
2020年12月18日 00:28



New Horizon
College English

(3rd Edition)

Unit 1 An Impressive English Lesson

课型 :□ 理论课 √ 理论、实践课 □ 实践课
课时分配: 6
教学环境 :多媒体教室
After studying this unit, the students are expected to be able to:
1. understand the main idea and structure of Section A and Section B;
2. master the key language points and grammatical structures in the texts
3. talk about language teaching and learning and express their opinions about current
way of teaching in an English class;
4. read with the skill ―finding key ideas in sentences;
5. write a composition with three main parts: introduction, body and conclusion.

Key Issues:
1. Vocabulary
Tedious, absorbed, allergic, capture, condense, exceed, distinguish, distinctive,
complimentary, complementary, proclaim, evidently, adequate, competent, adjust,
2. Skills
Learn to read with the skill ―finding key ideas in sentences and write a composition
with three main parts: introduction, body and conclusion.

Potential Problems and Difficulties
●To talk about language teaching and learning
●write a composition with three main parts: introduction, body and conclusion.
●To apply the phrases and patterns

A combination of traditional teaching methods with the communicative approach will
be adopted. Special attention should be paid to classroom interaction like
questioning and answers. Small group works are always needed while discussing the
questions and the difficult translation practice. More encouragement is needed and
more guidance will be given in their extracurricular study.
Teaching Aids: Visual aids, projector, stereo and microphone

Group work and pair work
Conduct of Tasks and Activities
(师生互动方式Mode of Interaction; 学习策略Learning Strategies)
Students-centered, Task-based teaching and learning

Teaching Procedures
Step 1 Lead-in

I. Greeting and warming-up questions discussion.
1. What are the key factors that help people learn English as a foreign language?
2. Do you have any problem in English learning?
3. Do you think grammar is important in English learning?
II. Listening and discussing.
1. Listening practice.
2. In your opinion, what is the most effective way to learn English?
III. Listening to a talk and answer questions on page 2

Step 2 Section A An Impressive English Lesson
I. Cultural background American university education
is Communicative Language Teaching?
A type of teaching method;
Develop the communicative ability as well as the knowledge of grammar;
Learning by doing;
Make classroom situation of real foreign language environment.
2. What are the features of Communicative Language Teaching?
Communicative competence is the goal;
An integration of grammatical and functional teaching;
Accuracy is secondary to conveying a message;
Focus on communicative and contextual factors in language use;
Learner- centered and experience-based.
3. What is the role of teacher in Communicative Language Teaching?
A facilitator of students’ learning;
A manager of classroom activities;
An advisor of students’ questions;
A co- communicator in the communicative activity.
II. Language Points
Words and expressions
1. oddity: n. [C] a strange or unusual person or thing 怪人;怪物;奇特的东西
With his neat suits on, he felt like an oddity walking in this poor neighborhood. 穿
2. oblige
The word oblige is most commonly used in the expression befeel obliged. 1)
befeel obliged to do sth. 指“感到有责任做某事”。
例如: He felt obliged to help his mother, even if it meant leaving college. 他觉得有
2) befeel obliged to . 指“对某人或某事心存感激”。
例如: Thank you very much, doctor. I am extremely obliged to you. 医生,非常谢
3. How was it? (spoken) often used in conversation to ask sb. about their opinion or
experience of sth. 怎么样?(口语常用表达,用于询问看法或经历)Did you watch
the movie last night? How was it? 你昨天晚上看那部电影了吗?感觉怎么样?
I was told that you had traveled to many places in Asia recently. How was it? 有人

4. full of: (followed by abstract nouns) feeling or showing a lot of particular emotion
or quality (感觉、表达或表现出)充满某种情感(特质)的 full of
excitementenergyhopehappinesspraise 充满兴奋活力希望幸福赞美 The
teacher was full of praise for the homework that the students had done. 老师对学生
Lucy is a happy child and always full of life. 露西是个快乐的孩子,总是充满了活
5. “It was, like, whoa!” means “It was really great!”. “It was like …” is an informal
expression in conversation, very common for young people who are lazy and
incapable to reference their ideas.
The expression is usually followed by an adjective or an exclamation. It was, like,
marvelous! 简直奇妙极了!
(It was like) Whoa! How come you got a hundred percent correct on such a hard test?
哇! 这么难的考试你怎么都全答对了?
Note: Whoa is specifically used to show that people are surprised or think something
is very impressive. It can be used in different contexts. For example: ﹒
To describe something that you’re not quite sure how to describe: That car is so cool,
it’s like, whoa.
To express surprise: Whoa! It’s really amazing!
To indicate a desire to end what someone is talking: Whoa, OK, that’s enough.
6. And that was it. (Para. 4)
Meaning: And that was everything she said, without even mentioning any details of
her wonderful experience in Europe.
That was it.: often used in conversation to say that sth. is completely finished or that a
situation cannot be changed 就这样(指某事彻底结束或形势不能更改)
That was it. I could no longer hope for a promotion, and my boss didn’t even want to
see me again. 就这样吧,我的升职再也没指望了,我的老板甚至不想再见到我。
That’s it. There is nothing more we can do. 就这样吧,我们也再没有别的办法。
7. distinguished, distinctive, distinct
1) distinguished指“卓越的;杰出的;著名的”。
例如: His grandfather had been a distinguished university professor. 他的祖父曾是
2) distincti ve指“(特征、性格或外表)独特的,有明显不同的”。强调“表示差
别的”、“有特色的”、“特殊 的”。
例如: Irene had a very distinctive voice. 艾琳有一个非常独特的声音。 Can you
find the distinctive watermarks of this stamp? 你能看到这枚邮票上明显的水印吗?
Pupils in Hong Kong usually have distinctive badges on their school uniforms. 在香
3 )distinct表示“分明的;明了的;清楚的”。
例如: I have the distinct feeling that my friend did not realize what was happening.
The photo you took in Hong Kong Cultural Centre is not distinct enough. 你在香港

She has a distinct pronunciation. 她的发音清楚。
There is a distinct smell of smoke in my room. 我的房间里有一股明显的香烟味。
distinct的另一个词义是“明显不同的;有区别的”。例如: Our interests were quite
distinct from those of them. 我们的兴趣与他们的兴趣截然不同。
现将distinct和distinctive 用在一个句子里,以便区分: One of the distinctive
features of this book is its distinct illustrations. 这本书很明显的特点之一就是其具
8. proclaim, claim
1) proclaim是正式宣告或公开宣告,“宣告”的中文意思比“声明”要严肃。例
如: The government has proclaimed a new law. 政府已公布了一项新法令。 They
proclaimed that he was a traitor. 他们宣称他是叛徒。 The ringing bells proclaimed
the birth of the prince. 响亮的钟声宣布了王子的诞生。
2) claim是根据权利声明,根据权利要求索赔,根据权利认领。
(1) 声称;断言;主张。例如: They claim to have discovered a cure for the disease.
他们声称已经发现了治疗此病的方法。 She claimed that the ring was stolen, not
lost. 她声言那只戒指是被偷的,而不是遗失的。
(2) 要求;索赔。例如: The old man claimed the land. 老人要求得到这块土地。
I claim payment from my friend. 我要求我的朋友付款。
re是动词expose的名词形式,动词expose常用于短语beget exposed to
例如: Some children are never exposed to classical music. 有些孩子从来没有接触
Having been exposed to all kinds of dangers in the forest, the girl felt helpless and
began to cry. 那个女孩在森林里体验了各种危险后,感到很无助,就哭了起来。
10. adequate, abundant
1) adequate表示“在数量或质量上足以满足特定的标准”,强调刚好够用、没有
例如:He doesn’t earn a large salary but it is adequate for his needs. 他挣钱不多,
2) abundant表示“充裕;绰绰有余”,强调数量很多或充足有余。 例如: We have
abundant proof of his guilt. 我们有他犯罪的充分证据。 Collocation note: In
Paragraph 7, we have two collocation pairs with the same word: advancedproper
vocabulary for our attention.
11. adjust, adapt
1) 当表示“适应…环境”时,adjust和adapt差不多。常与to搭配。可以说adjust
(f ) to sth.和adapt (f ) to sth.。其中adjust和adapt互为同义词。
例如: Once you get to the United States, you will have to adjust yourself to a
completely new lifestyle. 一旦你到了美国,你就需要进行调整,以适应美国全新
The children found it hard to adapt to the new school. 这些孩子们发现很难适应这
The body adjusts itself to changes of temperature. 身体会自行适应温度的变化。
Intelligence seeks to grasp, manipulate, re- order, and adjust, while intellect examines,

ponders, wonders, theorizes, criticizes and imagines. 智力寻求的是理解、运用、整
2 )adjust作及物动词用时,还有“调节;使…适合;校准”之意,而adapt不表
示此意。 例如: adjust a radio (dial) 调准收音机的选台指针 adjust color on a TV
调整电视的色彩 adjust one’s tie in a mirror 照镜子整理领带 adjust a telescope to
one’s eyes 调节望远镜使之适合眼睛观看 adjust a clock 调准时钟
3) adapt作及 物动词时,还有“(改装)使适合;改编”之意,其同义词是modify,
不是adjust。例如: These teaching materials can be adapted for older children. 这
些教材修订一下可以给大一点的孩子用。 He adapted his old car engine to the boat.
12. beneficial常与to连用,引出对谁有利、有帮助、有用。
例如: Cycling is highly beneficial to health and the environment. 骑自行车对身体
Collocation note: In Paragraph 7, we have come across competent communication
and here we have precise communication and beneficial communication. In Paragraph
2 of Text B careful readers will not miss adequate communication skills. For more
collocation pairs, please refer to the notes on collocation for this unit.

Useful expressions
Practical Phrases
1. befeel obliged to do sth. (因形势、法律、义务等等关系而)非做不可,迫使
2. fresh from 刚从„„来的;刚有„„经历的
3. distinguish between 区分;辨别
4. getfeelbe lost 迷惘;困惑;不知所措
5. look upon sbsth. As 把某人物看作
6. be equipped with sth. 以„„为装备;配备

III. Functional Patterns and Functions & Usages
sbsth. dois sth. , then perhaps … 用于表述“在特定条件下可能发生的事情”。
2. sb fail to do sth…., while sb should do sth…. 用于表述“实际情况与预期的反差”。
3. While isdoes …, sbsth. else isdos …用于表述“人与人之间或事与事之

Step Three Language application 45 minutes
1. Writing devices:
Simile is a figure of speech that compares two different things and the comparison is
indicated by the word as or like. Examples:
Learning grammar and a good vocabulary is just like driving with a road map in a
well-conditioned car.
A poem: My Love Is Like A Red Red Rose
----Robert Burns 罗伯特•彭斯 Practice
a. 生活像一具大秋千(swing),总在开心和忧愁间摇摆(dangle)。

Life is like a big swing, dangling between the depths of happiness and sadness. b.
生活没有目标犹如航行没有指南针(compass)。 Living without an aim is like
sailing without a compass.
c. 婚姻就像一座城堡(beleaguered fortress),外面的人想进去,里面的人想出来。
Marriage is like a beleaguered fortress: those who are without want to get in, and
those within want to get out.
2. How to write a college essay:
An essay normally has three main parts: Introduction, body and conclusion.
Introduction: The introduction part is usually one short paragraph that introduces the
topic to be discussed and the thesis statement. A thesis statement can be an opinion, an
attitude or a stand about the topic.
Body: The body is the main part of an essay. It may contain several short paragraphs
that use the development methods of examples, narrative, cause and effect,
comparison and contrast, classification, argumentation, etc.
Conclusion: The conclusion wraps up the discussion of a certain topic. It can briefly
summarize the main points discussed and can also restate the thesis statement by
using different words and structures. At the end of the conclusion, the writer’s final
thoughts on the topic may be added such as a predication, a suggestion, or a warning.

Writing practice
Directions: Write an essay of no less than 150 words on one of the following topics.
One topic has an outline you can follow.
Topic: Grammar, a headache to me
Introduction: Thesis statement: English Grammar is a big headache to me.
Body: Example: The difference between used to and be used to
Conclusion: I’m allergic to learning English grammar.
More topics:
• Learning English through imitation repetition
• Learning English with without grammar

IV. Structure Analysis:
Main idea of section A: this text is a narrative that talks about the author’s personal
experience in giving an effective English lesson to his son. He claims that students
can learn better if they are properly taught.
Part I (Paras. 1-5) This part introduces the background of the story. It presents the
thesis statement: Students unfairly bear the bulk of the criticism for these knowledge
deficits because there is a sense that they should know better.
Part II (Paras.6-13) This part contains two major sections to support the author’s
point of view. The first section claims that students should not be blamed for their
language deficiency due to two major reasons:1) they are misled by the language
environment;2) they are not learning the language adequately and efficiently in school.
The second section elaborates the author’s personal opinion about the importance of
grammar and vocabulary, by way of metaphors.
Para. II (Para. 14-17) Toward the end, the author narrates another incident where

his son unconsciously uttered a grammatically perfect sentence with a subjunctive
mood and he’s proud of his son.

Step 3 Language points
Detailed study of the text
1. If I am the only parent who still corrects his child’s English, then perhaps my son is
right. To him, I am a tedious oddity: a father he is obliged to listen to and a man
absorbed in the rules of grammar, which my son seems allergic to. (Para. 1)
Meaning: My son is probably right if there is no other parent like me who still
corrects his child’s mistake in English. To my son, I am a boring and strange father,
who he has to listen to I am also the one who pays lots of attention to grammar rules,
which he doesn’t seem to like.
2. She nodded three or four times searched the heavens for the right words, and then
exclaimed, it was like, whoa!
Meaning : she nodded her head three or four times, tried to find the right words in her
mind and then shouted with excitement it was like whoa!
Meaning beyond words: Since the student was not quite sure how to exactly describe
her travel experience, the tone of the author is somewhat sarcastic. The author
intended to send out the message that the student was incompetent regarding the
selection of her English vocabulary.
search somewhere for sth.: try to find sth. in some place 在某地方搜寻某物
The robber reached out and searched the back pocket of my trousers for anything
valuable. 那个盗贼伸手搜我裤子后面的口袋以寻找值钱的东西。
Note The heavens means the sky: here search the heavens for the right words
the student
tried hard to find suitable words to describe what she saw and experienced when
traveling in Europe.
civilization of Greece and the glory of Roman architecture were captured in
condensed non- statement. (para.4)
Meaning: The civilization of Greece and the glory of Roman architecture were just
described in one word rather than a complete statement because of her inability to
choose appropriate words to express herself 。
4. My student ―whoa‖ was exceeded only by my head-shaking distress. (para. 4)
Meaning: My head-shaking distress at her inability to express properly was even
greater than her slang term whoa, one word, which did not make any statement to
describe the civilization of Greece and the glory of Roman architecture.
Meaning beyond words: The word exceed states explicitly that the authors worry
about his student's language inability was much more intense than her excitement.
5. Surely students should be able to distinguish between theirtherethey're on the
distinctive difference between complimentary and complementary (para. 5)
Meaning: Of course, students should be able to recognize and understand the
differences between their therethey're on the obvious difference between
complimentary and complementary distinguish: recognize the differences between
things 区别;辨别

