
2020年12月30日 08:38



用英语in English
值日on duty
看起来像……look like
看;观看look at
照顾;照看look after
坐下;就座sit down=havetake a seat
看一看…have a look at
来吧,加油 come on
穿上put on
脱下take off
what abouthow about + doing sth.
起床get up
吃早餐午餐晚餐have breakfastlunchsupper
看电视watch TV
上学go to school
好吧 all right
上课have a classhave a lesson
上床睡觉go to bed
不用谢Not at allThat’s OKThat’s all rightYou’re welcomeIt’s a pleasure.
让某人做某事let sb. do sth.
帮助某人做某事help sb. (to) do sth= help sb. with sth.
人物落在树上in the tree
在树上(生长在树上)on the tree
进来come in
该是做某事的时候了It’s time to do sth.=It’s time for sth. doing sth.
一个……另一个one…the other…
在中间in the middle
格林一家the Green family=the Greens
给某人某物give sb. sth.=give sth. to sb.
半小时half an hour
在中午at noon
充满……的 be full of=be filled with
把……收起来(放好)put… away
出来come out
一(玻璃)杯……a glass of
一片(张;块)……a piece of
一些好吃的东西something good to eat

在……方面学得做得好,善于be good at= do well in
想试一试want a go =have a try
整理床铺make one’s bed
做作业do one’s homework
寻找look for
和……交谈talk with to sb.
照相take photos=take pictures
give…a hand=do …a favor
课后after class
休息have a rest=have a break
互相each other
谈论;交谈talk about
交朋友make friends
一点也不not… at all
赚钱make money
进行体育活动have sports=do exercise
立刻;马上right now=at once
有时sometimes= at times =once in a while
到达get to=arrive at in=reach
朗读,阅读do some reading
走路;步行on foot
帮助某人做某事 help sb. withdo sth.
多久how long
多少;多少钱how much
许多a lot of=lots of =many=much
等等and so on
例如for example
上车get on
下车get off
想做某事want to do sth.
让某人做某事let sb. do sth.
什么别的东西what else
…之一 one of +形最高级+名复…
怎么啦哪儿不舒服What’s wrong
不如……怎样?what about=how about+Ving
向……借入……borrow sth. from sb.
把……借出给……lend sth. to sb.
查字典look up …in a dictionary
你觉得中国怎么样How do you like China?
每逢周末at weekends
你是做什么的What do you do?=What are you?=What is your job?

开始做某事begin to do sth.=start to do sth.
做些练习do some exercises
上学迟到be late for school
为……买 buy sth. for sb.
此刻,现在at the moment=right now
叫某人做某事ask sb. to do sth.
准时on time
及时in time
不再not …any morelonger=no morelonger
打电话给某人call sb.=ring sb.=phone sb. =call sb. up=ring sb. up=give sb. a call
例如for example= such as
与……不同be different from
短缺 be short of
为什么不……Why not…=Why don’t you…?
去钓鱼go fishing
去徒步旅行go hiking
后天the day after tomorrow
被……绊倒trip over
赶快hurry up= in a harry
同意某人agree with sb.
同意看法agree to sth.
擅长于be good at=do well in
离……很远be far( away) from
今天早上this moring
星期六晚上on Saturday eveningnight
下星期next week
过来顺便来访come over to
相聚get together
在户外在野外in the open air
各种各样的all kinds of
一个留长发的女孩a girl with long hair
必须不得不have to=must
吃饭eat dinner=have dinner
在田里in the field
长大成长grow up
听见hear听listen to
帮助某人做某事help sth.=help sb. do sth.
把时间定在6点半make it half past six
小心be careful
观看……做某事watch sb. do sth.
去看电影go to the cinema=go to see a film
距离很远be far away
比较喜欢like…better than…=prefer.. to…

