
2020年12月20日 22:49



Classroom English
1 before class begins (上课前)
Come on (now)快走啊!
Let’s wait outside our classroom.让我们在教室外面等一会吧!Let’ go in.咱们
Hurry up!快点
Hi,guys, let’s go inside 喂,孩子们,咱们进教室吧
Where is Class Two ,Grade Two ?二年级二班在哪儿?
Are you a new student?你是新生么?
That’s our new English teacher over there 那是我们新的英语老师。.Hurry up
so that I can start the lesson .快点!我们要上课了。
Run quickly!快点跑!
Come in and sit down 进来,坐下.
Come in and close the door .进来把门关上。
Good afternoon,everybodyboysandgirls,children.大家孩子们下午好。
Good morning Zhang Hua 早上好,张华。
Hello ,everyone.大家好。Nice to meet you all.很高兴见到你们
Hello ,Wang Li 你好,王利
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Hi ,Li Ming 你好xx
How are you ?你好么?
How are you ,Tom?你好吗,汤姆?
How is your fathermother?你父亲母亲怎样?
How is your little sister?你的小妹妹怎么样?
How are you getting on ?近来怎么样?
How’s life?生活怎么样?
How’re you feeling today ,Mike?迈克,你今天感觉怎么样?
Are you all well this morning?今天上午你们感觉都很好吗?Are you feeling
better today. Wei Hua ?卫华,你今天感觉好多了吗?3 Before starting the class(上
Have you got the time?你知道几点了吗?
How many minutes are there to go ?还有几分钟上课?
There are still five minutes .还有5分钟
Class will begin soon .很快就要上课了。
The bell will ring in a few minutes.还有几分钟铃就响。
Is it time for class ?上课的时间到了吗?
It’s nearly time for class.快到上课的时间了。
Has the bell rung?铃响了吗?
Is the bell ?这是铃响了吗?
Will the bell ring soon ?很快就响铃了吗?
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Has the bell gone off yet ?铃已经响了吗?
Did the bell ring ?已经响铃了吗?
The bell has rung .铃响过了。
There goes the bell.铃响了
The bell has gone off.铃响了
The bell is ringing.铃响了
4getting ready for class(作好课前准备)
I’m waiting to start.我等着开始呢。
I’m waiting for you to be quiet.我等着你们安静下来。
Please get everything ready for class.请做好上课准备。
Be ready for class.同上
Are you ready for class?准备好上课了吗?
Have you got everything ready for class?做好上课的准备了吗?Let’s get ready
for class。让我们准备好上课。
Leave your English books on the desks.把你们的英语书留在课桌上。
Put your English books on the desks把你们的英语书放在课桌上。
Put your books on your desks ,please.请把书放在课桌上。
Take out your notebooks, and put them on your desk..拿出笔记本来把它们放
课桌上。5introducing oneself(做自我介绍)
My name is Mr. Mrs. Miss Li 我叫李先生,太太,小姐
I’m Mr. Zhang 我是xx
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I’ll just tell you a bit about myself.我来简单说说我自己吧
I’m your new English teacher.我是你们的新老师。
I’ll be teaching you English this year.今年我教你们英语
6calling the rolls(点名)
Let me call the rolls.让我来点一下名。
Who is absent today ?今天谁缺席?
Where is Li Ming ?黎明到哪里去了?
Who is missing ?谁不在?
Who isn’t here?谁没有到?
Anybody absent?有缺席的么?
Is Zhang Hua here?张华来了吗?
Does anyone know where Wang Xin is?谁知道王欣去哪了?
Who knows when Wang Xin will be back?谁知道王欣什么时候回来?
Is there anyone absent?有缺席的吗?
Is anyone else absent?还有缺席的吗?
Li Feng is absent today.李烽今天缺席。Why is he absent?他为什么缺席?
What’s the matter with you today?你今天怎么了?