A formal education with emphasis on history literature and culture helps a person
learn how to distinguish right from wrong着重于历史、文学和文化的正规教育能帮
distinguish between: recognize and understand the difference between two or more
things or people区分;辨别
The ability to read in a critical way involves the ability to distinguish between facts
and the writer’s opinions or interpretat ions.批判性阅读能力包括区分什么是事实,
★distinctive: a. easy to recognize because of being different from other people or
things of the same type与众不同的;特殊的;特别的
The distinctive design of a product provides a powerful competitive advantage over
other products. 一个独特的产品设计具有比其他产品更强有力的竞争优势。
6. For example signs in grocery stores point them to the stationary, even though the
actual stationery - pads, albums and notebooks - are not items nailed down. (para. 6)
Meaning: For example , signs of merchandise in grocery stores lead students to
the ―stationary‖ department selling stationery like pads =, albums and notebooks.
However, these displayed stationery items are movable but not nailed down.
Meaning beyond words: Taking the wrong spelled signs in grocery stores as an
example, the author argues that it is not students’ fault. The verb phrase nail down is
cleverly used to describe the funny situation: movable ―stationery‖ items are under
the sign of unmovable stationary distinct spelling mistake between the two words.
Here you are surrounded by great resource: interesting students from all over the
country, a learned and caring faculty, a comprehensive library, great sports facilities,
and student organizations covering every possible interest from the arts to science, to
community service and so on. (para4)
7. Therefore, it doesn’t make any sense to criticize our students (para. 6)
Meaning: So, there's no good reason to criticize our students. Which is unfair to them.
8. Moreover, the younger teachers themselves evidently have little knowledge of these
vital structures of language because they also went without exposure to them. (para.
Meaning: In addition, the young teachers obviously know little about these important
structures of language since they also didn’t have the chance to deal with them in their
prior learning experiences.
moreover: ad. (fml.) in addition-used to introduce information that adds to or supports
what has previously been said 而且;再者;此外
Moreover, they become more concerned about their health as they grow older. 此外,
9. The chance came when one day I was driving with my son. As we set out on our
trip, he noticed a bird in jerky flight and said, ―It's flying so unsteady.‖ (para . 8 )
Meaning: The opportunity to teach him English came when we were both on a car
heading for our trip. On seeing a bird flying unsteadily, he commented that the bird
was flying unsteady. jerk: n. [C] a sudden quick movement 猛的一动;猝然一动
The old bus started with a jerk, so the passengers shook a sudden. 那辆旧的公共汽

jerky: a. moving roughly with many starts and stops (在进行中)不平稳的,颠簸

After the bus came to a jerky halt, the passengers got the hurriedly. 公共汽车颠簸着
10. Curious about my correction he asked me what an adverb was. Slowly, I
said, ―it's a word that tells you something about a verb.‖ It led to his asking me what
a verb was. I explained, ―Verbs are action words; for example, Dad drives the truck.
Drive is the verb because it's the thing dad is doing.‖ (para. 9)
Meaning: fascinated by my correction, he wondered what an adverb was. After he got
the answer, he went on with the question of a verb. To explain vividly to him, I used
the example of driving: an action I was doing. Meaning beyond words: The boy was
very alert to something new or interesting. His learning experience illustrates that
learning grammar is not necessarily boring.
11. Then, out of his own curiosity, he asked me if other words had names for their use
and functions. (para. 10)
Meaning: After that, because of his curiosity, he asked me if other words also had
specific names for their use and the roles they play.
out of curiosity: because of curiosity 出于好奇
She decided to follow him out of curiosity.出于好奇,她决定跟踪他。
12. Perhaps, language should be looked upon as a road map and a valuable possession:
often study the road map (check grammar) and tune up the car engine (adjust
vocabulary). Learning grammar and a good vocabulary is just like driving with a road
map in a well-conditioned car (para. 11)
Meaning: Maybe, you should regard language as a road map and a very precious
property you have. You should often look at the road map (review grammar) and
make small changes to your car engine (improve vocabulary).
Meaning beyond words: The road map and the car are used metaphorically to mean
that grammar and vocabulary are powerful devices that will enable you to freely
explore in the language world.
13. Equipped with grammar and a good vocabulary, you have flexibility and excellent
control. (para. 12)
Meaning beyond words: Just as traveling with a road map and a good car, with the
help of grammar knowledge and a large vocabulary, you will feel more comfortable
and confident when using the English language.
be equipped with sth: be provided with the things that are needed for a particular kind
of activity or work 以…为装备;配备…
All dormitory rooms are equipped with high speed internet access.宿舍所有的房间都

Step 4 Question discussing
1. What are the most important factors that encourage students to learn English?
2. Do you think English grammar helps you a lot in learning English? Why or why
not? 3. In what ways can teacher improve the technique of teaching grammar? 4. How
can students more effectively enlarge their vocabulary?


Step 5 Review & Exercises

presentation --- Reproduction
3. Exercises
4. Exercises 3,4,5,6,7
(Ss give answers and raise questions they may have and T explains the difficulties)
ses 8,9--- writing and translation.
Assignments: 1) review Section A; 2) Exercises in Section B; 3) speed reading

6 Step 6 Listening practice
Assignments: 1) Story retelling in Unit 1;
2) Pair work --- practice model dialogs in unit 1 in the Listening and Speaking Book;
3) Preview the new words in unit 2;

―――――――――――――――自我评价问题――――――――――― ――
Questions for Self-evaluation:

1. Can I understand the text fully?
2. Have I memorized the new vocabulary and can I put them into use?
3. Do I understand better how to become a successful language learner?

Unit 2 College—The ladder to success?

课型 :□ 理论课 √ 理论、实践课 □ 实践课
课时分配: 6
教学环境 :多媒体教室
Teaching Aims:
After studying this unit, the students are expected to be able to:
1. understand the main idea and structure of Section A and Section B;
2. master the key language points and grammatical structures in the texts
3. talk about significance of the humanities and gain more insights into life and
society and be aware of cultural and religious differences;
4. read with the skill ―reading for major details‖;
5. write a composition to introduce the advantages of something with three main parts:
introduction, body and conclusion.

Key Issues
1. Vocabulary
accounting, boost, defect, persist, accelerate, dominant, compel, elegant, spectacular,
insight,liable,reservoir, in succession, speculate abouton, invest . with, in the
company of
2. Skills
● Learn to read with the skill ――reading for major details‖ and focus on how the
advantagesdisadvantages are introduced.

Potential Problems and Difficulties
●To talk about significance of the humanities
●write a composition to introduce advantages and disadvantages of some topic.
●To apply the phrases and patterns

A combination of traditional teaching methods with the communicative approach will
be adopted. Special attention should be paid to classroom interaction like
questioning and answers. Small group works are always needed while discussing the
questions and the difficult translation practice. More encouragement is needed and
more guidance will be given in their extracurricular study.

Teaching Aids: Visual aids, projector, stereo and microphone

Group work and pair work:
Conduct of Tasks and Activities
(师生互动方式Mode of Interaction; 学习策略Learning Strategies)
Students-centered , Task-based teaching and learning


Step 1 Lead-in
I. Greeting and warming- up questions discussion.
1. How do you think of your current major? If you were given a second chance to
choose your major, what would you select and why?
2. What liberal arts humanities courses do you learn in college? Do you think they
are necessary for your education?
II. Listening and discussing.
1. Listening practice.
2. In your opinion, what are the most important skills you learned in high school? III.
Listening to a talk and answer questions on page 30.

Step 2 Section A An Impressive English Lesson
I. Background information
1. the humanities
The humanities are a group of academic disciplines that study the human condition,
using methods that are primarily analytical, critical, or speculative. Therefore, they are
distinguished from the approaches of the natural sciences. The humanities, called
social sciences, include history, anthropology, communication studies, cultural studies,
law, language, literature, philosophy, religion, music and theater, etc. Through
exploration of the humanities, students learn how to think creatively and critically, to
reason, and to ask questions. Because these skills allow students to gain new insights
into everything from poetry and paintings to business models and politics, humanistic
subjects have been at the heart of a liberal arts education. Today, humanistic
knowledge continues to provide the ideal foundation for exploring and understanding
the human experience.
2. self-awareness
Self-awareness isn’t a quality that you demonstrate by telling a story, but rather it has
to do with how you tell the story and your ability to communicate what you learned.
Being able to explain to the admissions committee why you value one
accomplishment above others, what you learned from a setback, or the deeper
meaning of your career goals, is evidence of self-awareness. Furthermore, the
self-aware individual has knowledge of both his strengths and weaknesses.

II. Useful expressions and Practical Phrases
1. major in 主修(某一)科目
2. in succession 连续发生
3. be bound to 肯定会,注定
4. stand up for 支持,维护
ate about 推测,猜测
6. invest sb. wth sth. 赋予(某人某物)以某种性质
7. be liable to 可能易于做某事

III. Functional Patterns and Functions & Usages

. isare more and more seen as … rather than … 用于表达“人们对某一事物
+ N., sth. now … 用于表达“今昔对比”。
3. If sb. only do sth. If sb. do sth. alone, it’s likely that … sb. are liable to …用于表

Ⅳ.Structure Analysis:
Main idea of section A: this text is a narrative that talks about the author’s personal
experience in giving an effective English lesson to his son. He claims that students
can learn better if they are properly taught.
Part I (Paras. 1-5) Part I provides the background information of the argument. By
moving away from the humanities and taking some ―hard-skill courses instead,
students think it would improve their chance of finding a job. Because of the
economic downturn, this trend is likely to persist and even accelerate. However, the
humanities play a significant role in people’s lives and can’t be ignored.
Part II (Paras.6-9) Part II presents the author’s argument to stand up for the true
value of the humanities: studying the humanities can improve our ability to read and
write, invest us with great insight and self- awareness, thereby releasing our creative
energy and talent, and provide the scope of possibilities that are widely open to us. It
also suggests that inner insight, combined with technical knowledge, is ideal for the
establishment of a good career.
Part III (Para. 10) Part III summaries the main ideas stated in the argument: The
humanities help to create well-rounded human beings with inner insight and
understanding of the passions, hopes and dreams common to all humanity

Step 3 Language points
Detailed study of the text
1. When the going gets tough, the tough take accounting. (Para. 1)
Meaning: When conditions or situations become difficult, determined people choose
to study the subject of accounting, hoping they can more easily find a job in the
★When the going gets tough: when the situation becomes difficult 当形势变得严峻

When the going gets tough, women can get as tough as men. 当形势变得严峻时,女
★accounting: n. [C] the work of accountants or the methods they use会计; 会计学
Students’ major objective is to be financially well off. Accordingly, today the most
popular course is not literature or history but accounting. 学生的主要目的是经济上
★take accounting: choose to study the subject of accounting 选择学会计
2. When the job market worsens, many students calculate they can’t major in English
or history. (Para. 1)
Meaning: When there are fewer job openings, many college students make a
judgment from the situation and think they can’t study English or history as their

★calculate: vt.
1) make a judgment about what is likely to happen using the available information 估
It’s difficult to calculate the long-term effects of these changes in the law. 这些法律
2) find out how much sth. will cost, how long sth. will take, etc. by using numbers 计
Nowadays the accountants in the enterprise use computers to calculate the cost of
production with accuracy. 如今,企业财务人员利用电脑来计算准确的生产成本。
★major in: study sth. as your main subject at college or university 主修(某一)科

The high demand for persons with knowledge about computers is why I chose to
major in computer science at the university. 对具有电脑知识人才的高需求是我选
ists to engage in basic research, not applied research. 产业领导者们希望科学家们
★bet : (bet, bet) vt. be fairly sure that sth. is true, that sth. will happen, etc., although
you can’t prove this 肯定
I bet the train will be late. 我敢打赌,列车会晚点。
v. risk money on the result of a race, game, competition or other future event 下赌注;
与„打赌 I bet my life that he will take my money and leave. 我敢用我的命打赌,他
5. In other words, a college education is more and more seen as a means for economic
betterment rather than a means for human betterment. (Para. 2)
Meaning: In other words, a college education is more considered as a method to
improve students’ economic status rather than improve human nature or behavior.
6. This is a trend that is likely to persist and even accelerate. (Para. 2)
Meaning: Very likely, the trend will continue to exist and even go faster than ever.
★persist: vi. (fml.) continue to exist 继续存在;持续
1) If the bad weather persists, the farmers will suffer great losses this year. 如果恶劣
2) continue to do sth., although this is difficult, or other people oppose it 坚持;执意
Students must persist in their efforts if they wish to do well. 学生如果想取得好成绩
就必须坚持努力。 ★accelerate: v. happen or make sth. happen at a faster rate (使)
Human activities can cause or accelerate permanent changes in natural systems. 人类
7. Over the next few years, as labor market struggle, the humanities will probably
continue their long slide in succession. (Para. 3)
Meaning: For the next few years, as the going gets tough with labor markets, the
subjects of the humanities will continue to shrink and worsen for a long time each
Note: It might be worthwhile to have a review of the word slide used as a noun or a

n. [usu. sing.] a situation in which sth. gradually gets worse or sb. develops a problem
(情况) 变糟,恶化;(人)出现问题
School administrators were unable to explain the slide in students’ performance. 学校
v. gradually become worse, or begin to have a problem 逐渐破坏;开始出现问题
Students’ test scores started to slide in the mid-1990s. 20世纪90年代中期,学生的
★succession: n. [sing.] a series of people or things of the same type 一连串,一系列
(同类型的人或物) After graduation, he took a succession of low-paid jobs. 毕业
★in succession: happening one after the other without anything different happening
in between 连续发生地;接连发生地
She is an accomplished athlete and won the championship four times in succession.
8. There already has been a nearly 50 percent decline in the portion of liberal arts
majors over the past generation, and it is logical to think that the trend is bound to
continue or even accelerate. (Para. 3)
Meaning: Based on the factor that there already has been about 50 percent decrease in
the numbers of students majoring in liberal arts over the past years, it is reasonable to
think that the trend will surely continue or even speed up. ★liberal: a.
1) (~arts) school or college subjects that give students a general education and
teach them to think rather than those subjects that develop practical skills 文科
The liberal arts are college or university subjects such as history, languages and
literature but not science. 文科是学院或大学的如历史、语言和文学之类的学习课
2) accepting different opinions and ways of behaving and tending to be sympathetic to
other people 心胸宽广的;开明的
She is known to have liberal views on divorce. 人们知道她对离婚持有开明的观点。
★logical: a. connecting ideas or reasons in a sensible way 合乎逻辑的;合理的
It is logical to think that when people are deprived of their familiar surroundings they
will feel disoriented. 脱离熟悉的环境时,人们会感到迷失方向,这样想是符合逻
★bound: a. (~to) sth. that is bound to happen will almost certainly happen 一定的;
几乎肯定的 The weather is bound to get better tomorrow. 明天的天气肯定更好。
9. Once the dominant pillars of university life, the humanities now play little roles
when students take their college tours. These days, labs are more vivid and
compelling than libraries. (Para. 3)
Meaning: The humanities that once dominated university life now play a trivial role
when students have their college visits; nowadays, labs are more eye-catching and
fascinating than libraries.
★dominant: a. more important, powerful, or successful than the other people or
things of the same type 有优势的;占统治地位的
Unemployment rate will be the dominant issue at the next president election. 失业率