对……有益be good for
与…无关 have nothing to do with
在……前面in front of
在……的前部in the front of
在……的后部at the back of
在右左边on the left right
最好做……had better do sth.
相邻;靠近next to=beside
在第一个拐弯处向左转Take the first turning on the left=Turn left at the first turning
需要做某事need to do sth.
指……给某人看show sb. sth=show sth. to sb.
前天the day before yesterday
同时at the same time
刚才;不久以前just now
顺便说;顺便问一下by the way
记得已经做了某事remember doing sth.
记得去做某事remember to do sth.
保持健康keep healthy
享受做某事enjoy sth.
计划做某事plan sth. to do sth.
记日记keep a diary
一直;老是all the time
出生于be born
起先;首先 at first = first of all
去散步go for a walk=takehave a walk
飞往某地fly to a place=go to …by airplane
听说 hear of
看着注视某人做了某事watch sb. do sth.
大部分学生most of the students
多过;超过more than=over
不到;少于less than
倒下;跌倒fall down
继续go on doing sth.
在……结尾;在……尽头at the end of
结婚get married
发生事故have an accident
写下……;记下……write down
出来;出现come out
一年到头all the year round
下大雨rain heavilyhard
变暖和get warm
做某事最好的时候the best time to do sth.
后来;稍后later on
在……西部in the west of

晚上at night
零度以上下abovebelow zero
停止做某事stop doing sth.
停下来做另一件事stop to do sth.
捎留口信takeleave a message
聚会have a party
忘记做过某事forget doing sth.
忘记要去做某事forget to do sth.
因为某人做了某事而谢谢他thank sb. for doing sth.
自取;随便吃help yourself to
聚会get together
或者……或者either …or
既不……也不……neither …nor
少量(的);一点a bit (of)
因……而有名的be famous for
在世界上in the world
过得快乐enjoy oneself=have a good time
使某人做某事make sb. do sth.
使某人怎么样make sb.+ adj.
被迫去做某事 be made to do sth.
做家务do some housework
be back from=come back from=get back from
摆两套餐具的桌子a table for two
你想要…?Would you like…=do you want…?
在……的途中on one’sthe way to
等候wait for
迷失be get lost
首先;第一first of all
沿着这条路走walk alonggo along this road
看起来忧虑seem worried=look worried
生病住院in hospital
在医院里in the hospital
四周看看look round
贴近next to =beside
五分钟的路程five minutes’ walk
你最好做某事You’d better do sth.
吵闹make a noise
嘲笑laugh at
乱丢;抛散throw about=throw…here and there
实际上in fact = as a matter of fact
和某人吵架quarrel with
对某人来说有必要做某事It’s necessary for sb. to do sth.

犯错误make a mistake
直到……才……not …untiltill
独自be alone
关心;在乎care about sth.
患头痛咳嗽have a headachecough
一……就……as soon as
入睡fall asleep
阻止…做… stopprevent…from doing sth.
代替instead of
仔细检查look over
我不太舒服I don’t feel very well=I feel sick
不严重Nothing serious
吃药take the medicine
好好休息have a good rest
觉得想做某事feel like doing sth.
尽力做某事try to do sth.
再三地again and again
每隔五分钟every five minutes
独自居住 live alone区分 feel lonely
迟早……sooner or later
逃跑run away
吃光eat up
照顾;照看take care of =look after
打开(电灯)turn on
过了一会儿after a while
关(灯)turn off
做鬼脸make faces
自学teach oneself=learn…by oneself
向某人大喊shout at sb.
把某人单独留下leave one by oneself
从……掉下fall off
找出;查出find out
敲门knock aton
使某人惊奇的是to one’s surprise
伤着自己hurt oneself
让自己沉浸于……lose oneself in…
该是某人做某事的时候It’s time for sb. to do
举行运动会hold a sports meeting
积极参加take an active part in
赶上catch up with
与……一样as …as
与……不一样not asso…as
继续做某事go on doing sth.

落后fall behind
做得好well done
轮流take turns
准备做某事get ready to do sth.
做某事怎么样It is (not) + adj. to do sth.
对……感兴趣bebecome interested in
将来in the future
戏弄人play a joke on
决定做某事decide to do sth.
迷路lose one’s way = get lost
丧生lose one’s life
与……相处融洽get on along well with
像平常一样as usual
厌倦be fed up with
一对;一双a pair of
发现做某事怎么样find it +adj. to do sth.
请不要做某事好吗?Would you please not do sth.?
苏醒,恢复知觉come to oneself
弹钢琴play the piano
对某人大声说话shout to sb.
责骂某人shout at sb.
看见某人做了某事see sb. do sth.
看见某人正在做事see sb. doing sth.
担心某人事worry about .
复习功课reviewgo over lessons
把……捡起pick sth. up
出发,启程set off=start
到处here and there=everywhere
留神,注意look out=be careful
过去常常used to do
习惯于…be used to doing sth.
使我开心make me happy
启程去……,前往leave for=go away to
付款pay for
某人花费(金钱,时间)做某事sb. spend moneytime on doing sth.
物花费了金钱做某事It cost sb. money to do sth.
花费某人多少时间做某事It takes sb. some time to do sth.
一会儿for a while =for a moment
提出(建议)找到(答案)come up with
鼓励某人做某事encourage sb. to do sth.
去过某地havehas been to
去了某地have has gone to
全世界all over the world