Do you know why he is absent ?你知道他为什么缺席吗。
Please come earlier next time.下次请早点来。
Don’t be late next time.下次别迟到了。
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Get to your seat .we have already begun the lesson..到座位上去。我们已经开
Please hurry up and sit down .We’ve already started .请快点去坐下,我们已经
That’s all right. Sit down and we can start.好了,坐下,我们可以开始了。
Try not to be late next time .下次尽量别迟到。
Try to be here on time next time .下次尽量准时到。
Don’t let it happen again .不要再迟到了。
7starting the class(开始上课)
It’s time for class.上课的时间到了。
Let’s begin(the class).开始上课。
Shall we start?我们开始吗?
Class is about to begin.就要上课了。
Let’s start .让我们开始吧。
Who is on duty today?今天谁值日?
Are you on duty ?是你值日吗?
I’m on duty today .今天我值日。
I’m happy to report that everybody is present.我高兴的报告全都到了。
Wang Wei and I are duty today .我和王微今天值日。
Your classroom looks nice and clean .你们的教室看起来既美观又干净。
You have done your duty very well .你的值日做的很好。
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8 asking miscellaneous questions (问各式各样的问题)
1)about date (关于日期)
What’s the date today?今天几号?
What date is it today?同上
What’s today’s date?同上
What day is it ?今天星期几?
What month is it?这是几月份?
What year is it ?这是哪一年?
What’s the date next Thursday ?下周四是几号?
What was the date last Wednesday ?上周三是几号?
What day is the 12th ?12号是星期几?
Is the 16th a Friday or a Saturday ?16号是星期五还是星期四?What month
follows(comes after)October ?10月份接下来的是哪个月?What is the day before
Monday called ?星期一前面的那一天是星期几?
2)about weather (关于天气)
What’s the weather like ?天气怎么样?
Is it cold or hot?天气冷还是热?
What’s the forecast for next week?下周的天气预报是怎么说的?What
temperature is it?温度是多少?
Is it below freezing?气温是零度以下吗?
How many degrees below is it?零下多少度?
Do you think it will snow?你认为会下雪吗?
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What season is it ?现在是什么季节?
Is it raining snowing sleeting hailing thundering?是下雨下雪下冰雹打雷
3)about identity(关于身份)
Who are you ?你是谁?
What’s your name?你叫什么名字?
How do you spell it ?你的名字怎么拼?
What’s your English name?你的英文名字叫什么?
Where do you live?你住哪?
What’s your address?你的家庭地址是什么?
What’s your telephone number?你的电话号码是多少?
Which part of China are you from?你来自中国的哪部分?
Where is it?它在哪?
Where is in Beijing do you live ?你住在北京的什么地方?
How old are you ?你多大了?
Have you any brothers or sisters?你有兄弟或姐妹吗?
What are their names?他们叫什么名字?
Which school do you go to ?你上的是哪一所学校?
Whose class are you in ?你在谁的班上?
Who is your teacher ?谁是你们的班主任?
Who is your English teacher ?谁是你们的英语老师?
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4)about interests and hobbies (关于兴趣爱好)
What are you interested in?你对什么感兴趣?
Have you got any hobbies?你有什么业余爱好?
What do you do in your spare time?你业余时间做什么?
Do you play ice-hockey?你玩曲棍球吗?
Do you do a lot reading?你大量阅读书籍吗?
Do you watch a lot of TV ?你看大量的电视节目吗?
Do you go to the cinema a lot ?你经常去电影院没吗?
What do you do at weekends?你周末做什么?
How do you spend your evening?你晚上都是怎么度过的?
Are you in any clubs?你参加俱乐部了吗?
What do you usually do on Fridays?你星期五通常做什么?
Are you a member of any clubs?你是某个俱乐部的成员吗?
Have you ever been to Japan你去过日本吗?
Where did you spend your summer holidays?你假期在哪度过的?What did
you get for Christmas?圣诞节你得到了什么礼物?
What do you hope to become?你希望你能成为什么样的人?
Have you any plans for the summer the future?这个假期将来有什么计划?
5)about opinion (关于观点)
What did you think of it ?你对它是怎么看的?
