英语听说课 说课稿

2020年12月13日 17:15



Hello, everyone. My number is 3 . Today I’m very pleased to have
an opportunity to talk about some of my teaching ideas. My topic is
Entertainment, Lesson 17, taken from Unit 5 in book 3. My speech is
made up of seven parts.
Part One: Analysis of the teaching materials
This is an important lesson in this unit even in this book. This lesson
is the first one of Unit 5. It’s a typical listening lesson. If the Ss can learn
it well, it will be helpful to make the Ss learn the rest of this unit. In this
lesson, the Ss learn many forms of entertainment. Such a topic is related
tightlyclosely to their daily life and can raise effectively their learning
interests. So learning it well can improve their listening ability and
spoken English.
Part two: Analysis of the students
As we all know, students of vocational school have learned English
for several years and have mastered a certain number of vocabularies.
What’s more, they have formed some scientific learning methods and
learning habits. However, students of vocational school are poor in
learning English; especially they are afraid to speak English in public
occasion. So the teachers should try their best to guide and encourage the
students to speak English loudly in class. (so the teacher should pay
attention to that when she designs the lesson.)

Part three: Teaching aims and demands
1. Knowledge Objects
(1)To study the new words and phrases “cross take, playing cards, keep
fit, collecting stamps, „”
(2) to make the Ss know how to use the sentences patterns“I like
enjoyprefer …”.Let the Ss be able to express their favorite entertainment
as quickly as possible, as loudly as possible, as clearly as possible.
2. Ability Objects
(1) Develop the Ss’abilities of listening , speaking and reading.
(2) Train the Ss’ability of working in pairs.
(3) Develop the Ss’abilities of communication by learning the useful
3. Moral Objects
Encourage the Ss to develop healthy and good forms of entertainment.
4 .Teaching key and difficult points
a. Key points
(1) To help the Ss to improve their listening ability and spoken English.
(2) To develop the Ss’abilities of communication by learning the useful
b. Difficult points
Let the Ss be able to express their favorite entertainment clearly and

5. Teaching Aids
In this lesson, the teacher needs a multimedia computer to show slides,
besides a blackboard.
Part four: The teaching methods
In this lesson, I’ll mainly use “Communicative”teaching method,
“Audio-visual”teaching method and “Task- based”teaching method.
That is to say, I’ll let the Ss to get a better understanding of the key
sentence patterns by practicing in pairs and in groups . I’ll give the Ss
some tasks and arrange some kinds of activities in this lesson, such as
listening, spoken English competition, watching small movies, and
making a survey.
Part five: learning methods
The students are requested to study English creatively and independently.
At the same time, the Cooperative Learning method can make the tasks
and activities finished more easily.
Part six: Teaching procedures
Step 1 Lead-in
Brain storming: Let the Ss enjoy a movie taken from the rope
skipping competition which is held in my school yesterday. Then ask the
following questions: What are they doing in the movie? Do you like
jumping rope? Why? How many times did you skip yesterday? “If you
don’t like skipping rope, what do you like in your spare time? ”

Purpose of my designing: I think movie of the rope skipping
competition which they took part in yesterday can attract the Ss’ attention
and arouse their interest to talk about their own experience and forms of
entertainment. The teacher can lead in the word studying naturally, at the
same time the Ss can consolidate the learnt words and phrases.
Step 2 Learning new words and phrases
1. Presentation: Present the picturesmovies entertainment on the
screen by using multimedia computer and answer the following questions:
What is the girlboy doing? What are they doing? Do you know other
forms of entertainment?
2. Pair works: Let Ss practice the small dialogue according to these
phrases. “Do you like …? Why? “I like… because it is …”
3. Ask the Ss to match the pictures with the correct phrases on page
68 of the book 3
4. Check the answers with the whole class.
Purpose of my designing: Presenting the new words and phrases
about forms of entertainment by CAI is much easier for the Ss to learn
and grasp the meanings. CAI can provide a real situation with its sound
and picture and it makes the relationships between the Ss better. Pair
works can consolidate the new learnt phrases and cultivate the Ss’
communicative competence.
Step 3 Pre- listening

