
2020年12月22日 15:24



六年级下册语文试题- 全国通用 (含答案)

1.在括号里填上合适的量词。 一________贺卡 一________信 一________电子邮件
一________小村庄 一________网站 一________电脑
2.选择正确的解释。 我们要讲究卫生,减少疾病。疾:_____
A. 疾病。 B. 痛恨。 C. 急速;猛烈。
外国人曾经( )地说中国没人能修京张铁路。在詹天佑的主持下,京张铁路提前两年修
筑成功,这件事给( )中国的外国人一个有力的回击,使他们再也不敢( )中国人。
A. 轻视 轻蔑 藐视 B. 轻视 藐视 轻蔑 C. 轻蔑 藐视 轻视
4.下面说法正确的一项是( )
A. “舍本逐末”这个或语告诉我们:舍去了根本的东西就会落后。
B. 小说必须有鲜明的人物形象和精彩的故事情节。
C. “梗概”要求写得很简略,因此并不要求完整。
D. 《儒林外史》是四大名著之一。
5.解释句中划线的词。 ①只要身上有白点,白刷不要钱。
西阳夕下,晚霞印红了天边,我 们自然小组的同学,高高兴兴地反回学校,同学们的书
包里装满了各色各样的矿石模型,通过这次活动, 我们因为增长了知识,所以锻炼了意志。

A.解释说明 B.声音的延长 C.说话的中断或停顿 D.标志转折
(1)远远地望见了一条迂回的明如玻璃的带子——河! ( )
(2)我们跟着老师念:我——是——中国人。 ( )
(3)青藏铁路从格尔木起步,跨过昆仑山,到达雪域圣城二拉萨。( )
(4)40秒钟——大家已经觉得时间太长了。 ( )
10.火眼金睛:选择下列说法正确的一项( )
A. “离离原上草,一岁一枯荣。”意思是古原上的野草多么茂盛,每年枯萎又每年新生。


次日,悟空驾起筋斗云,又来到翠云山。他变做一个小虫儿, 从门缝里钻进去,躲在茶
沫下面。铁扇公主喝下茶水,孙悟空已到她的肚子里。孙悟空在里面脚蹬头撞, 铁扇公主疼
悟空满心欢喜,拿了扇子,来 到火焰山。他尽力一扇,谁知火焰竟然烘烘腾起;再一扇,
火更大了;又一扇,那火足有千丈之高。悟空 方知扇子不是真的,自己被铁扇公主骗了。
孙悟空大怒,叫来猪八戒,又请来众神,把一座翠云山 围得水泄不通,孙悟空与牛魔王
展开了一场恶战,直杀得岭动山摇,天昏地暗。牛魔王抵挡不住,大败而 逃。铁扇公主连忙
孙悟空拿着扇子,走到火焰山,用尽气力扇去。 只一扇,那火焰便灭了;又一扇,清风
微动;再一扇,细雨霏霏。孙悟空连扇了七七四十九扇,大雨哗哗 而下。
(1)填空。这篇故事选自长篇小说________,作者是________ 。
依稀记得在我 两三岁的时候,我天天跟着妈妈到学校里玩耍,那时妈妈在学校里给幼
儿班代课。课间一群比我大点的孩 子们总是围着我说啊、笑啊、眯眯眼做做鬼脸什么的,也

有不停地给我手中或嘴里塞干粮 的。他们一听到铃声嘴里 “哦———”着飞也似的进了教室。
于是我便一人悠闲自在地在校园里溜达: 一步一步地踱到东边看看美丽的花儿;爬到西边的
球台上翻着晒晒太阳;听到南边教室里悠扬的歌声,于 是又跑到窗户下踮着脚使劲儿地仰起
头向里看;仰倦了头嘴里嘟嘟地哼着,若无其事的来到北面那两块瓷 砖镶嵌的大地图下,看
如 今,我已是那时年龄的四倍了,仍在这熟悉温暖的校园里,那时一切不懂的,今天
都明白了。那时的快乐 依在,那时的天真依在。不过现在我所看到的、听到的、感悟的比那
儿横着或倒挂在柔柔的 柳条上凑响清脆的晨曲。在通向教师办公大楼的水泥道上,陆陆续续
晃过一群高大的身影———我们的老 师,他们又上班去了。
当校园正中升起鲜艳的五星红旗时,悦耳的歌声和朗朗的读书 声早已把校园装点得生
机勃勃。我再不需要像过去那样踮脚仰头地去向往了。我尽心地在这宽敞明亮的教 室里学习,
课间,我们三三 俩俩去拉着或牵着幼儿班的那些小娃娃,说啊、笑啊、眯眯眼做做鬼
脸什么的,也有不停地给他们手中或 嘴里塞泡泡糖的。有一天,我把三四个小娃娃牵到北面
那两块瓷砖镶嵌的大地图下,学着老师的样子摇头 晃脑、指着地图比比划划地讲:“这是中
国,这是长江、那是黄河……,我们的学校在这里,要记住,别 忘记。看我的手好大,把一
个省都罩住了。” 小娃娃们叽叽喳喳地笑个不停,我也笑得前俯后仰。
音 刚落,只见李老师一瘸一拐地走进教室。同学们注视着他的脚。原来他脚上缠着一圈大大
的药纱布。我们 明白他的脚受伤了。他开始给我们讲课,和往常一样站着,不时还转去转来。
一会儿,我从他变化了的语 调中感到:他的脚疼痛难忍了。我忍不住环视一下四周,发现所
有同学的眼里都水晶晶的,此刻我心头一 热,眼泪夺眶而出。这天我在日记中写道:“在我
们快乐的时候,我们的老师也许正痛苦着;在我们获取 的时候,我们的老师正在奉献着;在我
时候,我会依然记起 今天的快乐与感触。

(6)文章先写回忆,再具体写________ 的校园、________ 的校园、________ 的事例及感

13.写你 身边亲人、朋友、同学做过的一件令你难忘的事,题目自拟。要求:①语句通顺,
内容具体。②写出真情 实感。③350字左右。


一、 基础部分
1.张;封;个;座;个;台 2. A 3. C 4. B
6. 夕阳西下,晚霞映红了天边,我们自然小组的同学,高高兴兴地返回学校,同学们的书
包 里装满了各色各样的矿石标本,通过这次活动,我们不但增长了知识,而且锻炼了意志。
同学们都兴奋地 说:“这次活动真是太有意义了。”
9. (1)A(2)B(3)A(4)D 10. A
11. (1)西游记;吴承恩
(3)①像是连水也流不出去。形容拥挤或包围的非常严密。②昏 :天黑。天地昏黑无光。
12.(1)校园和谐温暖,在这里 是快乐的,学生之间,师生之间是多么的情切,同时作者感
(3)快乐---痛苦 获取---奉献 成长----消亡
六年级下册语文试题- 全国通用 (含答案)