How did you like it ?你喜欢它吗?
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How did you find it ?你怎么样找到它?
Did you think it was worth going ?你认为值得去吗。
What was your impression of it ?你对这有什么印象?
What was your opinion of the film?你对这个电影有什么意见?Was it to your
liking ?它适合你的口味吗?
Did you enjoy it?你喜欢吗?
Did you find it boring?你觉得乏味吗?
Which parts did you like most?你最喜欢哪几部分?
Was there anything you didn’t like about the story?你对这个故事有什么地方
6) about preference(关于喜爱)
Which did you like better?你比较喜欢哪部分?
Did you prefer this to the last chapter?和后一章比你是否更喜欢这一张?
Did you like this more betterthan last time?你是比上次否更喜欢这个?
If you had to choose, which would you take?如果你能选择的话,你想选哪一
Which did you enjoy most all?你最喜欢哪一个?
Which of the three did you prefer most?三者中你最喜欢哪一个?Would you
rather go to Xi’an or stay at home?你愿意去西安还是愿意呆在家里?
Would you rather read than listen to music?与音乐相比你更愿意看书吗?
Who is your favorite actor poet singer ?谁是你最喜欢的演员诗人歌手?
Which film is your favorite ?你最喜欢那部电影?
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1 able to participate (参与)
Has everybody got a book?大家都有书了吗?
Is there anyone without a book ?有谁没有书?
Who hasn’t got a copy of the text?谁还没拿到课文
Where is your workbook ,Bill?比尔,你的练习册在哪?
Is there anyone who hasn’t got a copy of the article?还有没有人没拿到课文材
Can anybody lend Bill a copy of the book ?有谁能借给比尔一本书?Would
someone give Lucy a sheet of paper?谁愿意给露西一张纸?Can you see all right?你
Can you see the picture ?你们能看见图片吗?
Can you see allhear?你们都能看见听见吗?
Is the volume all right ?音量合适吗?
Have you found the passage ?找到那段了吗?
Have you all found the place?找到那一页了吗?
Is there anybody who still hasn’t found the page ?谁还没找到该看的那页?
Can you help him find the place?你能帮他找到那页吗?
Show him the place!把地方指给他
Show him where we are .告诉他我们在哪!
Who needs help?谁需要帮助?
Who can’t manage(on his her own ) ?谁不能自己完成?
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Does anybody need any help ?有人需要帮助吗?
Is anyone having trouble with this exercise?谁做练习还有问题?Who is finding
this difficult?谁觉得这个比较难?
How are you getting on along?你进行的怎么样?
All of you can try .大家可以试一试。
What’s the matter ?怎么回事?
What’s the problem?有问题吗?
Why don’t you join in ?为什么不参加进来?
Are you ready?你们准备好了吗?
Who has finished?谁完成了?
Who has done them all?谁把所有的都做完了?
Are you all ready now?现在你们都准备好了吗?
Anybody not finished?有谁没有完成?
Have you finished reading page 10?阅读完第10页了吗?
Anybody who still hasn’t finished?谁还没有看完?
Have you done everything ?你们把题都做完了吗?
How far have you got ?你们进行到哪了?
Which question are you on ?你在做哪道题?
Who’s next?谁接着来做?
Whose turn is it next?该轮到谁了?
Who is the next one to try ?谁想下一个来试试?
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You next.你是下一个。
Now you .现在轮到你了。
You’re next.下一个是你。
Who’s left?还有谁?
Who hasn’tbeen out to the board?谁还没有到黑板前来过?
You have been out once already.你已经出来过一次了。
You have already had a turn.你已经轮到过一次了。
Who would like to do this?谁愿意做这个?
Who wantswould like to write that on the board?谁愿意把那个写到黑板上?
Who wants to be Mrs. Brown ?谁愿意做布朗太太?
Who’ll write that up on the blackboard?谁来把那个写在黑板上?Which
English name do you want?你想要哪个英文名字?
Which name would you like to (have)?你喜欢哪个名字?
