the poem and fill in the blanks
with the words given (5’)
know(s), want(s),
way, friend, name, need(s), duty, time
To Be
Help someone
Help someone
who ___1____ it
Help someone who needs it
Help someone who needs it badly and you
____2 ___ there will be no return
someone who is not related to you
Help someone
who is not your close ____3 __
Help someone
who does not expect you to
Help when it is not
your ___4 ___
Help in whatever ___5__ you can
And you will be happy
choice (10’)
1) What ________ in his
free time?
A. he does B. does he do C.
do he does
2)________ any foreign
A. He can speak B. Can he
speaks C. Can he speak
3)________ water
do you drink every day?
A. How much B.
How C. How many
4)________ down the
radio --- the baby is asleep in the next room.
A. Turning B. To turn C Turn
5)Give me one more minute________I‘ll be able to
finish it
A. and B. or C. so
6)He said that he was late for the movie
yesterday, _____?
A. was he B. didn‘t
he C. wasn‘t he
7) —Are you
feeling_________? —Yes, I’m fine now.
A. quite good B. very nice C any better
8) Our telephone has been out of ______for two
A. place B. order C touch
1)A clerk’s(职员)salary is $$320 after a 25%
raise(提高). Before the clerk’s raise, the
supervisor’s salary
was 50% greater than the
clerk’s salary. If the supervisor(管理员)also
receives a raise in the same amount as
clerk’s raise(增加与职员相同数目的工资), what is the
supervisor’s salary after the raise?
Do you think the Stars will beat the Bulls?
—Yes. They have better players, so I_________them
to win.
A. hope B. prefer C. expect
10)Little Tom opened his eyes_____when he caught
sight of some chocolates.
A. big B. large C.
3. Answer the following
2)Worker W
produces(制造) n units(单位) in five hours. Worker V
and W, working independently(单独)
but at the
same time, produces n units in two hours. How long
would it take Worker V alone to produce n
3)Two buses are 515 miles
apart(相距). At 9:30 a.m., they start traveling
towards each other (相向行驶) at
rates of 48 and
55 miles per hour (每小时). At what time will they
pass each other (相遇) ?.
4)A jar
contains(装有)only red, green, and blue
marbles(玻璃球). If it is three times as likely(可能)
you randomly pick(随意选择) a red marble as a
green marble, and five times as likely that you
pick a green one
as a blue one. Which of the
following could be the number of marbles in the
A.38 B.39 C. 41 D. 42
4. Fill in the balnks(填空) (20‘)
1) It takes Mary 4 days to read 25 of
the novel (小说) . So she still needs________days to
finish reading it.
Mary has to
spend________days in reading 12 of the novel.
2) The age of Tom, Ker, and
Hingley is 7, 8, and 9. Ker is not 9 years old,
nor is he 7. Tom is not 7 years
old. So we
know Tom is _____ years old and Hingley is_______.
3) There are 420 trees in
the garden. 13 of the apple trees are equal to(等于)
49 of the pear trees. Thus
are______apple trees and______pear trees.
4) Jim’s money was 4 times of Al‘s.
Then Jim spent 30 dollars in buying a school-bag
and Al spent 6 dollars
on a pen. At this time,
Jim‘s money was the same as Al‘s. Before buying
the school-bag, Jim‘s money
5)In the
sophomore (二年级) class at Hillside High School, the
ratio(比率) of boys to girls is 2to 3. Thejunior
(三年级) class contains (拥有) as many boys as the
sophomore class does(各二年级一样多的男生), and the
ratio of boys to girls (男女生比率) in the junior
class is 5 to 4. If there are 200 students in the
sophomore class,
there are________students in
the junior class.
5. Counting
6.Read the
passages and choose the best answers(10’)
Carol Davis is an operator,
but she doesn’t work at the telephone company. She
works at the Police
Emergency Unit in the
city. People call 9-1-1 and speak to her when they
want to report an emergency. Carol is
busy right now. A man thinks there is aburglar in
his apartment. He’s telling Carol his name,
address, and
telephone number.
1)Carol Davis _____at the telephone company.
A. works B. doesn’t work C. does
2)The Police Emergency Unit
number is____.
A.9-1-1 B.1-1-9
3)Someone is calling
Carol because_____.
