
2020年12月30日 04:31



( )1. ___________you want to be a cook ? A. Does B. Are C. Do
( )2. Look at the men . They are _____________. A. policemens B. policeman C. policemen
( )3. I want ____________ a manager when I grow up . A. to am B. be C. to be
( )4. What „s ______job ? She‟s _____ athlete . A. she … an B. her … an C. her … a
( )5. What ____your mother ____? She is a worker .
A. does … do B. is …. job C. does … job
( )6. ____your name ? A. What B. What‟s C. Are
( )7. ____is the teacher in your family ? My brother . A. Whose B. He C. Who
( )8. ____sister is a nurse . A. She B. Her C. She‟s
( )9. Both Ben and I _______. A. is fireman B. are firemen C. is firemen
( )‟s Jean‟s father‟_____? He‟s John . A. name B. job C. do
1. Can ____ help you ? A. I B. me C. my
2. I‟d like ____ buy that coat . A. on B. for C. to
3. ____ is the skirt ? It‟s ninety yuan . A. How many B. How much C. What
4. This book is nice . I‟ll take ____. A. this B. they C. it
5. There is ____ in my bedroom . A. a shorts B. a pair shorts C. a pair of shorts
6. These socks are two _____ yuan . A. hundred B. a hundred C. hundreds
7. This jeans is ____ yuan . A. ninety three B. ninety-three C. ninty-three
8. Twenty and twelve is ______. A. thirty B. thirteen C. thirty-two
9. ____ and sixteen is sixty-six . A. Fifteen B. Fifty C. Sixty
10. Thirty and ___ is seventy-two . A. Fourteen B. Forty C. Forty-two
11. Are the ________twenty pounds? B. shirt pair of socks
12. ----______ T-shirt is this? -----It‟s Ben‟s. ‟s
13. You mean the man___________a black hat? B. and
14. She is__________a white dress. B. wearing
15. Ten and Ten _______twenty. B. are

1. Is this _________(apple)? — No, it isn‟t.
2. — What are these ? — They are______ (orange).
3. Pass me ________(pencil).
4. Give me some _________(egg), please.
5. — Are those your ________(shoe)? — Yes, they are.
6. Those shoes are _________(Tom).
7. This _________(T-shirt) is big.
1. There (is, are) some soup in the bowl.
2. There (is , are) some rice in the bag.
3. There is (some, any) chicken on the plate.
4. Are there (some, any) bananas in the basket(篮子)
5. There isn‟t (some, any) ice-cream in the fridge.
6. I like the hamburgers and my sister likes them (too, either)
7. Janet doesn‟t like tea, I don‟t like tea, (too, either)
8. (Does, Do) your father usually (have, has) noodles for breakfast?
9. -- (Does, Do) Ben and Sally like to have some soup?
-- Yes, they (do, Does)
1. My name is Sally.I have a sister and two sister‟s name is ‟s wearing a beautiful
blouse and a brother is Ben,the other is is wearing a blue T-shirt,a pair of shorts and a pair of
sport is wearing a red shirt and a pair of jeans.
( )Sally has two sisters and a brother.
( ) Mike is wearing a T-shirt,a pair of jeans.
( ) Sally‟s sister‟s name is Mary.
( ) Ben is wearing a pair of shorts.
( ) Mary is Mike‟s sister.
( ) There are three children in Sally‟s family.
教师 工人 警察 医生