Which team do you want to be in?你想参加哪一队?
Do you want to be in Bill’s team?你想参加比尔那队吗?
Which group would you like to join ?你愿意参加哪一组?
Now we shall do some group work .现在我们分小组做一下。
Now let’s have a look at exercise 13现在让我们看一下练习13。
Now I want you to turn to page 20.现在我要你们翻到20页。
How about listening to the whole thing now.现在我们再整个听一遍怎么
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Now we can relax.现在我们可以轻松一下。
Now I have some music for you .现在我要给你们放些音乐。
First of all ,we shall……首先我们将……
First ,let’s listen to the dialogue .首先,让我们听对话。First ,a few words
about your homework.首先,讲几句关于家庭作业的事。
To begin with ,we shall do some drills.开始时我们先做一些句型练习。
The first thing we’ll do today is doing over our last lesson..我们今天第一件事是
Let’s first listen to Mary’s dialogue.让我们先听玛丽的对话。
We’re going to practice greeting each other and introduction ourselves in
English .我们将练习用英语相互问候和介绍自己。
We can look up the new words first of all.我们可以先查查生词。
The first time ,you can try it with your books open .第一遍,你们可以看看书来
Next ,I would like you to ……接下来我要你们……
For the next thing ,could you take our your workbooks.接下来,你们把练习册
After that we shall do some written work..然后我们要做一些书面练习。
2repeatand and speak louder(重复,大声说)
Louder, please .请大点声。
Speak up .说大声点。
Say it louder.说得再大声点。
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Say it a bit louder ,please.请大声点说。
Once again ,but louder.再说一遍,但要大点声。Say it so that everyone can
hear you .说的让大家都能听见
I can’t hear you .say it again ,but this time louder.我听不见,你再说一遍,但
More clearly .再清楚一些。
Speak more clearly .说得再清楚一点。
Not so quickly ,I can’t follow.别说的太快,我听不明白。
Again ,please.请再来一遍
Say it again(once more ).请再说一遍。
Once more ,but more fluently .再说一遍,但要流利些。
Let’s try it again .让我们再来试试。
Repeat after me :’ ……”跟我读:……
Say it after me :跟我说
The whole sentence, please.请说全句。
Use complete sentence .用完整句。
Begin with the question word.用疑问词开始。
Let her try it on her own .让她自己试一试。
Don’t help him .不要提醒他。
Every one ,listen and repeat.大家听并跟着读。
Don’t whisper the answer .别交头接耳把答案说出来。
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All together now.现在请大家做
Everyone ,say ……全体说……
All of you .大家一起。The whole class ,please,全班一起。
Not just this row .不光是这一排。
Let’s read in chorus .咱们齐读。
Let’s all say it together.让我们一起来说。
Say it with me .跟我说。
Now all the boys .现在所有的男学生。
Just the girls.光是女学生。
Girls only .只是女生。
Let’s begin with the boys.让我们从男生开始。
This row ,please.请这一排做。
The next group .下一组。
These two rows .这两排。
In turns 。轮着做。
One after the other ,please.请一个接一个。
In turn ,starting with Zhang Ming .轮着来,从张名开始。
Take it in tunes ,starting here.轮流来从这开始。
Don’t all answer together.不用集体回答。
One at a time ,please .请一个一个地说。
Your turn ,Tom.轮到你了汤姆。
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Just you .就你自己。
Now you ,Li Ming .现在到你了黎明。
One boy a time ,the rest (of you) wait your turn.每次一个男生,其他的人等着
Now let’s havesomeone else try it .现在我们再找别人试一试。
Not you again ,bill.比尔,你不能再做了。
You join in ,Lucy ,露西,你也参加进来。
Join in with the rest of us ,Tom.汤姆,和其他人一起参加进来。
3cycles (循环做)
I’ll begin .我先开始。
I’ll ask first.我先问。
Sorry ?what did you say ?对不起,你说什么?
Sorry ?对不起。
What ?说什么?
What was that?那是什么?
