
2020年12月22日 14:51




Match the pictures with the right Olympic events.
Weightlifting C. Diving D. Badminton B. A. Water Polo
F. Boxing G. Table Tennis
E. Fencing

1. _____ 2._____ 3. _______ 4.______ 5._________

say would the people who would the statements with the places you hear
or 二. Match

___ I .I am sorry. We only have size 10 left. a. fast food restaurant
b. taxi( passenger) ___ 2. Where to?
___ 3.A single to Brighton, please. c. shop
___ , please. d. hospital
___ in or take away? e. bus
___ 's special is chicken pie. f. taxi
___ brown bread rolls, please. g. airport
___ Richard to reception. h. restaurant
___ QA134 to Rome is now station
boarding at gate 12.
j. baker's
___ the change

) different problems.
归类 Please classify (三.
1. 1 always worry about tests.! hate them.
2.! don't have any friends. I worry about that.
3. I worry about Mum and Dad splitting up.
4.1t's often dusty in spring. 1 hate dust storms.
5.1 worry wherever I am traveling by air. 1 am afraid the plane will crash.
6. I worry about the traffic. The bus is usually full of people.
7. I'm tired of the evening class.
8. I worry when 1 go into a lift. I hate being shut in. ?9. My dad lost his job in June.

1 worry about money.
10. There are plastic bags everywhere. I hate he white pollution.
_________________ Personal problems
Family problems _________________School problems ___________________
Social and world problems _______________

四. Match the idioms with their meanings.

__1 .still waters run deep -


__ face the music
__ blow one's own trumpet
__ keep your head above water
___ look before you leap
___ make one's hair stand on end
__ let the cat out of the bag -
__ burn the midnight oil
MeaningsA. to think it over before you take any action
B. a quiet person is often the cleverest
C. to talk about oneself
D. to let the secret out
E. to deal with what will happen .
F. to stay up late to learn
G. to make sb. very afraid
H. to play the music with one's own trumpet
I. to talk about music
J. to avoid difficulties ( usually with money)

Please choose the best answer.
1. Uncle Sam and John Bull stand for____.
A. the U; the US B. the U; Australia

C. the USA the U D. theUSA;Australia

Which of fhe following countries is not an English speaking country?
lia B. New ealand
3. One pound equals about____grams.. ..--
A.558 B. 1000 C. 454 D. 254
) , which is the best advice you can take' you have an insect bite(叮咬A. Take
some vitamin C. B. Take some aspirin.
lots of hot water. D. Put some anti-itch cream on it.
5. _____ on the door means good luck in the U.
A. A crane B.A key C. A horseshoe D.A heart
— Would you mind my opening the door?6.
, go ahead.A. No, please don't B. Yes, please do. C. No, please do.
Thank you for sending me the letter.7. — A. With pleasure. B. All right C.

My pleasure. D. It doesn't matter. 8. Where is the Word Cup held? A. South orea
ina y 9. Mother's Day falls on ______.
room is different from the others?
A. washroom B. rest room C. drawing room D. bathroom

Sunday in
June Sunday in May C. 3 Sunday in June D.2A. 3 Sunday in May B. 210. Which
a order to make correct in following put 六. Please the sentences the

__ And can I ask why you left?
__ .with a local TV station.
__ I see. And have you got any experience of working for a big company?
__ About two years.


_J_l'd like to start by asking about your last job. That was with.
__ How long did you work for International Markets?
__ I wanted a more interesting job.
__ Yes, I worked for Internationa! Markets when I left college.