A. he’s a
burglar B. he hears a burglar C. he looks like a
The story
of jeans
The year was 1853, and the
place was California. People were coming to
California from many countries.
were looking for gold. They thought that they were
going to get rich. Levi Strauss was one of these
He’s twenty-four years old, and he too
wanted to get rich. He was from Germany. He had
cloth from Germany
to make tents for the gold
miners(矿工). A man asked him:“what are you going to
do with that cloth?” Strauss
going to make tents.” The man said:“I don’t need a
tent, but I want a strong pair of pants.
at my pants. They’re full of holes.” Levi made a
pair of pants from the strong cloth. The man was
with the pants. They were a big success.
Soon everyone wanted a pair of pants just like the
man’s pair. Levi
made one more, ten more,
hundreds more, thousand more. That’s the history
of your jeans.
4)Levi Strauss
very rich when he was
tens with him
from Germany
5)In the 1850s, many
people went to California.
gold B. to make friends C. to look for gold
7. Cloze test (10’)
J.K. Rowling was born in England in 1965.
She___1___reading,and wrote her first story,
___2___she was only six years old. She
studied French at university,then ___3___ a
secretary in London. She had
the idea for
Harry Potter when she was on a train.
”Harry just walked into my head,” she
said___4___. She started writing the first Harry
Potter book the
next day.
1992, she went to live in Portugal for three
years. She ___5___ Harry Potter in the morning,and
as an English teacher in the afternoon
and evening. She___6___a Portuguese TV journalist
and had a daughter
___7___ Jessica.
Then she returned to Britain and lived in
Edinburgh, Scotland. She had no job at that time,
and wrote in
cafes ___8___they were warmer
than her small flat. Five years passed and
she___9___the first book, Harry
Potter and the
Philosopher‘s Stone. The book sold ___10___ copies
all over the world, and Joanne Kathleen
Rowling became very famous. She is now very
rich, but she still writes her books in cafes!
1.A. hated B. wanted C. loved
2.A. then B. when C. where
3.A. worked as B. worked at C. played
4.A. last B. late
B. wrote C. saw
6.A. got married to B. was married with C.
married with
7.A. calling B. call
C. called
8.A. but B. because
C. from
9.A. has finished B. had
finished C. finished
10.A. scores
of B. millions of C. dozens of
II Chinese
1) 下面的四组词中带点的字读音完全的一组是( )
A.山岚 难处 喃喃 阻拦 波澜壮阔
B.袈裟 夹岸
嘉奖 结痂 汗流浃背
C.剥皮 波动 传播 颠簸 拨乱反正
D.灰尘 晨光 继承 路程 墨守成规
2),下列词语书写全部正确的一项是( )
A、神采奕奕 锲而不舍
郑重其事 锐不可当
B、名副其实 眼花缭乱 故计重演
C、心旷神怡 仰首挺胸 花好月圆
D、悲欢离合 德高望众 鞠躬尽粹 孜孜不倦
3)下面这段话是对电气化高速铁路的介绍,意思概括最准确的一项是( )
B、生态平衡好 C、环境污染小 D、噪音污染低
4)下面这首古诗是一首送别诗,诗句被打乱了顺序,请你选择选择排列正确的一项( )
○ 1杨柳青青着地垂○ 2 借问行人归不归○ 3 杨花漫漫搅天飞○ 4
A ○ 1 ○ 4 ○ 3 ○ 2 B○ 1
○ 3 ○ 4 ○ 2
C ○ 3 ○ 1 ○ 4 ○ 2
D○ 3 ○ 1 ○ 2○ 4
。”请你帮他选 一句最恰当的话,表达对母亲觉悟的赞美。(注
A、那是蜜蜂对鲜花的深情 B、那是鸟儿对自然的赞歌
C、那是秋风对落叶的眷顾 D、那是明月对清泉的细语
1)“小满”是二十四节气之一,是夏季的第二个节气。( )
2)鄱阳湖是我国面积最大的湖泊。( )
3)蜂鸟是技艺高超的飞行家。飞行中,蜂鸟的尾不停地前后左右摆动来控制平衡。( )
4)我国古代通常采用十二地支(子、丑、寅、卯、辰、巳、午、未、申、酉、戌、亥 )
时是二十三点至一点。( )
5)地球上四季的变化是由地球的自转引起的。( )