将是下次总统选举中的主要话题。 ★pillar: n. [C]
1) a very important part of a system of beliefs or ideas (信仰或思想)非常重要的
部分 Equality is one of the pillars of a stable society. 平等是一个稳定社会的支柱
2) a thick strong upright post that supports part of a building 柱子;支柱
Eight massive stone pillars supported the roof. 八根巨大的石柱支撑起房顶。
★vivid: a. having or producing very clear and detailed images in the mind 清晰的;
He gave a very vivid and often shocking account of his time in prison. 他描述了他在
★compel: vt. force sb. to do sth. 强迫;迫使
As a school boy, he was compelled to wear shorts even in winter. 当他还是一个在校
★compelling: a. interesting or exciting enough to keep your attention completely 有
Steve Job’s life makes a compelling story. 史蒂夫•乔布斯的一生是一个引人入胜
10. Here, please allow me to stand up for and promote the true value that the
humanities add to people’s lives. (Para. 4)
Meaning: I here ask for your permission to let me defend and advertise the true value
that the humanities bring to people’s lives.
★stand up for: support or defend a person or an idea when they are being attacked 支
Mary stood up for me at the meeting, sparing me some embarrassment. 玛丽在会议
★promote: vt. support or encourage sth. 支持;鼓励;提倡
To acknowledge other cultures will promote good will among people of different
backgrounds. 承认别人的文化会促进不同背景的人之间的友好亲善。
11. Since ancient times, people have speculated about the mystery of those inner
forces that drive some people to greatness and others to self-destruction. (Para. 4)
Meaning: Ever since ancient times, people have thought carefully and seriously why
the mysterious forces coming from their inner world could be so powerful that it
could make some people great while others morally deteriorate.
★speculated about on: make guesses about the possible causes or effects of sth.
without knowing all the facts or details 猜测;推测
It’s too early to speculate about the outcome of the negotiations between the workers
union and the company’s leadership. 要推测工会和公司管理层之间的谈判结果,
★mystery: n. [C, usu. sing.] sth. that you are not able to understand, explain, or get
information about 不可思议的事物;无法解释的事物;谜
No one had ever been able to explain the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle. 从来没有
★destruction: n. [U] damage that is so severe that sth. stops existing or can never
return to its normal state 毁灭;摧毁;破坏

The destruction caused by too many cars and the death of millions of people shook
the foundation of Western idealism. 太多的战争所造成的破坏和数以百万计人的
12. This inner drive has been called many things over the centuries. (Para. 4)
Meaning: Over the past centuries, many different names have been used to describe
this inner force of human beings.
13. The famous psychologist, Sigmund Freud, called it the ―unconscious mind‖ or,
more familiarly, ―instinct‖. (Para. 4)
Meaning: Sigmund Freud, a famous psychologist, named it the unintentional mind or,
more familiar to us, natural ability to know something.
★unconscious: a. relating to or coming from the part of your mind in which there are
thoughts and feelings that you do not realize you have 潜意识的;下意识的;无意
I don’t know if he noticed my unconscious desire. 我不知他是否注意到我潜意识的
14. From the beginning of time, this inner aspect of our being, this drive that can be
constructive or destructive, has captured our imagination. (Para. 5)
Meaning: Since ancient times, it is this very inner force of our being, either
constructive or destructive, that has stimulated our imagination.
★destructive: a. causing severe damage or harm 破坏性的;毁灭性的
Lack of trust is very destructive in a relationship. 缺乏信任在人际关系中是很具有
破坏性的。 15. The stories of this amazing struggle have formed the basis of cultures
the world over. (Para. 5)
Meaning: It is these stories about this fascinating inner struggle of human beings that
have laid the foundation of the world cultures. 16. Historians、architects、authors、
philosophers and artists have captured the words, images and meanings of this inner
struggle in the form of story、music、painting、architecture、sculpture、 landscape
and traditions. (Para. 5)
Meaning: Our historians、architects、authors、 philosophers and artists have
successfully caught the words, images and meanings of this mysterious inner force by
way of story、music、painting、architecture、sculpture、 landscape and traditions.
★architect: n. [C] sb. whose job is to design buildings 建筑师
He is the architect of this building, and he’s always on the construction site. 他是这
★philosopher: n. [C] sb. who studies and tries to explain the meaning of things such
as life, knowledge, or beliefs 哲学家;哲人
Plato was a Greek philosopher. 柏拉图是希腊哲学家。
★in the form of: in the way sth. is or appears to be 以„形式;以„方式
They received a benefit in the form of a tax reduction. 他们通过减税的方式获益。
★landscape: n. [C]
1) a photograph or a painting showing an area of countryside or land 风景照;风景画
2) an area of land that is beautiful to look at or has a particular type of appearance
The landscape is dotted with the tents of campers. 露营者的帐篷点缀了风景。

17. These men and women developed artistic ―languages‖ that help us understand
these aspiration and also educate generations. (Para. 5)
Meaning: The artistic works and masterpieces created by these men and women help
us understand the strong desires and beautiful dreams of human beings and also help
educate future generations.
18. This fertile body of work from ancient times, the very foundation of civilization,
forms the basis of study of the humanities. (Para. 5)
Meaning: The large amount of work filled with rich ideas and imagination from
ancient times — the fundamental components of civilization — provides the basis of
the study of the humanities. ★fertile: a.
1) able to produce good ideas or results 富有成果的;富有想象力的 A poet must
have a fertile imagination. 诗人必须有丰富的想象力。 2) able to produce good
crops or plants (土地) 肥沃的,富饶的Fertile soil helps Canada rank among the
world’s leading wheat producers. 肥沃的土壤帮助加拿大跻身世界主要小麦生产
a the body of sth.: a large amount or mass of sth., esp. sth. that has been collected 大
Acquiring a language is learning a skill, not collecting a body of information. 学语言
19. Studying the humanities improves our ability to read and write. No matter what
we do in life, we will have a huge advantage if we can read complex ideas and
understand their meaning. We will have a bright career if we are the person in the
office who can write a clear and elegant analysis of these ideas! (Para. 6)
Meaning: Studying the humanities helps us improve our reading and writing ability.
In whatever situation, it is a great advantage if we understand complex ideas through
reading. To illustrate, if we are the person in the office who can write and analyze
those complex ideas in a logical, clear, intelligent yet simple manner, we will have a
promising career. ★elegant: a.
1) very intelligent yet simple (想法或计划)巧妙的,简洁的
The document impressed me with its elegant simplicity. 该文件给我留下了精辟简
明的深刻印象。 2) beautiful, attractive and graceful 优美的;高雅的
Patricia looked beautiful and elegant as always. 帕特里夏看上去总是那么美丽优雅。
★analysis: n. [C, U] a process of studying or examining sth. in detail in order to
understand it or explain it 分析
I’m interested in Clare’s analysis of the situation in China. 我对克莱尔对中国形势
20. Studying the humanities makes us familiar with the language of emotion and the
creative process. (Para. 7) Meaning: We get more familiar with the expressions of
emotion and the process of creation by studying the humanities.
21. In an information economy, many people have the ability to produce a useful
product such as a new MP3 player. (Para. 7)
Meaning: In an economy driven by information, many people are capable of
producing a useful commodity like a new MP3 player.
22. Yet, very few people have the ability to create a spectacular brand: the Ipod. (Para.

Meaning: But very few people have the ability to create an extremely impressive
product name such as the Ipod. (Para. 7)
★spectacular: a. extremely impressive 引人入胜的;非常壮观的 There was a
spectacular sunset last night. 昨晚的日落极其壮观。
★brand: n. [C] a product or group of products that has its own name and is made by
one particular company 品牌;商标
The Beatles are probably one of the most spectacular brands of musicians in the world.
23. Most importantly, studying the humanities invests us with great insight and
self-awareness, thereby releasing our creative energy and talent in a positive and
constructive manner. (Para. 7)
Meaning: The most important advantage for us to study the humanities is that it
enables us to become more analytical and self-aware; therefore, our creativeness and
talent are brought out in a positive and constructive way.
★invest: v. use your money with the aim of making a profit from it 投资
He invested all our profits in gold shares. 他把我们所有的利润都投资进了黄金股。
★invest sb. sth. with sth.: (fml.) give sb. or sth. a particular quality 赋予(某人或某
Nature has invested these animals with a capacity for not showing fear. 自然界赋予
了这些动物不显露恐惧的本领。 ★insight: n.
1) [U] the ability to notice and understand a lot about people or situation 洞察力;领
It was an interesting book, full of fascinating insight into human nature. 这是一本有
2) [C, U] a sudden clear understanding of sth., esp. sth. complicated 顿悟;洞悉;见

Her research has given us some insight into what sparks a teenager’s curiosity. 她的
★thereby: ad. (fml.) because of or by means of what has just been mentioned 因此;
We started our journey early, thereby avoiding most of the traffic. 我们早早地开始
24. Perhaps the best argument in favor of the humanities in the scope of possibilities
that are widely open to us. (Para. 8)
Meaning: The most valid argument to support the humanities is perhaps they can
provide us with a wide range of opportunities.
★in favor of: supporting a person or an idea, proposal, etc. that you believe is right
Congress has decided in favor of a $200 million housing development. 美国国会已
★the scope of: the range of 范围
The Student Association has promised to widen the scope of activities. 学生会已承
诺要扩大活动范围。 25. Did you know that James Cameron, world-famous director

of the movie, Titanic, graduated with a degree in the humanities? So did Sally Ride,
the first woman in space. So did actors Bruce Lee, Gwyneth Paltrow, Renee
Zellweger and Matt Damon. Dr. Harold Varmus, who won Novel Prize for Medicine,
studied the humanities. Even Michael Eisner, Chairman of the Disney Company,
majored in the humanities. (Para. 8)
Meaning Beyond words: All these famous people should attribute their success to
their previous study of the humanities, which invested them with great insight and
self- awareness.
26. Famous people who studied the humanities make a list indeed. It’s easy to see the
humanities can prepare us for many different careers and jobs we can undertake,
whether medicine, business, science or entertainment. (Para. 8)
Meaning: It is true that famous people who studied the humanities can make up a long
list. Obviously, the humanities enable us to engage in many different careers and jobs,
no matter whether they are medicine, business, science or entertainment.
★prepare…for…: make sb. ready and able to deal with a future event 使„做好准备
(应对未来)We now need to prepare them for the digital economy. 我们现在需要
★undertake: vt. (undertook, undertook) agree to be responsible for a job or project
and do it 承担;着手做 Dr. Johnson undertook the task of writing a comprehensive
English dictionary. 约翰逊博士着手写一本详尽的英语词典。
27. If we study only mathematics, it’s likely we will be a candidate only for jobs as a
mathematician. (Para. 8) Meaning: If we study only mathematics, very possibly we
will be a person who only competes for jobs as a mathematician.
★candidate: n. [C] sb. who is being considered for a job or is competing in an
election 候选人
One US corporation offered a large sum of money in support of a US presidential
candidate at a time when the company was under investigation. 一个美国公司在接
28. If we include studying the humanities, we can make breakthroughs on many
barriers and are limited only by our efforts and imagination. (Para. 8)
Meaning: If we also study the humanities, we can successfully remove many
obstacles on our way and still develop our potential unless we don’t try enough and
lack imagination.
★breakthrough: n. [C] a discovery or achievement that comes after a lot of hard work
Scientists have made more than one major breakthrough in the treatment of cancer.
★barrier: n. [C] anything that prevents progress or makes it difficult for sb. to achieve
sth. 障碍
The new president advocated the removal of trade barriers for his country. 那位新总
29. Of course, nowadays, if we study the humanities alone, we are liable to miss many
opportunities. (Para. 8) Meaning: It is for sure that nowadays if we study the
humanities alone, we are likely to miss many chances or opportunities.

★liable: (be ~ to do sth.) likely to do sth. in a particular way because of a fault or
tendency 可能(易于)做某事的
Many parts of the country are liable to suffer from flooding. 该国的许多地方已遭水
30. Each one of us needs to become technically and professionally skilled as possible
to help meet the needs of modern life. (Para. 9)
Meaning: To satisfy the needs of modern life, all of us need to try our best to become
technically and professionally skillful.
31. In fact, increasingly a pairing of technical knowledge and inner insight is seen as
the ideal in the establishment of a career. (Para. 9)
Meaning: In fact, a combination of technical knowledge and inner insight is
increasingly lokked upon as the ideal mode for starting a career.
★establishment: n. [U] the process of starting or creating sth. such as an organization
建立;创立;设立 We support their struggle for the establishment of a new
international economic order. 我们支持他们为建立国际经济新秩序而斗争。
32. If I were the Dean of Admissions at a medical school and two people applied to
our school, both having the required basic scientific courses, one a philosophy major
and the other solely a pre- med student, the philosophy applicant would be chosen.
(Para. 9)
Meaning: Suppose I were the Dean of Admissions at a medical school and I were
recruiting two applicants. Both of them took the required basic scientific courses, but
one is a philosophy major and the other just pre-med. I would surely choose the one
with the philosophy background.
★sole: a. (only before the noun) the only one of a particular type 唯一的;仅有的
The sole purpose of his trip was to attend a concert at Carnegie Hall. 他此行的唯一
★solely: ad. involving nothing except the person or thing mentioned 只;唯一地;仅

Scholarships are given solely on the basis of financial need. 奖学金的颁发只根据财
★pre-med: a. (AmE) relating to classes that prepares a student for medical school, or
to the students who are taking these classes 医学院预科的;针对医学院预科生的
My sister wants to become a doctor, and she’s now a pre-med student. 我妹妹想成为
33. In summary, the humanities helps to create well-rounded human beings with
insight and understanding of the passions, hopes and dreams common to all humanity.
(Para. 10)
Meaning: To summarize, with the help of the humanities, we can create all-rounded
people who are insightful and well understand the passions, hopes and dreams
common to all humanity.
★well-rounded human beings: human beings with a range of interests and skills and a
variety of experience 全面发展的人
34. The humanities, the ancient timeless reservoir of knowledge, teach us to see things
differently and broaden our horizons. They are as useful and relevant in our modern

age as they have always been. (Para. 10)
Meaning: The humanities, the ancient timeless resource of knowledge, teach us to see
things from different perspectives and to expand our horizons, which is useful and
related to our modern life, just as it has always been.
★reservoir: n. [C]
1) a large quantity of sth. that can be used 积蓄;储蓄
Colleges are a reservoir of talents for companies. 大学是企业的人才库。
2) an artificial or natural lake where water is stored so that it can be supplied to the
houses in an area (人造的)水库;(天然)蓄水湖
If it rains heavily, the reservoir will overflow. 如果下大雨,水库里的水将会溢出来。
35. Doesn’t it make sense to spend some time in the company of the humanities, our
outstanding and remarkable treasure of knowledge? (Para. 10)
Meaning: Isn’t it reasonable to spend some time with the humanities, our extremely
good and marvelous treasure of knowledge?
★in the company of: in sb’s company; with sb. 和某人在一起
She caught sight of her grandson, in the company of three other boys of similar age,
going into the narrow alley which led to the railway. 她看见她的孙子和其他三个年
★outstanding: a. extremely good or impressive 杰出的;出众的;显著的
His performance in charitable activities was outstanding. 在公益活动方面,他的表
6. Who knows how famous YOU might become! Meaning: No one can tell how
famous you will be!

Step 4 Question discussing
1. What are the main factors that affect students’ decision on choosing their majors?
2. Why are there more science majors than liberal arts majors in college today?
3. Should schools give more support to the study of the humanities? Why or why not?

