolidation: Workbook (p.44)
Unit9 a birthday party
This is ____.
She’s ____. (age)
Look at the ____. It’s ____.
There are ____(numbers) _____s.
It____. It’s ____,too
Read after the tape of Part A.

Imitate the pronunciation &


Recite part A


It’s not that difficult for the pupils to learn something they are

familiar with, especially all the sentences patterns they have learned

more or less.

Unit9课 时 计 划
第 2 节
Unit9 a birthday party Part B Say and act.
教 学 Identifying people; Describing people; Asking and answering YesNo;
目 的 Questions.
教 重点
The application of the new expression: happy birthday & HeShe has___.

As same as the main point.

Real things or pictures. A tape recorder. Multi-media facilities.

a. (Books closed.) Bring the box wrapped in fancy paper and ribbon, the
card, the picture of the cake and the puppet to class again.
b. To revise the vocabulary, point to the present, the ribbon, the card and
the picture of a cake asking What’s this? each time.
c. Now tell the class that today is the puppet’s birthday. Give the present
to the puppet saying Happy birthday! Give the card to a pupil and
prompt them to give the card to the puppet saying Happy birthday!

Repeat this by giving the present and card to other pupils and asking

them to give these things to the puppet in the same way.

d. Now come up to the front with the puppet and give it the present, the
card and the picture of the cake saying Happy birthday! Each time.
Point to each item and say (Name) has a cake. (Name) has a present,


e. Show Transparency and play the Pupil’s Book Cassette. Point to the

pictures and tell the pupils to repeat the sentence after the beeps.

(Books open.) Read Pat and Tim’s speech bubbles aloud. Ask the pupils

to work impairs to make sentences for Koko and Tim in the second


In the main picture, tell the pupils to play the roles of the parents and

make more sentences about what Tim and Molly have.


Recite part B.
Workbook (p.45).
Unit9 a birthday party

1. Happy birthday.

2. He has____.
3. She has ____.

I hope all the pupil can study hard at home. If all the pupils can recite
the test regularly, they will have a great progress.

Unit9课 时 计 划
教 学
目 的
教 重点






第 3节
Unit9 a birthday party Part C Story time &Part D
To tell a story so as to consolidate the main sentence patterns we have
The story.
The consolidation and the using of the expressions and the sentences.
Real things or pictures. A tape recorder. Multi-media facilities.
Revision: Revise the words and the main sentence patterns.
Recite Part A & B together.
a. Ask the pupils what kinds of items they can buy for a friend’s
birthday and write some of the suggestions on the board. If the pupils
do not know the English word, translate it and write it on the board
for them in English.
b. Read the story once while showing Transparency or play the pupil’s
Book Cassette all the way through pointing to the characters and their
speech bubbles in each of the pictures.
c. Ask three pupils to come up and play the parts of Tim, jack and Ben.
You may want them to use the wrapped present as a prop.
d. Ask the pupils to at put the story in-group of three and to read the
characters’ speech bubbles.
Read the sentence for number 1 aloud. Then go back and read the first
sentence in the story on page 49. Ask the pupils if they should put a tick
or a cross in the box for number 1. Ask the pupils to look back at the
story to see if each statement is true or false and complete the exercise.
Workbook: (p.47)
Unit9 a birthday party
Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks
Revise the words. Read aloud

to describe someone’s characters.
Part A &B loudly. Recite Part

Happy birthday!

Happy new year!

Merry Christmas!
HeShe has____.
I can buy ____ for ___.

Life is beautiful when you do enjoy the lesson with the pupils.

Unit9课 时 计 划
教 学
目 的

Letters and their sounds. The words and the sentences.

The same as the important point.

Real things or pictures. A tape recorder. Multi-media facilities.
a. Play a guessing game. (Guess the words)
b. Recite Part A-C
c. Have a role-play.
d. Revise the sounds we have learned before.

Play the pupil’s Book cassette and ask the pupils to the sound and the
words. Point out the spelling of this sound.

Say the words slowly and clearly. Ask the pupils to repeat the words and

check that they are saying the sound correctly.

Point to the pictures and check that the pupils can say the words without
your model.
Play the Pupil’s Book cassette again. Ask the pupils to listen to the

sentence. Tell the pupils to point to the dish and then draw two short

fish on it.