1.在括号里填上合适的量词。 一________贺卡 一________信 一________电子邮件
一________小村庄 一________网站 一________电脑
2.选择正确的解释。 我们要讲究卫生,减少疾病。疾:_____
A. 疾病。 B. 痛恨。 C. 急速;猛烈。

外国人曾经( )地说中国没人能修京张铁路。在詹天佑的主持下,京张铁路提前两年修
筑成功,这件事给( )中国的外国人一个有力的回击,使他们再也不敢( )中国人。
A. 轻视 轻蔑 藐视 B. 轻视 藐视 轻蔑 C. 轻蔑 藐视 轻视
4.下面说法正确的一项是( )
A. “舍本逐末”这个或语告诉我们:舍去了根本的东西就会落后。
B. 小说必须有鲜明的人物形象和精彩的故事情节。
C. “梗概”要求写得很简略,因此并不要求完整。
D. 《儒林外史》是四大名著之一。
5.解释句中划线的词。 ①只要身上有白点,白刷不要钱。
西阳夕下,晚霞印红了天边,我 们自然小组的同学,高高兴兴地反回学校,同学们的书
包里装满了各色各样的矿石模型,通过这次活动, 我们因为增长了知识,所以锻炼了意志。
A.解释说明 B.声音的延长 C.说话的中断或停顿 D.标志转折
(1)远远地望见了一条迂回的明如玻璃的带子——河! ( )
(2)我们跟着老师念:我——是——中国人。 ( )
(3)青藏铁路从格尔木起步,跨过昆仑山,到达雪域圣城二拉萨。( )
(4)40秒钟——大家已经觉得时间太长了。 ( )
10.火眼金睛:选择下列说法正确的一项( )

A. “离离原上草,一岁一枯荣。”意思是古原上的野草多么茂盛,每年枯萎又每年新生。


次日,悟空驾起筋斗云,又来到翠云山。他变做一个小虫儿, 从门缝里钻进去,躲在茶
沫下面。铁扇公主喝下茶水,孙悟空已到她的肚子里。孙悟空在里面脚蹬头撞, 铁扇公主疼
悟空满心欢喜,拿了扇子,来 到火焰山。他尽力一扇,谁知火焰竟然烘烘腾起;再一扇,
火更大了;又一扇,那火足有千丈之高。悟空 方知扇子不是真的,自己被铁扇公主骗了。
孙悟空大怒,叫来猪八戒,又请来众神,把一座翠云山 围得水泄不通,孙悟空与牛魔王
展开了一场恶战,直杀得岭动山摇,天昏地暗。牛魔王抵挡不住,大败而 逃。铁扇公主连忙
孙悟空拿着扇子,走到火焰山,用尽气力扇去。 只一扇,那火焰便灭了;又一扇,清风
微动;再一扇,细雨霏霏。孙悟空连扇了七七四十九扇,大雨哗哗 而下。
(1)填空。这篇故事选自长篇小说________,作者是________ 。
依稀记得在我 两三岁的时候,我天天跟着妈妈到学校里玩耍,那时妈妈在学校里给幼
儿班代课。课间一群比我大点的孩 子们总是围着我说啊、笑啊、眯眯眼做做鬼脸什么的,也
有不停地给我手中或嘴里塞干粮的。他们一听到 铃声嘴里 “哦———”着飞也似的进了教室。
于是我便一人悠闲自在地在校园里溜达:一步一步地踱到 东边看看美丽的花儿;爬到西边的
球台上翻着晒晒太阳;听到南边教室里悠扬的歌声,于是又跑到窗户下 踮着脚使劲儿地仰起
头向里看;仰倦了头嘴里嘟嘟地哼着,若无其事的来到北面那两块瓷砖镶嵌的大地图 下,看
如今,我已是那时 年龄的四倍了,仍在这熟悉温暖的校园里,那时一切不懂的,今天
都明白了。那时的快乐依在,那时的天 真依在。不过现在我所看到的、听到的、感悟的比那

儿横着或倒挂在柔柔的 柳条上凑响清脆的晨曲。在通向教师办公大楼的水泥道上,陆陆续续
晃过一群高大的身影———我们的老 师,他们又上班去了。
当校园正中升起鲜艳的五星红旗时,悦耳的歌声和朗朗的读书 声早已把校园装点得生
机勃勃。我再不需要像过去那样踮脚仰头地去向往了。我尽心地在这宽敞明亮的教 室里学习,
课间,我们三三 俩俩去拉着或牵着幼儿班的那些小娃娃,说啊、笑啊、眯眯眼做做鬼
脸什么的,也有不停地给他们手中或 嘴里塞泡泡糖的。有一天,我把三四个小娃娃牵到北面
那两块瓷砖镶嵌的大地图下,学着老师的样子摇头 晃脑、指着地图比比划划地讲:“这是中
国,这是长江、那是黄河……,我们的学校在这里,要记住,别 忘记。看我的手好大,把一
个省都罩住了。” 小娃娃们叽叽喳喳地笑个不停,我也笑得前俯后仰。
音 刚落,只见李老师一瘸一拐地走进教室。同学们注视着他的脚。原来他脚上缠着一圈大大
的药纱布。我们 明白他的脚受伤了。他开始给我们讲课,和往常一样站着,不时还转去转来。
一会儿,我从他变化了的语 调中感到:他的脚疼痛难忍了。我忍不住环视一下四周,发现所
有同学的眼里都水晶晶的,此刻我心头一 热,眼泪夺眶而出。这天我在日记中写道:“在我
们快乐的时候,我们的老师也许正痛苦着;在我们获取 的时候,我们的老师正在奉献着;在我
时候,我会依然记起 今天的快乐与感触。
(6)文章先写回忆,再具体写________ 的校园、________ 的校园、________ 的事例及感

内容具 体。②写出真情实感。③350字左右。


一、 基础部分
1.张;封;个;座;个;台 2. A 3. C 4. B
6. 夕阳西下,晚霞映红了天边,我们自然小组的同学,高高兴兴地返回学校,同学们的书
包 里装满了各色各样的矿石标本,通过这次活动,我们不但增长了知识,而且锻炼了意志。
同学们都兴奋地 说:“这次活动真是太有意义了。”
9. (1)A(2)B(3)A(4)D 10. A
11. (1)西游记;吴承恩
(3)①像是连水也流不出去。形容拥挤或包围的非常严密。②昏 :天黑。天地昏黑无光。
12.(1)校园和谐温暖,在这里 是快乐的,学生之间,师生之间是多么的情切,同时作者感
(3)快乐---痛苦 获取---奉献 成长----消亡

are reading and painting.
A. hobby B. hobbies
would _____help clean the room.
A. like B. like to C. like doing D.
are important all animals.

