
2020年12月24日 12:41



Unit1 In class

open 开,打开, the 这,那,这些,那些, door门 , close合上,关, window窗,
book书, Mr先生, please请, sorry对不起, rubber橡皮, don’t=do not

in class在课上 , stand up起立, sit down坐下, come in进来, open the door开门, close the
window关窗, listen to the parrot听鹦鹉的声音, look at the blackboard 看黑板, open
your book 打开你的书
主要句型:请某人做某事。回答是: Yes. OK, All right.
Open the door, please. = Please open the door.
Close your books, please. = Please close your books.
Stand up, please.
Sit down, please.
Come in, please.
Look at the blackboard, please.
Look at me.
Listen to me.
语音:b b rubber blackboard black book blue ball behind box

Unit2 In the library
单词:in 在……里, run跑, eat吃, talk说话, milk牛奶, English英语, drink喝, sleep睡觉,
shout叫喊, library图书馆, your你的, here这里
词组:my English book我的英语书, eat my cake吃我的蛋糕
in the library在图书馆里, an English book一本英语书, drink my milk喝我的牛奶,
1.“Don’t + 动词”表示“请某人不要做某事。”回答用“I’m sorry. 或Yes…”
Don’t sleep in class.
Don’t eat my cake..
Don’t talk and shout.
Don’t run in the library
Don’t listen to the parrot.
2. Would you like …..? 回答说:“Yes, please. No, thank you.”
Would you like a cake?
Yes, please.
语音:p p please pen pencil open sleep up parrot apple grandpa

Unit3 Is this your pencil?
单词:this这,这个, that那,那个, my我的, your你的, pen钢笔, pencil铅笔, ruler直
尺, where哪里, schoolbag书包, crayon蜡笔, pencil case 铅笔袋, lunch午餐 , box 盒子(复
词组:over there那儿, this pen这支钢笔, that ruler那根直尺, my pen 我的钢笔,
your pencil你的铅笔, a lunch box一个午餐盒, my lunch box一个午餐盒,
1. this指代近处的物体, that指代远处的物体。 That’s=that is this is没有缩略形式
2. 句子的书写特点:开头字母大写,句子末尾要有标点符号,单词间有一个字母的间隔。
3. 含有this 和that 的各种句子句式。(肯定句,否定句,一般疑问句和特殊疑问句)
肯定句: This is a book. This is my book.
否定句:This isn’t a book. This isn’t my book..
一般疑问句:Is this a book? Is this your book?
肯定回答:Yes, it is. 否定回答:No, it isn’t.
特殊疑问句:What’s this?
It’s a book.
语音:r r ruler rubber run crayon parrot library robot

Unit4 Where is the bird?
单词:bird鸟, desk书桌, chair椅子, on 在…上面,under在…下面, behind在…后面, beside
在…旁边, tree树, one一, two二, three三, beautiful美丽的,漂亮的, guess猜,
词组: on themyyour book 在词组中the, my, your 只能用其中的一个
in themyyour desk
under themyyour chair
behind themyyour door
beside themyyour box
1. Where’s+ 物体? It’s inonunderbehindbeside……..
Eg: Where’s the bird?
It’s in the tree.
2. Where’s+ 人? HeShe’s inonunderbehindbeside……..
Eg: Where’s Mike?
She’s behind the door.
3. Is it in onunderbehindbeside……..? Yes, it is. 或者No, it isn’t.
Eg: Is it in the box?
Yes, it is.

4. It’s not here.它不在这里。 It’s over there. 它在那儿。
5. The ruler is in the pencil case. 直尺在铅笔袋里。
语音:d d behind door beside doll under bird desk

Unit5 How old are you?
单词:one 一, two二, three三, four四, five五, six六, seven七, eight八, nine九, ten十 ,
old,旧的,年老的 lovely 可爱的,right 对的,正确的,out 出局,want 想要
词组:a toy car 一辆玩具小汽车 make a wish 许愿 how old几岁
1. 询问对方年龄,问: How old are you? 对方回答说: I’m ….
2. I want a toy car a book a cake….
3. Make a wish!
4. It’s time for the cake.
Time for class. = It’s time for class.
4. Here you are.
5. What a nice carcapcake!
6. Don’t be late for class again.
Don’t fall to the ground.
Turn around.
7. How lovely!
8. Welcome to the toy museum!
语音:s s sister six seven beside desk stand sit this class guess sleep school listen

Unit6What time is it?
单词:class课, bed 床 ,OK好的, lunch中饭, eleven十一, twelve十二, bag包, mum妈妈,
o’clock点钟, dinner晚饭, breakfast早餐, these这些, here’s =here is 这儿是…,…在这里
词组:wake up 醒,醒来 hurry up 快点
1. What time is it, please? = What’s the time, please? 几点了?
It’s ….o’clock.
2. It’s time for+名词。 It’s time to+动词 该是……时候了。
It’s time for class dinner breakfast lunch bed school.
It’s time to eat meetdrink.
3. Here’s your bag. 我的包在这里。
语音:t t time ten eat meet breakfast it sit twelve to want toy what two eight that
not at shout parrot

Unit7 On the farm
单词:farm农场, they他们,她们,它们, those那些, apple苹果, pear梨, orange橘子,
who谁 pig猪 cow奶牛 chicken 小鸡duck 鸭子picture 图画
词组:a red apple 一个红色的苹果 an apple苹果 an orange 一个橘子an orange orange
一个橙色的橘子 three apples 三个苹果 two ducks 两只小鸭on the farm 在农场上
these apples这些苹果 those oranges 那些橘子
1. Welcome to my farm.
2. What are those these? They’re复数(-s).
Eg: What are those? They’re apples.
What are these? They’re ducks.
3. Are thesethose +复数(-s)? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.
Eg: Are these pigs? Yes, they are.
Are these chickens? No, they aren’t.
语音:m m morning welcome farm meet mum my make time me cream man woman name

Unit8 We’re twins
we我们, girl女孩, man男人, woman女人, boy男孩, name 名字, we’re=we are ,
twin 双胞胎, aunt阿姨 ,uncle 叔叔, baby孩子 , cousin 表(堂)兄弟
词组:that girl 那个女孩 my sister 我的妹妹(姐姐)my name我的名字 your father
你的父亲, this boy 这个男孩
Who is shethis woman?
She’s my aunt.

Who is hethis man?
He’s my uncle.
Who’s that girl?
She’s Su Hai. She is my sister.
We’re twins.
语音:n n man new nine twin woman Nancy chicken not want grandma lunch dinner
behind under cousin
缩略形式:where’s =where is, she’s= she is ,he’s=he is, don’t=do not, isn’t=is not, it’s=it is,
I’m= I am, We’re= we are, they’re= they are ,who’s= who is , aren’t= are not







