
2020年12月30日 11:32




Everybody wants to be healthy. You know food is very important. There are many healthy foods.
You can have more bananas, apples, oranges and tomatoes because fruits and vegetables are
good for you. But don't eat too much chocolate and meat. They are not good for you. Healthy
food can make you grow and make you strong and happy. Remember there is a saying.
a day keeps the doctor away.
every day. Don't be lazy! You will be healthy and happy.

(1)Food is very important for us to keep healthy.

(2)We shouldn't eat chocolate or meat.

(3)Healthy food can help us grow and make us strong and happy.


(5)Doing sports is also good for our health.

【答案】 (1)1







(1)句意:食物对我们保持健康很重要。根据 Everybody wants to be healthy. You know
food is very important.可知食物对我们保持健康很重要。故答案为:正确。

(2)句意:我们不应该吃巧克力和肉。根据But don't eat too much chocolate and meat.可

(3)句意:健康的食物能帮助我们成长健壮和开心。根据Healthy food can make you grow
and make you strong and happy.可知健康的食物能帮助我们成长健壮和开心。故答案为:正

(4)句意: “一天一苹果,医生远离我。”意思是“医生不喜欢苹果”。根据生活常识可知苹

(5)句意:做运动对我们的健康有好处。根据Sports can also keep you healthy.可知运动也

【点评】考查阅读理解 ,浏览文章大意把握细节。答题时,紧扣文章中的关键词,做出正


It's Saturday morning. My friends and I are going to the park. It's near our school. We get there
by bike. There are a lot of people in the park. Some girls are skipping. Some boys are flying kites. I

am watching boats on the lake. I like them. Rowing a boat is fun. We are going to see a film in the
evening. Everyone is having a good time.

(1)I am going to the park with my parents on Saturday morning.

(2)We get to the park by bike.

(3)Some boys are flying kites.

(4)I am watching boats. I like rowing boats.

(5)We are going to see a film tomorrow.

【答案】 (1)0







(1)句意:星期六上午我跟我的父母去公园了。根据My friends and I are going to the park.

(2)句意:我们骑自行车去公园。根据We get there by bike.可知我们骑自行车去公园。

(3)句意:一些男孩子正在放风筝。根据Some boys are flying kites.可知一些男孩子正在

(4)句意:我正在看船。我喜欢划船。根据I am watching boats on the lake. I like
a boat is fun.可知我正在看船。我喜欢它们。划船很有趣。故答案为:正确。

(5)句意:明天我们将去看电影。根据We are going to see a film in the evening.可知晚上

【点评】 考查阅读理解,浏览文章大意把握细节。答题时,紧扣文章中的关键词,做出正


Two goats live on the left side of a river. One day they want to eat the grass on the right side.
There is a bridge over the river. But on the bridge there is a lion. What should they do? They think
of a plan.

The first goat meets the lion. The lion shouts,
eat me, please. The second goat is bigger and younger than me.

Then the second goat comes. The lion shouts,

goat go.

The lion waits and waits, but there is not a third goat.

(1)There are three goats and a lion in the story.

(2)The goats want to eat the grass on the right side.

(3)The lion wants to eat the goats.

(4)The third goat is younger and bigger than the first and second goats.

(5)The goats are cleverer than the lion.

【答案】 (1)0







(1)句意:故事中住着3头山羊。根据短文叙述 Two goats live on the left side of a
river. (两头山羊住在河的左岸。)可知是两头山羊。题目叙述错误。故答案为:错误。

(2)句意:山羊想吃右岸的草。根据短文叙述 One day they want to eat the grass on the
right side. (一天,它们想吃右岸的草。)可知题目叙述正确。故答案为:正确。

(3)句意:狮子想吃山羊。根据短文叙述 The lion shouts, (狮子

(4)句意:第三只山羊比第一只和第二只都年轻和大。根据短文叙述 The lion waits and
waits, but there is not a third goat. (狮子等啊等,但 是没有第三只山羊。)可知没有第三