A. on B. from C. of D. to
4.—________ would you like to do in the future?
—I'd like to make sick people better.
A. Who B. Where C. When D. What
I have some ________ food?
A. freezing B. frozen C. freeze D. freezes
_____ the Great Wall and ate a lot of Beijing duck!
A. visiting B. visited C. visit
is .
A. brown B. yellow C. orange
8.________ Lisa and Jenny like _________?
A. Do, ice-skate B. Are, ice-skating C. Do, ice-skating
9.—This is Ms. Smart.
—_______ a nice teacher.
A. He's B. She's C. It's
10.—What do they speak in the U. K. ?
A. They speak English. B. They speak French. C. They speak Chinese.
11.— ________ do you go to school?
—By taxi.
A. What B. Where C. How
's wrong with ?
A. him B. he C. his
13.—Is this your pen holder, Alice?
—No, it's Jill's. is yellow, this one is red.
A. Hers B. Mine C. My
A. How are you? B. Let's go to school.

15.—Does Linda like the black bag ________ the green bag?
—She likes ________ black one.
A. or, the B. and, the C. or, /

English teacher is Mrs. Zhao. We all like ________ (she her).
— Who's that ________(manwoman)?
— He's a new teacher, Mr Jones.
________(is are)a birthday cake for you!
19.I can't speak English well. It's too ________ (easydifficult).
rain is ________ (heavyheavily). The people in the street walk ________ (quickquickly).
can________(skipswing)the rope.
22.[DoDoes] ________ Tina go swimming on Sunday?
23.________ (Tea/Fruit) is a kind of drinks.
are my new________(socksocks)?
is a big table ________my classroom. (inon)

have a bad cold. You should________(have) a good rest.
________you________(go) yesterday?
boy likes ________ (write) stories.
is good at ________(play)football.
ng wants to go to some________ (place) in China.
________(walk) to the park every Sunday.
! We ________( take) it.
book is very ________ (use) to me.
child is ________ (knock) at the door.
35.________(turn) left at the bookstore.

What's name (?)(连词成句)
, a, you, cat(.) (连词成句)
, you, travel, to, love(?)
, here, you (.)(连词成句)
, a , here's , cake , your , teacher ( . )(连词成句)

This is my bedroom . It's very big and it's very clean . There is a desk near the bed . There are
some books on the desk . Some are Chinese books . Some are English books . There is a phone on
the desk . There is a map of China on the wall . I like the bedroom very much .
(1)My bedroom is very small .
(2)There is a desk in the bedroom .
(3)There are some books on the bed .
(4)There isn't a phone in the bedroom .
(5)There is map of China on the wall .

The children are at the swimming pool.They're having a swimming lesson.They're talking to
their teacher Miss Lee.
Miss Lee:Who likes swimming?
Children:I do.
Miss Lee:Let's do some warm—up exercises.
Miss Lee:How often do you go swimming,Charlie?

Charlie:Once a week.Last Sunday I swam in the sea with my family.It was fun.

Miss Lee:How about you,Mary? How often do you go swimming?
Mary:Three times a week.I'm in the school swimming club.I train every week.It's interesting.

Miss Lee:You don't look happy,Lily.Don't you like swimming?
Lily:No,I don't like swimming much but I swam at home yesterday.

Tom:Lucky you! You have a swimming pool at home!

Lily:No,I don't have a swimming pool at home.Yesterday there was a storm(暴风雨).The water
came into my house.I had to swim to safety!
(1)The children are having a swimming lesson at the swimming pool.
(2)Charlie goes swimming three times a week.
(3)Mary is in the school swimming club.She trains every week.
(4)Lily has a big swimming pool at home.
(5)The water came into Lily's house yesterday.She had to swim to safety.




1. B 2. B 3. D 4. D 5. C 6. B 7. B 8. C
9. B 10. A 11. C 12. A 13. B 14. B 15. A
16. her 17. man 18. is 19. difficult 20. heavy;quickly
21. skip 22. Does 23. Tea 24. socks 25. in
26. have 27. did;go 28. writing 29. playing 30. places
31. walks 32. will take 33. useful 34. knocking 35. Turn
36. What's her name?
37. You are a cat.
38. Do you love to travel?
39. Here you are.
40. Here's a cake for your teacher.
41. (1)错误(2)正确(3)错误(4)错误(5)正确
42. (1)正确(2)错误(3)正确(4)错误(5)正确
43. My breakfast
Breakfast is very important for us. I always have my breakfast. I would like some milk for
breakfast. I like milk. I would like some break for breakfast. My favourite food is bread. I have
some eggs,too. I like eggs. What would you like for your breakfast?


are reading and painting.

A. hobby B. hobbies
would _____help clean the room.
A. like B. like to C. like doing D.
are important all animals.
A. on B. from C. of D. to
4.—________ would you like to do in the future?
—I'd like to make sick people better.
A. Who B. Where C. When D. What
I have some ________ food?
A. freezing B. frozen C. freeze D. freezes
_____ the Great Wall and ate a lot of Beijing duck!
A. visiting B. visited C. visit
is .
A. brown B. yellow C. orange
8.________ Lisa and Jenny like _________?
A. Do, ice-skate B. Are, ice-skating C. Do, ice-skating
9.—This is Ms. Smart.
—_______ a nice teacher.
A. He's B. She's C. It's
10.—What do they speak in the U. K. ?
A. They speak English. B. They speak French. C. They speak Chinese.
11.— ________ do you go to school?
—By taxi.
A. What B. Where C. How
's wrong with ?
A. him B. he C. his
13.—Is this your pen holder, Alice?

