
2020年12月26日 15:51



1 You are me
Listen and say
Joe is visiting his cousin George in the countryside.
Joe: I weigh 47 kilograms. How much do you weigh, George?
George: I weigh 40 kilograms.
Joe: I'm 150 centimetres tall. How tall are you?
George: I'm 152 centimetres tall.
Joe: You're taller. Do you do a lot of exercise?
George: Yes. I usually play basketball and table tennis after school.
Joe: I usually play football after school. I'm a football fan.
George: Sometimes I go fishing with my grandpa.
Joe: How exciting! I don't go fishing often. There's no river near my home.
George: But you can go to museums. That's fantastic!

Changes and difference
1 He is 152 centimetres tall and weighs 40 kilograms. ____________
2 He is 150 centimetres tall and weighs 47 kilograms. ___________
3 He usually plays football after school.__________________
4 He sometimes goes fishing with his grandpa._______________
5 There is no river near his home.________________
6 He can go to museums.______________

Look and learn

Look and read
Hi! I'm Joe. I live in the city. There are a lot of tall
buildings in the city. There are a lot of shops and
restaurants too. People go to work by car, bus
or underground. At the weekend, some people
enjoy themselves at the cinema or theatre. Some
people visit museums or parks.
Hi! I'm George. I live in the countryside. There are a lot
of houses with gardens in the countryside. There are
hills, rivers, lakes and a lot of trees. There aren’t many
cars. The air is fresh. People here like to walk or ride their
bikes. Farmers plant crops in spring. Then in autumn,
they get the crops in.

What can you see in the city or countryside? Tell your classmates.
There are a lot of tall building in the city.

There are...
Do a survey
Do a survey about your classmates and then give a report.
Name Height (cm) Weight (kg) Hobbies
Joe 150 47 football
S1: How tall are you?
S2: I'm ... centimetres tall.
S1: How much do you weigh?
S2: I weigh ... kilograms.
S1: What do you usually do after school?
S2: I ...
Joe is 150 centimetres tall, and he
weighs 47 kilograms. He usually plays
football after school.
Learn the sounds
a → baby favourite
a-e → grade space
ai → tail paint
ay → May stay
eigh → eight weight
i → pilot tiger
i-e → line white
y → fly sky
igh → light right
ie → die lie

Listen and circle.
1 lake like
2 name nine
3 day die
4 May my
5 skate sky
6 late light
7 paint pie
8 rate right
9 weight white
10 race rice

Culture corner
I’m from South America.
I'm from Europe.
I’m from Asia.
I’m from Africa.

I’m from North America.
We live in the same world. We’re family.

2 Changes in our lives
Listen and say
1 Ms Wen is a writer. In the past,
she used a pen and paper to
write her books. Now she uses
a computer.
2 Mrs Hong is a farmer. In the past,
she got her crops in by hand. Now
she uses a machine.
3 Mr Zhang is a photographer. In
the past, he used film to take
photos. Now he uses a digital
camera. He can see his photos
right away.
4 Mr Yang is a street cleaner. In the
past, he swept the streets with
a broom. Now he drives a street
sweeper. It can clean the streets in
a short time.

What do these people do? What did they use at work in the past?
What do they use now? Complete the table.
a street cleaner
a writer
a farmer
a photographer
a broom
a computer
a digital camera
a street sweeper
a pen and paper
a machine
by hand

Look and learn
photographer street cleaner writer

Read a story
The happy farmer and his wife
Once upon a time, there was a poor

farmer called Fred. He and his wife
Doris lived in a small, old house.
One day, a fairy visited them.

wishes,” said the fairy.
Fred and Doris smiled at each other
and said, ’t
need any wishes.
“I can give you some gold. Then
you won't have to work,

“I can give you a big, new house,
said the fairy.

and old, but it’s warm and nice,
answered Fred.


Complete the sentences and act out the story.
The happy farmer and his wife
There’s a poor farmer called Fred. He and his wife Doris _________ in a small, old house. One day,
a fairy ____________.
Fred, I’d like to give you ____________.
Thank you very much, but we don’t _________________.
You’re poor. I can give you ______________.
Your house is small and old. ___________________
I wish you___________________________________.
That’s the end of the story.
Do a survey
How did people do things in the past? How do people do things now?
In the past Now
washed clothes by hand use a washing machine
In the past, people washed clothes by hand. Now people use a washing machine.

Listen and enjoy
Life was different in the past.
Time went slowly, not so fast.
Children had fun all day long,
Running and jumping and singing a song.
Life is easy these days.
Machines help in many ways.
Time goes fast but it's OK.
We still have lots of time to play!

Learn the sounds
o → no ago
Photo go
o-e → those home
close hole
ow → show bowl
grow snow
ou → out south
loud cloud
ow → how down
now cow
Listen and circle.
1 close cloud
2 grow ground
3 no now
4 show shout
5 low loud
6 so south
7 cold cow
8 hole how

3 Our school in the future
Listen and say
Ms Guo: In the future, what changes would
you like to see in our school? Write
your wishes down on a piece of
paper. Then put your paper in this
time box.
Students: Yes, Ms Guo.

