
2020年12月20日 21:57




Unit 1
do morning exercises(晨练) eat breakfast(吃早饭) have english class(上英语课) play
sports(进行体育运动) eat dinner(吃晚饭) when(什么时候) evening(夜晚;晚上)
get up(起床) at(在……点钟) usually(通常;一般) noon(中午) climb mountains
(爬山) go shopping(购物;买东西) play the piano(弹钢琴) visit grandparents(看
望祖父母) go hiking(去远足) weekend(周末) often(经常) sometimes(有时候)
Unit 2
spring(春天) summer(夏天) fall(秋天) winter(冬天) season季节) which(哪
一个) best(最;极) swim(游泳) fly kites(放风筝) skate(滑冰;滑冰鞋) make a
snowman(堆雪人) plant trees(种树) why(为什么) because(因为) sleep(睡觉)
Unit 3
y(一月) ry(二月) (三月) (四月) May
(五月) June(六月) July(七月) (八月) ber(九月)
r(十月) er(十一月) er(十二月) birthday(生
日) uncle(叔叔;舅舅) her(她的) date(日期)
Unit 4
draw pictures(画画)cook dinner(做饭) read a book(看书)answer the phone(接电
话) listen to music9(听音乐) clean the room(打扫房间) write a letter(写信)write an
e-mail(写电子邮件) mom(妈妈)grandpa(爷爷;外公)study(书房)
Unit 5
fly(飞) jump(跳) walk(走) run(跑) swim(游泳) kangaroo(袋鼠) sleep(睡
觉) climb(往上爬) fight(打架) swing(荡;荡秋千) drink water(喝水)
Unit 6
take pictures(照相) watch insects(观察昆虫) pick up leaves(采摘树叶) do an experiment
(做实验) catch butterfly(捉蝴蝶) honey(蜂蜜) count insects(数昆虫) collect leaves
(收集树叶) wtite a report(写报告) play chess(下棋) have a picnic(举行野餐)

1.你什么时候吃晚饭? When do you eat dinner?
2. 我在晚上7点钟吃晚饭。 I eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening.
3. 你什么时候起床? When do you get up ?
4. 我通常在中午12点钟起床。I usually get up at 12:00 noon.
5. 你周末做什么? What do you do on the weekend?
6. 通常我看电视和去购物。 Usually I watch TV and go shopping.
7. 有时候我去看望祖父母。Sometimes I visit my grandparents .
8. 我经常踢足球。I often play football.
9. 有时候我去远足。 Sometimes I go hiking.
10. 你最喜欢哪个季节? Which season do you like best?
11. 我最喜欢冬天。 I like winter best.
12. 夏天很好。 Summer is good.
13. 但是秋天是我最喜欢的季节。But fall is my favourite season.
14. 你为什么喜欢夏天?Why do you like summer?
15. 因为我能在湖里游泳。 Beacause I can swim in the lake.
16. 你为什么喜欢冬天? Why do you like winter?

17. 因为我能睡很长时间。 Beacause I can sleep a long time.
18. 你什么时候过生日?When is your birthday?
19. 是在5月。 It`s in May.
20. 我的生日是在6月。 My birthday is in June .
21. 比尔叔叔的生日也是在六月。 Uncle Bill`s birthday is in June,too.
22. 她的生日是在六月吗? Is her birthday in June?
23. 是的。是几号? `s the date?
24. 六月九日。June 9th.
25. 我是张鹏。 This is Zhang Peng .
26. 你正在做什么?What are you doing?
27. 我正在洗碗碟。 I’m doing the dishes.
28. 我正在看书。I’m reading a book.
29. 爷爷正在写信。Grandpa is writing a letter.
30. 哥哥正在做作业。 Brother is doing homework.
31. 妈妈正在厨房里做饭。Mom is cooking dinner in the kitchen .
32. 他正在书房写邮件。 He’s writing an e-mail in the study.
33. 它在干什么? What is it doing?
33. 它正在吃香焦。 It’s eating bananas.
35. 她正在跳。She’s jumping.
36. 他们正在做什么?What are they doing?
37. 他们正在游泳。 They’re swimming.
38. 他们正在爬树。They are climbing trees.
39. 你们正在吃午饭吗? Are you eating lunch?
40. 不,我们没有。 No, we aren’t.
41. 他们正在吃蜂蜜吗?re they eating the honey?
42. 是的,他们正在吃。 Yes, they are .
43. 他正在下棋吗? Is he playing chess?
44. 是的,他是。Yes, he is.
44. 她正在数昆虫吗?Is she counting insects?
45. 不,她不是。 No, she isn’t.

