
2020年12月30日 17:30







作 者
届 别
英 语
学 院
专 业

职 称


A Study of Pragmatic Translation from the
Perspective of Cultural Context

Mou Moumou

A Thesis Submitted
College of Foreign Languages & Literature
in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
for the Degree of
Bachelor of Arts
in English Language and Literature

Supervised by
Mr. Mou Moumou


Hunan Institute of Science and Technology
Yueyang, Hunan
May, 2015



With the wide application of pragmatic theories into translation practice,
pragmatic translation has aroused great interest and attention from scholars all
over the world. In these theories, translation is considered as an
ostensive-inferential process and translators should seek pragmatic equivalence
to provide a faithful target version. However, because of the differences in
cultural contexts, translators are always confronted with the dilemma of
providing an adequate transfer of the meanings. This thesis provides a definition
of cultural context and its scope on the basis of previous studies on cultural
context both at home and abroad, expounds that pragmatic translation is in fact
an equivalent translation which depends on context, and points out that
translation should deduce the intention of the writer and the cognition of the
target readers and try to transfer the pragmatic meaning.

Key words: cultural context; pragmatic translation; pragmatic equivalence; pragmatic



摘 要

随着语用学相关理论 在翻译实践中的广泛运用,语用翻译已经引起了全世界有关学
者极大的兴趣和关注。相关理论认为语用等 效是指导译者在翻译实践中寻求真实译文的
关键,包括明说和暗含两方面在内的语用意义是语用等效的核 心。然而由于文化语境差
异的存在,译者往往面临着无法充分传达语用意义的困境。文章开篇以长期以来 中外学
两 门语言的对比,根据语境,尤其是文化语境,确定话语的语用意义而进行的一种等效
翻译,语用翻译的实 质就是语用意义的传达,提出了译者应当以推导说话者的交际意图
和传达语用意义为根本目的,用译文中 最贴近而又最自然的对等语将这个内容表达出





Introduction ································· ··············································· 1

1 Context of culture in translation ···· ·················································· 2

1.1 Definition and classification of context ········································· 2

1.2 Definition and elements of context of culture ································· 2

l.3 Context of culture and translation ················································ 3

2 Pragmatic translation ················ ·················································· · 3

2.1 Pragmatics ······················· ·················································· · 3

2.2 Pragmatic translation ············ ·················································· 3

3 Cultural context and pragmatic translation ·········································· 4

3.1 Impact of cultural context on pragmatic translation ·························· 4

3.2 Cultural factors and pragmatic failures ········································· 4

Conclusion ··································· ·············································· 4

Works cited ···························· ·················································· ·· 5

Acknowledgments ····················· ·················································· · 6



Language is generally believed to be the essential instrument of ethnic
expression and belongs to a specific cultural group. “Language can never be apart
from culture.” (Bai 88) On one hand, as a result of the development of linguistics,
and pragmatics in particular, the study of cultural context, one category of context,
aroused the scholars’ great interest. Anthropologist Bronslaw Malinowski first used
the term “context of culture” (Bronslaw 19). In addition,…
On the other hand, in the last few decades, research on language has shifted
form language itself to outside factors. The research on pragmatics prevailed
since 1938 when American logician Charles Morris(1938) brought forward the
classification of Semiotics into three categories. However, there is one constant
aspect in it, which concerns with language use and meaning of language in
context. Mona Baker views that “Pragmatics is the study…” (5). The Speech Act
Theory advocated by effectively upholds that utterance meaning
consists in the combination of expressions and context. Leech proposed the
theory of differentiating between pragmalinguistics and socioragmatics and said,
“we do need detailed pragmalinguistic…”

(68). Thomas (1983) divided
pragmatic failure into …
According to the pragmatic translation theories, the process of translation is
a double ostensive-inferrntial communication process, which essentially
involves the author, the translator and the translation readers. And it is a
dynamic process in which the translator acts both as a listener and a speaker.
Because of the difference between the speaker and hearer and the influence of
context, one utterance will manifest specific and unique information which
appears under the current situation. It is an even harder job for a translation to
grasp the original information in the cultural context. Therefore, cultural context
plays an important role in pragmatic translation. …