Ms Guo: In the future, you'll open the box and read your wishes.
Students: Great!

Kitty and her classmates are writing a letter to the head teacher.
Help them complete the letter.
Dear Mr Yang,
We are students from Class 6A. We would like to see some
changes in our school in the future.
Students will______________________every month.
Students will______________________in the garden.
Students will not carry________________________. They will read books
Students will study____________________________.
We hope our school will get better better!
Students from Class 6A
P5 Jill would like to be the teacher in our school.
Look and learn
have a picnic grow a plant

Look and read
Schools of the future
In the future, schools will be different. They will be under the sea, on high mountains and even in
Robots will help us find books in the library. They will also do other things in school.
We will use computers in all our lessons. They will help us see dinosaurs and other interesting

We will have lessons with students
from other countries. We will do
a lot of things online together!
We will not carry books to
school. All our books will be on
a small computer.
What will schools be like in the future? Talk about this with your

They will be ...
in space
We willwon't...
There willwon't be
study online

Do a survey
What changes would you like to see in your school? Do a survey and give a report.
S1: What changes would you like to see in our school?
S2: I'd like to...
S3: I'd like to...
S4: I'd like to...
(No. of students)
a have a swimming pool b have a lot of clubs
c have a lot of books
and magazines in
our library
d have a lot of trees
and flowers around
the playground
e have chess and cooking lessons
f ...
... students would like to
have a swimming pool. ...

Think and write
What changes would you like to see in your school? Write down
your wishes.
My wishes:
There will be ________________________
I will _______________________________
Learn the sounds
m → milk mouse
room cream
n → night find
win in
ng → sing ring
n(k) → bank thank
n(g) → hungry English
Listen and circle.
1 am an
2 term turn
3 mice nice
4 moon noon
5 win wing
6 bank back
7 in ink

8 seem sing
4 Art
Listen and say
The students are going to an art museum tomorrow. Miss Wang is
telling them about some paintings.
Miss Wang: Look at the two pictures on the blackboard. Which one
do you like?
Kitty: I like the one on the left. I like the colours. The night sky
is beautiful.
Miss Wang: This is an oil painting. It’s colourful.
Joe: I like the one on the right. I like horses. This horse looks
Miss Wang: This is a Chinese ink painting. It’s usually in black and
white. I like Chinese ink paintings too.

Work and play
Circle the correct answers.
1 Why does Kitty like the oil painting?
a She likes the colours.
b She likes the stars.
2 Why does Joe like the Chinese ink painting?
a He likes horses. The horse looks powerful.
b He likes the idea.
3 A Chinese ink painting is usually_____.
a colourful
b in black and white

Look and learn
on the left
on the right

Read a story
Little Leo’s lessons
Little Leo liked drawing
very much. His friends all
liked his pictures. “You're
going to be an artist, Leo,”
they always said.

Little Leo took drawing lessons.
In the first lesson, the teacher put
an egg on the table and asked

Little Leo to draw it. “That's
easy!” said Little Leo.

In the second lesson, the teacher
still asked him to draw an egg,
but he put the egg on a plate.
Little Leo felt unhappy and
asked, “Why do we draw eggs
all the time?” “Look carefully!
It’s an egg again, but it looks
different,” said the teacher.

Little Leo worked hard and
became a great artist.

Complete the sentences and act out the story.
Little Leo shows his picture to his friends.
Leo: Look at my picture.
Boys: Wow, it’s nice. You’re__________________________, Leo.
Leo: I hope so. I like_______________________________.

Little Leo is in a____________. The teacher is putting____________
on the table.
Leo: What are we going to draw today, sir?
Teacher: We're going to______________________________.
Leo: That’s easy. I can do it quickly.

Little Leo is in another lesson. The teacher is putting an egg on the plate.
Leo: It’s an egg again, sir. Why do we draw eggs all the time?
Teacher: In the first lesson, the egg was________________. Now this egg is__________________.
Look carefully! It looks___________________!
Leo: I see.

Ask and answer
Ask and answer the question with your classmates.
SI: Which picture do you like?
S2: I like the one on the left. I like the colours .

Think and write
This is a picture by Vincent van Gogh.
The name of the picture is Sunflowers.
In the picture, there are some yellow
sunflowers in the vase. I like the picture
because ...

Stick a picture.
This is a picture by____________
Learn the sounds
oy → boy toy
joy enjoy
oi → noise join
point toilet
ear → hear near
ere → here
eer → deer cheer

Listen and circle.
1 noise near
2 toy tear
3 boy bear
4 here hair
5 ear eye
6 pear point
7 enjoy join
8 deer there

Culture corner.
Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)
was a great artist. He painted
the Mona Lisa.
Mona Lisa

5 Crafts
Listen and say
The students want to make presents for their families and friends.
Ms Guo is helping them.
Ms Guo: What do you want to make, Jill? What do you need?
Jill: I want to make a crown. I need a pair of scissors.
Ms Guo: That sounds nice. Who is it for?
Jill: It’s for my little cousin. She wants to be a princess.
Ms Guo: What about you, Peter? What are you making?
Peter: I’m making a toy plane for my brother. He likes playing with toy planes.
Ms Guo: That’s good. What are you making, Joe and Alice?
Joe & Alice: We’re making a model house. It’s for Kitty. Her birthday is coming. We don’t have any
tape. Can you give us some, please?
Ms Guo: Sure!