一般现在时表示: 1. 经常发生的动作或存在状态,常和always(总是), usually(通常),
often(经常), sometimes(有时候), everyday(每天), every week(每周)等时间状语
连用。 2.表示普遍真理。

1. I am a teacher.
2. Spring is green with flowers and songs.
绿色的春天,鸟语花香。 我爱春天。
3. My birthday is on October 1st.

1. I often play football on Sundays.
2. I like spring.
1. She likes summer.
否定句: 《主语+be动词+not~》
如:You are not a student.
《主语+do not +动词~》
如: I don’t go to school every day.
<第三人称单数+does not+动词~>
如: She doesn’t go shopping on Saturdays.

二、一般疑问句 (句型、用法)
1. 把be动词移到主语前面,即《Be动词+主语~》
如: ------Are you a student?
------Yes, I am.
2. 把do或does移到句首,即《Do (Does)+主语+动词原型~》
如:------Do you have English class on Mondays?
------ No, we don’t.
------ Does he play football every day?
------ Yes, he does.
1. I am a teacher. (变成否定句)

2. You are student. (变成一般疑问句)

3. We have math class on Tuesday. (变成一般疑问句)

三、 特殊疑问句 (句型、用法)
1. What do you do on the weekend? 你周末干什么?
2. When do you get up?你什么时候起床?
3. What time is it now?现在几点了
4. Which season do you like best?你最喜欢哪个季节?
5. When is your birthday?你的生日是什么时候?

A. I get up at 9:00. B. It’s June 3rd . C. I like fall best.
D. It’s 7:30 now. E. I usually climb mountains

四、 There be (is, are)句型

1. There is + 单数名词+场所
如: 1. There is a bed in the room. 房间里有一张床。
2. There is a book on the table. 桌上有一本书。
3. ------Is there a picture on the wall? 墙上有照片吗?
------ Yes, there is.
2. There are +复数名词+场所
如:1. There are many students in our school. 我们学校有许多学生
2. There are many eggs in the kitchen. 厨房里有许多蛋.
3. ------Are there any fish in the river? 河里有鱼吗?
------ Yes, there are.

1. There an apple in the box. 盒子里有一个苹果。
2. There many trees round the house. 房子四周有许多数。



《 主语+ be动词+现在分词~》
如:1. I am watching TV now. 我正在看电视。
2. We are playing chess. 我们正在下棋。
3. She is catching butterflies in the woods. 她正在树林里捉蝴蝶。

(二)否定句和疑问句 (句型、用法)
否定句:《主语+be not +现在分词~》
如:1. I am not picking up leaves. 我没有摘树叶。
2. She isn’t writing a report. 她没有在写报告。
3. We aren’t having a picnic. 我们没有野餐。

如: 1. Are you taking pictures? 你(们)正在照相吗?
2. Is he collecting leaves? 他正在收集树叶吗?
(三)特殊疑问句 (句型、用法)
如: 1. What are you doing? 你(们)正在干什么?
2. What is John doing? 约翰正在干什么?


定冠词the具有确定的意思,用以特指人或事物 ,表示名词所指的人或事物是同类中的特定
的一个,以别于同类中其他的人或事物,相当于汉语中的“那 个”或“这个”的意思。它可
以和单、复数名词,也可以和不可数的名词连用。用在以辅音音素开头的词 前读[e? ],用在
以元音音素开头的词前读[ei ] ,在特别强调时读[ei:]。


1. 特指某(些)人或某(些)事物。

Give me the book.