(5)句意:山羊比狮子聪明。根据短文叙述The lion waits and waits, but there is not a
third goat. (狮子等啊等,但是没有第三只山羊。)可知山羊比狮子聪明。题目叙述正



The summer vacation is coming. Tina and Jenny are going to London with the school dancing
club. They are going there by plane on July 15. They are going to stay there for six days. They are
also going to dance for some English children and learn some English dancing. They want to see
Big Ben and visit the British Museum in London. They also want to visit the London Eye and
Tower Bridge.

Sherry is going to the USA with her family. They are going there by car on August 2. She is going
to stay with her grandparents in Washington D.C. for a week. Her grandparents' house is near the
White House, so Sherry and her family are going to go there, too. She also wants to go to some of
the museums in Washington D.C. She is going to take many photos there.

(1)Where is Tina going on her summer vacation?

(2)How is Sherry going there?

(3)What is Sherry going to do there?

(4)How long is Tina going to stay in London?

【答案】 (1)Tina is going to London.

(2)By car.

(3)Sherry and her family are going to go to the White House and some of the museums in
Washington D.C.

(4)Six days.



(1)句意:蒂娜暑假要去哪里?根据 Tina and Jenny are going to London with the school
dancing club. 可知蒂娜要去伦敦,故答案为 Tina is going to London.

(2)句意:雪莉去那儿怎么样?根据 Sherry is going to the USA with her family. They are
going there by car on August 2. 可知乘汽车,故答案为 By car.

(3)句意:雪莉将要在那里做什么?根据 Her grandparents' house is near the White House,
so Sherry and her family are going to go there, too. She also wants to go to some of the museums
in Washington D.C. 可知雪莉和她的家人将去白宫和华盛顿特区的一些博物馆,故答案为
Sherry and her family are going to go to the White House and some of the museums in
Washington D.C.

(4)句意:蒂娜打算在伦敦呆多久?根据 They are going to stay there for six days. 可知蒂娜
打算在伦敦呆六天,故答案为 Six days.

找出 相关句进行回答。


Tomorrow is Saturday. It will be sunny and cool in Beijing. Some people will go to the park.
Some children like to go to the zoo. They like animals. Families will have fun. But next Monday,
there will be a big storm in Guangzhou. It will be windy and rainy. All students will not go to
school. They will stay at home. People will park their cars in safe places.

(1)Beijing will be ________ and ________ tomorrow.

(2)Some children will go to the ________ tomorrow in Beijing.

(3)Next Monday, it will be ________and ________in Guangzhou.

(4)All students will ________ ________ ________ in Guangzhou next Monday.

(5)Next Monday people will park their cars in safe places in Guangzhou.

Because there will be a ________ ________.

【答案】 (1)sunny;cool






【解析】【分析】大意:短文讲述了明天是星期六北京天 气晴朗凉爽;但下周一,广州将

(1)句意:北京明天将……,……。根据 It will be sunny and cool in Beijing. 可知北京天气晴

朗凉爽。sunny晴朗的,cool凉爽的。故答 案为sunny,cool.

(2)句意:一些孩子明天将去北京……。根据Some children like to go to the zoo. 可知一些
孩子去北京动物园。 zoo动物园。故答案为zoo.

(3)句意:下周一,广州将……。根据 It will be windy and rainy. 可知下周一,广州将刮风
下雨。 windy刮风,rainy多雨。故答案为windy,rainy.

(4)句意:下周一所有学生都将在广州……。根据 All students will not go to school. They
will stay at home. 可知下周一所有学生都将在广州呆在家里。stay at home呆在家里。故答
案为stay at home.

next Monday, there will be a big storm in Guangzhou. 可知下周一,人们将把车停在广州的安
全地点。因为会有一场大风暴。big storm风暴。故答案为big storm.