—No, it's Jill's. is yellow, this one is red.
A. Hers B. Mine C. My
A. How are you? B. Let's go to school.
15.—Does Linda like the black bag ________ the green bag?
—She likes ________ black one.
A. or, the B. and, the C. or, /

English teacher is Mrs. Zhao. We all like ________ (she her).
— Who's that ________(manwoman)?
— He's a new teacher, Mr Jones.
________(is are)a birthday cake for you!
19.I can't speak English well. It's too ________ (easydifficult).
rain is ________ (heavyheavily). The people in the street walk ________ (quickquickly).
can________(skipswing)the rope.
22.[DoDoes] ________ Tina go swimming on Sunday?
23.________ (Tea/Fruit) is a kind of drinks.
are my new________(socksocks)?
is a big table ________my classroom. (inon)

have a bad cold. You should________(have) a good rest.
________you________(go) yesterday?
boy likes ________ (write) stories.
is good at ________(play)football.
ng wants to go to some________ (place) in China.
________(walk) to the park every Sunday.
! We ________( take) it.

book is very ________ (use) to me.
child is ________ (knock) at the door.
35.________(turn) left at the bookstore.

What's name (?)(连词成句)
, a, you, cat(.) (连词成句)
, you, travel, to, love(?)
, here, you (.)(连词成句)
, a , here's , cake , your , teacher ( . )(连词成句)

This is my bedroom . It's very big and it's very clean . There is a desk near the bed . There are
some books on the desk . Some are Chinese books . Some are English books . There is a phone on
the desk . There is a map of China on the wall . I like the bedroom very much .
(1)My bedroom is very small .
(2)There is a desk in the bedroom .
(3)There are some books on the bed .
(4)There isn't a phone in the bedroom .
(5)There is map of China on the wall .

The children are at the swimming pool.They're having a swimming lesson.They're talking to
their teacher Miss Lee.
Miss Lee:Who likes swimming?
Children:I do.
Miss Lee:Let's do some warm—up exercises.

Miss Lee:How often do you go swimming,Charlie?

Charlie:Once a week.Last Sunday I swam in the sea with my family.It was fun.

Miss Lee:How about you,Mary? How often do you go swimming?
Mary:Three times a week.I'm in the school swimming club.I train every week.It's interesting.

Miss Lee:You don't look happy,Lily.Don't you like swimming?
Lily:No,I don't like swimming much but I swam at home yesterday.

Tom:Lucky you! You have a swimming pool at home!

Lily:No,I don't have a swimming pool at home.Yesterday there was a storm(暴风雨).The water
came into my house.I had to swim to safety!
(1)The children are having a swimming lesson at the swimming pool.
(2)Charlie goes swimming three times a week.
(3)Mary is in the school swimming club.She trains every week.
(4)Lily has a big swimming pool at home.
(5)The water came into Lily's house yesterday.She had to swim to safety.




1. B 2. B 3. D 4. D 5. C 6. B 7. B 8. C
9. B 10. A 11. C 12. A 13. B 14. B 15. A
16. her 17. man 18. is 19. difficult 20. heavy;quickly
21. skip 22. Does 23. Tea 24. socks 25. in
26. have 27. did;go 28. writing 29. playing 30. places
31. walks 32. will take 33. useful 34. knocking 35. Turn
36. What's her name?
37. You are a cat.
38. Do you love to travel?
39. Here you are.
40. Here's a cake for your teacher.
41. (1)错误(2)正确(3)错误(4)错误(5)正确
42. (1)正确(2)错误(3)正确(4)错误(5)正确
43. My breakfast
Breakfast is very important for us. I always have my breakfast. I would like some milk for
breakfast. I like milk. I would like some break for breakfast. My favourite food is bread. I have
some eggs,too. I like eggs. What would you like for your breakfast?


are reading and painting.

A. hobby B. hobbies
would _____help clean the room.
A. like B. like to C. like doing D.
are important all animals.
A. on B. from C. of D. to
4.—________ would you like to do in the future?
—I'd like to make sick people better.
A. Who B. Where C. When D. What
I have some ________ food?
A. freezing B. frozen C. freeze D. freezes
_____ the Great Wall and ate a lot of Beijing duck!
A. visiting B. visited C. visit
is .
A. brown B. yellow C. orange
8.________ Lisa and Jenny like _________?
A. Do, ice-skate B. Are, ice-skating C. Do, ice-skating
9.—This is Ms. Smart.
—_______ a nice teacher.
A. He's B. She's C. It's
10.—What do they speak in the U. K. ?
A. They speak English. B. They speak French. C. They speak Chinese.
11.— ________ do you go to school?
—By taxi.
A. What B. Where C. How
's wrong with ?
A. him B. he C. his
13.—Is this your pen holder, Alice?

—No, it's Jill's. is yellow, this one is red.
A. Hers B. Mine C. My
A. How are you? B. Let's go to school.
15.—Does Linda like the black bag ________ the green bag?
—She likes ________ black one.
A. or, the B. and, the C. or, /

English teacher is Mrs. Zhao. We all like ________ (she her).
— Who's that ________(manwoman)?
— He's a new teacher, Mr Jones.
________(is are)a birthday cake for you!
19.I can't speak English well. It's too ________ (easydifficult).
rain is ________ (heavyheavily). The people in the street walk ________ (quickquickly).
can________(skipswing)the rope.
22.[DoDoes] ________ Tina go swimming on Sunday?
23.________ (Tea/Fruit) is a kind of drinks.
are my new________(socksocks)?
is a big table ________my classroom. (inon)

have a bad cold. You should________(have) a good rest.
________you________(go) yesterday?
boy likes ________ (write) stories.
is good at ________(play)football.
ng wants to go to some________ (place) in China.
________(walk) to the park every Sunday.
! We ________( take) it.

book is very ________ (use) to me.
child is ________ (knock) at the door.
35.________(turn) left at the bookstore.

What's name (?)(连词成句)
, a, you, cat(.) (连词成句)
, you, travel, to, love(?)
, here, you (.)(连词成句)
, a , here's , cake , your , teacher ( . )(连词成句)

This is my bedroom . It's very big and it's very clean . There is a desk near the bed . There are
some books on the desk . Some are Chinese books . Some are English books . There is a phone on
the desk . There is a map of China on the wall . I like the bedroom very much .
(1)My bedroom is very small .
(2)There is a desk in the bedroom .
(3)There are some books on the bed .
(4)There isn't a phone in the bedroom .
(5)There is map of China on the wall .