Workbook: (p.47)

a) Ask the pupils to look at the first part of the page and listen to

the workbook Cassette. They need to draw a line from the cage

to the correct bird.

b) Ask the pupils to look at the second part of the page. Tell them

to trace the words in the model sentences for the picture on the

left and writer the words for the picture on the right.

Unit9 a birthday party
Read aloud Part A to C.
Say the sounds and the words.


she short fish dish
业 计

Part E is not that difficult for the clever students. They can grasp the sounds


第 4 节
Unit9 a birthday party Part E. Say the sound and the words.
Consolidate what we learned.
To learn the sounds.

Unit9课 时 计 划
第 5 节
教 学
目 的
Unit9 a birthday party Part F Look and do. & G sing the song
Consolidate what we learned by Looking and doing sth by themselves.
To get the pupils to communicate more fluently.
To learn an English song.
教 重点
Look and do sth by themselves; sing a song.

As same as the main point.

A tape recorder. Pictures. Multi-media facilities.

a. Look at the pictures and guess what it is.
b. Make some sentences according to the pictures.
c. Recite Part A-C.

Part F: Look and do. (p.51)
Tell the class the name of the pupil who will have their birthday next.
Ask the pupils to make a birthday card for himher or for another
friend who will have a birthday soon.
Demonstrate the steps for the pupils by drawing an outline of the card on
the board. Draw a simple picture of the person you will give the card
to on the top half. Write Happy birthday! And the name of the
birthday person on the bottom. Then draw an outline of the other side
of the card and show them to color in the large letters there.
Show the pupils the birthday card on pages 64 and 65. Point out where
the pupils should write the person’s name. You may want to write the
names they need on the board for the pupils to copy.

When the pupils have finished drawing, coloring and writing on the card,
ask them to cut it out, fold it and give to their birthday friend saying
Happy Birthday,(name)!
Part G:
Play the Pupil’s Book cassette for the pupils to listen to the song.
Say each line and ask the pupils to repeat after you. Tell the pupils to
look at the birthday cakes at the bottom of the page and count the
number of candles on each one.
Play the tape again. This time the pupils should sing along with the first
verse and sing the other verses substituting the various ages shown on
the cakes at the bottom.
Consolidation: Workbook (p.48)

Tell the pupils to look at the pictures and match them to the correct
speech bubble.
Unit9 a birthday party
Words & Pictures
Happy birthday!
Happy new year!
Merry Christmas!
Look at the ____.
It____. It’s ____, too
HeShe has____.
I can buy ____ for ___.
Revise the words and the text.
Read aloud the text for at least 4
Make a research about the age of
业 计
their friends and their families.

It’s a very happy to Learn English song with the pupils. I really enjoy it.

Unit10课 时 计 划
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目 的







第 1节
Unit 10 Revision Part A Look and play.
Revise the words, expressions and the sentences by doing some exercise
and playing some games.
Words, expressions, and sentences. Exercises.
As same as the main point.
Real things or pictures. Multi-media facilities. A tape recorder.
Revision: Revise the words of Unit 6.
Free talk: What kind of fast food do you like?
Presentation: Part A: Look and play.
a. Tell the pupils to work in pairs. Each pair should cut out the pictures
of the food and drink items on page 62. Then they should label
themselves A and B. Tell them pupil A is shopping and pupil B is the
shopkeeper. Pupil A looks at the shopping list on the left of page 53
and pupil B looks at the price list on the right of page 53.
b. Show transparency and read the sample conversation with the pupils.
Ask pupil A to tell you what they will say next. Ask pupil B to tell
you what they will reply. Pupils switch roles when they are.
More to do:
With more able pupils, ask them to choose more then one item to make a
basic meal and ask their partner for these items. Their partner must work
out the cost and reply accordingly. For example, pupil A says One hot
dog, One ice cream and one Coke, please and pupil B replies Yes, here
you are. Ten Yuan, please.
(P.49 and p.50)
Ask the pupils to look at the pictures on the left and circle the correct
pictures on the right.
Unit 10 Revision
板Words & pictures
Write the words of Unit 6.
书May I have one____?
Recite the words and revise the
设May I have _____ _____s?
计 Yes, here you are.
______ Yuan, please.

I am very glad to see that the pupils grasp what they learned very well.