【点评】本题考查了阅读理解,首先通读 短文,理解大意;其次阅读题干,根据题干信息








:cloudy :heavy rain :light snow

Weather Forecast for Next Week


(1)There will be ________ next Friday.

(2)It will ________ next Monday.

(3)It will ________ next Thursday.

(4)There will be ________ next Wednesday.

(5)It will be sunny next ________ and ________.

【答案】 (1)a light snow

(2)be cloudy


(4)a heavy rain




(1)根据表格下周五有小雪。应填“a light snow”。故答案为:a light snow。、

(2)根据表格下周一天气多云。应填“be cloudy”。故答案为:be cloudy。


(4)根据表格下周三天气有大雨。应填“a heavy rain”。故答案为:a heavy rain。

(5)根据表格下周日和周六天气晴朗。应填“Sunday”和“Saturd ay”。故答案为:Sunday,



We are very familiar with the story of Mulan. It tells us about a girl named Hua Mulan. She
dressed up like a man to take her father's place in the army.

Now Disney will make a live- action(真人版) Mulan movie. Disney picks Chinese actress Liu Yifei
to play Mulan. Liu stands out from more than 1000 actresses around the world. She speaks
English well and plays Chinese kung fu well. Liu Yifei is 30. She is a well-known actress in China.
Her nickname is

my best to play this role!

(1)The story of Mulan is a well-known Chinese story.

(2)Liu Yifei is a famous actress in Australia.

(3)We call Liu Yifei

(4)Liu Yifei is good at speaking English and she can play Chinese kung fu.

(5)Disney picks Liu Yifei to play Mulan only because she looks beautiful.

【答案】 (1)1







(1)句意:木兰的故事是一个著名的中国故事。根据We are very familiar with the story of

(2)句意:刘亦菲是澳大利亚著名的女演员。根据Disney picks Chinese actress Liu Yifei to
play Mulan. 迪斯尼选择中国女演员刘亦菲扮演木兰。可知刘亦菲是中国的女演员。故答案

(3)句意:我们叫刘亦菲“仙女姐姐”,因为她会变魔术。根据Her nickname is

错误。< br>
(4)句意:刘亦菲擅长说英语并且会打中国功夫。根据She speaks English well and plays
Chinese kung fu well.可知刘亦菲英语说得好并且中国功夫打得好。故答案为:正确。

(5)句意:迪斯尼选择刘亦菲扮演木兰是因为她长得漂亮。根据Liu stands out from more
than 1000 actresses around the world.可知因为她在全球1000多名女演员中脱颖而出 ,故答

确判 断。


There are lots of beautiful places in China. And many foreigners want to visit China. The most
famous place is the Great Wall. And there are many other famous places, such as(例如) the
Changjiang River, Tian'anmen Square, the West Lake and the Huangshan Mountain. Chinese food
is also very famous. I think when foreigners visit China, they will love different kinds of Chinese
food and China.

(1)_______ lots of beautiful places in China.

A. There is B. There are C. There aren't

(2)Many foreigners want to _______ China.

A. visiting B. visit C. visits

(3)The most famous place in China is _______.

A. the Great Wall B. the West Lake C. the Changjiang River

(4)Foreigners will love _______ food.

A. China B. Chinese C. china

【答案】 (1)B




【解析】【分析】大意:短文讲述了中 国有许多美丽的地方,例如长城,长江、天安门广

(1)根据 There are lots of beautiful places in China. 可知中国有许多美丽的地方。故答案为

(2)根据 And many foreigners want to visit China. 可知很多外国人想去中国旅游。 want to+
动词原形,A正在参观,现在分词;B参观,动词原形;C参观,动词单三形式。故答 案为

(3)根据 The most famous place is the Great Wall. 可知最著名的地方是长城。故答案为A.

(4)根据 I think when foreigners visit China, they will love different kinds of Chinese food and
China. 可知外国人喜欢不同种类的中国菜。故答案为B.