七. Look, think and do.
1. iao Wang's telephone number is 6799OD A5. We've known
that O+O=D,
O+D+D+6=26, A+A=O,so iao Wang's telephone number is _____________-
2. Make a cuboid with a 1200-cm iron wire making the rectangle's length, width and height

高的比是, 宽, 1200厘米的铁丝, 焊成一个长方体的框架, 这个长方体框架长as 2 1 3,(用
一根长. 此长方体的体积是_________ 立方米2 1 3.),

3. The data is shown on the left. According to the picture, the surface

cmarea of the shadow part (图中阴影部分的面积) is _______

4. Please look at the lollowing permutation, the first vertical line is the iirst
group .then the

组从上2006下面排列中,第一竖列为第组, 那么第 group from the top to the bottom should
be (??) 到下依次是

cut it into red three the at picture .color a cuboid (.we 长方体pieces ) 5. Look
in the direction of level .and next cut each piece into four smaller pieces from
the left to the right, and then cut each smaller pieces into five parts. (如图, 把一
个长方体木块的表面都涂上红色, 沿水平方向将它锯成3片, 每片从左到右锯成4个长条,每个
长条又锯成5小块.) 那么所有小木块中,两面涂红色的共有___________块, 没有涂红色的共有

6. (连连看) Water is poured (倾倒) into these containers (容器 ) at a constant rate (以
一定的速度). Match each container with the correct graph ( 图表 )

B.--______C.-- ______D.-~_______
7. 17 of the
students are girls
after Mr. Li asked one girl to go to the English group from the Math Group. If^he asked
two boys instead

of the k'ft students are girls. (李老师从数学兴趣小组调出1名女生到英语兴of one girl,
then 1趣小组后,剩下的同学中有17是女生. 如果不调出这名女生, 而是调出2名男生,那么
剩下的同学中15是女生.) 原兴趣小组有 ______名同学。
8.iaoming draws 4 dots on the paper. If he matches each dot together (小明在纸上画
了4个点, 如果

. 个三角形个点用线段彼此连接组成一个图形), 那么这个图形中有_________________把这4
square The a same line. FEG=90ABCD and AEFG (EF=EG,∠°) on 9. Look at the picture,
put the Square
When to the right. moves at 2cm a second

2 (
, is 8cm如图所示overlapped part of them
放在同ABCD与一个等腰三角形EFG把正方形向厘米的速度, 一直线上,正方形以每秒2当两个图
正方形出发的时间是平方厘米时), 积为8.
___________秒 iaogang and his elder brother iaoming walked away home to their school
which is 2000m far away. 10.Their speed was 80m per minute. Ten minutes later, they

found their Chinese books left home, so they
iaoming same of time phoning). At the the telephoned their father to send the books to
them (Neglect time
. home from their 220 meters a minute at meters 180 a minute, his father moved at
immediately ran back
小刚与哥哥小明同时从家出After iaoming got the book, he ran back to iaogang in the same
route. (忽略打打电话通知爸爸送(米远的学校上学, 10分钟后发现忘带语文书, 发,以每分钟
80米的 速度到距家2000小明拿书米的速度从家出发送书,,同时爸爸以每分钟220电话的时间),
小明立 即以每分钟180米的速度往回跑米处追上了____________分钟后遇到小明___________ ,
小明在距学校后立即按原路追小刚), 那么爸爸出发.
a red box, a white box, a blue box, a green box and a brown box. —11.Here are five
boxessmaller but brown one is bigger than the box is The red box bigger than the white
one. The blue
than the green one. The brown box is bigger than the white box. The green box is smaller
the red-one.
From the biggest to the smallest, the boxes should be

3. ____ -4. ____ 5.-____ 1.____ - 2. ____

Complete the passage with the proper words.
They say that cats have nine _1_and they love doing dangerous things, and everyone
that kittens_2 playing and jumping around. But,-did you know that 3__1950. a Swiss

_ This httie four-month-old kitten especially loved became famous _4_climbing the
highest _to climb, and _6___day. she followed a group of climbers up the Alps to the
7 of a mountain that
was 4,478 meters 8 .