护士 银行职员 售货员 消防员
清洁工 士兵 律师 运动员 农民
1 .____ his job? A. What‟s B. What C. Which
2 What ____ your brother do?
A. do B. is C. does
3 ---What is ____ job? ---She is a teacher.
A. his B. her C. she‟s
4 What does____do?
A. you B. his C. Ben
5 --- ____the doctor help the man?---Yes, he can
A. Can B. Is C. Do
nurse fireman teacher
postman driver family
child bus baby
sheep nurse policeman
( )1.I want ___________ be a nurse ? A. in B. on C. to
( )2. What____ you want to be when you grow up? A. are B. do C. can
( )3. What‟s your ____________ job?A. sister B. sister‟s C. sisters
( ) your parents farmers? _____ A. Yes, they are B. Yes, there are C. Yes, they‟re
( )5. My father is ____honest and kind man. A. a B. an C. the
( )6. Those young men are ____ A. policemans B. policemen C. policeman
( )7. What‟s____ job? He‟s a truck drive. A. his ‟s C. her
( )8. What____ she____? She‟s a doctor.
A. is, job B. does, do C. is, do
( )9. Which girl is your sister? The girl _______ a pink dress is my sister.
A. in B. has C. with

( ) you want to be a bank manage? ____.
Yes, I am B. Yes, can C. Yes, I do
( )1. Liu Xiang is good at _____
A. run B. runing C. running
( ) 2. She ____beautiful.

A. look B. looks C. looking
Is he running fast or _________?
A: Welcome to China! B: __________.
C. All right.
What do you have __________ lunch today?
A. high B. low C. slowly
A. See you. B. Thank you.
A. for B. from C.
A. any bread B. some bread
A. Can B. Could
C. a bread
( ) 3.
( ) 4.
( ) 5.
( ) 6. There isn‟t __________ in the fridge.
( ) 7. A: __________ you like a cup of coffee? B: No, thanks.
C. Would
C. Who
( ) 8. A: ___________ bike is this? B: It‟s Ben‟s.
A. Whose B. Who‟s
( )9. A: How old is she? B: she is ____old.
A. two hundred year B. two hundred years hundreds years
( )10. A: What is your mother doing ? B: She is ____the huose.
A. cleaning B. cleans
( )11 A : Is your brother working on the computer? B: No ,_____
A. he is B. he isn‟t not
( )12. A:Do you often watch TV , xiaoling? B: _______
A. Yes , I am. B. Yes , I do C. No, I do
( ) programmes ____he usually listen to ?
A. dose B. do C. is
( ) 14 .Would you like cakes and milk for breakfast?
No ,I „d like B. Yes , I don‟t , thanks

Which, young, with, blue, friend, job, Where
A: Who is that____ lady?
B: ____ one?

A: The one ____ blonde hair and big ____ eyes.
B: That‟s my ____ Susan.
A: She‟s tall and beautiful. What‟s her ____?
B: She‟s a nurse.
A: ____ does she work?
B: In the No. 1 People‟s hospital.
When, name, She’s , yes, is, does, Hello, about, both
A: Hello, Bill.
B: ____ , Janet.
A: How many people are there in your family, Bill?
B: There are Four. My father, my mother, my brother and me.
A: What ____ your father do?
B: He ____ a bank manager.
A: What____ your mother?
B: ____ a cook.
A: What‟s your brother‟s ____?
B: We call him Sam.
A: Is he a pupil?
B: ____, he is in Grade 6. We are ____ in the same school.
A: What do you want to be ____ you grow up?
B: I want to be a lawyer. He wants to be a doctor.
1、I‟m Ben Webb. I am 10 years old. There are four people in my family. My father, my mother, my sister and
me. My father is a fireman. My mother is a nurse. My sister Janet is 10 years old, too. We are twins. We are in
the same school. We all like sports.
( ) 1 There are 5 people in Ben‟s family.
( ) 2 Ben‟s mother is a doctor.
( ) 3 Janet is a nurse.

一、 Age年龄询问他人名字和年龄:
1.询问对方名字:- What‟s your name? - My name is _____.
2.询问他人名字:- What‟s that boy‟s name? - HisHerIts name is _____.
3.询问对方年龄:- How old are you? - I am _____ years old.
4.询问他人年龄:- How old is hesheitthat girl? - HeSheIt is (about) _____ years old.

二、 现在进行时——表示说话当时正在发生的事情或动作。
时态结构:主语(人称人物动植物物品)+ amisare + 动词-ing形式(现在分词)
例如:I am coming. He is running. She is sleeping. We are playing chess.