【点评】本题考 查了阅读理解,首先通读短文,理解大意;其次阅读题干,根据题干信息


Do you know Big Ben? Big Ben is not the name of a man. It's the name of a big clock in London.
This clock has four faces. So, no matter which direction( 方向) you stand in, you can read the time
on the face of Big Ben. The minute hand on each face is about four metres long. If you go to
London, you may want to visit the Houses of Parliament(国会大厦). In that place, you will find
Big Ben sits at the top of the clock tower. You will probably hear it and see it. The big clock makes
such a loud sound. It strikes every quarter of an hour. Big Ben has been the most famous symbol
of London.

(1)Big Ben is the name of _______.

A. a bus B. a clock C. a man

(2)Big Ben is in _______.

A. China B. the US C. the UK

(3)The clock strikes every _______.

A. ten minutes B. fifteen minutes C. hour

(4)You can read the time of Big Ben _______.

A. on the left of the clock tower

B. on the right of the clock tower

C. on the four faces of the clock

(5)The underlined words “minute hand” mean _______.

【答案】 (1)B





B. C.


(1)根据短文叙述 It's the name of a big clock in London. (它是伦敦一个大钟的名

(2)根据短文叙述 It's the name of a big clock in London. (它是伦敦一个大钟的名

(3)根据短文叙述 It strikes every quarter of an hour. (它每小时的一刻钟响一下。)可

(4)根据短文叙述 This clock has four faces. So, no matter which direction( 方向) you
stand in, you can read the time on the face of Big Ben. (这座钟有四面,因此无 论你站在


(5)根据短文叙述 The minute hand on each face is about four metres long. (每面钟表

【点 评】这是考查阅读理解的题目。仔细阅读短文,然后根据短文的细节叙述来选择合适


A manlives in a big house. He likes his house, but he hates(讨厌)the mice in it. One day, he
buys a big cat from the market(市场) to eat the mice. After a few days, the cat kills(杀)many mice.
This time, the mice become very worried. They decide todo something to save their lives, so all
the mice come together to discuss(讨论)it. They have many plans, but none of them is good and

Atlast, a young mouse stands up and says: “I'll show you what we can do. We canput a bell
around the cat's neck. Then if the cat comes we can run away,because we can hear the bell ring.”
All the mice agree and say it's a goodidea. Then an old mouse stands up and asks, “The point(重
点)is which of us will tie(系)the bell to thecat's neck?” No one says anything because no one
dares(敢)to do it.

(1)What does the man worry about?

A. His house is too big. B. His cat is too big. C. There are many mice in his house.

(2)Why do all the mice have a meeting one day?

A. They want to live in another house.

B. They don't want, to be killed by the cat.

C. They want to kill the cat in the house.

(3)What do the mice think of the young mouse's idea?

A. It's a bad idea. B. It's a dangerous (危险的) idea. C. It's a good idea.

(4)Do the mice dare to tie the bell to the cat's neck?

A. Yes, they do. B. No, they don't. C. Sorry, I don't know.

(5)What can we learn from the story?

A. To say is one thing, to do is another thing.

B. The mice are very clever.

C. The cat is clever.






【解析】【分析】大意:一个男人讨厌老 鼠,买来了一只猫。猫吃了许多老鼠,老鼠们开

(1)句意:这个男人在担心什么?根据原文He likes his house, but he hates the mice in it.他

(2)句意:为什么有一天所有的老鼠开会?根据原文They decide to do something to save
their lives, so all the mice come together to discuss it.他们决定做点什么挽救他们的生命,所

(3)句意:老鼠们觉得难请的老鼠注意怎么样?根据原文All the mice agree and say it's a
good idea.所有的老鼠都赞同并说是好主意。故答案选:C。

(4)句意:老鼠敢在猫的脖子上系铃铛吗?根据原文No one says anything because no one
dares(敢)to do it.可知,没人敢去。故答案选:B。

(5)句意:我们通过这个故事可以学到什么?通过 本篇文章可知,大家都觉得说得想法很
棒,但真正要去做的时候却没人愿意。说一件事情,做是另一回事 。故答案选:A。

【点评】考查阅读理解。注意了解文章大意,以及题干意思,根据文中关键 句子,再进行


Today is fine, and the sky is blue. Now it's nine o'clock in the morning. There's a sports meeting
in the forest on the mountain.