许多large numbers of=many=a lot of = lots of
放弃give up=stop doing sth.
此后一直ever since
虽然……但是…although=though but
减速, 减慢slow down
以……自豪be proud of
高度赞扬 speak highly of
不但……而且……not only…but also
因事,因公,出差on business
实现come true
如此美丽的女孩such a beautiful girl
试一试have a try=try out
be famous for=be well known for
无论什么no matter what=whatever
光阴似箭Time flies=How time flies
把……倒入pour sth. into
害怕be afraid of
保护环境protect the environment
make a contribution to+v-ing
确信,务必make sure
越多越好the more ,the better
同某人说话speak to sb.
请稍等 hang on, please=
hold on, please=one moment, please
你真好It’s very kindgood nice of you
一直做某事keep doing sth.
练习做某事practise doing sth.
做完某事finish doing sth.
喜爱做某事enjoy doing sth.
介意做某事mind doing sth.
熟睡 fall asleep
醒来wake up
唤醒某人wake sb. up
真可惜What a pity!
错过做某事miss doing sth.
反复做某事keep on doing sth.
决定做某事decide to do sth.
试着做某事try to do sth.
在因特网上on the internet
上网get on line
你觉得……怎么样What do you think about of…?=How do you like …?

考虑think aboutof
是否……whether… or not
允许某人做某事allow sb. to do sth.
bebecome interested in=be fond of
对……感到惊讶be surprised amazed at
长达, 只要 as long as
以……为食feed on
许多a number of=many =a lot of
……的数量the number of the
成千上万的thousands of
数以百计的hundreds of
数百万的millions of
warn sb. (not) to do sth.
据说It is said that…=They say
清除,收拾干净clean up
能,会be able to= can
在……岁时at the age of…
开设,开业,开放open up
关小,调低turn down
调高turn up
结果 as a result
搬往某地move to sw.
老是做某事be always doing sth.
尽可能……as…as possible
挂起,举起put up
也,又as well=too
以……为根据be based on sth.
即使……even though= even if
从前once upon a time=long long ago
最后at last=in the end =finally
在……顶部顶层at on the top of
做完某事finish doing sth.
急不及待做某事can’t wait to do…
在……生产制造be made in
由……制成be made offrom
由….组成 be made up of …
由谁制造be made by
用于be used for
别的什么东西something else
四分之三three quartersfourths
另一方面on the other hand
20世纪20年代in the 1920s

由……覆盖be covered with
一定是,必定must be
今后 in future=from now on
足够大large enough
半米深half a metre deep
十二米高twelve metres tall
上交hand in 反 hand out 分发
一小时后in an hour’s time=in an hour
确保,确实make sure
以便,为的是so that
由于,多亏thanks to
set one’s mind to do =make up one’s mind to do …
推迟,拖延put off
到目前为止so far
with one’s help=with the help of sb.
某地离某地……远be…away from
……起初,开始at the beginning of
越来越……比较级+ and +比较级
宁愿,更喜欢prefer to
把……穿旧,磨坏wear out
试穿try on
名胜a place of interest
让某人做某事have sth.+过分
把……当作……regard …as…
好像as ifas though
收到……的来信receive a letter from=get a letter from=hear from
与……对抗play against
害怕去做某事be afraid to do sth.
害怕某事be afraid of sth.
考试不及格fail the exam
属于 belong to
对…严格要求 be strict with sb
爆发 break out
把….变成… change … into…
发生 come about, take place
与…作对比 compare with…
砍倒 cut down
处理 deal with
依靠,取决于 depend on….
把…分成… divide …into…
几十个 dozens of

填充… fill in
屈服 give in
为了 in order to
在公共场所 in public
期望去做某事 look forward to doing sth.
应该 ought to
注意 pay attention to
代表,像征 stand for
坚持做某事 stick to doing sth.
别着急 take it easy
无疑地 no doubt
扔掉 throw away
敲门 knock at the door
付款 pay for
发福,体重增加 put on weight
派人去请 send for
发射 send up
算出 work out
挽救某人生命save one’s life
拿走 take away
写信给… write to ….