Read the information about mobile phones and find the right phone to the

2. okia 8250
1 .New-okia 3230

When is a phone nor a phone? phone. A small, light ami stylish
When it's also a personal send and messa- Surf the Internet

an alarm ciock, a calculator and rnorei ges to your friends on this cool

The okia 8250 is ideal f'cr the busy new phone
professional. Free case when you buy now.
3. Semsang5680

- with stylish design and excellent features. The Sernsang 5680 —Our bestseller
blue. green pink, Now your has 20 ring tones —choose favorite! in orange, or


hours talk time when you buy this week!
Which phone... a. is small?
a.___1__talk b. has free b.__ _____time ?
c. has an alarm clock? e._____
d._______d. can help you use the Internet?
e. has 20 different ring tones? e._ __ _ f._
_ _____f. has a free case?

g_ _ _ _g. is available in differertt colors h. _______ h. is very good for professional

十. Choose the correct headings for the article below.
Working abroad is a good way to visit other places and meet new people. It's also
an excellent way to learn a foreign language.
2. ( )
If you want to stay in a country that's part of the European Union, it's very easy
these .days. As long as you are European, you are alowed to stay in any other country
in the EU.
( )
.3 Manuel and Maria are both from Spain. Last year, I head a friend say that he wanted
travel all over the world, Maria and ! decided to do something similar. said Manuel.
parents let me take a year off to travel round Europe. .

( )
but hotels., in find .jobs nice and in .supermarkets shops. We'd. rather ve So far,
it isn't that easy, says Maria. 'Sometimes they make you do the hardest, dirtiest work,
visit way to wonderful. it's It's the cheapest are care but we don't because when we
not working

A poem .

Spare Change

I'm waiting at the station.
t want a train but I don'I have to beg for money
Because I 'm hungry again

Hey, mate - got any change to spare?
I hold out my hand to a stranger
But he doesn 't seem to care

Here come some people well dressed
I must try to look really sad.


So 1 do my best
But it doesn't work
They are not imufessed

”“Ah., now there ‘s a woman with a smileI call out ''Got any change, love?
Oh - perhaps there's some hope
s stopping for a while ‘She


Gosh! £So kind I don 't know what to say
Except Thankyou very much
And I think it's my lucky day
a. By y

Read the poem and answer the questions.

Why does this person beg for money?
____________________________________________ __________.
£ 5? 2. How does he feel when he gets
_______________________________________ ______________________3. Would yo'u give
money to him? Why? Why not?
__________ __________________________________________________ _____ b. Can you find
some words that rhyme in the poem? spare______ care________ . '

1.___________ ___________
__________ . 2. __________
3.__________ _________

Reading and writing.
Surfing the Internet
following the them carefully and answer Please Here are some ideas about surfing the
internet. read

my with

To me, surfing the Internet is the happiest time., Every day, 1 spend
can chat the can do many things on internet. I time my free online. I friends, download
the most popular music, and get the latest
information. As for homework, I don't need to do it. I think can learn
everything on the Internet.
Do you agree with me?

I don't know why many students are so crazy about the Internet. They spend most of

their time going online instead of studying. You know, on the Internet, there is a lot
of bad information. It's not good for us. When we car. talk with our friends face to
face, so why do we need to talk with them online. It's meaningless.


What do you think of my idea?

a. Ann and iki have got different ideas about suffering the Internet. What are the
differences? Say them out with one or two sentences.

_________________ __________________________________________________ ________________
______________________________ __________________________________________________
b. Ann and iki. which one do you agree with? Why? Tell us the reason. (40-50 words)

_________________________________________________ __________________________________
____________ __________________________________________________ _____________________

十三。 Learn and try.

你是不是经常有许多美好的愿望而无法实现呢? 虽然目前无法实现, 但与他人分享也会获得很
大的乐趣哟! 模仿例句说出你现在的愿望吧!
例 If I had one million pounds, I would travel around the world.
(如果我有一百万英镑, 我就会去周游世界.)
If I were you, I would say sorry to him.

1. If I had no homework, ___________________________.
2. _____________________________, I would go to say the Big Ben.
3. If I were a bird, __________________________.