Step 5 Review & Exercises

3. Exercises
4. Exercises 3,4,5,6,7
(Ss give answers and raise questions they may have and T explains the difficulties)
ses 8,9--- writing and translation.
1) review Section A;
2) Exercises in Section B;
3) speed reading

Step 6 Listening practice
1) listening skills: Understanding the problem-solution pattern in the Listening and

Speaking Book;
2) Pair work --- practice model dialogs in unit 2;
3) Preview the new words in unit 3;
―――――――――――――――自我评价问题――――――――――― ――
Questions for Self-evaluation:
1. Can I understand the text fully?
2. Have I memorized the new vocabulary and can I put them into use?
3. Do I understand what a college education means to humanities?

Resources and Materials:
大学实用英语写作教程,北京理工大学出版社,汪宏 教参
新视野大学英语教师用书, 郑树棠, 外语教学与研究出版社,2015年 Motivating
Students to Normal University Press.2004
Classroom Michael ai Foreign Language Education
课后记录 After Class Notes

Unit 3 Discovery of a new life stage

课型 :□ 理论课 √ 理论、实践课 □ 实践课
课时分配: 6
教学环境 :多媒体教室
Teaching Aims:
After studying this unit, the students are expected to be able to:
1. to understand the main idea and structure of Section A and Section B;
2. to master the key language points and grammatical structures in the texts
3. to talk about language teaching and learning and express their opinions about
current way of teaching in an English class;
4. to read with the skill ―finding key ideas in sentences‖;
5. to write a composition with three main parts: introduction, body and conclusion.

Key Issues:
1. Vocabulary
parallel, previous, sensible, radical, agenda, frame, spouse, stability, proportion,
rebellion, resent, resort, allowance, transition, predict, version, boom
2. Skills
● Learn to read with the skill —finding key ideas in sentences and write a
composition with three main parts: introduction, body and conclusion.

Potential Problems and Difficulties
●To talk about language teaching and learning
●write a composition with three main parts: introduction, body and conclusion. ●To
apply the phrases and patterns

A combination of traditional teaching methods with the communicative approach will
be adopted. Special attention should be paid to classroom interaction like questioning
and answers. Small group works are always needed while discussing the questions
and the difficult translation practice. More encouragement is needed and more
guidance will be given in their extracurricular study.

Teaching Aids: Visual aids, projector, stereo and microphone
Group work and pair work
Conduct of Tasks and Activities
(师生互动方式Mode of Interaction; 学习策略Learning Strategies)
Students-centered, Task-based teaching and learning

Teaching Procedures
Step 1 Lead-in

I. Greeting and warming-up questions discussion.
1. What is the ideal university like in your eyes?
2. What are your expectations of your spouse?
3. In your opinion, what is your ideal life?
II. Listening and discussing.
1. Listening practice.
2. What should we do to face our parents as children?

Step 2 Section A An Impressive English Lesson
I. Usage note:
1. sensible, sensitive
sensible 表示―明智的‖,如:a sensible person(一个明智的人),a sensible plan
A sensible person makes good decisions and adjustments based on reason rather than
emotion. 一个明智的人会根据理智而不是情感来做出合理的决定和判断。
sensible 还可以表示―知道的;觉察的
be sensible of … 表示―感知某事;察觉到某事‖。 例如:
I am sensible of the suffering you are undergoing. 我清楚你正在经历的痛苦。
sensitive 在词义上表示―敏感的;易受影响的‖。例如:
A sensitive person is easily upset by other people’s remarks or behavior. 敏感的人很
You shouldn’t be so sensitive about what people say. 你不应该对别人说什么如此敏
sensitive to 表示―对…过敏的;对…理解的‖。例如:
Unfortunately, she is sensitive to penicillin, and I doubt whether any other drug will
help her. 不幸的是,她对青霉素过敏,我不能确定是否有其他药物可以帮助她。
We are trying to make people more sensitive to the difficulties faced by working
mothers. 我们正在努力使人们更理解上班族妈妈所面临的困难。
2. tend to do sth
usu. do a particular thing 倾向于;往往会;易于做某事
People tend to need less sleep as they get older. 随着年纪的增长,人们需要的睡眠
Because my car tends to overheat in the summer, I frequently have to turn on the AC
to help the engine cool down.
因为我的车往往在夏天会过热,所以我得常将空调打开,以帮 助引擎冷却。
3. peculiar, characteristic, unusual
peculiar, characteristic 和unusual 都可用作形容词,都含有表示―有特点的;有
特色的‖等意 思,但有细微差别。
从词义上说,peculiar 着重―独特性‖,强调―与众不同的‖特征;characteristic 常
强调所指 性质的典型性,也可以表示这些性质使某一事物区别于其他的事物;
unusual 强调―少见的‖, 与通常的情况―截然不同的‖或―未曾预料的‖特征。例
如: The wine has a peculiar taste. 这种酒有种独特的味道。
It’s characteristic of her that she never complained. 从来不发牢骚是她的个性。
It was not unusual for me to come home at two or three in the morning. 凌晨两三点

回家对 我来说是很平常的事。

II. Structure Analysis:
Main idea of section A: this text is a narrative that talks about the author’s personal
experience in giving an effective English lesson to his son. He claims that students
can learn better if they are properly taught.
Part1 (Para. 1) Explains how the traditional way labeled previous life stages:
childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old ages
Part 2 (Paras.2) This transitional paragraph claims that the way of viewing different
life stages is changing.
Part 3 (Paras3-5) Introduces a new life stage, the odyssey years, using comparison
and contrast. Specifically, Paragraph 3 describes what young people used to do after
college. Paragraph 4 presents young people’s assumption of adulthood people today.
Paragraph 5 compares the image of young people today in the past and present.
Part 4 (Paras6-10) This part exclusively deals with the characteristics of the
odyssey years such as young people’s rebellious reaction, parents’ feelings toward
the growing children, no new guidelines, young people holding traditional aspirations
and so on

Step 3 Language points
Detailed study of the text
1. Most of us know about the phases of life which we label to parallel different age
groups and life stages: childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age. (Para. 1)
Meaning: Most of us know about the different life stages that we describe according
to different age groups: childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age.
2. We think of infancy before childhood and middle age before old age, with each
unique phase bringing it’s own peculiar set of challenges. (Para. 1)
Meaning: We sequence the life stages of infancy, childhood, middle age and old age
according to their natural order, with each particular life stage facing its own featured
3. These challenges can be overcome by acquainting ourselves with them, such as the
child’s need to learn, the adult’s need to find the right career and build a family, and
the senior’s need for support and good health care. (Para. 1)
Meaning: By familiarizing ourselves with the particular challenges such as the needs
for different age groups: child, adult, and senior, we can surely overcome all these
Meaning beyond words: If we stay positive and optimistic, we’ll successfully handle
the challenges at different life stages.
4. Interestingly, ideas about the stages of life are changing. (Para. 2)
Meaning beyond words: Since the sentence states that the ideas about life stages are
changing, it’s predictable that the following text will focus on this topic.
5. In previous times, people didn’t have a solid idea of childhood as being separate
from adulthood. A hundred years ago, no one thought of adolescence. (Para. 3)
Meaning: In the past, people didn’t have a clear concept about separating childhood

from adulthood. Children were simply seen as youngsters. Likewise, people didn’t
think about the life stage of adolescence a hundred years ago.
6. Until recently it was understood as a norm that their induction to adulthood was
completed as soon as they graduated from college. They would now find a sensible
job which would lead to a career. (Para. 3) Meaning: People used to consider it
normal: As soon as students graduated from college, they would become part of the
adult community and find a practical and reliable job toward a career.
7. Then during this career they would start a family, ideally before they turned 30.
(Para. 3)
Meaning: While working on their career, they would get married to start their own
family, preferably by age 30.
8. Today we have an equivalent need to recognize a new phase of life that comes after
high school graduation, continues through college, and then leads to starting a family
and having a career, the so-called odyssey years. (Para. 4)
Meaning: Today we are also required to recognize a new life stage which starts from
high school graduation through college till they settle down with a family and a career.
This new phase might be called the odyssey years, the years of self-discovery unfair
to them.
9. Recent trends show radical changes as young people are following a different
agenda. (Para. 4)
Meaning: As young people are living a different lifestyle, the society has gone
through tremendous changes. Meaning beyond words: Young people tend to behave
rebelliously, which is contrary to the traditional way and beyond the expectations of
their parents.
10. They take breaks from school, live with friends and often return to living with
their parents.(Para. 4) Meaning: They stop going to school for a while, live with
friends and often even return to living with their parents.
11. Similarly they fall in and out of love, quit one job and try another or even shift to a
new career.(Para. 4)
Meaning: Likewise, they fall in and out of love, give up one job and try another, or
change to a completely different profession.
Meaning beyond words: Before they finally settle down, college graduates need to
accumulate life experiences – to discover themselves during their odyssey years.
12. So, we need to recognize this new stage, the odyssey years, which many now
consider to be an unavoidable stage in reaching adulthood. (Para. 4)
Meaning: Therefore, it is necessary to recognize this unavoidable new stage, where
young people explore life in order to reach adulthood.
13. People who were born prior to the 60s or 70s in the last century tended to frame
their concept of adulthood based upon achieving certain accomplishments: moving
away from home, becoming financially independent, finding the right spouse and
starting a family. (Para. 5)
Meaning: People born before the 1960s or 1970s were likely to define the term
adulthood according to certain accomplishments, such as moving away from home,
having financial independence, and starting a family with a good husband or wife.

14. But that emphasis on stability did not remain static. Today, young people are
unlikely to do the same. (Para. 5)
Meaning: However, stability didn’t stay the same forever since young people today
are doing things differently from their parents.
15. During the odyssey years, a high proportion of young people are delaying
marriage, childbearing, and even employment. (Para. 5)
Meaning: Many young people postpone getting married, having children and taking a
job during their odyssey years.
16. The odyssey years can saddle young people with enormous pressure to move
forward quickly. (Para. 6)
Meaning: The odyssey years can make young people feel much stressed to move
ahead quickly.
17. As the sole heir and focus of their parents’ expectations, hopes and dreams,some
react with rebellious and prideful attitudes and behavior toward their parents.(Para. 6)
Meaning: Being the only heir and focus of their parents’ expectations, hopes and
dreams, some young people behaved rebelliously and proudly toward their parents.
18. They often resent the pressure they’re feeling and keep a distance from their
parents or even run away from home. (Para. 6)
Meaning: They often feel upset about the stress they have and stay away from their
parents or even secretly leave home.
19. Their confusion comes from the difficulties to make parents understand them and
the fluid journey of discovery they need in this phase of their lives. (Para. 6)
Meaning: They get confused because it’s hard to communicate with their parents and
also because the journey of self-discovery they need in this particular life stage is full
of uncertainty.
20. To get away from this confusion and upset, many young people resort to computer
games, iPod, iPhone, or iPad to help distract them from their pain and stress. (Para. 6)
Meaning: In order not to be bothered by this confusion and frustration and to forget
about their pain and stress, many young people turn to computer games, iPods,
iPhones or iPads. .Meaning: Their parents become more restless as well.
Meaning beyond words: As their grown children would not listen to their advice,
parents are getting more worried about what direction their children may move to.
22. They may make allowances for a transition phase from student life to adult life,
but they get upset when they see the transition of their grown children’s lives moving
away from their expectations and stretching five years to seven years, and beyond.
(Para. 7)
Meaning: Parents may accept their grown children to delay the transition period from
life to adult life, but they are frustrated when they find their children moving away
from what they expected and when they extend the period to too many years.
23. The parents don’t even detect a clear sense of direction in their children’s lives.
They look at them and see the things that are being delayed. (Para. 7)
Meaning: The parents even lose track of their children’s lives, so they just look at
them and see how the things that should be done are being postponed.
Meaning beyond words: Parents are very worried about their grown children’s future

but don’t know what to do to help.

Step 4 Question discussing
1. What are the most important factors that encourage students to learn English?
2. Do you think English grammar helps you a lot in learning English? Why or why
3. In what ways can teacher improve the technique of teaching grammar? 4. How can
students more effectively enlarge their vocabulary?

Step 5 Review & Exercises

presentation --- Reproduction 3.. Exercises
4. Exercises 3,4,5,6,7
(Ss give answers and raise questions they may have and T explains the difficulties)
ses 8,9--- writing and translation.
6. Assignments:
1) review Section A;
2) Exercises in Section B;
3) speed reading

Step 6 Listening practice
1) Story retelling in Unit 3;
2) Pair work --- practice model dialog in unit 3 in the Listening and Speaking Book;
3) Preview the new words in unit 4;

―――――――――――――――自我评价问题――――――――――― ――
Questions for Self-evaluation:
1. Can I understand the text fully?
2. Have I memorized the new vocabulary and can I put them into use? 15. Do I
understand better how to become a successful language learner?

Resources and Materials:
大学实用英语写作教程,北京理工大学出版社,汪宏 教参
新视野大学英语教师用书, 郑树棠, 外语教学与研究出版社,2015年 Motivating
Students to Normal University Press.2004
Classroom Michael ai Foreign Language Education

Unit 4 Dance with love

课型 :□ 理论课 √ 理论、实践课
教学环境 :多媒体教室
教学目标 :
Teaching Aims:
After studying this unit, the students are expected to be able to:
1. understand the main idea and structure of Section A and Section B;
2. master the key language points and grammatical structures in the texts
3. talk about romance love and express their opinions about modern dating practice;
4. read with the skill how the story develops with the details; 5. write a narrative with
a rough draft.

Key Issues
1. Vocabulary
expel cautious romance ambitious pessimistic honey-mood gaze weird tempt semester
consequently deserve propose confess come over sb.
2. Skills
● Learn to read how the story develops with the details;
● Write a narrative with a rough draft.

Potential Problems and Difficulties:
●To talk about romance love
●To master the essay writing skill
●To apply the phrases and patterns

A combination of traditional teaching methods with the communicative approach will
be adopted. Special attention should be paid to classroom interaction like questioning
and answers. Small group works are always needed while discussing the questions
and the difficult translation practice. More encouragement is needed and more
guidance will be given in their extracurricular study.
Teaching Aids: Visual aids, projector, stereo and microphone

Group work and pair work
Conduct of Tasks and Activities
(师生互动方式Mode of Interaction; 学习策略Learning Strategies)
Students-centered, Task-based teaching and learning

Teaching Procedures
Step 1 Lead-in
I. Greeting and warming-up questions discussion.

1. What’s your opinion about the modern dating practice?
2. Do you have any experience in dating?
3. What’s your understanding of true love?
II. Listening and discussing.
1. Listening practice.
2. Do you think it’s a good idea to date someone at college? Why or why not?
III. Listening to a passage and fill in the missing words.