The children are at the swimming pool.They're having a swimming lesson.They're talking to
their teacher Miss Lee.
Miss Lee:Who likes swimming?
Children:I do.
Miss Lee:Let's do some warm—up exercises.

Miss Lee:How often do you go swimming,Charlie?

Charlie:Once a week.Last Sunday I swam in the sea with my family.It was fun.

Miss Lee:How about you,Mary? How often do you go swimming?
Mary:Three times a week.I'm in the school swimming club.I train every week.It's interesting.

Miss Lee:You don't look happy,Lily.Don't you like swimming?
Lily:No,I don't like swimming much but I swam at home yesterday.

Tom:Lucky you! You have a swimming pool at home!

Lily:No,I don't have a swimming pool at home.Yesterday there was a storm(暴风雨).The water
came into my house.I had to swim to safety!
(1)The children are having a swimming lesson at the swimming pool.
(2)Charlie goes swimming three times a week.
(3)Mary is in the school swimming club.She trains every week.
(4)Lily has a big swimming pool at home.
(5)The water came into Lily's house yesterday.She had to swim to safety.




1. B 2. B 3. D 4. D 5. C 6. B 7. B 8. C
9. B 10. A 11. C 12. A 13. B 14. B 15. A
16. her 17. man 18. is 19. difficult 20. heavy;quickly
21. skip 22. Does 23. Tea 24. socks 25. in
26. have 27. did;go 28. writing 29. playing 30. places
31. walks 32. will take 33. useful 34. knocking 35. Turn
36. What's her name?
37. You are a cat.
38. Do you love to travel?
39. Here you are.
40. Here's a cake for your teacher.
41. (1)错误(2)正确(3)错误(4)错误(5)正确
42. (1)正确(2)错误(3)正确(4)错误(5)正确
43. My breakfast
Breakfast is very important for us. I always have my breakfast. I would like some milk for
breakfast. I like milk. I would like some break for breakfast. My favourite food is bread. I have
some eggs,too. I like eggs. What would you like for your breakfast?


are reading and painting.

A. hobby B. hobbies
would _____help clean the room.
A. like B. like to C. like doing D.
are important all animals.
A. on B. from C. of D. to
4.—________ would you like to do in the future?
—I'd like to make sick people better.
A. Who B. Where C. When D. What
I have some ________ food?
A. freezing B. frozen C. freeze D. freezes
_____ the Great Wall and ate a lot of Beijing duck!
A. visiting B. visited C. visit
is .
A. brown B. yellow C. orange
8.________ Lisa and Jenny like _________?
A. Do, ice-skate B. Are, ice-skating C. Do, ice-skating
9.—This is Ms. Smart.
—_______ a nice teacher.
A. He's B. She's C. It's
10.—What do they speak in the U. K. ?
A. They speak English. B. They speak French. C. They speak Chinese.
11.— ________ do you go to school?
—By taxi.
A. What B. Where C. How
's wrong with ?
A. him B. he C. his
13.—Is this your pen holder, Alice?

—No, it's Jill's. is yellow, this one is red.
A. Hers B. Mine C. My
A. How are you? B. Let's go to school.
15.—Does Linda like the black bag ________ the green bag?
—She likes ________ black one.
A. or, the B. and, the C. or, /

English teacher is Mrs. Zhao. We all like ________ (she her).
— Who's that ________(manwoman)?
— He's a new teacher, Mr Jones.
________(is are)a birthday cake for you!
19.I can't speak English well. It's too ________ (easydifficult).
rain is ________ (heavyheavily). The people in the street walk ________ (quickquickly).
can________(skipswing)the rope.
22.[DoDoes] ________ Tina go swimming on Sunday?
23.________ (Tea/Fruit) is a kind of drinks.
are my new________(socksocks)?
is a big table ________my classroom. (inon)

have a bad cold. You should________(have) a good rest.
________you________(go) yesterday?
boy likes ________ (write) stories.
is good at ________(play)football.
ng wants to go to some________ (place) in China.
________(walk) to the park every Sunday.
! We ________( take) it.

book is very ________ (use) to me.
child is ________ (knock) at the door.
35.________(turn) left at the bookstore.

What's name (?)(连词成句)
, a, you, cat(.) (连词成句)
, you, travel, to, love(?)
, here, you (.)(连词成句)
, a , here's , cake , your , teacher ( . )(连词成句)

This is my bedroom . It's very big and it's very clean . There is a desk near the bed . There are
some books on the desk . Some are Chinese books . Some are English books . There is a phone on
the desk . There is a map of China on the wall . I like the bedroom very much .
(1)My bedroom is very small .
(2)There is a desk in the bedroom .
(3)There are some books on the bed .
(4)There isn't a phone in the bedroom .
(5)There is map of China on the wall .

The children are at the swimming pool.They're having a swimming lesson.They're talking to
their teacher Miss Lee.
Miss Lee:Who likes swimming?
Children:I do.
Miss Lee:Let's do some warm—up exercises.

Miss Lee:How often do you go swimming,Charlie?

Charlie:Once a week.Last Sunday I swam in the sea with my family.It was fun.

Miss Lee:How about you,Mary? How often do you go swimming?
Mary:Three times a week.I'm in the school swimming club.I train every week.It's interesting.

Miss Lee:You don't look happy,Lily.Don't you like swimming?
Lily:No,I don't like swimming much but I swam at home yesterday.

Tom:Lucky you! You have a swimming pool at home!

Lily:No,I don't have a swimming pool at home.Yesterday there was a storm(暴风雨).The water
came into my house.I had to swim to safety!
(1)The children are having a swimming lesson at the swimming pool.
(2)Charlie goes swimming three times a week.
(3)Mary is in the school swimming club.She trains every week.
(4)Lily has a big swimming pool at home.
(5)The water came into Lily's house yesterday.She had to swim to safety.




1. B 2. B 3. D 4. D 5. C 6. B 7. B 8. C
9. B 10. A 11. C 12. A 13. B 14. B 15. A
16. her 17. man 18. is 19. difficult 20. heavy;quickly
21. skip 22. Does 23. Tea 24. socks 25. in
26. have 27. did;go 28. writing 29. playing 30. places
31. walks 32. will take 33. useful 34. knocking 35. Turn
36. What's her name?
37. You are a cat.
38. Do you love to travel?
39. Here you are.
40. Here's a cake for your teacher.
41. (1)错误(2)正确(3)错误(4)错误(5)正确
42. (1)正确(2)错误(3)正确(4)错误(5)正确
43. My breakfast
Breakfast is very important for us. I always have my breakfast. I would like some milk for
breakfast. I like milk. I would like some break for breakfast. My favourite food is bread. I have
some eggs,too. I like eggs. What would you like for your breakfast?


are reading and painting.