Look! A horse, a panda and a cat are running. Over there a dog and two tigers are jumping. Two
monkeys are climbing the trees. Four birds are flying around and singing.

There are some other animals there, too. The elephants are standing. A monkey is sitting on an
old elephant. The monkey has a flag in his hand. They are all watching.

(1)How is the weather ?

A. Fine. B. Rainy. C. Cloudy.

(2)Who are running ?

A. A horse and a panda. B. A cat. C. A and B .

(3)Who are jumping ?

A. Two tigers. B. A dog and two tigers. C. A dog and a tiger.

(4)What are birds doing?

A. Standing. B. Flying around and singing. C. Watching.

(5)What time is it now?

A. Nine o'clock. B. Six o'clock. C. Ten o'clock.

【答案】 (1)A





【解析】 【分析】短文描述了早上九点天气晴朗,在山上的森林里有一个运动会,小动物

(1)根据所给的短文,Today is fine, and the sky is blue.今天天气晴朗,天空湛蓝。 可知今

(2)根据所给的短文,A horse, a panda and a cat are running. 一匹马、一只熊猫和一只猫

(3)根据所给的短文,Over there a dog and two tigers are jumping.那边有一只狗和两只老

(4)根据所给的短文,Four birds are flying around and singing.四只鸟在四处飞舞,唱歌。

(5)根据所给的短文,Now it's nine o'clock in the morning.现在是早上九点。可知现在是早



Mr Li is 55 years old now.He makes toys from dough(生面团).His hands are rough(粗糙
的)because he works with dough all the time.Mr Li makes dough toys of different sizes.Only a
small piece of dough and some simple tools are required to make a dough toy.He uses his
hands to turn the dough into different characters,for example the Monkey King.Dough of
different colours is used to make the toys more interesting.I like Mr Li's toys because they are

(1)Mr Li's hands are rough because he works with dough all the time.

(2)Mr Li's dough toys have the same size.

(3)To make a dough toy, Mr Li only needs a small piece of dough.

(4)Different colours of dough can make the dough toys more interesting.

(5)The writer(作者)thinks Mr Li's dough toys are lovely.







(1)根据His hands are rough(粗糙的)because he works with dough all the time,可知李先生

(2)根据Mr Li makes dough toys of different sizes,可知李先生制作不同尺码的面团玩具。

(3)根据Only a small piece of dough and some simple tools are required to make a dough

(4)根据Dough of different colours is used to make the toys more interesting,可知,不同颜

(5)根据I like Mr Li's toys because they are lovely,可知作者喜欢李先生制作的玩具。故选

【点评】考查阅读理解 ,首先阅读全文,理解大意。其次阅读问题,根据关键句子进行判


Hello, I'm Lily. I'm 12 years old. I have a cousin, her name is Sarah. Sarah is one year older than
me. But I'm taller than her. I'm 1.63 metres and she is 1.61 metres.

Sarah visited me last weekend. We had a good weekend together. On Saturday morning, Sarah
and I went to the park by bike and we read books there. In the afternoon, we saw a film about
space travel together. In the evening, we cleaned my room together, then we slept. On Sunday
morning, we stayed at home and did our homework. In the afternoon, we went swimming
together. How bad! I had a cold in the evening! I was not happy, but Sarah sang songs and danced
for me. So I feel better and became happy then.

What a great weekend!

(1)Sarah is 12 years old.

(2)Sarah is taller than Lily.