Step 2 Section A
I. New words
expel, cautious, romance, ambitious, pessimistic, propose, gaze, weird, tempt,
semester, consequently, deserve, confess, come over sb.
II. Useful expressions and Practical Phrases
1. head for 朝„„前进,向„„去
2. love at first sight 一见钟情
3. with no component of fun 没有一丝新鲜感
4. whisper sweet words in the ear 在耳边甜言蜜语
5. sure enough 果然、果真
6. propose marriage 求婚

III. Functional Patterns and Functions & Usages
1. sth. (a feeling) comes over sb. When sb. does sth.
2. True, „, but sb. does sth. the truth is„
3. Despite sth., at one’s core, sb. is „ 用于表达“某人最本质的一面”。

IV. Structure Analysis:
Main idea of section A: this text is a narrative that tells romantic story about the
author herself.
Part I (Para. 1) This part is the introduction which prepares for the topic of love.
The narrator now has two daughters who are at the age of dating. They believe that
their parents had a romantic story heading for marriage from the very beginning.
However, It’s not completely true. She started dating Butch not for love but for fun
because she wanted to get away from her boring college life.
Part II (Paras.2-10) This is the major part of the narrative. It is interspersed with
flashbacks of the narrator’s dating experiences. The story records the long journey of
love in a time sequence and describes in detail how she felt about Butch and how they
together went through ups and downs for seven years before they finally got married.
Part III (Para. 11) This part echoes the beginning of the narration to reiterate that
their love actually started with a casual attraction only but bloomed into a mature love
for life. Having weathered the storm of love, their marriage now has turned out to be a
long, romantic, sometimes crazy, love story, which sums up a 29-year long


Step 3 Language points
Detailed study of the text
1. I smile at my two lovely daughters and they seem so much more mature than we,
their parents, when we were college sweethearts. (Para. 1)
Meaning beyond words: Married to her college sweetheart, the author now is happy
with her family and two grown daughters.
Note: College sweethearts refer to someone with whom one is in love and by whom
one is loved at college; sweetheart is equivalent to lover,darling, beloved, or dear.
For example:
Well done, sweetheart, we are all so proud of you. 做得好,宝贝,我们以你为荣。
My husband is the greatest guy in the world; he was my college sweetheart. 我丈夫
He tries to locate his former sweetheart Melina from whom he has heard nothing for a
very long time. 他在努力寻找他以前的恋人梅利娜,他已经很久没有她的消息了。
2. Linda, who’s 21, had a boyfriend in her freshman year she thought she would marry,
but they’re not together anymore. Melissa, who’s 19, hasn’t had a steady boyfriend
yet. My daughters wonder when they will meet “The One”, their great love.(Para. 1)
Meaning beyond words: Her two daughters are at the age of just dating, but they seem
to be very mature wondering when they will meet their true love.
3. They think their father and I had a classic fairy tale romance heading for marriage
from the outset. (Para. 1) Meaning beyond words: Her daughters consider their
parents’ marriage a typical conventional romance because they think it aimed at
marriage from the very beginning. Usage note: classic, classical
1 classic 用作形容词表示“经典的;精彩的;一流的”。例如:
Death on the Nile is one of the classic works of Agatha Christie. 《尼罗河上的惨案》
口语中也会用到classic 这个词。当你看到一场精彩的演出时,就可以说“That’s
classic!”来表达赞美。 classic 用作形容词也表示“典型的;标准的”。例如:
London is the classic example of the scattered city. 伦敦是标准分散型的城市。
This statement was a classic illustration of British politeness. 这项陈述是对英国礼
貌的一个典型说明。 classic 也可用作名词,表示“文学名著;经典作品;杰作”。
We have all the standard classics of Hayao Miyazaki at home. 我们家有宫崎骏的所
2 classical 不能用作名词,只能用作形容词,表示“古典的;经典的”。例如:
I spend a lot of time reading and listening to classical music. 我花了很多时间阅读
Classical music is music written by composers such as Mozart and Beethoven. 像莫
莫扎特和贝多芬所创作的音乐属于古典音乐(classical music), 但这些古典音乐经
久不衰,有永久的意义和价值,所以这些音乐也可称为经典的音乐(classic music)。
( classic)之作,但很明显可口可乐瓶子的设计不是古典的(classical)设计。所

Note: Classic fairy-tale romance is used to describe a romance blessed with unusual
happiness. Colloquially, a fairy tale can also refer to any story extremely unlikely to
be true.
4. Perhaps, they’re right but it didn’t seem so at the time. (Para. 1)
Meaning: My daughters’ perception may be right, yet our romance back then was
actually not like what they have assumed.
5. In a way, love just happens when you least expect it. Who would have thought that
Butch and I would end up getting married to each other? He became my boyfriend
because of my shallow agenda: I wanted a cute boyfriend! (Para. 1)
Meaning: Love comes your way when you don’t really expect it. No one thought that
Butch and I would finally get married. He became my boyfriend simply because I
would like to fulfill my shallow wish: to have an attractive boyfriend in college.
Meaning beyond words: Here is the suspense of the story – the author gives a broad
hint that she will tell us how she and her husband got married at last.
6. We met through my college roommate at the university cafeteria. That fateful night,
I was merely curious, but for him I think it was love at first sight. (Para. 2)
Meaning: At the school dining hall that important night, we were introduced to each
other through my roommate. I met Butch just out of curiosity, but he seemed to fall in
love with me as soon as he saw me.
7. ―You have beautiful eyes,‖ he said as he gazed at my face. (Para. 2)
Meaning beyond words: The author was obviously attractive to Butch since he tried to
please her by praising her eyes.
8. He kept staring at me all night long. (Para. 2)
Note: Both gaze at and stare at mean “looking at something fixedly for a long time
because of being attracted, surprised, or thinking, etc.”. Stare at usually has the
additional meaning of with eyes widely open‖. Also, it usually implies with great
attention; gaze at usually implies in a dreamy and unaware state of mind.
9. I really wasn’t that interested for two reasons. First, he looked like he was a really
wild boy, maybe even dangerous. Second, although he was very cute, he seemed a
little weird. (Para. 2)
Meaning beyond words: She wasn’t interested in him because she got the impression
that he was wild and strange, which illustrates that she didn’t know much about him at
the beginning. Therefore, it’s not true that their romance was heading for marriage
from the start.
10. Riding on his bicycle, he’d ride past my dorm as if “by accident” and pretend to
be surprised to see me. I liked the attention but was cautious about his wild, dynamic
personality. (Para. 3)
Meaning beyond words: She understood his little trick: trying to see her by
manufacturing excuses. Though she was happy to be the focus of his attention, she
was also very alert to his wild and dynamic personality.
11. He had a charming way with words which would charm any girl. (Para. 3)
Meaning: He knew how to please and attract girls because what he said was always
pleasant to their ears.

12. Fear came over me when I started to fall in love. His exciting “bad boy image”
was just too tempting to resist. What was it that attracted me?(Para. 3)
Meaning: I was in an awkward position: I started to fall in love with him, but I was
also afraid of that. His bad boy image was too attractive to resist, but at the same time
it was somewhat fearful. So, what exactly was it in him that attracted me?
Note: Tempting is a present participle of the verb tempt, used as an adjective to
describe the effect that something has on someone’s feelings.
For example, if you find something temptingcharmingdisgustingfrightening, it
means it temptscharmsdisgustsfrightens you.
In English there are a group of words describing an effect that something has on your
feelings and ideas. For example:
a tempting job offer 一个诱人的工作机会
an alarming increase in racial hostility 种族仇视的惊人增长 a welcoming smile 热
情的微笑 a surprising number of 数量惊人的
13. I always had an excellent reputation. My concentration was solely on my studies
to get superior grades. But for what? (Para. 3)
Meaning: I was an outstanding student who only concentrated on studies in order to
get excellent grades. But so what? Shouldn’t a good student also have fun?
14. College is supposed to be a time of great learning and also some fun. I had nearly
achieved a great education, and graduation was just one semester away. But I hadn’t
had any fun; my life was stale with no component of fun! I needed a boyfriend. (Para.
Meaning: College is definitely a nice place for education but should have some fun as
well. Throughout my years at college, I had devoted all my time to study but hadn’t
had any fun yet. Now that I was graduating, I wanted to have a boyfriend to enrich my
college life.
15. Not just any boyfriend. He had to be cute. My goal that semester became: Be
ambitious and grab the cutest boyfriend I can find. (Para. 3)
Meaning: The one I wanted to date was not just an ordinary boy; he had to be
handsome, pleasant and attractive. My ambition for that semester, therefore, was to
find the cutest boyfriend at college.
16. I worried what he’d think of me. (Para. 4)
Meaning beyond words: Her concern about how Butch would look at her shows that
she was becoming more interested in him and cared about his real thinking.
17. True, we lived in a time when a dramatic shift in sexual attitudes was taking place,
but I was a traditional girl who wasn’t ready for the new ways that seemed common
on campus. (Para. 4)
Meaning: It is true that we lived in an era when sexual attitudes were changing
dramatically, but since I was traditional, I wasn’t ready for the new sexual practice
seemingly common on campus.
18. Butch looked superb! I was not immune to his personality, but I was scared. (Para.
Meaning: Butch looked extremely wonderful. I was surely influenced by his
personality, but I felt scared.

19. The night when he announced to the world that I was his girlfriend, I went along
with him. (Para. 4)
Meaning: That night when my boyfriend announced publicly I was his girlfriend, I did
not have any objection. Meaning beyond words: She has apparently changed her
perception of Butch, from being merely curious about him at first to becoming
cautious about his wild, dynamic personality later; from being fearful of failing to
resist his ―bad boy image‖ to approving of being his girlfriend.
20. And then I suddenly thought: ―Oh my gosh! Am I his girlfriend? How did that
happen?‖ (Para. 4)
Meaning beyond words: All of a sudden, she realized that she had made a mistake
because she was not really ready to have a boyfriend yet.
Note: ―Gosh‖, as an interjection, is used to express surprise. For example:
Gosh, I didn’t expect to see you here! 天哪,我没想到在这里见到你! Gosh, it’s so
cold. 天哪,太冷了!
Gosh, there’s a lot of noise. 天哪,这儿真吵。
21. Then he whispered sweet words in my ear and said, ―I’m going to marry you one
day and I will be a lawyer. You will see.‖ (Para. 4)
Meaning: Then he quietly said sweet words in my ear and said that he would marry
me and I could eventually see him become a lawyer.
22. I was laughing inside and said to myself, ―I’d never marry this guy. He’s a rebel
without a good future. He’s my boyfriend because I hate my boring student life. I just
want to have fun.‖ (Para. 5)
Meaning: Though I agreed to be his girlfriend, from my heart, he was just a rebellious
boy without a bright future. Therefore, I was not very serious about our relationship.
To me, the only purpose to date him was to get away from my boring student life.
23. Sure enough, the following month, I found out he had failed all his courses.
(Para.6) Meaning: Just as I had expected, he didn’t pass any of his courses.
24. Consequently, he was going to be expelled from the university. (Para. 6)
Meaning: As a consequence, the university was going to dismiss him from the school.
25. To my disgust, he seemed resigned to his fate. I knew there was hope, so I led him
to the college secretary for reconsideration. (Para. 6)
Meaning: What upset me was that he seemed to accept his fate. As I knew there was
still a hope, I took him to the college secretary to see whether the decision could be
26. You are going to graduate with a BA in political science from UPenn and proceed
to the College of Law,‖ I told him, lodging an appeal on his behalf, which was
approved. (Para. 7)
Meaning beyond words: What she did for her boyfriend indicated their relationship
had come to a new stage. Besides encouraging him to consult with the college
secretary and submitting the appeal on his behalf, she also planned for his future
career. She told him he had to continue his studies at law school. Note: Besides a
noun, ―proceed to‖ can also be followed by a verb phrase. For example:
Having said how much she liked my idea, she then proceeded to make critical
comments about it. 说完她是多么喜欢我的点子,她接着就提出了批评性的意见。

27. Butch was granted reconsideration. And, once we became steadies, he coordinated
his studies and social life, passing all of his classes. He eventually studied law. (Para.
Meaning beyond words: Here we see the turning point of the relationship between the
two. Her suggestions did work well with Butch since he was granted reconsideration.
As Her suggestions did work well with Butch since he was granted reconsideration.
As soon as they became steady lovers, Butch balanced his studies and social life and
passed every course. Finally, he studied law as had been planned.
Note: Steady can also be used as a noun, as is in the text. It’s an old-fashioned
American way to describe a boyfriend or girlfriend that someone has been having a
romantic relationship with.
28. Despite Butch’s somewhat wild character, at his core, he is always a perfect
gentleman and deserves a lot of credit for that. (Para. 8)
Meaning: In spite of Butch’s a little wild character, he was always a perfect gentleman
in essence, for which he should be given recognition.
29. True, he’d sometimes take the liberty of displaying his love by planting a kiss on
my lips right in front of my astonished friends who watched and disapproved. (Para.8)
Meaning: Without my permission, sometimes he would press a kiss on my lips to
show his love in front of my friends, who were astonished and resented what he did.
Note: “Plant a kiss” is a figurative use of the word plant, which means an intimate and
publicly demonstrative kiss showing his love to all who are watching.
30. But the truth is we had a pure and responsible relationship for seven full years.
Sitting by the palm trees, hand in hand, we would listen to romantic songs, watch the
sunset, and weave dreams of being together with children of our own, forever. (Para.
Meaning beyond words: Butch showed much respect for her conservative perception
of love. For seven years, they just enjoyed their romance in a traditional way.
31. Two years passed in a blur. One day, Butch took me by surprise as he knelt down
and proposed marriage holding a dozen red roses! (Para. 9)
Meaning: Two years passed so quickly that I didn’t really remember everything
clearly. One day, I was startled when Butch, holding a dozen red roses, knelt down to
propose marriage. Note: propose to sb. = propose marriage to sb.
32. Filled with deep emotion, I confessed my love for him, “How
roooomaaaantic!!”(Para. 9) Meaning: I admitted my love for him with deep affection.
It was super romantic!
Meaning beyond words: She was so happy and thrilled to accept Butch’s marriage
proposal that she said the word romantic in a slow and exaggerated way.
Note: In informal writing, people would emphasize something in a similar way. For
Thank you soooooo much! 真是太太太感谢您了!
33. Then my brain woke up from fantasy land. I cried out, “Good heavens. No! We’re
too young to tie the knot. We haven’t even graduated from college yet!” I really loved
him but was pessimistic about our chances for success.(Para. 9)
Meaning beyond words: All of a sudden, she woke up from the romantic scene.

Though she already accepted love from Butch and confessed her love for him, she
was not sure whether they would get married and have a happy ending as they were
still college students.
Note: It isn’t clear whether this expression tie the knot derives from an actual knot
used in marriage ceremonies or whether the knot is merely symbolic of a lasting unity.
Knots have a place in many cultures and usually symbolize unbreakable pledges.
Actual knots have certainly been used in marriage ceremonies for some time. The
word knot, although not in the phrase tie the knot, has been associated with marriage
since at least the 13th century.
34. We married five years later. (Para 10)
Meaning beyond words: Though she was pessimistic about their chance for success of
love, she accepted Butch’s proposal. They got married five years later, which
illustrates their deep and true love for each other.
35. Our faithful journey of love and learning took us down rocky roads of hardship
and on smooth easy-going highways. (Para. 11)
Meaning: Our devoted and faithful love guided us both in times of happiness and also
in times of hardship. Note: The word rocky comes from the noun rock combining
with -y. A rocky road refers to a road full of rocks, uneven or not flat. Words of this
group include: muddy, stony, grassy, snowy, rainy, etc.
36. It is a long, romantic, sometimes crazy, love story that sums up a 29-year long
honeymoon together as a couple who are still madly in love with each other. (Para.11)
Meaning beyond words: She felt very proud of her long-lasting romantic, sometimes
even crazy love, which was just like a 29-year long honeymoon for her and her
37. Our love commenced with a casual attraction but bloomed into a mature love and
rich life. (Para. 11)
Meaning beyond words: Completely beyond her expectation, love came to her as she
started with a casual date but ended up growing into a mature love and rich life.
Note: We usually use commence doing sth. or commence with sth. Also, in the US,
the official collegeuniversity graduation ceremony is called “commencement”. The
word refers to the completion of one’s education and the beginning of one’s new adult
Note: The phrase “bloomed into a mature love and rich life” in the text is used
figuratively, meaning their love was just like blossoms on a tree.
All dormitory rooms are equipped with high speed internet access.宿舍所有的房间都

Step 4 Question discussing
1. Do you have any experience in dating? 2. What’s your understanding of true love?
3. Do you think it’s a good idea to date someone at college? Why or why not?

