I complete the chant
by using the given word
wise rise
To let you _____
If you be _____
It is time to ____
For early to bed
And ready to ____
Is the way to be
And wealthy and ____?
II Join each of column I to the right one of
column II
1 as fat as A A bee
2 As big as B snow
3 As busy as C Lead
4 As blind as D A pig
5 As high as E
Rocke feller
6 As white as F A kite
7 As
heavy as G An elephant
8 As rich as H A bat
III Choose the best answer
1、 The Wen
chuan Earthquake belongs to formation earthquake
地震), it destroyed the most.
2、 The
supreme(最严重的) earthquake happened at 9:11 on May
1960 in the history as recorded was
in__________,the level of Likta scale
was 8.9
3、 Wenchuan Earthquake,which was ______
belonged to enormously
earthquake. Hypocenter
was superficial earthquake, only 10 to 20 cm.
The earthquake can be classified into three
kinds according to the depth
of the
hypocenter. The superficial,.the intermediate and
the deep.
4、 In the poor quakeproof capability
and population centralized
comparatively area,
over _____ level earthquake could murder the loss
5、 As instrument
recorded(据仪器纪录),the biggest earthquake
happened on August 5, 1950 in China. It was
level 8.6, the intensity was
eleven degree.
The bally, vibrating area was around 24000 squre
Km. The
damage bound of level 8 expanded more
than 20000 square Km. Chayu,
7、The emblem(会徽) of Beijing
Olympic Games is __________.
8、____ sport items are set up in Summer
Olympic Games.
9、In 1934, International
Olympic Committee decided that the host
country should light the Olympic Holy Fire.
The seed of the Holy Fire
must be fetched
from________, and transferred in ________ form to
host country..
VI Intelligence
5、Look at these numbers, Write down
the next number:
9 72 504 3024 15120
6、In the match, A defeated D, E
defeated F, C defeated E, F defeated
D ,B won
the third place. B defeated A, A defeated F, can
you tell the lost
10、The following
rectangle(长9cm 宽4cm) is cut into 2 parts to make
of a square, Draw your own method of cutting.
12、 brings 123 exercise
books. They are given out to 4
equally. Each students gets _____ books.
13、There is a wall clock, It hits 6 times at
6:00 in 10 seconds. It hits 11
times at 11:00
in ____ seconds.
15、The 5“?”s in the following
figure stands for 5 continuous
numbers.(5个连续自然数) The sum of both numbers in
the triangle is 35.
The sum of numbers in the
square is 29. The biggest number of the 5
number is _____.
18、Which number is lack of ?
6 1 3 6 9
12 9 ?
2 4 3 ? 2 3
19、John and Bill go shopping. They want a
calculator with the same style.
Both of them
don't bring enough money. John needs 30 yuan left.
price of the calculator is ______ yuan.
23、A square with side is 3cm long. Its
side is divided averagely in to
three parts as the following pictures showed.
You can make a
parallelogram with any of four
points. The area of the largest one is ____,
the area of the smallest one is ____.
24、 Tom, Jack and Ben run to B from A at the
same time. When Tom
gets to B , Jack is still
20 meters away from B, Ben is 40 meters away
from B. When Jack gets B, Ben is 24 meters
away from B. Can you work
out how far it is
from A to B.
27、Fill in the ( ) with
numbers from 1 to 9
( )*( )*( )+( )*( )*(
)+( )*( )*( ) the largest sum is ____.
)*( )*( )+( )*( )*( )+( )*( )*( ) the
least sum is ____.
28、At a fruit garden,
the numbers of fructiferous(结果实的) plants were
twice and 60 more than the numbers of
unfruitful(未结果实的). They are
______ plants in
all in the garden.
VII Fun English
try to guess.
1、Why the letter
grows larger the more you take from it ?
go to bed at seven in the evening and set your
alarm at 8 o'clock.
How many hours will you
sleep before being awakened by the alarm?
7、How many keys are there in the keyboard of a
10、How do you drink coffee?Please
rearrange the following sentences.
A. Put
coffee in the cup B. Take out a cup C. Put in
some sugar
D. Put in som milk E. Pour
the water in the cup
VIII Reading
A clever thief
A farmer's
son is too young, he only can count only from one
to ten.
Mr. Smith puts the chickens in eight
coops(鸡笼) in the following way:
1 8 1
boy 8
1 8 1
Each line has three coops and
ten chickens. The boy stand in the
middle and
counts them. A thief knows this and is happy. He
stole four
chicken every day. He stole 3 days,
Now there are only 24 chickens .Car
you think
out the way in which the thief arranged the
The first day The second day
The third day
II Vocabulary
Complete these sentences with the correct pent of
the body.
1. A hand has five
2. A foot has five _______.
An adult has 32 ______
4. You smell with your
5. The _______ is a symbol of love.
6. You hear with your ________
7. Babies
crawl on their _______
8. Your _______ type
can be A, B , AB or O.
IV. Language
1. 圣经) is a _____.
2. How many
countries are there in UK?
3. Which of the
following river in Britain?
4. If a British
family invites you to dinner at 6:00 Pm, you'd
better arrive
at _____.
5. The largest
city of the USA is _______.
6. The most
popular foreign language in American is ______.
7. ______ is the last state which join in the
8. Which of the following has been
9. Who is the first American
president to visit China?
10. The most popular
American drink is _____
11. One mile(英里)
equals about _____ kilometers.