(3)Lily is 1.63 metres tall.

(4)They saw a film about space travel on Saturday.

(5)Sarah had a cold after going swimming.

(6)How old is Sarah?


(7)What did they do last Saturday afternoon?


(8)How did they go to the park?


(9)Did they stay at home on Sunday?


(10)How was their weekend?







(6)She is 13 years old

(7)They saw a film.

(8)They went to the park by bike.

(9)Yes, they did.

(10)It was great.


(1)根据Hello, I'm Lily. I'm 12 years old.可知,主人公Lily是12岁。故选错误。

(2)根据I'm 1.63 metres and she is 1.61 metres.可知,Sarah比Lily个子矮。故选错误。

(3)根据I'm 1.63 metres and she is 1.61 metres.可知,Lily确实是1.63米高。故选正确。

(4)根据we saw a film about space travel together.可知,主人公们确实观看了一部关 于太


(5)根据How bad! I had a cold in the evening!可知,主人公Lily感冒了。而不是Sarah。故

(6)根据I'm Lily. I'm 12 years old. I have a cousin, her name is Sarah. Sarah is one year older
than me.可知,主人公12岁,Sarah比她大一岁,应该是13岁。故填写She is 13 years

(7)根据In the afternoon, we saw a film about space travel together.可知,主人公们下午一
起去看电影了。故填写They saw a film。

(8)根据On Saturday morning, Sarah and I went to the park by bike 可知,主人公们骑自行
车去公园。故填写They went to the park by bike。

(9)根据On Sunday morning, we stayed at home and did our homework. 可知,主人公确实
待在家里。故填写Yes, they did。

(10)根据 What a great weekend!可知,主人公们的周末是非常好的。故填写It was

【点评】考查阅读理解。首先通读全文,理解大意。其次根据相关句子 找出关键信息进行

14.阅读理解阅读理解 Last summer , I went to Hainan with my friends . My grandparents
lived in a beautiful village in Hainan . We visited them .We went to see the blue sea . We swam in
it . We went fishing . My grandma cooked good food for us . The seafood is tasty . I like it . We
took many pictures there . We were excited .

(1)Last winter I went to Hainan .

(2)My grandparents lived in a beautiful city .

(3)We visited my grandparents .

(4)We went fishing .

(5)We didn't take pictures there .






者做了好吃 的食物我喜欢它,作者和朋友在那里拍了很多照片。他们很兴奋。

(1)根据所给的短文,Last summer , I went to Hainan with my friends .去年夏天,我和我的

(2)根据所给的短文,My grandparents lived in a beautiful village in Hannan .我的祖父母住
在阪南的一个美丽的村子 里。可知作者的祖父母住在海南的一个美丽的村子里,故答案为

(3)根据所给的短文,We visited them .我们看望他们。可知作者经常看望祖父母,故答

(4)根据所给的短文,We went fishing .我们去钓鱼了。 可知作者和祖父母经常去钓鱼,

(5)根据所给的短文,We took many pictures there .我们在那里拍了很多照片。可知作者





Activities they did last weekend

stayed at home read books

Wu Yifan

washed the clothes watched TV

Zhang Peng

did his homework cleaned his room

(1)What did Mike do last weekend?

A. He watched TV. B. He stayed at home and read books. C. He cleaned his room.

(2)Wu Yifan last weekend.

A. watched TV B. did his homework C. played football

(3)Did Zhang Peng clean his room?

A. Yes, he did. B. No, he didn't. C. Yes, he does.

(4)Wu Yifan and Zhang Peng are both

A. tall and strong B. helpful C. lovely

【答案】 (1)B





(1)根据表格Mike待在家里读书. 故答案为: B.

(2)根据表格吴亦凡洗衣服, 看电视. 故答案为: A.

(3)根据表格张鹏打扫房间和做作业. 故答案为: A.

(4)根据表格吴亦凡和张鹏都很有帮助. 故答案为: B.