Step 5 Review & Exercises

presentation --- Reproduction

3. Exercises
4. Exercises 3,4,5,6,7
(Ss give answers and raise questions they may have and T explains the difficulties) 5.
Exercises 8,9--- writing and translation.
6. Assignments:
1) review Section A;
2) Exercises in Section B;
3) speed reading

Step 6 Listening practice
1) Story retelling in Unit 4;
2) Pair work --- practice model dialog in unit 4 in the Listening and Speaking Book;
3) Preview the new words in unit 5;

―――――――――――――――自我评价问题――――――――――― ――
Questions for Self-evaluation:
I understand the text fully?
I memorized the new vocabulary and can I put them into use? I know
how to write a narrative?

Resources and Materials:
大学实用英语写作教程,北京理工大学出版社,汪宏 教参
新视野大学英语教师用书, 郑树棠, 外语教学与研究出版社,2015年 Motivating
Students to Normal University Press.2004
Classroom Michael ai Foreign Language Education

Unit 5 Spend or Save -The student's dilemma

课型 :□ 理论课 √ 理论、实践课
教学环境 :多媒体教室
教学目标 :
Teaching Aims:
After studying this unit, the students are expected to be able to:
1. understand the main idea and structure of Section A and Section B;
2. master the key language points and grammatical structures in the texts
3. Learn how to write a comparison contrast essay with the subject-by-subject
4. Learn the reading skill of denotation and connotation.

Potential Problems and Difficulties
●To talk about money spending and saving
●To master the essay writing skill
●To apply the phrases and patterns

A combination of traditional teaching methods with the communicative approach will
be adopted. Special attention should be paid to classroom interaction like questioning
and answers. Small group works are always needed while discussing the questions
and the difficult translation practice. More encouragement is needed and more
guidance will be given in their extracurricular study.

Teaching Aids: Visual aids, projector, stereo and microphone

Group work and pair work
课堂学习任务与活动的组织Conduct of Tasks and Activities
(师生互动方式Mode of Interaction; 学习策略Learning Strategies)
Students-centered, Task-based teaching and learning

Teaching Procedures
Step 1 Lead-in
I. Greeting and warming-up questions discussion.
you prefer to spend or save money?
will you budget your money?
will you be a smart consumer?
II. Listening
Listening to a passage and fill in the missing words.

Step 2 Section A

I. New words
1. Defy违反违抗;不服从
This celebration of Thanksgiving defies tradition.这个感恩节庆典仪式没有遵循传
2. contradict与…抵触;与…矛盾;违背
The article flatly contradicts their claims.这篇文章与他们的主张截然相反。
3. recession (经济)衰退,萧条
4. grave严重的;重大的;严峻的
5. nasty不友善的;不好的;恶毒的
Many drivers think bat most passengers are very pleasant, although occasionally they
can be nasty.很多司机认为,虽然偶然会有一些乘客不太友善,但大部分的乘客
6. resume(中断之后)继续,重新开始 gap差距;差额;差别
On television, we can see many demonstrations against the ever-growing gap between
the ―super rich‖and the ―struggling middle class‖.我们在电视上可以看到许多
示威活动,抗议―超级富豪‖和―挣扎的中产阶级‖之间的差 距越来越大。
7. disguise 装扮;假扮
8. invade (尤指不受欢迎地)大量涌入,蜂拥而至
Every summer, the quiet seaside town is invaded by tourists.每年夏天,这个安静的
10. ingredient(完成某事 的)要素,因素.成分
11. hinder 阻碍;妨碍;阻止
12. legal法律的;与法律有关的. 合法的;法律规定的
13. choppy波浪起伏的;波浪滔滔的
14. echo附和(别人的观点)
Lily and Lucy are twins,and their views often echo each other.莉莉和露西是一对双

II. Useful expressions Practical Phrases
1. refer to 提到;淡到
2. take stock (of sth.) (对形势)作出估计(判断)
3. on track 在(可能通向成功的)轨迹上
4. put off: 推迟某事;使某事延期
5. consult with sb. 与某人商量

III. Structure Analysis:
Main idea of section A: This is a comparison and contrast essay that depicts how
the government and banks as well as commercial ads keep sending out a paradox of
two opposite messages every day: One is to encourage people to spend money and the
other is to persuade people to save money.
Part I (Paras. 1-2) This part serves as an introduction to the essay topic
Part II (Paras. 3-6) Part II relates their psychological and social consequences.

Part III (Paras. 7-9) This part concludes the essay.

Step 3 Language points
Detailed study of the text
1. I think that the messages we get from our environment seem to defy common
sense and contradict each other. (Para. 1)
Meaning: In my opinion, the messages we get in our daily life about the question
I spend or should I save?are against common sense and they often don't
agree with each other.
Note: College sweethearts refer to someone with whom one is in love and by whom
one is loved at college; sweetheart is equivalent to lover,darling, beloved, or dear.
government tells us to spend or we'll never get out of the recession. (Para. 1)
Meaning beyond words: To help the country recover from the economic recession, the
government is encouraging people to spend, which will help stimulate production, job
markets and bank liquidity.
3. At the same time, they tell us that unless we save more, our country is in grave
danger. (Para. 1)
Meaning: Meanwhile, they warn us that if we don't save more money the economic
recession will grow and severely harm our country.
unle ss作连词,表示―除非…;如果不…‖,引导条件状语从句,意为―如果某个
条件不出现,某件事就不 会进行‖。
4.Banks offer higher interest rates so we increase savings. Then the same banks send
us credit card offers so we can spend more. (Para. 1)
Meaning beyond words: Here is the or saveparadox. On one hand, the
government tells us to spend, and, on the other hand, they want us to save more.
While the banks offer high interest rates to attract us to deposit money, they send us
credit cards to encourage us to spend.
5. Here's another familiar example: If we don't pay our credit card bill on time, we get
demanding, nasty emails from the credit card company saying something like:
failure to pay is unacceptable. Pay immediately or you'll be in trouble!
Meaning: If we fail to pay our credit card billion times, the credit card company will
send us harsh and unfriendly email messages to warn us that either we pay at once or
we'll get penalties. .
6.Then, as soon as we pay, we get a follow-up email in a charming tone telling us
how valuable a customer we are and encouraging us to resume spending. (Para. 2)
Meaning: To lure us into more spending, once our credit card bill is paid, a follow-up
email in an entirely different tone will be sent to us, claiming that we are valuable
7. The paradox is that every day we get two sets of messages at odds with each other.
(Para. 3) Meaning: The contradiction is that every day we get two sets of messages
disagreeing with each other.
8.0ne is the
Meaning: One reflects a viewpoint of tolerance, spend, get it now. You need

9.The other we could call an
Suspend your desires. Avoid luxuries. Control your appetite for more than you truly
Meaning: We could call the other one an
hard and save money, stop having too many desires, avoid spending too much, and
limit our purchases to what we really need.
10. This message comes to us from many sources: from school, from parents, even
from political figures referring to
Meaning: We get this kind of message from many sources such as school, parents, and
even politicians who like to talk about traditional values.
11. Advertisements invade our daily lives. We are constantly surrounded by the
message to spend, spend, spend. (Para. 4)
Meaning: Our daily lives are flooded with advertisements. Very often we find
ourselves enclosed by advertisements that lure us into spending.
12. It's been calculated that by the age of 18, the average American will have seen
600,000 ads; by the age of 40, the total is almost one million (Para. 5)
Meaning beyond words: Americans grow up seeing countless advertisements, and this
continues throughout their life time.
13. Each advertisement is doing its utmost to influence our diverse buying decisions,
from the breakfast cereal we eat to which cruise line we will use for our vacation.
(Para. 5)
Meaning beyond words: Advertisements are everywhere and have invaded people's
14. There is no shortage of ideas and things to buy (Para. 5)
Meaning: There are plenty of ideas of what to buy and how to spend money. shortage:
15. Now, of course, we don't remember exactly what the products were, but the
essential message is cemented into our consciousness, good to satisfy your
desires. You should have what you want. You deserve the best. So, you should buy it -
now! (Para. 5)
Meaning beyond words: Advertisements are very effective in talking people into
buying things. Though it's hard to remember all of the products in advertisements,
these messages have already been hammered into our heads. The messages tell us that
we deserve the best and we are entitled to what we want.
16. A famous advertisement said it perfectly,
I do what makes me feel good. I derive pleasure from nice things and feel nourished
by them. I used to put things off. Not anymore. Today I'll buy new ski equipment,
look at new compact cars, and buy that camera I've always wanted. I live my dreams
today, not tomorrow.
Meaning beyond words: The advertisement is trying to send out the message: It is no
wrong for people to be self-centered and buy everything they want right now. Enjoy
life today! The underlying purpose is to persuade people to spend.
17.What happens as we take in these contradictory but explicit messages? What are
the psychological and social consequences of this campaign to control our spending

habits? (Para. 6)
Meaning beyond words: Since people are surrounded by these contradictory but clear
messages, there must be some psychological and social consequences. For instance,
some people may spend more while others may save more, depending on how much
they get influenced.
18.0n one hand, we want more things because we want to satisfy our material
appetite. Most of us derive pleasure from treating ourselves. (Para. 6)
Meaning: Most of us become happy when we treat ourselves, so we always want to
have more things to satisfy our material desires.
19. Anyway, many of the skills you need as a successful student can be applied to
your finances. Consider your financial well-being as a key ingredient of your
university education as money worries are extremely stressful and distracting. (Para.
Meaning beyond words: It is not difficult to avoid a financial disaster if you apply the
skills you already have for being a successful student. Be aware that financial stability
is of crucial importance to your college life since money worries could bring you
20. They can make you feel terrible and hinder your ability to focus on your prime
objective: successfully completing your education. (Para. 7)
Meaning: Money worries can make you feel terrible and distract you from your main
objective: successfully completing your education at college.
21. How can you be a smart and educated consumer? Many schools, community
organizations, and even some banks offer financial literacy classes. (Para. 8)
Meaning: To become a consumer who is clever and acquires relevant knowledge, you
can take some financial literacy classes where you learn basic concepts of finance.
These courses are offered by many schools, community organizations and some
22. Consider consulting with your school's financial aid office or seek input from your
parents or other respected adults in setting up a budget. (Para. 8)
Meaning: In planning how to use your money wisely, you may discuss your financial
situation with your school's financial aid office or get advice from your parents as
well as from respected others.
23. An additional option is finding a partner to help you stay on track and find
pleasure in the administration of your own financial affairs. (Para. 8)
Meaning: Another choice is to find a partner who can help you stay in the right
direction of your own financial management and get pleasure from doing it.
24. Most importantly, if you find yourself getting into financial trouble, don't let your
ego get in your way; urgently get help with tackling your problem before it spins out
of control and lands you in legal troubles. (Para. 8)
Meaning: The most important thing is not to feel embarrassed to ask for help if you
find yourself getting into financial trouble, and you should do it quickly to retain
control and avoid breaking the law.
25. As you learn to balance spending and saving, you will become the captain of your
own ship, steering your life in a successful and productive direction through the

choppy waters. (Para. 9)
Meaning: When you learn to keep a balance between spending and saving, you are in
control of your own financial situation, which will lead you to a successful and
productive life despite the twist’s and turns on your way to the financial goal.
Note: Here captain of your own shipis figuratively compares your
capability to balance spending and saving to the situation of sailing in the sea. If you
are in control of your financial situation, you, the captain, can surely steer your own
ship of life smoothly.

Step 4 Question discussing
1. How can students handle their money efficiently?
2. How do you know whether you are overspending or not?
3. What are some of the effective techniques used to promote the selling of various

Step 5 Review & Exercises

presentation --- Reproduction
4. Exercises 3,4,5,6,7
(Ss give answers and raise questions they may have and T explains the difficulties)
ses 8,9--- writing and translation.
6. Assignments:
1) review Section A;
2) Exercises in Section B;
3) speed reading

Step 6 Listening practice
1) Review Unit 5;
2) Pair work --- practice model dialog in unit 5 in the Listening and Speaking Book;
3) Preview the new words in unit 6;

―――――――――――――――自我评价问题――――――――――― ――
Questions for Self-evaluation:
I understand the text fully?
I memorized the new vocabulary and can I put them into use?
I know how to write a comparison contrast essay with the subject-by-subject

Unit 6 Less is more

课型 :□ 理论课 √ 理论、实践课
教学环境 :多媒体教室
教学目标 :
Teaching Aims:
After studying this unit, the students are expected to be able to:
1. understand the main idea and structure of Section A and Section B;
2. master the key language points and grammatical structures in the texts
3. talk about is more always better than less?
4. read with the skill ―reading between the lines
5. write a report on decision-making.

Key Issues:
1. Vocabulary
Rival, imperial, raid, opponent, genius, veteran, publication, investigate, profit, protest,
cling, underneath, prune, discard, prejudice
2. Skills
● Learn to read with the skill ―reading between the lines‖
and write write a report on decision-making.;

Potential Problems and Difficulties:
●To talk about is more always better than less?
●write a report on decision-making.

A combination of traditional teaching methods with the communicative approach will
be adopted. Special attention should be paid to classroom interaction like questioning
and answers. Small group works are always needed while discussing the questions
and the difficult translation practice. More encouragement is needed and more
guidance will be given in their extracurricular study.

Teaching Aids: Visual aids, projector, stereo and microphone

Group work and pair work
Conduct of Tasks and Activities
(师生互动方式Mode of Interaction; 学习策略Learning Strategies)
Students-centered, Task-based teaching and learning

Teaching Procedures
Step 1 Lead-in
I. Greeting and warming-up questions discussion.

1. In your opinion, what is an irrational behavior? Give some example.
2. What do you think may cause people’s irrational behavior?
3. Are you irrational? Why or why not?
II. Listening and discussing

Step 2 Section A Door closer, are you?
I. Main Idea and Structure Main idea of each part
Part I (Paras. 1-3) introduction
Part II (Paras. 4) transition
Part. III (Para. 5-9) body
Part.4 (Para. 10-12) suggestions
Part. 5 (Para. 13-14) conclusion
II. Language Focus Practical Phrases
1. impose sth. on sb. 将„强加于
2. be featured in 被特写;在„中专题介绍
3. be attached to sth. sb. 喜欢(依恋)某物或某人
4. revolve around 围绕;以„为主题
5. pay a big price 花很大代价
6. come in handy 派上用场
7. be measured in sth. 用某事来衡量
III. Functional Patterns and Functions & Usages
1. The next time sb. is doing sth, ask oneself the question: … 用于表达“某种情景下
2. Sb. or sth. is a rare exception to sb. else, who that…
3. Sb. would probably protest that…, but according to sb. else, that isn’t the true factor.
Step 3 Structure analysis

Step 4 Text explanation
1. The next time you are complaining about others, who seem to be unfriendly to you,
ask yourself the question: How do you often treat them in return?
Meaning: 下次你要在抱怨他人,认为他们对你不友好时,不妨问自己这样一个
2. General Xiang Yu was a rare exception to the norm, a veteran leader who was
highly respected for his so many conquests and who achieved the summit of success.
(Line 5, Para.3)
3. They would probably protest that they were clinging to the doors to keep future
options open, but, according to Dr. Ariely, that isn’t the true factor. (Line 6, Para.7)
他们可能会争辩说,他们抓住这些门是为将来 多留一些机会。但是,据阿雷利博

Step 5 Review & Exercises

Exercises 1-7
(Ss give answers and raise questions they may have and T explains the difficulties)
Exercises 8-11- writing

Step 6 Section B when enough is enough
I Reading Skills ---How to Read in Thought Groups
II Text comprehension
1) review Section A;
2) Exercises in Section B;
3) speed reading
Listening practice

1) Story retelling in Unit 2;
2) Pair work --- practice model dialogs in unit 2 in the Listening and
Speaking Book;
3) review;

―――――――――――――――自我评价问题――――――――――― ――
Questions for Self-evaluation:
I understand the text fully?
I memorized the new vocabulary and can I put them into use?
I understand better how to become a successful language leaner?