A. hobby B. hobbies
would _____help clean the room.
A. like B. like to C. like doing D.
are important all animals.
A. on B. from C. of D. to
4.—________ would you like to do in the future?
—I'd like to make sick people better.
A. Who B. Where C. When D. What
I have some ________ food?
A. freezing B. frozen C. freeze D. freezes
_____ the Great Wall and ate a lot of Beijing duck!
A. visiting B. visited C. visit
is .
A. brown B. yellow C. orange
8.________ Lisa and Jenny like _________?
A. Do, ice-skate B. Are, ice-skating C. Do, ice-skating
9.—This is Ms. Smart.
—_______ a nice teacher.
A. He's B. She's C. It's
10.—What do they speak in the U. K. ?
A. They speak English. B. They speak French. C. They speak Chinese.
11.— ________ do you go to school?
—By taxi.
A. What B. Where C. How
's wrong with ?
A. him B. he C. his
13.—Is this your pen holder, Alice?

—No, it's Jill's. is yellow, this one is red.
A. Hers B. Mine C. My
A. How are you? B. Let's go to school.
15.—Does Linda like the black bag ________ the green bag?
—She likes ________ black one.
A. or, the B. and, the C. or, /

English teacher is Mrs. Zhao. We all like ________ (she her).
— Who's that ________(manwoman)?
— He's a new teacher, Mr Jones.
________(is are)a birthday cake for you!
19.I can't speak English well. It's too ________ (easydifficult).
rain is ________ (heavyheavily). The people in the street walk ________ (quickquickly).
can________(skipswing)the rope.
22.[DoDoes] ________ Tina go swimming on Sunday?
23.________ (Tea/Fruit) is a kind of drinks.
are my new________(socksocks)?
is a big table ________my classroom. (inon)

have a bad cold. You should________(have) a good rest.
________you________(go) yesterday?
boy likes ________ (write) stories.
is good at ________(play)football.
ng wants to go to some________ (place) in China.
________(walk) to the park every Sunday.
! We ________( take) it.

book is very ________ (use) to me.
child is ________ (knock) at the door.
35.________(turn) left at the bookstore.

What's name (?)(连词成句)
, a, you, cat(.) (连词成句)
, you, travel, to, love(?)
, here, you (.)(连词成句)
, a , here's , cake , your , teacher ( . )(连词成句)

This is my bedroom . It's very big and it's very clean . There is a desk near the bed . There are
some books on the desk . Some are Chinese books . Some are English books . There is a phone on
the desk . There is a map of China on the wall . I like the bedroom very much .
(1)My bedroom is very small .
(2)There is a desk in the bedroom .
(3)There are some books on the bed .
(4)There isn't a phone in the bedroom .
(5)There is map of China on the wall .

The children are at the swimming pool.They're having a swimming lesson.They're talking to
their teacher Miss Lee.
Miss Lee:Who likes swimming?
Children:I do.
Miss Lee:Let's do some warm—up exercises.

Miss Lee:How often do you go swimming,Charlie?

Charlie:Once a week.Last Sunday I swam in the sea with my family.It was fun.

Miss Lee:How about you,Mary? How often do you go swimming?
Mary:Three times a week.I'm in the school swimming club.I train every week.It's interesting.

Miss Lee:You don't look happy,Lily.Don't you like swimming?
Lily:No,I don't like swimming much but I swam at home yesterday.

Tom:Lucky you! You have a swimming pool at home!

Lily:No,I don't have a swimming pool at home.Yesterday there was a storm(暴风雨).The water
came into my house.I had to swim to safety!
(1)The children are having a swimming lesson at the swimming pool.
(2)Charlie goes swimming three times a week.
(3)Mary is in the school swimming club.She trains every week.
(4)Lily has a big swimming pool at home.
(5)The water came into Lily's house yesterday.She had to swim to safety.




1. B 2. B 3. D 4. D 5. C 6. B 7. B 8. C
9. B 10. A 11. C 12. A 13. B 14. B 15. A
16. her 17. man 18. is 19. difficult 20. heavy;quickly
21. skip 22. Does 23. Tea 24. socks 25. in
26. have 27. did;go 28. writing 29. playing 30. places
31. walks 32. will take 33. useful 34. knocking 35. Turn
36. What's her name?
37. You are a cat.
38. Do you love to travel?
39. Here you are.
40. Here's a cake for your teacher.
41. (1)错误(2)正确(3)错误(4)错误(5)正确
42. (1)正确(2)错误(3)正确(4)错误(5)正确
43. My breakfast
Breakfast is very important for us. I always have my breakfast. I would like some milk for
breakfast. I like milk. I would like some break for breakfast. My favourite food is bread. I have
some eggs,too. I like eggs. What would you like for your breakfast?


are reading and painting.

A. hobby B. hobbies
would _____help clean the room.
A. like B. like to C. like doing D.
are important all animals.
A. on B. from C. of D. to
4.—________ would you like to do in the future?
—I'd like to make sick people better.
A. Who B. Where C. When D. What
I have some ________ food?
A. freezing B. frozen C. freeze D. freezes
_____ the Great Wall and ate a lot of Beijing duck!
A. visiting B. visited C. visit
is .
A. brown B. yellow C. orange
8.________ Lisa and Jenny like _________?
A. Do, ice-skate B. Are, ice-skating C. Do, ice-skating
9.—This is Ms. Smart.
—_______ a nice teacher.
A. He's B. She's C. It's
10.—What do they speak in the U. K. ?
A. They speak English. B. They speak French. C. They speak Chinese.
11.— ________ do you go to school?
—By taxi.
A. What B. Where C. How
's wrong with ?
A. him B. he C. his
13.—Is this your pen holder, Alice?