Unit10课 时 计 划
教 学
目 的
教 重点








第2 节
Unit 10 Revision Part B
Revise the words, expressions and the sentences by doing some exercise
and playing some games.
Words, expressions, and sentences. Exercises.
As same as the main point.
Real things or pictures. A tape recorder. Multi-media facilities.
Dictation of the words o unit 6.
Revise the words of unit 7 & 8.
Free talk:
a. What’s your father mother?
b. To describe one of your relatives or your friend.
Part B: look and write.
Point to Ann and here partners on the left. Ask the pupils o tell you what
words are missing from Ann’s speech bubble. Ask the pupils to write
the words in the blanks.
Point to the pictures on the bottom of the page and ask the pupils to look
at Ann’s parents again. Ask them to circle the correct words for each
Then ask them to work in pairs and designate themselves pupil a and
pupil B. pupil a should tell their partner about Ann’s father and pupil
B should tell their partner about Ann’s mother.
Workbook: (P.51)
a. Ask the pupils to look at the pictures and listen to the Workbook
b. Tell the pupils to put a tick in the box if the picture matches the
language on the cassette and put a cross in the box if it does not.
Unit 10 Revision.

Words & pictures
Write the words of Unit 7.
This is ____(name)

This is my fathermother.
Recite the words and revise the

He’sShe’s a ____. (Jobs)

He’sShe’s ____. (adj.)
HeShe has____.

Some pupils can talk fluently, while some cannot.

Unit10课 时 计 划
教 学
目 的
教 重点





第 3 节
Unit 10 Revision Part C&D
Revise the words, expressions and the sentences by doing some exercise
and playing some games.
Words, expressions, and sentences. Exercises.
As same as the main point.
Real things or pictures. A tape recorder. Multi-media facilities.
Dictation of the words of the Unit 7
Revision: Revise the words of unit 9.
Free talk: To describe one of your best friend.
Part C:
a. Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette or read the speech bubbles to the
b. Demonstrate that the pupils should listen to and read the speech
bubbles and tick the correct picture in each thought bubble.
c. Ask the pupils to work on their own to write an answer before
correcting them.
Part D: Cut, listen and play. (P.56)
a. the pupils should play in pairs and each pair needs to cut out one set
of the cards on page 66.
b. Show the pupils how to play this elimination game. The pupils put all
the cards face up on the desk. Then they should designate themselves
A and B. pupil A starts by choosing a card and writing the name from
the card on a piece of paper. They must not show this to pupil B.
c. Then pupil A says one sentence. For example, if pupil A says She’s a
girl, pupil B removes all the cards that show boys, this process is
repeated until B knows who pupil a has chosen or until there is only
one card left. Then the pupils exchange roles and play the game
Unit 10 Revision
Words & Pictures

This is ____(name)
Write the words of Unit 8.

This is my fathermother.
Recite the words and revise the

He’sShe’s a ____. (Jobs)

He’sShe’s ____. (adj.)
HeShe has____.
It’s____. It’s ____, too.

The pupils are much familiar with the way to doing exercises.

Unit10课 时 计 划
第 4 节
教 学
目 的




Unit 10 Revision
Revise the words, expressions and the sentences by doing some exercise
and playing some games.
Words, expressions, and sentences. Exercises.
As same as the main point.

Real things or pictures. A tape recorder. Multi-media facilities.
Dictate the words of unit 8
a. Play a words guessing game.
b. Make some sentence according to the pictures.
Use the cards to play a game.
The pupils can play a memory game in small groups. They will need one
set of the cards on page 66. Pupil a puts all the cards on the desk face up
and the other pupils study the people for one minute. Then, the other
pupils must close their eyes while pupil A removes and hides one card
and moves the other cards around. The other pupils open their eyes when
pupil tells them and look at the remaining cards. They get two points for
each detail they can remember about the person who was remaining
cards. They get two points for each detail they can remember about the
person who was removed, e.g. He is a boy. Hw is short. He is fat. Then it
is another person’s turn to be pupil A.
Workbook: (p.53 and 54)
Ask the pupils to listen the Workbook Cassette and circle the words that
contain the sound they hear.
Workbook 9P.55 and P.56)
Ask the pupils to read the speech bubbles on the left and match them
with the correct picture on the right by writing the correct number in the
Unit 10 Revision

Words & pictures
Write the words of Unit 9.
This is ____(name)

This is my fathermother.
Recite the words and revise the

He’sShe’s a ____. (Jobs)

He’sShe’s ____. (adj.)
HeShe has____.

学The pupils are active while encouraging them to come up to make a show of