Unit 7

Women: Making a difference

课型 :□ 理论课 √ 理论、实践课

教学环境 :多媒体教室
教学目标 :
Teaching Aims:
After studying this unit, the students are expected to be able to:
1. understand the main idea and structure of Section A and Section B;
2. master the key language points and grammatical structures in the texts
3. talk about women’s role in modern life?
4. read with the skill ―predicting the author’s ideas.

Understanding and Learning

This unit aims at exploring a current social issue: gender roles, a topic that could spark a lot
of debates and arguments. Text A gives students a big picture of a how women have played an
important role at the management level, along with their challenges and frustrations. Text B
portrays a happy full-time housewife who considers her job at home absolutely important. The
implication of it is that the job of a housewife should be respected. The two articles are
theme-bound since both relate the topic of the role played by women, though one is at work and
the other at home. The writing style of the two texts is very different as well. One is a featured
article on female working styles by way of presenting various scenarios at work, blended with
many direct speeches and present verb tenses such as says, report, agrees, proclaims, feels, pauses
when referring to the past; the other is a narrative about the author's personal experience of being a
housewife. Though the language used in both texts is somewhat casual, the tone of the first one is
more serious and in a report style. Women's working style and way of thinking are clearly depicted,
which will surely provoke an interesting debate on gender issues among students. The different
episodes can serve as a springboard for in-depth class discussion. Activities may revolve around
the main theme of the unit: Should women stay home or work outside?

Section A
Women at the management level
Background Information
women leaders
In today's economy, women are a strong force in the workplace. Gone are the days of men
working outside and women staying at home. Women are filling the ranks in many professions
and many top companies. Many of today's global business leaders and powerful entrepreneurs are
women. Indeed, women are increasingly working in upper management roles, serving as leaders in
a variety of settings. Interestingly, research says women behave more emotionally in certain work
situations. Regardless of what the studies say, the data support the benefits of gender diversity at
the workplace. So what does such diversity in the workplace mean? It means that it is beneficial to
not only hire but also retain female employees. The text vividly unfolds how females are working
in different business sectors at the management level.
Detailed study of the text
1 When Monica applied for a job as an administrative assistant in 1971, she was asked whether

she would rather work for a male or a female attorney. (Para. 1)
Meaning: Monica was like to work for a male when she applied for a male or a female lawyer
when she applied for a managing job at a law firm in 1971.
★administrative: a. relating to the work of managing a company or organization行政的;管理的
Although administrative positions may pay more than teaching salaries, they often require more
hours on the job.虽然行政工作的薪金比教学工作更多,但它们却往往需要更多的工作时间。

Sentence structure Note
would rather'‘句型
1 would rather的意思是“宁愿;宁可;更;最好;还是…为好”,后接动词原形,表 示优先选择的
一种方式。其否定形式是would rather not do sth., would rather没有人称和数的变化,所有的
人称一律用would rather。例如: If you t he would rather be alone, we'll all leave here.如果你他

would rat her后接从句时,从句中的谓语动词用一般过去时,表示希望或宁愿某人按某特
定的方式做某事,这个 结构常常表达的是现在或将来的行为。例如:I'd rather you didn't make
any comment on the issuer for the time being.我想目前你还是不要对此事反羞任何评论。
2 felt that a male- bossfemale-employee relationship was more natural, needing no personal
accommodation whatsoever.
Meaning: I felt that there was no need to compromise in a relationship between a male boss and a
female employee since it was more nature.
★employee: n. [C] sb. who is paid to work for sb. else受雇者;雇员
Knowing what an employer is looking for potential employee can help someone to prepare for an
★accommodation: n.
1) [sing., U](fml.) a change in behavior or attitude that helps people work together or end a
The two sides failed to agree on every point but they settled on an accommodation for their
2) [U] a place for sb. to stay, live, or work住处;工作场所
Having decided to find an appropriate accommodation, we set about contacting all the rental
agencies in the city.我们决定要找一个合适的住处之后,就开始联络这个城市所有的租赁公司。

3 But 20 years later, when she was asked the same question, she said,
that female bosses are much more accessible to their employees; they're much more sensitive and
intimate with their employees.
Meaning: However, when she was asked the same question 20 years later; she responded that it
was a nice surprise to find out that female bosses had been much easier to approach, more
understanding, and closer to their workers.
Meaning beyond words: Her answer was entirely different from what she had responded 20
years before. It can be assumed that she gained this particular feeling gradually.

4 Female bosses today are still finding they face subtle resistance. (Para. 2)
Meaning beyond words: Female bosses today are still experiencing gender discrimination,

though it may not always be obvious or noticeable.

5 There is still a segment of the population, both men and, surprisingly, women who report low
tolerance for female bosses. (Para. 2)
Meaning: A portion of people, men and, unexpectedly, even women stare that they can hardly
bear working with female bosses.
★segment: n.[C] a part of sth. that is different from or affected differently from the whole in
some way 部分;段;片
Black people constitute the poorest segment of society in the country.黑人在该国社会中构成了
★tolerance: n.
1) [U] willingness to want people to do, say, or believe what they want without criticizing or
punishing them忍受;容忍;宽容
Tolerance is the quality of allowing other people to say and do as they like, even if you do not
agree with it or like it.宽容是一种素质,它允许其他人说和做他们喜欢的事,即使你不同意或
2) [C, U] the degree to which sb. can suffer pain, difficulty, etc. without being harmed or
These students tend to have a poor tolerance for frustration and give up easily when tasks become

6 The growing presence of female bosses has also two major questions that revolve around styles:
Do men and women and, if so, is that a good thing? (Para. 2)
Meaning:With the number of female bosses increasing, two questions have been raised in terms
of styles: Do men and women work differently? Are the differences good for management if there
are any?

7 Monica is disposed to think so, on both counts. Now a 40-year-old mother of four, she is
president of a public sector labor union with 45,000 members. (Para. 3)
Meaning: Monica, a 40-year-old mother of four children and president of a public sector labor
union with 45,000 members, is inclined to look at these two points positively: Women do manage
differently from men and that is a good thing.
★dispose: vt.
1)(~rd sth.) (fml.) make sb. more likely to have particular feelings or thoughts 使(某人)
The body releases a chemical that disposes you toward sleep.体内释放出一种使人昏昏欲睡的化
2)(~of) get rid of sth., esp. sth. that is difficult to get rid of丢弃,处理(尤指难以处理的东西)
Litter should be disposed of thoughtfully.废弃物应仔细地处理。
★disposed: a. likely to behave or think in a particular way有…倾向的
He was a man o f good character and was not disposed to violence.他人品很好,没有暴力倾向。
★be disposed to do sth.: be willing to do sth.愿意做某事;乐于做某事
His father was a large, comfortable-looking man who wasn't disposed to make a fuss.他父亲个子

★on both counts: in both ways在两个方面

I thought he was a kind and honest person, but I was wrong on both counts. 我原以为他是个善
良、诚实的人, 但这两点我都想错了。
★sector: n. [C] a part of an area of activity, esp. of business, trade, etc.(尤指商业、贸易等的)部
In the financial sector, investors insurance companies both have lost a lot of money.在金融行业,

Note public sector labor union(also public sector trade union) refers to a labor union
which primarily represents the interests of employees within public sector (government-owned,
supported or regulated) organizations. Public sector union has become some of the larger or more
influential unions in certain areas of the world in recent times as private sector union membership
has declined sharply.

8 preceding
coming in. I have a more flexible style-not soft, just more understanding.
Meaning: She said that she was perhaps different from the previous male managers in relation
with the employees because she knew what it meant when someone had to make a phone call
telling her that he or she wouldn't go to work due to the illness of their child. She added that she
was more flexible and understanding but not weaker in terms of working style.
Meaning beyond words: In a broad sense, female bosses are better than male bosses in
boss-employee relations because they are more understanding and tend to show more
consideration to their employees.
★precede: vt. (fml.) happen or exist before sth. or sb., or come before sth. else in a series先
A planning session at 11:30 will precede the lunch discussion. 11:30召开计划会议,随后是午餐

9 The man who is Monica's assistant agrees,
a consensus. People are happy and flourish because they have an input into decisions and they are
not mere bystanders; their energies are harnessed. On the other hand, consensus takes longer.
(Para. 3)
Meaning: The man who is Monica's assistant holds the same opinion that she usually gives people
more rights and is always seeking agreement. Since people have their voice heard in
decision-making and are not playing the role of a witness only, they feel happy and successful. In
this way, their energies are utilized. However, it takes more time to reach an agreement.
Meaning beyond words: Again, female bosses would seek more accommodation and agreement
than male bosses, which helps to bring employees' initiative into full play.
★flourish: vi.
1) develop well and be successful繁荣;兴旺;成功
Honesty is one of the bases of any good relationship and no real relationship can flourish without

2)grow well and be very healthy茁壮成长
Very few plants will flourish without enough water.没有足够的水,极少有植物能茁壮成长

★harness: vt. get control of sth. in order to use it for a particular purpose利用; 控制
The private business sector was to be harnessed to stabilize and to increase local employment.私

10 So, are the differences symbolic or real? Plausible studies suggest that men are typically
hierarchical, goal-oriented and feel entitled. Women, by contrast, manage diplomatically, and
share power. (Para. 4)
Meaning: So, the question is whether the differences between male and female managers are
representative or real? According to acceptable studies, men like to seek social status, work for
goals and be given authority. On the other hand, women manager with skill and flexibility like to
share authority.
Meaning beyond words: In terms of management skills, this part highlights the differences
between male and female bosses. The plausible reasons may possibly be traced to the respective
character traits of both sexes.
★symbolic: a. important but not having any real effect象征的;象征性的
People threw flowers into the river between the two countries as a symbolic act o f brotherhood.人
★plausible: a. reasonable and likely to be true可能正确的;有道理的
A more plausible explanation would seem to be that people are fed up with the Conservative
★hierarchical: a. dividing people or things into levels of importance按等级划分的
A hierarchical structure merely defines who is in charge o f what and is accountable to whom.按等
★diplomatic: a.
1) dealing with people politely and skillfully without upsetting them讲究手腕的;灵活变通的
He managed to beat me at every argument as he was more than my match in diplomatic
2) relating to or involving the work of diplomats外交的;从事外交工作的
To avoid a possible invasion by its neighbor, the country is seeking help through diplomatic
★diplomatically: ad.讲究宁腕地; 灵沽变通地;外交地
You can say it diplomatically and with love by telling your kids the reasons why you had to cancel
the plan for a party.你可以灵活地、满怀爱心地告诉你的孩子为什么你不得不取消聚会计划。
Note Goal-oriented is a compound adjective. A goal- oriented person or team works hard to
achieve good results in the tasks that they have been given; a goal-oriented plan or activity is
based on a number of things that must be achieved. The word oriented means giving a lot of time,
effort and attention to one particular thing. It can be combined with different nouns to derive
different meanings such as family- oriented and export-oriented.

11 That point of view is often challenged and argued. Some proclaim that men and women of
similar backgrounds, experience and aspirations basically manage in the same way. (Para. 4)

Meaning: The real differences between male and female managers often spark arguments. Some
people declare that generally speaking, men and women of similar backgrounds, experience and
ambitions manage in the same way.

12 This view is echoed by younger women, especially those who have encountered little gender
discrimination. That was certainly the lesson for Nicole. (Para. 4)
Meaning: This view is agreed upon by young women, especially those who have seldom been
treated unfairly. Nicole certainly learned a lesson from her experience.
Meaning beyond words: The implication is that men and women do manage differently. Only
young women who have never encountered gender discrimination would assume there is no
difference between male and female managers. Nicole's personal experience would serve as a
lesson for young women.
★discrimination: n. [U] the practice of treating one person or group differently from another in
an unfair way歧视
Though I face discrimination as a female, I will never give in to pressure to stop trying my best to
succeed. 虽然作为女性我受到歧视,可是我绝不会屈服于压力,我会尽最大的努力来取得成

13 When her father died of a heart attack, she was an employee at a petroleum products export
company. She quit and took over her family's 160-acre fruit farm in St. David's County. (Para. 4)
Meaning: When her father died due to a heart attack, Nicole stopped working for an export
company of petroleum products and took control of her father's 160-acre-fruit farm in 's
n. [U] the business of selling and sending goods to other countries出口
They are now manufacturing more goods for export.他们现在正在生产更多的产品以供出口。
v. sell goods to another country出口
Their flowers are exported around the world.他们的花卉出口到世界各地。
★take over: take control of sth.接管;接任;接受
In the event of strike, the army will take over the responsibility for fighting the fires.万一发生罢
Note: This is also a figurative use of the fireswhich means disperse the

14 On her first day in the field, a worker called her
shaking with anger,erect and said, 'You wouldn't have called my
father darling and you're not going to take that liberty with me. If you do, I'll fire you.
Meaning beyond words: Nicole's personal story about how one of her workers addressed her on
her first day in the field depicts gender discrimination-based disrespect: Men would instinctively
think they are superior to women, so the male worker didn't show the appropriate respect to his
boss, Nicole.
a. in a straight upright position直立的;垂直的
He's very tall and erect for his 78 years.年已78岁的他非常高大挺拔。

vt. put sth. in an upright position竖起
Officials plan to erect a monument in the spacious square in the center o f the city官员们计划在
★take a libertyliberties with sb.: (old-fashioned) treat sb. without respect by being too friendly
too quickly与某人相处时太放肆
You mustn't take liberties with the young women.你切勿对年轻女士太随便。

15 When women work for women, a different dynamic often takes over. (Para. 5)
Meaning beyond words: When women work for their female bosses, they can always see and
experience different working and communication styles from those adopted by their male bosses.
Note: Here, means the set of forces that exist in a situation, especially a
relationship, and affect how it changes or develops. For example: There's a very supportive
dynamic between the members of the group.组员们之间互相支持,互相鼓励。

16 Susan, a cashier in a Toronto auction house, says that she has explored friendships with some
of her female bosses and feels she can rely on them more. (Para. 5)
Meaning beyond words: Susan has established friendships with some of her female bosses and
feels she can trust them more than male bosses.
★auction: n. [C,U]a public meeting where land, buildings, paintings, etc. are sold to the person
who offers the most money for them拍卖
After the housing market crashed, many bank-owned houses were sold far below their market
value at auctions.房屋市场崩溃后,许多被银行收回的房屋以远低于其市场价的价 格在拍卖会

17 While women may feel more at ease with a female boss, men often have to make concessions
to the new working styles. (Para. 5)
Meaning: Although women feel more comfortable and relaxed with a female boss, men often
have to make changes in their behavior to adapt to the different working styles.
Meaning beyond words: The fact that men have to adjust themselves when they have a female
boss is probably because of some psychological reason which makes them feel somewhat hard to
get along with the opposite sex.
★feel at ease with sb.: feel relaxed with sb., esp. in a situation in which people might feel a little
If you want to get well again, it is essential to feel at ease with your therapist.如果你想恢复健康,
★concession: n. [C] a change in your behavior that you make because of a particular situation or
idea妥协; 迎合
As a concession, Mother let Nell stay up an hour longer at his computer games.作为妥协,母亲让
★make a concessionconcessions to: allow sb. to have sth. in order to reach an agreement为对
Our company has made a concession to them in order to reach a settlement and to continue with
business as usual.为了达成和解并继续往常的业务,我们公司已对他们作出妥协。

18 Brian, a marine biologist, says,
to relax around a female manager. In fact, my relations with her were much more
Meaning: Brian, a marine biologist, says that it took him a couple of years before he felt at ease
working around a female manager. Anyway, his relations with her were of a business type only.
a. (only before noun) relating to the sea and the creatures that live there海洋的;海产的;海生的
Sadly, our beaches are full o f trash, the sea is polluted, and marine life is endangered.很不幸,我
n. [C] a soldier who serves on a ship水兵; (英国美国)海军陆战队士兵
From a letter in his pocket, an emergency room nurse learned动at his son was a marine stationed
in North Carolina.从他口袋里的一封信中, 急诊室护士了解到,他儿子是驻扎在北卡罗来纳
★businesslike: a. effective and practical in the way that you do things处事务实的;有效率的;讲
To teach the students good business manners, this activity was handled in a businesslike manner.
Note The word businesslike, as explained above, is different from words like childlike. Similar
words for your attention: lifelike(逼真的;栩栩如生的),warlike(好战的;善武的).