Did you hear the talk given by Mr Li?

How do you like the film.

Have you got the letter?

2. 指谈话双方都知道的人或事物。

Where is the teacher?

Open the door.

3. 复述上文提过的人或事物。

I have a beautiful wallet, but the wallet was stolen yesterday.

4. 世界上独一无二的事物等(月亮、地球、天空、宇宙)

The sun rises in the east.

The earth goes round the sun.

the globe, the universe.

the atmosphere大气层

5. 用在方位名词前

in the south, in the west ,in the north

6. 用在序数词或形容词最高级前

The first thing I want to say is to listen carefully in class.

He is the tallest one in our class.


The older of the two noblemen took a light.

He is the taller of the two boys.

8. 用在单数可数可数名词前表示一类人或事物。

The horse is a useful animal.

9. 定冠词用在形容词前,表示一类人或东西。

The rich, the poor ,the wounded ,the deaf

10. 冠词可用在党派、阶级、民族名词前

The Chinese people中华民族

The working class 工人阶级

The Communist Party


The Lius live upstairs.

The Johns are watching TV.


the piano the violin


in the morning in the afternoon


The man standing by the gate is Li Feng.


He received a blow on the head


John’s brother took him by the hand.



In the 1980s或in the 1980’s 20世纪80年代

in the nineteenth century 二十世纪


1. 在江河、山脉、湖泊、海洋、群岛、海峡、海湾运河前用the。

the Changjang River 长江

the Hudson River 哈得孙河

the West Lake 西湖

the Pacific Ocean 太平洋

the Yellow Sea 黄海

the Suez Canal 苏伊士运河

the English Channel 英吉利海峡

the Persian Gulf 波斯湾

the British Isles 布列颠群岛

2. 在含有普通名词构成的专有名词前用the。

the Great Wall 长城

the Summer Palace 颐和园

the United States 美国

the October Revolution 十月革命

the Chinese People’s Liberation Army 中国人民解放军

the Long March 长征

3. 在某些建筑物前

the Great Hall of the People 人民大会堂

the Museum of Chinese History 历史博物馆

4. 在某些组织机构前

the United Nations 联合国

the Department of Education 教育部

⑤节日名:New Year’s Day 新年,元旦

Women’s Day 妇女节

Labour Day 劳动节

Children’s Day儿童节

April Fools’ Day愚人节

National Day国庆节

Thanksgiving Day感恩节

Christmas Day圣诞节


the Spring Festival春节

the Mid-Autumn Festival中秋节


1. 街名:Wang Fu Jing Street王府井大街

Naking Road南京路

2. 广场名:Tian An Men Square天安门广场

3. 公园名:Pei Hai Park北海公园

Hyde Park海德公园

4. 大学名:Beijing University北京大学

Zhejiang University浙江大学

但也可说the University of Beijing the University of Zhejiang


1. 在物质名词,抽象名词前不用冠词

The desk is made of wood.

What is work? Work is struggle.

2. 专有名词前不加冠词

Canada, Beijing ,Lei Feng

3. 名词前有物主代词指示代词,不定代词,名词所有格修饰时

this, my,that, those, these, her


Sunday March summer winter


Horses are useful animals.

My mother and father are school teachers.

6、当一个名词用 作表语,冈位语补足语来表示某人在当时或现刻的职位或头衔时,前面不用

He is chairman of the Students’ Union. 他是学生会主席。

They elected him president of the U.S. 他们选他当美国总统。

这里指的职位大体是指独一的职位,“主席” 、“主任”都只有一个,如不是独一的要加不

She is a teacher of English in our school. 她是我校的一位英语教师


breakfast, lunch, supper 如这些词前有形容词修饰可用不定冠词。

I had a good lunch yesterday.

I have breakfast at 7 every day.


Play football (basketball, Volleyball) chess


He is fond of music.

The music of the film is very beautiful.

Science is making rapid progress in China.


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