1 Context of culture in translation
Context, as the term suggests, refers to the environment in which language
is used. Webster’s Dictionary defines context as, “The whole situation, the
background or the environment relevant to a particular event, personality,
creation” (152).
1.1 Definition and classification of context
Sperber and Wilson define that “the context does much more than filter out
inappropriate interpretations; it provides premises without which the implicature
cannot be inferred at all” (37). …
1.2 Definition and elements of context of culture
Culture is the totality of beliefs and practices of a society (Nida 15). It
embraces almost everything in the world, whether material or spiritual. Based on
these definitions, we agree that culture can roughly be divided into three
categories: material …
1.2.1 Context of geographic culture
Geographic peculiarity is a sort of cultural context engendered by environment.
Regional differences make …
In addition, …
1.2.2 Context of historical culture
Historical culture is …result …
Even many characters or events in Shakespeare’s works have also become
literary quotations. For example,

Many took to gambling and got in over their heads, borrowing from Shylocks to
pay their debts. Different customs and traditions in the daily activities and
communications in China and Western countries reflect different kinds of cultural
mentality. (Gu 237)

“Shylock” in this sentence is no longer the character in Merchant of Venice.


It has become a general word for the usurers who haggle over every ounce.
Therefore, to have a proper comprehension or translation of them, one must
make clear the cultural connotations of relevant historical factors.
l.3 Context of culture and translation
Language, as the most important means of communication in our social
lives, … From Yuri Lotman’s theory…

2 Pragmatic translation

Pragmatic translation is based on the development of pragmatics and the
perplexity of translation. It means conveying the pragmatic meaning of the text
with the expressions fitting the norm and usage of target language.

2.1 Pragmatics
According to Levinson (1989), pragmatics is the study of all those aspects
of meaning not captured in a semantic theory. He also defines pragmatics as the
study of those relations between language and context that are grammaticalized,
or encoded in the structure of a language. …
2.2 Pragmatic translation
Pragmatic translation is one of the new breakthroughs. Different from
semantic translation which concerns the propositional content of the sentence,
pragmatic translation is based on the development of pragmatics and the perplexity
of translation. …
Since the apparent intention of a message is not always the same as its actual
intent, it is of great importance to identify the implicit forces in its context.

(1) 这山望着那山高。
“It is always the other mountain that looks higher.”
“People always think that the grass is greener on the other side.”

The former version only expresses the literal meaning while the latter
embodies the pragmatic meaning which implies people’s unsatisfactory attitude
towards what they have possessed.


3 Cultural context and pragmatic translation
Cultural context is crucial to translation, so pragmatic translation is
inseparable from cultural context. …

3.1 Impact of cultural context on pragmatic translation
Cultural context to pragmatic translation is footstone to skyscraper. Moreover,
the cultural context is a main factor that affects the pragmatic meaning of texts. …
3.2 Cultural factors and pragmatic failures
Pragmatic failure refers to the violation of decency and felicity resulting
from the inappropriate ways of expressions. Thomas (1983) divided pragmatic
failure into two groups: pragmalinguistic failure and sociopragmatic failure.
“Pragmalinguistic failure” refers to…

The pragmatic translation, as a new breakthrough of the application of
linguistic theories into translation practice, has embodied its preliminary value
and fascination in solving translating embarrassments. Many researchers have
probed into pragmatic theories as translation criteria. ...

To sum up, the pragmatic approach to translation can be adopted to bring
out the intended meaning in the cultural, linguistic aspects of the original
message, …



Works cited
[1] Austin, J.L. How To Do Things with Words. London:Oxford Universitiy Press, 1962.
[2] Barsky, Robert F. Noam Chomsky: A Life of Dissent. Cambridge: MIT Press.
[4] Gu Yueguo. “Politeness Phenomena in Modern Chinese”. Journal of Pragmatics
[6] Otsu, Yukio. Toward a Theory of Syntactic Development. Doctoral Dissertation, MIT, 1981.
[9] 白解红:“语境与语用研究”,《湖南师范大学社会科学学报》,3(2000):88-92。

[16] 夏洛特·勃朗特:《简·爱》,黄源深译。南京:译林出版社,1994年。




First of all, I would like to show my gratitude to Mr. Mou Moumou, my
supervisor, for being an integral part of this thesis throughout all its stages. He
has been warm and cheerful and for making me feel comfortable to talk to about
everything. I thank him for...
Thanks are due to all the teachers who ...
Thanks also go to the authors of the works sited in my thesis.
Last but not the least, I would like to offer …