19 To some extent, the male-female differences come down to conflicting styles. (Para. 6)
Meaning: To some degree, the male-female differences in management lie in contradicting
working styles.
★extent: [sing., UJ the degree to which sth. happens or is likely to happen程度;限度;范围
There is disagreement about the extent of American influence in Europe.关于美国对欧洲的影响
★to some extent: used to say that sth. is partly but not completely true在某种程度上
We all tend to remember to some extent the good times and forget the bad.我们都在一定程度上
★come down to: if a complicated situation or problem comes down to sth., that is the single most
important thing归结为
The decision whether or not we can go on a vacation to Europe comes down to money in the end;
that is, how much money we can afford.我们能不能去欧洲度假的决定最终都归结到钱,即我

20 One female vice-president discussed the time she burst into tears during a meeting.
think that tears are a nuclear weapon in a conventional war. They take exception to a woman
crying, inferring that she's feeling unhappy or violated.
Meaning: One female vice-president talked about the time when she could not hold back her tears
at a meeting. She said that men considered women's tears just as unfair weapons. They were angry
at women who were crying and thought that these women felt unhappy or offended.
★vice-: prefix used with the name of a senior job title for referring to the person holding a job
immediately below that one表示“副”(用于高级职位的名称前,表示仅次于这个职位的职位)
The vice- president is now in control of the school since the president is ill at home.现在是副校长

★burst into: suddenly begin to make a sound, esp. to start singing, crying, or laughing突然迸发
Before Mary even finished telling the anecdote, I couldn't help but burst into laughter.还没等玛丽
★take exception to sth.: be angry or upset because of sth.因某事而生气(烦恼)
I take great exception to having such poor service here.我对这儿糟糕的服务表示强烈不满。
★infer: vt. form an opinion that sth. is probably true because of information that you have(根据
From the evidence which the police collected so far, we can infer that the victim knew her killer.
★violate: vt.
1)do sth. that makes sb. feel that they have been attacked or have suffered a great loss of respect打
The media regularly violates people's privacy.媒体经常侵犯人们的隐私。
2 ) disobey or do sth. against an official agreement law, principle, etc.违背;违反;侵犯
Thirty-four protesters were arrested for violating criminal law.三十四名抗议者因违反刑法而

21 The men failed to understand that what prompted her tears was not hurt but genuine rage. (Para.
Meaning: The men did not know what made women cry was not being hurt but their anger.

22 valid rage that has no appropriate release,
offense or by veiling their feelings to appear
Meaning: She says that women cry because they have nowhere to release their reasonable anger.
While women cry, men seek to release their anger by continuing with their attacks on women or
by hiding their feelings to look calm.
Meaning beyond words: This example further contrasts the different working styles between
men and women, triggered by their personality traits.
★valid: a.
1) reasonable and generally accepted有根据的;令人信服的
Police officers must have a valid reason for stopping motorists.警察必须有正当的理由来拦截
2) legally or officially acceptable有效的;正式认可的
Your return ticket is valid for three months.您的回程机票有效期为三个月。
★offense: n.[U] (BrE offence) the act of offending or displeasing得罪;冒犯行为
The attorney said his client committed the offense because he was out o f control over his
emotions, so he pleaded insanity.律师说他的当事人因无法控制自己的情绪而做出冒犯行为,因
vt. hide sth. behind sth. else遮盖;掩饰
It was a gray morning with the drizzle beginning to veil the hills.这是一个灰蒙蒙的早晨,细雨开

n. [C] a thin piece of material that women wear to cover their faces面纱
Some women wear veils for religious reasons to prevent strangers from seeing their faces.有些妇
★compose: vt.
1)(~oneself) make oneself calm after being angry, upset, or nervous使自己镇静下来
Standing in front of the platform, she took a moment or two to compose herself and then walked
a few steps toward her audience.站在舞台前,她用了片刻的时间让自己镇定下来,然后向前朝
2) (be ~d of) be formed from a number of substances, parts, or people由…组成
Water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen.水由氢和氧组成。
★composed: a. calm and relaxed镇静的;镇定的
To everyone's surprise, Tom came out fairly composed after a heated argument with his opponents.
出乎所 有人的意料,汤姆与他的对手进行了激烈的争论后,出来时仍相当镇定自若。

23 Deborah, president of a firm with its headquarters in Toronto, says that even if men do
understand, they sometimes react differently to the identical information and to her cooperative
management style. (Para. 7)
Meaning: According to Deborah, president of a firm with its main office located in Toronto, even
if men do understand why women cry, they sometimes react differently to similar information and
to her collaborative style.
★headquarters: n. [p1.] the main building or offices used by a large company or organization.总
部; 总公司;总办事处
The international investment company, which has its headquarters in New York, has three
branches in New York, one in Canada and five in Spain.总部设在纽 约的那家国际投资公司在纽
★identical: a. exactly the same, or very similar完全相同的;非常相似的
Physically, the two brothers were almost identical, but they were worlds apart in their approach to
★cooperative: a. willing to cooperate合作的
Employees who feel valued are more productive and cooperative.感到受重视的雇员工作效率会

24 Deborah says that her authority is sometimes undermined by perceptions about her
gender.(Para. 8)
Meaning: According to Deborah, her authority is sometimes weakened by biased opinion of

25 It stems from the whole social context of traditional roles for men and women,she
to do things, but perhaps you wouldn't take as much notice as when
Dad told you to do things. Men also have a stronger urge to control,
Meaning: She says that people's different reactions toward female bosses and male bosses come
from our social background:the traditional roles for men and women. People would pay more
attention to what their dad told them to do than what their mom would tell them. Men also have a

stronger desire to control.
★stem from: develop as a result of sth. else源于;来自;由于…发生
His love o f writing, he believes, stems from his analytical training at university.他认为他对写作
★context: n. [C, U]
1) the situation, events, or information that are related to sth. and that help you to understand it场
Indeed, the local people's attitude toward the same policy varies over time and with a changing
social context.确实,当地人民对同一政策的态度随着时间和社会背景的变化而变化。
2) the words that come just before and after a word or sentence and that help you understand its
You have to make full use o f the clues given by the story's context, your common sense and
knowledge可the world.你必须充分利用故事的上下文,以及你的常识和你对世界的了解。

26 For female bosses, the great expectation of some female employees is one more obstacle.
Junior women assume a female boss will promote them more quickly than a man would. (Para. 9)
Meaning beyond words: As female bosses manage more diplomatically and often seek consensus,
female employees usually expect to get promoted more quickly by women bosses. This is another
obstacle for female bosses.

27 But, they also expect female bosses to be more
your own stuff?' or 'Why can't you do your do your own filling?' one senior female
Meaning beyond words: Female employees, however, would also expect female bosses to do
more by themselves for the purpose that they won't be bothered. This expectation by female
employees is an act of undermining Deborah's authority, and it implicitly attests to disrespectful
behavior toward her as a boss.
★scan: vt.
1) use a piece of equipment to read and store information in digital form扫描
The entire paper contents o f all libraries will eventually be scanned into computers.所有图书馆
2) (also~through) read sth. very quickly in order to get important or interesting information粗略
Scan the newspaper article and make a note of the main points.把报纸上的文章粗略地看一下,
Usage NOTE
scan, skim
scan和skim都可译为“浏览、快读”,都可用作及物和不及物 动词,但实际上它们有显
1 scan指“查读”,是根据需要快速扫描出相关的细节。
She scanned the advertisement pages of the newspapers.她很快地查读了报纸上的广告页。
2 skim与scan不同,是“略 读”,指的是跳过文章的具体细节不看,在短时间内迅速掌握

例如:I only skimmed the headlines of the newspaper every morning.每天早晨我只是浏览一
When reading a passage, our English teacher always tells us to skim the passage first in
order to get the general idea and then scan the passage again in order to find the specific
informatio n.在阅读文章时,我们的英语老师总是告诉我们先略读文章以获取文章的大意,然
后查读以获得所需的 具体信息。

Usage NOTE
scan, skim
scan和 skim都可译为“浏览、快读”,都可用作及物和不及物动词,但实际上它们有显著的
1 scan指“查读”,是根据需要快速扫描出相关的细节。
She scanned the advertisement pages of the newspapers.她很快地查读了报纸上的广告页。
28 On the other hand, there is no dispute that a few decades ago they would rarely have had a
female boss in the workplace. (Para. 10)
Meaning: Despite female employees' too many expectations, one thing that goes beyond any
disagreement is that the condition would not have in place a few decades ago-they could hardly
get a woman as their boss.
★dispute: n. [C, U] a serious argument or disagreement争论; 辩论;争端;纠纷
There is no dispute that family and relatives are the primary source of support for senior people at
Sentence structure NOTE
pute that…结构与结构(B2U2,Text B)属
29 Nina, a management consultant says she's vaguely optimistic.
before I die, when we recognize that the best management styles will be composed of the best that
both genders bring to the table…”Well, she pauses, maybe not before she dies, perhaps in her
daughter's lifetime. (Para. 10)
Meaning beyond words: Nina, a management adviser says she's kind of optimistic that
someday, before she dies, people will understand the best management styles come from the
combination of the best provide by of both genders. However, she gives the hint that maybe
this day won't come soon; perhaps it will happen in her daughter's lifetime.
★consultant: n. [CJ sb. whose job is to give advice on a particular subject顾问
He's left his job as a computer programmer and is now working as a consultant for a German firm.
★vague: a. unclear because sb. does not give enough detailed information or does not say exactly
what they mean含糊的;不明确的;不清楚的
The news they've released about the flood is vague and incomplete.他们发布的有关水灾的消息
★vaguely: ad.
1) in a way that is not clear模模糊糊地;不明确地
Always 1 was taught that money was not the most important thing in life, so 1 will feel vaguely

uncomfortable i f there is too much of it on h and.我总是被教导说,钱不是生活中最重要的东西,
所以如果我手里有太多的钱,我会隐约地感到不 舒服。
2) slightly稍微;有点
The interview made him look vaguely ridiculous.他在面试中表现得有点滑稽可笑。
Structure analysis and writing

Focus on an example essay
By reading women's working styles in the feature report, students can see that a feature
contains a lot of background information, anecdotes, interviews, and specific examples一a useful
tool when writing a feature. The example essay is one of the most basic essays in academic
writing, but it can be extremely difficult if students have never written one or do not know what to
write about. An example essay has the same purpose: to use specific instances or actual cases to
convince the readers that a particular point is true. In an example essay, students support their
point by illustrating it with examples. When used well, examples make writing more persuasive,
thus increasing the chances readers will understand and believe the point. Like other writing
modes, the point in an example essay is reflected in the thesis statement. For example:
1 My female boss' leadership ability is apparent in her relationships with her employees.
2 My male boss' personality is intolerable: stubborn, bad- tempered, and suspicious.
3 My new co-workers are uncooperative, incompetent; and inconsiderate.

Once students have finished writing a thesis statement, they can start writing examples in the
following paragraphs. Generally speaking, each body paragraph gives one specific and extended
example to support one of the sub-points mentioned in the thesis statement. Of course, students
may want to give numerous examples to illustrate their point, which is fine. However, it totally
depends on what kind of topic they are dealing with. For instance, suppose the thesis statement is

Probably not. In short, thesis statements that state or imply
examples; otherwise, just use a few but more developed examples. The following paragraph from
Text A exemplifies how to support a thesis statement with a specific and detailed example:
To some extent, the male- female differences come down to conflicting styles. One female
vice-president discussed the time she burst into tears during a meeting.
nuclear weapon in a conventional war. They take exception to a woman crying, inferring that she's
feeling unhappy or violated.
hurt but genuine rage. we cry, it's because we have all this valid rage that has no
appropriate release,she says. cry; men get relief by going on with the offense or by
veiling their feelings to appear composed.
Analysis of the whole text structure
Text A is a feature report on female bosses in the workplace. It has brought us various
scenarios where female managers show their unique working styles toward their employees,
coupled with male managers' contrastive way of performance. The text consists of six major parts.
Part One (Paras. 1-2) serves as the introduction of the text. Paragraph 1 starts with Monica's
story. Twenty years later, she changed her preference from working for a male boss to a female
boss. Paragraph 2 raises two questions concerning working styles: 1 ) Do men and women manage

differently? 2) If so, is that a good thing?
Part Two (Para. 3) presents the unique working style of a female boss: Delegate power and
always look for a consensus. As a result, employees are happy and flourish because they have
input into decisions instead of being passive bystanders; their energies are put to use. On the other
hand, consensus takes longer.
Part Three (Paras. 4-5) explores the differences in working styles between male and female
bosses. Paragraph 4 exclaims that men are typically hierarchical, goal-oriented and feel entitled
while women manage diplomatically and skillfully, but some young people proclaim that women
and men basically manage in the same way, using Nicole's example. Paragraph 5 illustrates the
two different scenarios: Women feel more at ease with their female boss, but it takes a long time
for men to feel comfortable around their female boss, taking the examples of Susan and Brian.
Part Four (Paras. 6-8) analyzes reasons why male and female bosses manage differently.
Paragraph 6 uses the example of a female vice-president, who burst into tears at a meeting because
she felt angry, but men don't understand and they consider crying similar to using a nuclear
weapon in a conventional war. Paragraph 7 asserts that even if men understand they would react
differently to the similar information. With Deborah's personal experience, Paragraph 8 explains
that the difference stems from the whole social context of traditional roles for men and women.
Part Five (Para. 9) discusses the obstacles a female boss also faces: Female employees expect
their female boss will more quickly promote them; on the other hand, they hope their female boss
can take care of her own work without bothering them.
Part Six (Para. 10) concludes the feature report with the example of Nina. Nina is somewhat
optimistic about the future, hoping the day will come soon when people recognize the best
management styles are composed of both male and female.