Before listening, the Ss are required to answer the question “Do you
know what’s my favorite entertainment?”, I want them to guess and
consolidate the forms of entertainment. Because the listening material
about storytelling is difficult for the Ss, I ask the Ss to enjoy the movie of
the storytelling which is about ShaoLin and Wudang, and then let the Ss
discuss about the storytelling. And then I ask the students to discuss about
it and deal with the difficult language points, such as comment on, t
characters, is adapted from…
Purpose of my designing: to make the Ss understand the listening
material more easily and deal with the difficult language points.
Step 4 Listening
Let the Ss listen the passage of storytelling. Pay attention to their
pronunciation and intonation. And then check the answers with the Ss.
Step 5 Post-listening
1. After listening, the Ss are asked to answer the question“Do you like
storytelling? Why?”
2. Guess the riddle. The teacher say: “Everyone has their favorite
entertainment, my friend Jim, spend all his pocket money, even save
his lunch money to buy stamps. (show pictures of stamps on the
screen)Can you guess what’s my friend Jim’s favorite entertainment?”
Purpose of my designing: to make the Ss understand the listening
material more easily.

Step 6 Listening
Let the Ss listen the passage of collecting stamps. Pay attention to
their pronunciation and intonation. If necessary, let the Ss listen to the key
sentence twice. (Use software to select the difficult sentence from the
listening passage before the class). And then check the answers with the
Ss and show the answers on the screen.
Step 7 Post-listening
After listening, the Ss are asked to answer the following questions:“Do
you like collecting stamps? Why?”“If you don’t like collecting stamps,
what do you do in your spare time?”
Purpose of my designing: to arouse the Ss’ interest to express their
favorite entertainment easily.
Step 8 Listen and imitate
1. At first, I will let the Ss enjoy a movie about Li Yang Crazily
Speak English. And then encourage them to practice the sentence “Are
you sure you can make it? I’m sure I can make it.” as quickly as possible,
as clearly as possible, as loudly as possible by imitate the pronunciation
way of Li Yang Crazily Speak English.
2. I will show slides about the six important sentence patterns on the
screen and let Ss listen to and imitate these sentences.
3. Competition:
After listening, the Ss are asked to imitate these sentences by imitate

the pronunciation way of Li Yang Crazily Speak English. Different Ss can
choose different tasks. Everyone can take part in the lesson easily. The Ss
even can PK in pairs or groups. The one who can read or recite as many
sentences as possible without changing breath can be the number one.
Purpose of my designing: to make the Ss form correct
pronunciation way by using the “Audio- visual”teaching method and
“Task-based”teaching method. In this way, the Ss are full of
self- confidence and eager to show off what their have learnt. It also helps
to cultivate their team spirit.
Step 9 survey and summary
Interview your classmates or our teachers here by using the
following questions: what do you do in you spare time? Why? If not,
what’s your favorite entertainment? And then ask some Ss to give reports
to us.
Purpose of my designing: I think survey is so important that the Ss
should speak English as much as they can in class or after class. It is
necessary for the Ss to investigate the others to consolidate the
knowledge they learned.
Part seven: Blackboard design
Lesson 17 Entertainment

In this lesson, I mainly adopt the Task-Based Learning Method. Try
to have students learn by guessing, by having a competition, by
investigation. I design many various activities that close to students’life
so as to help students solve the difficulties and important points. I also
arrange individual work, pair work, and group work for students to
practice English. I think if I want the student to improve their oral English,
I must give them more chances to practice. That is “Learning by doing,
Learning by using ”. In this case, I designed tasks according to the《New
English Curriculum Criterion》, I will lead my students to study and
cooperate with each other. Because the《New English Curriculum
Criterion》points out that the general aim of English teaching in this stage
of Junior Education is to cultivate students’comprehensive ability of
using English. So I think my teaching methods are in line with the
requirement of《New English Curriculum Criterion》

Step 9 pair work and group work
Encourage them to use different words and find out the best group.
In this step the Ss are required to practice the Sample in pairs by reading
the dialogue aloud. This step is employed to make the Ss grasp the
Sample. At last I’ll ask the Ss to think hard and act it out with a partner
according to Sample. Then find out which group will act it out well.

Purpose of my designing: This step is employed to make the Ss get
the general idea of the dialogue as a whole one. At the same time let the
Ss have a chance to practice their listening and spoken ability.
“Task- based”teaching method is used here to develop the Ss’ability of
communication and also their ability of co-operation will be well trained.
I think proper competition can arouse the Ss’interest in English learning.
If the Ss can finish this task well, they will benefit a lot in their spoken