—No, it's Jill's. is yellow, this one is red.
A. Hers B. Mine C. My
A. How are you? B. Let's go to school.
15.—Does Linda like the black bag ________ the green bag?
—She likes ________ black one.
A. or, the B. and, the C. or, /

English teacher is Mrs. Zhao. We all like ________ (she her).
— Who's that ________(manwoman)?
— He's a new teacher, Mr Jones.
________(is are)a birthday cake for you!
19.I can't speak English well. It's too ________ (easydifficult).
rain is ________ (heavyheavily). The people in the street walk ________ (quickquickly).
can________(skipswing)the rope.
22.[DoDoes] ________ Tina go swimming on Sunday?
23.________ (Tea/Fruit) is a kind of drinks.
are my new________(socksocks)?
is a big table ________my classroom. (inon)

have a bad cold. You should________(have) a good rest.
________you________(go) yesterday?
boy likes ________ (write) stories.
is good at ________(play)football.
ng wants to go to some________ (place) in China.
________(walk) to the park every Sunday.
! We ________( take) it.

book is very ________ (use) to me.
child is ________ (knock) at the door.
35.________(turn) left at the bookstore.

What's name (?)(连词成句)
, a, you, cat(.) (连词成句)
, you, travel, to, love(?)
, here, you (.)(连词成句)
, a , here's , cake , your , teacher ( . )(连词成句)

This is my bedroom . It's very big and it's very clean . There is a desk near the bed . There are
some books on the desk . Some are Chinese books . Some are English books . There is a phone on
the desk . There is a map of China on the wall . I like the bedroom very much .
(1)My bedroom is very small .
(2)There is a desk in the bedroom .
(3)There are some books on the bed .
(4)There isn't a phone in the bedroom .
(5)There is map of China on the wall .

The children are at the swimming pool.They're having a swimming lesson.They're talking to
their teacher Miss Lee.
Miss Lee:Who likes swimming?
Children:I do.
Miss Lee:Let's do some warm—up exercises.

Miss Lee:How often do you go swimming,Charlie?

Charlie:Once a week.Last Sunday I swam in the sea with my family.It was fun.

Miss Lee:How about you,Mary? How often do you go swimming?
Mary:Three times a week.I'm in the school swimming club.I train every week.It's interesting.

Miss Lee:You don't look happy,Lily.Don't you like swimming?
Lily:No,I don't like swimming much but I swam at home yesterday.

Tom:Lucky you! You have a swimming pool at home!

Lily:No,I don't have a swimming pool at home.Yesterday there was a storm(暴风雨).The water
came into my house.I had to swim to safety!
(1)The children are having a swimming lesson at the swimming pool.
(2)Charlie goes swimming three times a week.
(3)Mary is in the school swimming club.She trains every week.
(4)Lily has a big swimming pool at home.
(5)The water came into Lily's house yesterday.She had to swim to safety.




1. B 2. B 3. D 4. D 5. C 6. B 7. B 8. C
9. B 10. A 11. C 12. A 13. B 14. B 15. A
16. her 17. man 18. is 19. difficult 20. heavy;quickly
21. skip 22. Does 23. Tea 24. socks 25. in
26. have 27. did;go 28. writing 29. playing 30. places
31. walks 32. will take 33. useful 34. knocking 35. Turn
36. What's her name?
37. You are a cat.
38. Do you love to travel?
39. Here you are.
40. Here's a cake for your teacher.
41. (1)错误(2)正确(3)错误(4)错误(5)正确
42. (1)正确(2)错误(3)正确(4)错误(5)正确
43. My breakfast
Breakfast is very important for us. I always have my breakfast. I would like some milk for
breakfast. I like milk. I would like some break for breakfast. My favourite food is bread. I have
some eggs,too. I like eggs. What would you like for your breakfast?


are reading and painting.

A. hobby B. hobbies
would _____help clean the room.
A. like B. like to C. like doing D.
are important all animals.
A. on B. from C. of D. to
4.—________ would you like to do in the future?
—I'd like to make sick people better.
A. Who B. Where C. When D. What
I have some ________ food?
A. freezing B. frozen C. freeze D. freezes
_____ the Great Wall and ate a lot of Beijing duck!
A. visiting B. visited C. visit
is .
A. brown B. yellow C. orange
8.________ Lisa and Jenny like _________?
A. Do, ice-skate B. Are, ice-skating C. Do, ice-skating
9.—This is Ms. Smart.
—_______ a nice teacher.
A. He's B. She's C. It's
10.—What do they speak in the U. K. ?
A. They speak English. B. They speak French. C. They speak Chinese.
11.— ________ do you go to school?
—By taxi.
A. What B. Where C. How
's wrong with ?
A. him B. he C. his
13.—Is this your pen holder, Alice?

—No, it's Jill's. is yellow, this one is red.
A. Hers B. Mine C. My
A. How are you? B. Let's go to school.
15.—Does Linda like the black bag ________ the green bag?
—She likes ________ black one.
A. or, the B. and, the C. or, /

English teacher is Mrs. Zhao. We all like ________ (she her).
— Who's that ________(manwoman)?
— He's a new teacher, Mr Jones.
________(is are)a birthday cake for you!
19.I can't speak English well. It's too ________ (easydifficult).
rain is ________ (heavyheavily). The people in the street walk ________ (quickquickly).
can________(skipswing)the rope.
22.[DoDoes] ________ Tina go swimming on Sunday?
23.________ (Tea/Fruit) is a kind of drinks.
are my new________(socksocks)?
is a big table ________my classroom. (inon)

have a bad cold. You should________(have) a good rest.
________you________(go) yesterday?
boy likes ________ (write) stories.
is good at ________(play)football.
ng wants to go to some________ (place) in China.
________(walk) to the park every Sunday.
! We ________( take) it.

book is very ________ (use) to me.
child is ________ (knock) at the door.
35.________(turn) left at the bookstore.

What's name (?)(连词成句)
, a, you, cat(.) (连词成句)
, you, travel, to, love(?)
, here, you (.)(连词成句)
, a , here's , cake , your , teacher ( . )(连词成句)

This is my bedroom . It's very big and it's very clean . There is a desk near the bed . There are
some books on the desk . Some are Chinese books . Some are English books . There is a phone on
the desk . There is a map of China on the wall . I like the bedroom very much .
(1)My bedroom is very small .
(2)There is a desk in the bedroom .
(3)There are some books on the bed .
(4)There isn't a phone in the bedroom .
(5)There is map of China on the wall .

The children are at the swimming pool.They're having a swimming lesson.They're talking to
their teacher Miss Lee.
Miss Lee:Who likes swimming?
Children:I do.
Miss Lee:Let's do some warm—up exercises.

Miss Lee:How often do you go swimming,Charlie?

Charlie:Once a week.Last Sunday I swam in the sea with my family.It was fun.