重点1:amisare 的选用要与前面的主语人称一致。
重点2:动词- ing形式(现在分词)的变型要拼写正确。
★ 动词-ing变化规律

三、 描写一个人的外貌特征:
HeSheIt looks youngbeautifulstrongtallslim.
They look (so) cute.

四、 祝贺生日用语:Happy Birthday!
回答:Thank you!

送礼物用语:Here is your birthday present from meyour father.
回答:Thank you!

Module 2 Activities 活动
一. 询问他人正在做什么事:
问:What are you doing? What is heshe doing? What are they doing?
答:I am listening to the music. HeShe is playing guitar. They are playing basketball.

二. 动词play后面加名词的情况:
1. play + 名词:play chess music basketball football table tennis badminton…
2. play + the + 乐器:play the guitar piano…

三. 告诉他人你喜爱的活动,用likeenjoy + 现在分词(动词-ing形式)
如:I like swimming. I enjoy playing chess with my father.

四. 询问他人是否喜爱某项活动,用Do you like + 现在分词(动词-ing形式)?
问:Do you like listening to the music? Does your mother like cooking?
答:Yes, I do. No, I don‟t. Yes, she does. No, she doesn‟t.

五. 询问他人喜爱做的事情是什么,用 What is your hobby?
问:What is your hobby? (你的爱好是什么?)
答:I like watching TV.

六. 询问数量的时候,无论对方回答的情况有多少,都要用复数问:
问:How many apples are there? 答:There‟s one.
How many cookies are there? There are twenty.
How many buns are there? There is none. (一个都没有了。)

七. 询问他人或某物在哪里:
问:Where are they? 答:They are in the classroom.
Where is the book? It‟s on the bookshelf.

八. 询问某人是否正在是否仍在做某事:
问:Are you cooking dinner? 答:Yes, I am. No, I am not.
Are you still reading the book? Yes, __________. No, __________.
Are they still watching TV? Yes, __________. No, __________.
Is he still sleeping? Yes, __________. No, __________.
Is she singing? Yes, __________. No, __________.
Is it running in the garden? Yes, __________. No, __________.

Module 3 Sports运动

一. 实用短语:
fall over across the field

go for it

catch up a setter of a world record

1) 世界纪录创造者:
3) 赶上来了:
5) 穿过场地田野:
2) 为„„努力:
4) 跌倒了:

二. 表达“某人擅长于什么”的句型结构:
somebody(某人)be good at (doing) something(某事)
例句:Tom is good at running.
1) 他擅长游泳。
2) 她擅长跳高。

3) 他们擅长打篮球。
4) 我爸爸擅长打羽毛球。
5) 我擅长打乒乓球。


1) 问:What would you like for breakfast lunch dinner supper?
答:I’d like some milk and bread for breakfast.
造句: __________________________________________ _______________ for lunch.
_________________ ________________________________________ for dinner.

2) 问:What do you usually have for breakfast lunch dinner supper?
答:I usually have rice, fish and cabbages for dinner.
造句: _ __________________________________________________ ______ for lunch.
__________________________ _______________________________ for dinner.

3) 问:Would you like some coffee?
答:No, thanks. Yes, thank you.

4) 问:Do you like toast sandwich noodles…?
答:Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

5) 表达自己或某人最喜欢什么:I like _____________ best.
造句: (她最喜欢雪糕。)_____________ ___________________________________________

(我爸爸最喜欢牛排。)__________ __________________________________________
(我奶 奶最喜欢蛋糕。)__________________________________________ __________
(我妹妹最喜欢弹琴。)________________________ ____________________________
6) 表达不喜欢什么:I don’t like _______________. HeSheIt doesn’t like____________ at all.
造句: (我一点儿都不喜欢洋葱。)____ _____________________________________________

(我妈妈不喜欢汉堡包。)____________________________ _______________________