Speak up .大点声。
I missed that ,what did you say ?我没听见,你说的是什么?
Sorry ,I can’t hear you .很遗憾我听不见。
You are saying “tree”.I’m saying “three”.你说的是“tree”.我说的是“three”
Listen and repeat .听并重复。
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Listen to me saying it .听我说。
Listen to the way I say it(listen to how I say it ).听我是怎么说的。Listen
again carefully and then you try.再仔细听,然后你试一试。
Listen to the way my voice goes up .听我的声音是怎么往上升的。
Watch my mouth closely.仔细看我的口型。
Watch my lips very carefully.仔细看我的嘴唇。
How do you spell “buses”?“buses”怎么拼?
How is “giraffe” spell?“giraffe”怎么拼?
How do you spell the word “glass”? “glass”怎么拼写?
What’s the correct spelling of this word?这个字的正确拼法是什么?Spell
“ship” for me.请拼一下“ship”
Spell it aloud .大声拼读它。
Spell it in English .用英语拼读出来。
I’m afraid this is spell wrong .恐怕这个拼错了。
I’m sorry, you’ve made a spelling mistake.很遗憾,你犯了一个拼写错误。
There are two words you’ve spell wrong.有两个词你拼错了。
What’s letter is mistake ?缺了一个什么字母?
Is this letter right correct ?这个字母对吗?
Spell it with an “e” and then a “r”.先是e然后是“r”.
There is a “k” missing .丢了一个“k”
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A “k” is missing .同上。“k” is missing .同上。
There’s one letter too many few .多了少了一个字母。
You’ve got one “I ”too manyfew .你多了少了一个“I ”.
It’s speltwith two “p” s not one..应该是两个p而不是一个。
Double “k”.两个“k”
You need an extra letter here.这儿需要多一个字母。
There should be an “o” instead of a“u”.这儿应该是“o”而不是“u”Write it with a
capital “J”.是用“J”开头的。
It’s spell the same as in English .英语也是这么拼写的。
Why do you need two “o” s ?你为什么要写两个O?
Write it as one word two words.写成一个词两个词。
Write it separatelytogether.分开写拼在一起。
These two words are the wrong way round.这两个字母反了。
What does “blue” mean here? “ blue”在这是什么意思?
First ,let’s look at the word .让我们先看这个词。
How do you pronounce the word ?这个词你怎么发音?
Is it correct , class?大家说,对吗?
Did he pronounce it correctly?这个音他发的对吗?
What does this word mean?这个词是什么意思?
What is the meaning of this word ?这个词是什么意思?
Say it in English ,please?请用英语说它。
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Use English .用英语。Try it in English .用英语试一试。
Is that right?这对吗?
What is the answer?答案是什么?
Was that the correct answer.这个答案正确吗?
Can you say that?你能那样说吗?
Can you say it like that?你能像那样说吗?
You missed the verb out .你把动词落掉了。
You forgot the preposition.你忘掉了介词。
You uses the wrong tense.你的时态用错了。
You misunderstood the instructions.你错误的理解了题的要求。
How should you say it ?你应该怎样说。
What should you say?你应该说什么?
How should you answer?你应该怎样回答?
What would you say .你该说什么?
Did anyone notice the mistake?有人注意大错误了吗?
What other word could you use here?这还可以用什么词?
What else could you say ?How else could you say it?你还可以怎么说?
Let’s learn to write the first three letters.让我们学写前三个字母。
Write the letter “a”.写字母“a”
Write the word in small letters.小写这个词。
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Copy the alphabet.抄写字母表。
I want you to rewrite the three sentences on the board conjunction “before”.
Copy this word(text).抄写这个词(课文)
Now ,copy it .现在抄写。
Re-copy it .重抄!
Correct it .把它改正。
Copy this word (sentence) five times.把这个词(句子)抄5遍。
You must write the first letter of the first word with a capital letter.第一个词的
The first word of every quoted sentence (directquotation)should be capitalized.
Capitalize the first word .第一个词要大写。
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