Miss Lee:How about you,Mary? How often do you go swimming?
Mary:Three times a week.I'm in the school swimming club.I train every week.It's interesting.

Miss Lee:You don't look happy,Lily.Don't you like swimming?
Lily:No,I don't like swimming much but I swam at home yesterday.

Tom:Lucky you! You have a swimming pool at home!

Lily:No,I don't have a swimming pool at home.Yesterday there was a storm(暴风雨).The water
came into my house.I had to swim to safety!
(1)The children are having a swimming lesson at the swimming pool.
(2)Charlie goes swimming three times a week.
(3)Mary is in the school swimming club.She trains every week.
(4)Lily has a big swimming pool at home.
(5)The water came into Lily's house yesterday.She had to swim to safety.




1. B 2. B 3. D 4. D 5. C 6. B 7. B 8. C
9. B 10. A 11. C 12. A 13. B 14. B 15. A
16. her 17. man 18. is 19. difficult 20. heavy;quickly
21. skip 22. Does 23. Tea 24. socks 25. in
26. have 27. did;go 28. writing 29. playing 30. places
31. walks 32. will take 33. useful 34. knocking 35. Turn
36. What's her name?
37. You are a cat.
38. Do you love to travel?
39. Here you are.
40. Here's a cake for your teacher.
41. (1)错误(2)正确(3)错误(4)错误(5)正确
42. (1)正确(2)错误(3)正确(4)错误(5)正确
43. My breakfast
Breakfast is very important for us. I always have my breakfast. I would like some milk for
breakfast. I like milk. I would like some break for breakfast. My favourite food is bread. I have
some eggs,too. I like eggs. What would you like for your breakfast?


are reading and painting.

A. hobby B. hobbies
would _____help clean the room.
A. like B. like to C. like doing D.
are important all animals.
A. on B. from C. of D. to
4.—________ would you like to do in the future?
—I'd like to make sick people better.
A. Who B. Where C. When D. What
I have some ________ food?
A. freezing B. frozen C. freeze D. freezes
_____ the Great Wall and ate a lot of Beijing duck!
A. visiting B. visited C. visit
is .
A. brown B. yellow C. orange
8.________ Lisa and Jenny like _________?
A. Do, ice-skate B. Are, ice-skating C. Do, ice-skating
9.—This is Ms. Smart.
—_______ a nice teacher.
A. He's B. She's C. It's
10.—What do they speak in the U. K. ?
A. They speak English. B. They speak French. C. They speak Chinese.
11.— ________ do you go to school?
—By taxi.
A. What B. Where C. How
's wrong with ?
A. him B. he C. his
13.—Is this your pen holder, Alice?

—No, it's Jill's. is yellow, this one is red.
A. Hers B. Mine C. My
A. How are you? B. Let's go to school.
15.—Does Linda like the black bag ________ the green bag?
—She likes ________ black one.
A. or, the B. and, the C. or, /

English teacher is Mrs. Zhao. We all like ________ (she her).
— Who's that ________(manwoman)?
— He's a new teacher, Mr Jones.
________(is are)a birthday cake for you!
19.I can't speak English well. It's too ________ (easydifficult).
rain is ________ (heavyheavily). The people in the street walk ________ (quickquickly).
can________(skipswing)the rope.
22.[DoDoes] ________ Tina go swimming on Sunday?
23.________ (Tea/Fruit) is a kind of drinks.
are my new________(socksocks)?
is a big table ________my classroom. (inon)

have a bad cold. You should________(have) a good rest.
________you________(go) yesterday?
boy likes ________ (write) stories.
is good at ________(play)football.
ng wants to go to some________ (place) in China.
________(walk) to the park every Sunday.
! We ________( take) it.

book is very ________ (use) to me.
child is ________ (knock) at the door.
35.________(turn) left at the bookstore.

What's name (?)(连词成句)
, a, you, cat(.) (连词成句)
, you, travel, to, love(?)
, here, you (.)(连词成句)
, a , here's , cake , your , teacher ( . )(连词成句)

This is my bedroom . It's very big and it's very clean . There is a desk near the bed . There are
some books on the desk . Some are Chinese books . Some are English books . There is a phone on
the desk . There is a map of China on the wall . I like the bedroom very much .
(1)My bedroom is very small .
(2)There is a desk in the bedroom .
(3)There are some books on the bed .
(4)There isn't a phone in the bedroom .
(5)There is map of China on the wall .

The children are at the swimming pool.They're having a swimming lesson.They're talking to
their teacher Miss Lee.
Miss Lee:Who likes swimming?
Children:I do.
Miss Lee:Let's do some warm—up exercises.

Miss Lee:How often do you go swimming,Charlie?

Charlie:Once a week.Last Sunday I swam in the sea with my family.It was fun.

Miss Lee:How about you,Mary? How often do you go swimming?
Mary:Three times a week.I'm in the school swimming club.I train every week.It's interesting.

Miss Lee:You don't look happy,Lily.Don't you like swimming?
Lily:No,I don't like swimming much but I swam at home yesterday.

Tom:Lucky you! You have a swimming pool at home!

Lily:No,I don't have a swimming pool at home.Yesterday there was a storm(暴风雨).The water
came into my house.I had to swim to safety!
(1)The children are having a swimming lesson at the swimming pool.
(2)Charlie goes swimming three times a week.
(3)Mary is in the school swimming club.She trains every week.
(4)Lily has a big swimming pool at home.
(5)The water came into Lily's house yesterday.She had to swim to safety.




1. B 2. B 3. D 4. D 5. C 6. B 7. B 8. C
9. B 10. A 11. C 12. A 13. B 14. B 15. A
16. her 17. man 18. is 19. difficult 20. heavy;quickly
21. skip 22. Does 23. Tea 24. socks 25. in
26. have 27. did;go 28. writing 29. playing 30. places
31. walks 32. will take 33. useful 34. knocking 35. Turn
36. What's her name?
37. You are a cat.
38. Do you love to travel?
39. Here you are.
40. Here's a cake for your teacher.
41. (1)错误(2)正确(3)错误(4)错误(5)正确
42. (1)正确(2)错误(3)正确(4)错误(5)正确
43. My breakfast
Breakfast is very important for us. I always have my breakfast. I would like some milk for
breakfast. I like milk. I would like some break for breakfast. My favourite food is bread. I have
some eggs,too. I like eggs. What would you like for your breakfast?