What do the children want to make? What do they need?
Complete the notes.
1 Jill wants to make a crown for her _____________. She needs
2 Peter wants to make a _______________for his _________________.
3 Joe and Alice want to make a __________________for _____________.
They need _____________________.
look and learn
glue scissor tape
Read a story
Lu Ban and the saw
A long time ago, there was a craftsman. His name was Lu Ban.
One day, Lu Ban was at work on a mountain. A leaf cut his finger. Lu Ban thought, “How could
such a small leaf hurt my finger?”
He looked at the leaf
carefully. There were many
teeth on the leaf, and the
teeth were sharp.
make a tool with teeth like
these? I could cut things with
it easily,” Lu Ban said to
Soon Lu Ban made a saw.
It was the first saw in the
world. People are still using
his tool today.

Complete the summary of this story
Lu Ban ______________ a craftsman. One day, a leaf ______________
his finger. He saw ___________________ on the leaf. Lu
Ban then made___________________.

Make and say
1 Find a painting.
2 Find a piece of cardboard.
3 Stick the painting onto the cardboard.
4 Cut the picture into pieces.
5 Now do the puzzle.
Let's make a puzzle.
All right. What do we need?
We need ...

Listen and enjoy
Alice has a pen holder.

She got it from her friend Ann.
Ann made the pen holder
With paper and a can.

Tony made a paper doorknob
And put it on the door.
But every time he opens the door,
The doorknob falls onto the floor.

Learn the sounds
air → hair pair
ere → where there
ear → wear bear
are → share
ure → sure
our → tour
oor → poor
Listen and circle
1 pair poor
2 share sure
3 tear tour
4 hair hear
5 bear beer
6 chair cheer

6 PE lessons
Listen and say on
We have two PE lessons at school every week. My
friends and I like PE lessons very much.
We run long races and short
races. The races are exciting.
We all want to win.
We do the long jump and the high jump. Jill is
d good at the high jump. Joe is good at the long
Sometimes we play ball games
I like playing football, volleyball
and basketball.
My friends and I like playing sport. We have a lot
of fun together!
Complete Peter's notes.
1 In our PE lessons, we run _______________and______________.
2 We do the _____________ and the________________. Jill is good at
the______________. Joe is good at the________________.

3 We also play ball games. I like playing ________________.
_______________and ________________.
Look and learn
high jump
long jump
long race
short race
Look and read
Swimming lessons
For a swimming lesson, you need:
a swimsuit and a swimming cap. The
swimsuit should not be too big or
too small.
a pair of swimming goggles, so the
water does not get into your eyes.

You should:
wash yourself before you
go into the swimming pool.
Do it after swimming too.
do warm-up exercises
before you go into the
Swimming is fun. It helps you
stay healthy and fit. Enjoy
your swimming lessons!

Think and act.
1 Lily, let's go swimming. I'll teach you how to swim.
OK. What do we need for swimming?
We need...
2 What should we do first?
First, we should...
I see.
3 What should we do next?
Next we should...
All right
4 Now let's go into the water.

Do a survey
What is your favourite activity in PE lessons? Ask and answer the
question with your classmates.
What's your favourite activity in PE lessons?

I like playing football.
Think and write
Write a report about your survey
In our PE lessons, we ____________________
I like _________________________________
In my class,___________students like________________
_______________students like_____________________

Learn the sounds
Listen and circle
y → yes you
h → he hat
w → we wind
wh → when what
l → like late
help oil
r → radio red
rr → hurry worry

Listen and circle.
1 year hear
2 yellow hello
3 he we
4 hat wet
5 hen when
6 hot what
7 hen when
8 glass grass
9 low row
10 loud round

Culture corner.
The Olympic symbol is five rings in
five colours: blue, black, red, yellow
and green.

Do a survey
What is your favourite activity in PE lessons? Ask and answer the
question with your classmates.
What's your favourite activity in PE lessons?
I like playing football.

Think and write
Write a report about your survey
In our PE lessons, we_______________________
I like____________________________________
In my class,_____________students like__________________
______________students like________________________

Learn the sounds
Listen and circle
y → yes you
h → he hat
w → we wind
wh → when what
l → like late
help oil
r → radio red
rr → hurry worry

Listen and circle.
1 year hear
2 yellow hello
3 he we
4 hat wet
5 hen when
6 hot what
7 light right
8 glass grass
9 low row
10 loud round

Culture corner.
The Olympic symbol is five rings in
five colours: blue, black, red, yellow
and green.







